What is the most important thing in a person's life. We know Russian: the insidious comma - when to put it

Of course, I would like to believe that we live for a reason, but for a reason. Does anyone know what the meaning of life is? Everything is relative, since humanity still does not have any specific goals that everyone and everyone can move towards.

What is the most important thing in life? Any person sooner or later begins to ask this question. A lot has been said about the meaning of life and at the same time nothing has been said at all. Each of us must determine for himself personally what is a priority for him, what is worth living or even dying for.

What is the most important thing in life? There are people (by the way, there are many of them) who believe that career should come first. Why is she? Yes, many people really don’t understand the point of wasting themselves trying to curry favor with their superiors. Yes, a good position means status, money, respect, but do not forget that careerists are not so often happy in

A person who devotes himself entirely to work will sooner or later realize that he is lonely, and those around him are not friends, but simply people looking for some kind of benefit. What happens after such an epiphany? A person can realize that a high position is not the main achievement in life. At the same time, he will most likely try to change and rethink everything. Another option is also possible: a person, realizing his loneliness, will become an even greater careerist and finally withdraw into himself.

What is the most important thing in life? Many say it's love and family. There's really no need to generalize these two concepts. Why? Because often strong families are not created out of love, and those relationships that were originally based on love collapse. Family is perhaps the most beautiful thing a person can have. How nice it is to constantly feel the support of someone, to understand that they are waiting for you at home. Love is what time will pass. It is very good if affection comes to replace it. The main thing is that there is no emptiness.

People who see the meaning of life in the family, as a rule, live happily regardless of their financial situation, who they work for, what position they have reached, and so on. Is it good? Without a doubt! Family can really be called the main thing in Is it easy to argue with this?

Is love the most important thing in life? Perhaps, just don’t confuse it with passion. Love-passion is vanity, and love-affection is something eternal.

What is the most important thing in life? Some will say that the most important thing in life is education. Yes, some people are truly ready to learn throughout their lives. Is it correct? Here you can also look from different angles. The fact is that educated people have always been valued, but why devote your entire life exclusively to theory. There is an opinion that a scientist becomes one who is afraid to live life to the fullest.

Some people believe that the most important thing in life is some kind of achievement. Such people set a goal and go towards it, no matter what. What is this goal? So it does not matter. The main thing is that it exists. This could be winning some competition, skydiving, or opening your own business. What is important here is not the result, but the process. A person sometimes feels alive only when he is busy with something. Constant self-realization is the main thing in the life of some individuals. It also sounds quite convincing.

How can you determine what is most important in life for you? Analyze yourself, your character, think about your aspirations, goals, and so on. Surely you will find something that can be developed to global proportions. Do not be afraid that the path you have chosen will one day seem false or incorrect. Remember that it is never too late to change everything. Meaning in life can only be found by those who want to find it and are constantly looking for it. Don't dwell on little things and don't pay too much attention to other people's points of view - look for your own path.

And most importantly

conjunction + introductory word; conjunction + clause member

1. Conjunction + introductory word. Indicates that the speaker intends to express an important, especially significant idea. If the word “main” can be removed or moved, then it is highlighted on both sides with punctuation marks, usually commas. If it is impossible to exclude or rearrange the word “main”, then a comma is not placed between “a” and “main”. The conjunction "a" is usually preceded by a comma or (depending on the context) other punctuation mark.

He believed that the apartment is better the higher it is located - more sun and air, and most importantly - it seems far away, if not to the end, then at least to half of the city. V. Bykov, Wolf Pack. Quiet, responsive, not in a hurry, and most importantly, Why are they worse than us, really? V. Vysotsky, Dolphins and Crazies. And most importantly: our “bias” will be very, very dear to the future historian. I. Bunin, Damned days.The work needs to be done as quickly as possible, and most importantly, as high quality as possible.

2. Conjunction + sentence member. Syntactic constructions with the conjunction “a” are isolated.

But fish and fowl were mere trifles, and most importantly That wasn't the point. D. Mamin-Sibiryak, Raspberry Mountains. Just think, climbing to such a dizzying height to make sure that it is not a height, but only a foothill, and most importantly there, further, and reaching it is an unthinkable undertaking. B. Okudzhava, Travel of Amateurs. Preparatory stage took three whole weeks, and most importantly the matter was still ahead.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .


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eriksol: Sergey, hello! I'm not entirely sure about the correct punctuation in this sentence. I would like to know your opinion.

“Gorin didn’t like to reflect, but apparently(,) the stars were positioned wrong Lately: he became nervous and twitchy, although the career of a successful lawyer, house, car, wealth, and most importantly (,) his pride and love - his son Stas (,) in the end should have made him happy.”

Thank you in advance!
Best regards, Eric.

Correct (in terms of punctuation): Gorin did not like to reflect, but, apparently, the stars have been aligned in the wrong way lately: he has become nervous and twitchy, although the career of a successful lawyer, a house, a car, wealth, and most importantly, his pride and love - his son Stas [eventually] were supposed to make him happy.

Introductory word apparently(meaning “probably”) is isolated on both sides. Adverb does not require commas apparently(meaning “noticeably”), which is now obsolete and is found mainly in classical literature. See, for example, “The Queen of Spades” by A. S. Pushkin:

Hermann opened a seven. Everyone gasped. Chekalinsky was apparently embarrassed. He counted out ninety-four thousand and handed it to Hermann.

After the introductory turn and most importantly (and most importantly) a comma or a dash is placed; Given the complex sentence structure, a comma is preferable. A number of homogeneous members ( career, home... son) does not need to be closed with a comma.

The comma after Stas can only refer to the turnover in the end, the identification of which depends on the meaning, which in this context is not entirely obvious. This phrase is an introductory combination and is isolated on both sides if it expresses impatience, irritation of the speaker (which is unlikely) or indicates a related statement as a final, summarizing one: they say, whoever, and the son must certainly please dad (but a similar meaning already clearly passed on and most importantly).

Commas are not needed if the revolution is in the end acts as a member of a sentence with the meaning “after all, finally”: he said goodbye for a long time and finally left. But such an interpretation is also doubtful, because the author emphasizes that the hero’s concern contradicts his external well-being, which is designed to give happiness in the first place, and not on a residual basis. Thus, the meaning of the phrase remains vague, and we invite you to decide for yourself whether it needs to be isolated and used at all, based on your creative intent.

There are other semantic inaccuracies in the sentence. Let's say verb reflect means “to analyze one’s feelings and experiences,” and a nervous and twitchy person usually has no time for that. Instead of “career of a successful lawyer” it is better to write successful career as a lawyer, because a successful lawyer is not a profession. Elements of the sweet life like Houses And cars themselves indicate a good income, so the word prosperity looks redundant when compared to them.

Finally, the structure jumps around a bit: he didn't like to reflect But...he became nervous Although... It turns out two independent oppositions, although in both cases we are talking about the same thing. It is advisable to rearrange the sentence so that the reader does not lose the thread of the story. For example:

Apparently, the stars have been aligned differently lately: the usually balanced Gorin has become nervous and twitchy, although a successful career as a lawyer, a house, a car, and most importantly, his pride and love - his son Stas - should definitely have made him happy.

You often read news and large serious materials from reputable, respected publications on the Internet and catch yourself thinking: who is the author of these illiterate lines, where did they study, who taught them to use written Russian so ineptly. In addition to , a mistake in which, unfortunately, even specialist philologists make, many errors in the field of syntax and punctuation began to be found in the texts of would-be journalists.

Simply put, the question of where to put a comma, whether it is needed here or not, and if it is needed, then why, causes enormous difficulties for most writers. One gets the impression that they did not study this section of the Russian language either at school or at university, and they put punctuation marks where there is a pause in the language - this is where they strive to “stick” their “hook”. But in language, not everything is so simple - it has its own rules. MIR 24 decided to recall some of the punctuation features of the Russian language.

Punctuation is understood as a system of punctuation marks in the written language, the rules for their placement in writing, as well as a grammar section that studies these rules. Punctuation makes clear the syntactic and intonation structure of speech, highlighting individual sentences and members of sentences. This greatly facilitates oral reproduction of what has been written.

(along with colon and dash) is the most complex sign punctuation. In order to understand whether a given sentence uses a comma, you need to remember a few simple rules. In writing, this sign is used to highlight and isolate participial and adverbial phrases, definitions, isolations, addresses, interjections, interjections, clarifications and, of course, introductory words.

Also, a comma is used to separate between direct and indirect speech, between parts of a complex, complex and compound sentence, homogeneous members of a sentence.

This punctuation mark is used either singly or in pairs. Single commas serve to divide a whole sentence into parts, separating these parts by marking their boundaries. For example, in a complex sentence it is necessary to separate two simple parts, and in a simple one - homogeneous members of the sentence that are used in the listing. Paired commas highlight independent part sentences, marking the boundaries on both sides. On both sides, participial and adverbial phrases, introductory words, and addresses in the middle of a sentence are most often distinguished. To understand where commas are placed, remember a few rules.

The main thing is the meaning

The most important thing is to understand the meaning of the sentence to understand the meaning of the sentence. One of the functions of punctuation marks is to convey correct semantics. If a comma is placed in the wrong place, the meaning is instantly distorted and a comic effect appears. For example: “Yesterday I entertained my sister, who was sick, playing the guitar.”

To highlight an independent part of a sentence, you need to read the sentence without this part. If the meaning of the sentence is clear, then the removed part is independent. Commas, as a rule, always highlight adverbial phrases, introductory sentences and words. For example: “The other day it became known that a friend of mine, returning from vacation, forgot her phone in the train car.” If we remove the participial phrase from this sentence, its meaning will hardly change: “The other day it became known that a friend of mine forgot her phone in the train car.”

However, there are cases when the gerund adjoins the predicate and in its meaning becomes similar to an adverb. In such cases, single participles are not separated by commas. “Why, sir, are you crying? Live your life laughing” (A.S. Griboyedov). If the gerund participle is removed from this sentence, it will become incomprehensible.

Insidious treatment

Addresses are always separated by commas in sentences. If it is in the middle or end of a sentence, it is not very easy to identify. For example: Tell me, boy, how far is it to the city? You are wrong, wife, when you say that Lionel Messi is not a football genius. Well, haven’t you noticed, sister, that the clock hanging on the wall has stopped?”

Let's compare

In almost all cases, a comma is used when talking about comparative phrases. It is easy to find in a sentence, mainly due to conjunctions as if, exactly, as, as if, as, rather than than, etc. However, there are exceptions. Comparative turnover do not stand out if they are phraseological units. For example: It was as if he had disappeared into the ground. Rain cats and dogs and so on.

Between homogeneous members

A comma is placed between homogeneous members, but not always. A comma is necessary for conjunctions such as a, yes, but, but, however. Also, a comma is needed between homogeneous members that are connected by repeating conjunctions (and ... and, or ... or, not that ... not that, either ... or). There is no need to put a comma between homogeneous members that are connected by single conjunctions yes, and, either, or. In addition, repeating conjunctions before homogeneous members of the sentence will help determine where commas are placed.

Difficulties arise when homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions come across. Between homogeneous definitions, a comma is necessary. For example: interesting, fascinating book. For heterogeneous definitions, there is no need to use a comma: interesting philosophical novel. The word “interesting” expresses the impression in this phrase, and “philosophical” means that the novel belongs to a certain genre.

Boundaries of simple sentences

In complex sentences, a comma is placed before coordinating conjunctions. These are unions like and, yes, or, either, yes and. The main thing here is to correctly determine where one simple sentence ends and another begins. To do this, you need to find in each of them grammatical basis(subject and predicate) or divide difficult sentence within the meaning of.

Defined word in participial phrase

A comma is placed in sentences with a participial phrase, but also not always. The main thing here is to remember that participles are isolated only if they appear after the word they define. The word being defined is the one from which the question is asked to the participial phrase. For example: The bus standing at the bus stop broke down. If this does not happen, a comma is not needed: The bus standing at the stop has broken down.

A comma is always placed before contrastive conjunctions - but, yeah, uh.

Oh those interjections

Affirmative, interrogative, negative words, as well as interjections, require commas. There is always a comma after the interjection: « Grammatically correct speech, alas, these days it’s very rare.”. But not everything is so simple here. The interjection must be distinguished from particles such as oh, ah, well– they are used for reinforcement, as well as particles O, used when addressing. “What are you like!”, “Oh, close your pale legs!” (V. Brusov).

Here, of course, everything is very schematic and brief - Russian punctuation is much more complex and richer. But even these tips, I hope, will help you write correctly and put commas where they are justified by the rules, and not use them where they are not needed. I wish you success in mastering the “great and mighty” and remind you:

How to pronounce, speak and write correctly - the program will test your knowledge and teach you New season on air on the MIR TV channel from September 3. The program will air on button 18 on Sundays at 7:20.

Every week, TV viewers will be able to learn new and Interesting Facts about the “great and mighty.” The program will continue to be hosted by the charismatic Sergei Fedorov, who promises to fill the program not only with intelligence, but also with sparkling humor.

Ivan Rakovich

At first glance, the rule for placing punctuation marks for introductory words, phrases and sentences consists of a single formulation - they are highlighted on both sides of the letter with commas. Basic rule: the introductory word or phrase is separated by commas on both sides. This naturally (=naturally) led us to the only correct answer. BTW is an introductory word if it indicates a connection of thoughts - He is a good athlete. Typically, in this meaning, the particle “-that” can be added to the word “finally,” which cannot be done if “finally” is an introductory word. In this case, a dash is placed before “means” - To be offended means to recognize oneself as weak. The specified combination is not distinguished as an introductory one if it is connected by the conjunction “and” with the word “in general” - The conversation turned to politics in general and in particular about the latest government decisions. FOR EXAMPLE, it will always be introductory, but it is formatted differently.

The word finally is not introductory and serves as a circumstance in the meaning of “at the end”, “finally”, “after everything”, “as a result of everything”: I gave three balls annually and finally squandered it. 4) However, a word is introductory if it is in the middle or at the end simple sentence: The heat and fatigue took their toll, however; How cleverly I did it, however. As an adverb, it really means “indeed, truly, in fact” (usually it stands between the subject and the predicate): I really am as you say. This provision also applies to the form in general: In general, there is nothing to be sad about (introductory word, can be replaced - generally speaking). 10) The combination in fact in the meaning “really” is not introductory. But if this combination serves to express bewilderment, indignation, indignation, etc., then it becomes introductory: You really have nothing to do with it (“really”). 18) The word approximately is introductory in the meaning of “for example” and is not introductory in the meaning of “approximately”: I try not to think about it, approximately (“for example”) - it’s absolutely impossible.

Turgenev).Nothing offends me so much, I dare say, nothing offends me so much as ingratitude (Turgenev). The word finally is not introductory and serves as a circumstantial meaning “at the end”, “finally”, “after everything”, “as a result of everything”. Wed: In general, there is nothing to be sad about (introductory word, can be replaced - generally speaking). 18) The word approximately is introductory in the meaning of “for example” and is not introductory in the meaning of “approximately”. It is necessary to distinguish between cases when the introductory word is at the beginning of a separate phrase, and cases when it is located between two members of the sentence. Homogeneous member the sentence that comes after the introductory words and therefore, and therefore, is not isolated, that is, a comma is not placed after it.