Victoria Valerievna Abramchenko is the new head of the Rosreestr. Victoria Abramchenko: “Rosreestr is improving the investment climate” 

According to Rosreestr, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov and Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexey Ulyukaev introduced the new head of the department, Victoria Abramchenko, to the staff of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr). Victoria Abramchenko, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, was appointed Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - Head of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography.

“Rosreestr faces an important task - to help businesses develop and the state to protect the title of the owner. With a protected title of the owner, the department also has the function of creating a high-quality database of real estate so that the tax service can see how to charge tax on it,” noted First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov.

The Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Alexey Ulyukaev, noted that the creation of this position will make it possible to combine the regulatory work that is being carried out at the ministry’s site with the practical work to create a unified real estate information system carried out by Rosreestr. Alexey Ulyukaev said that Victoria Abramchenko will supervise the work of the Real Estate Department at the Russian Ministry of Economic Development.

Victoria Abramchenko thanked the First Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Economic Development for their trust. “The Service faces a difficult task - we must ensure the creation of a unified real estate registration system in a short period of time, 2.5 months. The second important task of Rosreestr is to ensure the quality of data from the unified real estate register, which is necessary for the effective development of the real estate market,” noted Victoria Abramchenko.

Victoria Abramchenko has been working in the field of land and property relations since 1998. Before her appointment as head of Rosreestr, she held the position of State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. In 2011 - 2012, Victoria Abramchenko worked as deputy head of Rosreestr.

The event, where the new head of Rosreestr was introduced, was attended by the leadership of the central office of Rosreestr, its subordinate institutions and territorial bodies.

Brief biography of Victoria Abramchenko:

In 1998 she graduated from Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University. In 2004 - Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

In 1998 - 2000, she worked in the Committee on Land Resources and Land Management of Roskomzem.

In 2000 - 2001 she worked at the Federal State Institution “Land Cadastral Chamber”.

In 2001 - 2005, she held various positions, including the position of deputy head of department at Roszemkadastre and Rosnedvizhimost.

In 2005 - 2011, she held various positions in the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, including the position of Deputy Director of the Real Estate Department of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development.

In 2011 - 2012 - Deputy Head of Rosreestr.

In 2012 - 2015 - Director of the Department of Land Policy, Property Relations and State Property of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

In 2015-2016, she worked as Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

She was awarded a certificate of honor from the Government of the Russian Federation, a certificate of honor from the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and a letter of gratitude from the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2014 No. 498).

He critically assessed the current state of the system, emphasizing that the situation in it is very difficult.

“We are concerned about what is happening in general with the Rosreestr system in the country. And we wanted everything to end up the same as with the Federal Tax Service, so that subjective judgments and official intervention would become minimal, a lot would be done by the machine,” - he specified.

Shuvalov emphasized that it is necessary to “stop the situation in which every appointment of a regional head of Rosreestr in a subject is accompanied by a “mortal battle.” And he especially focused on the problem of performing cadastral functions, noting that “a lot of money was wasted, and there is still no information resource No".

The head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Alexey Ulyukaev, also focused on specific tasks. “I would ask to sort out the duplication of functions with the Federal Cadastral Chamber, with the transfer of some tasks to the regional level,” he listed.

Victoria Abramchenko, speaking to Rosreestr employees, was also extremely specific. “I would like the service to be transparent and effective. We must ensure the implementation of Law 218 (on state registration of real estate - RG) in a short time, within 2.5 months. Another key date is January 1, 2018, when the quality of data and their quantity in the Unified State Register of Real Estate will determine whether it will become a brake or a catalyst for market development,” she said.

“I would first of all expect reform related to registration chambers in the regions,” says Elena Ivankina, dean of the Faculty of Real Estate Economics and Land Use Problems at RANEPA. If in Moscow, she continues, multifunctional centers have solved many problems in this area, then in the constituent entities people are still queuing up almost from five in the morning.

In addition, there are many more internal issues, the expert believes. “There are areas where the combined efforts of geographic information and real estate technologies are needed to take into account all real estate, even if people for some reason do not want to register it,” the expert outlines the range of tasks.

Business card

Victoria Valerievna Abramchenko was born in 1975.

She has a higher education, graduated from Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University in 1998, and from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation in 2004.

Her biography also includes the Committee on Land Resources and Land Management of Roskomzem, from which Victoria Abramchenko began her professional career, the Federal State Institution "Land Cadastral Chamber", Roszemkadastr, Rosnedvizhimost and the Ministry of Economic Development. Victoria Abramchenko returns to Rosreestr for the second time - in 2011-2012 she already worked as deputy head of the federal service.

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class.

Post-election personnel changes continue. Including in structures directly related to the construction industry. Thus, the State Secretary and Deputy Minister of Agriculture can become the head of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) Victoria Abramchenko. As Kommersant assures, citing its sources in the Cabinet Office, her candidacy has been approved by the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Economy, and the nomination will be sent for approval to the Government in the near future. At her new job, she will need to pay special attention to anti-corruption practices.

The personnel issue seems to have already been practically resolved: the candidacy of Ms. Abramchenko suited the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Alexey Ulyukaev, all necessary documents have been sent for approval to the Government of the Russian Federation.

The question of a new head of Rosreestr remained open since July 28, when its previous head Igor Vasiliev was appointed and O. Governor of the Kirov Region instead of the one dismissed “due to loss of trust” Nikita Belykh. Several candidates were considered for the position. Among them was, for example, the head of the property relations department of the Russian Ministry of Defense Dmitry Kurakin. He was actively supported by the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, who worked with him in St. Petersburg and retained business contacts.

Alexey Ulyukaev looked closely at his deputy Igor Reva, but his appointment was not supported by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov and Assistant to the President of Russia for Economic Affairs Andrey Belousov.

Finally, the third candidate, closer to the audience of ZaNoStroy.RF, is the charming head of NAMICS Elena Nikolaeva. The ex-speaker of the State Duma, and now the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service, allegedly asked for her Sergey Naryshkin. However, here too, administrative fate turned away from Elena Leonidovna - the post was not approved due to her lack of experience in relevant departments. After all, we are talking about an office that is directly related to military structures, with its own specifics. So the beautiful and wise Elena, who was recently wooed to the position of head of NOSTROY, can only sympathize - having not received a mandate in the State Duma of the 7th convocation, she has not yet entered the executive power structure. However, the editors of our portal do not doubt for a minute that Elena Nikolaeva will not have to sit on the bench for long - specialists with her experience, charm and professional skills do not remain idle for long.

OUR HELP. Victoria Abramchenko was born in 1975, in 2011 - 2012 she worked at Rosreestr with the rank of deputy. Before that, she was involved in cadastral and property affairs for almost ten years. From 2012 to 2015, she worked in the Ministry of Agriculture as director of the department of land policy, property relations and state property, and from July 24, 2015 she became Deputy Minister of Agriculture Alexandra Tkacheva. Friends describe her as a “high-quality and meticulous specialist.” It is expected that she will be tasked with implementing anti-corruption policies in the structures of Rosreestr.

Your ZaNoStroy.RF

P.S. As it became known, today, October 13, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov introduced the new head of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) - Victoria Abramchenko. The corresponding resolution was signed on October 11. “Victoria Valerievna, I congratulate you, I ask you to accept the team,” -

The Unified Register of Real Estate is in operation. Registration has become simpler, thereby improving the investment climate. What other changes have occurred in real estate registration, and how have they affected the business climate? About this in an interview with the head of Rosreestr Victoria Abramchenko.

Victoria Valerievna, what has changed in the registration system with the entry into force of the law on state registration of real estate on January 1? What key points can you highlight? Victoria Abramchenko: Professionals in the real estate market and participants from Rosreestr - my colleagues who work in the system say that this is the final point in the reform of the system, and the law is large and ambitious. But for business representatives, for citizens, what exactly has the law brought into the lives of business representatives and citizens? First. What we need to talk about is halving the time required for carrying out registration procedures. That is, both registration of rights and cadastral registration are now legally carried out in half the time. The second thing we need to talk about is the combination of procedures. Now, with one application, you can carry out both accounting and registration of rights. This also saves time and effort, and document packages become simpler. And one more important point. We have gained the opportunity to carry out ex-territorial registration. I just wanted to clarify this with you, what does it consist of? Victoria Abramchenko: Ex-territorial registration consists of the following: if your property is located in Khabarovsk, and you live in Moscow, you do not need to fly to Khabarovsk in order to conclude a purchase and sale transaction. You can submit a package of documents in Moscow for a facility located in Khabarovsk. Moreover, Law 218 gives us the opportunity as a service to develop this service - ex-territorial registration and cadastral registration. We can talk about carrying out registration and registration actions not only at the location of the property, but also in any of our offices, where the registrars of rights are currently less busy. For us, this makes it possible to manage the load on the system from the federal center, this is very important. Rosreestr states that one of its main tasks is to improve the investment climate. What do you mean by this concept? Victoria Abramchenko: Rosreestr is part of the Ministry of Economic Development and, of course, for us, as a service that reports to the Ministry of Economic Development, it is very important to really talk about the investment climate. From the point of view of cadastral registration and registration of rights, first of all it is necessary to talk about the transition to electronic services. These are contactless technologies that also allow us to fight corruption within the system, and this is very important. The second direction that needs to be discussed is the development of the MFC network. We are fulfilling the roadmap indicators for closing reception windows in the structural divisions of Rosreestr, and by the end of 2017 we must also close the reception windows of the Cadastral Chamber, but not to the detriment of the applicant. That is, we close our reception windows if the same windows open at the MFC. And another very important area is the quality of the information in the registers themselves. Information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, as I said above, summarizes information about rights and objects. So, with regard to objects, unfortunately, such experience has been accumulated that more than half of the land plots do not have precise boundaries. Well, more precisely, half of the land plots do not have precise boundaries. And in order for the investment attractiveness of the regions to truly be such, it is necessary that the boundaries of the plots appear in the real estate register. We felt this problem very acutely on the territory of the constituent entities of the Far Eastern District when we launched the implementation of Law 119 on the Far Eastern hectare. Citizens must receive a Far Eastern hectare and at the same time be sure that they are not laying claim to the land of another owner. And when there are no exact boundaries, then, strictly speaking, this risk increases. What if it’s closer to Moscow? I know that the Moscow region, it cannot be said, was a problematic region, but it had its shortcomings. Like now? Victoria Abramchenko: Now the situation is leveling out, and here I want to say a word of gratitude to the government of the Moscow region. We are indeed implementing a very interesting project together with the government. This is a project-based approach to providing services to businesses engaged in construction in the Moscow region. The point is that business representatives receive all services, firstly, in one place. This is such a single chain, from obtaining a construction permit to registering the right to the completed construction of a property. And the second thing we need to talk about is, of course, the huge volume of registration activities in the Moscow region. In two months of this year, we managed to reach the standard deadlines for providing these services. As of December last year and January of this year, the situation was indeed very difficult. but now we've managed. Tell me, for example, as a land owner, can I go to some personal account? And what can I see there, if so? Victoria Abramchenko: Personal account is a new service, which also became available with the entry into force of Law 218. And your personal account allows you, as the copyright holder, firstly, to see all the information about your objects, if you have several of them. Next, you can view the history of information about your property. And we want to develop the service of the copyright holder’s personal account to the possibility of filing an application to correct any errors if you suddenly see them. Next, a very important point is informing in the form of SMS messages about what is happening with your property. that is, if you are registered in your personal account, then an additional option is SMS notification. Another important thing is that you can submit a statement about the impossibility of performing registration actions with your real estate. This is important, without my personal participation. Victoria Abramchenko: Without your personal participation, yes. Tell me, is there something similar to a citizen’s personal account for professionals, for cadastral engineers? Victoria Abramchenko: There is the same personal account for a cadastral engineer. And the personal account of a cadastral engineer is an absolutely necessary and even mandatory thing for registering rights to real estate. We are now, together with several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the Moscow Government, agreeing that it will not be possible to issue a permit for the commissioning of a real estate property if the cadastral engineer does not confirm through his personal account that the technical plan containing a description of that very object real estate is prepared correctly. Why are we talking about this? Yes, because statistics for two months of work this year showed that 77% of technical and boundary plans prepared by cadastral engineers are defective. That is, unfortunately, this is the future of registration suspensions and refusals to register rights. Therefore, we insist that cadastral engineers use their personal account without fail, and that the regions hear us that there is no need to issue permission to enter if the description of the object contains certain defects. And there is such a tool for checking as a personal account.

Officials who have not complied with the law “On State Registration of Real Estate” by January 1, 2017 promise to operate the Unified State Register of Real Estate services by March 8. Experts say that Victoria Abramchenko’s officials will not make anyone happy on “Women’s Day.”

Let us recall that in 2014-2016, 1.6 billion rubles were spent on a program that should unite the State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN) and the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRP) called the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). . It was not introduced on time by January 1 of this year. As it turned out, for 2017 an additional (!) 821 million rubles were allocated from the budget for the program.

But as it turned out, nothing was done. Experts note that the same contractors and officials are working on the program, only under the leadership of Victoria Abramchenko, who was appointed back in October 2016. Now Rosreestr “says” that “everything will be done” by March 8th.

Moreover, it is impossible to use the State Tax Code with the Unified State Register. And this is happening not only in the Altai Territory, where they are “sounding the alarm,” but everywhere.

Victoria Valerievna also actually mocks: “What are the complaints related to? Citizens and businesses are accustomed to receiving Rosreestr information quickly by accessing the resource through the Rosreestr website. Unfortunately, these portal solutions within the framework of the new law could not be introduced simultaneously from January 9, the first working day of the new year. We are currently working to ensure that all absolutely portal services of Rosreestr are launched, and this will be ready by March 8,” Abramchenko said.

And the complaints, Victoria Valerievna, are related to the fact that it is in no way possible to use the services!

What’s interesting is that the department’s employees are prohibited from commenting on the situation in any way, so Ms. Abramchenko, what are we hiding?

No registry

The merger of the State Property Committee with the Unified State Register was conceived in order to “create a reliable source of information about real estate, develop a unified accounting system (including with additional functions that ensure the acceptance of all types of electronic documents), which will not only reduce the specific resource intensity of the provision of public services in in the field of registration of rights and cadastral registration, but also to increase the tax base for real estate taxes.”

This was supposed to make life easier for individuals and legal entities. But as they say, “we wanted what was best, but it turned out as always.”

As we have already said, Abramchenko was appointed in October 2016, and despite the fact that according to the law (!) the reform should have been ready by January 1, the official only took up the problem in detail... in December. It was then that it turned out that “system errors were made during the design of the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN)”!

By the way, there is also an answer to the ban on Rosreestr employees talking about problems with the press or anyone else. The fact is that the Unified State Register was supposed to be introduced on January 1, the second mandatory date was January 9, on which nothing was done either. By the way, it turned out that “Rosreestr employees do not have practical skills in using the system,” this is according to Abramchenko herself! How did this even happen? Since 2014, there have been no trainings or consultations at all?! But they allocated a huge amount of money!

Who is guilty?

Nothing has been done because Rosreestr officials entered into an agreement of 1.6 billion rubles with AT Consulting. We especially note that the office’s subcontractors were Transdata and Regioncom.

What did Rosreestr do after Abramchenko came to power? The department directly entered into an agreement with former subcontractors of AT Consulting! Now they’re sure...they won’t do anything again. Transdata and Regioncom received a contract for 200 million rubles.

“We came to the conclusion that there were systemic errors at the entrance. So, it was probably impossible to design and begin work on such large systems. But, unfortunately, by October 11 (the day Abramchenko was appointed head of the department), nothing could be radically changed,” Abramchenko said.

Well, probably, it was possible to choose other performers, and not those who “blew everything”, right?


Victoria Valeryevna is not an official thrown into the breach of Rosreestr who is not familiar with the situation. She worked in the department from 2011-2012 as deputy head of the service!

It is worth recalling here that after Abramchenko’s departure, an audit was carried out, during which it turned out that during the official’s work there were: “violations in the amount of 23.9 billion rubles, including the misuse of 2.5 billion rubles,” says the report of the Accounts Chamber .

Moreover, in 2014, the Investigative Committee opened a case according to which Rosreestr officials overpaid 100 million rubles for tenders in 2011-2012.

But Victoria Valerievna does not give up, but sets new dates, and now the Unified State Register will supposedly start working by March 8th. Will Transdata and Regioncom be able to do what they couldn’t do in two years? Very doubtful. But it is known that an additional 821 million rubles were allocated for the project. So far, the companies have won a tender for 198 million rubles. The pressing question is whether Rosreestr officials and their contractors will be able to spend 619 million rubles before March and how much more will they need?