The Kalanchoe flower is covered with a white coating, what should I do? Video: secrets of caring and growing Kalanchoe

Aphids, mealybugs, scale insects - the main ones Kalanchoe pests. The insects feed on succulent leaves by piercing their tentacles and drawing out cell sap like a hypodermic needle. Let's consider why a plant may not bloom or produce foliage, but turn yellow and darken.

Late blight rot

Poor soil breathability, associated with waterlogging, leads to rotting of the roots. Soil pathogens such as late blight exacerbate the problem.

Late blight is dangerous for many plants, appearing the same everywhere

Symptoms of late blight fungal infection:

  • growth slowdown;
  • soft stem near base;
  • brown spots in the branching area;

Mature leaves wither (if most of the plant has withered, then most likely the rot has completely affected the roots and it is extremely difficult to preserve it).

  • As the disease progresses, a moldy smell appears.

What to do: prevents the development of late blight rot replanting Kalanchoe in a permeable, sterile environment. This is a soil containing peat moss and perlite. ( 60:40 or 50:50).

If using an old pot, disinfect it in a 10% bleach solution (1 part bleach - 9 parts water). Phytophthora does not survive in dry tissue, but forms dormant spores that survive for long periods without a host plant.

When soil moisture and temperature conditions favored, its development intensifies and can reach an invasive level.

Should not be left in the tray standing water, which flows through drainage holes. The roots are able to reabsorb it. Treating the soil with a fungicide (thiophanate methyl) helps control the fungus.

Methyl thiophanate can help with soil contamination with fungus

However, chemicals are effective only if the damage to the root system is not too extensive.

Biostimulating products are used for prevention. The addition of salicylic acid causes upregulation of genes important for the production of jasmonic acid.

Thanks to this method, the flower less susceptible to infection late blight. Significant suppression of symptoms is observed when treated with salicylic acid and silicon or chitosan.

We have already described negative impact diseases on specific varieties of Kalanchoe. For example, .

Gray rot

Causative agent of gray mold– pathogenic (necrotrophic) fungus Botrytis gray. The main factors for its occurrence are high levels of humidity and cold temperature environment.


  • wet whitish spots form on the leaves;
  • over time, the spots change in color: grayish growth, which contains spores (reproductive cells) of the fungus;
  • the fabric becomes soft.

Once the disease is detected, it is urgently necessary change conditions of detention Kalanchoe. Remove infected areas. Clean the plant systemic fungicides. Make sure there is good lighting. You may need to change the soil.

When pruning and replanting, handle with extreme care: germinating spores rarely affect green, healthy tissue, but are able to penetrate through wounds.

Fungal disease, affecting a wide range of plants, including Kalanchoe. It is easily recognizable because the symptoms are very peculiar:

  • small chlorotic spots on leaves;
  • as it grows, the fungal mycelium covers increasingly larger parts of the plant, appearing as a dusty white or grayish-silver web;
  • black or brown spots(fungus fruiting body) on the mycelial surface;
  • growth slows down due to impaired photosynthesis, buds do not ripen;
  • curling and falling off of the integument (an atypical brownish symptom resembling scab may occur).

Powdery mildew is a fungus that attacks any plants: indoors and outdoors.

Conditions favorable to the development of the disease:

Treat with fungicides (benomyl, fenarimol), sulfur-based, neem oil, potassium bicarbonate. The selected product is applied both to the stem and to the axils of the leaves.

An alternative to fungicides is a composition of baking soda dissolved in water (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), which is carefully sprayed onto the plant.

A product that has proven its effectiveness and is even comparable to some fungicides - milk diluted in water(1 part milk to 10 parts water). It is good to use at the first sign of infection or as a preventative measure.

The mechanism of action is ferroglobulin. This whey protein when exposed sunlight produces oxygen radicals, upon contact with which the fungus dies.

Pests: what to do

Aphids: how to stop blooming and dropping flowers

On initial stage infection, any signs of aphids are difficult to detect. The insects are so tiny and located on the back of the leaf that go unnoticed.

The danger of aphids is that they quickly move to neighboring plants.

The colony is discovered during reproduction. It has been noticed that aphids quickly reproduce on full-fledged Kalanchoe flowers.

The pest drinks the cell sap and constantly contaminates it with poisonous injections.


  • the plant is polluted and deformed;
  • leaves turn yellow;
  • the buds don't bloom, drops real flowers;
  • the affected parts and the stem are covered with sticky matter.

The scary thing is that aphids are carriers of more than 100 types of viruses. The insect needs to consume great amount juice because the sugar concentration is too high relative to the amino acid concentration.

The pest deposits sugar in the form of a sticky secretion on the leaves and stems of plants, which attracts ants and serves as a nutrient solution for fungi. This “nectar” clogs the respiratory pores (stomata), interfering with the plant's ability produce its own nutrients.

Aphids can enter the house with recently brought flowers and even bouquets. This is why new flowers need to be placed in a quarantine area, in other words, in another room.

To get rid of aphids, Kalanchoe is treated with an appropriate insecticide. Treatment is repeated once a week for a month.

Recommended green soap solution(20 g of soap per 1 liter), which is used to wash the plant, having previously covered the soil with polyethylene. An alternative is to use a solution with laundry soap: it also harms aphids, but to a lesser extent.

But the first thing to do is:

Aphids are attracted to Vaseline, which can be rubbed at the base and thus control the population.


Tiny bugs that resemble brown or orange discs or blobs can be found on the underside of the leaves near the veins, on the stem, at the junction of the leaf and the stem.

Kalanchoe affected by scale insects weakens, the cover turns yellow and falls off. Scale insects can reproduce all year round, and produce a large amount of sugar secretion, feeding on the sap of the plant.

The scale insect has only one advantage - it is easy to notice

This "nectar" attracts sooty mold growing on leaves. In general, the process is not that fast, often taking many weeks before you notice that the plant has become a target for the pest.

How to save: Products containing the following chemical ingredients are effective for control:

  • pyrethrum;
  • natural fatty acids;
  • rapeseed oil.

For prevention Check regularly for signs of scale infestation. The soil should be free of weeds, which often contain harmful organisms. Ants running up and down and “milking” the sticky secretion is an important signal.


Tiny, oval shaped, with a powdery waxy coating mealybugs look like cotton specks, which are often mistaken for mold. They move slowly, but when they find it for themselves appropriate place, then become motionless and form clusters.

Most often found on new shoots, along veins and at the junction with the stem. They suck out the sap, which leads to stunted growth, deformation, yellowing and falling leaves.

When attached to a plant, they secrete a sticky substance that they use for protection, while absorb plant juice.

Mealybugs are as easily identified as scale insects

The damage caused by mealybugs is not immediately apparent, but it is destructive over time. As with any pests indoor plants, treatment must begin immediately as soon as a problem is discovered.

Not recommended use synthetic pesticides, since mealybugs are resistant to most chemicals. In addition, it develops resistance to pesticides that are used on a regular basis.

It is best to use safe methods:

  1. Using a cotton swab well soaked in alcohol, remove insects from the flower.
  2. Spray on the leaves of an infected flower organic insecticidal soap or a solution of soapy water (at the rate of 1 teaspoon of baby liquid soap per 1 liter of water).
  3. If the plant is young, it is easier to wash it under running water or under the shower with soapy water.

Ants can be a problem! They transfer insects to houseplants to feed on the remains of the paniflora produced by the mealybug.

In this case, you will also need a product to get rid of ants. This is very important because ants protect these pests and move their waste from one plant to another.

Diagnosis of symptoms: questions and answers

Doesn't bloom, only produces foliage

The reason is that Kalanchoe does not bloom, despite the fact that the leaves are succulent and healthy, maybe in excess of fertilizers. Kalanchoe is a short-day plant and blooms depending on how long it is in the dark.

If it is exposed to sunlight every day for more than 12 hours, it may not bloom.

Why do the leaves curl?

Kalanchoe is sensitive to thrips, cyclamen mites and leaf rollers, which cause curling. If this is the problem, then treatment with an insecticide or miticide will be needed.

Additional ultraviolet radiation can be stressful and cause morphological and biochemical changes: leaf curling and brown spots.

The fact is that Kalanchoe is rich in flavonoids, which are considered protective against UV.

Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the health of the flower, causing painful symptoms.

Appearance of black spots

Most likely, it is caused by a fungal disease. This means that Kalanchoe is suffering from low temperature and excess humidity.

In addition to being unsightly, black spots can cause damage at the cellular level, resulting in leaf drop (defoliation).

The appearance of black spots may be a sign of a secondary complication, for example, after a mealybug infestation.

Brown spots on leaves

Formed as a result of dropsy (edema) or fungal infection. The best way to keep the leaves healthy is to avoid getting them wet. Although succulent leaves are thick, fleshy, and filled with sap, it is does not mean that Kalanchoe needs to be watered more often than other plants.

On the contrary, the soil should dry out between waterings. Kalanchoe is sensitive to excess fertilizer and usually needs rare and diluted supplements (light fertilizer once a year).

If there is an excess of salts contained in the fertilizer, they accumulate in the soil and can burn the roots. And as the salt solution moves upward, it affects the leaves, causing formation of brown spots.

Curled leaves Dark spots on the cover White coating Opal foliage Yellowed foliage Fading flower

White coating on leaves

Powdery mildew prefers the same type of habitat as Kalanchoe: warm, relatively dry areas. It may seem harmless at first and the plant may even thrive for some time.

The infection spreads, causing significant damage (leaves lose color, turn pale green, then yellow and become deformed).

Leaves fall: causes and care

The reason is most likely in the weakness of the plant. In the cold season this happens due to the proximity to central heating. Most likely, the plant is on the windowsill near the radiator, and the air around it is too dry.

It is better to move your pet to a room with a lower temperature according to the following recommendations:

Leaves turn yellow and dry out

All gardeners dream that Kalanchoe will always please the eye with green leaves. But it happens that the stem stretches, the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out. These problems indicate improper lighting.

Direct Sun rays can be harmful to indoor plants

Kalanchoe prefers bright indirect light for summer period, respectively eastern or western exposure. During winter, the plant needs more light, so it is better to move it to a southern exposure.

The flower withers

Sometimes this problem occurs after flowering, when the plant begins to deplete. To stop: urgently needs replanting or feeding with fertilizers.

When caring for Kalanchoe, it is important cut off old shoots in time. Then it will delight you with its beautiful shape and abundant flowering for a long time.

How to help Kalanchoe bloom

As the days get shorter and the Kalanchoe experiences long periods of darkness, more flowers appear on the plant. But flowering can be induced by simulating darkness for six weeks.

Try to imitate dark conditions content for Kalanchoe to bloom

Between October and early March, the days are short and the buds appear naturally. At other times, the plant is placed in the dark and left for 14 hours every day and in daylight for 10 hours.

Home watering is reduced by half. Optimum temperatures for flower formation are 7 degrees at night and 16 degrees during the day. Kalanchoe will bloom in 5-7 weeks.

After which they resume regular care. Withered flowers are removed, stimulating the appearance of new ones.

Kalanchoe prefers warm temperatures – between 15 – 25 degrees. At low temperatures(less than 4 degrees) the plant may die within a few hours.

The best way to prevent Kalanchoe diseases is to follow simple conditions.

Keep plant leaves dry and provide well-drained and aerated soil. To get a blooming specimen, you need to remove the flower into the house in a timely manner.

Although Kalanchoe is considered healing plant, its flowering looks very beautiful

In summer it can be taken outside in a slightly shaded place, and return indoors before the first frost or 3 months before the desired flowering time. Although it must be remembered that outdoors The plant attracts ticks, scale insects and aphids.

Kalanchoe diseases mainly occur as a result of improper care and creating conditions under which the plant does not receive nutritional components, has a deficiency of light and moisture. It can also be caused by pests that deprive the flower of its juices and lead to the death of all tissues.

The problem manifests itself primarily on the leaves - they may fall off, turn yellow, curl, and become covered with dark or yellow spots. If the disease is advanced, the roots and stems suffer, flowering and the appearance of children are absent.

Main diseases and control methods

Leaf diseases are the first thing you should pay attention to. The foliage of the flower is soft and juicy, so any disease on it is visible. early stage. You should also be wary if you blooming kalanchoe there is no budding phase, there are no new shoots or leaves, in general the plant looks unhealthy, lifeless, its stems soften.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew on Kalanchoe is a fungal disease that is caused by microscopic spores of the fungus Erysiphales. Mycelium appears on the leaves - whitish, small and thin fluff, which can also affect the lower ground parts of the plant: roots and trunk.

Externally it appears as a white coating. When the spores mature, droplets of moisture are visible instead of a thin web. Hence the name of the disease - powdery mildew.

The fungal spores are grouped into small spots, which over time can merge and affect petioles, shoots, leaves, fruits, buds and stalks. Most often the infection develops with lower leaves, since the humidity is higher on the soil surface, sunlight does not penetrate there.

The mycelium (mycelium) feeds on the juice of the flower. The spores, which look like small brown balls, quickly spread to all parts of the plant. If fungicides are not applied in time and the plaque is removed, it becomes like a dense dark brown film. It completely disrupts the nutrition of Kalanchoe, leading to tissue death and ultimately the death of the entire plant.

Conditions for development are dry air in the room, high temperature and fluctuations in humidity. Also, the cause may be an excess of nitrogen in the soil or recent pruning of the flower. The disease can spread to other indoor plants with water during watering, as well as with gusts of wind if the flowers are on the veranda or balcony. Houseplants of the same species can become infected from diseased specimens.

Treatment at home consists of using fungicides designed to destroy fungus on all parts of the plant:

  • But;
  • Tilit;
  • Topsin;
  • Fundazim;
  • Speed;
  • Fundazol;
  • Byleton;
  • Quadris.

Bio-fungicides are also used, containing live cultures of bacteria that suppress the reproduction of spores. Such preparations are safer in environmental terms; they can be used during the budding and flowering phase and when the plant is at rest. But they are less effective and require repeated use.

Natural fungicidal preparations include the following:

  • Planzir;
  • Fitosporin-M;
  • Pseudobacterin-2;
  • Gamair.

You can fight powdery mildew with folk remedies:

  • a mixture of soda ash and soap with soda, used for spraying;
  • wood ash mixed with boiling water and grated laundry soap;
  • fresh mullein and water;
  • grass fermented in water;
  • sour milk, kefir or yogurt.

A single spray is only used if a strong chemical fungicide is used. Natural means and organic matter, the leaves and trunks of Kalanchoe must be treated until all fungal spores are destroyed. This may require 2-3 or more treatments at intervals of 5-7 days.


There are several types of leaf spot:

  1. White. It appears as small round spots of a brown tint. Over time they grow. The central part is lighter, the edges become dark. At high humidity in the room, the spots rot, and at high temperatures they dry out, forming holes on the surface of the leaves.
  2. Brown. It most often develops in late spring - early summer, manifests itself as spots of a light olive hue, barely noticeable. Over time, they turn yellow or brown, and a grayish or brown coating with fungal spores forms on the underside of the foliage. Any wind or draft carries these spores to other indoor plants. Spotting covers the leaves, shoots, trunk, causing them to die, disrupting photosynthesis, due to which the flower lags in growth and does not bloom.
  3. Dry. Appears on the upper part of the leaves as dark spots different shapes and size. Over time, the foliage falls, turns yellow, advanced cases the spots may take on a black tint, with rot forming underneath them. The causative agent is the spores of the fungus Alternaria solani; the second name for this disease is Alternaria. Develops at high humidity and temperatures above +26 C°. It spreads by mycelium, which is carried by air currents. Infection can occur through planting material or soil.
  4. Black bacterial. It appears as spots on the leaves, the appearance of which is caused by the activity of bacteria. In general, this variety does not harm plants; the greatest danger is leaf fall, but in any case it is necessary to fight. It develops under the influence of the microorganism Xanthomonas vesicatoria. It most often affects immature flowers and planting material. Bacteria penetrate through microdamages on leaves and shoots, optimal conditions for reproduction are high humidity air and temperature above +25 degrees.
  5. Fungal black. This type of spotting is caused by spores of several types of fungi. The main symptom is dark brown spots on the leaves with a lighter center or edge. The tissues swell. The disease covers the shoots, stems, the plant weakens, leaf fall begins, and budding is absent.

It is necessary to combat the disease with the help of comprehensive measures. There is no treatment for bacterial spot, only possible way help Kalanchoe is to remove dead parts of the plant and create favorable conditions growth. Fungal variants are combated with the help of fungicides, which are used to spray and treat the top layer of soil and the edges of the pot. In any case, all damaged parts must be removed; if the plant is severely affected by the disease, cut off apical stalk or a side shoot and propagate it by placing it in a new sterile pot and soil.


Such diseases develop at high soil and air humidity. They are caused by excessive watering, waterlogging of the ground, when the roots and lower part of the trunk, as well as the leaves in the lower part, are in conditions of constantly high humidity.

There are several types of rot:

  • root;
  • brown;
  • gray

They are caused by various pathogens and affect all the soft parts, which include the leaves of Kalanchoe. Symptoms – leaves become soft, fall off, and wet, seemingly transparent spots appear on them. Root rot develops in the soil and affects the roots.

A gray or silvery fluffy coating may form on the surface of the spots, which dries over time and forms a dense crust. Rot quickly spreads to all parts of the plant.

For the purpose of treatment and prevention, complete disinfection of the soil, treatment with fungicides, mandatory thinning of foliage and removal of damaged parts are used. Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged, especially if the room is cool. Each subsequent watering should be carried out only when the top layer of soil dries out, becomes light, and cracks appear on it.

Kalanchoe pests and getting rid of them

Kalanchoe pests are no less dangerous for the plant, causing irreparable damage. They not only deprive the flower of nutrition, drawing juices from its tissues, but can also cause complete death due to the death of leaves and roots.


Aphids on Kalanchoe lead to the development of the following symptoms:

  • leaf curling;
  • small growths;
  • small punctures on the upper parts of the leaf blade;
  • presence of colonies.

Insect greenish or white It settles mainly on soft, fleshy leaves that can be easily bitten and sucked out the juice.

To get rid of the pest, various folk remedies are used - soda, hydrogen peroxide, herbal infusion, wood ash, tobacco, celandine. If there are a lot of insects and they cover most leaves, you can bathe the plant under water in which shavings are mixed laundry soap. The surface of the leaves can be lubricated vegetable oil, which will be a mechanical barrier for the pest to attach to their surface.


This pest is dangerous for indoor plants because it is covered with peculiar hard shields, which prevents its death during treatment with insecticides. Adults feed on plant juices, which stops the growth of Kalanchoe, causes yellowing of stems and leaves, and cessation of the formation of new shoots. Most often scale insects appear on horticultural crops, but sometimes they attack indoor flowers. A sticky, cloudy liquid remains on the surface of the leaves, which is the first symptom of infection.

To combat this pest, kerosene, alcohol, and an insecticide solution are used. Large individuals are removed manually using a cotton swab or other available item. After removing all insects, the plant is treated with a soap solution.


Externally, when a plant is affected by this pest, it looks sick, and in the places where the worm lives, cotton-like discharge remains. Kalanchoe does not grow, the shoots become deformed, the leaves fall off, and the branches dry out. In addition, female mealybugs can secrete sticky moisture, which is a breeding ground for the development of sooty fungus.

Chemical insecticides are used:

  • Aktellik;
  • Tsvetofos;
  • Decis;
  • Thiophos;
  • Fozalon.

The treatment is repeated 2 times with an interval of 7 days. In order for the drug to get inside the pest’s protective layer, you need to pour a few drops of dishwashing detergent into the solution.

Among folk remedies used: solution of green soap, garlic, olive oil, horsetail. It is also necessary to exclude the reasons why the pest appears - excess nitrogen in the soil, dry soil, lack of disinfection of the pot and soil. For new indoor plants, it is necessary to arrange a thorough inspection and quarantine if traces of pests are found on the leaves and other parts.

How to revive Kalanchoe

To revive Kalanchoe, be sure to remove all damaged leaves and spray with a modern insecticide or fungicide, depending on the cause.

If the plant is severely damaged, the lesion covers the stem, roots and most of the leaves, the only method of resuscitation is replanting. For this, an apical or lateral cutting is used, the new soil must be disinfected, it is advisable to use a sterile pot. Neighboring flowers must be treated.

Prevention measures

To prevent diseases and pests from harming your Kalanchoe, follow the following preventive measures:

  • strictly limit watering in winter and at low indoor temperatures;
  • inspect the leaves, especially on the back side;
  • monitor the concentration of nitrogen in the soil - it should be less than potassium and phosphorus;
  • do not place the plant in direct sunlight;
  • twice a year, preventive treatment with fungicides and insecticides can be carried out;
  • It is better to check any plant that you bring home for pests and diseases.

Kalanchoe is a fairly hardy crop, but it can also be affected by insects and diseases. The main thing is to help the flower heal in time.

Kalanchoe has healing properties. Despite the fact that growing this flower is not particularly difficult, Kalanchoe diseases can easily destroy the plant. In this article we will tell you what diseases and pests most often affect this plant, and how to get rid of them.

If you grow Kalanchoe, you should be fully aware of what leaf and stem diseases exist and how to properly treat the flower. Now we will describe the main diseases of Kalanchoe and tell you how to cure your home flower.

Late blight

If you notice brown spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe, this is almost certainly late blight. This disease occurs due to improper ventilation or excess water in the soil (so do not flood the plant when watering). When a plant begins to hurt, spots colored in color first appear on almost every leaf. Brown color, gradually the leaves may bend upward and fade.
What to do and how to save the flower? An appropriate fungicide, which can be purchased at a specialty store, will help you here. You should also pay attention to the conditions in which the flower is kept and provide the plant with the proper watering (correct watering regime and the required amount of fertilizer).

Powdery mildew

White coating on Kalanchoe leaves may be a sign of a disease called powdery mildew. Powdery mildew on Kalanchoe is common fungal disease, which can occur due to excessive dryness of the indoor air. The white coating itself, which can be found on Kalanchoe, at first resembles a layer of dust, but over time it thickens and becomes like flour (therefore, the white coating is called mealy).

Because of powdery mildew the plant sheds its leaves and dies, so the disease must be treated immediately. The main danger of the disease is that it spreads quite quickly to other plants, so it is better to immediately isolate the diseased flower. Treatment is carried out using fungicides.

Gray rot

A dangerous disease due to which Kalanchoe becomes soft, its leaves begin to rot and turn into mush. Gray mold appears on the leaves, and the plant itself quickly begins to die.

The best remedy for this disease is fungicides. It is also worth thinking about how to revive Kalanchoe after the main danger has been eliminated: it is necessary to replace the soil and ensure the correct temperature conditions for your flower.

Stem rot

If you notice that the trunk of the plant has begun to darken and dry out, most likely you are faced with stem rot. First, a small black dot appears on the stem, which then grows into a huge black spot. Why does the trunk begin to turn black and the plant itself wither? A blackened stem can be detected when the temperature drops sharply - for example, in winter period Over time, the flower may freeze and get sick.

How to revive a flower? Folk way, which you can use - wipe off the plaque on the stem, and then disinfect this place with potassium permanganate or ash.

Also try to normalize the temperature so that the plant receives enough heat.

Ring leaf spot

A disease from which it is impossible to save a flower. In this case, the stem also turns black, but this is accompanied by numerous round spots on the leaves of Kalanchoe. It is best to get rid of the infected plant immediately and not try to do anything.

Video “Saving indoor flowers from pests”

From this video you will learn how to properly treat indoor plants and save them from pests.


In addition to diseases, Kalanchoe is also affected by a variety of pests. Now we will talk about the most common types of insects that can encroach on your flower garden. In addition, we will also briefly describe the main ways to deal with annoying bugs.


A dangerous pest that can destroy a flower in very short term. These are small, gray insects that can be difficult to spot. Usually they hide on the leaves and in the bud of a flowering plant, but in the case of Kalanchoe you can see small insects much easier. The main signs of the appearance of an insect are:

  • falling leaves;
  • waxy discharge on the stem and leaves;
  • the appearance of black mold.


The scale insect most often sits on inside leaf or stalk. These are fairly large brownish bugs that are easy to spot. The first sign of an attack by these pests is the rapidly drying leaves of the flower.


Mites settle on the underside of the leaf, and their appearance is caused by dry air in the room. The leaves of the flower quickly turn yellow, in addition, the insects themselves weave a thin web, which can be seen on the leaves. The leaves also fall off. Therefore, if no measures are taken, the plant will simply die.

Get rid of nasty bugs using insecticides. You can also treat the flower with mineral oil or soap solution, and remove the pests themselves manually using napkins.


Aphids on Kalanchoe are a common problem that can be difficult to deal with. The cause is soil oversaturated with fertilizers, which these insects love. They settle on stems and the inside of leaves, so sometimes aphids are quite difficult to notice. Insects suck juices from Kalanchoe, secreting sticky coating, which prevents the flower from breathing.

If you see that the plant is beginning to smolder, you need to take immediate action. First of all, trim off the affected leaves. Then you can treat the flower with a soap solution. If you want to quickly get rid of pests, use insecticides.

Video “How to replant Kalanchoe”

From this video you will learn how to properly transplant Kalanchoe.

Photos and descriptions of Kalanchoe leaf diseases, yellowing of leaves, spots on leaves, gray mold, powdery mildew, mealybugs.

Kalanchoe, blooming in winter may suffer from diseases associated with improper care or attack by pathogens. Main problems, yellow leaves, spots that disfigure the plant or a white coating covering various parts of the plant. Find out how to deal with Kalanchoe diseases, what to pay attention to when caring for plants, what to do to make Kalanchoe look beautiful again.

Yellow leaves

Yellowing of Kalanchoe leaves is often the cause overwatering leading to flooding of the roots. In this case, you should limit watering, especially in winter, and let the soil dry out. Kalanchoe does not require large quantity water. It is enough to moisten the soil every 10-14 days. Remove any water that has accumulated in the pan after 15 minutes so that the plant does not stand in water. Do not water Kalanchoe when the leaves droop, this means that the soil is too wet, not dry, as many people mistakenly think.

It is necessary to ensure adequate drainage in the pot. A layer of pebbles, expanded clay or crushed ceramics 2 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the container. Drainage will facilitate the outflow of water, while at the same time preventing water from entering the root area.

Uneven watering, long periods of drought, then abundant watering leads to yellowing of Kalanchoe leaves. If you do not provide regular watering, you must choose hydroponic growing. Special pots are placed in a water container, which the plant uses as needed. Installed water level indicators will tell you when to replenish the water level.

Another reason for yellowing Kalanchoe leaves may be exposure to ethylene on plants. Ethylene is a gas found in cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes and also released by ripening fruits (especially apples). The solution is to move the pot from the room where cigarettes are smoked or the kitchen where fruit is stored.

Flaw minerals in the soil is manifested by yellowing of leaf blades. The flower is sensitive to zinc deficiency in the soil. When there is not enough zinc, the leaves between the veins turn yellow, lose their tone and become deformed. To prevent zinc deficiency, Kalanchoe should be grown in a substrate with a pH of 6.0-6.5, rich in peat and perlite. Suitable substrate mixtures for growing cacti and succulents are available in flower shops.

Spots on leaves

  1. Brown crusts on leaves (dropsy)

Convex, light brown spots on the underside of the leaves indicate a physiological disease - dropsy. Dropsy is the result of growing a flower in conditions high temperature(25° C or more) and high humidity air. Under such conditions, the flower retains water in its tissues and limits evaporation (the release of water vapor through the stomata). Tissue cells fill with water and swell. After some time, the cell, saturated with water, explodes, causing the formation of numerous, raised, yellow-brown spots on the underside of the leaves. Dropsy does not have negative influence on plant health, significantly reduces attractiveness.

To prevent damage, do not fog the plant. In summer, the rooms in which Kalanchoe is grown are well ventilated. On the windowsill, leaves should not be allowed to come into contact with neighboring plants, especially those that are sprayed and frequently watered, such as Spathiphyllum or Aglaonema.

  1. Leaf spot

If numerous small ones (1-3 mm) appear on both sides of the leaves, first yellow spots, become brown over time - leaf spot, a fungal disease caused by the fungus Stemphylium bolickii.

There are spots long time not increasing in size. Sometimes the spots merge with each other and cover significant part surfaces of the upper and lower sides of the sheet. Infected leaves gradually turn yellow and fall off. The fungus continues to develop on fallen leaves. In areas of brown spots, spores develop, which are transferred by drops of water (during watering) or insects to neighboring plants.

Moisture promotes the development of leaf spot, so you should avoid wetting the Kalanchoe while watering. Drops of water left on the plant must be removed using a dry cloth. The flower pot is placed in a ventilated place. Fallen parts of the plant with signs of disease must be removed and destroyed. Spray the remaining parts of the plant 1-2 times with biological products. In case of severe damage, spraying is carried out with stronger chemicals.

Gray rot, caused by the mold Botrytis cinerea, is one of the most common fungal diseases on plants. Affects all parts of the plant. Weakened or fertilized plants are especially susceptible to gray mold.

The most characteristic symptom is a dusty grayish coating of mycelium and spores appearing on dying parts of the Kalanchoe. Before the mycelium bloom appears, watery brown spots form near the base of the shoots. Part of the shoot above the site of infection dies.

Gray mold develops where there is high humidity. Avoid wetting the flower when watering. Fallen parts of the plant should be regularly removed from the surface of the soil in the pot, especially if the soil is constantly wet. It is plant debris that decomposes in a humid environment that is a source of infection. Watering Kalanchoe should be limited, especially in winter - to once every 2 weeks. In winter, it is recommended to water in the morning, so that during the day the parts of the plant that were wetted during watering have time to dry. This is important because the fungus develops at night.

To treat gray mold, Kalanchoe is sprayed twice (with an interval of 10 days), using the following preparations: Teldor 500 SC (0.25 ml/250 ml water), Miedzian 50 WP (0.6 g/250 ml water) or Biosept (0. 1 ml/200 ml water).

White coating on leaves

  1. Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew– is a common fungal disease of many plants grown in warm (21°C) and wet conditions. A symptom of powdery mildew is a white, powdery coating covering the leaves and twigs of Kalanchoe. After humidity and temperature drop below 20 °C, the white mycelium disappears, and brown spots of dead tissue appear in place of powdery mildew. Kalanchoe leaves curl, dry out and die. Flowers are distorted or the plant does not bloom at all. The fungal disease can be transferred to other plants growing nearby, by the wind or by water splashed during careless watering.

You can prevent powdery mildew by making sure that no water remains on the flower. Watering is done directly onto the ground, without soaking the leaves and stems. It is necessary to ensure good air exchange between plants and avoid accumulation, for example, on a windowsill, so that the wet parts of the Kalanchoe can dry quickly. If you have symptoms of mealy dew Kalanchoe Treat by spraying 3-4 times every 7-10 days with alternating fungicides. As an alternative, biopreparations Biosept (0.1 ml/200 ml water) and Bioczos (5 ml/250 ml water) are used for spraying.

Mealybugs are common pests of indoor plants. The most common is citrus bug(Planococcus citri), which has a wide range of plant hosts. It happens that it settles on Kalanchoe.

Mealybugs are small (2-5 mm) insects with a flat, oval and soft body. The body is divided into segments and covered with white waxy scales. They feed on the shoots and undersides of Kalanchoe leaves. They cause weakening of plants, yellowing of leaves, slowing of growth and dwarfism of shoots. Feeding scale insects contaminate the leaves with a white woolly or powdery coating that looks like tufts of cotton wool. Like aphids and whiteflies, mealybugs secrete nectar, which becomes a breeding ground for fungi.

Fight with mealybugs on Kalanchoe is not difficult. Scale insects are removed mechanically using a brush moistened with denatured alcohol or a toothbrush, then wipe the leaves and shoots of Kalanchoe with a cotton swab moistened with water and laundry soap. Another way to treat and get rid of scale insects is to make a spray preparation from rapeseed oil. The drug can be prepared in your own kitchen: 5 ml of rapeseed oil, diluted with 250 ml of water (1 glass), add 2 drops of laundry liquid soap to the solution so that the drug sticks better to the surface of the leaves and does not drain quickly. Spraying is carried out 3 times with an interval of 1-2 days.

Important! After spraying, place the pot with Kalanchoe in a ventilated place so that the leaves dry faster.

Powdery mildew never just happens. As a rule, improper care leads to this condition. Powdery mildew itself is a disease that is caused by a special type of fungus.

The main symptom of powdery mildew is small white spots. They first attack the leaves of the plant, but over time they can spread to the entire stem. Under unfavorable circumstances and lack of treatment, powdery mildew can lead to the death of Kalanchoe.

The main reason for the formation of white plaque on Kalanchoe leaves is non-compliance temperature regime. Too dry air and elevated air temperatures contribute to the development of fungus and its further spread.

How to treat powdery mildew on Kalanchoe?

The danger of powdery mildew is not only that it can cause the plant to dry out, but also that it is highly contagious. Having appeared on one flower, the mycelium will quickly spread to other plants. That is why white coating on the leaves of Kalanchoe needs treatment.

The best way to control powdery mildew is with fungicides. These products quickly remove unaesthetic plaque and also eliminate pathogenic fungi. Fungicides are sold in most specialty stores and, with regular use, quickly help rid Kalanchoe of the existing problem.

Some home remedies also have a good effect in the fight against powdery mildew that has occupied the leaves of Kalanchoe. The simplest recipe consists of soap, water and baking soda. For 4 liters of water, take a spoonful of soda and a few drops of liquid soap. Shake the solution thoroughly before use.

An effective remedy for combating powdery mildew is mustard solution. To prepare it you need only two ingredients: dry mustard (2 l) and boiled water (10 l). Pour mustard into boiling water and mix thoroughly. This solution can be sprayed on the leaves of Kalanchoe, as well as added to it.

Since powdery mildew most often appears on Kalanchoe due to improper care, it is important to adhere to certain rules care for this plant. Kalanchoe needs to be watered regularly, preventing the soil from drying out. In addition, if the air in the room is too dry, the plant must also be additionally sprayed. These simple rules are a good prevention of powdery mildew in Kalanchoe.