Do-it-yourself country house design from scrap materials. Landscape design of a summer cottage - a new style for your garden Design for a summer cottage in the garden

If you have a summer cottage, that’s great! Even if it’s very small, that’s okay too! After all, the landscape design of a small area can be arranged in a very original way. It is in this article that you will learn how to arrange a photo of 10 acres with your own hands, and also view the photo design of a summer cottage photo.

Basic rules for designing a small plot of land

Before you start creating your own landscape design for a small area, you should learn some rules and features of this issue, which are quite simple. Namely:

Say no to bulky and massive structures. Of course, if there is no building on a summer cottage, it is not entirely convenient, so there should be one. But it doesn't have to be too bulky. Small buildings one floor high are appropriate here. It is better if they are distributed throughout the entire territory of your summer cottage. For example, so that the bathhouse and household. the buildings were located at some distance from each other and from the house. Read all about the layout of the bath here. But the gazebo can be completely “hidden” in a nook, enlivening it with vegetation. Be sure to look at the landscape design of the summer cottage photo.

Do not build blind fences. In fact, if the fences are blank and bulky at all small area, this is completely incompatible! After all, enclosing yourself with such a fence can only create the feeling that you are in a cage. And this can have a very negative impact on your health and your mood. That's why best option fences - a miniature, small fence, a light gate, along the perimeter of which landscaping will gracefully curl, visually increasing the size of the site and giving it aesthetics. Landscape design of a summer cottage photo will show you how to do it correctly.

You should not clutter up the space with too tall trees on the site, especially those that are too branchy and will be located on a site less than 8 acres in size. After all, over time, such trees will grow not only in height, but also in breadth. At the same time, they will take over the already small space of your dacha. Therefore, choose those trees that belong to low-growing varieties. They can also be used quite effectively, while saving space. Look at the landscape design of a dacha plot with your own hands, a photo of 10 acres, and you will see that these are not miracles! In addition, you should not “arrange” trees throughout the entire dacha area; it would be better if they were placed compactly, thus saving space.

Photo design of a summer cottage photo

Draw up your own design projects, look at landscape design photos in catalogs - all this will help make your dacha a piece of paradise.

Surely you have questions about how and how to decorate a small plot at your dacha? What is the best way to place buildings so that they don’t get too crowded? A hint for you - photo country house designs for 6 acres. And also the information below.

Flowerbed small size It would be more correct to organize it on the sides of the entrance to the house, or it could be opposite it. Thanks to this definition, you can enjoy the beauty of planted flowers immediately when you step onto the porch. There are 2 options:

  • Prepare old unnecessary vases. Car tires are also suitable. On one side they expand slightly and fill with earth. Plant flowers - perennials - in flowerpots. A larger and larger one is planted in the central part. tall flower, closer to the edges - smaller.
  • Choose a place for a flower bed, mark on it the shape of an oval, the width of which is 1 m, length 1.5 m. Plant a flower in the center of it large size, there are smaller ones around.

Place to rest

Such a corner is actually easy to set up, especially if you use curly ornamental plants or roses that weave. To fence an area of ​​up to 6 sq.m. you will need:

  • Measure the appropriate size of the area from the selected corner for the resting place. Mark its edges. Eg. The size is 6 sq. m.
  • Measure 3 meters along one of the walls of the fence, from the corner, and 2 meters along the other wall. Accordingly, you will have two parts (side and back).
  • Set aside a segment measuring 2 m from the point indicating 3 meters. This segment should be such that it runs parallel to the wall at a distance of 2 meters. And arrange a post whose height corresponds to the height of the fence.
  • Stretch the wire between the back of the wall (3 m) and the installed post.

This way you have the basis for comfortable rest. See our country house projects photos for 6 acres!

In a relaxation corner you have arranged yourself, you can put a bench, plant climbing roses or grapes, as well as other plants that will delight you for more than one season. Also see landscape design photos.

And you can enjoy a wonderful, quiet holiday and indescribable beauty!

Landscape design of a summer cottage: 50 photos of design ideas How to increase space in the bathroom: design of a small bathroom 3 sq m - photo and video ideas Bar counters for the kitchen: 100 photos of ideas and examples Kitchen design 9 sq m Alpine slide design: 25 interesting ideas on the picture Ceiling design: TOP-10 Photos of new products Hallway design (100 photos) Coniferous plants for personal plot

Many people consciously make a choice in favor of living in a separate house, cottage, or visiting their own summer cottage. To many advantages permanent residence or regular visits to a country house includes the opportunity to create a delightful and original landscape design for a summer cottage. The photos clearly demonstrate flower beds, gardens, garden sculptures, recreation areas, ponds or fountains. We offer an overview of trends and creative solutions in landscape design for summer cottages.
3D landscape design mockup

Basics of modern landscape design

Work on creating a design on a site begins with measuring the land boundaries, the location of buildings and the approximate marking of future large green spaces. If on paper a tree looks like a neat circle, no one can guarantee that in 5 years this tree will not cover half of the garden with shadow. Consider the final size of shrubs and trees.

Today there are companies specializing in landscape design, and the architectural software market allows you to choose a convenient and fairly easy-to-learn option. But you can use the old-fashioned method: drawing a site plan on paper. Further work on land marking, zoning and style selection is carried out in one breath.

After measuring the site and transferring the numbers to the plan, be sure to indicate the direction of the cardinal points - this is a very important aspect for choosing plants and recreation areas.

Only after this they begin to select material, green plants, sculptures and everything planned, tackling the zones gradually. You need to be prepared for the fact that a lot of time will pass before achieving your plans.

Basic styles of landscape design for a summer cottage

In accordance with the wishes of the person and the architecture of the house, the design style of the landscape area is selected. Here you need to take into account financial costs, for example, for a garden in oriental style the costs will be much higher than for a simple country style country. There are more than 20 styles of garden plots. Let's look at the most basic and popular ones.


For the design of a plot of 15 acres, there are numerous photos and ready-made projects. It is for such a large area that the classic, time-tested style is suitable. The main components are strict geometric shapes flower beds, paths, zones: rectangular, square, round. Nothing unnecessary that would introduce disharmony and confusion into clear lines. To maintain such a garden in perfect condition, time is required for care.

Garden in classic style with a house
Classic style garden

Such a garden is suitable for people with a serious, thoughtful character who loves clarity in everything. Lovers of perfectionism will also like this style.


Landscape design of 12 acres is well arranged in English landscape style: the more natural such a garden looks, the more organically the zones and buildings will fit into it. Despite its apparent simplicity, the asymmetry of such a site is actually strictly pre-calibrated according to the plan. Plants are selected taking into account their growth, because such a natural garden can very quickly turn into a wild place without proper care and attention.

The style is called landscape precisely for its resemblance to natural corners of nature. In such a garden they will look good under the shade of trees. different varieties hosta, over which the hydrangeas will rise - they also like shading from the tree crowns. The bright variegated colors of flowers in such a garden are necessarily greatly diluted with delicate greenery.


The most common style is country, or rustic coziness in your garden. After the hustle and bustle of the city, this option is considered relaxing for a tired person. The landscape design of the garden plot is selected for plots from 6 to 12 acres. Unpretentious bright flowers should create a feeling of rural ease.

Example of a design with a cart
Country style

So cute and simple type not that difficult to achieve. Corners with work equipment, wooden benches, and even decorated wheelbarrows are appropriate here. Flowerbeds are decorated with daisies, carnations, tulips, zinnias, and milkweeds. Cotoneaster can serve as a unique decoration - both tasty and beautiful.


This perfect style for the possibility of showing a rich imagination. In such a colorful garden of dreams there should be a place for mosaic ornaments, neat wooden gazebos, and flowing water. The Japanese style also belongs to the eastern direction, which is not suitable for every building. This is a sophisticated Japanese garden with tiny gazebos, stone sculptures and neatly trimmed bonsai-inspired plants. A small bridge over a stream, gravel winding paths, stone lanterns that skillfully highlight the outlines of plants are suitable for contemplation and reflection.

Japanese style garden with pond
Japanese style garden


Indian motifs, elephant figurines, bright colors flowers, pagoda gazebos form the landscape design of a small area as beautifully as possible. It’s great to plunge into the atmosphere of celebration and fun after everyday work, to distract yourself from work with a carefree conversation around the fountain. In the recreation area, colorful carpets and multi-colored sofa cushions look great.

Asian style


As the name suggests, the choice of site decor will depend on the wealth of imagination of the designer or owner. In such a garden there is a place for African idols, jungle elements, mysterious figures and steles with hieroglyphs. The goal of this style is to awaken imagination and encourage creativity. In such a place you can easily meet a peacock walking not far from a tiger. But the tiger, it turns out, is skillfully painted on a large boulder and from a distance it seems real. The main condition for maintaining an exotic focus: naturalness. No plastic. Only wood in any form, stones, bamboo.

Exotic garden


The simplest option for garden landscape design. Any combination is possible: the juxtaposition of symmetry and asymmetrical lines, the installation of a fountain can be combined with elements of other styles, a mixture of different types of cultures is possible. Each zone of the site can be designed in any direction, maintaining a generally harmonious combination when mixing styles. Caring for a garden designed in a free direction is quite simple, the main thing is not to forget the original image conceived according to the plan. This type of garden is given by freedom-loving people who do not recognize boundaries.

Free style

There are several more popular styles, such as the Mediterranean, with its Italian motifs and rocky terraces, the Moroccan style implies a wealth of mosaics and ornaments in mini-courtyards, wonderfully murmuring fountains and flowerpots.

Landscape design of a country house

Before deciding what style will reign in the garden, you need to understand what will be combined with the main building - the house. It’s great when both the house and the garden are developed gradually and all the nuances are taken into account, but it often happens that the house is already standing, and the garden has just begun to be created.

You may have to modify the building somewhat, repaint it or add decorative elements. In any case, the main thing is to match the appearance of the house and the style of the garden.

Do-it-yourself landscape design of a summer cottage

By following the stages of preliminary planning, it is gradually not difficult to independently achieve perfection on your site. However, if the owner has a desire to create Mediterranean style on our Siberian soil, it will be extremely difficult to do this. Plants that grow so easily in the southern zone, even if they grow in Siberia, will not bloom and will not survive the first winter.

Often, when people create a landscape design near their home with their own hands, they are helped by various gardening and design forums, photos of other people’s beautiful sites with an original creative solution. By looking at landscaped garden plots, you can gradually understand what exactly you want to see in yours, and by writing to the author and owner of your dream garden, you can get a lot of practical advice from him.

Stages of planning the landscape design of the site

Now, after a brief acquaintance with the styles of landscape design for a personal plot, you can begin a detailed study of the layout and arrangement of your future dream garden.


Planning includes measuring the site, determining the cardinal directions, zoning on a paper or electronic version of the plan, determining the level of groundwater and selecting future green spaces.

We have already written above about the importance of determining the cardinal directions for plants and zones on the site. But it would be a big mistake to forget about the importance of knowing the groundwater level. If you decide to post on personal plot deep reservoir, or plant plants and trees with a deep root system, or start laying the foundation for a new building, then all your efforts will come to naught if the groundwater level is high. The first aquifer is determined either by drilling (you can do it yourself using garden borer), or look at the data for your site. Nearby neighbors can often provide insight on this issue.

Groundwater level in the garden

High water level

Maximum attention must be paid to planning, since any mistake at this stage will be costly, or you may even end up with something completely different rather than what was planned.


Zoning should be given close attention. Of course, dividing into a zone and thinking through the landscape design of a rectangular area is easier than if its shape is not a standard one, but it’s even more interesting.

If the owner desperately wants to see a pond on the site, a barbecue grill, a bathhouse and a tomato bed, then it’s worth allocating a suitable place for everything. Sometimes an ill-considered arrangement of zones spoils the entire decorative effect. If you have outbuildings, evaluate how often you use them. If there is no need to locate them closer to the residential area, then on the plan it is better to place such buildings on the northern border of the site. It is also worth considering the location of the barbecue; not everyone likes the proximity of an open fire and a residential building. If there are children in the house, be sure to allocate them a children's area and place it away from the pond.

Lighting device

If you approach landscape design at your dacha plot wisely, you need to think about lighting at the planning stage. Will you have lanterns that need electricity, or will your lighting be powered by solar batteries?

We must remember that light has the ability to highlight objects, place accents, and attract attention. The light of lanterns, garlands, and spotlights should illuminate important areas: paths, entrances, platform, barbecue area. An interesting solution could be to direct the light from under the base of bushes and trees up into the crown.

Construction of paths and platforms

Whatever the size of the plot, in any case you cannot do without paths. Paths in landscape design, a plot of 5 acres or more, are designed not only to connect garden areas with each other, but also to complement the image of the design solution. Today there are a lot of interesting options garden paths. Paving is done with stones, pebbles, patterns of bricks, stones ( mosaic option). Wooden saw cuts, street parquet, gravel, and asphalt are popular.

Paths and platforms are placed according to the layout, taking into account the growth of large plants.

Design of a summer cottage: we select plants and architectural structures for various areas of the garden.

Having determined the future zones, marking the paths and areas, you can begin to directly design your dream garden. Plants are planted immediately after completion. construction work- this eliminates the possibility of trampling and damage to green spaces. Of course, initially the earth will seem bare and empty, but as it grows, the green and colorful mass of flowers and plants will decorate the area.

Basic Landscaping Techniques

It is impossible to imagine a garden without greenery pleasing to the eye. Once the garden style has been selected, suitable plants are selected.


The lawn is the background element of the garden, and it will also be sown in those areas where children's or playgrounds are planned. Not every lawn is suitable for a sunny lawn. There are such types of lawn as sunny, tennis, shady, Moorish. The simplest option would be the Moorish lawn: it does not need to be cut, it blooms on its own and does not exceed the height indicated on the package of seeds.

Moorish lawn

There are many varieties of lawn seeds, but when choosing, you need to take into account that the lush dark green grass of a shady lawn will quickly fade in sunny areas.

Caring for such a green carpet involves regular trimming with a trimmer or lawn mower. In addition to mowing, the lawn is often irrigated by spraying in the evening or morning and do not forget about the timely application of fertilizers.

Vertical gardening (climbing plants)

If you want to decorate an unsightly building or emphasize an arch or fence, use climbing plants.

Bright climbing roses will certainly decorate any vertical support
A rose in combination with any clematis creates a completely fabulous impression.

In addition to roses and clematis, there are many other climbing plants: morning glory, girl's grapes, ivy, honeysuckle, campsis. Bougainvillea and wisteria are ideal for the southern regions.


Morning glory in the garden


Trees and shrubs

When choosing trees and shrubs in landscape design for 15 acres, you don’t have to limit yourself, but if your plot is only 4 acres, you need to remember that once a young small tree grows to a certain size. In landscape design, the emphasis is on the decorativeness of plants. Combine tall trees with spreading shrubs, flowering with decorative foliage. Contrasts and harmonious combinations are often used.

Here are some examples of successful placement of trees and shrubs in the photo:


If you do not want to erect a fence or if it is necessary to separate one zone of the site from another, hedges are grown. The main thing is not to forget that the hedge requires frequent trimming and good fertilizers between waterings.

You can plant a lot of willow branches, which will quickly take root: such material bends and intertwines easily:


Elm, thuja, hydrangea, forsythia, junipers, spruce, elderberry, blackthorn, acacia, spirea, mock orange and many other types of shrubs and moldable trees are also used as a living fence.

Living fence
Living fence made of thuja

Flower beds

Your imagination can run wild here, but it’s worth remembering the chosen garden style. Of course, when thinking about landscape design of 6 acres, it is better to think about how much bright colors will oversaturate the garden with a riot of colors.

When thinking about a flower garden, you need to be guided by the following rules and tips:

  • Flowers are located on the site depending on their characteristics: it is useless to plant sun-loving plants in the shade.
  • If you have selected plants different heights, then the tallest ones are planted in the background or in the center of the flowerbed, and the short ones are planted closer to the edge.
  • There are flowers that require frequent watering, and there are plants for which excess moisture is death. When planting such flowers nearby, there is nothing to expect except failure.

Here are examples good decision for flower beds:

Vertical figure of flowers
Many colors in one place

Alpine coaster

Creating an alpine slide is not difficult: you need to choose the sunniest place on the site, pour a large pile of earth and properly spill it with water. After a couple of weeks, the ground will settle a little. Now you can form tiers by lining the edges of the hill with boulders. Succulents and any sun-loving, drought-resistant plants, such as carnations, grow on the alpine hill.

Alpine slide

If the site allows you to make a large alpine slide, then place it on it different kinds conifers, remembering that they will grow over time.

Construction of reservoirs

Any body of water on the site significantly humidifies the air, decorates the recreation area and relieves the tension accumulated during the day with its appearance. When choosing a location, you need to be guided by the level of groundwater: it should not come close to the surface.

Pond with aquatic plants


If you want to place a pool on your property, you should immediately include it in the layout: a large and deep pool may be suitable for a summer cottage plot of 10 acres, but it is quite problematic to fit it on 4 acres. Landscape design today offers many solutions: you can buy a pool in a separate plastic container, or you can cement the bottom of the hole yourself and cover the future pool with tiles.


The pond is most often placed near an alpine slide, or in any other convenient location according to the site plan. You can buy a ready-made container and line it with stones or pebbles. Sometimes a pond is made using a thick film that covers the bottom of the pit. In any case, a pond is a wonderful decorative element of landscape design. The pond itself is decorated with live water lilies, duckweed, sculptures, figurines of herons and frogs. Moisture-loving low-growing plants are planted along the edges.

Garden structures, small architectural forms and decorative elements in landscape design

Garden structures and small architectural forms include all kinds of benches, pergolas, gazebos, sculptures, arches, water features, and retaining walls. All this is selected based on the style direction and wishes of the owner. It is impossible to fit all this at the same time in a small area, but there is always a secluded place in the garden for a swing in the form of a gazebo.

Landscaping of a summer cottage: vegetable garden in the landscape design of the site

Gone are the days when the garden was a place of hard work. Today, the vegetable garden is not only a place where edible vegetables and herbs grow, but also a decorative element of the garden plot. Here are a few photos where you can see creativity when arranging a vegetable garden with your own hands at your summer cottage

The geometric component of the location of the beds, the choice of plants, the shape and covering of the paths are important. Thus, you can perfectly combine business with pleasure. Taking care of such a beautiful vegetable garden is, of course, a joy!

Arrangement of recreation areas

For many people, a summer cottage in modern world- This is an opportunity to mentally relax. Of course, the garden and flowers require their attention, but how nice it is after a long day to sit near the fire or stand next to the grill on which juicy, aromatic meat is being cooked. Are in great demand bath buildings: the bathhouse or sauna itself, swimming pool, shower. You need to set aside a convenient area for the bathhouse, and it’s good if the bathhouse complex is not located close to the house.

For children, caring parents provide a children's recreation area, which is within sight from all points of the site. In the photo we see recreation areas that they build with their own hands even on summer cottage plots of 6 acres. Their design is selected in accordance with the taste and ideas of the owner.

Relaxation area on the sand
Elevated seating area with outdoor fireplace


To be able to cook meat or fish dishes on fresh air, a barbecue area is included in the planning in advance. Choosing a barbecue is not a problem, but you need to choose a place so that the wind does not carry sparks from the fire to wooden buildings or trees.

You can cook the grill yourself or purchase a ready-made one. Look at these barbecues, they are real works of art!


This is where you can turn around, so when choosing a gazebo. Huge selection of materials and style solutions. Look at what gazebos there are:

The main thing when choosing a gazebo will be the correlation between appearance and size.

Bath complexes

Fans of this kind of water healing procedures and relaxing holidays should be concerned about the question of where the used water will be drained before building a bathhouse. Therefore, the issue of drainage is considered paramount.

You can either build a bathhouse yourself using numerous schemes presented on the Internet with a lot of advice, or buy a ready-made bath house. The bathhouse complex includes the bathhouse itself with rooms for relaxation, washing and a steam room. Often the owners include a shower and a swimming pool in the bath complex. It is not necessary to have a real swimming pool, even if the area of ​​the site allows it. A large barrel is also suitable, in which you can plunge between visits to the steam room.

Bathhouse in a private house
Font in the garden


The children's recreation area takes into account the age of the children visiting it. Usually they install a sandbox with a canopy, a sports complex and a swing. The area around the structures is sown with trampling-resistant lawn or simply sprinkled with clean sand.

The play area also includes regular sports grounds.

Today it is not a problem to choose a ready-made playground, but if you wish, you can find plans for building a swing, a slide, and a sandbox.

Here are examples of children's and sports playgrounds:

Leisure places

Walking through the garden, you may come across a gazebo in a secluded corner, or a chessboard surrounded by flowers. Such leisure places contribute good rest and communication.

For some, an ordinary fire is enough, around which you can sit in the evenings, while others install a telescope under a canopy for night observation. starry sky. The choice of leisure depends on the taste and preferences of the owner of the site, but is not considered a mandatory area.

But, nevertheless, a bench located in the garden and hidden from view is a wonderful place to relax.

Where can I order a landscape design project for a site and how much will it cost?

Such services are provided by specialized landscape design firms. Their work comes down to agreeing on the customer’s wishes, measuring and inspecting the land plot by a specialist, drawing up a plan and estimate. The minimum price for such work is 10,000 rubles.

We hope that we have covered the issues of landscape design of a garden plot in a rather interesting manner and are waiting for your comments.

How beautiful, practical and on your own to arrange the territory near country house? How to create a difficult oasis of greenery and freshness away from a noisy and dusty city, but also a functional place for family relaxation and receiving guests, friends and acquaintances? How to reflect your vision of beauty, comfort and harmony with nature in your own summer cottage with minimal costs, But maximum effect? We hope that our impressive selection of 100 different ideas for arranging the territory of the most different sizes and forms, climatic and landscape features. On the picture landscape projects you will find relevant, practical and aesthetic solutions for every taste, level of gardening skill and wallet size.

Mandatory preparatory work

Only people who are far from gardening may think that it is not difficult to organize a cozy green corner in the country that meets all the family’s requirements for relaxation, work and entertainment in nature. That it is enough to plant fruit trees, create a flower bed, arrange beds for growing vegetables and herbs, and install a gazebo. But everyone’s requirements for comfort and outdoor recreation are different - some need a children’s playground in the shade of green spaces, others need a spacious outdoor dining area for family dinners and entertaining guests, almost everyone wants to have a barbecue area, while others simply You need a hammock to relax in the coolness among the trees and bushes. It is in accordance with your requirements and capabilities of the dacha area that you need to draw up a detailed arrangement plan.

So, on a regular sheet of paper or in a special design program (find on the Internet free version will not be difficult) it will be necessary to note:

  • designate the exact size and shape of the territory, determine the scale (the more accurate the calculations are, the fewer modifications will be made on the ground);
  • it is necessary to mark on the plan already constructed buildings - a house, a garage, a permanent gazebo, a bathhouse, etc.;
  • also mark the planned construction - mark even small buildings (from a chicken coop to a dog kennel), it always seems that there is a place for a small building (especially on a large site), but in fact you often have to reschedule or change your plans, having already started work;
  • experts recommend dividing the entire site into zones - squares, each of which will have its own main element (for example, in an outdoor recreation area, a gazebo with a dining group or a spacious swing can be a key subject of landscape design);
  • label everything perennials that already exist on the territory and mark the planting of new ones, taking into account the distance between plantings and the distance in relation to buildings;
  • Next comes the difficult point of marking all engineering systems - from water supply to lighting (it is necessary to mark both existing communications and the planned laying of pipes or wires).

But the initial stage of preparation is not limited to a drawing on paper. It is necessary to carry out what is called “reconnaissance on the ground”:

  • find out the characteristics of the soil;
  • presence (possible) of groundwater;
  • if there are places where water stagnates, then drain;
  • it is also necessary to determine the level of hilliness of the territory (experts recommend not leveling the site, but using the landscape features of a particular area to create the most natural image of the site, but in some cases it is simply necessary to get rid of uneven soil).

Choosing a style of execution, an image of a summer cottage

Creating a not-so-practical space in which you can grow fruits, vegetables and herbs, and creating a truly harmonious image of a summer cottage with all the elements necessary for work and leisure is not an easy task. Obviously, you will have to work hard to obtain a balanced picture of landscape design. The choice of stylistic direction and color scheme for the design of your summer cottage will be largely determined by the elements that fill it. Conventionally, all “participants” in the development of a dacha area can be divided into the following groups.

1. Elements of natural (natural) landscape. Everything that was created by nature - trees, shrubs and other plants, mounds, holes, stones, natural ponds, will influence the creation of the image of a certain color palette if you leave them on your site. Of course, the color scheme of the site will change along with the changing seasons and the climatic conditions of each specific area.

2.Architectural structures. Such elements of landscape design include, first of all, the main building (a small country house or a spacious estate, depending on the scale of the country house itself). Architectural objects also include various extensions to the house and independent buildings - a veranda, a bathhouse, a sauna, a garage, a shed, a permanent greenhouse, a gazebo, a canopy and even bridges. It is obvious that all architectural objects will follow the same stylistic direction and will have similarities in color schemes and the choice of façade design. But at the same time, you can choose one element that will become an accent in the overall ensemble. Most often, the main building becomes the key structure, but there are exceptions.

3.Elements of social and decorative landscape. This type of landscape design items includes everything that was created by human hands - plantings, ponds, sculptures, flower beds and beds, rock gardens and other types of slides. In this group of elements, you can use an infinite number of color options - creating flower beds and alleys from certain plants allows you to “paint” the area in different colors, given that in most parts of our country the warm season (plant growth and flowering) lasts from April to October. In addition, there are many varieties of evergreen plants that can be grown throughout almost the entire territory of our country to create a permanent green and fresh background for a comfortable image of a summer cottage.

4. Other elements of landscape design. We will classify everything that does not “fit” into other groups as this type – decking and platforms, garden paths and playgrounds, entertainment items for the playground, various decorative elements.

It is the choice of color scheme for the image of a summer cottage that can help create a complex aesthetic picture, but also disguise disadvantages and highlight advantages, visually change the shape of the territory, and enlarge it. The advantage of correctly chosen color schemes is that they help coordinate appearance dacha area without resorting to drastic changes.

Garden paths - practical and aesthetic design

Garden paths on a summer cottage - this is not only a convenient and safe way to move between objects and segments of landscape design, but also a way of zoning space and decorating it. Therefore, paths and paths in the local area can be not only reliable and practical, but also original, beautiful, executed in the general design of the entire site.

Garden paths can be made from the following materials:

  • stone (“plastushka”, river stone or pebbles, paving stones);
  • wood (painted or coated with special varnishes and antiseptics);
  • concrete in various modifications;
  • brick (clinker or regular);
  • waste material (plastic caps, bottles or parts thereof, corks and any other material that can be used to create a safe and sufficiently durable surface for country paths).

Also, according to the method of execution, all tracks can be divided into solid and non-solid - the name speaks for itself and leaves no discrepancies in determining the appearance of the two options. In addition, garden paths can be divided into temporary and permanent. Mostly, permanent paths are used in summer cottages, but it happens that the owners use the site for a short period of time and it turns out to be more expedient to lay temporary paths.

Flower beds and beds - a variety of options

Flower beds and flower beds are one of the most popular ways to decorate any area. No matter the size of your summer cottage. There is always room on it, albeit small, but beautiful flower bed. Well, it’s simply impossible to imagine a Russian dacha without beds with vegetables, root crops and herbs. And if according to functional purpose Flowerbeds and beds are somewhat different, but in terms of the method of execution they largely overlap.

Flowerbeds can be divided into the following types:

  • regular;
  • irregular;
  • carpet;
  • raised;
  • traditional monoflowers;
  • vertical;
  • flower beds created not on the ground, but in special devices.

Of course, flower beds can differ both in size and shape, as well as in the type of plants planted. There are a lot of options for execution. The choice of the appearance and content of the flower bed will depend on the size of the area allocated for the flower garden, the type of soil, the climatic conditions of a particular region, your ideas about beauty and aesthetics, and the ability to devote a certain amount of time and effort to plants.

There are also many possibilities in the design of country beds, and not only in the sizes and shapes of the dug trenches. Growing beds different cultures can be:

  • traditional;
  • "warm";
  • with drainage;
  • box beds;
  • beds with high sides.

In order to create a bed-box or with high sides, you can use the following materials:

  • old boards;
  • polycarbonate sheets;
  • plastic;
  • flat or wavy slate;
  • any waste material capable of maintaining its shape in high humidity conditions for at least one season.

Areas for rest and dining of various modifications

There is no owner of a summer cottage who would not want to equip a place for recreation on his territory, in addition to beds and greenhouses. Well, since for many Russians outdoor recreation is often associated with cooking various dishes open fire, then the barbecue area will not be superfluous. Most often, the food preparation area is set up as a patio - the area is laid out with stones or tiles (less commonly, a platform is made of wood). This sector can be covered with a permanent or temporary canopy to protect from sun and rain.

Relaxation areas with garden furniture, swings or hammocks can be placed on a terrace or open veranda, attached to the house or a separate canopy, in a gazebo or under a tent. It all depends on the general design concept of the site, its size and the needs of the owners.

To create a cozy segment for relaxation or aesthetic and practical dining area under open air, you can use garden furniture made from the following materials:

  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • rattan (artificial or natural);
  • willow twigs;
  • bamboo;
  • stone or concrete slabs;
  • glass (triplex glass);
  • polystyrene;
  • basalt fiber;
  • waste material.

Pools, ponds, fountains and more

Experts in creating landscape designs argue that to create a truly harmonious environment at a summer cottage, it is not enough to correctly position buildings, plant green plants, lay paths and distribute beds and flower beds. In addition to earth (stones) and greenery, water is necessary. Whether it will be an artificial waterfall, a small pond, a fountain of any modification or a swimming pool depends on the desires of the owners, the size and features of the territory and the budget for the project.

Pools can differ not only in size and shape. There are overflow pools, artificial reservoirs with several levels of depth, stationary and portable (temporary and permanent). The pool can be equipped with a “waterfall” or fountains, or have branches. Also, pools differ in the way they filter water. Of course, all these criteria leave an imprint on the methods of arranging an artificial reservoir, its appearance, the cost of creation and operation.

Living in a city, where businesses and cultural centers, stadiums and public transport are at your service, has many advantages, if you also do not have the opportunity to sew in nature. But even a large park cannot replace your own garden, surrounded by similar gardens! And yet you can create a green and blooming paradise - your own island in the city sea. And large enough to at least temporarily isolate yourself from the pulsating rhythm of city life and enjoy nature. Landscape design of a garden plot - 70 photos of how to design:

Sometimes those who left big cities and went to live in nature, they lament their decision. The reasons for this are varied. The most important among them, if the place of work or study is located in the city, and the site itself is at a considerable distance from it, is the transport problem.

Living in town houses or urban settlements, in addition to undoubted advantages, also has some disadvantages for a certain category of people. This concerns not least the cramped conditions: tiny plots of land sandwiched between houses, where there is only enough space for a home, and there is no place to even set up a front garden or lawn.

Landscape design of a garden plot, to have a nice large plot of land, and even in suitable place, only the lucky few can afford it. And, of course, one of them is the owner of this garden, which we present today.

The acquired plot of land has a trapezoidal shape. After the house was built, there was still enough space left to create a garden. Moreover, the house was not built quite ordinary, and it is also worth saying a few words about it.

The center of the building is a round staircase tower. In it there is an intersection of two separate “wings” of the house located with a difference relative to each other. Both of them are connected by a winter garden, the main terrace of the house and balconies located opposite each other. Design of a garden plot of 10 acres photo:

The round shape in this project most often characterizes architectural and decorative elements, such as roof windows on the façade. It also received its development in the design of the garden.

Design of a garden plot for a country house

In general, the garden is oriented to the northwest. The slight slope of the site made it possible to successfully integrate a garage into ground floor. A staircase leads directly from the entrance gate to the terrace of the house. It is used by both the residents of the house and their guests.

The concrete wall, arranged in ledges, seems to support the slope. Over the years, the concrete surface has become almost invisible due to the lush greenery descending on it.

Design project of the garden plot, the main, “official” path, paved with small dark granite cobblestones with light dividing stripes-inserts, gradually descending, leads to the other side of the entrance to the garden, along magnificent rhododendrons and azaleas, and to the doors of the house.

Approximately in the middle there is a path from natural stone folds. Along the small garden on the south-west side (the slight difference in height here can be overcome with a simple staircase) it comes to the end of a wooden terrace. From here you can see the winter garden, located in the southeast between the two buildings of the house. Garden plot design photo examples in our article:

So far we have only talked about the garden. Now in front of us lies an almost lake-like landscape, with an island and a wooden bridge, boulders towering above the water and goldfish glistening in the sun as they swim close to the surface of the water to make it convenient to catch insects. The slightly curved bridge seems to continue wooden terrace between the house and the pond.

The pond in the garden should be as large as possible

Another passion of the owner - along with dogs and horses - are exotic birds. A special spacious house and enclosure are equipped for them. They are installed near concrete wall, stretching along the border of the land plot and overgrown with lush greenery.

The landscape design of the garden plot and the beautiful chestnut trees located nearby form a shady corner in this place. Several powerful spruces also grow there, providing a reliable barrier street noise.

The semicircular terrace connecting both buildings of the house, where you can sit comfortably even on cool evenings, is tiled. The same covering is also available on the balcony.

The design of the boardwalk terrace and the pond reveals an organic unity. Gravel, boulders, greenery and quite natural shape The ponds created a wonderful corner of nature.

In private gardens, ponds are often designed in such a way that they do not look real and therefore do not give the desired effect. In this case, everything is different: the size of the pond was made as large as possible, each plant was selected for it in consultation with specialists. Having organized the design of the garden plot, now the whole family can happily relax here, admiring the sun’s reflections on the water and the elegant movements of the goldfish.

Despite the fact that the site is located in the city, many birds often fly to the pond. Frogs also thrive here. Qualified “experts” are completely confident that this is a real natural oasis. Garden plot design photo gallery:

Bridges for reconnaissance of the other shore

Two stable bridges provide convenient communication between the two banks. This opens up unprecedented spaces for children's imagination. Someday you can play pirate ship, and someday you can make your way across a bridge to a foreign country: after all, on the other side there is the already mentioned aviary with exotic birds.

The design of a garden plot of 6 acres may not accommodate everything, but there, opposite the terrace, there is a wonderful sitting area with a small table. Surrounded by jasmine bushes, so fragrant in summer, and rowan trees, decorated with bright red berries in autumn, stands in the background an old, reconstructed garage with a peaked roof, reminiscent of a sorcerer’s house.

It has access to the street, and therefore it is very convenient to use when purchasing and delivering seedlings and tools. Massive green spruce trees are conveniently located on the border of the site. Landscape design of a garden plot:

Idyll costs money

It takes a lot of effort and money to create such a beautiful garden. And so that they do not go to waste, you should choose the right place and time.

When planning a garden and pond and purchasing plants for them, it is better to consult with specialists and purchase the highest quality planting material, suitable building materials and reliable equipment.

Kingdom of Lilies and Frogs

As a rule, the water in an artificial pond is not running and is not intended for swimming, therefore, no matter how great the desire to splash in it in hot weather, this should not be done if it was laid without special measures for this purpose.

The quality of water in ponds differs significantly from the quality of water in swimming pools due to the constant biological process of decomposition occurring in them organic matter, causing the growth of all kinds of microorganisms.

Purifying water by adding any disinfectants to the pond is unacceptable. In addition to the fact that this method is absolutely ineffective, it can lead to the destruction of the natural microflora of the reservoir.

Design of a garden plot for a country house - there are several ways to improve the quality of water in artificial reservoirs. One of them is the biological purification of a reservoir through the so-called groundwater infiltration.

Its essence lies in the fact that water is supplied to a flat, limited area of ​​land, planted with reeds or reeds, seeps into a drainage laid under the area, in which purified water is collected and again enters the pond through an adjustable dam.

In this case, it is necessary to maintain a certain rate of water infiltration, and the reeds or reeds must be mowed periodically to remove biomass and nutrients for microbes from the system.

Unfortunately, space constraints do not allow this method to be widely used. Low-flow ponds lined with reeds or reeds contribute very little to the destruction of microorganisms and viruses, so most often they are only purely decorative corners of nature.

The second method is to purify water using filters, which requires a significantly smaller surface area. Advice on their use can be obtained from companies that sell such systems.

IN Lately for device artificial ponds and swimming pools, special high-quality polyethylene film, allowing you to create a reservoir of any size and configuration. Landscape design of a garden plot - 70 photos of how to design:

Previously, summer cottages were used for planting cultivated plants. They went to the dacha to water their beds or harvest their crops. But then people began to understand that on their own plot they can have a wonderful break from everyday life. They began to equip summer cottages for recreation and bring beauty to it. This is where landscape design comes to the rescue. It is by using it that you can turn your small piece of land into a work of landscape design.

What is landscape design?

Landscape design is a set of actions for landscaping and landscaping an area using natural materials.

At your dacha, you can plant a fruit-bearing or decorative garden, shrubs or a lawn, install a fountain or an alpine slide, plant flower beds, all this will change. It will become cozy, beautiful, where you can relax and enjoy the creation of your hands. All this is landscape design. On your own, you will create a unique garden, park, unlike any other, with vegetation and decorations that you like and will delight you and your family, guests, and random passers-by. Landscape design has a long history and is still developing today.

This is an art form that does not stand still. Each period of time in our history has brought something different to this art form. Thus, the Middle Ages were marked by the appearance of columns and arches, then fountains, pools, gardens and parks appeared. IN modern times All concepts from different times were united and this is how the laws, principles and fundamentals of landscape design appeared.

Basics of modern design of a dacha area

Landscape design of a summer cottage, such a concept appeared not so long ago, but this art itself appeared a very long time ago. After all, it was the gardeners who created coziness in the gardens. Each era has made its own changes and developed this type of art. The design of the landscape of the site is subject to certain principles and laws that were formed and passed from one era to another.

The following basics can be distinguished modern design:

  • Creating a plan (project)
  • Creation of small architectural forms.

It is necessary to draw up an action plan and a project for your future landscaped personal park or garden. So, before you start implementing ideas, it is better to recreate them on paper. Draw the territory on paper, divide this space into zones, and also think over a watering system, irrigation, and consecration. It is the project that will give you the opportunity to imagine what your site will look like after all the work and will not allow you to miss various small details.

The choice of plants for landscape design of a site is very important. Plants play one of the main roles in arranging your recreation area. After all, not every plant takes root in the same climate. When choosing a plant, take into account all the factors, what kind of land, lighting, climatic conditions, type of plant and most importantly, what kind of care the plant will need. If you take these factors into account, you will enjoy lush vegetation blooming.

The creation of small architectural forms also plays an important role. They are the ones who will create beauty in the dacha. Choose designs that match the overall background and create a complete landscape design composition. Decorative structures will depend on the chosen style of your natural interior.

How to make landscape design on your site with your own hands?

In order to decorate your territory you will not need to spend a lot of money. A little imagination and clear actions and you will create a beautiful place in your garden. The main thing is to buy seedlings of evergreen trees and shrubs (arborvitae, juniper, cypress and others). They will delight you with their lush greenery all year round.

And if you work a little with pruning shears, you can make them various figures. Plant selected vegetation along the edges of the path or create a small park. Make flower beds with different flowering plants and lay out the paths. Already from all this you will get a small natural decorative corner.

Landscape design of a summer cottage: where to start?

Any transformation of your dacha begins with a clear goal and plan, which is reproduced on paper or other media. The very first steps to transform a place begin with choosing a given place, then dividing it into sectors (zones) and building the main composition.

Layout of the area around the house

To help you plan your territory, special computer programs or paper (preferably with a millimeter grid). Map the entire area with all buildings, i.e. make a layout of your site. Then plan where and what you will plant and install. Thus, you get a mock-up design of your future decorative corner, in which all the shortcomings and advantages of your idea will be visible, and you will be able to correct the design project.

Zoning of the site

After, it is necessary to divide it into zones. Determine where you will have a recreation area; if you have children, then be sure to think about them, an area with beds, flower beds, trees. Indicate the location of the paths, whether they will be straight or curved. Then decide on the buildings: a bathhouse, a garage, a gazebo, you can also build a barbecue or a stationary grill. These are all those buildings that you cannot move without destroying them. Therefore, carefully consider their location. Then think about other objects, such as a fountain, an alpine slide, a lawn, and more. Also immediately decide on the direction of passage to the house, to the landing area and recreation area.

Examples of landscape design projects for a dacha, garden, and yard will be presented below.


In order for all the vegetation, buildings, and decorative elements to be in harmony with each other, it is necessary to choose a single style. So that they create a single composition, and not just be “scattered” chaotically. Choose a theme for your corner in advance; there are many of them in the public domain now, if you can’t come up with one yourself. There is no need to build a pond on a small area that will take up the entire space; therefore, it will not be possible to complete the composition. Therefore, it is worth thinking through everything to the smallest detail before you begin to bring your idea to life.

NOTE! Choose a single style so that all green spaces and landscape design elements create a single composition.

Choosing a color palette

In order for everything to be in harmony with each other, it is necessary to select primary and secondary colors. It is the choice of colors that will determine how your natural corner will sparkle and whether it will delight you not only sunny weather. Naturally, in good weather, any kindergarten will delight us and play with its colors. But there are many cloudy days in the year. Exactly color scheme The landscape design of your side can bring joy even in gloomy weather. It is better to choose a yellow-orange color palette. These colors are associated with the sun. And even in bad weather they will lift your spirits. And how wonderful and bright this range of colors looks among the rich green. Therefore, give preference to warm shades of vegetation.

Mandatory preparatory work

First, we make a plan of the entire territory, with a breakdown of zones, buildings, and outline what we want to see in the end. We create a layout of our country house decorative area. But the preparatory work is not finished yet. After the schematic work, look at everything on the ground. You need to make sure what the soil is like and whether it is the same everywhere. If communications are not laid or they will be transferred, then you need to think about this in advance. Determine whether the surface is flat, but even if it is not completely flat in some places, do not forget to level it, it may be useful to you, make an alpine slide on a hill or a small pond, if it is a depression, provided that this is included in your future composition. Otherwise, it will be necessary to level the place. Also determine how deep they go groundwater. Are there places where water accumulates, which means you need to restore soil drainage. All of these preparatory steps will help you get started with your yard design faster.


Often, summer residents think about landscaping the area when buildings exist. In order to create a beautiful, harmonious landscape design of a garden or garden plot with your own hands, you need to take into account existing objects (as in the photo on the right below). In order to bring your idea to life, you need to draw a project. It’s better, of course, to turn to specialists, but you can try it yourself. Each of us went through the basics of design at school, so with a little effort everything will work out.

You need to recreate on graph paper the area of ​​your site with all the existing buildings, communications, and vegetation that you want to preserve. It is also necessary to indicate where south, north, west, east are. Entrances and exits to buildings. What kind of terrain, flat or not, is marked on the plan. After this, you can move on to the next stage.

Details worth paying attention to

After transferring all existing technical and natural objects, you need to ask your family members what they want to see. Having collected their wishes and yours, you need to combine it into one harmonious look. When thinking through the details of your composition, you need to take into account not only the beauty and aesthetic appearance, but also subsequent care. If you want a garden, then you need to think about the types of trees that need minimal care so that your rest time is not spent on processing and trimming them. Also, when choosing objects, you need to proceed from the existing area. Choose parts based on how much time you will spend at the dacha and what you need them for. For beauty or functionality. Therefore, if you want to relax more, then allocate a little space for the garden, then you will have more space for beauty. It is often impossible to install a swimming pool, a pond, an alpine slide, a swing, a sandbox, a fountain, and a barbecue on your own land. You need to choose the objects that are right for you and use them to create a beautiful, functional corner for your stay.

As you can see, country landscape design is determined by many factors, first of all, the available free space for your ideas.

Completing the assigned task

When designing, you need to clearly set goals that can be achieved. Don't draw in terms of what you can never recreate in own dacha, i.e. everything conceived should have the right to life, and not in your fantasies.

How to design a yard at your dacha

Each personal plot should have zones that perform their specific functions. So there is an entrance area - directly when you enter your property, a kind of guest area, then there is a play area, an area where the vegetable garden is located, a recreation area and a utility area. The utility corner is the part where food is prepared in the open air or under a small canopy. There you can install a grill, a barbecue, build a gazebo or a full-fledged summer kitchen. It all depends on the area of ​​the plot.

Relaxation area with barbecue or fireplace

When choosing a relaxation area where the grill and barbecue will be located, it is better to stay behind the house, where it will be hidden from prying eyes and from the winds. If the area is small, then you can build it close to the house, and if space allows, then build it a little further from the main building.

When placing a barbecue or other source of cooking, remember that it should be located at a distance from the wall of the house, so as not to pollute the walls with soot and grease, and for fire safety. When arranging a place to relax, install a barbecue, which can be stationary, or perhaps a full-fledged oven, also a place for relaxing and eating cooked food. This can be either a separate table with chairs, with a small canopy, or a full-fledged gazebo. To prevent rain from interfering with the cooking process, which can be adjacent to the house, as well as on a separate frame. Furniture can be different, the simplest, even plastic, but convenient and comfortable. The area for the resting place should be level, if not, then it is easy to level it: remove the layer of turf, and the remaining soil can then be used for other elements. Flooring can be made from scrap materials, various boards and bricks, and more expensive tiles.

Reference! It is better to locate the recreation area behind the house, where there is protection from the wind.

Outdoor dining

It’s so nice to relax at your dacha not only for yourself, but also to receive guests. And what could be better than a meal in nature? To arrange such a place you don’t have to spend a lot of effort. It is enough to put a table and chairs. But since we want it to be not only functional, but also beautiful, it’s better to put in a little effort and enjoy your creation.

Naturally, the table is located not far from the barbecue, and flower beds with flowers can be built nearby. The material of dining room furniture can be wood, plastic, metal. To prevent rain from interfering, make a canopy, then it will be even more comfortable. It is possible to build a gazebo. Now there are many different ready-made gazebos that are quite affordable. They will be a pleasure to welcome guests and relax while admiring nature.

CAREFULLY! Place the fire source (grill, barbecue) away from the walls of the house. Do not plant trees or other vegetation near it!


Paths play an important role in landscape design. After all, this is not only a passage through the site, but also a decorative element in the overall composition. Paths not only connect the house and other buildings with each other, provide an opportunity to walk around your site, but also carry aesthetic role and completeness of your design project. For small areas, it is better to choose a winding “path” rather than a straight one, as it will visually increase the space. Various curved lines will add unusual beauty to your site. They can also hide some imperfections, both on the surface and on the area as a whole. When choosing a material you need to consider following characteristics:

  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • should be on a slope to prevent accumulation of water;
  • load (a person walks or a car passes);
  • ease of care.

ADVICE! Choose winding paths to maximize space.

The material can be stone, wood, pebbles, crushed stone, tiles, concrete and more. The material of the tracks will depend on the chosen style, as well as financial capabilities. The main thing to remember is that you are not doing this for the season.

Garden figurines

With the help of figurines, the garden comes to life, they begin to live in it. Figurines play a huge role in highlighting the beauty of your garden interior. However, they can ruin the overall appearance. You can buy them or make them yourself. Regardless of whether you make them yourself or buy them in a store, remember the following:

  • you don’t need many figures in one area;
  • all figurines look better if they are made of the same material;
  • the figures must match the general theme of the chosen style.

When purchasing, remember that it is better to spend a little on a higher quality figurine that will last more than one season rather than buying it every year.

If you decide to make your own figurine, there are many master classes on how to make them from various materials: plastic, tires, polyurethane foam, plaster, wire and other materials.

Decoration of flower beds

Flower beds bring us joy even in the gloomiest weather. In order for flowers to delight us not only with their beauty, they need to be beautifully decorated. A common and simple design for a flower garden is a flower bed. It has different shapes: round, square, rectangular, triangular and others. They are mainly planted annual plants. Choose warm colors by mixing them with bright colors. Flowers are planted in the form of various ornaments, alternating and combining colors with each other. Try to make small flower beds, this will make them easier to care for. Highlight the following types flower beds: vertical, ridged, mixborder.

Vertical flower bed

Such flower beds are a wonderful decoration. The multi-tiered nature of such flower beds allows your imagination to run wild. You can buy a ready-made vertical flower bed or create it yourself. All multi-tiered flower beds are identical in their design: base, watering system, soil and plants. It is also possible without a permanent watering system, in which case you will have to water it manually. You can make such flower beds from old tires of different diameters, you just have to cut out the top and fill the resulting container with soil, then put the next tire of a smaller diameter on top, and do the same with the other tires. This way you will have a vertical flowerbed, which remains to be planted with flowers or other plants. It is better to plant annual climbing plants that will cascade down to the ground.


This is a type of long flower bed, which is arranged along the paths, retreating slightly, leaving a strip of lawn in front of it. The ridge is made of the correct asymmetrical shape, no more than two meters wide. Flowers are mostly annuals, but perennial flowers can also be planted. Very often flowers are diluted with leafy plants.


In this type of flower bed there is space for imagination. Mixborder is a mixed flower bed, various shapes. Perennial plants are planted in it. To make them pleasing to the eye, you need to remember that the vegetation must have the same growing conditions. So you can’t plant drought-resistant plants together with moisture-loving plants. After all, they will grow together for many years. You also need to think carefully about the color scheme. Flowers and plants are planted in the mixborder, and low-growing shrubs can also be added.

Do-it-yourself lawn planting

The lawn is the foundation of your landscape design. Its juicy greenery will delight you all season long, correct landing and caring for him. Buy lawn seeds, you need to dig up clean soil, then compact it and sow the lawn seeds, then cover with a small layer of soil. That's it, now all we have to do is wait for the shoots. And take proper care of it. Prevent weeds from germinating and remove their seedlings. The lawn gives an aesthetic and complete look to your decorative garden.

Garden plot design

In order for a decorative garden to look not only like a corner of nature, but also to delight with its beauty, as well as to walk and relax in the garden, it is necessary to lay garden paths and make decorative elements, such as an alpine slide.

Alpine slide

If you have an uneven surface or a hillock, or rocky soil, you can build an alpine slide. It is better to do it near the house or a place of rest (kindergarten), but away from the playground. It is compact and will not take up much space, but will be a small piece of mountain nature that will organically fit into your design.

In order to make a rock garden, you need stones, gravel, crushed stone, and therefore unpretentious plants. It is necessary to mark the area, clear away debris and remove the turf, go deeper by about 10 cm. After preparing the soil, cover the hole with drainage material, this will prevent the roots of the vegetation from drying out. Then falls asleep river sand. And the mound of earth begins, making an uneven mound. Make ascents and descents, “mountains and valleys”, after the hill has been filled, after which the stones are laid on the sand cushion. Then comes the turn of planting plants: shrubs, deciduous plants, unpretentious flowers. As a result, you will have a small mountain corner in your garden.

Garden paths and lawns

The lawn is planted according to the same principle as previously mentioned. To make them, use your imagination. You can make trails. This will be as close to wild nature as possible, but line the edges of such paths with stones or logs. You can fill it with gravel or crushed stone, then there will be no problem with rain. You can lay it with tiles or granite slabs, but it will be more expensive and labor-intensive. It is better to make winding paths crossing each other.

PECULIARITY! It is the lawn that gives your area a well-groomed look.

Design project for a summer cottage depending on the area

Let's consider projects of plots of various sizes: 6, 10, 12 acres.

A small plot of 6 acres in size is divided into three zones: a house and buildings zone, a garden zone and a recreation zone.

Since we have a small area, all this will be compactly located. The house occupies the main part of this area. Build a terrace or veranda on the south side of the house. You can decorate the house around the entire perimeter with low-growing evergreen trees or shrubs.

Outbuildings: toilet, bathhouse, outbuildings are best located away from the house. It is better to camouflage such buildings with tall vegetation. It is better to place them around the perimeter, so they will also perform an additional function - protection from the wind.

It is better to place the garden and vegetable garden in a well-lit area. It's better to use the rule geometric shapes, without abstractions. This way you will save space. When planting fruit-bearing trees, remember that they will grow, so the distance should be at least three meters between seedlings. Create beds only for enough vegetables that your family will eat.

Place flower beds along the paths. Don’t forget about the watering system, so caring for all the vegetation will bring you only pleasure and not a headache.

Place the recreation area near the house. Seed this area with lawn. Decorate with flower beds, you can make an alpine slide and build a gazebo that will protect you from the hot sun and provide shelter from the rain. You can plant grapes or decorative climbing plants near the gazebo. They will create additional shadow. For children you can install a swing and a sandbox.

As you can see, even in such a small area you can create comfortable and beautiful conditions for relaxation, and also leave room for garden beds.

The design of plots of 10 and 12 acres does not differ from the plot of 6 grids in general conditions and design principles. Only supplemented by a large number of objects and decorative elements. So you can build a summer dining room on them, install a swimming pool, create more flower beds, dig a pond. Everything will depend only on your imagination.

Where to get plant material to decorate your summer cottage?

It is better to purchase all the vegetation for your site in specialized stores and nurseries. It was there that they were grown in special conditions, and all the vegetation is processed, and you do not risk buying diseased plants. But some unpretentious plants can also be bought at the market from grandmothers. Or even go into the forest, into a meadow and dig up plants. But remember, this way you can also bring harmful insects along with the roots, weeds and diseases are brought to your site.

IMPORTANT! It is better to purchase plants and their seeds in specialized markets, stores and nurseries.

Site design from waste materials

Decorative elements for your site can be made from unnecessary things. So furniture, tires, cans, kitchen utensils, even rubber boots, which can be turned into original mini-flower beds. You can make a vertical flower bed from whatnots. Various shapes are cut and made from cans and plastic bottles. You just have to think and fantasize, and you will end up with original decorative elements that are unique to everyone, created with your own hands.

Useful videos

Video about where to start creating a landscape design for a summer cottage with your own hands.


To turn your summer cottage into a designer’s creation, you need to put in a little effort, use your imagination and build a vacation spot for the whole family from an ordinary summer house. The main thing is not to create diverse compositions and not to overload with details. It’s better to stick to minimalism and then you’ll succeed natural design your site, which will delight you and your guests.