Bent-over barbell press with your head up. Incline Press! Competent technology and interesting features that are little known

In bodybuilding, the incline dumbbell press is one of the main exercises for working the chest group. Working with dumbbells at an angle has several distinct advantages over barbells and should definitely be included in the training program.

Benefits and disadvantages of exercise

The first and main advantage is that while lying on an incline bench, the pectoral muscles are used to a greater extent during the press (including the triceps and deltoids). While when working with a barbell, the load is distributed almost evenly across the chest, deltoids and triceps. Therefore, for the target muscle, the dumbbell bench press at an angle becomes a higher priority.

Main advantages:

  • Working out all parts of the pectoral muscles;
  • Ability to manipulate the load focus using tilt;
  • Powerful stretch;
  • Development of coordination;
  • Increased range of motion.

Almost all the shortcomings relate to the execution technique. Basically, they are leveled out by mastering all the features of the movement and following the recommendations for implementation. Due to the need to work, almost sitting at an angle (applies only to the backrest position of 45 degrees), an important condition is the concentration of the load on the chest and controlled execution (especially while lowering the weight to the chest).

The only pronounced disadvantage When performing movements at an upward angle, there is an increased risk of injury due to powerful stretching. It appears mainly when working with heavy weights and at critical points (throwing a projectile from a sitting position and completing an approach).

What muscles work

When performing a dumbbell bench press, almost the same muscles work as when working with a barbell. Also, due to the need to hold the weight with each hand separately, additional ones are involved in the work. However, due to the increased amplitude and ability to maximally “open” (or unfold) the chest, the incline press works the target area better than other exercises.

It lies on and, mainly they act as a means of maintaining the desired position of the hands.

Which angle to choose and what is the difference: 30 or 45 degrees

One of the main benefits of the exercise is flexibility, which manifests itself in the ability to shift the load to different areas.

  1. When working at an angle of 30 degrees, the load falls evenly on all areas of the chest.
  2. When performing the exercise at a 45-degree incline, the focus shifts to the top of the pecs (which is often classified as a lagging area).

Important to consider that when pressing at an angle of 45 degrees, the front deltoids are activated much more strongly and part of the load is switched to it. This can become a disadvantage only in cases where the training was preceded by active development of the deltas (with an increased volume, the anterior fascicle will recover worse).

In general, the choice depends on training goals, priorities and individual conditions (lagging areas of the chest for a particular athlete). A tilt of 30 degrees is considered universal and is used most often.

Execution technique

In the technique of bench press on an inclined bench at an upward angle, two phases are considered key - the immediate execution of the element and entering the starting position. Moreover, most injuries occur precisely at the stage of weight gain, so this stage should be considered separately.

The technique of entering a position is performed in two versions: independently and with the help of a partner.

  1. In the first option it is produced throwing a dumbbell using your legs. The implements are placed on the hips, after which they are lifted into position with a push and simultaneous force of the arms and hips.
  2. The option with a partner is safer. The partner simply places the projectiles one by one in the hands of the athlete, who has already taken the starting position.

Technique for performing dumbbell presses on an incline bench:

  1. Lie down on a bench, raise your arms with dumbbells up (fully straightened) so that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor. The back and the back of the head are pressed tightly against the back, the feet rest on the floor to fix the position of the body.
  2. Begin to slowly bend your elbows, lowering the dumbbells down.
  3. Squeeze your shoulder blades and push your chest forward as much as possible to stretch the muscles.
  4. Without pausing, press the weights back to the starting position at a faster pace.
  5. At the top point, the dumbbells should not touch each other.

In fact, working with dumbbells and a barbell are variations of the same exercise with a similar motor pattern (but shifted emphasis). Usually these options are alternated to fully work out the entire group.

  • Workout regimen for men(number of repetitions, sets, volumes, etc.) is no different between bench press with dumbbells and with a barbell. Classic 8-10 reps in 3-4 sets for mass and multi-rep mode with an emphasis on.
  • For girls It is recommended to work in the range of 10-12 repetitions; this is the optimal average option, in which you can achieve both an increase in pectoral mass and an improvement in muscle definition.

Due to the specific nature of the movement, the dumbbell bench press at an angle with your head up is usually placed immediately after working with the barbell. This allows you to better “load” the chest without the strong involvement of other groups.

How to replace the exercise

There are two obvious replacements for the dumbbell incline press:

  • A similar movement with a barbell (less priority, since the pecs are used a little worse);
  • Angle dumbbell press in video format

An effective and popular exercise for working on development pectoral muscles. This press is a movement that can increase the volume of this part of the body. Before the main exercise, perform several training presses with an empty bar. Slowly do 15 repetitions. All movements must be performed meaningfully.

Bent-over barbell bench press allows you to effectively pump up your chest muscles and gain the muscle mass that is cherished for all men. To perform this exercise, you will need a bench with an adjustable backrest. For beginner athletes, it is recommended to perform a barbell press in a Smith machine.

Advantages of the inclined position:
  • The incline barbell press allows you to further stretch your pectoral muscles and develop flexibility and mobility in your shoulder joints.
  • Well includes the shoulder girdle - the front deltas of the shoulders.
  • Suitable for girls. Makes the breasts more expressive and voluminous.

Bent over barbell press technique

  1. Adjust the back of the bench. Sit on the bench, press your head and back to it. Feet should be resting on the floor. Watch your posture.
  2. Take the bar so that the distance between your palms is slightly greater than shoulder width. Raise the bar horizontally up at the level of your collarbones.
  3. Breathe in. Touch the barbell to the top of your sternum. Exhale and press up.

Number of approaches and repetitions: It is more effective to perform the exercise 10 times in 4 sets.

Incline Barbell Press

For complete muscle recovery, you should include the exercise in your training program only once a week. Do incline barbell presses at the beginning of your session or after performing horizontal presses.

Application of the exercise

To whom. Everyone, from beginner to master. For men and women.

When. Perform incline presses at the beginning or middle of your chest workout. Afterwards, do a pullover with a dumbbell and.

How many. On average, the exercise is done in 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

What muscles work

You primarily work the pectoralis major and minimus, anterior deltoids, and triceps. The advantage of the exercise is the ability to purposefully distribute the load between the upper or lower parts of the sternum.

Load on a 10-point scale

Hand position on the barbell and its advantages

Narrow grip

A narrow arm position will shift the emphasis in favor of the triceps. In addition, the load will be directed to the forearms, wrists, and some muscles of the sternum. When performing the exercise with a narrow grip, select a light weight projectile. Don't place your hands too close to each other. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury.

Wide grip

A very wide grip is used by advanced athletes. With it, the work will involve the bundles that connect the muscles of the shoulders and sternum. This hand position will reduce the range of motion, but will allow you to work with a fairly weighty implement. The best option would be a medium grip.

Exercise options

A common option for performing a bench press. This angle of inclination helps to work out all the muscles of the chest. However, with a decrease in the angle of inclination of the back of the bench, the muscles of the lower part of the sternum become tense. We must not forget about the individual selection of the level of inclination of the body, depending on the height of the athlete and the structure of his muscles.

Bench press at a 45 degree angle

Video exercises

2016-08-22 Bent over barbell press technique

The barbell press with the presented incline level will ensure maximum development of the muscles of the upper sternum. And the angle with an even greater value will spread the tension to the deltoid muscles and spine. This is incorrect and can have a negative impact on your health.

Bent-over barbell press upside down

This variation of the exercise is aimed at working the lower part of the sternum. Ask someone to give you weight when you get into the starting position. Doing this yourself will be problematic.

Video exercises

Breathe evenly to avoid dizziness. Do not stay in this position for a long time: a rush of blood to the head will become an unusual phenomenon for the body.

Anchor points

When performing the exercise, the back, buttocks and legs will act as support. Do not lift your hips off the surface of the bench to avoid undesirable consequences due to the pressure of the weight in the vertical plane.

Trying to do a bridge during an exercise

This movement will nullify the effectiveness of the bench backrest. Eliminate this attempt by maintaining a natural arch in the lower back.

Smith press

The barbell press in the simulator is performed to pump the muscles of the upper sternum in isolation. The technique of execution coincides with the reproduction of free barbell presses. The exercise becomes easier due to the fixation of the bar and the strict trajectory of movement in the vertical plane.

Elbow position options in the Smith machine

  1. If you keep your forearms strictly horizontal and lower your elbows down, the triceps of your arms are more involved in the work.
  2. If, when lowering, you move your elbows back as much as possible, the upper part of the pectoral muscles is trained. This option is more effective and allows you to better work and stretch the target chest muscles in the exercise.

  • At the top of the exercise, tighten your chest muscles for a few seconds.
  • Beginning athletes should press the barbell in a Smith machine or ask someone for help.
  • Lower the bar twice as slow as you raise it. Control the vertical trajectory of the bar.
  • Pay attention to the position of your elbows: they should be directed to the sides.
  • Avoid impact when lowering the bar. When lifting it, almost completely straighten your arms at the elbow joints.
  • You should refrain from bench presses upside down if you have problems with blood pressure.
  • If you have problems with your joints, use special cuffs.
  • For convenience, wear gym gloves or apply chalk to your hands. Use a small bar.
What to do for shoulder pain

Pain in the posterior deltoid muscles does not affect the performance of the barbell press. With discomfort in the middle and anterior parts of the deltas, the situation is more complicated. Try pressing the barbell at different angles. If the pain remains, eliminate exercise for a month.


Fix the weights on the barbell. During the playback of the press, they shift slightly. This leads to uneven loads or injuries. And do not hesitate to use the help of the person insuring you.


By performing the barbell press on an incline bench, you will be able to develop your pectoral muscles and increase their mass. For girls, improving the condition of their bust will be especially important. The correct technique for performing the exercise involves removing the unfavorable load from the shoulders and lower back. The exercise will allow you to better perform presses in their classic variation.


Adjust your diet. This factor is very important for the growth, development, and recovery of any muscle group. An athlete of any fitness level should incorporate the incline bench press into their training plan. An alternative option for working the pectoral muscles is incline dumbbell presses and incline presses on a Smith machine.

What muscles work on the incline bench press?

The incline barbell bench press is considered one of the basic and key techniques for pumping and increasing the relief of the thoracic segment of the muscles. The most popular modifications are bench presses at an angle of 30 and 45 degrees, which distribute the load on the upper pectoral muscles.For beginners, it is better to perform the barbell press with an empty bar, without weight,under the supervision of a trainer. This will allow you to consolidate the correct parameters for performing the press.

Main muscle group : chest
Additional group:Serratus anterior, rhomboids, and lower trapezius, rotator cuffs, biceps, triceps, abdominals, glutes, latissimus dorsi
Degree of difficulty: average
Load type: Basic, multi-joint

How to properly press at an angle of 30-45 degrees

What does an incline bench press look like in motion?

The classic press technique evenly develops all the chest muscles. However, a large share of the load falls on the central segment. To pump up the upper body, various techniques and modifications of the barbell press at an angle are used. The incline bench press is recommended for beginners in order to equally develop the total mass of the upper segment of the body.


Load distribution

The 30-degree barbell press mostly targets the mid-chest muscle group and to some extent the upper. Part.
The 45-degree inclination of the bench engages the upper area.
To pump up the lower group of chest muscles, the bent-over barbell bench press is performed in a modification with an upside-down slope.

Elbow position.When spreading the elbows to the sides, the activity of the triceps decreases, and the work of the pectoral muscle group increases (which are pumped in the exercise). It is permissible in the lower maximum of the press to bring the elbows to the body and spread to the sides.

Hand placement options

Narrow grip. To reduce the level of load on the thoracic segment and increase the work of the triceps muscle and anterior deltoids, grab the bar with a narrow grip. The range of movement with a narrow grip is maximum.
Wide stance. For maximum pumping of the upper and middle pectoral muscles, use a wide position of your hands on the bar. This modification will reduce the range of motion.

Equipment modifications

Reverse grip press.
Smith Bench Angle Press Modification.
Using dumbbells.
Angle press in a power rack.

Practical nuances and aspects

To ensure that the bent-over bench press brings maximum results, use these tips:

The emphasis is not on weight, but on execution technique. It is better to choose a lower working weight with which you will feel comfortable.
Press your heels or entire foot into the floor. This will increase your hold, stability and emphasis.
Points of contact between the body and the bench: head, both shoulders and shoulder blades, sacrum.
Maintain a natural arch in your back as you press and keep your shoulder blades retracted to minimize the risk of injury.
The higher the angle, the wider the grip.
Lower the bar firmly into the collarbone area, but do not place the barbell on your chest. In this case, a slight movement of the head back is quite acceptable.
Lower the barbell to the widow slower than you raise it.
At the bottom of the exercise, keep your forearms vertical.
Absorb inertia to prevent injury.
When you lie down on the bench, arch your spine and lean your chest forward.

Bench press in the general training scheme

First, the main general muscle training is performed, and only after that they begin to load isolated segments of the pectoral muscle group. The incline press is done after basic training, for example, the classic press technique, dips.

Execution Sequence

1. Set the degree of inclination of the bench depending on which muscle segment you want to pump.
2. Install the barbell and equip it with working weight. Remember to use clamps on both ends of the projectile.If you are a beginner, perform bench presses with an empty bar.
3. Starting position: lying on a bench, hold the bar with an overhand grip above the body.
4. Only your palms should support the barbell, and place your thumb on top of it.
5. While inhaling, smoothly and at a slow pace lower the bar so that it touches the upper segment of the chest.
6. Straining your muscles, fix the position for 1-2 seconds.
7. While exhaling, use the muscles of the upper chest segment to squeeze the barbell and return to the starting position.
8. Don't throw the projectile onto your chest, but don't push it up uncontrollably either.Maintain a smooth, moderate pace throughout the exercise.
9. Repeat the barbell press at 45 degrees the desired number of times.

Basic mistakes

Incorrect bench angle. An inclination angle of more than 60 degrees will shift the emphasis to the deltas.
Lifting of the pelvis and head from the bench, excessive arching of the back in the lumbar and thoracic regions. This position places the load on the shoulders rather than the chest.
The lowering point of the bar is slightly higher than during a bench press. Throwing a projectile onto the collarbone can result in bone injuries. The correct point is found experimentally: at the lowest point you need to hold your forearms perpendicular to the floor surface.
Squeezing the barbell until your arms are straight. When the arms are fully extended, the load is redistributed not to the pectoral muscles, but to the triceps brachii.Therefore, it is important to keep your elbows slightly bent.
The projectile should be lowered and squeezed out at an angle. Vertical movement creates unnecessary stresson the shoulder muscles, which increases the risk of injury.
When working with heavy weights, it is recommended to have a spotter.
Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions
Weight: The working weight is selected so as to repeat the bench press 10-12 times

Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions

Weight: The working weight is selected so as to repeat the bench press 10-12 times

Bench press at an angle video exercise

Brief conclusions

The incline barbell press is considered basic for improving the muscles of the upper segment of the body, forming a wide and powerful chest. Anatomically, the technique resembles push-ups, but the use of a barbell allows you to use additional weight.

Correct execution of the incline bench press technique requires that the feet are pressed to the floor, the shoulder blades are retracted, and a minimum deflection is maintained in the back. The pelvis is pressed against the support bench. The barbell must be lowered diagonally, and at the lowest point of the amplitude, do not lower it all the way to the collarbones.

The incline barbell bench press is one of the best basic exercises for developing the pectoral muscles. The incline press is the most popular in bodybuilding; some athletes even abandon the horizontal press altogether and switch to an incline bench. This is due to the fact that the upper chest is lagging behind in most athletes and can only be pumped up by bench presses with a positive incline.

The incline barbell press is almost no different from the classic one. If you know how to technically bench press on a horizontal bench, then you won’t have any problems here either.

When performing an incline press, you need to wisely select the working weights. It is more difficult to press on an incline bench than on a horizontal bench, so you will need to slightly reduce the load.

Common mistakes made by newbies

  • Never perform a push press from your chest, or lightly touch the barbell to your chest, or generally work within the amplitude without touching the pectoral muscles with the bar.
  • Don't straighten your arms all the way to engage the triceps - our main goal is to work the pectoral muscles.
  • Always work with a partner when performing working sets. If there is none, then remove the locks from the bar that hold the plates so that you can throw them off when failure occurs.
  • Use a bench with an incline angle of 25 to 35 degrees - this angle is most optimal for maximum development of the upper pectoral muscles.
  • Firmly fix your feet on the floor, focusing on your heels.

Do not use the bridge technique during the incline press - this will reduce the range of motion of the barbell and, accordingly, reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. The bridge technique is great if your goal is to increase strength, but in bodybuilding muscle mass is more important to us, so the bridge should not be used in bodybuilding.

If your lower pectoral muscles are lagging behind, then we would not recommend training your lower pectoral muscles with presses; dips on the uneven bars, which are performed during triceps training, are great for this.

Features of the technique of performing the barbell bench press while lying on an inclined bench

Hello friends! Today we’ll talk about the dumbbell bench press on an incline bench, as well as the barbell press and various variations of incline presses. I think the information will be useful to you.

As I said, the blog is back on track.

I already miss practical articles about bodybuilding. This time, I have prepared something interesting for you.

Why incline press?

As I said, very often athletes prefer the horizontal press rather than the incline bench press. But in vain.

Now I will explain why.

During each basic exercise, as a rule, several muscles or even muscle groups work.

For example, when we bench press a barbell or dumbbells, then to one degree or another we engage in the work:

  • Breast.
  • Deltas.
  • Triceps.
  • Back.
  • Trapezoidal.

It is no coincidence that I indicated the back; it is included in the work in the NEGATIVE PHASE (when the barbell or dumbbells go down).

Deltas (shoulders) and triceps are SYNERGISTS of our chest.

Synergists- these are muscles that perform unidirectional work (the same contractile function) in various exercises, i.e., in other words, HELPING each other.

The chest pushes the arms forward, as a result of its contraction, and the triceps pushes the projectile forward. If it's really rude.

I wrote a detailed article about. From it it is clear that the deltoid is unique in that it is divided into three bundles.

  1. The anterior delta performs a PUSHING function.
  2. The rear delta performs a PULLING function.
  3. And the middle delta is unique in that it is HYBRID (push and pull).

Those. we are seeing another synergist: THE FRONT DELTA.

Now it becomes clear that when we bench press, not only the chest works, the triceps + anterior delta also work.

Roughly speaking, they steal the load from the target muscle (the muscle that we want to pump up).

What to do? Make sure that the inclusion of synergists in the work is minimal!

How to achieve this? TECHNIQUE + BODY POSITION!

What bench angle should I use?

  • The HIGHER the bench angle = Triceps work LESS.
  • The HIGHER the bench angle = Delta works MORE.

Those. we need to find the perfect option.

Obviously, we cannot raise the angle of the bench as much as possible, because... then the deltoids will be fully involved in the work and steal a significant part of the load (the chest will almost turn off).

It is clear that we cannot lower the bench completely, because... in this case, the triceps will feel great and take the load.

You need to do this as follows.

Raise the angle of the bench by 20-30 degrees!

Exactly so, because in this way we include the chest in the work (the classic horizontal press does not concentrate the load on the chest so well + synergists actively work).

By raising the bench a little from the horizontal, we practically exclude the triceps from the work, but we also do not allow the deltoids to engage.

Conclusion: The bench angle should be in the range of 20-30 degrees.

Why is the horizontal press not so good for chest growth?

I think you have already understood this from the above.

When performing barbell or dumbbell bench presses on a horizontal bench, the triceps and anterior delta are ACTIVELY involved in the work, which does not allow maximum concentration on the pectoral muscles.

Plus, on a horizontal bench, as a rule, it is easier for the so-called to form during the press. BRIDGE in the back. The body tries to arch more in order to spread the load over more muscles (this way, no muscle will receive excess load).

Another argument against this is one famous experiment by Bret Conteras in the field of electromyography.

What kind of experiment is this?

Bret Conteras has long studied the electrical activity in muscles at the time of their contraction in a variety of exercises.

Here's what happened in terms of pectoral muscle engagement (from top to bottom, from BEST to least effective):

Upper chest

  1. Incline dumbbell bench press.
  2. Bench press with a wide grip in the “guillotine” style (we lower the bar to the throat).
  3. Bench press lying on the floor.
  4. Crossover with medium rollers.
  5. Dumbbell fly at an angle and bench press at an angle.

Middle part of the pecs

  1. Dumbbell flyes lying on a horizontal bench.
  2. Dumbbell bench press lying on a horizontal bench.
  3. Incline bench press.

Lower pectoral muscles

  1. Bench press with a wide grip in the guillotine style.
  2. Dumbbell flyes lying on a horizontal bench
  3. Dips with weights
  4. Crossover from a high block.

Marvelous? Still would.

These are not my assumptions, friends, or even my personal experiments and feelings - this is science in its purest form.

What are the conclusions from all of the above?

  • The barbell press to the neck (guillotine style) loads the pectoral muscles much better than the classic bench press (where the barbell is lowered at nipple level). Even more amazing is that excellent muscle activation is observed FOR ALL PARTS OF THE BREAST! Bret performed this exercise using the Vince Gironda technique: legs raised on the bench (remove the bridge), wide grip, barbell lowered to the neck, large stretch.
  • The classic bench press on a horizontal bench turned out to be practically the MOST USELESS EXERCISE for chest training. It, of course, can be used to train the lower chest, but it is not particularly advisable, because... Dumbbell flyes, guillotine barbell presses, and crossovers will work better. The only caveat is that Bret did the barbell bench press using the lifting technique (with a bridge and leg work). Still, if I can’t find an incline bench, then I do a bench press with my legs on the bench and remove the bridge, thereby focusing on the muscle feeling.
  • The incline barbell press is not an upper chest exercise! It loads the MIDDLE PART of the chest perfectly. For me this was clear for a long time, because... I was guided by my feelings.

The body does NOT benefit from growing muscle due to its energy consumption, so it tries to prevent muscle growth, and one of these ways is to DISTRIBUTE the load among as many muscles as possible.

The bench press on a horizontal bench is, after all, more of a powerlifting and weightlifting exercise aimed at developing maximum STRENGTH indicators, but this is not our task.

The progression of loads is important for us, but what is more important is the muscular feeling so that the load hits the target. We must make our muscles HARDER in order to simulate a situation for the body that is BENEFITABLE for GROWTH!

Training ==> Stress ==> Production of stress hormones and growth factors ==> Restoration of previous energy resources and motor units (muscle cells) ==> (muscle growth)

The body understands: “Aha, the load was heavy, it is much more profitable to prevent such stress in the future in order to reduce the threat to life and builds up a little more muscle than it was for this.” Direct benefit, friends.

The body does not do what is not beneficial for it.

Honestly, I never do bench presses at all, and my chest hasn’t lost any volume because of it.

I already talked about this in the article.

Incline bench press. Technique

As I said, you can achieve maximum concentration of the load on the chest muscles in the following ways:

  1. Body position.
  2. Technique.

I think it’s clear about body position. You need to slightly raise the angle of the bench to 20-30 degrees so that the load falls mainly on the chest. We exclude the triceps and anterior delta from the work, thereby.

Hand position:

  • The WIDER your hands hold the bar (if you press a barbell) = The stronger the stretch and the more the pecs are involved, BUT the smaller the amplitude of movement.
  • The more your hands ALREADY hold the bar = The weaker the stretch, the more the triceps are activated, the greater the range of motion.

Solution: I suggest placing your hands IN MEDIUM (not too wide and not too close, approximately at the edges of the marks on the fretboard). So, to increase the range of motion, maintain stretching and reduce the work of the triceps.

Movement speed:

  • We lift the projectile quickly = glycolytic fast muscle fibers (FMV) and high-threshold fast muscle fibers (HTF) work, if the weight is critically large (we can lift it 1-2 times).
  • We lift the projectile slowly = oxidative slow muscle fibers (SMF) are activated.

Solution: For beginners, I advise lowering the projectile a little more slowly, concentrating on the sensations, and raising the projectile relatively quickly (without violating the technique). Don't focus on speed, focus on how you feel.

Leg position:

  • The LOWER the legs = The greater the likelihood of a bridge, which will reduce the work of the chest (remember about electromyography?).
  • The higher the legs = The easier it is to remove the bridge and focus on working the chest.

Solution: I advise you to throw your legs, say, on a row of dumbbells in front of you (I often do this if I press dumbbells), or on a bench. This way we will remove the arch in the back (bridge) and focus on working the chest.

Where to lower the bar:

As you already understand, if we lower the bar to the neck (in the “guillotine” style), then we load the pectoral muscles more (all parts of the chest work). Therefore, I see no point in lowering it to the nipples if your goal is large, beautiful breasts.

Solution: We lower the bar closer to the neck (if we press on a horizontal bench), and between the neck and nipples if we press on an inclined bench.


Everything is simple here. Lower the projectile = INHALE. Raise the projectile = EXHALE!

Try not to hold your breath. This increases intraocular and blood pressure.

Well, don’t forget, friends, FOCUS ON YOUR FEELINGS!!! This comes first. Your body will tell you what is best.

Let's talk about my MOST FAVORITE exercise for developing chest muscles.

Yes, indeed, this is my favorite exercise for developing the pectoral muscles.

Firstly, this is the best exercise in terms of involving the pectoral muscles in the work according to the results of Bret's experiments with electromyography.

Secondly, here are some other reasons:

  1. Because We don’t have a partition (bar) between the exercises, then we can lower the dumbbells lower, which means increasing the range of movement, thereby making our work more difficult.
  2. We can rotate (supinate) the dumbbells at the points of peak contraction in order to better feel the muscles. This is an important point, because allows the load to hit the target exactly.
  3. If we don’t have enough strength to complete one more repetition, then we don’t have to be afraid that the projectile will crush us. We can simply throw them on our sides, thereby not harming ourselves.

There are some inconveniences when using dumbbells:

  1. There comes a time when it becomes inconvenient to progress the load. For example, you already confidently press 40 kg dumbbells 12 times (and this is already quite a lot of weight), and you want to raise the working weight. Most likely, you will not find 41.25 kg or 42.5 kg dumbbells in the gym, but only 45 kg shells. And an increase in working weight of 5 kg per side (total weight 10 kg) is, as a rule, too much, unless, of course, you use pharmacology.
  2. The technique must be more carefully honed, otherwise the risk of injury is high. One awkward movement with a heavy enough dumbbell and you can get very unpleasant injuries (elbows or shoulders, ligaments and tendons). These injuries may prevent you from training normally in the future.

How to perform an incline dumbbell press? It's very simple, friends.

You CANNOT just take dumbbells and throw them upward with a swing. I've seen this many times. This easily leads to ruptured ligaments and tendons in the area of ​​the shoulder and elbow joints.

  1. We do the dumbbell throw like this. Take two dumbbells, place them on your upper thighs (above your knees), and sit on a bench. Next, as it were, we throw one dumbbell with our knee, while simultaneously lying down on the bench, by inertia, working with the second knee, throwing the second dumbbell. Hold the dumbbells tightly and press them up. This is the STARTING POSITION.
  2. Relatively slowly lower the dumbbells down to the point of MAXIMUM STRETCH, feel how our chest stretches (we lower it to the area between the nipples and neck).
  3. Focusing on the sensations of your chest, press the dumbbells up at a slightly faster speed, KEEPING TENSION IN YOUR CHESTS throughout the entire lift.
  4. At the top point, we slightly supinate (turn) the hands with the dumbbells inward, additionally performing a PEAK CHEST CONTRACTION (we just additionally strain the pecs).
  5. It was one repeat.

I love starting my chest workout with this exercise. The chest becomes engorged, burns, and swells. Great feeling!

Now I'm talking about the POSITIVE incline of the bench (when it is tilted up). A slightly less effective exercise, as we found out, but also has its advantages.

  1. First of all: A CONVENIENT OPPORTUNITY TO PROGRESS LOADS! We can increase the weights a little at a time, because... In almost any hall you can find pancakes of 0.5-1.25 kg.
  2. Further, the presence of a PARTITION between the implements (bar), which provides additional stabilization and the ability to press with an OPEN GRIP (when your thumb does not wrap around the bar, but is placed on the bar from below.

Here's a demonstration of the closed and open grip:

The technique is the SAME as for the incline dumbbell press.

  1. There is no need to throw anything away. Just lie down under the barbell, the bench is inclined, as we found out, by 20-30 degrees. Place your hands slightly wider than the marks (you will see them), this is a medium grip.
  2. Remove the bar from the racks. This is the starting position.
  3. Relatively slowly we lower the bar down to the point of MAXIMUM STRETCH, we feel how our chest is stretched (we lower it to the area between the nipples and neck).
  4. Focusing on the sensations in your chest, press the barbell up at a slightly faster speed, KEEPING TENSION IN YOUR CHESTS throughout the entire lift.
  5. At the top point, we additionally do a PEAK CHEST CONTRACTION (we just additionally strain our pecs).
  6. It was one repeat.

Incline press upside down

I have never done this exercise for chest development, because... it is practically useless to them. Plus, I would categorically not recommend it to people with blood pressure (and negative angles in general).

But for the development of triceps, this option is definitely great! With what?

The fact that tilting the bench upside down practically turns off the chest from the work, but very well includes the triceps. A large muscle group does not steal the load from a small one, which means the muscle will receive a load sufficient for growth.

I do the Smith press on an incline bench (in the Smith machine; this is a frame with a bar that moves only along a certain trajectory).

This way I can fully focus on working the triceps without being distracted by the work of the stabilizer muscles (which are always involved when working with free weights).

  1. We lower the bench from the horizontal by 10-20 degrees. We put our legs on the bench.
  2. We grab the bar at shoulder level or slightly narrower.
  3. We lower the projectile under control to a level just above the nipples, keeping our ELBOWS PARALLEL TO THE BODY! Do not separate them (otherwise the chest may turn on).
  4. We feel a stretch in the triceps.
  5. Starting the movement by contracting the triceps, squeeze the bar upward. At the top point we additionally strain the triceps (peak contraction).
  6. This is one repetition.

In general, I have a very cool article about that. There I listed and explained all the coolest exercises for developing beautiful hands.

Incline press for girls

Does the female gender need it?

I think it's both yes and no.

Will explain. The pectoral muscles in women are very small by themselves.

Female Breasts = Some muscle + Breast + Fat.

There’s nothing special to pump there, so I don’t see any point in doing a separate chest workout! At most, I would advise doing dumbbell presses on an incline bench, because... This is the most effective exercise for chest development. And most girls don’t need more.

Most likely, there will not be enough recovery abilities.

Or you can do the incline press upside down in Smith, as I described above.

Don’t forget that girls have very few muscles in the upper body compared to the lower part, so send to the forest those who are trying to train you according to the men’s program, and even according to a deep split (each muscle group separately).


Friends, let's summarize what I said today:

  • During each basic exercise, as a rule, several muscles or even muscle groups work (you need to turn off synergists from work).
  • This is achieved by body position and technique of performing the exercise.
  • The most effective exercise for developing the chest: dumbbell press on an incline bench.
  • The barbell press on a horizontal bench in the classical sense is practically useless for building the pectoral muscles.
  • You attach serious importance to the TILT ANGLE of the bench, because... this greatly shifts the vector of load application.
  • It makes little sense for girls to train their chests on a separate day. It is enough to simply do an incline bench press with dumbbells at the beginning of your workout.

That's all for me, friends. I hope that the article was useful to you.

A lot of very cool practical articles will be released in the near future.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!