What is textiles in the interior. Decorative and functional role of textiles in the interior

Decorative textiles in the interior today are very diverse. It plays one of the main roles in the design and emphasizes the unique style of the house. IN modern interior it performs not only an aesthetic (decorative) function. Hides shortcomings and emphasizes advantages. Its main advantage is the ability to play colors. The interior instantly comes to life when you enter it bright colors!
The use of contrasting colors, such as black and white, red and black, has always been popular. And textiles can additionally add texture - soft or hard, thereby emphasizing the character of the interior. But in any decoration, not only color combinations, but also patterns are important. Floral motifs are especially popular today. Floral prints are actively used in the interior, adding sensuality and tenderness to it.
Despite certain trends in the interior design industry, the fashion for original designer textiles has nevertheless penetrated into modern interiors. Artists use individual sketches to order and paint pillows, tablecloths, panels, curtains, and bedspreads. And today we can safely say that the main design trend in modern interiors is exclusivity and uniqueness in textiles.
The windows of any room are decorated with curtains. Depending on the interior style in which the room is decorated, you can choose light or heavy material, length to the floor or, for example, to the window sill - curtains can visually expand the space, but can, if necessary, create the coziness of a closed room. The latter is especially true when it comes to rooms with a hearth - a stove, fireplace, decorative fire.
For kitchens they usually select light decorative mesh fabric, where you can easily attach various decorations - this allows you to create a unique atmosphere in the room, and in no way affects the penetration of light.
In common areas and living rooms there are already for a long time Airy, lightweight curtains are relevant, but for bedrooms, thick, light-proof curtains are usually chosen. However, in any case, closed windows in the room, including the bedroom, should not burden the atmosphere.
By the way, heavy textured textiles are often used as partitions in rooms. Dense and weighty material can become indispensable when it comes to separating, say, a wardrobe.
We should not forget about an important part of our life - the part that we spend in our sleep. In order to ensure healthy, full sleep, you need to choose the right mattress, blankets, and pillows. And in order to ensure comfort while sleeping and waking up, you need to choose bedding very carefully, Special attention paying attention to the color scheme. Psychologists have long been talking about the importance of color therapy in a person’s life - correctly selected colors can not only improve a person’s mood, but also have a positive impact on his well-being and health. Decorating a bedroom with textiles is no less important than buying a bed - the central detail of the bedroom interior. And, of course, when choosing this most important piece of furniture for the bedroom, you should not forget about the decoration for it - the bedspreads.
As for bed linen, buyers have long ceased to perceive it as “clothing” necessary for bedding. Today you can buy bed linen in various colors, from different materials, with unique designs. Silk sheets are still popular. Enough original solution may be the purchase of terry sheets - however, this one looks very beautiful material, may not suit you in terms of tactile sensations, so before purchasing terry bed linen, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons of this purchase.
They cannot do without textiles and such, it would seem, exclusively functional rooms, like the bathroom and toilet - rugs for the bathroom and toilet can be soft and fluffy, or they can be hard, having a massage effect, but in any case, they are designed to make the environment in these rooms more attractive and cozy.

To summarize, I want to distinguish between the functional and decorative roles of textiles in the interior. So FUNCTIONAL:
1. Using textiles you can hide the imperfections of the room
2. Visual change of space (can expand, make higher, smaller)
3. Dividing space into zones
4. Comfortable stay, if we are talking about bed linen, decorative pillows, etc.
1. The ability to give the interior the spirit of any era or design direction.
2. Creating a unique style in the house
3. Introducing new colors and paints into the interior

Series of messages "

Textiles in the interior set the tone and create the mood. However, in order for it to please its owner for a long time, it must meet not only quality requirements, but also be in trend, that is, comply with fashion trends.

Keep up with the times

Technical progress does not stand still and this applies to all areas of human activity, including the textile industry. New fabrics, colors and design trends are being created.

According to the new concept of home, the interior has become a means of self-expression, just like clothing. Massive furniture structures and an abundance of accessories have been replaced by spatial games and textiles.

But at the same time, manufacturers take into account not only new trends in fashion, design and architecture, but also the preferences of each of them. social groups, which means functionality, durability of fabrics and texture come to the fore.

Freedom is valued most highly today, so modern world The art of designers is not put into strict boundaries, allowing one to give free rein to one’s imagination. However, one thing remains unchanged and this concerns discreet elegance, originality and comfort.

And even though trends in design do not change as quickly as in clothing, today we can safely say that furniture textiles with a checkered pattern, which perfectly reflect the “grunge” and “military” style, are coming off the catwalks of the world market.

It is being replaced by companion fabrics, designed in pastel beige tones and diluted with calm ornaments, or interspersed with contrasting elements in tone. general interior. The role of textiles in the interior is growing: often they rely on such spots that stand out against the general background as a kind of semantic accent.

Material used

Classic is still in fashion, but today it is customary to dilute it with a romantic style. The popularity of materials with rustic surfaces, which are based on assorted yarns with interlacing threads such as “Panama”, “canvas”, “matting” and “pique”, is not decreasing. An increasing number of buyers are paying attention to nubuck, velor, suede, etc.

When talking about textile design in the interior, we should not forget about the quality of the upholstery material. After all, not every fabric can be used for the production of furniture covers, but only wear-resistant, resistant to fading, abrasion and pilling.

In addition, it should not stretch both along the lobar and transverse threads. Beautiful textiles in the interior should have all these qualities, which means no synthetics in the composition natural fiber not enough.

It is not advisable to use completely natural material, because it is expensive and short-lived, although it can often be found in the interior in the form of curtains, decorative elements, accessories, etc.

However, furniture upholstery made of linen, cotton, silk and others is reinforced with synthetic and polymer fibers, which give the final product strength, beauty and, importantly, hygiene. These fabrics are completely safe for humans.

About textiles in the bedroom interior

The most intimate part of the house, intended for good rest, is the bedroom. When choosing the design of this room, the goal is to create a calm, peaceful atmosphere.

Textiles play an important role in this, because even one single blanket or carpet can completely transform the design of a room and set a new mood for it. The coziness and comfort of your home should come first, which means preference should be given to soft and warm natural fabrics that have soundproofing properties. The wall decoration must be appropriate - high-quality and expensive with a soft and velvety effect.

As for color, it directly depends on psychological attitude. Light shades are able to calm and set you up for relaxation, green colors will bring a touch of freshness, and blue colors will remind you of the sky and sea.

The combination looks very impressive light colors with bright, saturated colors, but you shouldn’t overuse it, it’s better to focus on one element - for example, a pillow, a picture or curtains.

Bed linen, bedspreads, curtains, carpets and blankets - all such interior decoration with textile elements should be kept in one stylistic direction and talk to each other. Bed linen in white and beige shades will suit any interior, but linen with a pattern should be chosen more carefully.

The material for curtains should be dense and not allow light to pass through. As a rule, a combination of curtains and tulle is chosen for this room. If desired, the curtain can be pulled back or pinned with a hairpin to add light to the room.

The bed is the main element in the bedroom. Whether to decorate it with a canopy is up to everyone to decide for themselves. This accessory will look great in classic or mixed styles. A soft headboard will bring even more comfort and warmth to the room.

The bedside ottoman can be decorated with drapery to match the bedspread, as well as the legs of the bed, so that in general they create a complete picture. And if the owners have opted for a wrought-iron bed, then they simply cannot do without an abundance of textile elements - lace pillowcases and pillows, because this is the only way to create the unique chic of a vintage style.

About textiles in the kitchen interior

The final stage of decorating any kitchen will be textiles. Today, specialized stores offer a wide selection of all kinds of tablecloths, napkins, potholders, teapot warmers, etc. This is all quite accessible and inexpensive, however, if you have a little imagination and free time, you can make textiles in the interior with your own hands. Having selected the fabric in accordance with the design of the room, sew a potholder, kitchen towel, apron and tablecloth.

It is this part of the house that is often decorated in rustic style, which welcomes bright multi-colored curtains on the windows, rugs and fabric used in the design of walls and ceilings.

The last idea may not appeal to everyone, because it requires attention and care, but you can find a good compromise - make paintings from fabric to match the furniture and decorate the wall with them.

Not only curtains on the windows, upholstery on furniture and patterns on pillows decorate the interior. Textiles can do a lot and even challenge the ordinary!

There are innovative ways to use it in the interior. We will share them below. Go!

Curtains like a door

If you want more free space and light in your apartment, a curtain instead of a door would be a great option.

“Curtain doors” are suitable for the kitchen, living room, dining room or corridor. For those places where the family spends time together and there is no need for complete privacy.

This solution is a godsend for the nursery. For children, the door is the most dangerous object: they can easily get bumps and get their fingers pinched! A thick curtain will come to the aid of parents.

Fabric instead of a closet door is a good option. The bedroom is the kingdom of textiles, so by hanging a curtain in the dressing room you can:

a) visually enlarge the room by revealing the hidden storage system,

b) update the interior (hanging another curtain is easier than hanging a new door),

d) make the bedroom even more comfortable

For such “doors” they use satin, linen, silk, jacquard, and cotton. Thick curtain fabrics look expensive and will better protect things from dust.

Lifehack: Before you go to the store for fabric, be sure to measure the wall on which the dressing room is located: in order for the curtains to lie in beautiful folds, they should be 60-70% wider than the wall.

Curtains as a way of zoning

Curtains can be used to separate the living room and dining room, bedroom and office without building additional structures. The advantages of this design:

    saving expensive centimeters in the room: we move or completely remove the curtains if we want more space

    experimenting with design: you can change or update the interior simply by changing the textiles

    We don’t have to worry about installation - the curtains are easily attached to regular curtain rods

Here it is worth observing a couple simple rules: to separate zones, one light and transparent fabric is mainly used, the other is dense and dark. To make the room light, only draw a light curtain; to make the area closed, use thick fabric.

Lifehack: To install zoning curtains we use: slats, cornices (plastic or wooden), fasteners, clamps and tiebacks. Fastening element place it under the ceiling. Heavy canvases should be hung on large rings with a massive cornice. This way the partition will not sag over time.

Heavy fabric can be hung on a ceiling rail. It consists of a durable plate that is attached to the ceiling with a single screw. The tire can be cut to the desired length with a hacksaw.

Textiles as wallpaper

According to tradition, the walls in an apartment must be painted, plastered or covered with wallpaper. No, that's not bad at all! (except for the newspaper finishing before gluing) But how do you like this proposal - just take it and cover the wall with fabric?

So, we solve several problems at once:

    we don’t worry about a single concept of space - you can use one fabric on the walls, in furniture or in decorative items (for example, cover a bedside floor lamp or armchair, sofa cushions with the same textiles)

    no need to remove small irregularities in the walls - the fabric will hide all the flaws

    We don’t worry about sound insulation - the fabric absorbs noise much more better wallpaper, and its porous structure traps air and creates additional heat

From natural materials they use jacquard, cotton, linen, jute, and artificial ones - polyester, viscose, polyacrylic.

You can use textiles on the walls around the entire perimeter or use only part of the wall.

Lifehack: p attach fabric wallpaper Can:

  • on sticky tape
  • wallpaper nails
  • furniture stapler (if attaching to wood or drywall)
  • just pull it on the slats, like suspended ceilings

Textiles as panels

What to do if the pictures on the walls no longer bring joy and your favorite piece of fabric lies in the bins? Make a panel from existing textiles!

The fabric is simply stretched onto cardboard or a board of a suitable size. These can be compositions of solid colors, geometric compositions of textiles of different textures, or just one panel with a pattern.

Advice: It is desirable that the color and pattern on the panel echo the pieces of furniture and decor, this way the uniform style in the interior will be preserved.

Lifehack: e If you don’t go to the cutting and sewing club, there’s no reason to be upset. Here are a couple of tips for creating a textile panel with your own hands:

    preparing old frame or a sheet of thick cardboard or chipboard

    stretch the prepared fabric onto the base, then wrap it with reverse side and fix it with glue

    attach this base to the frame

    if there is no frame, take plywood

    We attach foam rubber or padding polyester to the front side

    we cover this base with prepared fabric and fix it on the back side

Congratulations, you are now a jack of all trades!

Patchwork carpet

When different pieces of fabric are sewn together to form single canvas, it turns out to be patchwork.

It is assembled from simple plain pieces of fabric or from multi-colored, geometric, unrelated patterns. Products made from cotton, synthetics and viscose are popular.

Squares, triangles, stripes, honeycombs - the shapes of the patches can be any. It all depends on the design vision and interior features.

This rug is suitable for any room. However, you should not lay them in places where they can quickly get dirty - in the kitchen or in the hallway. But the living room or bedroom is a great place for patchwork. IN Scandinavian style, country, Provence, kitsch patchwork design will come in handy.

Lifehack: P When choosing a rug, pay attention to:

  • for knitwear, bologna, materials stylized as burlap
  • material density and stretchability
  • so that the fabric does not fade


Screen is a multifunctional item:

    copes well with room zoning

    serves as a place for changing clothes

    Can replace curtains on windows

    simply used as a decorative element

The standard option is three or two doors in a screen. The frame can be anything: wood, metal, plastic. Screens for zoning are often made from thick fabric: jacquard, brocade, tapestry. To make the room look lighter and lighter, you can use light textiles: chiffon, linen, silk.

Lifehack: T Cane is usually secured with Velcro, laces, and buttons. It is desirable that the screen be in the same style as other interior textiles - curtains, tablecloths, bedspreads.

Textiles as a way to hide excess

Sometimes it seems that objects standing in plain sight on shelves create clutter in the interior. But they are dear to the heart and I don’t want to put them away. What to do?

You can install curtains that replace furniture facades or hang fabric on glass cabinet doors.

This fabric drapery will come in handy in the kitchen. With a slight movement of the hand, we move the curtains aside and take out the necessary item. This solution is suitable for kitchens small sizes. Opening swing doors requires space, which is usually not enough, but here we save space and hide kitchen utensils from prying eyes.

In the same way, you can hide cosmetics in the bathroom.

Lifehack: h To save space in the kitchen, you don’t need to give up your favorite set. Even if there is so little space that set table does not allow the doors to open - this is not a reason to be upset. We screw the rail for the curtain rod to the tabletop and hang a curtain on it that is in harmony with the design of the room. To form neat folds, you can hang curtain tape on top. And voila!

We will never stop saying that you can change your interior by starting small. The most insignificant, at first glance, detail can update a room. Go through ours, decide, understand which style suits you. And start collecting it little by little.

And live easy!

You simply cannot do without textiles in a modern interior. It is textiles in the interior that set the tone and bring colors to the overall design palette of any room.

And if there is a forged bed in the bedroom, then textiles, curtains and bedspreads for the bedroom are simply irreplaceable in such an interior, because with its help you can create a unique chic vintage style

This will require lace pillowcases and a lot of pillows.

But if you decide to register, then the best option The bed linen, bedspread and canopy may match the same color scheme or style.

You can also think of it for the living room various options using textiles, again decorate the wall, but not completely, but by arranging it in the form of a picture in a frame (stretch the fabric over the frame and hang it on the wall), or in the form of a horizontal rug, also decorated with various things, or embroidered with beads.
This type of use of textiles in the interior is suitable for interiors in a rustic style, or other original ethnic styles.

It all depends on the choice of color and texture of fabrics.

A good option for decoration could be an ensemble that combines curtains and furniture upholstery, or rather furniture covers, which you can also make yourself.
So one should not underestimate the role of textiles in the interior, because it is with the help of fabric that we can bring any of our ideas to life.
Use even the most extraordinary approaches!

Don't be afraid to mix styles, colors and textures and create your own direction in designer fashion.

Interior decoration and decor is an art, thanks to which you can not only decorate rooms, but also make them unique. One of the very popular decoration techniques is the use of textiles. It has long moved from the category of necessary items to the category of unique details for decorating and stylizing premises. Textiles are no less important when decorating premises than furniture or fittings. Thanks to its skillful use, you can adjust the size of the room, divide it into zones, or add colors and place accents.

Curtains and drapes in the interior

Perhaps curtains are one of the main textile products in the interior. And it is important to understand that they do not necessarily have to perform only their immediate functions of protection from bright light. Curtains may well have a decorative function. Very often they are used instead interior doors in those areas where appropriate. Thanks to this technique, the interior looks more comfortable and warm.

It is also appropriate to use light flowing fabrics as partitions instead of heavy and bulky screens. All you need to do is select the cornice and make a beautiful assembly.

Using fabric draperies, you can decorate niches in the wall, shelves or paintings. This design looks fresh and unobtrusive.

Decorative textiles in the kitchen

Many people believe that textiles in the kitchen are an excess that can be completely abandoned. But this is far from true. After all, a tablecloth on a table can set the atmosphere and become a decoration. And color-matched textile napkins are a must. dining table. You can also use fabric coasters for plates, which will become an undoubted decoration of the room.

The design style depends on what colors of table textiles you use. It can be strict and businesslike or light and romantic.

Decorative textiles in the living room

The living room is exactly the room in which it is permissible a large number of textile elements. These include fabric blinds original colors on the windows if you are decorating the interior in a minimalist style. If planned classic style decor (modern or Provence), it is better to use beautiful textile curtains. Covers for sofas, armchairs and chairs made from fabrics in contrasting shades are also perfect for this. The main thing is that they fit well into the overall interior.

Availability decorative pillows will decorate any interior and make it more comfortable. They fit especially well in rooms made in oriental style. Colors and sizes of decorative parts may vary.

In the living room you can use textile paintings as decorative elements; they look original and unobtrusive.

How to choose the color of decorative textiles?

Here it is important to adhere to the basic rule of decoration - creating contrast. If the primary colors and furniture are light, then it is acceptable to use dark and bright colors for curtains, upholstery and pillows. If the walls are bright, then the textiles should be light.

Otherwise, when choosing color range You should be guided by the style in which you plan to decorate the room. The combination of purple and green looks noble and solemn.

Black and white are a classic interior design; this combination is appropriate for many styles.

And when choosing the color of textiles, you should pay attention to the lighting of the room. For dark areas with insufficient natural light, it is worth choosing bright hues. And for bright rooms You can use darker and more saturated shades.

Textiles will bring comfort and warmth to the room. Without sufficient quantity textile elements, the room will be empty and lifeless, so fabrics in acceptable quantities are simply necessary for any interior.

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