What is the difference between spray roses and border roses? Spray roses - planting and caring for the garden

For a florist, it is a great joy to have long-lasting roses with almost no thorns. This is exactly what spray roses are. Graceful and miniature, they are beautiful in bouquet arrangements and landscape decor. Let's talk about them in more detail, let's figure out which varieties are worthy of attention.

Spray roses are part of the group of so-called border flowers. Slender, short, they decorate front gardens and parks in even rows. The very apt name of the flowers “spray” speaks for itself - many neat flowers seem to “splash out” from a smooth stem. Sprays are a variety of roses from the Floribunda group. They rightfully take their place, showing best characteristics groups - mass flowering throughout the season, durability in bouquets and unpretentiousness.

Thanks to the large number of flowers on a branch, a flower with a large number of buds already looks like a bouquet. And in combination with other flowers and greenery it creates a feeling of grace and style. In open ground, roses are low, lush bushes, the most spectacular when growing up to 60 cm. Although some varieties “reach” up to 90 cm.

Attention! It has been noticed that stems with small flowers last the longest when cut.

Successful use rose bushes and in the design of the yard. You can create round compositions from them by placing them around decorative fence. Shrub roses also feel great in vertical “living walls.” Alternatively, you can plant the bushes in free-standing flowerpots with soil - use small wooden wheelbarrows, wooden barrels and even old car tires as containers.

Growing, care

Many gardeners are afraid to get involved with growing spray roses - it seems that the elegant flower is very capricious. In vain, these roses are small, but resistant to cold and disease. Good care, they, of course, need it, but without complex features. The main thing is to consistently fulfill the basic requirements:

Attention! Shrub roses do not like direct sunlight. For planting, it is better to choose a slightly shaded place.

Popular varieties of bright colors

Spray roses delight with a huge number of varieties, which are constantly replenished thanks to flower breeders. Let's talk about the most popular ones.

  • Tamango. It is very noticeable with its bright scarlet or deep red cup flowers. It has an unobtrusive but clearly perceptible aroma. The bushes are low-growing, about 50 cm. They bloom until the first cold weather, and the petals do not lose their color under the sun.

  • Heidi Klum. Flowers with bright, almost lilac petals. The open buds have a round shape, a diameter of up to 9 cm. The bushes are compact, low, up to half a meter. This variety does not like drafts and wind; it is not advisable to plant it in high, open areas.
  • Rose Arrow Folies originally from the USA. It belongs to medium-sized bushes - it grows up to 70 cm. The stem, unlike many other varieties, has thorns. The buds have a “bold” color - the red main color is “diluted” with pink, sometimes white, spots. This rose is very impressive in bouquets. The buds withstand cold precipitation without losing their rich color.
  • Impossible not to mention Rose Orange Babe. The bright orange flowers are very beautiful large sizes. The petals are gracefully curled inward, forming almost a triangle. A great option for a bouquet expressing love. The bushes have a large number of branches with 7-10 peduncles. It blooms for a long time, until October, “diluting” the gloomy shades of autumn with its brightness.

Orange Babe

Varieties of delicate shades

Many types of small-flowered roses in light colors - white, peach, soft pink - are often used by florists in wedding bouquets. About some types in more detail.

  • Rose White Mikado distinguished by delicate white petals. They have a gracefully wavy edge. It blooms several times during the season, the stems reach 70 cm, growing up to half a meter wide. This variety is susceptible to diseases.

White Mikado
  • View Weding Piano was recently released, in 2-13. The buds look interesting - they are an almost round ball with many petals, about 40 of them. This rose is one of the leaders in growth, it grows up to 120 cm. The flowers of the buds open slowly, demonstrating their beauty for a long time.
  • Florists' favorite bush rose Love Lydia. Persistent when cut, with neat, rich flowers Pink colour. Shades vary - this variety can also have cream shades. Each peduncle has up to 10 petals. It blooms continuously all season, small bushes have a traditional “size” - up to 70 cm.

Love Lydia
  • Love Lydia is sometimes confused with another name - Lydia. The flower differs in the shape of the bud; they are goblet-shaped. The height of the bushes is also different - no more than 60 cm. This variety is appropriate in the design of plots - they are used to form group compositions. Blooms continuously all summer.

Rose spray - great choice both for landscaping areas and in cut form, in bouquets and compositions. The frost resistance of most varieties allows the bushes to be grown in cool regions. Among the wide selection of color shades, every gardener will find a variety to suit his taste.

Unusual roses: video

Spray roses – beautiful border roses

Speaking about roses, we cannot ignore such a group of varieties as spray roses or, as they are also called, bouquet roses - this is a low-growing border rose, which, according to its main characteristics, is part of large group Floribunda roses.

They combine everything best qualities floribunda: abundant, long lasting and continuous flowering, unpretentiousness and endurance in the conditions of our latitudes - with the gentle charm of miniature.

Appearance of spray roses

Small compact erect bushes from 40 to 90 cm in height, small flowers (3-6 cm) are collected in inflorescences, but each bud has its own peduncle extending from a skeletal branch.

Thorns may be absent or present in small quantities. Blooms profusely correct pruning almost continuously, from the first warm nights until the frosts.

Care and agricultural technology

Despite small sizes and apparent fragility, spray roses are quite unpretentious and resistant to external factors.

For spray roses, you should prepare a hole 45x45 cm, pour a layer of drainage and compost or any other on the bottom of the hole, form a mound on which to spread root system seedling, then the hole is filled with earth and the soil is compacted to remove all possible voids. It is necessary to make a small depression near the plant where water will collect. After planting, spray rose seedlings warm water at the rate of 8 liters per 1 plant.

In general, caring for roses from this group is almost no different from caring for or hybrid tea roses. Spray roses like regular watering during the growing season and flowering. To better retain moisture in the soil, it is advisable to mulch or loosen the ground under the bushes to a depth of 10 cm. They take feeding very well, especially in summer period, responding with abundant and long-lasting flowering. In the period from mid-spring to the beginning of flowering, preference should be given to nitrogen-containing fertilizers; in the summer months, plants need more phosphorus, potassium and others, because the formation of flowers increases the need for minerals. It is advisable not to allow the soil to dry out and spray the bushes, taking precautions (avoid direct sunlight to avoid sunburn and do not spray at night, so as not to provoke the appearance of fungal infections). For winter, it is advisable to grow to a height of 2-3 buds, especially in latitudes with little snow and windy winters.

Like all floribundas, spray roses do not like prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, drafts and strong winds that dry out the soil, so it is good for planting suitable place, slightly shaded and moderately ventilated, e.g. in the shade fruit trees, or deciduous with a not too thick crown.

Spray roses follow principles common to many garden roses:

  • Spring pruning carried out immediately after the bushes open. All frozen shoots and those affected by diseases are removed. Annual branches are shortened to 6-7 buds, last year's and older ones - to 3-4.
  • Summer pruning allows you to achieve continuity of flowering, and is aimed mainly at the prevention of various diseases and thickening of the bush. All shoots growing inside the bush, branches affected by diseases, and damaged buds are cut out.
  • Pruned in autumn all weak shoots that definitely cannot withstand frost, shoots growing inside the bush, the tops of this year's shoots are cut off.

It should be remembered that pruning must be carried out with a sharp tool that does not allow the cut to disintegrate; the cut areas on woody shoots should be treated with garden varnish, and the cutting plane should be directed inside the bush.

Spray roses in landscape design

Due to their low height, spray roses are ideal for borders and for decorating small gentle slopes that rise above ground level of flower beds. Miniature spray rose bushes allow you to bring them to the foreground even in a small rose garden, highlighting the beauty of taller plants.

However, spray roses are most often used as cut roses; their inflorescences themselves look like bouquets, and are very popular for wedding arrangements.

Popular varieties

Rose spray variety “Allergy”

Allegria .

A variety with erect bushes up to 70 cm in height, umbrella-shaped inflorescences from 25 to 50 buds, goblet-shaped, double flowers (up to 35 petals), orange-pink, 4-5 cm in diameter, almost odorless.

It blooms continuously throughout the season, which is why you can see both buds and fading flowers on the bush at the same time; the buds do not fall off for a long time both on the bush and in the bouquet (on average from 10 to 15 days).

The variety has high frost resistance, disease resistance is above average, and the bud is resistant to rain.

Border roses variety “Snow Dens”

Snow dance . The bush is erect, lush, up to 75 cm high, with dark green smooth leathery leaves, awl-shaped, red thorns, raceme-shaped inflorescences, flowers from white to soft green, 4-5 cm in diameter, cup-shaped and open, densely double ( 40-45 petals), almost odorless.

Blooms from May to late autumn, continuously. Feels better in partial shade.

The variety has above average frost resistance and above average disease resistance. Requires shelter for the winter and preventative treatments from fungal diseases.

Border rose variety “Heidi Klum”

Heidi Klum . A small rose with a compact, low bush up to 50 cm tall, medium green foliage, semi-glossy, dense, lush, flowers cupped, open, 6-9 cm in diameter, densely double (40-60 petals), lilac-violet with pink tones, with a pronounced aroma.

Flowering is abundant and repeated. For good flowering requires sufficient light, shade from direct sunlight, protection from prevailing winds, but with sufficient air movement. Frost resistance is average (requires shelter and protection from winds), disease resistance is high, and the bud holds up well to rain.

Rose spray variety “Favorite Lydia”

Beloved Lydia . This variety is classified as a classic spray rose. A small, fairly spreading bush (60-70 cm in height and up to 50 cm in width), the buds are collected in clusters of 5-9 flowers, the inflorescences are racemose. The flowers are traditional goblet-shaped, from light pink to deep pink with a lilac tint, 3-5 cm in diameter, double (up to 40 petals), weak aroma. Flowering is very abundant, continuous throughout the season. It is very unpretentious, has high frost resistance and disease resistance.

Rose spray variety “Mimi Eden”

Mimi Eden. A variety with a low (55-85 cm), highly spreading (90-110 cm) bush, almost without thorns, leaves of medium size, semi-glossy, dark green, flowers are collected in racemes of 5-10 pieces, the flower is spherical, medium-sized (3-4 cm ), terry (up to 40 petals), two-color (the lower part is from soft green to white, the inner part is from creamy pink to deep pink), the aroma is delicate, almost not expressed.

It blooms profusely and continuously from early June until frost. Resistance to diseases and frost is high.

Rose spray variety “Tamango”

Tamango . The bushes of this variety are low (up to 50 cm), rather spreading (40-45 cm), the leaves are dark green, leathery, the thorns are small and reddish. The flower is cup-shaped, up to 7.5 cm, from bright scarlet to deep red, double (up to 40 petals), pleasant, moderate aroma.

It blooms profusely, continuously, until frost. The variety has high winter hardiness and disease resistance is above average. The flower does not fade.

About roses with fashionable name spray became known recently, at the turn of the century, and they gained widespread popularity even later - in beginning of XXI century. Varieties with bright buds collected in clusters used to belong to the Floribunda group, but the rapid increase in the number of these beautiful flowers has made it possible to distinguish them into separate group. Rose spray is very decorative and elegant. It is suitable for any flower arrangement- in a flowerbed or in wedding bouquet. This article offers a description of the most exquisite varieties of roses, as well as recommendations for growing them.

What are spray roses and what is their difference? This question may be of interest not only to beginners, but also to experienced gardeners. Roses belonging to the spray group have all the characteristics of Floribunda, with the only difference being that they are more compact and shorter.

The bushes of this rose have a height of 40–50 cm, although some varieties can grow up to 80–90 cm. The flowers are small, sometimes even miniature, with a diameter of 3–7 cm (depending on the variety), arranged in clusters of 10–15 pieces per branch . The buds can be elegant, goblet-shaped or densely double, in different color shades.

One cut branch may well be considered an independent bouquet, which is why spray roses are often called “bouquet roses.” They are also beautiful as a background for larger flowers, or in mini-bouquets, which is why florists most often use these flowers in wedding bouquets.

Like Floribundas, spray roses bloom for a very long time and profusely. At proper flowering lasts almost all summer. In addition to being highly decorative, they are very unpretentious to conditions and are winter-hardy, which allows them to be grown in climates middle zone and even in cooler regions.

Another pleasant feature of roses is the small number, and sometimes the complete absence of thorns, which makes them easy to care for and make bouquets. IN last years rose spray is increasingly used in home gardening. They are equally beautiful both in a flowerbed and in a single planting, and the small size of the plants allows them to be grown in containers.

The best varieties of rose spray

The rapid popularity of flowers has contributed to the fact that new varieties of a wide variety of shapes, sizes and color palettes began to appear regularly:

  • Lovely Lidia (Favorite Lydia) is one of the very first varieties bred in Holland at the end of the twentieth century. The bush is quite spreading, about 70 cm high. The flowers are small (3–4 cm), pink, lighter at the edges, darker in the middle.
  • Mimi Eden (Mimi Eden) is an incredibly beautiful and elegant rose in a white and pink palette. The buds are light apricot, as they bloom they become soft pink, over time they fade in the sun and become white.
  • Tamango (Tamango) is a very compact (about 50 cm high) and decorative rose. The buds are large (6–7 cm in diameter), densely double (about 40 petals), rich scarlet color, located 10–12 pieces per branch. The high winter hardiness of the variety allows it to be grown in cold regions of the country.
  • Typhoon (Typhoon) - a very bright rose with double buds of rich orange color. The edges of the petals are red, gradually turning yellow towards the middle.
  • Satin (Satin) is an amazingly beautiful rose with marble two-color buds. The flowers are large (up to 8 cm), bright pink with cream stains.
  • Tiramisu (Tiramisu) is another spectacular variety with two-color buds, bred in Holland. The roses are small, the petals are terracotta on the inside, creamy on the outside, one brush contains 12–15 flowers. The bush is compact (up to 50 cm).
  • Rubicon (Rubicon) is a very sophisticated rose of dark purple color. The buds are large, goblet-shaped, the aroma is light and refined.
  • Orange spray – new variety roses with bright orange petals. The buds are small (3–4 cm), shaped like a tea rose, and exude a light aroma.

For lush and long-lasting flowering, roses need fertilizing. IN spring period Before flowering begins, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied. Flowering shrubs need more phosphorus, potassium fertilizers and microelements. Despite the high height, the bushes need to be hilled up for the winter.

Rose pruning has great importance– it stimulates and prolongs flowering, and also promotes the formation of new shoots (rejuvenates the bush). It is necessary to carry out pruning several times during the season: sanitary in the spring, formative in the fall. In summer, it is necessary to regularly remove faded buds, as they not only spoil appearance bush, but also serve as a refuge for microbes.

Video “Rooting a rose from a bouquet”

From this video you will learn how you can root a rose from a bouquet yourself.

Elegant decorative spray roses became popular relatively recently - at the beginning of the 21st century. Previously, this variety belonged to the group, but with the rapid increase in their numbers, they received a separate group. This type roses are appropriate in any floral arrangement. In this article we will look at the main types and varieties, as well as the features of planting and caring for them.

In this section we will answer the question: “What is rose spray?” In short, this species has the same characteristics as Floribunda, but the difference is that they are compact and, in comparison with other members of the family, shorter.

The scrubs of this type of rose are miniature, usually reaching a size of 40-50 cm, but there are also varieties that grow up to 80-90 cm. The flowers are small in size, from 3 to 7 cm in diameter, neatly collected in brushes on the shoot, 10-15 things. The buds are densely double or goblet-shaped with different colors.

Florists consider these roses to be perfect for bouquets. This is due to the fact that, as mentioned above, there are many flowers on one branch, so one branch can be considered an independent bouquet. It goes well with other flowers; spray roses are also often used to create bouquets for weddings.

Like Floribunda varieties, spray roses are distinguished by their long life and abundant flowering. A If you prune according to all the rules, you can easily achieve flowering throughout the summer. They are also easy to care for and quite frost-resistant.

Another advantage is that they have a small number of thorns, which simplifies care and making bouquets. Rose spray is very popular in landscape design, they can be planted either in groups or as single bushes, and given their small size, they can be planted in containers or pots.

Varieties of rose spray with photos and descriptions

TO popular varieties can be attributed:

  • Tamango;
  • Allergy;
  • Snow dance;
  • Lydia;
  • Typhoon;
  • Shine;
  • Victoria;
  • Star & Stripes;
  • Fire flash;
  • Fire King.

Sprawling bushes 50 centimeters high with large, round flowers about 7 cm in size. They have a pleasant, pronounced aroma. Flowers are rich red. This The variety is resistant to diseases and frosts, and continues its color until the very first cold snap.


Bushes of this variety can reach sizes of 70 cm. The flowers are small, up to 5 cm in diameter, orange, pink or orange-pink in color, there is no smell. Flowering continues throughout the season. Just like Tamango, it is resistant to cold and disease.

Snow dance

The bush reaches 75 centimeters in height. The flowers are small, about 5 cm, white or greenish. This continuously flowering variety begins blooming in early May and continues until the first frost. It also has high resistance to frost and disease.


This variety was developed quite recently. The homeland of this rose is the Netherlands. The height of the bush reaches no more than 70 cm, the flowers are pink, maybe lighter and more delicate shades, for example, like Yana Rose spray, or darker ones. The diameter of the flower can reach 5 cm and has a weak aroma. Blooms profusely throughout the season. Like other representatives of rose spray, it is highly resistant to disease and frost.

Reaches a size of 70 cm. The flowers are small, bright, about 5 centimeters in diameter, orange in color. Flowering continues until late autumn. Resistant to cold, diseases and pests.


This variety was developed in the United States of America in the 70s. The bushes reach a height of 50 cm, the flowers are small, about 4 centimeters in diameter, bright yellow in color with a pronounced aroma. Blooms throughout the season. Unlike other varieties, it has average resistance to frost and disease. This variety is considered one of the best varieties of yellow roses.


The bush reaches a size of 60 centimeters. This variety blooms profusely; the stem can contain up to 15 soft pink flowers, which fade over time to a white-pink hue. It has good resistance to diseases and pests, as well as frost.


The average height of a bush is within 50 cm, but they can be either smaller or larger. The flowers are small, 2-3 cm in diameter, in some cases can reach 5 cm. The coloring is peculiar: these are alternating stripes of crimson and white flowers, spots may occur. The aroma is sweet and bright. This variety blooms throughout the season.. Frost resistance is high. The main problem of the variety is powdery mildew disease.

Fire flash

It reaches a height of 70 cm. The flowers are two-colored, variegated, and do not fade in the sun. They have a diameter of about 5 cm and combine red and yellow colors. The variety is highly resistant to cold and disease. Blooms until the first autumn frosts.

Fire King

This variety has enough tall bushes, up to 80 cm. Flowers with a diameter of 6 cm, bright red. The aroma is very weak. Blooms throughout the season. Like other varieties, it is resistant to cold and disease.

As you can see, almost all varieties of spray roses are resistant to cold and disease, which makes them attractive to novice gardeners. Next we will talk about the rules of planting and care.

Features of planting and care

Selecting a location

To plant roses in the garden you need to choose sunny, but protected from the winds area. Recommended varieties with light colors grow in the sun, and with dark ones - in partial shade. If you plant a dark variety in the sun, the flowers will simply fade.

Soil preparation takes long time, therefore, for planting in autumn, preparation must begin in the summer. And if planting is planned for spring, it is necessary to prepare the land from October.

Basic soil preparation rules:

  • First of all, you need to remove all weeds and their roots.
  • Next, they dig up the ground with transshipment.
  • Afterwards, a ditch is made 50 centimeters deep, and fertilizers are applied.

It is necessary to take into account the influence of plants that grew in this place before the roses. They grow poorly where cherry, quince, cinquefoil or hawthorn previously grew. In this case, it is necessary to remove 50 centimeters of old soil and replace it with fresh one.

Selection of seedlings

For planting in the fall, you should choose seedlings with an open root system, and if planting is planned for spring, preference should be given to seedlings in containers. Before purchasing, the plant must be carefully inspected for damage and defects. If the seedling is sold in a bag, you should pay attention to the soil; it should be crumbly and without a specific odor. Ideal choice there will be a strong, healthy seedling with white roots.

Preparation of seedlings

Before planting, the stems of the seedlings are trimmed, buds, damaged and withered branches are removed. Lightly trim the lateral roots and remove damaged ones.

Important! To speed up the healing of the cuts, they must be lubricated with garden varnish.

After these procedures, bare-rooted seedlings should be placed in a solution of water and sodium humate for 12 hours. To prevent the roots from drying out, they are dipped in mash, which is made from clay, water and a root formation stimulator. The consistency of this mixture should be sour cream. After which the roots are covered with burlap.


The landing process is as follows:

Helpful information! After planting, the roses need to be watered with warm water. Each bush needs 6-8 liters of water.


Maintenance will not cause any particular difficulties for the gardener. All that is required is loosening the soil, removing weeds, fertilizing and regular watering, as well as pruning.

Feeding and watering

Roses need to be watered regularly during the growing season, flowering and during dry weather. This process can be simplified by laying mulch in the root zone. For this, sawdust or peat is used. Roses should be watered in the evening, as the sun's rays can cause burns.

For flowering intensity it is necessary to apply fertilizing. At the initial stage of plant development, it needs nitrogen. During the flowering period, the bush will need phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.


Pruning is carried out not only on old, but also on young plants. It is held in the fall after pruning, strong woody branches with buds should remain on the bush. It is important not to leave old, shriveled and damaged shoots.

Basic rules when pruning roses:

  • For work, use a disinfected and sharp pruner or other tool.
  • Trim the bush from bottom to top.
  • Sections should be made above the outer bud at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The wounds are covered with garden varnish.

It is important to know! This procedure should be carried out in warm weather and in the evening. When forming a bush, the 5 most developed shoots are selected, the rest are removed.

Preparing for winter

It is required to make an earthen mound above the plant shoots, after cutting off all the buds, faded flowers, foliage and not fresh shoots. Sand or dry soil 35 centimeters high is poured over the stems. After which this hill is covered sawdust or spruce branches.


There are several ways to propagate rose spray:

Helpful information! Most quick way- this is the division of the bush. In this case, the spray rose retains its varietal characteristics.

Diseases and pests

This variety of roses is resistant to disease, but sometimes it still occurs. Let's look at how to deal with them.

Spray roses are a group of roses that, for most of their characteristics, can be classified as “Floribunda.” In addition, quite often they are called “Wedding”. Today, the market of our country has appeared great amount varieties of these roses, which are becoming more popular every day.

Rose spray

Consider the varieties of rose spray:

  • Tamango

Rose Tamango is a Floribunda. A photo of this variety is presented in the catalog. Basically, the flower reaches a height of approximately 48 centimeters, and grows up to 45 centimeters in width. The size of the flowers is about 7.5 centimeters. This variety has red flowers. Landing and further cultivation of this type are possible in climatic zones 6-9, they are the most favorable for this hybrid. The variety was bred in 1965.

Tamango has abundant petals, so from the outside it seems that the flower does not have enough space to grow. Gracefully shaped buds grow into ideal cup-shaped flowers. Taking into account the abundance of the plant, the continuous period of flowering, which is evenly distributed on a low and wide bush, and increased resistance to diseases, gardeners quite often use it for landscaping their plots and for garden design.

Another important point: these flowers cannot fade under sun rays, and besides, in shady areas these bushes feel good and delight the eye with beautiful flowering. At the rose pleasant aroma. This variety is shown in the photo.

Rose varieties spray

  • Mandarin

Mandarin has 4-centimeter flowers in diameter with an orange-yellow color: sometimes the color becomes apricot-yellow, densely double. The aroma is fragrant, the flowers are gracefully cup-shaped. Medium sized leaves. The bushes are densely branched and profusely flowering; during flowering they form large bouquets. The hybrid is frost-resistant. The flowering period of Mandarin is quite long.

  • Lydia

The Lydia variety was developed in the Netherlands around 1995 through the efforts of G. Peter Ilsink. This hybrid belongs to the rose spray. In most respects, this category of roses belongs to floribundas. This category is characterized by short growth and small flowers, blooming in huge inflorescences and quite profusely. This hybrid is shown in the photo below.

Lydia has 15 deep pink flowers in an inflorescence. Such inflorescences are often called sprays, which is where the name of this category of roses comes from. These flowers reach approximately 3 centimeters in diameter. This hybrid grows up to 78 centimeters, but generally their height does not exceed 58 centimeters.

Rose care

Basically, these roses are demonstrated in the catalog of cut hybrids. Let's consider the description of this hybrid. The roots are formed by 3 years, it is believed that by this period the rose becomes a mature plant. Planting seedlings is possible in open ground and in pots. On personal plot seedlings should be planted in categories of 5 bushes. There is no need for trimming here: since the shape itself is neatly formed. The spray rose is very similar to the mini rose, however, these roses reach a height of approximately 35 centimeters.

These varieties are quite whimsical; the flowering period lasts the entire season. Lydia takes cuttings well and can be planted using its own roots. For cuttings, you can take the lower shoots with several leaves. You need to cut the seedlings obliquely, leaving 2 buds with one leaf at the bottom. The top of the seedlings should be covered with a transparent bag. After 2 months you will receive a young bush.

Cuttings of seedlings are best done in the summer, from May to August. For quite a long period in our country, this category of roses was represented by only one hybrid, Lydia. Roses should be planted in the spring; the grafting area should be a couple of centimeters below the ground. In addition, pruning should be done in summer and autumn. If the rose was planted in the fall, then the first pruning should be done in the spring.

Care and planting

Rose spray needs easy care because she is quite unpretentious plant. The flowering period of this flower is almost constant. Caring for a flower also involves covering it on winter period, and this process is not difficult to carry out. Care also involves pruning, and it doesn’t hurt to feed the plant. Main conditions proper cultivation This hybrid of roses is given a sunny area and constant loosening, moderate watering. As you can see, caring for it is easy.

Features of planting roses

Let's look at how to plant a spray rose:

  1. If you did not buy the seedlings in a container, and the bush has an open root system, then while digging the planting hole, the bush should be placed in a bucket of liquid.
  2. Dimensions of the pit: about 45 cm in diameter, the same in depth.
  3. The top layer of soil, the thickness of which is about 23 cm, must be set aside separately, it is then laid in its place. At the base of the recess you need to arrange the drainage necessary for damp soil. Drainage should consist of 2 layers: small stones sprinkled with sand.
  4. Then stacked organic fertilizers, for example, rotten. Or you can use dry branches, leaves or grass. Subsequently, they will turn out to be an excellent fertilizer.
  5. Alternatively, you can sprinkle manure on the base of the hole.
  6. The soil prepared using this method should be formed in the form of a low mound at the base of the hole, where the root system of the seedling needs to be straightened and then sprinkled top layer identical soil. Then the soil needs to be compacted and carefully trampled down so that air voids do not form.

If you purchased seedlings in a container, then, carefully tapping it on all sides, remove the seedlings, while trying not to damage the soil with the root system. The paper type container needs to be unfolded. Then you need to install the soil with the root system in the planting hole on the prepared hill, spread the outer root system over it, dig in, compact the soil, and add more on top. In this case, you need to ensure that the bush is located exactly on the hill. The soil around the seedling should be compacted.