How to feed viburnum buldenezh in spring. Viburnum buldenezh, snow globe, recommendations for care and planting

Not everyone ornamental plant boasts such abundant and long flowering. For a whole month, huge caps of snow-white flowers attract the eye. This is how the ornamental shrub Viburnum Buldenezh blooms. Translated from French its name sounds like " snowball" It is quite justified - huge inflorescences up to 15 cm are spherical in shape and at the time of complete dissolution they are very reminiscent of snowballs.

It belongs to the Adoxaceae family and has many relatives growing in different climatic zones. All viburnums love moist, fairly fertile soils. They grow well and bear fruit in the sun or in slight shade. Most have edible berries that are produced from the central flowers, as the outer flowers are sterile. They have neither pistils nor stamens; their purpose is to attract pollinating insects. In the viburnum Buldenezh, which is a decorative form of the common viburnum, all flowers are sterile, so they have larger size, determining the decorativeness of the plant and lush flowering. But it does not bear fruit; viburnum Buldenezh reproduces only vegetatively.

Viburnum Buldenezh: reproduction

Rooted layering and cuttings, both green and lignified, are used for it. Buldenezh is easily propagated by division. To do this, the dug bush is divided into parts so that each has roots and shoots. The resulting plants are planted.

Reproduction by layering

Only those plants that are cultivated in bush form can be propagated in this way. In the spring, dig a shallow groove under the developed lower branch and bend the shoot, pinning it to the ground. For better rooting, longitudinal scratches are made on the bark. The shoot is sprinkled with humus, leaving the top open. Keeps the soil moist. Over the summer, the cuttings take root. Next spring it can be separated from the mother plant and replanted.

Propagation by cuttings

Both this year's shoots and last year's are suitable for it. Green cuttings are cut during the period of their active growth - from the beginning of June to the end of July. It is better to cut lignified cuttings in April-May. Each of them should have 2-3 internodes and a length of about 10 cm. The lower cut is made at an angle of 45 degrees, and the upper one is straight. The lower pair of leaves is removed completely, and the upper one is shortened by half. The lower cut of the cutting is treated in a growth stimulator according to the instructions and planted in a mini greenhouse, immersed 2 cm in the ground. By creating artificial fog, almost all cuttings can be rooted. They are planted in the ground in the spring after 2 years.

Planting ornamental shrubs

Viburnum Buldenezh is durable. It can live more than 50 years, so you need to choose a planting site carefully. The dimensions of the plant depend on how it will be grown. Bush forms grow up to 2.5 m in height and have a crown of the same diameter. If you form a plant in standard form, it will grow into a slender tree up to 4 m high with the same crown diameter.

How and when to plant

The ornamental shrub Viburnum Buldenezh takes root best when planted in spring. It is carried out while the plants are dormant and have not yet released their leaves. In the fall, it is permissible to plant divided bushes, provided that they have a well-developed root system.

Preparing the site and soil

This ornamental shrub is moisture-loving. If there is a pond on the site, the Buldenezh shrub will perfectly decorate it. In this case, the plant will not feel a lack of moisture.

It's important to him good lighting, but in the hottest hours a little shade from tall plants growing nearby is desirable.

This type of viburnum has average requirements for soil fertility. It grows well on not too rich sandy loam and podzolic soils. But in this case it needs regular feeding. Soil acidity should be between 5.5 and 6.5. If it is higher, the soil is limed. It is advisable to do this in the fall.

Landing rules

It is better to prepare the planting hole in the fall so that the soil is well compacted and there are no voids in it.

  • The diameter and depth of the planting hole is 60 cm. On dry soil, it is completely filled with water and the plant is planted when it is absorbed. If the soil is too wet or heavy clay, drainage made of crushed stone, pebbles and sand is placed at the bottom of the hole.
  • The top layer of excavated soil is mixed with three buckets of compost, a glass of nitrophoska and two glasses of ash.
  • The straightened roots of the plant are placed on an earthen mound and sprinkled with prepared soil mixture so as to deepen the root collar into it by 4 cm.
  • The tree trunk circle is trampled down, watered well and mulched with a layer of compost or humus.
  • Shorten the bush by 1/3 to maintain balance between the above-ground part and the root system.

In the future, the survival rate of the plant and its successful growing season will depend on care.

Kalina Buldenezh: care

This ornamental shrub is not too demanding to care for, but it has its own preferences.

Watering and fertilizing

During the season, it is enough to do only 3 feedings. In early spring, 1-2 buckets of well-rotted manure or compost are poured under each bush. Once leveled, it will serve as a mulch layer while nourishing the plants.

Inorganic fertilizers are applied in 2 periods. In spring, for every square. m of tree trunk, add 50 g of nitrogen, 40 g of phosphorus and 30 g of potassium fertilizers. They can be added dry, lightly incorporated into the soil. This should be followed by watering. In autumn, plants are fed before the leaves begin to fall, adding half of the spring norm of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Nitrogen is not added to the autumn fertilizing so as not to provoke out-of-hour growth of young shoots, which weakens the bushes and prevents them from preparing for winter.

Viburnum Buldenezh does not like the soil to dry out, so it needs regular watering, especially in dry weather. It is necessary to water so as to completely moisten the root layer of soil.

This is especially important for recently planted plants.

Trimming and pinching

After frosty winters, the plant needs sanitary pruning - all frozen and dried shoots are cut off. This must be done carefully so as not to weaken the flowering, since viburnum blooms on last year’s shoots.

Formative pruning is done for the first time immediately after planting - each branch is shortened by a third of its length. If in the first year after planting an inflorescence appears on the bush, it must be cut off without allowing it to bloom. This technique will ensure more luxuriant flowering next year. Subsequent formative pruning depends on the method of growing viburnum. In the bush form, all new shoots are cut out annually except one - the strongest. The maximum number of shoots in an adult bush is 8-10. Pruning is carried out in the summer after flowering, but no later than mid-August. In the summer, the side branches are shortened, achieving the desired shape of the bush. Young growing shoots are pinched at the end of August.

If viburnum is formed on a trunk to create a beautiful tree with weeping branches, only one of the most powerful shoots is left. Cut out all other shoots and root shoots. Around the third year, the crown begins to form. The height of the trunk by this time should be about 1.2 m. old bush Viburnum can be rejuvenated by cutting off all branches at a level of 30 cm from the ground.

Preparing for winter

Kalina Buldenezh - enough frost-resistant plant and freezes only in very severe winters. To help her transfer them, you need to prepare the plant for winter.

  • Do not feed with nitrogen fertilizers in the second half of summer.
  • Do not allow young shoots to grow starting from the end of August. Pinch them if necessary. Reduce watering starting from the last ten days of August until the end of leaf fall.
  • After leaf fall, carry out water-recharging irrigation.
  • Mulch the tree trunk circle with a layer of mulch of at least 10 cm.
  • Cover additionally young plants in a mini greenhouse.

Proper preparation will mobilize all the forces of the plant, and it will safely survive the winter, showing all the frost resistance given to it by nature.

Pests and diseases

Viburnum Buldenezh is loved not only by gardeners. Insect pests do not ignore it either. The viburnum leaf beetle and black viburnum aphid are especially rampant. Insects begin their harmful activities in early spring Therefore, it is impossible to be late with plant protection. An effective method is treatment with drugs such as Iskra and Inta-vir. Both karbofos and chlorophos are suitable. Three treatments will be required with an interval of 12 days. For those who do not allow “chemicals” into their garden, there is a safe product called Healthy Garden. The frequency of treatment of viburnum with it is the same. You can use folk remedies: infusions of garlic, hot pepper, yarrow, wormwood. They will also help when viburnum is affected by spotting or powdery mildew. It is very useful to lure entomophagous insects into the garden that fight pests. To do this, spicy and aromatic herbs are sown near the bushes.

Application in landscape design

Viburnum Buldenezh looks great on the lawn. A good border for it would be flower beds of low annual or perennial flowers. During flowering, it revives conifers and can serve as the lower tier in plantings of large trees - birches, rowan trees, maples, lindens. Planted along the fence, viburnum Buldenezh forms a beautiful hedge. Decorative viburnum planted near the water will become a real decoration of the reservoir. It goes well with lilac, mock orange, hydrangea, and barberry.

One or several Buldenezh viburnum bushes will decorate the site, help implement interesting design solutions, and emphasize the individuality of the garden.

Viburnum Buldenezh (translated from French as “snow globe”) belongs to the genus of flowering plants Adoxaceae. The plant is the most common decorative form of the well-known deciduous shrub - common viburnum or red viburnum (lat. Vibúrnum ópulus). This plant is highly valued by summer residents, as well as landscape designers who are ready to decorate almost any gardens and summer cottages with them. The plant is unpretentious. It does not require complex care, so it is often used instead of other plantings.

Viburnum buldenezh in the garden

Homeland: temperate climate Europe and Asia. Viburnum Buldenezh is widespread in the European part of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the northern and southeastern regions, in the Caucasus and Crimea, Western and Eastern Siberia, Kazakhstan, Western Europe, Central and Asia Minor, as well as in North Africa.

Flowering: Flowering duration is 2-3 weeks, from late May to early June.

Light: the plant Viburnum Buldenezh is a light-loving species, but it tolerates slight shading normally, i.e. it is shade-tolerant.

Temperature: the shrub is a frost-resistant species. It is able to withstand temperatures from −35 °C and below.

Watering: during cold weather or heavy rains, the plant does not need watering. In hot and dry seasons, it is necessary to water the plant several times, since a lack of moisture during this period can lead to a reduction in flowering time. An adult shrub needs watering at least once a year, before flowering.

Feeding: at least once every 5 years. The plant should be fed in the spring months, after the soil has dried out somewhat.

Pruning: Needs pruning.

Transplantation: at the end of August.

Reproduction: vegetatively - green cuttings, layering.

Kalina buldenezh: care

This variety of viburnum, shown in the photo, was obtained by the famous French breeder and botanist Victor Lemoine. The shrub traditionally reaches a height of 2.5 meters, individual trees - 4 meters. Viburnum Buldenezh has a wide spreading crown. On the territory of Russia you can find a 50-year-old viburnum, which has a height of 6 meters, while the diameter of its crown is 4.5 meters. Ball-shaped inflorescences consist of flowers without pistils and stamens, that is, this variety of viburnum does not have reproductive organs, which does not allow it to reproduce by seeds. The flowers of the plant first have a greenish tint, then become snow-white, resembling a snow globe. During flowering, the flowers acquire a pink tint.

The flowering period is about a month. Large, wide leaves consist of 3 or 5 lobes. Common viburnum bears fruit with berries of bright scarlet color, which are collected in an umbrella brush and have beneficial properties, viburnum Buldenezh does not bear fruit. It is worth noting that some varieties of viburnum have black fruits, which, on the contrary, are very poisonous.

Now let’s look at what care this plant needs so that you can soon admire the beautiful seedlings of the plant. Exclusively on early stage The development of the viburnum plant Buldenezh needs watering. An adult Buldenezh, as his description says, is able to provide for himself independently required quantity nutrients and moisture.

At home, caring for the plant that we can see in the photo is very simple. This unpretentious type of viburnum is available for cultivation by every gardener, even beginners and amateurs. Reviews of the plant can be seen in the video. Its planting and propagation does not cause difficulties. It should be noted that viburnum Buldenezh and common viburnum, despite their picky nature, prefer fertile soils, bright light and moist soil. Under these conditions, the unique representative of the flora shown in the photo shows all its advantages, develops well, tolerates reproduction and is formed.

According to botanists, caring for the viburnum Buldenezh, shown in the photo, primarily consists of watering in dry times and good feeding, at least once every 5 years. As for replanting, it can be done when necessary, without taking into account the time of year or the age of the plant. Some experts believe that feeding a plant, if the soil on which it grows is not fertile enough, should be given attention more often than once every 5 years. So, it is necessary to feed viburnum Buldenezh before the beginning of the growing season and before the period of shedding leaves. In the spring months, to feed plants per 1 sq. meter, take a mixture consisting of 50 grams of nitrogen, 30 grams of calcium and 40 grams of phosphorus.

Flowers Viburnum buldenezh

In the autumn months, caring for the plant consists of adding a mixture of 20 grams of phosphorus and 15 grams of potassium per square meter. Fertilizers should be sprinkled over the soil, then dug up, watered and mulched with mown hay, grass, straw, bark, and sawdust. The process itself can be watched in numerous videos on the Internet. Also, in order to maintain optimal conditions for the growth of viburnum, you can use decomposed compost when mulching.

Planting a plant and its propagation will not be difficult for a gardener. To do this, a small shoot of viburnum must be separated from the base of the bush and kept in water until roots form. Then the cutting can be planted immediately in open ground. Planting will be successful and the cutting will take root if carried out in the spring and autumn months. Also, planting viburnum will be successful if organic fertilizer mixed with ash is placed in the dug planting hole. According to experts, planting also requires mulching the surface of the earth with peat. Planting is completed with abundant watering.

Features of pruning the plant shown in the photo. Pruning the Buldenezh viburnum, shown in the photo, is usually used to rejuvenate the bush. In this case, the plant is cut out completely and young shoots will soon appear. For achievement abundant flowering, as shown in the photo, such care as thinning is used. It is remarkable that a modest bush can easily produce a delightful tree. To do this, carefully remove the shoots at the bottom of the bush, leaving the trunk. You can familiarize yourself with this process by watching the video.

Possible difficulties

When growing this garden culture at home summer cottage you may have some difficulties. Certain diseases pose a certain danger when growing this type of viburnum, which is shown in the photo. They should be taken into account when caring for shrubs, especially immediately after planting. Bulldenezh and other varieties of viburnum can get sick due to insect pests that mercilessly destroy the leaves and wonderful flowers of viburnum. Often these types of pests include leaf beetles, viburnum bark beetles, comma scale insects and aphids. They are fought with care, even before the plant blooms, which we can see in the photo, using special chemical solutions and preparations:

  • organophosphorus compound chlorophos at a concentration of 0.2%;
  • insecticidal preparation "Karbofos" - 0.1%;
  • biological product "Fitoverm";
  • organophosphorus drug "Actellik";
  • "Decis".

Viburnum buldenezh for the garden

Another disease that can cause harm to Buldenezh and negatively affect other varieties of viburnum is powdery mildew. Those who care for the plant should take this into account. The causative agent of this disease is a fungus that infects mainly young parts of plants, damaging green shoots, emerging leaves, petioles and newly formed berries. The disease progresses during dry and hot weather. It is at this time that even a slightly wilted plant becomes susceptible. The foliage of an infected shrub looks as if it is covered with lime. In just 2 weeks after the first signs of infection appear, powdery mildew can cover every young leaf of the plant, petioles and shoot tips.

Of course, it is easier to prevent a disease by taking care of it than to treat it. Yes, for prevention powdery mildew infusions such as garlic, onion and tobacco are used. These folk, but proven means achieve effective prevention diseases. If the disease could not be avoided, and even proper preventive care did not help, then at the end of flowering the plants should be treated with an infusion prepared from ash: 3 kg of ash is infused in 10 liters of water. Also for these purposes, a solution of soda ash and soap is used: for 10 liters of water, take 50 grams of soda and laundry soap, grated on a coarse grater. The procedure for treating diseased viburnum Buldenezh must be repeated up to 3 times, keeping a weekly interval between them.

Decorative viburnum becomes a real chic decoration of the garden plot. Beautiful plant indispensable in landscape design. It looks great on any photo. Buldenezh and some other varieties of viburnum will look very impressive against the background of trees such as linden, spruce, maple and rowan. On the plots of amateur gardeners, common viburnum, buldenezh and Canadian viburnum most often flaunt. When there is sufficient space, shrubs are usually planted in small groups consisting of 3-5 bushes. Viburnum is able to decorate any garden and area, giving it an atmosphere of tenderness and home comfort.

Kalina Buldenezh translated from French - Snow Globe. A lush, white inflorescence 7-15 centimeters in diameter will decorate any yard. The balls do not have a strong smell, but you can enjoy their appearance for up to 30 days.


Description of the variety

Buldenezh is a perennial plant that is popular throughout Russia. This shrub of the honeysuckle family is ornamental and does not produce berries, so it has a second name - sterile viburnum. The plant grows from 3.5 meters and above. It blooms from the end of May until the last days of June, and then pleases with its large, carved leaves. In autumn the foliage turns purple.

Viburnum loves moist soil and partial shade, but the variety is drought-resistant.

Planting seedlings

When planting viburnum seedlings Buldenezh, you need to take into account that in the open sun the flowers will dry out faster, and in constant shade the plant will bloom later. Also, when growing, you need to pay attention to the soil, it must be quite fertile.

Disembarkation dates

It is better to plant viburnum in the spring; it is not recommended to do this in the fall - unexpected frosts and heavy rain will destroy young plant. It needs to be planted in dry, warm weather.

Selection of a location on the site

The plant prefers to grow in moist, loose soil - in the lowlands, near water bodies. Viburnum has a spreading crown, so it needs to be grown where it will not interfere.

Technique for planting viburnum Buldenezh

Procedure for planting seedlings:

  1. Dig a hole large enough for the root system of the cutting.
  2. Add nutritious minerals and fertilizers to the pit.
  3. Add mixed sand, charcoal, peat.
  4. Fill the hole so that the ground is moist but there is no puddle.
  5. Trim the roots so they will grow faster.
  6. Plant the seedling and cover it with soil so that it stands stable.
  7. Tie and water.

Viburnum care

You need to care for viburnum Buldenezh by performing the following activities:

  • watering:
  • pruning;
  • fertilization;
  • treatment against diseases and pests.

Watering and mulching

The soil should not be allowed to dry out; it should always be moist. In hot weather, you need to take special care of hydration - water 1-2 times a week, 2-3 buckets.

After flowering, viburnum Buldenezh still needs watering; if it is limited, the plant will become dehydrated and will not survive the winter.

It is important to add mulch to the root soil. You should dig up the ground around the bush once a year, renewing the layers of mulch.

Pruning and pinching the bush

The rounded shape of the bush can be achieved by pruning the plant twice a year - in spring and summer. Inflorescences grow only on shoots of the second year of life. To enjoy flowers every summer, you need to take this feature into account when pruning branches. The first flowers are cut off, as they are initially small and frail. In subsequent years, you can prune the bush after flowering has ended, forming a crown. The shoots should be cut at the base, strengthening the trunk. For a multi-stemmed stem, you can leave no more than 4 shoots.

In the spring, weak and diseased branches are pruned and dry ones are removed. In autumn, the bushes are not touched; they need strength to survive the cold.

Pinching the plant adjusts the desired height. Young shoots should be pinched so that 4-5 buds remain, this will make the bush lush.

Fertilizer application

In order to have lush snow globes, it is necessary to add the following fertilizers to the soil every spring:

  • urea;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • peat;
  • compost.

Fertilizers must be applied according to the instructions; too much fertilization will have a bad effect on the flowering of viburnum.

Preparing for winter

In winter, plants are mulched to prevent the roots from freezing.

In autumn it is necessary to prepare the plant for wintering:

  • loosen the ground;
  • apply fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium nitrate).

Reproduction of viburnum Buldenezh

Buldenezh is a plant that does not pollinate; vegetative methods are used to propagate it.

Reproduction by layering

Reproduction by layering

Propagation by cuttings is done in the spring, before the viburnum actively begins to bloom. In this way, the plant can be restored by creating a new bush from the cutting.


  1. Dig a shallow, long hole in the area.
  2. Fertilize and add humus to form young plants.
  3. They choose to escape.
  4. Place it horizontally in the hole, securing the plant with wire.
  5. Cover with soil and water abundantly.

You can transplant a young shoot to a new place in 2-3 years, when it grows like the mother bush.

The clarity of the method is shown in the video from the Khabarovsk Gardeners Club.

Propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are best done in the summer. At this time of year the plant will not experience severe stress like in spring at the beginning of flowering. And the cuttings themselves will be more viable than the autumn ones.

Prepare the cuttings as follows:

  1. Cut shoots 6-9 centimeters with 4 young buds.
  2. The lower leaves are removed from the branch.
  3. The top cut should be straight and pass under the bud.
  4. The lower one is oblique and passes over the kidney.

Plant the branch in a greenhouse with fertilized soil to a depth of 2-5 centimeters. The soil should be moistened regularly. By the end of summer it will form root system, which means the cutting is ready for transplanting into open ground.

Propagation by cuttings

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Dividing the bush

The division procedure is simple:

  1. Choose a young, strong shoot.
  2. Carefully separate from the main trunk.
  3. They dig it up.

Before planting, you need to keep the shoot in well-moistened and fertilized soil. Before planting, you need to spray it with anti-stress - epinon or zircon.

Pests and diseases of viburnum Buldenezh

Viburnum flowers and its leaves are susceptible to some diseases; the plant can become infected from decorative bushes next door or from vegetable crops, growing on the site:

  1. Powdery mildew. It affects leaves and shoots with a white coating. Helps against powdery mildew - Bordeaux mixture, foundation, ash tincture (3 kg per 10 liters).
  2. Rust. An orange coating appears on the leaves and bark, as if they were scorched. The disease is treated with drugs containing sulfur - polyram, strobe, Bordeaux mixture. Rust actively develops during the rainy season and during cold spells, it is necessary to take preventive measures in advance.

In order to prevent diseases, spring and autumn processing viburnum Buldenezh.

The most common viburnum pests are:

  • scale insect;
  • viburnum leaf beetle.

To ensure that spraying is not in vain, it should be done only in dry, windless weather. In the heat of the day, it is better not to process. In addition, to avoid plant burns, preventive maintenance should be carried out in the evening or early morning.

  • soap solution;
  • chlorophos;
  • karbofos;
  • Aktara;
  • agravertine.

It is necessary to use preparations for treating viburnum against diseases and pests in accordance with the instructions that come with them.

In Russia, viburnum buldenezh appeared thanks to Empress Catherine II and it was grown exclusively in royal gardens, parks and greenhouses, so the viburnum species is considered an aristocratic crop. The second name for decorative viburnum is Viburnum sterile (Viburnum opulus) - since the flowers in the inflorescence are sterile, so it does not produce fruit. Viburnum blooms with snow-white balls for a short time, only 2-3 weeks (late May - first half of June), gracefully hanging on branches curved under their weight. Viburnum buldenezh is quite capricious, but growing it is not difficult and can be done by novice gardeners; you just need to follow the rules of planting and care.

Viburnum buldenezh, description

Decorative viburnum buldenezh is a shrub from the honeysuckle family, reaching a height of up to 3.5 meters. The shoots stretch straight and then branch into different sides and form a spreading branched crown. If the bush is not given shape, developing spontaneously, the bush reaches a diameter of up to 1.5 meters. To emphasize the beauty of the flowering snow-white balls, experienced gardeners give the shrub a semicircle shape. The shrub can be grown in bush form, in the form of a single trunk or in the form of a standard tree.

The main advantage and attractiveness of the shrub are large inflorescences 10-15 cm in diameter, hanging from the branches. Each bud of the inflorescence blooms several semicircular petals, in the middle of which there are no stamens - buldenezh flowers are sterile. At the beginning of flowering, which begins at the end of May, the inflorescences acquire a delicate greenish tint, then become creamy or slightly pink, and when the buds open completely, the balls become snow-white, like snowballs. Forms on one bush great amount snow globes. Due to their heaviness, thin branches hang down to the ground, giving the viburnum a luxurious and attractive appearance.

But decorative viburnum is incredibly attractive not only during wild flowering. The bush has a very beautiful leaves– large, jagged, with a bright, rich color and clear veins on the front side. In autumn, the leaves turn purplish green and brighten the garden, standing out among the yellowish foliage.

Varieties of viburnum buldenezh

There is another variety of decorative viburnum buldenezh - Viburnum vulgaris Roseum or a double type of decorative viburnum buldenezh. At the beginning of its flowering, the flowers are white, sometimes with a green tint, and at the end they acquire a soft pink color. This is the difference between the Roseum variety and the decorative viburnum. It is a large shrub reaching a height of more than 3 meters. The shrub is used in standard plantings. The conditions of care, planting and characteristics of the variety are similar to those of decorative viburnum.

Viburnum buldenezh, reproduction

For propagation of decorative viburnum it is used vegetative method. This is due to the fact that buldenezh is completely sterile, its inflorescences do not have pistils and stamens. Most often, decorative viburnum is propagated in three ways:

  • By layering.
  • Cuttings.
  • Dividing the bush.

Reproduction by layering

Sprinkling branches is an easy way to propagate buldenezh. This method of propagation is carried out in the spring.

Stages of work:

  1. Prepare shallow (up to 10 cm) long grooves in the soil under the bush.
  2. Annual bends must be lowered to ground level and placed in prepared recesses.
  3. Secure the bends with metal hooks or staples in the grooves.
  4. Cover the shoots with humus, carefully compact them and water them abundantly with water, preferably rainwater.
  5. When the first shoots appear, it is necessary to hill up several times, maintaining constant soil moisture.

Transplantation of rooted shoots is carried out in the fall into special containers by separating them from mother bush, dividing into seedlings. Viburnum buldenezh seedlings are ready for transplanting to a permanent location only after their root system has become stronger, after about 2 years.

How to propagate viburnum buldenezh by cuttings?

Cuttings are a rather long and labor-intensive method. This method of propagation is carried out in the summer, during pruning of the bush. For propagation, green young shoots with several pairs of buds are used.

Stages of work:

  1. Carefully cut off the young shoots, leaving one internode, and the remaining leaves are removed.
  2. Place the cuttings in a stimulating solution (for example, Kornevin), which accelerates root growth for about 8-10 hours.
  3. Prepare beds for planting. A mixture is used for the soil turf land, sand and humus (1:1:1). The soil should be well moistened.
  4. Cuttings treated with a stimulant are immersed in the soil by about 2-2.5 cm

After planting, it is necessary to provide the cuttings with optimal conditions for growth and create a mini-greenhouse, for example, cover with film, a transparent bag or plastic bottle by creating them Greenhouse effect. The soil must be constantly moist; it is recommended to periodically spray the cuttings. By the end of summer, the cuttings should produce young shoots.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This propagation method is carried out by carefully separating the young daughter shoot from the mother bush.

Viburnum buldenezh, planting

In order for viburnum to take root well and delight you with abundant and luxurious flowering, you need to choose the right place for planting and prepare the soil. The time chosen for planting is also important.

When to plant

The time of its planting depends on the choice of propagation method for viburnum buldenezh, which can be done both in early spring and before frost.
Spring is an excellent time to plant by cuttings, and in the fall the method of dividing the bush is suitable. In rainy and cold weather, autumn planting can be risky; there is a chance that the shrub will not take root. Experienced gardeners recommend using spring planting layering.

Choosing a landing site

Buldenezh prefers moist soils, so low-lying areas where moisture is well retained or places near water bodies are suitable for planting. If there is no such place on your summer cottage, then choose an area with partial shade, paying attention Special attention for watering.

Although the plant will grow in the shade, its flowering will not be abundant, and the inflorescences will be small. In a sunny area there is a possibility of burns and a short flowering period for the bush. The shrub can be planted as a single spreading bush, or in a group with other shrubs. Due to its spreading nature, buldenezh creates wonderful shade; it can be planted near gazebos or garden benches. Remember that ornamental viburnum is a shrub that lives for several decades; choose a place where it can grow and settle for a long time.

How to plant viburnum Buldenezh correctly

Before planting ornamental viburnum seedlings, you need to prepare the ground. Garden and vegetable garden soils are ideal for shrubs - loose, fertilized and nutritious with optimal soil acidity pH 5.5-6.5. When planting several seedlings on a site, you should take into account the fact that over time the bush will grow and occupy a large area. An acceptable planting pattern would be a 2 by 2 meter square. The first year the buldenezh grows very slowly, all the plant’s energy goes into strengthening the root system, and by the age of three the shrub reaches a height of up to 1.5 meters.

For correct landing seedlings should follow the following rules:

  1. To plant a viburnum seedling, prepare a hole measuring 60x60x80 cm. The viburnum buldenezh shrub has a strong root system, so the hole for planting it must be large and deep.
  2. Drainage is laid out at the bottom of the hole: crushed stone, broken brick, stones, bark, which is necessary so that water does not accumulate near the roots and moisture does not stagnate.
  3. The drainage layer is covered with sand in a layer of 10-15 cm.
  4. The next layer is filling the hole with soil, which includes:
  • 4 buckets of compost;
  • 2-3 cups wood ash;
  • 1 glass of nitrophoska.

The seedling is immersed in the ground and deepened 3-5 cm below the root collar. The seedling is watered abundantly. The top of the moist soil must be covered with a layer of humus, sawdust, and old leaves.

Viburnum buldenezh, care

Kalina decorative buldenezh needs careful care: regular watering, fertilizing. An adult bush needs constant pruning and removal of dried broken branches, as well as protection from pests.


Buldenezh loves moisture and needs regular watering, especially in dry summers. Young shrubs need more frequent watering than mature plants. If the watering regime is followed correctly, the inflorescences develop large and bloom profusely throughout the flowering period. In the fall, until the very frosts, abundant watering is carried out in order to prevent soil dehydration in winter.

Top dressing

Feeding of buldenezh is carried out in the second year after planting in the ground. Since the planting was done in well-fertilized soil with a sufficient amount of fertilizers and nutrients for growth and development, they should be sufficient for the plant to adapt to new conditions and for good growth throughout the year.
The first fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out in the spring when the first leaves appear on the branches. You can also feed viburnum organic fertilizer: humus or rotted compost. Place 1-2 buckets under the bush.
The time for the second feeding is autumn, before the leaves fall. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are suitable for the second feeding.
Both liquid fertilizers and dry granules, which are scattered under the bush, are suitable as top dressing. The soil should be loosened. After applying the fertilizer, the bush is watered abundantly.

Trimming and pinching

In order for the buldenezh to form a beautiful lush crown, it is necessary to carry out annual formative pruning of the bush. Pruning viburnum buldenezh is carried out after it has faded by shortening the side shoots, cutting out dry branches, thinning the middle of the bush. Pruning is not recommended at the end of summer, as the viburnum is preparing for the onset of winter. The shrub can be given a bush or standard shape. In order to make one trunk, all shoots except one are pruned. Young shoots that will grow over time are pruned. The crown is formed when the plant reaches 1.5-2 m in height. The bush is regularly thinned and dry branches are removed. To obtain a multi-stemmed viburnum, a young bush is pruned to the stump, leaving 20 cm to stimulate the growth of side shoots.

For abundant flowering of Viburnum buldenezh, young branches of Viburnum are pinched at the end of July or at the beginning of August. It should be noted that buldenezh forms buds and blooms only on last year’s shoots, so it is not recommended to pinch them.
Mature bushes with abundant flowering can collapse under their own weight, so the bush needs support and garter.

Wintering buldenezh

Decorative viburnum is resistant to frost and is rarely susceptible to freezing. In harsh winter conditions, young shoots are exposed to freezing. To reduce the likelihood of frost affecting the root system, the tree trunk of the viburnum bush must be covered with humus and peat for the winter.

Viburnum buldenezh, pests and diseases

Viburnum is susceptible to various pests that can weaken the plant and inhibit its growth and development. Among them are the most frequent and harmful unwanted guests:

  1. Viburnum leaf beetle. A beetle with a shiny light brown color from the leaf beetle family. In large quantities, leaf beetles can eat all the foliage and thereby destroy it. To combat the pest, double treatment of the bush with insecticides is necessary. The first treatment is carried out in May to combat larvae, in August - with adult beetles. Karbofos, phosbecid and fufanon cope well with the leaf beetle.
  2. Scale insects. Represent small insect, which sticks to the surface of the leaves and looks like a small tubercle on it. Scale insects suck the juice from the leaves. To combat them, actara and askoris are used.
  3. Aphid. Small pests that can annoy the plant. To combat aphids, bushes are sprayed soap solution or Aktara, Agravertin. Spraying is carried out in the evening, provided there is no wind. You can also repel aphids by placing a thick layer of ash on the soil near the bush.


Common disease decorative variety viburnum is powdery mildew, the causative agent of the disease is a fungus that infects young shoots and leaves. The foliage of a diseased plant looks as if covered with a layer of lime. In just two weeks, the disease can spread to the entire bush. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent powdery mildew with an infusion of garlic, onion or tobacco. These folk remedies quite effective.

If infection cannot be avoided, after flowering we treat the viburnum with an infusion of ash: 3 kg per 10 liters of water. You can also use a solution of soda and soap (for 10 liters of water - 50 grams of soda ash and laundry soap, which must be grated on a coarse grater). It is necessary to spray the bush once a week for 3 weeks.

Viburnum buldenezh in landscape design

Viburnum buldenezh gracefully looks like a single shrub against the backdrop of a trimmed lawn. Landscape designers They use the buldenezh bush as a “border” plant near coniferous plantings. Viburnum emphasizes the edge of the shadow and looks great in the light. It is also effectively used as a hedge, alley, and decorates paths and playgrounds. A wonderfully blooming snow-white shrub looks near a fountain or a small pond, near a gazebo with a bench, creating a luxurious shade. Decorative viburnum looks great both in single and group plantings with lilac bushes, garden mock orange, hydrangea. Its tenderness will be emphasized by the foliage of the Thunberg barberry. Cut branches of buldenezh are perfectly preserved in water for a week, delighting with their lush white inflorescences, which are often used to create luxurious compositions and bouquets.

Viburnum buldenezh is a beauty that, with its lush snow-white blooms, can decorate any area and garden, giving it special tenderness and an atmosphere of home comfort and harmony. Choosing a suitable place for it in the garden and creating all the favorable conditions for its growth will allow you to enjoy its extraordinary beauty and enjoy its abundant and lush flowering every spring.

Kalina buldenezh, photo

The original variety of sterile viburnum "Snow Globe" has received recognition for its unusual inflorescences reminiscent of snowballs that decorate our dachas and garden plots late spring and early summer.

Mature, formed bushes of viburnum Buldenezh are capable of carrying heavy balls, strung in garlands on bent branches, up to 500 pieces. Abundant inflorescences, going through a development cycle in 25-35 days, immerse us in the joyful anticipation of pleasant surprises of the coming summer. Blooming small flowers They have a pale green, then greenish-white color, and when they fully unfold, they crowd each other with bright, flat, large, five-lobed, pure white corollas, striking with the splendor of the inflorescences. These sterile plants have neither stamens nor pistils. In some varieties (“Roseum” - Roseum, “Pink Sensation” - Pink Sensation), the corollas turn pink as they fade.

Growing conditions

Viburnum “Buldenezh” is demanding in terms of growing conditions. Despite the fact that it belongs to frost-resistant shrubs, it is inferior in winter hardiness to common viburnum. In a severe winter, the growth of last year may partially freeze over, but in the next growing season, new shoots appear from the upper buds that remain intact. After frosting it blooms poorly. Complete or partial freezing during cold winters also occurs in open lowlands and heavy clay soils.

A sunny or slightly shaded place is well suited for Buldenezh viburnum. Direct sun makes flowering short. Despite the shade tolerance, planting in the shade weakens flowering, gradually the inflorescences become smaller and degenerate.

Viburnum Buldenezh is drought-resistant and grows successfully on relatively dry soils, although it is quite moisture-loving and prefers moist or moderately moist soils. Viburnum Buldenezh grows especially well on garden and vegetable soils - loose, fertilized, nutritious, from moderately acidic to alkaline, the optimal soil acidity is pH 5.5-6.5.

Heavy clay soils cultivated - add humus (10 kg), wood ash (0.4 kg), peat (3-4 buckets), sand, phosphorus (40-50 g), potassium (25-30 g).

When caring, maintain optimal humidity conditions - frequent watering, especially abundant during the dry period for young plants. In autumn, with the onset of cold weather, the soil is saturated with water to prevent tissue dehydration during the winter.

In spring, nitrogen (40-50 g/m2), phosphorus (30-40 g/m2), potassium (15-20 g/m2) are added to the dug up soil; in mid-August - phosphorus (30-40 g/m2), potassium (15-20 g/m2), then all feeding is stopped. During the season, water the soil 1-2 times with complex fertilizers and add a little ash under the bush.

Viburnum Buldenezh - reproduction

Viburnum Buldenezh reproduces well vegetatively: by layering, dividing the bush, and green summer cuttings. They propagate by layering in the spring: they bend and pin a shoot into a hole 10-12 cm deep, cover it with humus, compact it, and keep the soil moist. The shoots take root by autumn, however, the roots are weaker than those of the cuttings, and after 2 years they are separated from the main bush.

When pruning the bush in summer, prepare sufficient quantity cuttings with one internode, which manage to take root and produce young shoots over the summer. In June, shoots from last summer are cut off (7-8 cm long) and planted in loose humus soil to a depth of 2-3 cm in a garden bed or in a well-washed river sand, under which humus is laid in a layer of 6-10 cm, in a cold greenhouse. At the same time, the plantings are protected with film on arcs or glass, shading from the sun and equalizing the air temperature with agrofibre folded in half.

The warm and humid microclimate inside the greenhouse before rooting of the cuttings is maintained by spraying them warm water(2-3 times). Then the young bushes are grown in a school. Cuttings can be cut in April - they will take root even with blossoming leaves and old wood.

Planting viburnum seedlings

Seedlings are planted according to a 2x2 m pattern, allowing the root collar to be deepened by 3-5 cm and compacting the soil. Young plants grow a little slower than common viburnum: the first year - slowly (0.3 m in height, 0.4 m in width), since the root system is not yet developed, but then it can grow up to 1 m per year.

At the age of 3-4 years they reach a height of 1.5 m, 5-year-olds - 2-2.5 m, 12-year-olds - up to 3 m. Over time, asymmetrically scattered spreading bushes with a broadly ovate crown reach impressive sizes - 4-5 m in height and width. The garden cultivar Buldenezh lives quite a long time - about 60 years.

Formative pruning of viburnum - how to do it correctly?

To get a multi-stemmed bush, young viburnum is cut at a level of 15-20 cm from the ground. For splendor and abundant flowering in the future, in the first year, the emerging inflorescences are cut off unblown, and then the young growing shoots are pinched at the end of July - beginning of August.

With further formation of the crown, pruning is carried out in June-July, that is, after the end of flowering, so that new flower buds have time to form on the branches for next year. It cannot be carried out in the spring, so as not to weaken the intensity of flowering; at this time, before flowering begins, only branches broken during the winter are removed. During the summer, they correct the shape - shorten the side shoots, reducing the size of the bush, remove some branches, thin out central part– such a haircut is tolerated by the plant painlessly. From the end of August, no pruning is carried out, because the plant must get stronger and prepare for the cold.

With age, the branches are tied up, as the abundance of inflorescences causes the bush to fall over and bend. With age, the outer branches become “weeping”, slightly hanging down. Knowing this feature, bushes are placed in areas with excess moisture, near bodies of water, using the reflection effect to create a picturesque picture.

Not only the flowering is reflected in the water, but also large, beautiful foliage, broadly ovoid or round in shape, which bristles with smooth plates (3 or 5 lobes). In spring, the leaves are light green above, in summer - dark green, grayish-green below, and in autumn the bush turns into wine tones - from dark red, purple-red, carmine-red to yellow-orange. The foliage does not fall for a long time.

Kalina Buldenezh combines beautifully with others beautiful flowering shrubs: garden mock orange, mauve common and Persian lilac, early flowering spirea; its beauty is emphasized by the foliage of the Thunberg barberry (read more about it), and the lush image is taken over by paniculata hydrangea. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the concept of a white garden.

In larger areas, singly or in group plantings, it adorns the sunny edge, emphasized by the dark greenery of conifers (spruce, western thuja), carved leaves of maples, dense cover of lindens, drooping braids of white-trunked birches, cheerful feathers of rowan trees.

The hardy, gas-resistant shrub is used to create hedges, alleys, curtains, and plant areas and paths.

Standard form of viburnum

The tree's own standard form during flowering is not inferior in beauty to standard roses. The plant tolerates molding pruning well, which allows you to have specimens with a beautiful crown on a low and high trunk. When pruning, one powerful shoot is left, forming a crown at a height of 1.5-2 m, then pinching off branches more than 25-30 cm long. The shoots and shoots under the bush are removed, and once every 7-10 years the crown is thinned out, cutting out broken, dry or branches spoiling the shape of the plant.

In addition:

  • At the beginning of viburnum flowering, the flowers are greenish, then bright white.
  • Caring for viburnum is traditional: weeding, loosening the soil and fertilizing.
  • The flowering period of viburnum Buldenezh is 2-3 weeks.
  • The sterile form of viburnum is well preserved when cut. Branches 30-50 cm long, bearing inflorescences and leaves, are cut in the morning and placed in water, where they are stored for a week. The plant, like Lilac, is often used for forcing.

Note: Questions and answers about viburnum

How to transplant a viburnum bush from the forest?

Please note that in general, according to the law, you can take a tree from the forest only with the permission of the forester. Maybe it's better to find it from your neighbors beautiful bush, from which you can take cuttings

Laugh with laughter, but in modern times it is quite easy to get fined (and there is also the danger that you will be charged with a couple of hetars of illegal logging, and then you have to prove that you are not a tree yourself).
Viburnum reproduces by seeds, green cuttings, dividing the bush, layering and shoots. It is better to take shoots or part of a bush in the fall, but you can also take them early in the spring, before the sap begins to flow. In this case, you should try to damage the bush from which part or shoots are taken as little as possible.

Currently, the breeders of the Siberian Research Institute of Horticulture named after. M.A. Lisavenko also created cultivated varieties of viburnum: Vigovskaya, Zholobovskaya, Souzga, Taiga rubies, Ulgen.

Growing viburnum buldenezh - personal experience on planting and care

I want to talk about beautiful bush With beautiful name- this is viburnum Buldenezh (Boulle-de-neig), which is translated from French as “snow globe”, or, more simply, “snowball”. Its inflorescences, in whiteness, shape, and size, are really similar to those snowballs that we threw at each other in distant childhood, when even enemies were only momentary and make-believe.

This is a spreading shrub, about 2.5-3 m high. It does not produce berries, it is valued for its lush flowering and spherical inflorescences - “snowballs” with a diameter of 7 to 15 cm. The inflorescences consist of sterile flowers, completely odorless.

This beauty settled with us in the spring about 10 years ago as a ready-made seedling about 30 cm high. We all took a very responsible approach to choosing a place for planting. It is known that the common viburnum Buldenezh is moisture-loving, loves fertile soils, and is sun-loving, but tolerates light shading. Taking this into account, it was decided to plant it in sunny open place with slight shading from the house, on the east side directly under the windows. The soil at the planting site is moisture-absorbing and fertile (loam).

We prepared a planting hole, as this is the key to a good “start” for the plant. They made a hole 60x60x80 cm. They poured it well, then laid drainage (stones and bark) at the bottom. Then they filled the hole with a pre-prepared nutrient mixture consisting of compost and native loam (1:1), adding ash and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, and again spilled water.

Then came an equally important moment - the landing itself. The seedling was carefully pulled out of the container without destroying the earthen ball. Then they made a hole in the planting hole and planted the viburnum, deepening the root collar by about 5 cm. After which, compacting the soil a little, they watered it thoroughly again.

In the first year, our viburnum did not grow very quickly, over the year its growth was approximately 30-35 cm. Then, apparently having gained root power, it was able to “produce” growths of 80-90 cm and by this moment reached 3 m in height and width.

To achieve the splendor that we have now, every year in the summer, after flowering, in July, we did formative pruning of the bush, preventing it from spreading too high and wide. I would like to note that we do pruning in July only because after flowering the bush needs time to establish flower buds for next year. Viburnum tolerates shearing very easily. We carry out sanitary pruning in early spring, before the sap begins to flow, cutting out weak, diseased, and shoots broken during the winter.

Formed after summer pruning Of course, it’s a pity to throw away green cuttings, so we put them on rooting. Cuttings should have at least 8-10 buds. To root cuttings, we use nutritious and loose soil consisting of humus, coarse sand and garden soil (1:1:1). It is very important to ensure that the soil is constantly moist. Cuttings at good conditions They form roots within a few months, sometimes earlier.

But of course, we would not have achieved such beauty if we had not given our pet food every spring. We use compost as top dressing (1.5 buckets per bush) and add mineral fertilizers to the ground (1-1.5 tablespoons of urea, 2.5-3 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate).

Like ordinary viburnum, Buldenezh loves watering. During the flowering period, even short-term drying out of the soil is unacceptable, so during this period and in extreme heat we water the viburnum about once a week, 2-3 buckets.

I would like to talk separately about pests.

Viburnum Buldenezh is very often, at least in our country, affected by leaf beetle caterpillars and aphids. Some years there are a lot of them.

We fight this scourge in the following way. Twice a year we treat the bush with various insecticides (based on organophosphates); you can also use other means. We carry out the first treatment in early spring, before buds open, and the second after flowering. This is not to say that pests completely disappear, but there are definitely fewer of them, and accordingly, they cause less damage.

And so, following all these simple agricultural techniques, every summer we admire the indescribable beauty when the Buldenezh viburnum blooms. White balls hang on it like garlands. When blooming, the flowers first have a greenish color, and then, when fully bloomed, pure white. Flowering lasts approximately 10-15 days, and if the weather is cloudy, the inflorescences may hang longer. Its spherical white inflorescences look very impressive in bouquets. But even after blooming, viburnum Buldenezh does not lose its decorative effect - in the fall, burgundy-red foliage adorns the garden.

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