DIY balcony box made of clapboard. How to make a cheap built-in wardrobe from wood and other materials on a balcony or loggia with your own hands

By old tradition On the balcony and loggia things are stored that have no place in the apartment. And to prevent these small-sized premises from turning into a landfill, it is necessary good system storage The most practical option is a built-in wardrobe on a balcony or loggia. Often all that is required is to make constructions that will hold the shelves and install doors. You can easily cope with such a task with your own hands, even with a minimum of skills.

Materials and designs

The design of a built-in wardrobe can be divided into two parts: the frame and the doors. Sometimes, if a side stand is needed, there is also trim available.

What is the frame made of?

Cabinet racks are most often made of timber. The cross-section is approximately 40*40 mm or 50*50 mm. The option is not bad, but on an unheated balcony it may be high humidity. And wood is a material that changes size depending on humidity. There is one more point: timber is not cheap in all regions.

There is another option - to assemble the frame on a drywall profile. Any sheet material like , etc. can be easily attached to it. If you take galvanized one, then there are no problems with moisture.

What to make shelves from

The easiest way is to cut the shelves to size from sheet material. This is still the same chipboard - regular or laminated, thick plywood can sometimes be used, but shelves for heavy objects should be on a wooden frame.

They can be attached to places prepared on the frame - installed bars or with self-tapping screws. There is an option - the corners are directly against the wall. But it is good if the walls can be drilled with self-tapping screws right away, otherwise it will take too long to install each shelf on dowels. Then it’s easier to assemble the frame and attach it to it.

There is an even simpler way to make shelves on a balcony or loggia: use metal guides and brackets for them. These systems are used in stores, but for this case they are more than convenient: the height can be changed easily in fairly small increments. The brackets are simply moved to other holes.

With such an organization, all that is needed is to install the doors. Now the closet on the loggia or balcony is ready.

By the way, you can make something similar from wooden blocks: recesses for shelves with a certain pitch. You can make cuts with a saw and then remove them with a chisel.

Often shelves are made from cut pieces of boards. Since the width of the balcony is usually small, all sorts of trimmings are used. Just so that they do not lose their appearance for a long time and are easily wiped off, they need to be covered with something. And even though glazed balcony and the loggia are more related to interior spaces, take paint and varnish products for outdoor work, just like protective impregnations. They contain substances that protect against ultraviolet radiation. Without them, in a couple of years the wood will look pitiful.

To prevent the apartment from smelling too much when working, you can use varnish water based. It does not create a film, but dirt is not absorbed into the surface.

What types of doors are there?

There are three types of doors for a closet on a loggia or balcony:

  • ordinary swing;
  • sliding - like a wardrobe;
  • roller shutters

All these doors can be the entire height of the cabinet, but it is more convenient to divide it into two or three parts, and hang its own doors on each.

The most inexpensive are hinged doors. You need the doors and hinges themselves, and it’s easy to “put” them in place yourself. Sliding systems are more expensive. You need guides - top, bottom and side, as well as a roller system that is installed on the door leaf. But this option is attractive because it saves space.

The most expensive are roller shutters. But they are attractive because they go ready-made kit, and installation is basically “included” with the purchase.

Watch the video on how to assemble sliding doors for a balcony closet. Much will become clearer.

How to make a balcony cabinet on a wooden frame

First, cut 4 racks to the required height of the cabinet. If you plan to make it all the way to the ceiling, measure each one separately, rather than cutting identical ones. The height is often quite different. The cut racks are fastened. The distance between them determines the depth of the cabinet, but most often depends on the available space. As much as there is, so much is used.

If there are three blank walls there are no problems. The bars are attached to dowels. Place the block against the wall, check its verticality, and drill holes through for fasteners in the right places. The plank is removed and plastic plugs from the dowels are inserted into the holes in the wall. Having installed the bar in place, screw it to the wall.

If you are making a cabinet on the balcony, one side is attached to the wall, and the other - to the frame elements or only at the top and bottom - to the ceiling and floor (we use reinforced metal corners).

Another option for such a case is if you need to cover it with something window glass— place a wall near the window (for example, made of laminated chipboard), fix it at the bottom and top with corners to the floor and ceiling, and then attach the frame bars to the wall (and to the stream and floor).

Then cross bars are nailed to the posts. They give the whole system high degree rigidity and the shelves will rest on them.

To avoid wasting space near the glass, this part is also occupied by shelves. Since the width of the furniture varies, two separate small cabinets are often made: for the lower and upper halves. They often also differ in depth: the bottom one can be made wider and heavier and larger items can be hidden there. In this case, the upper cabinet can be made less deep. In this case, the top of the lower cabinet can be used as a tabletop.

Corner wardrobe on the loggia: photo report

At first, the loggia was covered with clapboard. Immediately after this, they began to make a cabinet from the same lining. It was decided to go for a corner one so as not to cover the window so much. On the opposite side, the cabinet occupies almost the entire width, slightly short of the balcony door.

The racks were not attached. They nailed the bars on the ceiling and to the floor, and the walls to them. They turned out to be short - three planks. Planks were nailed to the wall paneling, on which the same paneling, cut to the resulting cabinet shape, was laid.

At the top and bottom of the doorway, clapboard was placed across the opening. We measured the remaining distance, subtracted 1.5 centimeters for inaccuracies, and cut the paneling on the door to that length. It took six of them. They knocked it down using four cross bars and knocked it into the door. Hung using regular hinges.

Two shelves are nailed in the free space between the cabinet wall and the balcony paneling. A little later they added a little higher with rounded edges. The last stage They nailed plinths under the ceiling and on the floor (to close the gaps), then sanded the lining with sandpaper and painted it with stain.

Drawings and diagrams

It is impossible to talk about any standards regarding cabinets for balconies. And the sizes and configuration, and the glazing is different for everyone. Therefore, even the size of the shelves has to be determined “on the spot”. But here are a few examples that you can change as you need.

Photos of finished cabinets on the loggia and balcony

Not quite a closet - a seat with a drawer underneath

Have extra space for storing things - just great. This issue is especially of concern to residents of small cheap nfl jerseys apartments. For this you will need a beautiful and convenient wardrobe from the lining.

Why is there a closet on the balcony?

Very often in small families the layout of the rooms is not very convenient, but small sizes make it impossible to establish the idea Big cupboard for storing things. If a couple of chests of drawers for clothes took up all the possible space in the house, then, according to Soviet custom, everything unnecessary is stored on the balcony. To prevent the loggia from turning into a dump of forgotten things over time, it is necessary to manage the space wisely. To do this, you can make a cabinet from clapboard.

Ingenuity will allow you to create beautiful shelves from the material with which the balcony is upholstered. This will make it possible to gain additional space for storing things and at the same time not spoil the design of the loggia. Before making a cabinet out of lining with your own hands, you need to think through the details and look at photos of analogues. This will allow you to determine exactly how you want to arrange your balcony.

Preliminary work

The loggia will be a suitable place for storing food items for the winter, storing tools, supplies active rest– skates, Events skis, sleds, surfboards. Such an extension is suitable for creating another storage room, since a clapboard closet will allow this to be done. But before you start creating a structure from shelves, you should make sure that you have suitable conditions on your balcony, since wood is very sensitive to changes in humidity and temperature. Thus, before making a cabinet with your own hands, you need to take care of the appropriate climate.

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To do this you will have to go preparatory stage, which includes the following substages:

  1. Install high-quality ones on the balcony metal-plastic windows or seal all the glass on old frames using silicone. You will also have to paint the windows and window sills in accordance with the color of the interior or varnish the frames if they had a natural color.
  2. Putty all the cracks and cracks on the loggia.
  3. Insulate the balcony from the outside by fastening mineral wool, foam or other lightweight material.
  4. You should repair the floor or make a completely new screed yourself.

The photo shows what the prepared loggia looks like. After all the work preliminary stage completed, you can make a closet. CESIONES To do this, it is necessary to carry out calculations and select suitable materials.

Selection of materials and tools

Before you begin installation, you need to prepare all the cheap jerseys tools that may be useful in the process of creating a cabinet from lining. First you should prepare materials, in particular, select suitable wood. There is a lining made of different breeds wood, as can be seen in the photo. To ensure that the choice is not made blindly, it is necessary to follow the following principles:

  • Class C lining is not designed for indoor use.
  • It is better to choose a material with the lowest wood glue content. Deciduous trees are suitable for this: oak, linden.
  • You should choose according to price, quality and your preferences.

The number of sheets of lining depends on the design features of the cabinet. In the photo you can see cheap nfl jerseys shelf options. You will also have to buy wooden blocks for the frame. The dimensions of the materials should be calculated in accordance with the developed drawing.

In addition, you will need special bolts for fastening the cabinet and self-tapping screws. The tools you will need are a drill and a screwdriver. It is also important to prepare a high-quality cheap nfl jerseys device for cutting lining. After this, you can view the drawings to choose the appropriate option for your case.

Installation of a beautiful lining cabinet

The first step is to build the frame with your own hands. A suitable cabinet may have a niche in the form of the walls of a loggia. The features of this design involve the construction of a frame. The first step is to start work by creating frames - rear and front.

By using metal corners and screws, you need to secure the measured and cut bars together. The back wall in the form of a chipboard sheet will be installed in the frame in accordance with the drawing. After this, you need to secure the frame to the wall of the loggia using anchor bolts. Perpendicular to the back frame of the cabinet, bars equal in length to the depth of the shelf are attached, and a frame is attached to the front.

The entire frame is attached to the walls of the loggia, as can be seen in the photo. After this, you can safely make shelves. If desired, you can also make walls from clapboard inside the cabinet. This will add beauty to your product. After this, you can already use the shelves for their intended purpose, but the whole structure still does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

Cabinet trim

The final stage of creating a cabinet from lining is lining. If the structure is built-in, that is, made to the size of the loggia, then only the doors will have to be trimmed. If you come up with unusual shelves with tiers that have a complex geometric structure, it is worth covering all the walls that are visible. To do this, you need to measure and cut pieces of lining of suitable sizes and attach them to the beams using self-tapping screws.

To create a door, you will first have to make its frame, then stuff it wooden panel and then fasten it on hinges to a vertical bar from the edge of the shelf. After this, the product can be safely used. Now you need to put away all the things that you don’t need in the near future and clean out the space in your apartment.

Thus, you can install good shelves yourself and rid your apartment of unnecessary things. Now it all depends on your imagination, since the rest of the loggia can be used at your own discretion. Using this principle, you can install shelves for tools in a workshop or garage.

This page is based on the video below. This is for your convenience. If you don't want to read the text, watch the video. Note that everything did not fit in the video - the text describes the process in more detail.

We have at our disposal a balcony covered with clapboard. You need to put a cabinet at the end.

First of all, inspect the corners. Our angles are close to 90° - this is good. If you have one of the corners of a curve, then mark the façade part based on the flat side. If both corners are crooked, then mark them so that everything appears even to the eye.

Take a tape measure and mark the depth of the cabinet along one of the walls. Then, look for the corresponding size on another wall. Let's take it laser level, first we put it on one mark, then we turn around and put it on another mark. At this time we put down the touches.

Thus, we mark the front of the cabinet using a laser level.

We sew the strip along the resulting points. About what kind of rail we use,

In our case, we need to make a wall on the left side of the cabinet. Therefore, the frame has a complex shape.

Strictly using the laser level, we raise the additional wall, starting from the mark on the floor.

If the rail is loose at the joint, it should be secured with an additional screw. It must be rotated at 45°, and the cap must be recessed.

It is important to correctly position the frame. Smooth frame- will save you from many problems.

The frame of the front part and the additional wall should look like this.

Then we cut the lining and sew up the side wall. At this moment, it is important that the ends of the lining do not protrude beyond the plane of the cabinet.

Then you should mark the shelves. When marking, it is convenient to use a laser level. Of course, you can use the regular one, it's just a matter of speed.

Several slats have already been put on, the top shelf and vertical edge are emerging.

To simplify the process, we use a universal miter saw. But you can do it with a regular jigsaw. The cut from the saw is better and smoother.

To ensure there are fewer holes inside the cabinet, the lining should be cut as tightly as possible.

We have made the frame, prepared the dies and are starting to raise the vertical rib.

In this case, the pattern takes the most time. Cutting and screwing the lining takes much less time.

After the rib is ready, we begin to assemble the top shelf.

The shelf has the shape of a trapezoid. In order to speed up, we cut the lining a little longer than the required length. Then, with a pencil we mark the place required size. At this time, the lining is not yet screwed on.

Then, remove the lining and cut each strip at the mark. Put it back in its place.

This allows you to quickly and, most importantly, accurately trim the sticks.

We figured out the edge and the top shelf. We need to make a frame for the remaining shelves. The frame can be made different ways. But I advise you to choose the simplest, yet reliable one.

Each rail should be set as level as possible. This saves a lot of time. Although many people think differently :)

The remaining shelves are made in the same way. In the video, we skip this moment.

The next step is to make the insert. There are inserts different types and designs. Here we sew on a clapboard insert.

Place the laser level on the edge, mark each die separately and screw it in back side. This is the picture we get.

Excess parts should be cut off. Let's do it locally.

The end parts of the lining should be covered. I advise you to do this either with corners or wooden planks.

On top, we also make an insert. The top insert is rarely needed. In our case, it is needed to lower the doors. There will be a vine hanging on the ceiling. The doors should open under the hanger.

Here we placed a laser level on the edge of the right façade batten. Looking at the level, we see that the wall of the balcony has collapsed greatly. This is scary, but not for our design.

We will make overlay doors, and all the irregularities will be covered.

Using a butt cutter we cut a series of short dies. They all have the same length. May differ by no more than 0.5 mm.

The lining is cut, it's time to assemble the doors. This should be done on a flat, wide surface.

We connect the dies and lay them face down. We align the edge of the dies with a surface, for example, a building level.

Then, on top of the lining we lay pre-cut slats to size. We press and screw along the edges of the slats to the lining.

Then, we screw each lining separately. For this purpose, special screws are needed. Which ones can you

We repeat this operation on the other side of the door.

If everything is done correctly, the screws will not stick out from the front side.

The next step will be cutting and installing the end rails. They perform a decorative role.

As a rule, part of the lining sticks out beyond the edge of the slats. It needs to be cut in place with a jigsaw.

Then, let's cut decorative corners. At the corners they should be 45°. This is the only task for those who do not have miter saw. You can solve it with a jigsaw.

The decorative corner must have certain dimensions.

We nail the corners to the rail, which is the frame for the door.

It depends on how carefully the corners are cut. appearance products.

The doors are assembled, we decide on the place where the hinges will be installed. After this, you need to select grooves in the corners. Screw the edge of the hinges into place of the groove.

Often, to install hinges, 2 slats along the facade are not enough. To secure the hinges, you have to cut out small pieces and screw them into the right place.

Almost everything is ready, all that remains is to hang the sashes. To do this, we install the level in the right place. We place adjusting shims under the door and begin to screw it to the frame. Do not screw the door onto all the screws at once. After hanging the first door, you need to do the same with the second.

Let's try to close them. At this moment all the gaps and other jambs come out. To remove them, you should further adjust the doors. The adjustment process is lengthy. You have to remove and hang the door 2 - 4 times. The more doors there are in one cabinet, the more complicated process adjustments.

In our case, the left one hangs slightly lower than the right one. Accordingly, you need to raise it.

As we can see, everything worked out, the risks on the doors coincided. We recommend leaving a gap between the doors of 10 - 12mm. This allows you to open any door without errors.

The gap can be closed with a strip of suitable width.

After the doors are ready, handles should be installed. We will install wooden roundels.

It's good when the sashes are fixed in place. Magnets are not suitable for this purpose; bolts are inconvenient. We recommend roller latches.

Latches should be installed at the top and bottom. There are 2 latches per door.

After everything is adjusted, you should fix the doors in the desired position. To do this, we install jibs.

When starting to renovate a balcony or loggia, many plan to equip this room in such a way that it can store things that are used quite rarely (such as garden tools or sports equipment). And the easiest way to arrange this is to make a cabinet out of clapboard on the balcony with your own hands.

We ensure the durability of the cabinet

As a rule, a cabinet on a balcony or loggia is installed in a niche specially designed for this purpose - as shown in the photo.

Moreover, if we want the cabinet to last a long time, it is necessary to do something on the balcony itself before starting work:

  • It makes sense to install a high-quality lining cabinet only on a glazed balcony. Otherwise, under the influence of precipitation, the tree will not “live” even a couple of seasons.
  • Before installing the cabinet, you need to repair the floor of the balcony - especially where the bottom will be located.
  • The absence of temperature changes can also significantly extend the life of the cabinet. To do this, we carefully putty all the cracks on the balcony, and then insulate it.

When this " minimum required» done - you can start making the cabinet itself. Instructions for its manufacture, as well as some useful tips are given in the next section.

Making a cabinet

Tools and materials

To make a wardrobe for a balcony from lining, we will need the following materials:

  • Wooden beams 40x40 mm for the cabinet frame. In order to save money, you can take pine beams (it’s still not visible!), but the wood must be dry, clean, without signs of rot and woodworms.
  • Metal corners for connection.
  • Boards or thinner beams for the frame of cabinet doors.
  • Lining for cabinet cladding, as well as for making doors.
  • The material for the shelves is boards or fairly thick sheets of chipboard.
  • Cabinet fittings - lock, handles, hinges, latches, etc.
  • Fasteners – wood screws, nails and clamps for lining.

If you are planning to make a built-in closet from clapboard on the balcony (i.e. a closet whose rear and side walls are the walls of the balcony), then you will need quite long anchors to attach the frame to the walls.

As for the tools, we don’t need any complex devices.

An approximate list of devices will be as follows:

  • Hammer or impact drill;
  • Screwdriver with magnetic attachment;
  • Circular or reciprocating saw;
  • Hammer;
  • Level and roulette,

Selection and calculation of materials

The main task facing us at this stage will be the choice of lining. To make a cabinet, it is advisable to take lining from non-resinous wood - oak, ash, linden, etc.

As for the lining class, the higher it is, the better the appearance of your cabinet will be. So here you can be guided solely by your purchasing power, because the price of the lining is directly proportional to its quality.

Class C lining is technical and is not suitable for either interior or built-in furniture.

The next step is to determine the volume of purchases. Below we will give an example of calculating materials for the manufacture of a built-in wardrobe with a depth of 0.5 m, a width of 1.5 m and a height of 1.8 m.

We calculate the frame according to the following scheme:

  • Bottom frame: 2x0.5 +2x1.5 = 4 m/linear.
  • Upper frame: 2x0.5 + 2x1.5 = 4 m/linear.
  • Vertical posts: 4x1.8 = 7.2 m/linear.

In our case, it would be optimal to take 8 bars, each 2 m long: 4 will go to the vertical posts with minimal waste, and we will use another 4 to the upper and lower frames without any waste at all.

As for the lining, the volume of material here depends on what design our cabinet will have. If the side walls of the cabinet will protrude from the walls of the loggia, then we will need the lining exclusively for covering the doors.

In any case, the back wall of the cabinet should be made of laminated fiberboard. This material is moisture resistant and therefore more durable.

Frame installation

The cabinet on the balcony made of lining is mounted on the basis wooden frame. To get the most complete idea about assembling the frame, we recommend that you carefully study the video attached to this article.

We assemble the frame in the following sequence:

  • At the first stage, we assemble the front and back frame of the cabinet. To do this, we connect 1.5 and 1.8 m beams using metal corners.
  • If you wish, you can lay an OSB board or thick plywood on the floor - it will act as the bottom of the cabinet.

You can connect the frame beams without corners, but for this you will need self-tapping screws 60-75 mm long.

  • We attach the back wall of the cabinet made of laminated chipboard to the rear frame using self-tapping screws or a construction stapler.
  • We place the rear frame with the wall against the rear wall and fix it with anchors, having previously leveled it.
  • We attach 0.5 m beams to the installed frame. We fix the beams with anchors.
  • We attach the front frame to the ends of the beams. To give the entire structure rigidity, we secure the front frame with anchors to the walls, floor and ceiling.
  • Inside the cabinet we install guides on which we lay the shelves.

The frame is ready. All that remains is to cover our closet with clapboard.

Lining the cabinet with clapboard

In most cases it consists of making beautiful doors from this material. We will tell you below how to make a lining door onto a closet.

The optimal way to make a door is to cover a wooden frame with clapboard:

  • We assemble a frame from a fairly thin board, the dimensions of which correspond to the dimensions of the future door.
  • To increase rigidity, add a transverse or diagonal jumper to the rectangular frame.
  • Having laid the frame on the floor, we apply a lining cut to size to it, and fasten it with nails, driving them “into the secret place.”

To make a door, it is better to choose the thinnest possible lining - otherwise the cabinet door will be very heavy.

  • , we attach decorative trims, a handle, and loops on the wrong side.

When the sashes are ready, we hang them on hinges pre-attached to the cabinet frame.

Well finishing touch What we need to do when building a cabinet on the balcony with our own hands from clapboard is its varnishing. We coat the cabinet with a protective varnish to extend its service life.

A high-quality lining cabinet for a balcony - despite the simplicity of its manufacture - can not only become a convenient container for a variety of things, but also a real decoration for the balcony. So it's worth trying!

Residents small apartments Due to cramped spaces, they often face problems with storing things. At the same time, the balcony is usually empty or turned into a place where unnecessary belongings are simply dumped. How to avoid clutter? The best way to do this is to build a cabinet with your own hands from available lumber. This is quite difficult to do, but anyone can do it. We present ideas, drawings, diagrams, sketches and manufacturing technology for balcony cabinets.

What types of cabinets can be used for balconies and loggias?

Cabinets can be of two types:

  1. Cabinet cabinet, which is independent design and is not attached to the walls of the balcony in any way. Such a cabinet takes up quite a lot of space, but can be moved or removed at any time.
  2. Built-in wardrobe, which is usually created according to individual project, therefore it fits perfectly into all the “inconvenient” places of the loggia or balcony. But in such a closet as load-bearing elements The structure uses the walls of the house to which side posts and shelves are attached, so it is impossible to move or remove it without completely dismantling it.

The following types of doors are used in cabinets:

  • compartment doors;
  • accordion door;
  • roller shutters;
  • swing doors

Final choice suitable option depends on specific conditions. For example, you can install a built-in wardrobe in a loggia. In this case, the walls will simultaneously serve as its back wall. But on open balcony It’s better to install a regular cabinet cabinet.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of doors. If there is little space on the balcony, it is more practical to install roller shutters, sliding doors or an accordion. Hinged doors will be more convenient in a large loggia, where there is no need to save space and you can access all shelves simultaneously by opening the cabinet. Doors can be installed to the full height of the cabinet, but sometimes it is more convenient to divide the structure into 2-3 functional areas, each of which will have its own doors.

Swing doors are the simplest and cheapest. To assemble them you only need door panels and hinges, and independent installation in the opening will not be difficult. Sliding systems are more expensive and time-consuming to install. Except door leaves, they will require guides and rollers. But when opened, such doors do not go beyond the dimensions of the cabinet, which can be attributed to the advantages of such a system.

The most expensive door option is roller shutters. They are a made-to-order kit and are assembled by the manufacturer.

Door options - photo gallery

Hinged doors are the simplest and relatively cheapest option, but they are not always convenient Convenient and economical option- compartment doors The folding accordion door will not take up much space when opened. Roller shutters as doors on balcony wardrobe- convenient but expensive option

The most suitable and cheapest materials for building and arranging cabinets

Before you start making a cabinet, you need to decide on the material from which it will be made. The most popular and available materials are considered:

  • plastic;
  • Chipboard - chipboard;
  • tree;
  • drywall.

When choosing a material, they usually take into account the overall design concept of the balcony, as well as their own financial capabilities. Plastic is very convenient here - it is practical, goes well with the interior of the balcony and is easy to use.

In general, the cabinet design consists of a frame, doors and the so-called filling - shelves, drawers, hangers. If there is a side stand, then it will also need casing. Often all these components are made from different materials.

How and from what lumber to build a frame for a cabinet

Most often, frame racks for a cabinet are assembled from wooden beam section 40x40 or 50x50 mm. It is necessary to take into account that wood changes size under the influence of humidity - the timber swells, deforms, joints move, so such a cabinet would not be the best option for unheated balconies.

Shelves can be made of thick plywood, chipboard, or OSB. If it is expected that the closet will contain heavy things that provide a load of more than 5 kg (for example, cans of preserves, heavy tools, dishes, books), then it is better to use a wooden board.

Original, beautiful and easy-to-make built-in furniture for the balcony - photo gallery

A long closet placed under the window along the balcony will accommodate even more things. Tall two-level wardrobe with hinged doors and an attached cabinet Small cabinet under the window, covered with plastic A low cabinet under a window or a cabinet for a balcony will also serve as a table Complete solution: tall cabinet with doors and open shelves along the loggia Built-in corner cupboard

Ideas, diagrams, drawings and step-by-step instructions for assembling balcony cabinets

Once you have decided which type of cabinet will be most convenient for you, you need to start creating the most exact drawing. Below we present to your attention several developments designed specifically for installation on a loggia or balcony:

  1. The simplest version of a rack consisting only of shelves. This model does not require the installation of doors, but you can calculate their dimensions and mount them yourself, securing them to the front frame.
  2. The second option is intended for installation in a wide loggia. In such a closet you can store clothes on hangers. True, it is advisable to place it on an insulated, or better yet, heated balcony.
  3. The third option will fit perfectly into a narrow balcony, and will also be an excellent addition to a table or cabinet. If you wish, you can install additional removable shelves on the corners yourself.

After reviewing the presented drawings, you can easily create your own project by changing or adding some parameters in accordance with the size of your balcony.

List of tools needed for carpentry work on arranging wooden cabinets.

  • screws, dowels, nails;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • jigsaw or hand saw;
  • electric drill with attachments for woodworking;
  • screwdriver (set of screwdrivers);
  • ruler, pencil, tape measure, plumb line, square and building level.

Here are a few more simple tips before building a cabinet on the balcony:

  1. On a pre-glazed balcony wood trim will not suffer from dampness, will retain its attractiveness and good quality longer.
  2. It is advisable to first repair the floor on the balcony, or at least the area on which the cabinet will be installed.
  3. It is advisable to eliminate all cracks and crevices, insulate the walls and floor of the balcony, which will provide protection from temperature changes and drafts and significantly extend the life of the cabinet. For insulation, you can use polystyrene foam, PVC, or mineral wool.

After the measurements have been taken, the type of cabinet has been selected, the drawing has been drawn up, and you can begin to work directly.

Stages of self-assembly and arrangement of the cabinet

Even a beginner can easily handle this cabinet. To make it you will need the following materials:

The amount of pine timber must be calculated taking into account the selected dimensions of the future cabinet. For simplicity, let's take standard sizes, most suitable for the balcony space: height - 1.8 m, width - 1.5 m, depth - 0.5 m. Accordingly, the timber will be required:

  • for the bottom frame 2x0.5 + 2x1.5 = 4 m;
  • for the top frame 2x0.5 + 2x1.5 = 4 m;
  • For vertical racks 4x1.8 = 7.2 m.

You can use a sheet of laminated fiberboard as the back wall of the cabinet. This dense and waterproof material will additionally protect the structure from dampness; it is attached to the rear frame using construction stapler, or self-tapping screws.

  1. First, assemble the back and front frames of the cabinet. To do this, fasten the vertical and horizontal bars together using metal corners.
  2. Instead of corners, the beams can simply be connected with wood screws 60–75 cm long, as can be seen in the photo below.
  3. Then use self-tapping screws or staples to attach the back wall of the cabinet to the rear frame frame. After this, fix the resulting structure in the loggia opening using anchors. At this stage, you can lay a sheet of thick plywood or chipboard on the floor under the future cabinet, which will serve as the bottom.
  4. Once the frame is installed, attach the cross beams to it and secure them with anchors.
  5. Attach the front frame to the ends of the beams. After this, fix it with anchors in the walls, floor and ceiling - this will give the structure rigidity.
  6. All that remains is to screw on the guides with self-tapping screws, which will become holders for the shelves. The length of the horizontal part of the guide should be equal to the depth of the cabinet. Place the cut-to-size shelves on the guides, securing them with self-tapping screws if necessary.

In fact, a simple cabinet is already ready. You can conveniently place almost everything that is usually stored on the balcony in it: jars, boxes with clothes and small items, tools. It can also be used as a bookcase or for storing old magazines. But if there is a need to completely hide the contents of the cabinet, this design can be equipped with doors and sheathed with clapboard or plasterboard.

Selection of materials for cladding and doors

If you decide to cover the cabinet with clapboard, take material made from hardwood. There is often a lot of sun on balconies and loggias; its rays heat the surface. From this the lining is made from coniferous species begins to release resin.

The next thing to consider is the quality of the material. The cost of the lining also depends on its grade: A, B or C. Grade A material is smooth, uniform in color, it is ideal for cladding and for making furniture. Grade B has inclusions of a different color, slight roughness and unevenness, but is good in terms of price-quality ratio. But grade C lining is not suitable for cladding: an uneven surface, cracks, chips and rough colors will not add aesthetics to the finished product.

Note! Since the cabinet door should be light, it is better to choose a thin lining for it.

Installing doors on a built cabinet

Using drywall

Instead of lining, you can use an even simpler and cheap option- drywall. It looks great on finished design and it is easy to mount on a ready-made frame.

  1. To begin, cover the frame with sheets of plasterboard cut to fit the cabinet. Drywall is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.
  2. Once the framing of the frame is completed, you can begin finishing. Cover the drywall joints with reinforcing tape, putty and sand. Prime the surface and after drying coat it water-based paint. As an option, it is also possible to cover the drywall with wallpaper to match the interior of the balcony.
  3. Now all that remains is to assemble the doors. IN this option It is preferable to install sliding doors in the wardrobe. Due to the abundance of spare parts, it seems that it is difficult, but the diagram will easily help you understand the task.

DIY wardrobe on the balcony - video

How to arrange a corner closet from clapboard

Advantages of lining as finishing material have long been appreciated by home craftsmen. In particular, loggias are often sheathed with it. We suggest you not limit yourself to this, but use the same lining to construct a comfortable and beautiful corner cabinet. This design will be both roomy and compact, and it will not block the windows.

  • There is no need to attach the racks. It is enough to nail the bars on the ceiling and floor, and fix the walls on them.
  • You shouldn’t make them too wide; 3 planks for each is enough.
  • Nail the planks to the lining on the walls, and lay shelves on them from the same lining, cut to the shape of the cabinet.
  • Place 1 plank across the bottom and top of the opening.
  • Measure the remaining distance, subtract 1.5 cm for inaccuracies.
  • Measure the lining to the stated length.
  • Adjust the number of planks according to the width doorway. In our case, 6 of them were required.
  • Knock them together into one sheet using 4 cross strips and hang them on simple door hinges.

The use of plastic panels in the manufacture of balcony furniture

It often happens that installing a cabinet made of plasterboard, lining and chipboard is impossible. These materials are sensitive to moisture, and it is sometimes difficult to make complete waterproofing on a balcony or loggia. In this case, plastic panels will come to your aid. They have many advantages over other materials:

The principle of installing a cabinet from plastic panels identical to those described above, but there is one nice feature. Plastic - pretty flexible material, and you can make the back and side walls from one wide sheet, bending it in the desired areas. Before folding a thick two-layer sheet, it is enough to cut one layer at a time. In addition, the sheet can be cut into panels of the required width and fastened together with special fasteners.

Doors made of plastic panels are very light and easy to install. If the issue of saving money is not an urgent issue for you, you can order from the company already ready doors required size.

How to make a wardrobe and a window cabinet for a balcony or loggia - video tutorial

Cabinets, shelves and cabinets - great way organize the space, especially if it is small. This means that they are necessary for balconies and loggias. We hope that our tips will help you arrange your balcony, make it functional, cozy and beautiful. Tell us in the comments about your experience in arranging such small isolated rooms as loggias and balconies, or ask any questions you have on this topic. Have an easy job!