Analysis of marketing activities. Analysis of marketing activities (on the example of Elpa LLC)

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Chapter 1. Organization of marketing activities of a commercial enterprise

1.1 Goals, functions, results of the marketing activities of the enterprise

1.2. Strategic Marketing

1.3. Approaches to managing the marketing activities of an enterprise

Chapter 2. Analysis of the marketing activities of CCM in the market building materials Samara region

2.1. The main trends in the building materials market of the Samara region

2.2 Characteristics of the SMS

Chapter 3. Improving the management of CCM marketing activities

3.1 Opportunities for improving the management of marketing activities of the SMS

3.2. Setting the format of regular marketing in CCM





Marketing - important component management of a modern commercial company. Market or marketing orientation, as the ideology of the entire organization, which “awakens all parts of the company to focus primarily not on what is mastered, easily and habitually, but on what is in demand by the market”, becomes more and more dominant.

Marketing activity is reduced to four processes: the development of a product range, the formation of pricing policy, market research, promotion and sales. Thus, the organization of marketing activities in the enterprise is difficult task, since it is necessary to link with each other in a dynamic balance the internal resources of the company and the requirements external environment.

In addition, the organization of marketing in the company itself is the subject of a separate study, to which almost all well-known marketing gurus - F. Kotler and A. Aaker and others - devote no less space than the description of the nature and functioning of marketing as such. In addition, the problem of staging marketing at most Russian enterprises is exacerbated by the conflict of ideologies - marketing, with its focus on the consumer and the market; production, in which the priorities of production or product are at the forefront; marketing - where the main sales and marketing efforts.

The described situation fully characterizes the work of Samara Construction Materials LLC, which is under the influence of sales orientation. Having appeared in 2004 in the City of Samara in conditions of great demand for building materials, CSM found itself in the epicenter of demand and very quickly became the leader of the local market. It was the focus on the sale of quality goods that made it possible for the company to expand to the nearest regional markets - Samara, Novokuibyshevsk, Tolyatti, Chapaevsk.

However, over the past three years, the building materials market, as a promising and fast-growing one, especially in certain segments, has undergone significant changes, turning into an oversupply one. The competition is becoming very intense, the state of the building materials market is close to saturation, therefore, successful development on it will be associated with the predominance of marketing orientation, when enterprises trading in building materials are entirely focused on the interests of the consumer, building their production and network strategies for its capabilities and wishes. In order to ensure the competitiveness of Trade House "Samarskiye stroitel'nye materialy" CCM is faced with the task of restructuring its strategy, and to do it at the lowest cost and in daily operation.

The thesis is devoted to the actual and practically demanded topic of developing options for managing the marketing activities of CCM, taking into account the situational analysis and forecast of the regional building materials market. The purpose of the work is to propose and justify options for managing the marketing activities of the SMS.

The object of analysis and design is the management of the marketing activities of a commercial enterprise. The subject of design is the organization of marketing activities at Samara Construction Materials LLC with a predominance of marketing orientation.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Based on a wide range of scientific, practical and educational literature:

Describe the main components of marketing activities,

Formulate the main approaches to the development of an enterprise marketing strategy,

Conduct an analysis of approaches to managing the marketing activities of the enterprise.

Conduct an analysis of trends in the building materials market of Samara and the Samara region using the desk research method.

3. Based on the study of the marketing function of the SMS, comparison with marketing management at competitors' enterprises and observation:

To characterize the position of SSM in the building materials market of the Samara region,

Describe the management of marketing activities currently established at CCM,

Conduct a SWOT - SCM analysis

4. Offer options for improving the efficiency of marketing management on the SMS, taking into account the existing strengths and weaknesses, as well as the possibilities for its improvement.

The methodological basis for the work will be the works of distinguished marketers, in particular F. Kotler, D.A. Aaker, J. R. Rossiter, L. Percy; W. Wells, J. Burnet, D. Krevers, as well as Russian - Golubkova, V.N. Domnina.

The results of the work can be used by the CCM management to develop a strategy for the transition to a marketing, market orientation. In addition, the materials of the work will be useful for setting up a marketing management system for commercial enterprise, and in general enterprises associated with the construction industry.

The work may be of particular interest to companies operating in the building materials market in Samara and the Samara region.

In many large companies, there are separate specialists or entire marketing departments who are engaged in both the complete development and management of the entire marketing mix, as well as its individual components. However, a fairly large number of regional companies in strategic planning do not consider marketing orientation as a leading one, as a tool that can radically improve the efficiency of the entire enterprise, do not use the accumulated experience and knowledge of foreign and domestic leading enterprises in the markets. The material of the work, which systematically outlines the technology for designing the organization (management) of marketing in an enterprise, is relevant and in demand, since knowledge of these features can reduce the number of errors, improve the quality of marketing strategies, and therefore allow companies to achieve great commercial success.

Chapter 1. Organization of marketing activities of a commercial enterprise

1.1. Goals, functions, results and tools of the enterprise's marketing activities

The emergence of marketing as a specific management system, a method for solving production and market problems is “nothing but a response of an economic unit to such processes as the complication of the problem of production and sale of goods due to the rapid expansion of their range, rapid renewal, an unprecedented increase in production opportunities, frequent shifts in the nature and structure of market demand, its market fluctuations, and ever-increasing competition in the market.

The concept of "marketing" is based on the term "market". This concept is most general view implies market activity. Marketing is understood as a type of market activity in which the manufacturer uses a systematic approach and a program-target method for solving economic problems, and the market, its requirements and the nature of implementation are the criteria for performance.

The main idea in any definition is consumer orientation. At the same time, the task of marketing is not only to increase demand, but also to try to influence it so that it matches the supply.

Hello! In this article we will talk about such an important component of the marketing activities of an enterprise as marketing analysis.

Today you will learn:

  • What is a marketing analysis of an enterprise;
  • What are the stages of marketing analysis of the organization;
  • What are the methods and types of marketing analysis of the company;
  • How to apply marketing analysis by example.

What is marketing analysis

Any activity begins with planning. Planning, in turn, begins with analysis. The marketing activity of the enterprise is fully subject to these rules. Marketing analysis allows you to identify problems and find ways to solve them, provides basic information for making decisions regarding the marketing complex.

Without a well-conducted marketing analysis, you run the risk of encountering the following problems:

  • Get a product that will not be in demand;
  • Meet insurmountable "barriers" when entering the market and when selling products;
  • Face overwhelming for you;
  • Choose the wrong market segment and product positioning;
  • Make wrong decisions on each of the elements.

This is only a small part of the problems that await you if you neglect the marketing analysis of the enterprise.

Marketing analysis of the company – analysis of information obtained as a result of a variety of marketing research to make decisions regarding the marketing mix and the company's behavior in a competitive market.

Marketing research - activities for the systematic collection of information necessary for making marketing decisions.

Marketing research is divided into "field" and "desk".

Field marketing research involves the collection of primary information using one of the following methods:

  • Observation of the object of study. You can observe consumers in retail outlets, you can evaluate the display of goods and much more;
  • Experiment. For example, changing the price of a product in only one outlet in order to analyze the elasticity of demand. It is used to determine the influence of any factor on the purchase.
  • Interviewing. This includes various surveys (telephone, Internet, mail).

Desk research involves examining existing data. Sources can be both internal information (accounting data, databases, reports, plans) and external information (statistical data, data from marketing, production and trade associations, databases of independent organizations).

The main stages of the marketing analysis of the company

Marketing research and marketing analysis are inextricably linked.

It is possible to represent any analytical marketing activity of an enterprise in the form of four stages of marketing analysis:

  1. Marketing research planning. This stage includes setting the objectives of the marketing research, determining the type of research, determining the audience or sources of information, determining the place of research, preparing tools for conducting research, designating deadlines and budgeting;
  2. Collection of information. At this stage, there is a direct collection of information;
  3. Analysis of the collected information;
  4. Interpreting the received data into a report.

When conducting a full marketing analysis of a company, it is necessary to obtain and process information about the internal environment of the organization, the external environment of the organization and the meso-environment of the organization. When analyzing each of the environments, the specialist must go through the stages of marketing analysis described above.

Let's look at what methods and marketing analysis tools are used in the marketing analysis of each environment.

Types and methods of marketing analysis

There are four types of marketing analysis:

  • Marketing analysis of the external environment of the organization;
  • Marketing analysis of the meso-environment of the company;
  • Analysis of the internal marketing environment of the enterprise;
  • Portfolio analysis.

We will consider the methods of marketing analysis in the context of the type of marketing analysis in which they are applied. Let's start with an analysis of the external environment of the organization.

Methods for analyzing the external environment of the organization

External environment of the organization - the realities in which the organization operates.

The organization cannot change the external environment (but there are exceptions, for example, oil enterprises).

When analyzing the external environment of the organization, it is necessary to assess the attractiveness of the market. To assess the attractiveness of the market, it is effective to use such a method of marketing analysis as PESTEL-analysis.

Each letter in the name of the PESTEL analysis denotes an environmental factor that can either have a strong influence on the organization or not at all. Let's consider each factor.

P– Political factor. The influence of the political factor is assessed by answering the following questions:

  • Is the political situation in the country stable? How does the political situation affect?
  • What impact does the tax law have on your business?
  • How does the social policy of the state affect your business?
  • How does state regulation to your business?

E– Economic factor external environment. His assessment involves answering the following questions:

  • How does the level of development of the country's GDP affect your business?
  • How is the general economic situation affecting your business? (economic growth, stagnation, recession or economic crisis)
  • How does inflation affect your business?
  • How do exchange rates affect your business?
  • How does per capita income affect your business?

S– Sociocultural factor requires answers to the following questions:

  • How does demographics affect your business?
  • How does the lifestyle of citizens affect your business?
  • How does the attitude of citizens to leisure and work affect your business?
  • How does the social distribution of income between family members affect your business?

T – Technological factor and questions for its analysis:

  • What is the impact of government spending on research in your field?
  • How does the technological development of the industry affect your business?

EEnvironmental factor requires answers to the following questions:

  • How protection legislation affects environment to your business?
  • How does the volume of extracted natural resources affect your business? (consider those Natural resources that are used in your business)
  • How does the quality of extracted natural resources affect your business? (consider the natural resources your business uses)

L- Legal factor and questions to analyze its impact on your business:

  • How does this or that law affect your business? (it is desirable to identify those laws that regulate activities in your market).

We advise you to answer these questions using a scale from -3 to 3, where "-3" is a strong bad influence on the organization, "-2" - has an average negative impact on the organization, "-1" - has a slight negative impact on the organization, "0" - does not have an impact, "1" - has a slight positive impact on the organization, "2" - has an average positive impact on the organization, "3" - has a strong positive impact on the organization.

As a result, you will get the total impact for each factor. Factors with a positive result have a favorable effect, with a negative negative. If any factor has a very strong Negative influence, it is necessary to think about the feasibility of doing business in this area.

Methods for analyzing the mesoenvironment of an organization

The mesoenvironment of the organization is represented external factors that have a direct impact on the performance of the organization. The analysis of the meso-environment is aimed at assessing the attractiveness of the market and the level of competition in the market, determining the overall consumer demand.

The tool that most fully reflects the factors influencing the mesoenvironment was invented by Mike Porter and is called the 5 Forces of Competition Model.

Porter's 5 forces model of competition consists of five blocks. Each block is a separate factor in the impact of a competitive market on your organization.

The central block is “Competitive Environment”. This block contains all the current market players - you and your direct competitors.

You need to define the following competitive environment parameters:

  • Major players and their market shares;
  • Number of players;
  • Level of market development;
  • Strengths and weaknesses of your closest competitors;
  • Information about the costs of your competitors for various items of expenditure (production, marketing, and so on).

The second block is "The Threat of New Players."

It is represented by the following options:

  • Existing market entry barriers (patents, licenses, government regulation, and so on);
  • Required initial capital;
  • Necessary costs for product differentiation;
  • Access to distribution channels;
  • Experience of existing companies on the market (the more experience, the less the threat of new players);
  • Existing barriers to exit from the market (forfeit, liability to suppliers and consumers).

Third block - "Substitute Goods". Such companies are not your direct competitors, however, with high elasticity of demand, they can pose a big threat.

The parameters for assessing this factor are as follows:

  • Degree of consumer loyalty to your product;
  • The difference in price between your product and substitute products;
  • The level of professionalism of consumers (the more professional the consumer, the weaker the parameter affects);
  • The cost of switching to a substitute product.

The fourth block "The Power of Buyers in the Market" which lies in the ability of buyers to dictate their terms of cooperation.

This factor is represented by the following parameters:

  • The number of buyers in the market (the fewer buyers, the greater their strength);
  • The volume of product purchases by one consumer (the larger the purchase volume, the higher the impact);
  • The presence of buyers' unions;
  • The breadth of product selection (the greater the choice, the greater the power of influence).

The fifth block is presented the power of suppliers in the market.

The parameters for assessing this factor will be as follows:

  • The degree of complexity of the transition from one supplier to another;
  • The volume of purchases from one supplier;
  • Availability of companies to replace existing suppliers;
  • The degree to which the quality of raw materials affects your business.

Write down the data you have for each parameter, analyze the information and give points from "-3" to "3", depending on the degree of influence of each parameter. The extreme values ​​"-3" and "3" indicate a strong threat and a positive impact of the parameter, respectively, "0" means that the parameter does not affect your business. The total value of the factor will allow you to see the most "dangerous" factors, the influence of which must be neutralized in the near future.

Analysis of the organization's microenvironment

Analysis of the organization's microenvironment is carried out to identify the strongest and most weak spots your business. For this purpose, such an analysis tool as "Chain of Values".

The value chain displays all business processes that are implemented in the organization. Business processes are divided into main (during which production and distribution of products take place) and auxiliary (which provide the main activity with everything necessary).

We will not dwell on this model in detail, since it is quite simple. Let's depict it in the form of a table, where we denote all the business processes that need to be evaluated. The rows indicate auxiliary business processes, the columns - the main ones.

Supply of auxiliary products and resources that are not related to the main production (for example, soap in the office)
Research and Development (R&D)
Organizational Structure Management
Human resource management
Incoming logistics (raw materials, materials, equipment) Primary production Outbound Logistics - Product Distribution System Marketing and sales After-sales service and maintenance

Assess every business process in your organization and you'll see where your product's key value is produced and what makes your product special. Those business processes that bring great value to your product are the most developed and have a positive impact on competitiveness - the strengths of your organization, the rest are weak.

Interim Analysis

SWOT -analysis represented by a combination of environmental factors of the organization (direct and indirect impact). SWOT-analysis is a matrix, the opportunities and threats of the external environment are displayed vertically, and the strengths and weaknesses of the organization itself are displayed horizontally. We will depict it for greater comfort.

Strengths Weak sides
1 2 3 1 2
Possibilities 1
Threats 1

We received opportunities and threats as a result of PESTEL analysis, and weaknesses and strengths - as a result of using the Porter's 5 Forces of Competition and Value Chain models, we write them out in columns and rows.

As a result, at the intersection of external and internal environment factors, we must write the following solutions:

  • Intersection of strengths with opportunities: how strengths can be used to achieve opportunities;
  • Intersection of strengths with threats: how can we use strengths to neutralize threats;
  • Intersection of weaknesses and opportunities: how to overcome weaknesses using opportunities;
  • The intersection of weaknesses and threats: how to minimize the impact of threats.

Business Portfolio Analysis

After we have researched the market and the company, we can evaluate the various lines of business of the organization or, more simply, the products it produces.

On this moment there are a fairly large number of different methods of portfolio analysis analysis, but the simplest and most popular of them - matrix BCG . Let's immediately visualize this tool.

Relative market share
High Low
Market Growth Rate High

"Star"– products with high sales growth rates and a large market share. At the same time, it requires large investments, which makes the profit from the product negligible.

"A dark horse"– products with a small market share, but high sales growth rates.

Strategy – investment or disposal


"Milch cow". Such products have a large market share and high profits, but have low sales growth rates.

Strategy - redirect funds received from "cows" to other business units

"Dog"- products with low sales growth, small market share, low profits.

The strategy is getting rid

Thus, we identified the most promising products in the range and chose a strategy for each of them.

The second component of portfolio analysis is staging life cycle each product range . This analysis allows you to choose a product marketing strategy and exclude unprofitable products.

Most often there are four stages:

  • Product birth or market entry. These products are new to the market, have consistently positive sales growth rates, but either have no profit or have a negative profit. As a rule, such a product has few competitors;
  • Height. Products at this stage of the life cycle have the highest sales growth rates, but almost no profit. The competition at this stage is quite high;
  • Maturity. The phase of the life cycle, when sales growth rates are falling, and profits and the level of competition in the market reach their maximum values;
  • recession. Sales growth rates are approaching zero, profits are declining, and there are practically no competitors.

Marketing analysis of the enterprise on the example of the company "Gruzovichkof"

Let's analyze the activity of one of the real Russian companies. On the example of the cargo transportation company "Gruzovichkof". At the same time, we will be able to see how to correctly understand and read the marketing analysis of the enterprise.

Stage 1. We start with a PESTEL analysis, that is, we describe only the influencing factors (by questions) and put points. At the same time, we reduced the number of influencing factors by excluding the economic one, since it does not have any influence at all, and by combining the political and legal ones, since they are closely interconnected in this industry.

Political and legal: -1

Restriction of entry into Moscow for cars with a carrying capacity of more than 1 ton (a special pass is required); +2

The need to confirm a license for cargo transportation; +1

The need for regular technical checks of the car; -1

Difficulty in purchasing technical support due to sanctions; -2

A ban on the use of motor fuels of low environmental classes in Russia. -1

Economic: -4

The economic crisis in the country; -1

Change in oil prices; -2

Volume industrial production, wholesale and retail(in the provision of cargo transportation services for legal entities). -1

Sociocultural: 0

A decrease in per capita income has a negative impact on demand; -2

The increase in the movement of the population within the country will cause an increase in demand for freight transportation services. +2

Technological: +4

The appearance of equipment that plots the route and calculates the cost of the trip; +2

Possibility of non-cash payment and ordering services via the Internet. +2

As we can see, the technological factor has the greatest positive impact, and the economic one has the negative one.

Stage 2. Conducting analysis using Porter's 5 Forces of Competition model.

We paint the parameters for each factor and put down points. Within a report, it's best to do this in a table.

2. Entry and exit barriers "+9"

Initial capital for the purchase of a vehicle fleet and auxiliary equipment; +2

Obtaining permission to enter the city; +3

Obtaining a license for cargo transportation; +2

Money loss. +2

3. Substitute products "0"

Railway transportation of goods. 0

1. Level of competition "0"

Highly competitive market, the most dangerous competitor is Gazelkin (38%); -2

A large number of companies with a small market share; 0

The market has not reached full saturation. +2

4. User power "-4"

The consumer has a wide choice high competition); -3

Consumers have their own cars, which increases the demands on the company, as in many cases it is easier for them to abandon services in favor of self-moving. -1

5.The strength of suppliers "-5"

Cooperation with the only automobile plant "GAZ" may cause difficulties in the transition; -3

Agreements with filling stations hinder the transition to the use of other fuels. -2

Thus, the strength of suppliers and the strength of consumers have the greatest negative impact.

Stage 3. Conducting analysis through the application of the "Value Chain" model.

For Gruzovichkof, it will look like this:

The infrastructure of the company includes a financial department, a planning department, an accounting department, a purchasing department, a logistics department (purchasing), a repair bureau
Personnel management includes the process of attracting, hiring, monitoring and motivating staff
Technological development: the use of the latest navigation systems in the work, the passage of daily technical inspection cars
Logistic support of the main production: supply of cardboard packaging from the supplier, contract with gas stations, purchase of additional equipment from the supplier (navigation systems)

Buying cars from a dealer.

Parking of cars in the company's fleet, storage of cardboard packaging in a warehouse

The main product is a freight forwarding service. The main elements of the product are: the technical component (car and complementary equipment) and contact personnel (driver, loaders) Distribution of products occurs through telephone and Internet orders.

The service is provided at the time and place specified by the customer

Promotion: paper advertising media (posters, flyers), billboards, TV advertising, radio advertising, Internet advertising Service: additional service - movers; selection of the car of the required format

Stage 4. Conducting a SWOT analysis, as a result of which we will receive general results and conclusions for all three analyzes.

We write out the strongest threats and opportunities from the PEST analysis and highlight the strengths and weaknesses based on the analysis using the Porter's 5 Forces of Competition and Value Chain models. We get a small plate.


1. High speed feeding machine

2. Large (diverse) fleet of vehicles

3. Low prices (compared to competitors)

4. Availability additional services(loading, packaging)

5. Availability of permission to enter the city

Weak sides:

1. Old cars

2. Long wait for dispatcher response

3. Difficult process online order


1. Difficulties in connection with the Federal Law "On transport and forwarding activities"

2. Economic crisis

3. Rising fuel prices

4. Lack of need for the service due to the presence of a car in almost every family


1. Reducing the level of competition in connection with the release of the law "On the restriction and control of the import of goods into the city"

2. Increased demand due to rising real estate prices, increased mobility of the population, fashion for holidays in the country

3. Emergence of new technologies

We build a matrix and write solutions at each intersection. In the future, from these decisions you will form an enterprise development strategy

On this, the general marketing analysis of the enterprise is over and we can summarize.

As a result of marketing analysis, we received:

  • Full assessment of the attractiveness of the industry (market);
  • Evaluation of the position of our company in this market;
  • Revealed competitive advantages our product (company);
  • Determined ways to apply our competitive strengths against competitors;
  • Identified the main competitors, their strengths and weaknesses;
  • Assessed the level of competition in the market;
  • We received an information base to determine the future strategy of the organization (marketing strategy).

The marketing activity of enterprises provides for marketing research. Marketing research is the systematic collection, processing and analysis of all aspects of the marketing process, namely: product, market conditions, competitors, methods and methods of sales, pricing systems, sales promotion measures, demand generation systems, etc.

Marketing in modern conditions necessary at all stages of the operation of the enterprise. It happens that enterprises for the purpose of economy refuse from marketing researches. According to experts, the losses from this significantly exceed the costs of research.

The main objective of marketing research is a comprehensive market research. Research market conditions consists of two main blocks: the study of general economic conditions and the situation of a particular market.

The study of the general economic situation provides for tracking and detailed consideration of the processes and changes taking place in the national economy of a particular country, the economic community or the world economy as a whole, and contains an analysis of the main macroeconomic proportions and trends.

The study of the conjuncture of the commodity market includes an analysis and forecast of the state of the market for a particular product and provides for the study of industries and consumption of products, their relationships.

To study the market situation, a wide range of indicators is used, which can be grouped into the following main groups:

  • 1) Production indicators - the volume and dynamics of output for the industry as a whole; the rate of product renewal; volume and dynamics of real investments; information about the portfolio of orders;
  • 2) Indicators of internal trade turnover - the turnover of wholesale and retail trade, which makes it possible to assess changes in effective demand for products for industrial, technical and consumer purposes; sales volumes of the largest wholesale and retail trade enterprises; cost of living indices; consumer costs (volume and structure); volume of consumer credit; data on domestic transportation of goods;
  • 3) Indicators of foreign trade - physical and value volumes, indices foreign trade turnover; the volume of exports, imports, their indices; geographical distribution of exports, imports; trade balance; commodity structure export, import; specific gravity countries in world exports, imports;
  • 4) Indicators of dynamics and price level - wholesale price index; aggregate index of wholesale prices;
  • 5) Financial indicators- emission valuable papers; stock prices of enterprises dominating the industry; NBU refinancing rate; inflation rate; exchange rates; loan interest; bank deposits.

To evaluate competitors, you need to collect the following information:

  • 1) Product range, main products or groups of products, areas of specialization;
  • 2) The nomenclature of exports and imports, the place of the company in the world market for the most important goods;
  • 3) Composition of governing bodies; organizational structure management;
  • 4) Production and material and technical base of enterprises, the number and location of enterprises, their capacity, the number and location of marketing organizations, stations Maintenance;
  • 5) The number of employees in the firm;
  • 6) Main indicators financial condition enterprises for a number of years; asset, sales volume, net profit, investments, etc.;
  • 7) Production, technical and other relations with other enterprises.

After that, it is advisable to conduct a comparative analysis of competitors to develop an enterprise strategy. Identification of existing and potential competitors is based on two approaches. The first is related to the assessment of the needs satisfied in the market by the main competing firms. The second focuses on the classification of competitors according to the types of market strategy they use.

In the first approach, we identify the following main groups of competitors:

  • 1) Firms that offer a similar type of product in the same markets;
  • 2) Firms serving other markets for similar products, which are currently likely to enter this market;
  • 3) Firms that produce substitute products that can force this product out of the market.

Identification of competitors based on groupings by strategy type is a widely used method. At the same time, the strategy in the field of expansion in the market, strategies in the field of pricing policy and quality policy, strategy in the field of technology are studied.

The results of the study of competing forms should be an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of their activities (SWOT analysis).

To the main task comprehensive research market is the study of demand. The definition of demand includes an assessment of the magnitude and structure of actual demand, and a prospective assessment of demand in the market. The first step in determining the current actual demand is to determine it for the year preceding the year of the survey, or for several previous years. Since market demand is influenced by many factors, in order to predict it, it is necessary to identify the key factors that determine the dynamics of demand and assess the degree of their influence on demand.

The most common methods for determining prospective needs are considered to be normative, statistical-extrapolation and the method of expert assessments. It is advisable to combine these methods, which will reduce the error compared to using each method separately.

After calculating the need, the intra-group structure of the need is determined (by individual types, brands).

An analysis of consumer millet requires the study of the most important demographic factors that affect the state of demand and its dynamics, namely: the population of a country or segment, the birth rate, the age composition of the population, and the geographical distribution of the population.

When analyzing purchasing power, the level of income of the population, the volume and conditions for providing consumer credit, the amount of savings of the population, the level of education and the professional composition are ascertained.

The system of indicators necessary to analyze consumer requirements for the product and consumer preferences includes the general consumer requirements for the product: novelty and technical level of products, workmanship, uninterrupted operation, level of after-sales and technical service and the nature of the services provided, the ratio of product price and beneficial effect from its use.

An important component of the market research process is the analysis of the proposal. To evaluate the proposal, a number of indicators are used: a quantitative assessment of the supply of a competing product; the share of enterprises - the largest suppliers of goods to the market and an assessment of their production planes; structure of offers in the goods market; commodity price level.

The actual market share is determined by the ratio of the actual sales volume of a given firm to the total sales volume for a particular market.

From the annual reports of firms and periodicals, they also receive information about the plans and programs of individual companies in terms of R&D costs, expansion of production capacities and modernization of production.

When analyzing the offer of a particular product importance has a study of the development trends of the relevant world market. Firms are conducting research to identify the prospects for scientific and technical progress, much attention is paid to the expected discoveries that could lead to significant changes in the field of production in the world market.

The following sources of information are used to analyze the offer of goods:

  • 1) Analytical review of special books and magazines;
  • 2) Study of advertising competitors;
  • 3) The study of publications of the patent services;
  • 4) Viewing the daily economic press;
  • 5) Visiting fairs and exhibitions;
  • 6) Watching special television programs;
  • 7) Conversation with suppliers and customers
  • 8) Examination of published market research data.

Strategic planning is the managerial process of creating and maintaining a strategic alignment between a firm's goals, its potential and its marketing opportunities.

At the same time, it is important to consider the assessment of potential external and internal production and resource capabilities of the enterprise. When there is a gap between a firm's goals and its potential, it can be bridged in three ways. The first is intensive development associated with identifying future opportunities that are embedded in the current system, the structure of marketing management. The second - integrated (complex) development, involves opportunities that need to be identified or created in the course of the current business. The third is diversification development, which means identifying opportunities that are not related to the company's current business.

The advantages of strategic planning are that it forces managers to constantly think ahead, contributes to a clear coordination of the use of resources and the efforts of the company.

To successfully ensure the strategic planning process, it is necessary to:

  • 1) Clearly define the goals of the company;
  • 2) Take into account external and internal factors, assess their impact on the company's activities during the period under review;
  • 3) Reach agreement between different departments on common strategic goals, tasks, specific methods;
  • 4) Assume that the flexibility, adaptability, and viability of strategic planning of the company's activities on a firm scale depend on the participation of the largest number of employees at all levels in the strategic planning process.

The planning process goes through four stages:

  • 1) Development of common goals;
  • 2) Definition of specific, detailed goals and objectives for a given period of time;
  • 3) Defining ways and means to achieve them;
  • 4) Monitoring the achievement of the set goals by comparing planned indicators with actual ones.

Planning is always guided by the data of the past, but seek to determine and control the direction of development in the future. Therefore, the reliability of planning depends on the accuracy and correctness of accounting calculations for previous periods.

Based on specific areas production activities enterprises take separate tasks, which are determined both in cost and in quantitative indicators. At the same time, planning should start from the so-called bottlenecks: Lately at Ukrainian enterprises, these are sales, finance and high-quality workforce.

The strategic marketing plan covers all areas of enterprise activity, provides each unit with the definition of clear goals in conjunction with the overall tasks of the company, and performs a number of other functions.

The strategic planning process consists of six interrelated steps or elements:

Definition of the objectives of the organization;

Setting marketing goals;

situational analysis;

Development of a marketing strategy;

Implementation of marketing tactics;

Observation of results.

Although each stage of planning is specific for certain types of organizations, but the use of such planning is uniquely useful for all types.

Definition of the objectives of the organization. The objectives of the organization relate to its long-term orientation to any activity and the appropriate place in the market. They are complex and formalized.

Setting marketing goals. Each department in the enterprise must set its own marketing objectives. They are usually defined both in quantitative terms (sales volume in conventional units, percentage of profit growth, market share) and in qualitative terms (innovation, position in the industry). Among organizations there is a steady tendency to combine quantitative and qualitative indicators.

In the process of situational analysis, the enterprise identifies marketing opportunities and problems that it may face. Sometimes the situational analysis shows that, despite the efforts of the firm, it should abandon the production of this group of goods.

The marketing strategy defines how the marketing structure should be applied in order to attract and satisfy target markets and achieve the goals of the enterprise. In marketing structure decisions, product planning, sales, promotion, and price are central. Every part of the organization needs a strategy, and these strategies need to be coordinated.

Tactics are specific actions that are taken to implement a given marketing strategy. This takes into account two important marketing decisions related to the level of investment in marketing activities and the timing of marketing activities.

Performance monitoring involves comparing the indicators that are planned with the actual indicators, that is, with real achievements over a certain period of time. You can use budgets, time schedules, sales data, and cost analysis to do this. If the actual performance lags behind the planned one, then appropriate measures should be taken after the areas in which problems arise are identified.

In some cases, plans have to be revised due to the impact on sales and costs of changing factors that are not controlled. Some far-sighted companies develop such plans, which foresee a series of actions and measures to be taken in response to the listed changes in the considered and unaccounted factors.

Thus, we can conclude that each enterprise must have a systematic marketing plan, in which all its components must be integrated, agreed and coordinated. An agreed plan is clarity in setting goals, precise definition of its markets, a logical combination of long-term, medium-term and short-term plans. At the same time, all marketing management functions must have reliable, accurate and operational communication.


Marketing activity at the enterprise is a hot topic today. The process of marketing activities involves a system of various activities that need to be analyzed and the best option selected.

In the course work, a number of schemes of organized structures used in marketing activities are used, after analyzing which you can choose the best option.

As practice shows, in the context of the transformation of the domestic economy into a market, marketing is often the most "bottleneck". With an inefficient marketing system, flexibility and resource opportunities production, financial and other subsystems of firms.

Many enterprises are currently slowly implementing real marketing activities and research. However, along with this, there is often a lack of a correct understanding of the very concept of “marketing activity”, “marketing system”, “marketing management”, “marketing management”, as an integral subsystem of company management. Objective reasons This is due to the fact that marketing is in contact and intersects with the most diverse aspects of the enterprise, but at the same time does not duplicate them. Marketing, in the broad sense of this concept, is understood as a system for implementing the following principles: consumer orientation, economic efficiency as the basis of the company's activities; coordination of efforts of all services and departments to achieve the set goals. Here, marketing takes on some management functions.

The problems of marketing activities are very relevant, since most state enterprises do not have an optimal marketing organization system or do not have it at all.

Therefore, I chose the topic of the course work "Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise."

The purpose of the work is to study and master the methodological foundations of marketing activity management, identify weaknesses, analyze and develop them, and analyze the financial condition of the enterprise.

The object of the study is JSC "Khakassky fish factory" - an enterprise that is engaged in the reproduction of fish.

The work consists of two parts. The first part reveals theoretical basis analysis of marketing activities. Here the essence and significance of the analysis of marketing activities is given, the analysis methodology is studied.

In the second part, an analysis of the financial and economic activities of the object of study was carried out on the basis of absolute and relative indicators.

The theoretical main research was the scientific works of domestic economists and articles in the periodical press.

Analysis of marketing activities

Organization of marketing at the enterprise

The term "marketing" - literally the process of moving to the market - does not fully reflect the internal duality of the process and emphasizes the more "active" side of marketing in comparison with the "analytical". To characterize this duality, the terms "strategic" and "operational" marketing are used. Strategic marketing is an analysis process that includes needs analysis, market segmentation, competitiveness analysis, and finally, the choice of an enterprise development strategy. Operational marketing is the process of selecting a target segment, followed by drawing up a marketing plan and applying a set of marketing communications to selected market segments, based on their marketing budget.

Marketing is a system for organizing and managing the production and marketing activities of enterprises, studying the market in order to form and satisfy demand for products and services and make a profit.

As a management function, marketing is no less important than any activity related to finance, production, scientific research, logistics, etc.

As a management concept (business philosophy), marketing requires a company to view consumption as a "democratic" process in which consumers have the right to "vote" for the product they want with their money. This determines the success of the company and allows you to optimally meet the needs of the consumer.

Since marketing is a way of persuading the masses to buy, most people mistakenly equate this concept with marketing and promotion. The difference is this: selling mainly involves face-to-face contact - the seller deals with potential buyers. Marketing uses means mass media and other ways to grab the attention and convince a lot of people - people who may not have any direct contact with anyone in the salesperson's company at all. One of the leading management theorists, Peter Drucker, puts it this way: The goal of marketing is to make sales efforts unnecessary. Its goal is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service will fit the customer exactly and sell itself.

Marketing is a complex, multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. This explains the impossibility in one universal definition to give a complete, adequate description of marketing to its essence, principles and functions.

Basic principles follow from the essence of marketing. However, in domestic and foreign literature under the "principles of marketing" are understood quite different things. Having considered the positions of various authors, comparing them, we single out the following fundamental principles:

1. Careful consideration of the needs, state and dynamics of demand and market conditions when making economic decisions;

2. Creation of conditions for maximum adaptation of production to market requirements, to the structure of demand (and based not on momentary benefits, but on a long-term basis);

3. Impact on the market, on the buyer with the help of all available funds, primarily advertising;

The main tasks of the marketing information department in accordance with the main strategic goals of the company and its current tasks reflected in the business plans and documents of incorporation this enterprise The marketing information department in its daily activities is obliged to implement the following main tasks:

Providing the management of the company with the necessary marketing information in the interests of developing a strategy and tactics for the development and market behavior of the company. The department is obliged, if necessary, to clarify and supplement the specified information, as well as to comply with all necessary work on the analysis and evaluation of various kinds of current and prospective market situations.

Carrying out the whole range of market research related to the market, product and consumers, both according to the approved marketing research plan, and according to special instructions from the management and on the instructions of other departments of the company.

To determine the goals and functions of the marketing department, it is necessary to conduct full analysis activities of the company and identify bottlenecks and imbalances in its functioning. Based on the data obtained, build a hypothesis for resolving these problems by the forces of the marketing department being created, i.e. develop a marketing plan. Based on the marketing development strategy and the goals of the marketing department, we can hypothesize about the rational structure of the marketing department. In this case, it will look like this: the marketing director reports directly to the CEO and / or the Board of Directors. He coordinates and is responsible for the work of the department as a whole. Optimal size department - 7 employees.

Constant participation in the development of the strategy and tactics of the company's market behavior through: the formation of a commodity, price, sales, advertising and service marketing strategy; consulting assistance to the management of the company and other departments involved in the development of the strategy and tactics of the company's market behavior. Organization of advertising activities, as well as the development of a set of measures for the formation and maintenance of public relations, providing both the necessary profitability and profitability of the company, and maintaining its good name in the eyes of the public. Continuous analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing in the company and the corresponding development of the service. Providing assistance and providing marketing advice to all divisions of the firm. Methodological guidance (and partial implementation on their own) and training of all company personnel in the basics of marketing. Evaluation of the psychological suitability of employees hired by the company for the position being applied for. General analysis

psychological state of groups, collectives and individual workers firms.