Making a children's sports corner for an apartment with your own hands - options. Sports corner for children in an apartment: an effective way to play sports from an early age Do-it-yourself children's sports corner made of metal

It is necessary to teach a person to monitor his own health from childhood. It will be very good if you make a special playground for your child in your home. It can be performed in a sporting direction with the aim of developing your baby, but for high-quality implementation, the right approach is necessary. It is necessary to take into account certain safety rules and make this place attractive in terms of design.

Step-by-step creation of a children's sports corner with your own hands using a specific example

First of all, you need to decide on a future idea for the child. Often, children's sports corners with their own hands are a Swedish wall, which looks like a ladder with a horizontal bar. This is one of the simplest and most necessary solutions, so we will provide step-by-step instructions for creating such a project. You will need the following tools: drill, saw, sandpaper. The materials needed will be two beams up to the ceiling, 5-8 shovel handles, 5-6 iron corners and screws for fastening to the wall.

Children's sports equipment children's sports corner do-it-yourself sports corner

Stages of self-execution of the Swedish wall:

  1. Initially, you need to adjust the timber to the height of your ceiling.
  2. Using sandpaper you need to achieve the desired smoothness of the timber. Try to remove possible unevenness as much as possible to avoid subsequent injuries.
  3. Make 10 holes in each of the bars into which the crossbars will fit.
  4. Then the corners are screwed to the bars and the entire structure is pressed against the wall.
  5. Using glue in a lying form, you need to glue the crossbars, and then firmly attach them to the wall.
  6. Using screws, it is attached to the structure, which should protrude forward by 60 cm.
  7. You can make pendants from cables and belts and attach gymnastic rings to the horizontal bar.

Another good idea would be to create a rope ladder using rope and wooden steps. For complete safety, it is advisable to lay a soft mat under the children's sports corner, made by yourself.

Wall bars - drawings of a sports corner in the children's room
sports section

Unique ideas for a children's sports corner with your own hands with a description

It is best to place a playground for a child in one of the corners of his room so that he can play sports at any time. You should not be afraid to make your own adjustments to the implementation of this project, as your baby may like an interesting idea. Designers advise bringing bright colors into this small world. A modern solution is to use photo wallpaper as a background behind the installed structure.

We provide you with some great ideas for creating a children's sports space at home:

⇒ You can directly use existing furniture, to which ropes or ladders are easily attached for an active pastime

⇒ A pirate ship made from a bunk bed will be a pleasant surprise for any child

⇒ The sports corner can be made in the form of a jungle so that the baby can move around in it, feeling like a resident of the forest kingdom

⇒ For a small room, the best option is still considered to be a wall bars, which can be made in folding form

⇒ A basketball hoop on the wall and a soft mat on the floor will allow you to create an economical type of children's sports corner with your own hands without extra costs

⇒ You can easily make a whole sports complex out of wood, with a house, a slide and a horizontal bar

⇒ Metal horizontal bars can be painted in the desired color. They can withstand heavy loads, so several future generations will be able to play sports here. However, for younger preschoolers it is better to prefer a tree.

Making a playground for a child yourself can save money and help implement a quality idea on an individual basis. It is advisable to initially get to know the baby’s personal preferences, and then equip this place accordingly. Of course, it would be nice to place drawings of your favorite heroes or cartoon characters there, which will once again attract the child.

Unfortunately, with the development of technology, children began to move less. It is better for them to sit at the computer or phone than to go play football or run. In order for a child to start playing sports, special conditions must be created. And what could be more comfortable than training in the comfort of your own apartment? complexes are a very useful thing that will make the child move.

What it is?

Children's sports complexes for home are a real gym. Thanks to them, you can practice and perform simple exercises. This complex contains a horizontal bar, a ladder, rings, a rope and Why was it created specifically for children? This sports corner is primarily aimed at popularizing sports among the youngest. They are usually purchased for children aged from three to five to thirteen years. For normal development, a child must crawl, swing, climb, and jump.

Children's sports complexes for home: reviews

In fact, a home sports corner is very necessary. It is only at first glance that it seems that you can kick the children out into the street so that they can study there. It’s much more interesting when you have a whole physical education corner at home. There you can play monkeys, climb and have fun in every possible way.

Children's sports complexes for the home provide the opportunity to develop correctly and normally. By doing simple physical exercises every day, a child improves his health. In addition, this is a very good place to put excess energy somewhere, thus directing it in the right direction. As practice shows, kids really like to constantly climb up and down, go down a rope or hang on a crossbar. This activity helps to stretch the spine. This means that the risk of acquiring any spinal curvatures is reduced.

3 reasons to do it yourself

Since there has been a great demand for them lately, such complexes have become expensive. It’s not entirely clear why they sometimes cost a hundred or even two hundred dollars. What on earth should you pay for? For a piece of wood or metal? It follows from this that a reasonable step would be to make a children's sports complex for your home with your own hands.

If you have all the tools, then why not.

1) By making a kind of wall bars, you can save ten times. This is a very good plus, because extra money definitely won’t hurt. As they say: “Money saved is money earned.”

2) The best gift is a gift made with your own hands. The child will be very pleased if the father makes such a big gift for him with his own hands.

3) Free choice. When you do something with your own hands, this is a great opportunity to show your imagination and turn it into reality.

These are just at least three reasons to take up DIY. In fact, it’s very easy to make children’s sports complexes for your home. It just takes a little effort.

Children's sports complex for home: photo

And now you can start the work itself. First you need to prepare all the tools and materials. It is also worth thinking through to the smallest detail what the future corner will look like.

It is best to make the most ordinary wall bars. It won’t take much time or materials. Therefore, this is exactly what we will do. It will be something like a sports complex, only combined into one whole. This is an ideal option for a home, especially with a small living area.


What will a children's sports complex for your home look like? The photo perfectly shows what it can be. The simpler the option, the better it will turn out. There is no need to invent something phenomenal. The main thing is that the structure is strong, since the loads on it will be quite large.

And it will all look like this: an ordinary wooden ladder, up to the ceiling, with a horizontal bar hung on it, and a rope ladder and rope can already be attached to it. This simple design will serve as an excellent sports complex for the home.

What do you need for work?

First of all, you should measure everything properly. It is very important to know the exact height from floor to ceiling, since the future staircase will rest against it. After this, you can go get the materials themselves. To create a wall bars you will need: two beams 150 by 40 millimeters and long to the ceiling, ten pieces with a diameter of twenty-five millimeters, all sorts of consumables (screws, iron corners). Everything seems to be based on the materials. The only tools you will need are a tape measure, a drill and a 25 mm drill bit (for wood), a saw, and a screwdriver.

Creation of a sports complex

The first step is to cut off all excess from the main beams. That is, adjust it to the size of the ceiling. Then you should sand them thoroughly. The crossbars will be fixed in special grooves every 24 centimeters. Therefore, you need to take a pencil and a tape measure and, having measured the distance on each of the beams, make marks. The drill comes into play. A groove one centimeter deep is drilled at each mark. They will hold the crossbar.

You can start working on the crossbars. Again, you need to cut off all excess from the cuttings. It is not recommended to leave more than one meter. Then you should sand them thoroughly.

Now we need to secure one of the beams. This is done with the help of corners and anchors (you can also use screws). After installing the first rack, you can proceed to the second part.

You need to insert cuttings into the loose beam. For better penetration, we use a mallet. After this, screw in the screws from the opposite side. Now the beam is ready. To connect it to the second, already installed part, you need to carefully insert the crossbar into the hole and then screw it in with screws. The second part must be secured in the same way as the first.

If desired, you can make a horizontal bar. It is welded from ordinary pipes and attached to iron plates using ordinary screws. Then rings, a rope and a rope ladder are hung on this entire structure as desired.

To realize a child's dream of his own corner for games and sports, it is not enough to place a wall bars in the room. To do this, you need to create a sports corner for children that primarily meets safety requirements so that the structure is as safe and durable as possible. And, of course, to make it convenient for the child to do physical exercises while playing, this is the same toy, only big and strong.

Sports corner for children: basic requirements for the design and configuration of the set

Understanding why, and most importantly, for whom it is planned to be built will help you choose the best option for sports equipment and elements to complete the design of a sports corner for children. The child’s age, physical characteristics, height and weight allow us to design the structure and subsequently develop a set of exercises for classes.

Sports corners for the home can have the following classification:

  • equipment for children from 1 to 3 years old; play-oriented;
  • design for children 3-7 years old for initial physical development with play elements;
  • classic gymnastics corner for children aged 8 to 14 years;
  • a corner for keeping fit and exercising with sports and rehabilitation equipment.

It is quite possible to create a similar design yourself in a small area of ​​a children’s room, especially considering that if you assemble it yourself, the cost will be 2-3 times less than a ready-made corner from the store.

The second important point in the decision to build everything with your own hands is the ability to control the child during his activities, gradually giving him the opportunity to study independently.

When starting construction, you need to clearly understand and see all the nuances of the location of the shells, their configuration and accessibility for the child. Having assembled an entry-level design, over time you can remake the physical education corner in accordance with the age and height of the child.

A children's sports corner occupies an important place in a child's room. This is where your baby will spend most of his free time. Giving the child the opportunity to learn a healthy lifestyle as early as possible is the natural desire of every parent.

Having such a corner in your home will help radically change your child’s lifestyle; he will be able to study there independently without taking up your time. A child who has been climbing ropes and hanging from rings since childhood will not be afraid of horizontal bars and crossbars at school.

So, when you decided to give your child a home mini-gym, you were faced with the question: how to make a children's corner? However, only you can know how to make a sports corner that will ideally fit into the dimensions and interior of the room, what shape it should be and what sports equipment it should be equipped with. Your child probably has some wishes regarding the future sports complex, which you will also need to listen to.

What do you need?

First of all, you need to decide on the constituent elements. Not a single sports corner is complete without a wall bars. To make it you will need:

Two wooden beams 5x14x300 cm. According to standards, the length of the beams is three meters. But if your ceilings are of different sizes, appropriate beams are selected for them.

5 or 6 cuttings per shovel. They can be purchased at hardware stores or at the same place where you will buy the timber. When purchasing, make sure that they are even and smooth and free of knots.

4 or 6 iron corners and screws for mounting the wall bars.

Stock up on glue; many people choose the popular “Moment”.

Prepare the tools you have: a saw, a drill with a nozzle for round holes, sandpaper of different types of coarseness


Gymnastic mats

Let's get started

1. First, adjust the timber to the height of your ceiling.

2. Treat the timber with a plane and sandpaper for smoothness. Make 10 holes in each beam, into which the crossbars will then fit. If the ceiling height is approximately three meters, then there should be 11 or 12 holes. The second crossbar from above should be made a little deeper than all the others. The diameter of the holes must correspond to the diameter of the cuttings so that they fit tightly and do not scroll. The cuttings are sawn in half.

4. Then place the wall on the floor and glue the crossbars. When the glue is dry, attach
structure to the wall. What is a Swedish wall without a horizontal bar? A horizontal bar is easy to make. You need two small wooden beams and two crossbars, which are fastened according to the scheme discussed above. The horizontal bar should protrude forward by 60 cm. The horizontal bar is attached to the wall bars with screws.

Gymnastic rings easy to make from rings and pendants from belts and cables, with which they are attached from the supporting crossbars of the frame. A rope ladder can be constructed from two ropes or ropes with a diameter of up to 10 mm with wooden steps 45 cm long and 35 mm in diameter attached to them. The distance between steps is 20 cm.

Ladder. To make a spacer ladder, you need wooden sidewall bars with a length of at least 2 m and a width of 5 and a thickness of 2 cm. At their ends (at a distance of 2-3 cm from the ends) we drill holes with a diameter of 10-12 mm for mounting pins. In addition to the holes for the mounting pins, drill holes with a diameter of 25 mm in them every

15 cm along the entire length of the bars. After this, on a woodworking machine we turn 10 round wooden slats with a length of 45 and a diameter of 2.5 cm and insert them into the holes of the side bars located opposite each other. The spacer ladder can be suspended between two buildings. If you take 2 buildings of the same height, then it will be parallel to the floor, but you can make it inclined. The spacer ladder is connected to the body using fastening pins 60 cm long and 10-12 mm in diameter, made of steel rod or tube and inserted so that they pass through holes in the sides of the ladder and holes in the walls of the body.

Rope-ladder consists of two ropes or ropes with a diameter

up to 10 mm. with wooden steps 45 cm long and 35 mm in diameter each attached to them. The distance between the steps is 20 cm, the width of the working part of the ladder (the steps between the ropes is 38-40 cm, and the length is determined by the height of the frame and is approximately 1.8-2 m. In each step, at a distance of 24 mm from both ends, holes with a diameter of 10 are drilled mm. Then it is strung on ropes and fixed at the top and bottom with knots (necessarily at the same level!) to exclude the possibility of movement. To prevent the steps from cracking during operation, metal rings of the appropriate diameter (from steel or duralumin pipe) must be placed on their ends .The children's corner may also have a sports rope.For safety, it is recommended to lay a soft mat on the floor, which will prevent possible bruises.

And so, a handmade children's corner decorates the child's room. How much joy and happiness the baby gets from such a wonderful gift! A children's sports corner is the best purchase for the health and full development of a child. Movement, tone and muscle activity will have a positive effect on immunity and the formation of a growing child's body. Let your baby grow up healthy and athletic!

It's no secret that for a child's harmonious development, regular exercise is required. But what to do if working parents have absolutely no opportunity to take their child to classes at least two or three times a week (this is the necessary minimum for a growing and developing organism)?

A specially equipped sports area can be a salvation and way out. Spacious or quite compact - depends on the free space in the apartment or house. What arrangement options are possible? And where should you start?

Two in one. If the baby has his own room, then you can purchase a combined modular bedroom and playroom. It is very convenient, although not cheap.

Exact calculation

First, understand the general characteristics and recommendations of experts.

Square. The sports corner can be from 2.4 to 2.9 m in height and from 0.5 m in width.

Safety. This is the most important requirement. Firstly, a very secure fastening is necessary. Secondly, it is important that all elements are at the correct ergonomic distance from each other (the child should not hit anything while playing).

Material. Now the most environmentally friendly - wood - is in great demand. And for good reason, today the so-called “Scandinavian style” is very often used in interiors (not only of country houses, but also of city apartments) - a wooden corner will fit into such a space just perfectly. On the other hand, the second most popular, metal, is much easier to maintain and more durable (which is important - after a while the structure will be easy to sell!). However, it is more bulky and will be more difficult to dismantle.

Interior. Many parents admit that they do not buy a sports corner for fear of spoiling the entire interior. Like, how to fit a gym into a classic bedroom. In fact, this task is not easy, but quite feasible. Just before purchasing this or that option, carefully study the assortment of stores - you can always find something suitable. Perhaps it will be a little more expensive, but here everyone makes their own decision.

Which is better to choose?

Floor-standing. They are the most mobile, do not have any fastenings; if desired, such a corner can be transported to the dacha, easily sold or given as a gift if the child has already grown up. Most often, such structures consist of ladders, slides, ropes and small swings. The disadvantage of this option is that it can take up about 2 m2 of floor space, which is unrealistic for a small room.

Mounted or attached. Their basis is a Swedish wall. All accessories are already attached to it: slides, horizontal bars or a punching bag. Such a corner does not take up any floor space at all.

Spacers. They are installed in the spacer between the floor and the ceiling (which saves the walls from drilling). The corner, as a rule, consists of a wall bars and several additional equipment: a swing, gymnastic rings, a rope or a rope ladder.

And finally, no matter which option you choose, it is important that the structure is installed by a professional! It is necessary to strictly observe safety standards, check the load with increased weight, swing the corner (to see if it will fall).


Is there simply no room to install a stationary, full-fledged complex? We offer small ideas of what else you can come up with for games and activities for your son or daughter.

Swedish wall. A kind of ladder (fixed to one of the walls).

Horizontal bar.(design, installed anywhere depending on the child’s height).

Rope, gymnastic rings or punching bag(attached to the ceiling).

Pediatricians are sounding the alarm!

In the 21st century, it has become very fashionable to pay maximum attention to the intellectual development of children from the first days of life, but few people think about physical activity... And in vain, it is the lack of exercise that causes common “youthful” diseases.

Getting a student interested in sports is not difficult. Watch a good movie: “Legend No. 17” (Russia, 2013), “Champions” (Russia, 2014), “Faster, Higher, Stronger” (Russia, 2016), “Moving Up” (Russia, 2017). And when your child becomes interested in something, continue to fuel his interest: go to performances, buy books. For example, “Football for Children” from EKSMO.

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