What is water? Water in nature. Water formula

Water is the basis of life on our planet. However, what do we know about her? This substance with simple chemical formula you can study endlessly. Throughout the centuries-old history of human existence, water has occupied a dominant place. That is why, rushing into the vastness of the Universe, scientists are trying to find sources of water on other planets that would become evidence of biological life. Unfortunately, such attempts are still futile. Despite numerous studies and discoveries, we have not proven the existence of other civilizations that may be many times superior to us in their development.

Water is the basis of our existence

Rarely do any of us ask the question: “What is water?” But without it, human life is simply impossible. Science says that a six-month human embryo consists of 97% water, at birth its amount decreases to 92%, the body

a teenager contains 80% of this substance, in adulthood these figures are 70%, and in old age - only 60%. There is a certain pattern in this that allows us to come into this world young and full of strength and leave it, having lived to a ripe old age. You can adhere to all kinds of diets, completely give up meat, bread and dairy products, but it is impossible to exclude water from your diet. With severe thirst, the volume of water in the body decreases by 5-8%, while the person experiences hallucinations, swallowing function is impaired, vision and hearing are impaired, and fainting occurs. A more serious lack of fluid can cost health and even life. The importance of water for humans is so great that we can no longer imagine our life without this multifunctional substance. And many of us take its presence for granted, forgetting to take care of this life-giving and healing source. Water is a universal solvent for all nutrients and minerals, as well as amino acids and vitamins. It is able to regulate our body temperature, remove waste products and various toxic components from the body. It is with the help of water that our muscles perform their main function - contractility. It is not for nothing that the diet of athletes always contains an increased amount of liquid. What is water in our everyday life? This is one of the basic and irreplaceable food products. Every morning we start with a cup of aromatic coffee or freshly brewed tea, which are simply impossible to prepare without water, like most of your favorite dishes. Scientists have proven that to maintain health, a person should consume up to 2.5 liters of fluid per day - this will ensure good health, activate mental activity and give strength.

Where does water come from?

Our planet contains about 1500 million km 3 of water, of which only 10% is fresh water. Many sources are located under earth's crust at different depths - this allows us to divide them into underground and

In the bowels of the earth, such pools have the shape of peculiar vessels that are surrounded by solid rocks and contain water under high pressure. Reservoirs located at a depth of several meters are widely used as the basis for wells. However, such water is constantly in contact with the top loose layer of soil, which makes it contaminated and not always suitable for economic needs. The glaciers of Antarctica, located in Greenland, are huge sources fresh water. In addition, precipitation, which is formed due to evaporation, plays an important role in our lives. natural sources. And how much fresh water do we receive annually from the World Ocean with the help of various physical and chemical methods? It should be noted that most often people use water from lakes and rivers for their needs. Baikal alone is worth it! After all, this is the cleanest and largest natural reservoir located in the vastness of Russia. Such tanks have no value and are a real wonder of the world. More than 6000 km 3 of water is found in living organisms, including plants. Thus, Natural resources waters are distributed throughout our planet. A person constantly exchanges liquid with nature: through sweat, urine and the release of droplets of liquid with breathing. However, few people ask the question: “What will happen if such mutual exchange stops?” In this case, dehydration will occur - the process We will begin to feel weak, our heart rate will increase, shortness of breath and dizziness will appear. As a result, irreversible processes may occur in the nervous and cardiovascular systems, which will lead to the death of our body.

If you look at the Earth from space, you will be amazed at how unreasonably it was called heavenly body. The most suitable name for it is Water. It’s not for nothing that astronauts compared the planet to a blue ball, since ultramarine is capable of suppressing all the colors that are inherent earth's surface.

The ocean is the mother of all living organisms, and many scientists insist that the first life could have originated in aquatic environment. In a relatively small and closed body of water, certain organic matter, which got there with the help of flowing waters. Such compounds were then concentrated on the inner surface of the layered mineral, which could act as a catalyst for reactions. Subsequently, a new unknown life arose, which people had yet to study. Today, water in nature is considered the most common substance, since more than 70% total area The earth's surface is occupied by natural bodies of water and only about 30% is land. Water is so multifunctional that people have learned to use it in almost all areas of their lives. We all love to bask in the warm sand near the sea and are looking forward to the long-awaited vacation so that we can return to the gentle embrace of playful and gentle sea waves.

Natural water classes

Water happens:

Fresh - 2.5%;

Salty - 97.5%;

In the form of brines.

Considering that approximately 75% of the water is frozen on the polar caps and glaciers, about 24% is underground. groundwater, and 0.5% moisture is dispersed in the soil, it turns out that the cheapest and accessible source water for us are lakes, rivers and other land bodies of water. It's scary to think that they only make up about 0.01% of the world's water reserves. Therefore, to the question “what is water?” You can safely answer - this is the most precious treasure of our planet.

Features of water

The chemical formula of water is quite simple - it is a combination of an oxygen atom with two. It would seem that it could be simpler, but there is no substance more mysterious. Water is the only substance that can exist in nature in three states of aggregation: gaseous, solid and liquid, depending on pressure and temperature. This liquid is of great importance for the emergence and maintenance of life processes on Earth, as well as for the formation of climate and relief.

Water is the most mobile substance after air. She is constantly moving, traveling over very long distances. When exposed to solar heat, it occurs from the surface of plants, soil, rivers, reservoirs and seas. This produces water vapor, which collects in clouds and is carried by the wind, after which it falls over various continents in the form of snow or rain. It should be noted that water is capable of giving off heat without a noticeable decrease in its temperature, thereby regulating the climate. The molecular formula of water indicates that this substance has simple structure, however, it is still considered little explored, since there are still many unexplored oddities of this substance, which, perhaps, contribute to the maintenance of life on Earth.

Physical properties of water

Water, or a chemical substance, appears as a colorless liquid that has neither odor nor taste. Under normal conditions, H2O (water) remains in a liquid aggregate state, while similar hydrogen compounds are gases. All this can be explained by the special characteristics of the atoms that make up the molecules and the presence of bonds between them.

A drop of water consists of molecules that are attracted by opposite poles, thereby forming polar bonds that cannot be broken without effort. Each molecule contains a hydrogen ion, which is so small that it can penetrate the shell of the negative oxygen atom located in the neighboring molecule. As a result, a hydrogen bond is formed. The diagram of water shows that each molecule has a strong bond with four neighboring molecules, two of which are formed by oxygen atoms, and the other two by hydrogen atoms. In addition, water has a high level of this property; it is second only to mercury. The relative viscosity of H2O is determined by the fact that hydrogen compounds do not allow molecules to move with different speeds. For the same reasons, water is considered an excellent solvent, since each molecule of the solute is immediately surrounded by water molecules, and in large quantities. In this case, positively charged molecular regions of a polar substance attract oxygen atoms, and negatively charged ones attract hydrogen atoms.

What does water react with?

These are the following substances:

Active metals (calcium, potassium, sodium, barium and much more);

Halogens (chlorine, fluorine) and interhalogen compounds;

Anhydrides of inorganic and carboxylic acids;

Active organometallic compounds;

Carbides, nitrides, phosphides, silicides, hydrides of active metals;

Silanes, boranes;

Carbon suboxide;

Noble gas fluorides.

What happens when heated?

Water reacts:

With magnesium, iron;

With methane, coal;

With alkyl halides.

What happens in the presence of a catalyst?

Water reacts:

With alkenes;

With acetylene;

With nitriles;

With amides;

With esters of carboxylic acids.

Density of water

The formula for the density of water resembles a parabola with a specific vertex at a temperature of 3.98 degrees. With such indicators, the density of this chemical is 1000 kg/m3. In a reservoir, the density of water is influenced by factors such as temperature, salinity, the presence of salts and pressure upper layers. Science has proven that the higher the temperature, the greater the volume of the substance and the lower its density. Water has the same property, but in the range from 0 o C to 4 o C it does not hold, since with increasing temperature the volume begins to decrease. If there are no dissolved gases in the water, it can be cooled to a temperature of -70 o C without turning into ice. In the same way, you can bring this substance to a temperature of 150 o C and it will not boil. Despite the fact that the formula of water is very simple, its properties have made people worship this powerful element for many millennia.

Health Benefits of Water

All tissues are made of water human body: muscles, bones, lungs, heart,

kidneys, liver, skin and adipose tissue. The vitreous body of the eye contains the most fluid, namely 99%, and the least, approximately 0.2%, contains tooth enamel. The brain is also rich in water content, since without this substance we will not be able to think and form information. Any biochemical reactions occurring in the body can only proceed optimally with a sufficient supply of water, otherwise end products of metabolism will accumulate in tissues and cells, which will lead to the development of many serious diseases. To avoid this, it is necessary to maintain proper water consumption.

The role of water in the body

Water helps:

Transportation to various organs and tissues useful substances, trace elements and oxygen;

Removal of waste, toxins and salts;

Normalization of heat transfer;

Regulation of hematopoiesis and blood pressure;

Lubricates joints and muscles.

Symptoms of dehydration

When dehydration occurs, the following phenomena occur:

Drowsiness, weakness;

Dry mouth, shortness of breath;

Fever, headache;

Violation logical thinking, fainting;

Muscle spasms;


Dulling of vision and hearing;

Formation of cholesterol plaques, deterioration of blood flow;

Joint pain.

Possible diseases due to dehydration and water intake

The following diseases may develop:

Heartburn, gastritis, constipation;

Formation of gallstones;


It is recommended to drink up to 2.5 liters of fluid daily, including that contained in liquid food. If a person smokes, eats meat, drinks alcohol and coffee, he should increase his daily water intake, since these tendencies contribute to increased dehydration. After a good night's rest everyone life processes they gain strength in our body, which is why we should support our body and create an additional water reserve for it. During the day, when we have a peak in activity, it is better to take fluids in small portions so as not to overload internal systems and organs. In the evening, you should remove all restrictions and drink as much as you want, of course, if there are no health problems.

Should you drink your food?

The daily intake of water should be distributed evenly; it is especially useful to drink a little liquid before meals in order to normalize metabolic and cleansing processes, as well as lower blood concentration and cholesterol levels. Doctors do not recommend drinking food with food, since in this case the gastric juice is diluted and the process of digesting food slows down. Lack of water in the body can lead to stress, causing hunger signals to be sent to the brain even though the person has recently eaten. As a result, he will eat again instead of replenishing his fluid reserves. At this point, excess nutrients will begin to be stored as fat, which can negatively affect your health in the future. general condition. Drinking daily sufficient quantity water, you can suppress the feeling of hunger and reduce the amount of foods you consume, especially fatty foods. It should be noted that juices and tea cannot fully replace clean water, since they contain active substances that can disrupt chemical composition our body. Carbonated drinks containing harmful chemical compounds, can cause additional dehydration.

1. In the body of animals and plants, the average amount of water is more than 50%.

2. The earth's mantle contains 10 times more water than the World Ocean.

3. The average depth of the World Ocean is 3.6 km, it covers up to 71% of the entire surface of the Earth and contains about 97.6% of free water reserves.

4. In the absence of bulges and depressions on Earth, the surface of the water would rise above the land by 3 kilometers.

5. If all the glaciers melted, the water level would rise by 64 m, as a result of which 1/8 of the land would be flooded.

6. has an average salinity of 35%, which allows it to freeze at a temperature of -1.91 o C.

7. In some cases, water may freeze at above-zero temperatures.

8. Inside the nanotubes, the formula of water changes, its molecules take on a new state, which allows the liquid to spread even at zero temperature.

9. Water can reflect up to 5% of the sun's rays, and snow - more than 85%, but only 2% of daylight can penetrate under the ice.

10. Clean ocean water It has Blue colour, which is explained by its selective absorption and dispersion.

11. Using water drops that drip from a tap, you can reproduce a voltage of about 10 kilovolts.

12. Water is one of the few natural substances that can expand when changing from liquid to solid.

13. and water can burn in combination with fluorine; such mixtures become explosive in high concentrations.


What is water? This is a diverse, although simplest, connection, which is the main building material of our planet. No living organism can live without water. She is a source of energy, a carrier of information and a real storehouse of health. Even our distant ancestors believed in the miraculous power of water and used its healing qualities in the treatment of many ailments. The task of our generation is to preserve this beautiful element in its pristine state. There is a lot we can do to make our descendants feel relatively safe. By conserving water, we will save life on our wonderful and warm planet. People, save water! It cannot be replaced even by all the treasures of the world. Water is a reflection of the state of our planet, its heart and life-giving force.

Purpose of the conversation:, about the difficulties of its extraction, about the need to conserve water, to clarify children’s knowledge about the profession of a plumber, about the necessary tools for caring for water taps. Foster a respectful attitude towards the plumbing profession.

IN. We talked about water and how it helps heat apartments. What else is water needed for? (Children's answers.) Guys, water is needed not only by humans, but also by animals, birds, fish, and plants. Without water, factories cannot operate and produce necessary for people products. Where there is no water or not enough water, it is transported in special vehicles. Water enters factories through pipes.

And the used water is collected in special purification stations, and from there it again makes the difficult journey to people. There is never too much water, so you need to save it.

IN group room A plumber comes in and greets the children, enters into a dialogue with them, shows them his tools and tells them what they are for.

IN. Water doesn't just come from the tap. Now I will tell you riddles and you can find out how water appears.

There are no wings, but it flies,

No legs, but running

Not in the water, but with the water

Guess what it is?

Over the mountains, over the fields

They cry bitter tears,

But our garden

Lots and lots of tears await them.

IN. In villages and dachas, the garden is watered, especially when the summer is dry, sunny, without rain. What can happen to plants when there is no rain? (Children's answers.) Yes, without water, plants may dry out, and people will not be able to reap a rich harvest.

Many peasants are very careful with water; when it rains, they collect it in large barrels. The barrels are placed under the roof and water from the roofs flows into the barrels. And when there is no rain, and the plants ask for a drink, then flowers, vegetables and garden trees. This is also one of the ways to save water; a person does not take water from the tap, but collects it little by little.

When winter comes, what do the raindrops turn into? (Into the snow.) Snow, guys, is also water and it can and should be used for a good purpose. Machines that collect snow from roads and streets, take it outside the city and pour it onto the fields. There is a lot of snow and it is not easy to collect it; both machines and people work for this.

Often the snow is collected in large snowdrifts and then, after a while, taken away. In the fields, snow warms the sprouts of plants that appear under the snow. And in the spring the snow melts and turns into water, which runs into rivers and lakes. Along the edges of rivers, people plant trees, which with their shade protect the water from evaporation and drying out.

Let's play game "Who is faster?"

Two teams will collect snow (small pieces of paper) and carry it to the truck. Let's see whose team will collect more snow. (The game is played 3-4 times.)

E. Arkhipova conducted a conversation with children about water

What is water?

(senior preschool age)

Program content:

Expand children's knowledge about water; about its properties and condition (it has no smell or taste, takes the shape of the vessel in which it is located, and comes in three states: liquid - water, solid - ice, gaseous - steam).

Give an idea of ​​the water cycle in nature

Foster respect for water

Develop children's cognitive and speech skills, cognitive interests

Methods and techniques:

Gaming (introduction of a game character, surprise moments)

Practical (experienced)

Verbal (conversations and teacher’s story)

Preliminary work:

Reading stories and fairy tales of an educational nature

Experiments (transforming snow into water, water into ice)

Conversations on the topic: “Where can you find water?”, “Who lives in water?”

Materials and equipment:

Panel “Who needs water”

Equipment for experiments:

Glasses of water (according to the number of children)

Empty glasses

Salt, sugar, brilliant green, potassium permanganate


Kapitoshka doll

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, Kapitoshka came to visit us today. Do you know who he is? (Children's answers).

That's right, this is a cartoon character. Can you explain why it was called that? (consists of water droplets). He will tell us about his travels. Guys, let's tell Kapitoshka what we know about water.

Educator: Guys, what is water? (children's answers)

Experience No. 1"Water is a liquid"

Children pour water into cups and pour from one cup to another.

Educator: Water is a liquid. It flows. It can be poured into anything: a glass, a bucket, a vase. It can be poured out, poured from one vessel to another.

Conclusion: Water is a liquid; it can be poured or poured.

Educator: Guys, what color do you think the water is? (children's answers). We'll check this now.

Experience No. 2"The water is colorless"

On the teacher's desk White list paper, a glass of milk, a glass of water.

Educator: What color is the milk? (white). Can we say about water that it white? (children's answers)

Conclusion: Water has no color, it is colorless.

Educator: Guys, I know that water can change its color. Want to make sure of this? (children's answers). On the teacher’s table there are two glasses of water, brilliant green, and potassium permanganate (this experiment is carried out only by the teacher).

Educator: I’ll now add a magic crystal (potassium permanganate) to the water and we’ll see what happens to the water. Has the water changed its color? Now I’ll add a magic drop (green stuff) to the water. Let's see what happens to the water. The water changed its color (children's answers)

Conclusion: Water can change its color depending on what is added to it.

Educator: Do you think the water will change its color if jam is added to it? Try this at home. And now, I suggest you guys taste the water (children are invited boiled water). What is she like? Sweet? Salty? Bitter?

Conclusion: Water has no taste, it is tasteless.

Experience No. 3(children are given glasses with salt or sugar, spoons)

Educator: Let's do a little experiment with you. Place the substance that is on your table in a glass of water (the teacher demonstrates). Stir and now taste the water. What did it taste like? (children's answers). What do you think you added to the water (children's answers)

Conclusion: It turns out that water can take on the taste of the substance that was added to it.

Experience No. 4"Water has no smell"

Educator: and now, I suggest you guys smell the water. Does the water smell anything?

Conclusion: The water does not smell of anything, it has no odor.

Educator: Look, Kapitoshka, how much children know about water. And now I invite you guys to sit on the chairs and listen to what Kapitoshka will tell us about his journey.

Kapitoshka: I once lived in big-big ocean. But I didn’t live alone, my sisters and brothers lived with me, there were a lot of us. We lived happily, played different games. One day on a hot day we were having fun, I broke away from my brothers and sisters, became weightless, light and flew upward. I flew, flew upward, it was so interesting to look at the earth from above, but it was boring alone, and the wind carried me further and further, and on my way, I began to meet my brothers and sisters more and more often, there was already a whole cloud of us, but suddenly a cold wind blew. We began to freeze and began to cling to each other in order to somehow warm up. We turned into a big heavy drop and could no longer stay above the ground and began to fall down. I was very interested in where I would fall, where I would visit and what new things I would see. And I landed in the river, and met my brothers and sisters there again. We began to live and play happily again. And I enjoyed traveling so much that I kept waiting for such a moment to come again.

Educator: Thank you, Kapitoshka, for your story. Now the guys know how water travels. This happens all the time: water evaporates from the surface of the earth, forms clouds, and returns to the earth in the form of rain and snow.

Educator: Today, guys, we talk a lot about the gadfly, we learned a lot about her. Guys, let's tell Kapitoshka what water is needed for and who needs it?

(Working with the panel “Who Needs Water”).

Educator: Well done boys!

Educator: Do you know, Kapitoshka, that you need to save water, and when you wash your hands, you need to immediately turn off the tap?

Kapitoshka: Why save it? Look how much water!

Educator: There is a lot of water, but for washing and cooking you only need purified water. And to get clean water, people spend a lot of effort. That’s why you need to save water and close the tap tightly.

Educator: Guys, now I have another surprise for you (colored pieces of ice are brought in). What do you think this is? How can you get such pieces of ice? (children's answers). Well done! Water is a good friend and helper of man. I want to read you N. Ryzhova’s poem “Magic Water.”

Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

You will find her in the pond,

And in a damp forest swamp.

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap,

Like an icicle freezes

Fog creeps into the forest,

It's boiling on your stove,

The kettle steam hisses.

We can't wash ourselves without her,

Don't eat, don't get drunk!

With her I dare to report to you

We can't live without her!

Indeed, it is impossible to live on earth without water, so water must be conserved and protected.

Where does the rain come from and where does the water in the streams go in the summer? Your baby has probably asked you similar questions, and if not, he will definitely ask you again. You know that the water cycle in nature is to blame for everything. But how to explain such a complex topic? small child? After all, he won’t even want to listen to boring speeches about the complex physical mechanisms of evaporation and condensation... But your baby will listen to a fairy tale with pleasure. Therefore, we will explain it in the form of a fairy tale. A fairy tale about a little droplet - a traveler. And it was like this...

Once upon a time there lived a small drop. She and her droplet friends sat in a large cloud, laughing and chatting merrily.

Day by day the cloud became larger and larger, until one day it rained on the ground.

"Farewell!" - Just as Droplet managed to shout to her friends, she was already flying towards the ground.

Just a few seconds and the Droplet fell into a small stream. “Oh, where did I end up? And how much water is there! And where are we running?” - Droplet was surprised.

The brook, babbling merrily, carried our Droplet to a small lake, into which it flowed. This is where Droplet was even more surprised. She had never seen so much water in her life!

Everything seemed new and interesting to her. Noticing small crucians swimming in the lake, she thought: “Who are they? You should definitely meet them!”

But she didn’t have time, because at that moment the sun warmed up, and the Droplet evaporated, in other words, turned into steam. Now she was no longer rapidly falling down to the ground, but smoothly soaring upward towards the clouds. "I'm flying!" - Droplet whispered.

When she was already far enough from the ground, she felt that it was getting cool. “I think I’m turning into a water droplet again,” thought Droplet.

At this time, a beautiful white cloud floated just next to her, and Droplet joined it with pleasure. The cloud consisted of many other small droplets, which vied with each other to tell their friends about what extraordinary adventures they had experienced there on earth.

After reading the fairy tale, you need to clarify that in the world, billions of small droplets constantly evaporate, drying up reservoirs, and fall from clouds as rain, filling them. And in winter the droplets freeze completely and snow falls. This is called the water cycle in nature.

IN ordinary life We rarely think about the essential role of water. Meanwhile, nothing living can appear, develop or exist without water. Water plays a fundamental role in the life of humans and all living things on Earth. Water is life itself!

Look at it - clean, transparent, it has no taste, no smell, no color, but its importance is difficult to overestimate. Everything in which Her Majesty Nature took and continues to take part contains water. The body of an adult consists on average of 60% water, and in the body of a child there is even more of it. Water is everywhere - in the bodies of animals and birds, in food, in various plants, in the soil, in the atmosphere.

The peoples of antiquity, along with fire, deified water. The ancient Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus believed that water is the primary substance of the Universe, from which everything consists and into which it ultimately turns. The judgment of ancient thinkers about water, as the beginning of all principles, was echoed in Aristotle’s teaching about the four elements - fire, air, earth and water.

When ancient people wanted to wish something good to their brothers, they wished, among other things, “fresh water.”

Over a very long period of time (millions of years), water took Active participation in preparing the conditions necessary for the origin and development of life on Earth. The versions that life originated in the aquatic environment are infinitely true.

What property of water is the most significant? Its rare dissolving ability. It is inherent in it due to the configuration of the water molecule. Water dissolves all kinds of substances; in its presence, many vital processes occur in the body.

Water is an essential part of the nutrition of all life on Earth. Without water it is difficult to imagine the processes of digestion and metabolic processes. Transport is carried out using water nutrients throughout the body. Having fulfilled its functions in the body, water removes everything unnecessary and harmful from it.

Every cell of our body contains water. The body's water supply must be constantly replenished. A person cannot live even a few days without water.

To maintain life, a person uses a large number of water. It is necessary for the production of food and everything that people use.

The astronauts conveyed to us that from space, planet Earth appears to be a blue planet with land islands. But a lot of water on our planet is salty, not fresh. Man needs fresh water. But not all fresh water is suitable for drinking. Main source drinking water is natural water, which is appropriately prepared for people using water treatment plants.

Fresh water supplies on Earth are limited. Water must be conserved. Don't pollute it wastewater, which include production waste. Discharge or other releases to water bodies harmful substances degrade quality surface waters, limit their use, and also negatively affect the condition of the bottom, coastal objects, and other neighboring territories.

Water must be conserved – and this is the law of our life!