Zodiac signs and marital fidelity. True zodiac signs – Top Three

Is your heart prone to cheating? Of course, this is influenced by many factors: upbringing, your personal choice, whether your love is strong, etc. But the stars also make their contribution. Which zodiac signs are the most faithful, and which are not so much and why.


You love competitions. So if you don't feel like your partner thinks you're the hottest thing in the world, you can start looking for a partner to compete with him and give men a chance to compete for your heart. Be careful.


You are known to be a stubborn girl and very loyal, and once you meet someone, it's for life. But if you feel like your partner is not giving you the love you deserve, you can start looking for it on the side.


You already know that you are quite indecisive and cannot concentrate on one thing for a long time. Unfortunately, this can lead to you needing more from the relationship than one partner can provide. It is also very important for you that your loved one has a similar sense of humor and you can laugh together with him.


You are a fountain of emotions and truly crave stability, which makes you one of the most loyal signs. On the other hand, since you have a very kind heart, you are afraid of hurting your other half when you want to break up with her. Therefore, it may be easier for you to quietly cheat than to honestly say that you love another person.

a lion

You need to feel like the star of every movie on every screen in every city, and if your partner is not ready to give you this role, you are highly likely to cheat on him. If he doesn't put you on a pedestal, you'll probably look for someone who will and won't even feel guilty.


You worry about even those problems that have not yet arisen, so trying to start something with your lover while your husband is at work is such stress for you that you are not able to survive. However, if your partner does not live up to those high standards, which are set by your perfectionism, you will look for someone better.


You are naturally so passionate and flirtatious that one would expect cheating from you. But you value romance and love so highly that you'll probably abstain. If you do cheat, then most likely it is under the influence of strong emotions, and not out of boredom or to stroke your ego.


Until you meet your one and only, you party as hard as you can. You are seductive, charming and attract guys. But once you meet someone who suits you emotionally, you devote yourself to him.


You don't have a filter that filters out what you can say and what you can't. So it's hard for you to have a secret affair because sooner or later you'll spill the beans. And you also consider intimacy as fun game no rules, and if your intimate life begins to look like it's been planned out for years in advance, you may want to fly off the beaten path.


You are loyal and reliable, but you don't particularly care about finding love. To some extent this is important to you, but you would rather pursue a career than focus on starting a family. And you are more likely to choose a man who will contribute to your advancement, even if you have to leave someone for this.


Overall, having met the right man, you are not inclined to cheat on him. “Betrayal” in your performance is, rather, light flirting, meaningless playful correspondence. If you really love your partner, you will quickly stop even such an innocent game before it goes too far.


You are ruled by your emotions and your ability to empathize, so you will only cheat if you are trying to end a failed relationship. And still, after driving off into the sunset with a new guy, you will reproach yourself for the rest of your life for cheating.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Aries
Aries' betrayal is a definite protest against the actions of his partner. As soon as a partner starts doing something wrong, he will definitely receive a harsh response in return. If they start to control me, he can calmly commit treason without hesitation, making it clear with all his actions that he shouldn’t control me. Often Aries's loyalty cracks during times of revenge and jealousy.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Taurus
A Taurus can only subject their relationship to betrayal if they understand that their choice of partner was wrong. Therefore, for fidelity it is much higher and more valuable than affairs on the side.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Gemini
Lovers of fun and entertainment have the same attitude towards fidelity to their partner. As soon as your relationship begins to resemble a routine, expect betrayal from Gemini. The most surprising thing is that the betrayal will happen with a person whom both partners know well, a close friend or close girlfriend.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Cancer
As soon as thoughts about an unhappy relationship with a partner appear in Cancer's head, expect betrayal. Because loyalty depends entirely on what he thinks and invents. You shouldn’t try to start pressuring him with questions of fidelity, try to accept this as a fact that has already happened and forgive him. It is impossible to predict other options for how events will develop when finding out who is to blame. Forgive and move on!

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Leo
Leo's pride does not allow him to even think about testing himself and his partner for fidelity. - the king of beasts and that means he is not mistaken in choosing a partner! Leo will cheat only in one case, if there are truly global problems in your relationship.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Virgo
Virgo constantly thinks about her reputation, so betrayal on the side almost never happens. Loyalty to a zodiac sign is almost ideal for a partner, but like all zodiac signs, she is no stranger to affairs.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Libra
Those who are amorous and romantic are constantly in the circle of the opposite sex. Their charming smile and cheerful behavior allows you to have a large number of There are intrigues on the side, but after all the adventures, Libra always returns home. That's why air sign zodiac sign, Libra is not known for being 100% faithful to their partner. After marriage, the scales change and their loyalty to their partner is very serious. Divorce is an extreme measure for Libra.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Scorpio
The fidelity of the zodiac sign is almost perfect; they take love and marriage seriously. Scorpio attracts the opposite sex and the tempting serpent does not sleep. Scorpio is capable of cheating if he does not love his partner.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Sagittarius
Sagittarius belongs to those zodiac signs that easily give in to temptation. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arises to cheat on his partner, he will definitely do it. they don’t think much about fidelity as soon as options appear on the horizon, so the partner must be armed and take this information into action.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Capricorn
As soon as Capricorn stops loving, his loyalty evaporates like water. high temperature. He will choose thoroughly and for a long time until he weighs all the pros and cons. Capricorn's partner should know that he will be 100% faithful to him if he counts on loyalty to him. Prove your loyalty to Capricorn and he will always be faithful to you!

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Aquarius
Lovers of independence and freedom, Aquarians do not like being told what and how to do and behave. The unpredictable behavior of Aquarius can make his partner question his fidelity. Like Aries, he can change out of jealousy. Please take this into account.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Pisces
If you cheated on the zodiac sign Pisces, consider your relationship to have ceased to exist. Pisces hate infidelity in other people, but they themselves will have difficulty resisting temptation. They do not stand out from others by being faithful to their partner.

True signs Zodiac – Top Three

The true zodiac signs are Leo, Capricorn and Scorpio.

The beginning of a relationship is always remembered with special tenderness and trepidation. This is a romantic time when no one knows what an innocent affair will lead to. And, of course, they don’t even think about how strong the union will become. Can someone who is so devotedly in love change? However, people are prone to weaknesses. Of course, it is impossible to predict the development of a love story. But it is still possible to determine the tendency to cheat. For this, astrologers have developed a special horoscope. It allows you to determine the fidelity of men and women according to the zodiac.

Aries - passionate heart and hot head


What is the zodiac loyalty of a representative of this sign? As long as he is satisfied with everything, there is no doubt about his loyalty. He will be sentimental and romantic. But if his beloved disappoints as a person, ceases to be a support, or turns out to be overly demanding, this man will go looking for new love passions. He can have several “girlfriends”, visiting them on a schedule.

And while he is attracted only by “physiology,” the other half does not even know about her husband’s adventures. But if Aries meets another “love”, he will immediately file for divorce. A man will not live on two families.


Her betrayal was dictated by a coincidence of circumstances. The Aries woman will break fidelity only when life completely overwhelms her, and there is no mutual understanding with her husband. She is just tired, so she is able to have an affair with a random stranger. But such a romance is fleeting and she needs it only for relaxation.

Taurus rarely loses his head


If the chosen one is a representative of this sign, then you are guaranteed fidelity according to the zodiac. It is extremely difficult for Taurus men to change anything in their lives, because they are simply too lazy to deal with these issues. However, such a person is still capable of treason. But only if the person who intends to win him actively and aggressively seeks his predisposition.

He is capable of leaving his family and throwing himself headlong into love, but not for long. This man will still return to his wife.


She loves beautiful courtship. And this can lead to betrayal. But if a Taurus woman sincerely loves her chosen one, then there is simply no point in suspecting her of infidelity.

Gemini is a windy sign


He positions himself as the best “gift” in his wife’s life. But if we talk about fidelity by zodiac sign, these men are different highest degree frivolity. They are promiscuous in their relationships.

For them, it is not a reliable rear that is important, but variety. Therefore, such men can have many mistresses.


A representative of the sign who loves her man will never cheat. But if the feelings have already faded away, the Gemini woman will not even hide the lover who has appeared in her life.

And know: if you yourself were unfaithful to her, then, in her opinion, betrayal should not outrage you.

Cancers are beautiful, but sometimes unfaithful


If we consider the entire horoscope of fidelity of the zodiac signs, the Cancer man is the least inclined to cheat.

If he decides to “go left,” then he chooses one mistress with whom he is able to maintain a relationship long time. Moreover, she will be the complete opposite of her wife.


A representative of this sign can openly talk about her affair. But she does this completely unconsciously. A woman who constantly expects a miracle from you strives to show you her rich inner world, make it clear how she can love.

Leos are a model of fidelity


Looking at the representatives of this sign, one gets the impression that they certainly have a lover on the side. However, it is Leo men who are extremely rarely unfaithful. They are not prone to promiscuous relationships, because they are lazy from birth and do not want to create additional difficulties.

He would rather prefer to break up with the woman he loves if she becomes overly intrusive than to cheat.


What will fidelity be according to the Zodiac? For Leo women, the main criteria for behavior are naturalness and openness. A representative of this sign will freely allow her loved one to answer calls on her mobile phone and read emails.

If cheating happens, she will never directly talk about it, and will make it clear in every possible way that it is absolutely none of your business.

Virgo - reliability and practicality


You can count on loyalty according to your zodiac, because men of this sign are quite squeamish and overly clean. Therefore, casual sex does not attract them at all.

If they do not find understanding and recognition in the family, they will begin to look closely at other women, trying to find the ideal lover whom they did not see in their spouse.


If she lacks drive in her life, then Virgo is quite capable of cheating. Periodically make her worry and jealous, but only for frivolous reasons. At the same time, you must always remain an ideal for her.

As soon as you stop being an idol, a sparkle will appear in this woman’s eyes, and a mysterious smile will play on her lips. But even in this situation, it is still possible to save the marriage. Give her the drive she needs.

Libra - patronage of Venus


They don't even try to be faithful. These men go to the left quite often. Moreover, if their betrayal is dictated only by sporting interest, then the spouse will not know about anything.

But if a man falls in love, he will absolutely calmly leave his wife and rush headlong into a new romance. Libras often change their partners because they have been looking for the ideal all their lives. Sometimes such a search becomes the meaning of life.


She will never lie. But rest assured that at the stage of a romantic relationship, you are not the only one who shows affection to this young lady. Therefore, she carefully looks at the candidates for election and makes her choice.

But what will it be like in the family? What does the fidelity horoscope according to her zodiac sign say about her? The Libra woman is a true example of fidelity. You can be completely calm. If she chooses you, then other men will simply cease to exist for her.

Are Scorpios the best?


These are true gourmets in matters of love. Therefore, they are not characterized by promiscuous relationships. If there is a woman next to Scorpio who completely satisfies him, then he will never go to the left. However, remember that he should not be bored.

Scorpio himself will not forgive his beloved’s betrayal and will not tolerate denial of intimacy. Follow these rules, and you will find the most faithful representative of the zodiac.


She won't cheat. If you do not match her character, such a lady will simply leave or throw you out the door.

And remember: female fidelity by zodiac sign largely depends on the partner. If you do not give her a reason to be jealous, surround her with devotion, she will gladly give you all of herself. There is no point in doubting her loyalty.

Sagittarians are constant experimenters


He is a very devoted husband and an excellent family man. But, alas, he cheats on his wife. However, he perceives connections on the side as adventures. They are not of fundamental importance and are regarded by Sagittarius at the level of creative hobbies and communication with friends.

Over time, the Man becomes fed up and loses interest in going to the left. That's when he becomes truly faithful. In addition, it is important for him that people are waiting for him at home. Sagittarius understands that he has never had such a good time with anyone as he does with you. Therefore, the need for betrayal simply loses its meaning.


She can accept even the most reckless husband back into the family. However, only in one case: if she really felt good with this man.

To make sure of the exclusivity of her beloved, the Sagittarius woman is capable of a “fleeting comparison.”

Capricorn - true stability


If we consider all the signs of the zodiac, fidelity in relationships on the part of Capricorns is a constant. A man is very careful in choosing his wife. He is in search ideal wife, capable of promiscuous connections. Having found the one with whom he will marry, Capricorn will completely lose interest in cheating, especially if the woman holds a higher position or can help him with his career.


A representative of this sign will not lie in a global sense. However, sometimes it can hide some details. For example, going to a bachelorette party. The explanation for this behavior is quite logical. She didn’t do anything inappropriate there.

The Capricorn woman should not be interrogated, because she chose you as her life partner. Therefore, she doesn't need anyone else.

Aquarius. The main thing is freedom


It is difficult to call it true. Such men cheat not only physically, but also in thoughts. He necessarily compares each of his subsequent women with the previous one. And he does it out loud. Therefore, be prepared that you will have to compete with a ghost from his past, and not with a real lover.

If Aquarius meets new love, then he will leave the family without even giving any explanation.


What does the horoscope of fidelity promise according to your zodiac sign? The Aquarius woman is capable of holding back. She vitally needs personal space. She values ​​herself highly and is quite capable of having an affair.

But her betrayal is regarded by her as something insignificant. The affair is started, rather, “for show,” so special significance she doesn't have it for Aquarius.

Pisces – soulfulness and sensuality


These representatives have a peculiar attitude towards loyalty. Pisces have connections on the side and are even willing to commit treason. Especially if there is an inexperienced girl nearby who can easily be fooled. Pisces men prefer inexpensive and easy novels.

At the same time, they demand fidelity from their chosen one. Pisces carefully hide their adventures from their family; they will never prefer a mistress if they have the opportunity to be with their family.


She is a victim of feelings. A Pisces woman will only cheat if she truly falls in love. However, even this does not always push her onto the path of betrayal. If she feels that she can trust her new lover, she will give herself to him without reserve.

Pisces women rarely commit physical infidelity; most often their infidelity is spiritual. But if she allows another man into her life, she will go to him forever.


Analyzing fidelity by zodiac, we can admit that Cancers, Capricorns and Virgos are less prone to betrayal. However, do not forget that there are exceptions to any rule. After all, character is formed not only under the influence of the Sun, it is also influenced by the location of other planets. Therefore, you can meet very loyal Libras and Geminis.

It is difficult to predict the likelihood of a man or woman cheating just by their zodiac sign, but taking into account the characteristics of temperament and character in a relationship, you can create a kind of horoscope of fidelity or potential ability to cheat on your partner. We present to you the characteristics of the zodiac signs according to their propensity and attitude towards infidelity in a couple.


Can Aries cheat?

Aries is a fire sign, one of those who constantly need novelty and a sense of celebration in relationships. He is selfish and proud, and without the “zest” in love he languishes and gets bored. If he decides to cheat, it will be mainly because his partner ceases to suit him when the union becomes stuffy. His ego needs nourishment and attention, and if the other half stops giving it, then Aries, thirsty for strengthening self-importance, can look for it on the side.

Is Aries able to forgive betrayal?

Being passionate and emotional, Aries strives to create strong relationships, and if his partner cheats on him, it will be very difficult to forgive him. Aries perceives betrayal as a deep insult and betrayal, but there is one “but”. He values ​​honesty, and can forgive betrayal if a loved one tells him about it himself, and not if “good people” convey this fact to him.


Can Taurus cheat?

Taurus is rightfully considered one of the most stable and faithful signs. Closed in his inner world, he is a man of action, not words. He really appreciates what he has and is grateful for a good relationship, for the love and warmth that he receives, therefore Taurus is extremely rarely capable of betrayal. But there are exceptions to the rules.

Taurus is a sensual, pleasure-loving sign, and it is vital for him that his loved one shows affection and care for him. Indifference kills him, and if he feels unnecessary in a couple, he will most likely be attracted to the one with whom he will feel needed and loved.

This situation is very similar to Aries, but if Aries cheats rather out of selfish and arrogant motives, then Taurus needs to feel not self-satisfied, but needed by his partner.

Is Taurus able to forgive betrayal?

Legends can be made about Taurus's vindictiveness. If a loved one cheats on a Taurus, then there is a very high probability that he will simply break off the relationship once and for all, not wanting to put up with treachery (and this is exactly how he sees someone else’s betrayal). He won't break dishes or get hysterical. The strength of Taurus lies in his self-control and good manners.

At the same time, having weighed all the pros and cons, a reasonable Taurus can forgive the one who inflicted such a mental wound on him, but only once, giving his partner a chance. This is clearly not a sign that will allow its other half to cheat repeatedly, subjecting itself to humiliation over and over again.


Can Geminis cheat?

Geminis need constant intellectual and emotional stimulation to maintain strong and long-lasting relationships. If Gemini decides to cheat, it is because of a lack of vivid emotions and impressions in life in general and in their love union in particular. Sometimes it doesn't even come to the point of physical infidelity, but you may notice that your beloved Gemini has started an online affair, communicates a lot online and clearly feels satisfaction from this relationship, which keeps them in a pleasant everyday excitement.

Are Geminis able to forgive betrayal?

Gemini is an ambivalent sign and unpredictable in many ways, including in relation to betrayal. Everything depends primarily on the characteristics of temperament and character, as well as the duration of the relationship. On the one hand, Gemini, having learned about the betrayal of a loved one, can break off the relationship once and for all. On the other hand, they can forgive after seeing sincere repentance and the desire to continue the relationship, not to destroy a strong family with children.


Can Cancer change?

Cancer is the most family-friendly sign of the zodiac, and is also very soft, deep and sensitive. Cancer is not prone to cheating, because he highly values ​​what he has, of course, if we are talking about a good romantic union or an already formed strong family. At the same time, Cancer often has low self-esteem, so he can get carried away in relationships where it grows and his ego is fed. If Cancer is happy with everything in a relationship, he feels safe and has no need to look for something else and assert himself on the side.

Is Cancer able to forgive betrayal?

If Cancer himself cheats rarely, then Cancer himself can be cheated on often, but only if he is too closed, dreamy and divorced from reality. Cancer experiences betrayal very hard and deeply, especially if it happened in a long-term relationship in which a certain attachment has been formed, because Cancer feels its partner almost as a part of itself.

Sometimes sensitive and emotional Cancer is ready to forgive and forget betrayal immediately if he feels an urgent need for his partner, without whom, as it seems to him, he cannot live and breathe. It may also happen that he needs some time to think about everything, weighing all the arguments and coming to a conclusion - is it worth continuing or is it better to give up this illusory happiness.

a lion

Can Leo cheat?

Like Aries, Leo is a selfish Fire sign, but unlike Aries, Leo represents a more fiery temperament that needs bright emotions. In relationships, he often needs drama, and sometimes ugly scenes that excite the blood. Great importance for Leo there is an intimate component of the union, so regular and high-quality sex is something without which he cannot exist without feeling otherwise alive. If he lacks those fireworks in a real relationship, he may look for it on the side. The partner should praise his beloved Leo, constantly stroking his ego, reminding him that he is the one and only, that he makes him happy.

By the way, if Leo decides to cheat, you shouldn’t be surprised that the one with whom he cheats will be very similar to his life partner, only younger and brighter. Leo is attracted by youthful enthusiasm, which promises dynamics and freshness in relationships.

Is Leo able to forgive betrayal?

Being capable of betrayal himself, Leo has a hard time when someone cheats on him. In this case, he does not want to take the place of another and analyze his emotions and feelings. Natural egocentrism whispers to him: how can you cheat on me - after all, I am perfection itself! In addition, it is still very difficult for Leo to forgive his partner who cheated on him, because he will remind him that he chose the wrong person who betrayed his trust, and this in Once again scratches his pride.


Can Virgo cheat?

Virgo is an Earth sign, so she is serious and down-to-earth. Virgos are excellent parents and caring spouses, but sometimes in the whirlwind of everyday life they lack romance, and life begins to put pressure on them. There is a possibility that, tired of everyday worries and obligations, Virgo will be carried away by someone who will give her a feeling of lightness and carefreeness. To prevent this from happening, Virgo must feel the fullness of life and concern on the part of her soulmate.

Is Virgo able to forgive betrayal?

Virgos combine conservatism and a desire for novelty, and for them, the ideal relationship combines these two qualities. But you shouldn’t assume that Virgo is ultra-modern, so she can easily come to terms with betrayal. She will blame herself, first of all, for not being able to give her partner what he needs. Virgo has a hard time dealing with betrayal, and in order for her to forgive, you need to have an honest and frank conversation with her, discussing the present and potential future of the relationship.


Can Libra cheat?

Libra is a romantic and balanced sign, always in search of balance. They take the marital union seriously, so by nature they are not predisposed to cheating. At the same time, this lightness, openness and sociability make Libra prone to coquetry and flirting, especially if it is a woman. Sometimes they can get really carried away and let the flirting go further, especially if they lack that “zest” in their current relationship. If a partner gives them a feeling of fullness of life, does not put pressure, does not humiliate, does not frustrate, then Libra will never want to cheat on him.

Can Libra forgive betrayal?

Libra is a loyal, rational and understanding sign, and if they happen to experience betrayal loved one, they can forgive, but it will take time. Libra, who is always in search of balance, will need to carefully weigh and think about everything. If they return to a relationship, they carefully take into account all previous negative experiences, trying to understand their partner and re-evaluate the relationship so that this does not happen again.


Can Scorpio cheat?

Scorpios have a reputation for being passionate and mysterious personalities that change left and right. But that's not true, because for real happy Scorpio values ​​her relationships and will not risk them for the sake of a short-term affair. But there is one big “but”. Representatives of this zodiac sign have a demanding temperament. Simply put, sex and the attractiveness of a partner are incredibly important to them, which should excite, surprise and excite him. Dissatisfaction with the sensual side of the union and a sucking routine can push Scorpio to search for someone who will become a new inspiration for him.

Is Scorpio able to forgive betrayal?

Scorpios can forgive someone who cheated on them, but this sign, alas, is distinguished by vindictiveness. He remembers the pain that was caused to him for a long time, and even having forgiven the betrayal, he is unlikely to forget it, and if necessary, he will definitely remind him, manipulating his position as a cuckold.


Can Sagittarius change?

Like the other two fire signs, Sagittarius has a weakness for various pleasures, like... delicious food And beautiful clothes, and to harmony in bed. This is a life-loving sign that values ​​freedom, the restriction of which it perceives very hard. This does not mean that Sagittarius is prone to cheating - he is sociable and sometimes flirtatious, but does not cross the boundaries of what is permitted, rushing headlong into the pool. If a partner does not limit his beloved Sagittarius by arranging scenes of jealousy for him, he will not cheat, trying to break out of the cage of a toxic relationship.

Is Sagittarius able to forgive betrayal?

Being an optimistic and cheerful sign, Sagittarius, although he experiences betrayal, is inclined to rational thinking, analysis of relationships and favorable conclusions, if there is every reason for them. This is not the sign that cuts from the shoulder and breaks off a relationship immediately, as soon as it learns about infidelity.


Can Capricorn change?

Reserved and rational Capricorn, like others earth signs, is one of the most constant and faithful partners. He controls the situation and his mind controls him to a much greater extent than feelings and sexual attraction. At the same time, remaining self-possessed and outwardly even cold, he always expects admiration and signs of love and attention from his partner. Not finding them, he can try to look on the side of someone who will notice and appreciate him. But even after cheating, Capricorn will most likely admit it, because honesty in a relationship is very important to him.

Is Capricorn able to forgive betrayal?

Capricorn, who is prone to self-control and soul-searching, experiences the betrayal of a loved one for a long time and painfully. Get ready for long conversations, reflections, search for cause-and-effect relationships and analysis of relationships with analysis of the smallest details. But he needs this in order to survive the situation, fully understand and forgive, in order to completely close it. Capricorn is a family sign, so he will try to forgive betrayal if there is a reason to maintain the relationship.


Can Aquarius cheat?

Aquarius is not a romantic or hyper-emotional sign. As a representative of the air element, he needs some lightness of being, flirtation and a sense of freedom. Aquarians are unpredictable and sometimes unempathetic, meaning they care more about themselves than about the feelings of their partner. However, it is important for Aquarius to feel that their partner needs them, that they are not neglected, and then the likelihood of betrayal is much lower.

Is Aquarius able to forgive betrayal?

Sometimes Aquarius is reproached for lack of sentimentality and superficiality of feelings. But this is only beneficial when we are talking about such an objective shock for many others as betrayal. Aquarius is not one of those who will shed tears into the pillow, arrange Italian showdown scenes, be dishonest and die of jealousy. This doesn't mean that they will easily forgive the infidelity, just that they will get by without diving deeply into the situation - either by walking away or moving on with their lives, leaving the infidelity incident behind them.


Can Pisces change?

Pisces is a romantic and dreamy sign of the zodiac, which is characterized by extensive fantasies, immersion in another reality, dreams and endless dreams of something bigger, better, beautiful and exciting. They need the magic of love, its enchantment, sensuality, which allows them to experience life in a new way and see it in different colors.

Pisces are loyal and value family very much, but everyday life and constant routine depress them, even if they don’t show it or say that something doesn’t suit them. If the partner supports Pisces' need for romance, arranging little surprises and keeping the fire alive in the couple, then no betrayal will happen.

Are Pisces able to forgive betrayal?

Despite their emotionality and subtle soul, Pisces are not selfish, so they even try to analyze and forgive their partner’s betrayal. This does not mean that you should abuse trust and betray it again and again. Representatives of this zodiac sign have devotion and empathy, which must be respected and not abused.

Compatibility horoscope: Scorpio zodiac sign fidelity is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Loyalty horoscope by zodiac sign

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Aries

Aries' betrayal is a definite protest against the actions of his partner. As soon as a partner starts doing something wrong, he will definitely receive a harsh response in return. If Aries begins to be controlled, he can calmly commit treason without hesitation, making it clear with all his actions that there is no point in controlling me. Often Aries's loyalty cracks during times of revenge and jealousy.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Taurus

A Taurus can only subject their relationship to betrayal if they understand that their choice of partner was wrong. Therefore, for Taurus, loyalty is much higher and more valuable than affairs on the side.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Gemini

Lovers of fun and entertainment, Geminis feel the same way about being faithful to their partner. As soon as your relationship begins to resemble a routine, expect betrayal from Gemini. The most surprising thing is that the betrayal will happen with a person whom both partners know well, a close friend or close girlfriend.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Cancer

As soon as thoughts about an unhappy relationship with a partner appear in Cancer's head, expect betrayal. Because Cancer's loyalty depends entirely on what he thinks and invents. You shouldn’t try to start pressuring him with questions of fidelity, try to accept this as a fact that has already happened and forgive him. It is impossible to predict other options for how events will develop when finding out who is to blame. Forgive and move on!

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Leo

Leo's pride does not allow him to even think about testing himself and his partner for fidelity. Leo is the king of beasts and that means he is not mistaken in choosing a partner! Leo will cheat only in one case, if there are truly global problems in your relationship.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Virgo

Virgo constantly thinks about her reputation, so betrayal on the side almost never happens. The fidelity of the Virgo zodiac sign is almost ideal for a partner, but like all zodiac signs, she is no stranger to affairs.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Libra

Amorous, romantic Libra is constantly in the circle of the opposite sex. Their charming smile and cheerful behavior allows them to have a lot of intrigue on the side, but after all their adventures, Libra always returns home. Therefore, the air sign of the zodiac, Libra, does not stand out for its 100 percent loyalty to its partner. After marriage, the scales change and their loyalty to their partner is very serious. Divorce is an extreme measure for Libra.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Scorpio

The fidelity of the Scorpio zodiac sign is almost perfect; they take love and marriage seriously. Scorpio attracts the opposite sex and the tempting serpent does not sleep. Scorpio is capable of cheating if he does not love his partner.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Sagittarius

Sagittarius belongs to those zodiac signs that easily give in to temptation. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arises to cheat on his partner, he will definitely do it. Sagittarians don't think much about fidelity as soon as options appear on the horizon, so the partner must be armed and take this information into action.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Capricorn

As soon as Capricorn stops loving, his loyalty evaporates like water at high temperature. Capricorn will choose thoroughly and for a long time until he weighs all the pros and cons. Capricorn's partner should know that he will be 100% faithful to him if he counts on loyalty to him. Prove your loyalty to Capricorn and he will always be faithful to you!

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Aquarius

Lovers of independence and freedom, Aquarians do not like being told what and how to do and behave. The unpredictable behavior of Aquarius can make his partner question his fidelity. Like Aries, Aquarius can cheat out of jealousy. Please take this into account.

Loyalty for the zodiac sign Pisces

If you cheated on the zodiac sign Pisces, consider your relationship to have ceased to exist. Pisces hate infidelity in other people, but they themselves will have difficulty resisting temptation. Pisces do not stand out from others in their loyalty to their partner.

True zodiac signs – Top Three

The true zodiac signs are Leo, Capricorn and Scorpio.

Which of the zodiac representatives is the most faithful?

Is it possible to determine fidelity by zodiac sign? There is no clear answer to this question. Each person is an individual, a person with his own special traits, and the zodiac sign cannot completely predict his entire fate.

But the stars are always right about something. So why not make sure your other half is faithful? Reinsurance never hurts anyone. After all, it’s much better to just breathe, making sure that he or she is not like that, than to torment yourself with suspicions for hours.

Fiery Devotion

Fire element signs include:

Any Aries man gives himself entirely to his feelings, without a trace. He does not have any thoughts about betrayal, and while Aries is in love, he will not allow even a simple glance at another woman. The love of this sign manifests itself in all its glory: romantic dates, gifts, quiet nightly confessions and a sea of ​​compliments. But the idyll is soon coming to an end. As soon as a man begins to look at other women, even if they are unavailable, like Hollywood actresses, the relationship can be put to an end.

A woman born under the sign of Aries is usually incredibly pure and transparent. She doesn’t even have the thought of betrayal, since Aries usually tries with all his might to save the family. But if she really falls in love, nothing can be done about it. At the same time, she will not forgive her husband’s betrayal and will quickly say goodbye to him.

Leo does not know the words of love and fidelity. They are greedy for flattery and beauty, and if in Everyday life This is not enough for them, they go looking elsewhere. Soon, going left becomes a habit, and it is almost impossible to stop it. Leo does not hide his lover, sometimes bragging about her to friends and partners. He apologizes to his wife with many expensive gifts.

For a Leo woman, cheating means trampling herself into the dirt. But at the same time, not a single lioness will refuse light, non-binding flirting. But only disappointment in her other half can force her to take the path of betrayal. Leo will not hide anything and will immediately leave, talking about the new relationship.

A Sagittarius man will never cheat. He will remain faithful to his love until he finally stops loving the woman. At the same time, she treats her betrayals calmly, is ready to forgive everything at any moment and start the relationship over again.

Women of this sign love freedom, romance and sensuality more than anything else. They value sincerity and transparency. She can be pushed to cheat only by a discrepancy in temperament with her other half.

Earth traitors

Zodiac signs under the auspices of the earth are:

The Taurus man is not prone to cheating at all; his ideal life is one he loves until the very end. Therefore, they approach the choice of a partner very responsibly. But if he was nevertheless caught in adultery, it means that there was a major discord in their family. They are easy to recognize: lack of plans and constant advice. At the same time, loyalty according to their zodiac sign is so strong that Taurus may become depressed due to betrayal.

Female Taurus women are often faithful and unwavering in their decision. There are only two reasons for their betrayal: the desire to prove that she is still sexy, or sincere love. At the same time, they are loyal to their husband’s infidelity. If they find out, they will try to figure it out and solve the problem.

The horoscope of fidelity according to the zodiac sign says that Capricorns can easily commit treason for the sake of advancement in career ladder. They also have nothing against the services of hired women. If they are exposed, they will try to resolve the conflict peacefully and maintain relations with their wife. They do not disdain any means.

For Capricorn women, male infidelity in any form is unacceptable. They themselves also try not to change, but a gust of strong passion or true love sometimes doesn't give women a choice. After the incident, they are tormented by their conscience for some time, but this does not prevent them from repeating the betrayal.

The Virgo man is usually constant and consistent, so he plans betrayals carefully and in advance, but only if there are compelling excuses. This can be a lack or absence of sex. If exposed, he will not apologize, and if his wife constantly reminds and reproaches, she will leave the family.

Air treason

The elements of air include:

The Gemini man leads a very wild life until the age of three. Flirting and foreplay are considered the most attractive in relationships. For them, one-time sex is not cheating. The reason for the festivities is hatred of monotony and boredom. You can recognize them by their extraordinary quietness and calmness.

A Gemini woman will easily indulge in infidelity if she is bored or if she meets a very handsome and charismatic man along the way. When they learn about their husband’s infidelity, they do not go for a divorce, but try to understand the causes of the phenomenon and eliminate them.

Libras always find it difficult to control themselves. They quickly get tired of everyday life and thus decide to live in an eternal holiday. Most often, rude and aggressive women are cheated on; softness and femininity are valued in a partner.

Libra women constantly need manifestations of love and attention. In the absence of interest in a partner, they begin to cheat on him. Sex is perceived only as physical pleasure and rarely opens the soul.

A man born under the sign of Aquarius does not like secret relationships and dates, but for the sake of interest he still enters into them. They are not inclined to love for a long time. If, as a result of infidelity, their marriage breaks up, they will quickly find a new replacement for the wife.

Aquarians value their own freedom very much and do not approve of stupid, causeless jealousy. At the same time, they will not forgive their partner even a slight affair. If they really love you, they won’t go to the left. Aquarius who cheated will never be able to explain the reasons for this - they remain a mystery to everyone.

Water fidelity

Water element signs include:

The Cancer man is usually loyal and constant. They are against divorce and want to maintain their inner peace and balance. Cancer's betrayals often remain incomprehensible even to himself. Usually he cheats with purposeful and self-confident women, or with ladies who perfectly create family comfort and know how to maintain a hearth.

Women are loyal and reliable; only something very serious can push them to cheat. She needs attention and love, otherwise she feels unloved and cheats. He hides himself very carefully, but betrays himself by constant nervousness.

Scorpios are devoted to stability, so they avoid possible divorce with all their might. Sex is not cheating for him, but, having learned about the same act of his wife, he will not forgive her. They are inclined to take revenge on a painful and large scale.

The horoscope states that the Scorpio woman never remains with the same partner, often changing them. At the same time, he carefully and carefully hides all betrayals, because no matter what, he values ​​family and family ties.

Pisces always dream of their ideal, which exists only in their heads. Pisces cheats if it does not receive proper spiritual support at home. But usually he gets disappointed, suffers and returns for the second half.

Women of this sign are not amorous, but if love has befallen them, then it cannot be stopped. Gives oneself to the new feeling completely and without reserve. Buys into sentimentality beautiful words and gestures, manifestations of romance.

Determining infidelity by the zodiac sign of a man or woman is actually not that difficult.

But you shouldn't always trust the stars. Remember: unreasonable suspicions will only cause anger and, perhaps, provoke betrayal. Therefore, if you were able to determine betrayal by a man’s zodiac sign, it is better to keep an eye on your soul mate and only then act.

Loyalty according to the zodiac for men and women. Zodiac signs: fidelity in relationships

The beginning of a relationship is always remembered with special tenderness and trepidation. This is a romantic time when no one knows what an innocent affair will lead to. And, of course, they don’t even think about how strong the union will become. Can someone who is so devotedly in love change? However, people are prone to weaknesses. Of course, it is impossible to predict the development of a love story. But it is still possible to determine the tendency to cheat. For this, astrologers have developed a special horoscope. It allows you to determine the fidelity of men and women according to the zodiac.

What is the zodiac loyalty of a representative of this sign? As long as he is satisfied with everything, there is no doubt about his loyalty. He will be sentimental and romantic. But if his beloved disappoints as a person, ceases to be a support, or turns out to be overly demanding, this man will go looking for new love passions. He can have several “girlfriends”, visiting them on a schedule.

And while he is attracted only by “physiology,” the other half does not even know about her husband’s adventures. But if Aries meets another “love”, he will immediately file for divorce. A man will not live on two families.

Her betrayal was dictated by a coincidence of circumstances. The Aries woman will break fidelity only when life completely overwhelms her, and there is no mutual understanding with her husband. She is just tired, so she is able to have an affair with a random stranger. But such a romance is fleeting and she needs it only for relaxation.

Taurus rarely loses his head

If the chosen one is a representative of this sign, then you are guaranteed fidelity according to the zodiac. It is extremely difficult for Taurus men to change anything in their lives, because they are simply too lazy to deal with these issues. However, such a person is still capable of treason. But only if the person who intends to win him actively and aggressively seeks his predisposition.

He is capable of leaving his family and throwing himself headlong into love, but not for long. This man will still return to his wife.

She loves beautiful courtship. And this can lead to betrayal. But if a Taurus woman sincerely loves her chosen one, then there is simply no point in suspecting her of infidelity.

Gemini is a windy sign

He positions himself as the best “gift” in his wife’s life. But if we talk about fidelity by zodiac sign, these men are distinguished by the highest degree of frivolity. They are promiscuous in their relationships.

For them, it is not a reliable rear that is important, but variety. Therefore, such men can have many mistresses.

A representative of the sign who loves her man will never cheat. But if the feelings have already faded away, the Gemini woman will not even hide the lover who has appeared in her life.

And know: if you yourself were unfaithful to her, then, in her opinion, betrayal should not outrage you.

Cancers are beautiful, but sometimes unfaithful

If we consider the entire horoscope of fidelity of the zodiac signs, the Cancer man is the least inclined to cheat.

If he decides to “go left,” then he chooses one mistress with whom he is able to maintain a relationship for a long time. Moreover, she will be the complete opposite of her wife.

A representative of this sign can openly talk about her affair. But she does this completely unconsciously. A woman who constantly expects a miracle from you strives to show you her rich inner world, to make you understand how she can love.

Leos are a model of fidelity

Looking at the representatives of this sign, one gets the impression that they certainly have a lover on the side. However, it is Leo men who are extremely rarely unfaithful. They are not prone to promiscuous relationships, because they are lazy from birth and do not want to create additional difficulties.

He would rather prefer to break up with the woman he loves if she becomes overly intrusive than to cheat.

What will fidelity be according to the Zodiac? For Leo women, the main criteria for behavior are naturalness and openness. A representative of this sign will freely allow her loved one to answer calls on her mobile phone and read emails.

If cheating happens, she will never directly talk about it, and will make it clear in every possible way that it is absolutely none of your business.

Virgo - reliability and practicality

You can count on loyalty according to your zodiac, because men of this sign are quite squeamish and overly clean. Therefore, casual sex does not attract them at all.

If they do not find understanding and recognition in the family, they will begin to look closely at other women, trying to find the ideal lover whom they did not see in their spouse.

If she lacks drive in her life, then Virgo is quite capable of cheating. Periodically make her worry and jealous, but only for frivolous reasons. At the same time, you must always remain an ideal for her.

As soon as you stop being an idol, a sparkle will appear in this woman’s eyes, and a mysterious smile will play on her lips. But even in this situation, it is still possible to save the marriage. Give her the drive she needs.

Libra - patronage of Venus

They don't even try to be faithful. These men go to the left quite often. Moreover, if their betrayal is dictated only by sporting interest, then the spouse will not know about anything.

But if a man falls in love, he will absolutely calmly leave his wife and rush headlong into a new romance. Libras often change their partners because they have been looking for the ideal all their lives. Sometimes such a search becomes the meaning of life.

She will never lie. But rest assured that at the stage of a romantic relationship, you are not the only one who shows affection to this young lady. Therefore, she carefully looks at the candidates for election and makes her choice.

But what will it be like in the family? What does the fidelity horoscope according to her zodiac sign say about her? The Libra woman is a true example of fidelity. You can be completely calm. If she chooses you, then other men will simply cease to exist for her.

Are Scorpios the best?

These are true gourmets in matters of love. Therefore, they are not characterized by promiscuous relationships. If there is a woman next to Scorpio who completely satisfies him, then he will never go to the left. However, remember that he should not be bored.

Scorpio himself will not forgive his beloved’s betrayal and will not tolerate denial of intimacy. Follow these rules, and you will find the most faithful representative of the zodiac.

She won't cheat. If you do not match her character, such a lady will simply leave or throw you out the door.

And remember: female fidelity by zodiac sign largely depends on the partner. If you do not give her a reason to be jealous, surround her with devotion, she will gladly give you all of herself. There is no point in doubting her loyalty.

Sagittarians are constant experimenters

He is a very devoted husband and an excellent family man. But, alas, he cheats on his wife. However, he perceives connections on the side as adventures. They are not of fundamental importance and are regarded by Sagittarius at the level of creative hobbies and communication with friends.

Over time, the Man becomes fed up and loses interest in going to the left. That's when he becomes truly faithful. In addition, it is important for him that people are waiting for him at home. Sagittarius understands that he has never had such a good time with anyone as he does with you. Therefore, the need for betrayal simply loses its meaning.

She can accept even the most reckless husband back into the family. However, only in one case: if she really felt good with this man.

To make sure of the exclusivity of her beloved, the Sagittarius woman is capable of a “fleeting comparison.”

Capricorn - true stability

If we consider all the signs of the zodiac, fidelity in relationships on the part of Capricorns is a constant. A man is very careful in choosing his wife. He, in search of an ideal wife, is capable of promiscuous relationships. Having found the one with whom he will marry, Capricorn will completely lose interest in cheating, especially if the woman holds a higher position or can help him with his career.

A representative of this sign will not lie in a global sense. However, sometimes it can hide some details. For example, going to a bachelorette party. The explanation for this behavior is quite logical. She didn’t do anything inappropriate there.

The Capricorn woman should not be interrogated, because she chose you as her life partner. Therefore, she doesn't need anyone else.

Aquarius. The main thing is freedom

It is difficult to call it true. Such men cheat not only physically, but also in thoughts. He necessarily compares each of his subsequent women with the previous one. And he does it out loud. Therefore, be prepared that you will have to compete with a ghost from his past, and not with a real lover.

If Aquarius meets a new love, he will leave the family without even giving any explanation.

What does the horoscope of fidelity promise according to your zodiac sign? The Aquarius woman is capable of holding back. She vitally needs personal space. She values ​​herself highly and is quite capable of having an affair.

But her betrayal is regarded by her as something insignificant. An affair is started, rather, “for show,” so it does not have much significance for Aquarius.

Pisces – soulfulness and sensuality

These representatives have a peculiar attitude towards loyalty. Pisces have connections on the side and are even willing to commit treason. Especially if there is an inexperienced girl nearby who can easily be fooled. Pisces men prefer inexpensive and easy novels.

At the same time, they demand fidelity from their chosen one. Pisces carefully hide their adventures from their family; they will never prefer a mistress if they have the opportunity to be with their family.

She is a victim of feelings. A Pisces woman will only cheat if she truly falls in love. However, even this does not always push her onto the path of betrayal. If she feels that she can trust her new lover, she will give herself to him without reserve.

Pisces women rarely commit physical infidelity; most often their infidelity is spiritual. But if she allows another man into her life, she will go to him forever.


Analyzing fidelity by zodiac, we can admit that Cancers, Capricorns and Virgos are less prone to betrayal. However, do not forget that there are exceptions to any rule. After all, character is formed not only under the influence of the Sun, it is also influenced by the location of other planets. Therefore, you can meet very loyal Libras and Geminis.

Male fidelity by zodiac sign

There is no woman who would not dream of the most, most devoted man! Yes, because this desire is completely normal! Moreover, it is also true for men. Therefore, we will not beat around the bush for a long time, because it is not possible to consider each individual individual; let us turn to the help of astrology and the zodiac circle.

Loyalty of men according to zodiac signs:

Aries's loyalty

Taurus loyalty

Gemini's loyalty

Loyalty of Cancers

Loyalty Lviv

Virgo's loyalty

Libra's loyalty

Loyalty of Scorpios

Sagittarius' loyalty

Loyalty of Capricorns

Loyalty of Aquarius

Fidelity of Pisces

Zodiac signs and marital fidelity

Do you want to know how faithful representatives of different zodiac signs are to each other? Especially for you, we have compiled a rating in descending order, starting with the most faithful people.

1st place. Scorpio ranks first in marital fidelity, and this is the case when the external impression of a person can be deceptive. Representatives of this zodiac sign emanate powerful sexual energy, but Scorpio has everything under control. For him, a loved one becomes the center of the universe, and it would seem that this should be the key to a strong connection, but in reality it often happens differently.

A Scorpio in love, be it a man or a woman, does everything to completely take possession of his partner, without leaving him even a minimal amount of personal space. Scorpio is jealous like no one else, he is the first owner, whose feelings are never divided in half. If he loves, he will be faithful to his husband or wife, not allowing betrayal even in his thoughts. If his pride is hurt by his spouse’s lies, the relationship is most likely no longer salvageable.

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Read more about Scorpio here.

2nd place. As in the case of the representative of the previous zodiac sign, the temperamental and sexually uninhibited Aries does not outwardly give the impression of being a good girl, but this does not prevent him from being faithful to his wife or husband. Aries can only cheat on his wife out of very deep resentment for his loved one’s affair on the side, but in this situation he will not be a villain, but a victim, since due to remorse he will not be able to eat or sleep.

Family values ​​for a faithful Aries have always been and will always come first. He is extremely frank with his partner, but demands complete reciprocity and cannot tolerate ambiguous situations and understatement. Aries is one of the most jealous signs of the zodiac, who, after his spouse’s betrayal, will not consider it necessary to make attempts to save the marriage.

If it happens that a family Aries becomes seriously interested in someone, then his spouse will be the first to know about it. For Aries, betrayal is too low.

Video: ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Read more about Aries here.

3rd place. Taurus extremely rarely cheat on their husbands and wives, but not because of high moral principles. These people are simply too lazy to change anything in their lives, and even more so, to spend their energy searching for adventure. They greatly value an established way of life and a spouse who is able to give them emotional stability.

Taurus's conservatism also extends to his attitude towards sex. For the sake of new sensations, this person will definitely not jeopardize his family life- He doesn’t see any point in it. If it does happen that Taurus cheats on his wife or husband, this will mean only one thing - he was unable to resist the pressure of a persistent admirer. However, this relationship is unlikely to be long - a double life implies lying and constantly covering up tracks, and this is not part of Taurus’s plans.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Read more about Taurus here.

4th place. Virgos love order in everything, and personal life this also applies. A lover for every self-respecting Virgo is like the fifth wheel of a cart, in which, firstly, there is no point, and secondly, he needs to be given attention and your precious time.

Like other representatives of the earth element, Virgos value stability very much, so they will not risk it without good reasons. Virgo will definitely not chase new sexual sensations, and if she has an affair, it means that this person has serious plans for a new partner.

Before deciding to divorce her husband, Virgo will first make sure that the new relationship will give her more opportunities. It will take some time to make a decision, since not a single Virgo will act spontaneously, which means that the double life will drag on a little. It is almost impossible to convict this person of treason - he will find a way to convince his spouse of his fidelity.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Read more about Virgo here.

5th place. Capricorns are not attracted to casual sexual relationships. They need someone to live with in whom they can be confident, but for their part they usually give less than they receive from their partner. Capricorn is a master of playing a subtle game and keeping his wife or husband under invisible control, inspiring trust, but few succeed in winning him over to reciprocal frankness.

It is not typical for Capricorn to find hobbies on the side - first he matures psychological readiness to betrayal, and only then he decides to actively search for an “alternate airfield”, without getting a divorce. New novel on the side promises to be long-lasting, and Capricorn will choose the one in whom he sees more benefit (which one depends on individual qualities his nature).

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Read more about Capricorn here.

6th place. A young, unmarried Aquarius can lead a wild lifestyle, but having made his choice, he is unlikely to consciously seek adventure on the side. This person is open to the world around him and finds pleasure in communication, so in principle he is not capable of suffering from boredom.

However, Aquarius cannot be called a stable person. Changes in his life always happen unexpectedly, and not only for those around him, but also for himself. Tired of being faithful to his wife or husband, Aquarius at first can make do with casual relationships, the significance of which he still has no clear idea of. This will continue until someone interested in Aquarius begins to fight for their happiness.

A representative of the air element can behave neutrally, as if giving his wife and mistress the opportunity to take part in the race. In fact, he does this not because of a weak character, but rather out of curiosity. It is likely that, unexpectedly for both of them, he will find a third option for himself, or even decide to remain alone. Unpredictability is the eternal companion of the charming Aquarius, to whom the opposite sex is unable to feel indifference.

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Read more about Aquarius here.

7th place. For Gemini, the length of married life does not matter - they are only interested in the quality of the relationship. If everything suits them, they will live quite well without incident. Twins long years can be happy in marriage without physically cheating on their husband or wife, but periodically flirting with members of the opposite sex. Usually, this is quite enough for them, and they do not move on to active actions.

Gemini can decide to commit real betrayal if they are tired of everything and they no longer value their marriage. Representatives of this zodiac sign can turn a blind eye to an oppressive spouse, not taking him to heart - they do not like to make scandals, but perceive quarrels and jealousy as part of a living relationship. If Gemini is faced with indifference or tedious reading of morality, they will begin to look for an option on the side, without getting a divorce. As soon as this option is presented to them, they will very quickly decide to divorce. A protracted affair on the side is not included in their plans.

Video: GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Read more about Gemini here.

8th place. Quiet and family-oriented Cancers give the impression of being a very faithful zodiac sign. When they get married, they never even think about having an affair, but if married life does not live up to their hopes, their ideals crumble, and their claims to themselves become fewer and fewer.

It is very important for Cancer to feel like a decent person, and besides this, he is squeamish and afraid of any infection, so casual sexual relationships are out of the question. When cheating on his wife or husband, Cancer puts his whole soul into it.

The reason for Cancer's betrayal is usually mutual understanding (sometimes only apparent) with someone from his environment. New acquaintances are of no interest to him, even if they have a bright appearance and pronounced sexuality.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Read more about Cancer here.

9th place. To feel complete comfort, Libra needs a person who completely shares their interests, that is, intelligent and able to appreciate beauty. Their life together could contain both love and fidelity, but during difficulties it quickly becomes clear that there is no one to solve them. That is why Libra tries to start a family with a resourceful and self-confident representative of the opposite sex.

Libras are rarely happy with their spouse - their demands on him are contradictory, and the golden mean would hardly suit them due to the lack of pronounced qualities of nature. As a result, they are constantly missing something, and they begin to doubt their choices.

If Libra has an affair on the side, it will be long and sluggish. Making a decision is not easy for a representative of this zodiac sign, so he will hesitate until one of his partners makes a decision for him.

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Read more about Libra here.

10th place. If Leo is satisfied with everything, he is quite capable of maintaining marital fidelity. A representative of this zodiac sign may decide to cheat because of emotional hunger or indifference on the part of the husband or wife.

Leo needs admiration like air, he must feel loved and desired, and if his spouse is not able to give him these feelings, Leo will find them on the side. At the same time, he will not make any attempts to hide the fact of betrayal, and may well be absent from home for long nights or conduct love correspondence almost in front of his other half.

When asked if a third corner has appeared in his life, Leo will answer openly. He always decides for himself who to stay with, and no benefit or stability will be an advantage for him. For Leo, the most important thing is the emotions that a partner can give him.

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Read more about Leo here.

11th place. Romantic and charming Pisces know how to please the opposite sex without doing anything for it. Looking into their eyes, you may feel that only with them you can experience real feelings and plunge headlong into the ocean of love and tenderness. Don’t rush to rejoice - not only you think so, but even more important is what Pisces themselves think about this.

There is no depravity in the representatives of this zodiac sign, but their thoughts are often far from reality. Pisces need an ideal that they have invented for themselves, in order to live only by it and only for it, to be faithful to it, and to grow old on the same pillow. Since all mere mortals have not only advantages, but also disadvantages, Pisces are often disappointed and continue to seek their happiness, while remaining legally married.

Pisces are much more likely than other zodiac signs to get married and divorced. Their families most often collapse due to betrayals that Pisces themselves decide to commit.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Read more about Pisces here.

12th place. Here we come to the most unfaithful sign of the zodiac - Sagittarius takes first place in terms of the number of betrayals. In order for a representative of this zodiac sign to remain faithful to his spouse, his interest must be constantly maintained and new experiences must be given to him. Sagittarians cannot stand stagnation in events and boredom, so they often satisfy their emotional hunger through communication with the opposite sex. Marital status is not a hindrance for them.

Sagittarius does not expect anything from sex new level quality, but a charge of energy associated with risk. What excites him most is the possibility of being caught, so if a Sagittarius cheats, he does it brazenly. Having received the long-awaited sip " fresh air“, a representative of this zodiac sign may well continue his family life with his previous partner, if, of course, the latter is satisfied with this option.