Make money on the Forex market. Ways to make money on Forex - trading, investments and affiliate program

But in 2015, these advisors are considered the best:

  • Wall Street Forex Robot
  • Scalper Day
  • Forex Growth Bot
  • The Pardus Expert Advisor
  • Megadroid Advisor
  • Million Dollar Pigs
  • Forex Morning Trade
  • EA Gold Sharkver 5
  • Far Turbo
  • Euro Smarter

But don't expect to completely shift all your worries to the program. You need to understand at least the basics in order to properly configure the robot and control its operation. This is the only way you can count on income.

So we can say that positive feedback from those who succeeded, negative feedback from those who did not. If you want to take risks, try Forex without investments - the work will become clearer, and you will not lose anything (on accounts without deposits). For beginners, working on Forex may seem confusing and complicated, so it is better to undergo training first. Or you can make money on the Forex affiliate program - simple and affordable :)

Share your experience and opinion in the comments.

Hello! In this article we will talk about making money on Forex.

Today you will learn:

  • Is it possible to make money on Forex;
  • How to make money on Forex;
  • Basic ways and recommendations for making money on Forex.

The topic of making money on Forex has not subsided for more than ten years. Every year, millions of people from all over the world register with Forex brokers, open deposits and start playing. Some make money, others don’t, but this doesn’t stop the hype around them. Let's figure out how much, how and when you can earn on Forex?

Features of making money on Forex

Before talking about making money on Forex, you need to remember how this exchange differs from the Stock Exchange and talk about several points that are associated with Forex brokers.

Forex - currency exchange. It was formed at the end of the 19th century so that banks and international organizations could exchange currency for mutual settlements.

But as time went on, more and more speculators appeared who wanted quick money from currency fluctuations. And with the advent of the era of high technology, all trading moved to the Internet, and a huge number of Forex brokers began to appear on the Internet. They “provided” access to the foreign exchange exchange to everyone for a modest percentage of the turnover. Why was it provided in quotes? Let's figure it out.

The main feature of almost all Forex brokers is that they do not take players to the real exchange. Transaction volumes, even within the system, are too small to generate orders so quickly and buy/sell currency on a real exchange. The company simply enters into a contract with one of the liquidity providers - currency, and with its help satisfies the withdrawal from the system and trading within.

So what does not entering the real market mean?

It's simple. On a real currency exchange, as well as on the commodity and securities markets, stock traders play against each other. While some lose, others in exactly the same positions gain. This is why an almost complete balance is achieved in terms of traders’ profits and losses (approximately 53% are in the red and 47% are in the black due to broker commissions).

And from this equality comes the main principle of the stock exchange game:

I only win when someone else loses. Accordingly, I need to be better than half and another 5% of traders.

But with most Forex platforms everything is different. The trader has to play against the “institution” – the broker who provides him with access to the exchange. It follows from this that Forex - like many other games against the house - is a perfectly calculated mathematical model that is guaranteed to bring profit to its owner.

But there is another point here - you don’t need to play better than half the players. It's enough to play for profit. It is most important.

Let's summarize: the big Forex kitchen is a game inside the broker's platform. And it is carried out against himself. When a trader wins, the broker suffers losses, which are partially covered by the commission for the transaction. When a trader loses, the institution makes a profit. As a result, it is beneficial for the institution that the players lose. But now brokers are playing fair. They themselves know the statistics on this market very well and realize that they are guaranteed to be in the black.

Of course, there are also banks as Forex brokers. They do provide access to real forex market play. They can convert currencies for their clients, conduct transactions and receive income from a percentage of the transaction volume. For credit institutions, it makes no difference whether the client is in profit or losing money. They mostly care about commissions.

Currency is the most volatile (changeable) asset. Price fluctuations occur almost every moment. Quotes change depending on any news - from domestic politics, the situation with business within the country, and foreign policy. There are a lot of factors that influence currency quotes every day. And in order to understand such a spontaneous market, a lot of experience and skills will be required.

How much can you earn on Forex?

Does it really follow from all of the above that it is impossible to make money on Forex? In fact, you can even earn decent money on Forex. Many traders around the world have been steadily gaining profit over the last 5-6 years after entering this market.

Even beginners without much experience, but having a good theoretical basis for their knowledge, can start earning money literally on the very first day. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

Now let's talk about specific numbers. If we take as a basis the published reporting (analogous to trust accounts: investors transfer money to the trader, and he makes transactions for this amount), the average Forex profitability is 200-220% per annum.

This is a very significant indicator, which is quite realistic to achieve. And if we take into account that the trader will most often trade with his own and borrowed funds, then it will be quite possible to achieve 300% per annum. The maximum earnings you can expect in the short term by playing aggressively is from 20 to 100% in 3-7 days. But such a game will “kill” the account in just a few trading sessions.

But the profit is much more common for beginners and average players, rarely reaching 100% per annum. For most, it is difficult to reach even a bank income of 10-15% per annum, while top players continue to reach heights.

Where to start making money on Forex

You can start making money on Forex in 7 steps:

Choosing a broker

Since you cannot enter the stock exchange on your own, you will have to use the services of brokers. Choosing a broker is one of the most important stages. Success in trading depends on this - the lower the commission, the greater the chance of making a profit, as well as the opportunity to withdraw the money received.

We select a broker based on the following criteria:

One of the most important parameters that you need to look at when choosing a company. He will tell you what other traders think about this broker, how they evaluate working with him, and all the pros and cons of trading.

Duration of existence of the company.

The same important parameter as the broker rating. It allows you to find out how much the company is on the market, and this allows you to judge the legality, profitability and stability of the service. Also, the duration of a broker’s existence reflects popularity with clients - the older the company, the more reliable it is, and often the higher quality services it provides.

It would also not hurt to find out where the company is registered, to whom and in what zone.

Companies that are registered and licensed in Europe are much more reliable than all others, because European legislation carefully monitors the entire Forex kitchen and does not allow unscrupulous brokers to enter the market.

Minimum deposit amount.

One of the most important parameters for each specific trader. Often, more serious sites have significant amounts of entry into the game, while sites for making money on beginners have a lower entry threshold. As for banks, as Forex brokers, their minimum deposit size is often calculated in thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars.

Spread size.

Spread – the difference between the minimum purchase price and the maximum sale price.

For those who are less familiar with the financial markets, the spread can also be called the broker's commission. As mentioned earlier, the lower the commission, the greater the chance of winning.

Bonuses, service and technical support.

The least important point, but still worthy of attention. Now many Forex networks have bonus programs like doubling the first deposit, etc. The presence of such promotions allows you to start with large amounts of money and have much more opportunities for making a profit than with a small deposit amount.

Technical support is also an important factor. Prompt answers and advice on all questions that arise are a sign of a good broker. You can ask competent technical support about all technical questions regarding software or trading. In some cases, technical support can even advise where a newbie should start.

Software installation

The easiest step on the way to trading. Different brokers may provide different platforms. The trader’s task is to understand the provided software, install it on a computer and try out all the functions in his personal account.

Metatrader 4 – classic software for playing Forex. It is this program that is used by most brokerage companies.

After installation, you need to either use the instructions sent, or find it on the Internet, or with the help of technical support. support to understand the main functions of the trading terminal. And after you understand the basic functions, you will have to choose a currency pair.

Currency pair - the ratio of one currency to another. On Forex, trading takes place precisely on them.

Once the necessary technical experience has been obtained, you can move on to trading 3-5 currency pairs.

Test on a demo account

A demo account is suitable for those who either doubt their abilities or want to try out all the tools of the trading terminal like real trading.

You need to spend one or two weeks on a demo account to understand how a deal is opened, how stop losses are set, and how to record a sale. During this time, you need to study all the technical aspects that will help you understand the technical side of Forex trading.

In order to practice understanding some strategies, a demo account is also ideal. It allows you to see places to enter and exit a trade, remember the behavior of the charts, some tricks and other features of the behavior of the charts.

But such an account will not work as a real trading training. After all, in a game for real money you will have to cope with real emotions, temptations, and a whole psychological burden on the player.

The trader’s biggest enemy is himself. His emotions, which force him to commit rash acts in pursuit of profit. Thousands of players have easily managed to make a small profit on a demo account, some even doubled their deposits, but when it came to playing for real money, people invariably lost.

Opening a real account

This is the very starting point from which the Forex game begins. It is recommended to open an account with the minimum possible investments. This is done in order not to risk large sums. According to statistics, a beginner loses 2-3 deposits before starting to gain profit.

This means avoid making large investments at the very beginning. It is better to limit yourself to 100-200 dollars for a deposit. This will allow you to “test” the waters, understand whether you have an aptitude for Forex and soberly assess your chances. If the fourth deposit still goes to waste, you need to either give up the idea of ​​making money on the currency exchange, or continue to try to acquire the necessary knowledge.

Reaching the break-even point

The so-called trade to zero. It does not generate income, does not generate losses. This is the very starting point on which a beginner should gain a foothold. After losses at the initial stage, this will be the first serious victory. It is necessary that the break-even point gradually becomes positive or remains at the same level for several weeks.

Once you begin to understand that you will not work at a loss, you can increase your momentum, increase your trading account and extract maximum profit from trading.

First profit

The moment when there was a significant increase in the amount on the trading account. This is the second victory, but it often goes away quite quickly. Traders at such moments think that they have already learned everything about Forex and can now be guaranteed to gain profit. And at such moments the deposit again drops by a decent amount of money.

At this moment, the main thing is to understand one simple thing: stability is a sign of mastery. This means that experienced traders are not those who extract 60-100% in a few days, and then also successfully lose in one trade. These are the people who continue to grow their trading account for years, despite some drawdowns and gains. A smooth upward curve is a sign of a measured and prudent trader who really knows how to play on the foreign exchange market.

Account increase

If you have already become comfortable with small amounts and are able to trade with 5-10% per month, then you can start increasing your account. At first, it is enough to increase the bill by 2-3 times every month. This will allow you to quickly approach large amounts and will not hit the trader’s pocket too much. The result depends on many parameters, but primarily on the work of the trader.

Trading example

In order to understand a little better the entire mechanism of how Forex trading works, let’s use a trivial example. There are 10,000 Euros in the trading account. You believe that the dollar will rise against the Euro, since the US unemployment data report is scheduled for today, and you believe that they will be economically positive. The exchange rate at the time of purchase was 1.10 Dollars per 1 Euro. In total you get $11,000.

During the day, the exchange rate changed, and, accordingly, your profit on the account. At the time of purchase you still had 10,000 Euros. Then, when the dollar exchange rate has increased compared to the euro to 1.12, you already have a loss of 180 Euros, since at this rate you can only exchange 11 thousand dollars for 9,820.

But following the publication of economically positive data on unemployment, the Dollar to Euro rate increases to 1.07, in total you have 10,384 euros. For a fluctuation of 0.03 Dollar/Euro, you make a profit of 384 Euro in one trading session.

This is roughly how most Forex trading occurs in the initial stages. Depending on the method of analysis, technical (based on charts) or fundamental (based on news, events, etc.), you will look at reported events and draw conclusions about future price changes. In Forex, technical analysis is used in 95% of cases.

How to make money on Forex without investment

Many beginners wonder whether it is possible to start making money on Forex without investments. Since this is a speculative activity, capital must be used. The only caveat is that you can use your own or someone else’s capital.

You can receive someone else's capital in two ways:

  • Find a real investor for a Forex account;
  • Act as one of the players in PAMM accounts.

The first method requires some experience in playing on the Forex exchange and a stable profitability over the long term. By communicating on various forums, groups and other places for traders, you can find a good investor if you provide him with evidence that trading is consistently profitable. Then he can either invest money in you based on the return on his loan, or you can trade on his account and share the profits. In any case, this is a reliable way to start trading with other people's money.

You can also become a member of the PAMM system within a Forex broker. Investors invest money in a promising trader, and he increases their money. Often, players with a good name and history will not even need to invest their own funds. All costs are borne by investors, and the trader will only need to make a profit.

You can make money on Forex from scratch and without investments only if you have experience in attracting investors. In other cases, you will have to invest real money

What affects profit

Let's return to the amount of profit and see what affects its amount.

Trader preparation. Without proper knowledge in the field of analysis and forecasting, profits will be either minimal or non-existent.

Trading style. This can be a more conservative style - verified transactions with small leverage, taking profits without waiting for huge jumps, etc. This approach allows you to receive income with a greater guarantee.

And an aggressive trading style - transactions with high leverage, often performed on fairly volatile currencies. This approach is characterized by a high level of profit, as well as high risks.

Deposit amount. The greater the amount of money, the wider the opportunities for using it and making a profit. A deposit of 100-200 dollars somewhat limits the use of leverage and investments in currency, since any fluctuations can ruin the account, and in order to get any significant profit you need to take risks.

With a deposit of 100,000, a return of even 1% is a significant amount, not to mention the 5-12% monthly that can be obtained with a fairly conservative game.

Trading strategy. Different strategies require different entry points into a trade and ways of taking profits. With one method, there may be more of them, but they will not be so obvious and you will have to take risks, while others, on the contrary, are visible, but 1-2 times per trading session, and if they have to be closed at a low profitability, this will not cause large losses, and significant income.

In order to consistently make a profit, you need to follow a few simple tips:

Constantly develop yourself. Reading specialized literature on analysis, playing on the Forex market and similar books is the key to success. The foreign exchange market is characterized by noticeable volatility and variability not only in the short term. In the past, securities and currencies had short, high advances and slow, steady declines. Now everything has changed exactly the opposite. You must always be one step ahead.

Analyze your trades. One of the most important ways to develop in a mathematical game like poker is to analyze the hands played, from this point of view - “What was done wrong? What should I have done? Why did you do it this way and not otherwise?” And this approach can and should be transferred to Forex transactions. At the same time, there is no need to analyze only unprofitable transactions from the position: “What needed to be changed?” It is also beneficial to analyze profitable trades with the question: “What did I do right and how can I repeat it?”

Control your emotions. An overly emotional trader is bankrupt. This is a well-known truth that has been confirmed in practice over the years. The most seasoned wolves on Wall Street show no emotion. You can't tell from their faces whether they made a million dollars in a session or lost. Success and failure are perceived with the same detached expression. They are just doing their job. It is this approach to trading that is considered the standard. You need to do your work efficiently, with dedication, but without unnecessary ardor.

Keep a transaction diary. At a distance, this is a huge statistical apparatus, which, if used correctly, can bring colossal profits. It is worth recording in it: the opening date, the name of the pair, the transaction value, the closing date, the opening rate of the transaction, the closing rate, profit or loss.

And so every day, throughout the entire exchange activity. This is done so that, after analyzing the information received, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the profitability of a particular strategy, weaknesses, currency pairs and other smaller details.

Trade systematically. One of the main mistakes of beginners is constantly running between trading strategies. In pursuit of a 100% way to make money, such traders do not understand the main thing - they need time to comprehend the strategy, understand how it works, fully recognize the signals and make a profit.

You need to test the strategy for at least 1-2 weeks to understand whether it works or not, and not close it after several unsuccessful positions. Also, trade systematically - make a certain number of transactions per day. No more. Less is possible, because a situation may arise that there will be few buy/sell signals, but more is not possible.

These are fairly simple principles, but not everyone follows them. This is why many players who come to Forex lose large deposits over and over again in anticipation of a miracle. But it doesn’t happen, money is still lost, and beginners leave, thinking that it is impossible to make money on Forex.

The foreign exchange market is the place where you can really make money. But you need to be a real pro in your field, spend several years and thousands of hours studying the material.

The most famous transactions in the foreign exchange market

In order to understand how much you can earn on the foreign exchange market, having huge capital on hand, we present to you the top 3 brightest players and their transactions:

3rd place. Andy Krieger against the New Zealand dollar. In 1987, there was a colossal collapse of the dollar due to the American market crash. Companies at that time wanted to get rid of the “useless” dollar and buy other currencies. And as a result, some of them were significantly overvalued, which, if used correctly, could lead to their rapid decline.

And so it happened. Using options, a new instrument at the time, Andy shorted the New Zealand dollar. It turned out that the sales volume of the New Zealand dollar was much higher than all the resources available to this country, which is why, after an aggressive wave of sales, the currency simply went down the drain, Andy earned hundreds of millions of dollars (the exact figure is not disclosed), and the New Zealand government asked its never working with their currency again.

2nd place. Standley Druckenmiller and Mark. Standley opened a long position in the German mark when the Berlin Wall came down. He believed this would help stimulate economic growth. At that time, it seemed to the fund, owned by Druckenmiller, that the brand should rise. Together with George Soros, they spent 2 billion on investments in German currency and were not disappointed. The fund received about 60% of the profit.

1 place. George Soros and the British pound. Many people know about this story. In the 90s of the last century, the Bank of England tried to artificially support the exchange rate of the pound against the mark, despite the fact that the German economy at that time was much stronger. The price of holding the rate was high inflation, and many currency speculators watched and waited rapaciously until the British government could no longer hold the rate.

Until this moment, George Soros had been accumulating funds in his account for a very long time and transferring them into British pounds. At one point, he opened a short position and threw all the pounds at his disposal onto the market, and the British currency, unable to bear it, immediately went by 13% in a day. Since then, Soros has been called the man who defeated Britain, and his fund earned about $1 billion from that deal.

All these examples suggest that with sufficient capital and knowledge, you can earn huge money from investments. But even without billions of dollars, you can understand which currencies are overvalued and bet against them.

Forex is a place where it is really difficult to make money. The system gives many opportunities to lose, but at the same time, many players invariably come out in the black. In order to truly make a profit on Forex, you need to put in a lot of effort, spend thousands of hours studying, practicing and improving yourself.

How to make money on Forex for a beginner?

Dear friend, interested in making money on the Forex market. If you have visited this web page, or if you have reached this site, then you are in one of 4 categories of people:

  1. Are you new to making money on the Forex market and want to start making money by trading the foreign exchange market, but don’t know how to do it or where to start.
  2. You have been trading on the foreign exchange market for some time, but you are not succeeding and you are losing money.
  3. You make money by trading, but want to increase your profits.
  4. You want to make a profit from the Forex market, trade on it, but you do not have the time or desire to spend a lot of time behind the monitor and monitor the situation on the market in search of reliable entry points to open a trading position.

Imagine for a minute...

You open a trading terminal, look at the statistics of your trading account and see how your account has increased by 30,000 thousand rubles or 150,000 or even 300,000 thousand or more in a month. You feel pleasant excitement, and perhaps joy, a surge of strength and enthusiasm.

How will your life change after this? What will this give you? New opportunities? Freedom? An opportunity to completely change your life? Do you want to quit your boring job that takes up most of your life? Or maybe you will start traveling? Or will you realize what you have long dreamed of?

Imagine for a moment all the pleasant, exciting changes in your life that could happen after this! Now imagine even more... How will the attitude of others around you, including the opposite sex, change when they begin to see and feel you as a successful and rich person? How will your self-esteem improve after you earn more in a month than others earn in six months or even a year?

And this is not surprising. After all, in the Forex market there are no restrictions on earnings, and there is an amazing opportunity to increase your capital many times over.

You can start making serious money on Forex even if you don’t have a large amount of money at the initial stage. It will just take more time. And this is confirmed by the results of many traders who started with 300-400 dollars and subsequently became millionaires.

Watch an interview with a trader who started trading with $350, became a millionaire in 2 years and moved to live abroad.

Therefore, the ability to make a profit from the foreign exchange market is one of the most money skills that you should definitely master in the very near future.

Step 3

Now let's move on to the most enjoyable part - making a profit.

By now, I hope you have carefully read the above material in this article. If not, I strongly advise you to read it.

How to start making money on Forex for a beginner or a person who does not know how to trade profitably, how to earn income from the foreign exchange market?

The answer is simple: with the help of experienced, professional traders who know how to make money by trading currencies and have been doing this for a long time.

But where can you find such traders and how can you make them “work for you”?

Using the SMS trading signal service

You may have heard about SMS signal services that are provided by some teams of professional traders.

Their meaning is that you subscribe to this service and you will constantly receive trading signals from experienced traders on your phone.

You receive an SMS containing detailed instructions for performing trading operations. By following the instructions, you open trading transactions on your account and make a profit.

This service is very common in the West, but it is usually very expensive. Its cost can reach up to 2000-3000 thousand dollars per month.

But you can receive such signals completely free of charge. Do you want this? Below we will tell you how to do this!

Imagine you receive SMS messages on your phone in which you receive detailed instructions about trading transactions carried out by professional traders.

By following these instructions, you trade on your account and make good profits.

It would be appropriate here to clearly demonstrate the quality of such signals that we have mentioned here.

Below are statistics of SMS signals over the past few months.

Statistics for February 2014.

Statistics for March 2014.

Statistics data for April 2014.

Look carefully at the data from these tables. Profit per month is usually more than 2000 points.

What does this mean in practice? Using these signals and observing risk management, you can double or even triple your trading deposit every month. What would this roughly look like in numbers?

Let's say you open a trading account with $1000 and trade on it using these signals. After a month, your account becomes about $2000. After two, about $4,000 and so on. In a year, a very impressive amount will accrue. Calculate how much you can earn under this scheme in a year?

What do you need to receive these profitable SMS signals completely free of charge? Open a trading account with a reliable and trusted broker and subscribe to this service.

Why does this broker provide profitable SMS signals to its clients? It's simple: because a serious brokerage firm is interested in its clients making money, since it makes profit through the spread. The more the client earns, the larger the amount he trades and the greater the broker’s spread (profit).

Of course, you can open an account with any other broker and subscribe to a similar SMS service from Western traders, while paying $2000-3000 per month.

Or you can receive these signals for free from a broker. What do I need to do?

Register with a broker.

Open a trading account and subscribe to free SMS signals.

Currently, this service is provided free of charge if you open a trading account with an amount of $500 or more. The company offers you to top up your trading account at a very favorable rate 35 rubles per dollar. This will allow you to save your money from inflation and start making money on the Forex market.

All you need to do is register on the broker’s website, fund your trading account and subscribe to the trading signals service. After which your personal assistant manager will call you. Next, the manager will answer all your questions and provide all the necessary assistance.

Using the described method of earning money at the initial stage will help you avoid, in a cunning and profitable way, the very gross mistakes that novice traders make. Why is this happening?

Because all beginners are itching to start trading with real money as soon as possible. Everyone goes through this.

When you see a price movement chart and understand that you can make very good money on this, it is difficult to restrain yourself from making transactions.

And having made several unprofitable trades, there is a desire to quickly win back and take your money back from the market, which leads to even greater losses and the circle closes.

Therefore, the only way to protect yourself from losing money at the initial stage is to use the system signals service, which we wrote about just above. And once you make a profit, you can easily learn to trade on your own.

Step 4

Now is the time to move on to the fourth step, namely learning to trade

Many brokers offer free introductory training courses. They provide general information about the Forex market, technical and fundamental analysis. But this is not enough for profitable trading. You can also visit them for general acquaintance.

Which advanced courses can I recommend to you?

How much do you want to earn on Forex in the near future?

Let’s take as an example the amount that is realistic for each person: 30,000 rubles per month.

How much will the likelihood of achieving this or even larger goals increase if you do not trade yourself, but have professional traders with many years of experience do it for you?

How valuable is it for you to gain and experience the experience of making money on the foreign exchange market at the very beginning of your development as a trader, in order to subsequently confidently receive profits from trading every month 12 times a year?

How much freer and more confident will you feel when an income of at least 30,000 thousand rubles is added to your monthly salary and how will your life improve from this?

If you earn at least 30,000 rubles a month on Forex, then this will be 360,000 thousand additional income per year.

If your bar is higher, then calculate your potential income yourself, which you can predictably earn using those “secret methods” that are disclosed in this article.


But now we have discussed with you only the most pessimistic scenario of events!

In this article, we described in detail how a beginner (and not only) can make money on Forex. The effectiveness, reliability and profitability of the method described here is obvious.

The interesting thing is that even if you don’t learn to trade on the foreign exchange market on your own in the future, the knowledge and secret methods that you received here will allow you to constantly make money on Forex using profitable SMS signals!

What do you need to do to start earning from 30,000 to 150,000 or more rubles a month on Forex, starting today?

Register right now on the broker's website → top up your trading account → subscribe to free SMS signals → start trading on your account using SMS signals → make a profit.

Now MaxiMarkets has developed a unique offer for its clients - “Trading without losing your deposit.” The essence of this offer is simple: ​the client begins to trade with the company’s bonus funds within two weeks, while maintaining his trading deposit.

In case of unprofitable trading with bonus funds, the client can always return his own money without loss. In case of successful trading, all the money you earn is transferred to your trading account.

For details of the offer, watch this video:

By taking advantage of this offer, you can “safely” test the SMS signal service and make sure of its profitability.​

Dear friend, if you have read this article, share it with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks!

The Forex market is a huge exchange where earnings are made by buying and selling currencies. Every day, about four trillion US dollars are traded on the Forex market. Naturally, its liquidity is very high. This is where traders from all over the world buy and sell currencies in order to make money on the difference in rates.

Many people are sure that only a few earn money on Forex, and that the rest of the traders “waste time and money” by sitting in front of the monitor for days on end. There are those who believe that only professional financial analysts can earn income here. Actually this is not true. There are a large number of ways to earn income on Forex. And some of them are quite accessible to “mere mortals”.

How to make money on Forex from scratch

If you have previously read about Forex, then you probably understand that you can start making money here practically from scratch. To do this, you don’t even have to engage in trading yourself. If you have a certain amount of funds that you are ready to invest in Forex, you can give them under the personal management of professional traders. They will trade on the market, and you will make a profit in accordance with the trader’s income. Of course, in this case you will have to pay a commission to the manager. However, for a person who does not want to understand all the intricacies of trading, this option will be ideal.

How much do you earn on Forex?

This question is asked by many beginners, but it is not possible to give a definite answer to it. In theory, everyone can receive income from trading on the foreign exchange market in the amount of both 100% and 1000%. However, in reality everything is much more complicated. If you look at the facts, you can understand that even experienced Forex traders, serious companies with a worldwide reputation, earn about 20% profit per year. For the most successful traders, income varies between 30-40% of net profit. Some part of this money “returns” back to trade, some goes to pay taxes. But with enough investment, you can still make good money - this is an indisputable fact.

How to make money on Forex for a beginner

If you have a certain amount of funds that you are ready to invest in Forex, you can give them under the personal management of professional traders. They will trade on the market, and you will make a profit in accordance with the trader’s income.

One of the incredibly popular ways to make money on Forex among beginners is to simply copy trades made by professional traders. This is convenient, since it is quite difficult for a new person on the market without trading experience to quickly navigate Forex and analyze the market on their own. To copy transactions, special services have even been created that allow you to perform all actions automatically. The main task for a beginner is to wisely choose a trader whose transactions he will copy. Because even experienced traders make mistakes from time to time and end up in the red.

Earn stable money on Forex

You can make stable money on the foreign exchange market through traditional trading by choosing a broker that is convenient for you. You will only have to constantly monitor the exchange rate, try to purchase it as cheaply as possible and sell it at higher rates. It is clear that this requires some experience, but with due diligence you can master the market and decide on your own trading strategy. Please note that in Forex you will need not only knowledge, but also a stable nervous system. The market constantly fluctuates; following the chosen “course” is sometimes difficult, which leads to the loss of invested funds.

Advice from Investing is not always the best choice. Personal trading has its advantages. One of them is the absence of the need to pay a commission to the manager of your account. And, accordingly, higher income.

Forex is a financial market where currencies are sold and purchased. By playing on the difference in exchange rates, you can make a profit from tens of dollars to amounts with several zeros. This process is called trading. How successful it will be depends on the knowledge, experience, chosen strategy and luck of the player, as well as on the initially invested amounts.

Anyone can become a trader, but only a few can join the list of millionaires who made a fortune on Forex. In contrast to them, there are a lot of negative examples when traders lost all the money they earned and invested. Whether there is a golden mean and what needs to be done in order to find it, you will learn from our review.

How much can you earn on Forex?

Cases of grandiose enrichment on Forex would not go down in history if they were recorded daily. In addition, many traders, having received large profits, often lose their vigilance, make mistakes and lose everything. A successful trader earns on average 10–20% per month of the amount he deposited into a deposit account and put into circulation. The larger the deposit, the lower the risks, because you can trade for a lower percentage, but in absolute terms get good money. Therefore, the main thing for a professional trader is to be able to maintain and increase the size of his deposit in order to receive a constant income from it. Traders prefer not to talk about their earnings again. There is some superstitiousness inherent in this, which is inherent in any professional players.

His example is science for others, or Who really made money on Forex

Those who dream of hitting a big jackpot tomorrow, improving their financial situation once and for all and resting on their laurels for the rest of their lives will be disappointed: millionaires who made a fortune on Forex have been working toward this for years. Thus, one of the legendary traders, Richard Dennis, actually managed to earn more than $200,000,000, but his profit from one trade was approximately 5%. Our compatriot Vladimir Kholodetsky also became a millionaire by trading Forex. However, he studied this hard for six months and earned $110,000 in seven months of trading. This result would suit many - the question is whether you are ready to constantly invest time, effort and money to achieve it. In addition, talent is also required.

Forex for beginners, or How to start making money without experience or money?

Currently, the cost of entering the market can be negligible - many brokers offer to open a deposit starting with a symbolic amount of $1. It is clear that the profit from such an amount will also be negligible, so clients are provided with leverage in a ratio of up to 1:500. This means that with a deposit of, for example, $10 for Forex transactions, you will have access to $5,000, $4,900 of which is provided for temporary use by the broker company. However, access to the remaining amount of money is automatically terminated as soon as you lose your own $10.

It is not necessary to invest a huge amount of money at once; $300–400 is enough to gradually achieve a stable income. Of those who made money on Forex, many started this way.

Step 1. Choose a broker

Among Forex brokers, there are companies registered in Russia, operating within the framework of Russian legislation and licensed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. They meet the requirements set by the domestic regulator and comply with its instructions. The main required conditions are the amount of equity capital - it must be at least 100 million rubles - and participation in the work of a self-regulatory organization accredited by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. There are currently only four companies licensed by the Central Bank: Alfa-Forex, Finam Forex, VTB Forex and PSB Forex.

There are also forex brokers registered abroad and located under foreign jurisdiction. In this case, the regulator that controls the work of these brokers may be, for example, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, the US Commodity Market Commission, the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, the independent financial commission FinaCom PLC LTD, and so on.

Typically, all major brokers, being interested in the trader’s earnings, provide free access to educational materials, and also organize paid courses and seminars.

Step 2. We undergo training

Without training there can be no successful trading. It is better to invest more money in specialized education and start trading with a smaller deposit than to regularly lose money due to lack of knowledge. You can learn the basics of trading for free: video courses, books, webinars, forums - all this is available on the Internet. Try to take every opportunity to gain new knowledge, and remember that a true professional is constantly learning. Even successful traders do not neglect the opportunity to take a paid course that interests them in order to improve their level and learn from experts. Unfortunately, there is no universal step-by-step instructions on how to make money on Forex consistently and regularly.

Step 3. Choosing an approach

Having received theoretical knowledge about the subject, you can proceed to training on a demo account. A demo account on Forex is convenient because it allows a novice trader to study the functional features of the trading terminal and begin monitoring market conditions, using technical analysis indicators, drawing trend lines, concluding transactions - in a word, everything that will have to be done when working with a real account. Since the money in the account is virtual, all actions occur absolutely painlessly for the player’s wallet.

Vladimir Kholodetsky, who earned $110 thousand on Forex in just seven months of trading, already having an economic education, practiced trading on a demo account for about six months before starting to make transactions with “real” money.

When you feel confident in your own abilities, after training on a demo account, you can move on to real trading.

1. Define short-term and long-term goals

First, you must imagine what your trading tactics will be. To do this, you need to set your priorities correctly by choosing:

  • currency pairs for trade;
  • entry point : what needs to happen for you to open a trading position;
  • exit point : under what conditions will you close the deal;
  • timeframe - time interval in which you will trade;
  • allowable loss - for one transaction and the entire trading day

Depending on the timeframe, there are short-term or intraday (30 minutes–1 day), medium-term (2–7 days) and long-term (up to several months) trading. The shorter the timeframe, the higher the risks. Short-term Forex trading is usually done with a small deposit in order to earn money as quickly as possible. In order not to lose the latter, it is worth thinking about the type of management of your account. Only very experienced traders and banks make transactions for large amounts in intraday trading.

2. Decide on the type of control

There are three types of transactions in terms of trading methods.

  • Traditional trading. In this case, you analyze the situation every day and make decisions on your own. This requires a lot of time and effort, but only in this way can you become a real trader.
  • Automatic trading. The management of your trading account can be left to specialized software that will monitor the situation and carry out trading operations on the market for you. You can resort to this type of management if you have decided to take a break from the financial race for some time, having accumulated a substantial amount on deposit. Any robot program has its drawbacks - they follow only one specific strategy, tend to become obsolete, and can make mistakes if the market situation changes radically. In short, it is unwise to rely completely on automation.
  • Trust trading and PAMM management. Experienced traders are willing to trade for you for a certain percentage of the profit if you become an investor. To do this, you can transfer your own trading account to an experienced trader or put money on deposit in a special PAMM account. Here it is important to choose the right trader and PAMM accounts that have proven themselves positively. Be sure to take an interest in ratings and blacklists.

3. Decide on the type of trading operations

If you decide to take full control, you will have to master all types of trading operations in order to carry them out as needed and in combination.

  • Speculative transactions. The principle of any speculation is to sell at a high price what was purchased at a low price.
  • Trade deals. They are simply aimed at buying or selling goods, that is, currency. May be part of speculative or hedging transactions.
  • Hedging transactions. They are carried out to compensate for possible risks from other transactions.

Forex is primarily a speculative trade, but depending on the strategy you choose, you may need to trade or hedge at one time or another.

4. Choosing a trading strategy

A beginner should not reinvent the wheel; at first, it is enough to try out successful strategies of traditional trading, which have been used all over the world for many years, and take an interest in new products. Dozens of working strategies are available for free trial. With a small deposit ($10–500), we can recommend the Forex strategy for a cent account. The simplest multi-currency strategies are TrendLines and Elder's Three Screens; they are easy to master for those who are not yet experienced in playing the currency markets. If you're serious about it, the Turtle Strategy, developed by the legendary Richard Dennis, will help you develop a systematic approach to making money on Forex.

Step 4. Choose an account and start earning millions

You can open different types of accounts in Forex. For a beginner, educational lessons are first and foremost important. These include demo accounts, where you trade with virtual money, and cent accounts, where you conduct real trades involving amounts of tens of dollars. The peculiarity of a cent account is that the amount on deposit is displayed in cents and looks more solid. The excitement of the game remains the same, but you risk small amounts. It is convenient to practice new strategies on demo and cent accounts. However, you should not get too carried away with this game, because when switching to real trading, you can fall into a stupor, afraid of losing real money.

Next, you will have to choose which account to open: micro, mini or classic. They differ in minimum recommended deposit amounts. They usually start with micro accounts, where the deposit can be $300–1000. Some brokers do not differentiate accounts this way and offer one type of account, usually called a “Standard” account. This is exactly what is suitable for switching to real trading. Other types of accounts are opened by experienced traders who have been trading for more than one year.

How quickly do you start making money on Forex?

To be able to talk about any stable earnings on Forex, you need to study for about six months and trade for several more months. Let’s say you have demonstrated the ability to learn, you grasp everything on the fly, quickly master trading strategies, managed to work with demo accounts and move on to real trading with a deposit of $500. With stable trading with an average profit of 20% (this is a very good indicator), you will be able to double the amount on your deposit by the end of the fourth month. You can earn your first thousand dollars seven months after you start trading.

If a novice trader is counting on getting rich quickly, he should keep in mind that if he lacks trading experience, he will most likely lose all the money that was initially invested. Take your time, feel the “pulse” of Forex and the gradual growth of money in your account.

Warning : contracts or financial instruments proposed for conclusion are high-risk and may lead to the loss of the deposited funds in full. Before entering into transactions, you should be aware of the risks involved.