Thursday salt: how to prepare, how to use, what it is needed for. How to prepare Thursday salt in modern conditions

Dear friends, in Lately, You literally bombarded us with questions related to such a substance as “Thursday salt”:

    • What is Thursday salt?
    • Where can I get this “Thursday” salt?
    • Is it possible to prepare “Thursday” salt yourself or do you still need to buy it somewhere?
    • Where can I find an old (secret) recipe for making real “Thursday” salt?

What is Thursday salt?

Quarter salt is usually called salt prepared in a special way in Maundy Thursday, previous Great Easter. For centuries, it has been believed that it is “Thursday” salt that has cleansing properties, but ordinary salt seems to simply be salt and nothing more.

But is it? To believe that only Thursday salt has cleansing properties is a complete misconception. Salt, no matter what it is, has the property of purifying. It doesn’t matter when you bought it and where, it doesn’t matter what color it is, it doesn’t matter which day you “prepared” it (performed the ritual).

It is no secret that many Christian traditions that have survived to this day were borrowed from Vedic culture, however, our contemporaries completely and completely believe that the same church rituals have absolutely nothing to do with paganism. We will not argue and prove obvious things. It's up to you to decide what to believe and what not to believe.

Where can I get Thursday salt?

You can easily and simply make your own quarter salt. From the name itself it follows that the salt is “prepared” on Thursday. Whether it is Thursday, which is during Holy Week, or ordinary Thursday, of which there are many, does not really matter. Moreover, you need to understand one very simple thing: if you live in the Christian tradition, if you firmly believe in all those canons on which Christianity itself is based, of course, you should “speak” Thursday salt on the Thursday preceding Easter. After all, a true and orthodox Christian, whether he wants it or not, is very much tied to the Christian egregor. Every time a person gives his energy to an egregor, when, for example, he prays. The egregor (energy substance), in turn, can also fulfill the request of the person praying. There is a kind of energy exchange taking place. This is to say in simple language that is understandable to everyone, without going into all the serious stuff.

Thus, if you decide to “cook” salt during Holy Week, believing that this week is special in every way, and the salt itself will absorb a variety of beneficial features and energy, of course, it is worth doing it just before Easter.

But there are other cultures, there are other worldviews. There are Buddhists, there are pagans, there are people who have not fully decided. In a word, there are all kinds of people. What then should they do? After all, salt - whether you believe it or not - still has cleansing properties.

Our thoughts on Thursday salt

Since it is customary in most sources to call cleansing salt the word “Thursday,” we will not destroy established traditions. Our ancestors, who lived in the Vedic tradition, knew that salt has the properties of cleansing, removing negativity, and drawing out all the bad. Cleansing salt could be prepared on any day, as long as the moon was waning. It was believed that salt acquires additional beneficial properties if it is heated in an oven over coals.

Nowadays, it is very difficult to do calcination in this way. Russian stoves remained only in villages, and even then, they can rather be called a great rarity than commonplace. Today we solve the problem completely differently: we calcinate the salt on the fire, for example, pouring the salt into a cast-iron frying pan, put it on the fire, and it calcinates it. For calcination, use coarse salt, without adding iodine or other nonsense.

Many sources say that anything can be cleansed only with Thursday salt prepared during Holy Week. If you are orthodox, if you are a true Christian, if you believe in this, then follow this idea. If you are far from Christian traditions, if you trust yourself and your own intuition, follow it and know that any salt, absolutely ANY salt can clean both the person himself and the room where he lives. And “Thursday” has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Recipes for “baking” salt, with which the Internet is now replete, are ridiculous, well, honestly! Let's finally turn on our head; after all, it is given to a person in order to think, and not in order to perceive everything without analysis and filters as the ultimate truth.

In connection with all this, a plot from a movie about vampires comes to mind, where a man, trying to defend himself from a vampire attack, pulls out holy crucifix. The vampire grabs this holy crucifix, not at all afraid of it, and says the sacramental phrase: “For this to help, you need to BELIEVE in it”! We tell you the same thing, repeating it once again: believe that salt can only be “Thursday” salt, period, prepare it on Thursday, which is Holy Week, don’t believe in all this, but believe in yourself, and the natural salt component - cook when it is convenient for you. It will work, despite all the nonsense that the “web” is full of.

How to prepare Thursday salt yourself?

Usually, our ancestors not only calcined the cleansing (“Thursday”) salt (in fact, they strengthened it with the help of Fire - the most powerful First Element), but also spoke it. They could also perform some rituals on her. It all depended on the requirement (for what purpose) the salt was prepared.

It is best if you “cook” salt for yourself over an open fire. For these purposes, gas or a fire is suitable, even the fire that you have prepared for frying shish kebab will be suitable, but not an electric oven (it is important that there is a Living Fire - this is critical!). The vessel in which you will heat the salt should be made of cast iron. This is ideal. If cast iron frying pan no, don’t despair, take what you have at hand.

When you start preparing salt, you need to mentally concentrate on what kind of salt you want to get. What will you do with it? What do you need it for? This will be the salt that you will then use to walk around your house, i.e. will she protect you? Or will it be the salt that is supposed to cleanse something? Or will there be salt, which is designed to become your talisman? Or maybe you want to use it to treat animals? Or expelling evil spirits? Or maybe YOU just want to charge the salt with positive energies so that you can eat it later?

In a word, you need to clearly understand WHY do you need salt?

Worth knowing important point, the essence of which is this:

  1. If you are preparing salt, in order for it to help you remove negativity, remove destructive effects, it must be prepared on the waning Moon and stirred counterclockwise.
  2. If you want to make a talisman out of salt, or somehow use it for yourself (in food, for cosmetic purposes), then the salt must be prepared on the waxing Moon and stirred clockwise.

These points are very important, you need to know about them.

Thursday salt recipe

Finding a recipe for making real cleansing Thursday salt is not easy. In addition to the obvious components, there are a number of hidden nuances of this ritual. Have a little patience! What is important is desire, Fire, the salt itself and the power of intention, we will be happy to tell you the rest.

You can prepare the salt itself at any time, but not at night. The time of dawn is best - after all, during this very period, creative energies flow, the sun rises, everything awakens, there is a lot of power, forgiving which all evil spirits are powerless.

It is important to be clean, that is, before you start “cooking” salt, you need to wash yourself. Such rituals are not performed on a dirty body. It is best to do your business without witnesses. Still, the process is intimate. You, salt, Fire and your thoughts, which nothing and no one interferes with.

If you are preparing salt in order to use it to remove destructive properties, you can take a knife and not only stir the salt counterclockwise, but also use it to cut the salt crosswise, imagining how the knife destroys all negativity or all your enemies . All these actions can be accompanied by prayer or a conspiracy. If you don’t know some special conspiracy, it’s okay, you can say the words that come from your heart, they will go where better than any prayer or conspiracy.

In this article we will tell you not only how to prepare Thursday salt, but also why you need to do it. The last Thursday of Great Lent, during Holy Week, is called Clean Thursday. It is dedicated to the Last Supper, the Easter dinner of Christ with his disciples, after which one of them betrayed him. Jesus foresaw this action. He said that the traitor would be the one who dips his hand into the solilo with him. Judas immediately reached for the plate.

In Rus', on the eve of Maundy Thursday, contaminated salt was burned and purified by fire. Mixed with rye flour or kvass grounds and wrapped in a clean linen rag. The bundle was placed in an old bast shoe, which was placed in the oven overnight. The heat heated up the mixture, charred it, and the salt acquired a black color and unusual properties.

Black salt - for health and beauty

Modern scientists have found that ash from bread, which is about 6% in Thursday salt, enriches it with iron, sulfur, potassium, calcium, iodine, zinc, copper and other chemicals necessary to the human body. And harmful chlorine partially evaporates during the heat treatment process. This is how salt turns from a “white poison” into a black drug.

Thursday salt, unlike regular salt, contains almost no heavy metals, which have a destructive effect on the digestive tract and cause dysfunction of the liver and kidneys. It treats constipation, bloating (increased gas formation), and increases appetite. Hypertensive patients can consume black salt without fear; it does not increase sodium levels in the blood and does not retain water. And if this seasoning is used regularly, swelling subsides, tightness and burning in the chest goes away, and vision improves.

Since ancient times, black salt has served as an indispensable remedy against acne and acne. Returned fresh look dull, pale, flaky skin. It is enough to wash your face every morning with cool water with a pinch of Thursday medicine to make your skin young and clean. You can also take warm baths with 7 tablespoons of black salt. A week-long course of water procedures will restore good spirits, good mood, and will also remove the evil eye and damage caused.

An unusual medicine helps strengthen the immune system. If you eat a piece of rye bread sprinkled with Thursday salt on an empty stomach for 20 days, there will be no trace of persistent colds.

If black salt is mixed with natural honey in a ratio of 1 to 2, it turns out excellent remedy from periodontal disease. They massage the gums in the morning, before brushing your teeth. If you add a third of a teaspoon of Thursday salt to a tablespoon of sour cream or thick yogurt, you will get an effective mask for the face and neck. The skin after it is elastic and velvety.

The magical properties of Thursday salt

Except medicinal properties Salt consecrated in the church is also attributed with magical qualities. In the old days, healers advised adding it to the water in which the baby was bathed, so that the child would grow up handsome, healthy and intelligent. If a husband and wife quarreled, a small bag of black salt was placed under the pillow. Trouble struck - they poured salt into the corners of the hut. If a long separation was tormenting, they threw a pinch of the drug into the fire. They believed that the man would return soon. To make the house a full bowl, pour it into a wooden salt shaker and place it in the center dining table. Thursday salt is known to attract money and good luck. When you're angry envious person came to visit, they flavored the treat with it. After the enemy, black salt was sprinkled on the trail.

To take you out of the apartment negative energy, on Maundy Thursday a special magical ritual is performed. Freshly prepared black salt is poured into a small cloth bag. With him at dawn they walk around the house, starting with front door. First, they stand behind the threshold, then they always step over it with their right foot, saying: “As black salt came into the apartment, so the evil misfortune is gone forever.” And they walk around the house counterclockwise, repeating the spell in front of each door.

A little magic salt is offered to the brownie to help the household in everything. It is poured into a saucer, which is “hidden” in a secluded corner in the kitchen. For example, for gas stove. A few days later, when the housewife is happy with the gift and appreciates the owner’s care, the black salt should be thrown out through the window or balcony onto the street. It cannot be washed off with water or thrown into the trash, God will punish it.

To protect the baby from the evil eye, a tiny bag of Thursday salt, literally a tablespoon, is placed in the stroller or in the pocket of the child’s outerwear. The same amulet can be worn by adults.

How to prepare black salt?

Recipes for making Thursday salt have come down from time immemorial, they have been passed down from generation to generation. Previously, salt was fired in Russian kilns, flooded with birch firewood. Nowadays, on the last Thursday of Lent, it is prepared with prayer in the oven.

Recipe No. 1. The crusts are cut off from rye bread, preferably Borodino bread (200 g). The crumb is poured with water and kneaded into a paste. 200 g of coarse rock salt (not iodized), 2 teaspoons of cumin and coriander are poured into it. Instead of these spices, you can take mint and oregano in the same quantities. The components are thoroughly mixed and placed in a dry metal form. It is placed in an oven heated to 220 degrees. After 15 minutes, the hardened bread is broken into pieces and returned to the oven until fully cooked, about an hour. Burnt crackers are thoroughly crushed. This is black Thursday salt.

Recipe No. 2. The grounds remaining from the kvass are mixed with coarse salt. Proportions as in the first recipe. Cook in the oven until the leaven residue turns black. Grind and sift. The black salt will remain in the sieve. It is poured into glass jar and stored in the kitchen, closer to the fire.

On Easter, together with Easter cakes, this salt is blessed in the temple. Dyed eggs are eaten with Thursday salt. Tasty and very healthy.

Thursday salt is mostly prepared (baked) in monasteries. An obedient monk (performing kitchen work) during holy week, on Maundy Thursday prepares a preparation for making Thursday salt (black salt) by mixing the salt with the remaining kvass grounds from kvass. Presence of kvass Lenten menu Necessarily. There are many varieties of kvass - bread, beet, carrot... Therefore, the grounds from kvass accumulate in a lot of different ways. She is rich in such important and useful substances, like phosphorus, iodine, potassium, chromium, magnesium.

The leaven residue can be replaced with rye bread, similar to Borodinsky.

0.5 kg coarse rock salt

2.5 loaves of bread, Borodino

Soak the bread, squeeze it out, roll it into small balls the size of tennis balls. Bake in the oven, placing it on coals, at a temperature of approximately 500 degrees until the balls turn black.

Before sending the salt into the oven for baking, they say a prayer over it!

Prayer over salt:

God our Savior, who came to Jericho under Elisha the prophet, from harmful water healing salt: bless this salt yourself, and offer it as a sacrifice of joy.
For you are our God, and to you we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.

Ready-made salt will turn black and may become compressed. You need to wrap it in cloth and break it into small pieces with a hammer. There is no need to throw away the remains of burnt bread - this is a natural carbon sorbent that perfectly replaces activated carbon and is capable of removing toxins from your body. When consumed, mix 1/2 teaspoon with water and use for preventive cleansing. Burnt bread is sifted out with a sieve.

By Easter tradition black Thursday salt should be blessed in church along with Easter cake, krashenki (pysanka) and prepared Easter cottage cheese.

On the day of the Great Resurrection, colored eggs are sprinkled with Thursday salt. But you can't dip eggs in salt. Crumbs from the product should not defile it. Take a pinch of black salt and gently sprinkle it over the eggs. This also applies to other products. From the custom arose a rule of etiquette that prohibits dipping anything in salt!

According to established modern church canons, black Thursday salt is prepared once on Maundy Thursday for the whole year.

Recipe. How to prepare black Thursday salt at home?

This procedure for preparing Thursday salt can be done at home. Prada, the conditions for preparing it are not entirely suitable, but it is possible. Buy salt and roast it with herbs or black bread. But at home it is better to prepare salt without additives, otherwise the whole kitchen will smoke!

The simplest way Prepare Thursday salt at home - take it and heat it in a frying pan, preferably cast iron. Again, you will need to use coarse salt without any additives! True, after calcination it will remain light. Don't forget to say a prayer before you start cooking.

Calcination of salt, in addition to ritual meaning, has a very important practical significance. At high temperature: 250 - 280 degrees, salt destroys some of the most harmful chlorine compounds associated with sodium for the body, which, even with a slight overdose in the body, disrupt the potassium-sodium balance. After all, a lack of potassium significantly affects the work of cardio-vascular system person. Here, in Thursday salt, the amount of potassium increases, as well as selenium, calcium and other trace elements that increase its nutritional, dietary and health value. Black salt is much less able to retain water in the body, therefore increasing the weight loss effect. The harmful effects on hypertensive patients and people suffering from kidney disease are reduced. Also, this salt does not harm people suffering from chronic diseases. And it’s simply delicious!

The benefits of black Thursday salt

Black salt is no longer “white death”. Use it like regular store-bought table salt.

In principle, black Thursday salt can be prepared not necessarily on Maundy Thursday. Why? I'll figure it out and write soon.


, is the same sacred attribute as, for example, holy water. For a long time, it has been used in Rus' to treat a variety of diseases, to cleanse oneself and the home, to remove damage and the evil eye, as a talisman, including against magical influence from the outside, and for many other purposes.

The peculiarity of Thursday salt is its unusual black color and the fact that it can be prepared only once a year - on Maundy Thursday (Thursday in Holy Week immediately before Easter), consecrating it at the Easter service along with Easter eggs, eggs and other Easter products.

From the article you will learn:
*Thursday salt recipes,
*how to use Thursday salt,
*how to store Thursday salt

What you will learn from the article:

Recipes for making Thursday salt: how to prepare Thursday salt

Thursday salt on kvass grounds or rye bread

On Maundy Thursday, take the sediment (ground) of kvass or Rye bread and rock salt. Cut the bread into small cubes and wet. Mix and grind the salt, combining it with leaven grounds or bread (if you take a kilogram of salt, you need about five kilograms of bread, but in practice the proportions may be different - you can take less bread).

Can add spices according to taste or medicinal qualities. Place the resulting mixture on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 250 degrees (or to maximum). Let it bake until the entire contents of your pan are blackened. It is good to pray while baking. At least read the Lord's Prayer 33 times.

You will get a black crust, solid - like a burnt pie. Break off small pieces of this “pie” and pound in a wooden mortar. It is advisable to read prayers at the same time.

I also want to warn those housewives who will prepare black salt in the apartment or small house. Either immediately open the windows wide or turn on your hood at full power, or monitor this process as you cook. Frankly speaking, last year I made my apartment quite smoky, I even had to wash the curtains. But all because I went out to run errands and left the salt on the timer for half an hour.

The salt, of course, turned out just right. The same cannot be said about recently washed curtains :).

Thursday salt with rye flour

On Maundy Thursday, pour a pack of coarse rock salt, one and a half glasses of rye flour into a cast-iron frying pan and, stirring in circles from left to right (as the clock hands go) with a WOODEN spoon, heat this mixture until it turns black. Leave in the pan until midnight. Then pour into a new natural fabric bag or jar.

This magical recipe is less smoky than the previous one. Although the salt itself does not turn out to be very black, but rather closer to dark gray, the color of sun-dried chernozem. Nevertheless, such salt is not inferior energetically. In addition, this recipe is easier to execute and much faster - if in the first case you also need to crush and grind hard lumps of salt, you can say pebbles, then here the salt only needs to be cooled.

Thursday salt with cabbage leaves

Have to take upper leaves cabbages - those that usually remain green, chop them. Next, combine with rock salt and, as in the recipes above, burn in a hot oven until black.

Thursday salt from service

On Maundy Thursday, buy salt and take it to church services. The condition is that the service must be fully defended.

The salt obtained by any of the methods must be poured into a purse or bag made of natural fabric and tightly tied or closed in a new jar. Then it is useful to get up at dawn the next day, take the prepared salt, go outside the threshold of your home and say:

Then cross the threshold with your right foot and say:

At the end, go around the entire house, moving counterclockwise, all corners, all doors and windows with this salt. At the end, stand facing the exit and say:

How to store black salt

Quarter salt should be kept in the kitchen. Ideally, somewhere near the stove, while at the same time hiding it from prying eyes. You should also not tell strangers about it, much less show it.

How to use Thursday salt

  • *the very presence of Thursday salt in the house is a powerful amulet for your home. She will protect from evil, theft, invasion, evil eye and any malevolent energies
  • *carry a pinch of Thursday salt on your body as an amulet or talisman
  • *if something bad happens, sprinkle Thursday salt in all corners of the home
  • *a bag of Thursday salt under the pillow can reconcile lovers

Signs and superstitions are an integral part public life, even though we live in the 21st century. Can be skeptical or even ignored completely folk beliefs, but it is much more interesting to understand their essence and navigate the original and fascinating folk culture. Ancient traditions are not without their own charm, so it is possible that after a while you will want to experiment for yourself. There are many ways to engage in witchcraft rituals, such as making Thursday salt and/or using it at home.

However, traditions should not be taken too lightly. Even if at first glance certain customs seem frivolous, one should not ignore the subtext that has accompanied them for a long time. Human emotions and beliefs have a colossal hidden power that tends to accumulate. Therefore, the preparation of Thursday salt and all the sacraments associated with it are not without meaning. And even self-confident atheists who decide to make Thursday salt for fun are advised to think about this step in advance and become interested in the possibilities and power of Thursday salt.

What is Thursday salt? The magic of Thursday salt
It is better to begin the study of cult phenomena with the basics and the circumstances that contributed to their appearance. Both the properties and the very name of Thursday salt are inextricably linked with church canons, interpreted by ordinary people and healers. As usually happens in such circumstances, the original rules have become so mixed up with speculation and superstition that today it is difficult to distinguish one from the other, something worthy of belief from idle fantasies. Here is some information that is certainly related to the appearance and spread of Thursday salt:
Although Thursday salt is traditionally considered an attribute of white magic, its second name is Black salt. This color can be easily explained by the chemical processes that occur with table salt when heated strongly; in addition, the salt and auxiliary ingredients were colored with black ash when it was calcined. But the combination of fire, visible transformations and special conditions preparations made Thursday salt truly special for our ancestors and even many contemporaries.

How to make black salt correctly? Preparing Thursday salt
There are several recipes for making Thursday salt. Surely there were once more of them, but some have long been lost, and today only the most accessible and effective methods from the point of view of traditional medicine remain in demand. They are all united by one thing general rule: black salt should be made in Holy Week(week), on the night from Wednesday to Thursday or early Thursday morning. Anyone can prepare Thursday salt, but usually the mistress of the house did it and tried to do it without witnesses. In modern home conditions, it is enough to adhere to the cooking times and one of the recipes:
Any of these methods allows you to make Thursday salt on Maundy Thursday yourself no worse than experienced healers do. Salt gains magical powers through your faith, strict adherence to time, place and ingredients. However, modern science has its own explanation for the properties of Thursday salt.

Why does Thursday salt turn black? Properties of magic salt
Residents different countries and even regions within the same country prepare Thursday salt differently. But in each case it turns black and acquires characteristic appearance and aroma. The fact is that salt contains not only sodium chloride, but also impurities: iodine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chromium and some others minerals. When salt is heated, a chain occurs chemical reactions, externally manifested in the blackening of the composition. In addition, when cooking black salt in an oven, ash is formed, which folk medicine traditionally not thrown away, but used instead activated carbon to cleanse the body.

Thus, scientific facts And traditional methods are inextricably linked by the same obvious effects. Healers have long treated skin diseases with salt and ash, and when added to food, Thursday salt gave the food a piquant taste. Should I believe in special meaning It’s up to you to decide exactly what Thursday salt is for preparing salt, as well as what Thursday salt you need in your home. But if you want to make Thursday salt correctly, then it is better to follow all the relevant rules. Keep faith in your soul, love in your heart, and common sense in your mind, and then the forces of light will be on your side.