Children born in the year of the Rooster: what are they like? The main character traits of children born in the year of the Pig (Boar).

Since ancient times, people have believed in the power of signs, and when a 12-year system with 12 patron animals was introduced, their influence on the character and destiny of a person was recognized as no less than the sign of the Zodiac. That an Aries person born in the year of the Hare will be different than an Aries person born in the year of the Monkey.

And character and individual qualities a person acquires at the moment of birth. This is a unique set of chromosomes along with the influence of stars. Every parent wants to see their child successful, happy and healthy. Character has a significant influence on fate, and all psychologists agree with astrologers on this. We'll find out in our article.

Children 2017 - under the wing of the Rooster
Preparing for the winter holidays, people remember everything they know about the character and habits of the Rooster, but it is worth remembering that he will take over the year only from January 28, and will resign on February 15, 2018. The current period of power does not correspond to the usual calendar. Great experts on stars and signs of fate, the Chinese say that children born after January 28 will be hardworking and resilient, and their strong character trait will be perseverance and diligence. Good foundation for future success.

The birth of a child in the year of the Rooster 2017, you need to expect children who are not afraid of work, they learn quickly and show initiative. Fire Rooster He is an active animal himself, he notices a lot and does not like to sit idle. Baby Roosters are real optimists, they are ready to greet every day with a smile, are good-natured and delight with a light disposition.

They always have several plans in mind and if one fails, they take on the next one. There is simply no time to be depressed. They are often idealists; everything should be in its place, and order should reign around. If something in the child’s opinion is not there, he will quickly correct it.

The Rooster is always noticeable; he is a bright, direct character, not afraid to express his opinion, loyal and sociable. There is authority and courage in the character. Most of all he values ​​loyalty to himself and does not recognize betrayal. Emotional, generous in everything - in showing warmth and care, generous with gifts. Rooster children are also practical and thrifty; they do not like it when something is wasted; they prefer to save than to spend. Disadvantages: self-centeredness and self-will. It is difficult to convince the Rooster of anything.

The birth of a child in the year of the Rooster 2017, you should expect a creative personality with great strength will and well-developed leadership abilities. It is enough for him to set a goal and, after thinking, the Rooster will find the best way out how to achieve it quickly and efficiently. Difficulties do not frighten him.

Often Rooster children become directors or musicians, talented inventors, engineers or architects. Thanks to willpower and perseverance, they can overcome all difficulties; the main thing is to realize the seriousness of the goal and the path to it.

Scorpio Roosters are energetic, courageous, and dangerous debaters. However, they are easy to remove. Scorpios are ready to work hard and force others to work. The birth of a child in the year of the Rooster 2017, such children hold on decisions taken, do not like lies, a sharp mind and eloquence ensure success in many ways.

Roosters-Sagittarius - love to brag, are ready to chat all day long, and know how to convince. They are brave and easy to open up. There is more than enough enthusiasm, and a vivid imagination only amazes those around him. It is true that it is difficult for such people to finish the work they start, but they love travel and change.

Roosters-Capricorns – their ability to keep themselves in check and be even can be envied. Real cold authorities. They do not like lies, they are frank and value the truth. Efficient and diligent.

Roosters-Aquarius - The Rooster will help strengthen the thoughts of Aquarius; he is an incorrigible idealist, ready to remake the world if it does not fit within the framework of the ideal. They are cheerful, ready to hug everyone and expect only good things. Aquarius knows how to speak and listen beautifully.

Roosters-Pisces are real listeners. You can express all your problems to them, they are ready to sincerely sympathize and share advice. They often dream about something, but internally they remain prepared and are difficult to take by surprise. They can come out of any dispute unscathed. They know how to get along with people, they like them.

The boys born in 2017 are initially different strong-willed qualities. The Rooster makes them purposeful, ambitious, self-confident, and sometimes arrogant. Boys of this period are characterized by analytical thinking, so they make excellent technicians, businessmen, and doctors. No less in an interesting way their life is a choice of creative directions. Names for boys in the year of the Rooster should be such that their owners can stop in time and respect family values.

In this article:

Names for boys by month of 2017

People born in winter or summer period, differ in their qualities. This needs to be taken into account when deciding what to name your son. It’s even better to focus on your birth month. This will compensate for shortcomings and increase influence strong traits, which are related to the location of the stars. It is not necessary to focus on modern or rare names. If you want to increase inner strength boy, it is better to stop at the voiced variants containing the letters “d” or “r”. For convenience, you should refer to the table.

January Alexander, Victor, Zinovy, Pavel, Emmanuel.
February Anton, Vitaly, Elisha, Oleg, Felix.
March Adam, Vyacheslav, Donat, Plato, Timur.
April Vadim, Gustav, Ilya, Mikhail, Timofey.
May Askold, Vladislav, Kim, Savva, Emil.
June Boris, David, Alexander, Ignat, Stanislav.
July Alan, Gennady, Lev, Leonid, Julian.
August August, Demid, Konstantin, Nikolai.
September Alexey, Vladimir, Matvey, Nathan, Eduard.
October Anatoly, Gleb, Evdokim, Sergey, Edmund.
November Artem, Vsevolod, Maxim, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav.
December Venedikt, Danila, Ivan, Nikita, Philip.

Best names for boy engineers

Fashionable professions related to IT and other technologies require a developed system logical thinking and good analytical data. This is influenced by names for boys in the year of the Rooster. For boys whose parents would like to see employed in manufacturing, science, and engineering, these beautiful options are suitable:

  • William;
  • Edward;
  • Edmund;
  • Pankrat;
  • Paul;
  • Methodius;
  • Maksim;
  • Vladimir;
  • Alexei.

What to call future creators born in the year of the Rooster?

The Year of the Rooster 2017 will be rich in boys, who are characterized by natural originality and brightness. It is impossible not to notice them in a crowd of other children. Therefore, with a high probability we can say that among them there will be representatives of creative professions. If you want to develop these qualities, you can choose one of the following names for them:

  • Emil;
  • Moses;
  • Leonid;
  • Konstantin;
  • Casimir;
  • Joseph;
  • Efim;
  • Demyan;
  • Vyacheslav;
  • David.

Boys born in the year of the Rooster have special features. They are able to be successful in different, sometimes opposing areas.

The influence of the name on the aggressiveness of boys in 2017

Fearing that the young Cockerel will be too impulsive and hot-tempered, parents can choose a soft name for him. Among suitable options there are very popular ones:

  • Elisha,
  • Alexei,
  • Paul,
  • Svyatoslav.

You should pay attention to options where there are no rough sounds, and there are many syllables in the full spelling. If the name begins with a vowel, the negative qualities in boys will also be less pronounced.

The downside to this choice is that future man will become too emotional, prone to worries.

If you want to make your son a real fighter, you need to do the opposite. Names that instill excessive self-confidence will be.

Date of publication: 04/05/2016

The rooster is an interesting “cocktail”... Benevolence and some belligerence, categoricalness and reluctance to listen to criticism addressed to oneself, efficiency and a penchant for contemplation - all this fits into one symbol, forming complex nature, which from the outside may seem illogical and contradictory. After all, the Rooster loves to be the center of attention, but at the same time, he carefully protects his personal living space; he easily makes new acquaintances, however, he can drive a person into a frenzy with his meticulousness and scrupulousness.

However, looking at how all these traits coexist in specific people, we can confidently and with pleasure state: the Rooster endows his “wards” with a set of properties that are favorable for them, which allow them to feel comfortable and behave with dignity in a variety of situations and circumstances. Well, as for liking them, all this, as they say, is a matter of personal taste. But we must always remember that before judging, it would be a good idea to try to understand...


The years of the Rooster are: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005. And, of course, the coming 2017.

In 2017, the Rooster will come into its own on January 28 (the night from the 27th to the 28th). His power will end on February 15, 2018.

Character traits

People born in the year of the Rooster are usually sociable and observant. Although " specific gravity“such properties may vary among different representatives of this sign, making some of them more insightful and calmly tolerating solitude, while others are talkative and overly straightforward.

Traditionally, this symbol gives a person an attentive attitude towards his own person. It is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to see an unkempt Rooster or something like a “gray mouse” merging with the crowd. On the contrary, such people usually attract attention with their ability to look creative, without going beyond the canons of good taste. Roosters can become a real decoration for any festive event. Moreover, they do not shy away from compliments, and they are never embarrassed that almost all eyes are focused on them. And even in flattery - but only subtle and smart - they see nothing wrong.

We must give the Roosters their due: they are not characterized by excessive vanity. Therefore, attention from others does not make them selfish. You can always expect from them adequate reaction and to the suffering of others, and to injustice. Roosters are brave, prone to help and mutual assistance. They are convinced that “there is only one warrior in the field.” But they often perceive other people’s help and advice critically, because they believe that they themselves know well what to do and what choice to make.

Areas of success

The very first thing that can be stated with one hundred percent certainty is the fact that Roosters are creative people. And they are clearly shown professions related to art. Moreover, they are able to achieve the greatest results in literature. The creative spirit of representatives of this sign is so strong that many of them, who are by birth professional activity has nothing to do with art, they acquire some hobby related to creativity. This could be, say, participation in an amateur theater, a choir, or a passion for one of the types of applied arts.

Second on this list should be the military sphere. Roosters find great pleasure when they have to command, manage, manage something. Here they find many opportunities for self-realization.

The third area of ​​success for Roosters is politics. Confidence in their own rightness, commitment, meticulousness and methodicality allow them to lead even complicated matters to success and bring ambiguities and controversial issues to a common “denominator”. The politicians they make are thorough, consistent and often tend towards conservatism.

Fourth place can probably be given to sports. Here, too, there are enough points to apply the characters of people born in the year of the Rooster. The most promising sports for them are boxing and martial arts.

They should be treated with caution financial sector. The fact is that these people are characterized by periods of waxing and waning luck. And if, for example, in sports or in art they can afford to take breaks and go into the shadows, then failure financial order can reduce their efforts to zero or even lead them into the red.

Personal life and relationships

The fact that Roosters are sociable and easily get acquainted with strangers, we have already mentioned. But it is impossible to say that they can strengthen and consolidate relationships with the same ease. People patronized by this symbol often strive to dominate. They do this not out of malice; their confidence in their own rightness is simply too strong, which they can try to extend to their other halves.

For their part, these people value personal independence and are unlikely to allow anyone to dictate their terms.

Living with Roosters is interesting, because they even try to arrange their everyday life with dignity and aesthetics. True, this means that you won’t be very relaxed with them. In any case, “defiling” in front of the Rooster in the morning, sleepy with disheveled hair, is definitely not recommended.

Women who have decided to connect their lives with a man born under the auspices of the Rooster need to be aware that their chosen one will invariably try to “fluff his tail” if there is a person in his field of vision who, in his opinion, deserves flirting.

But Rooster women are not so greedy for the opposite sex, so their husbands and fiancés can feel calm. But on the other hand, it is advisable for them to prepare for the fact that the Rooster has rewarded their chosen ones with a great passion for chatting on the phone, going shopping in the company of friends, and so on.

Rooster in the elements

Fire Rooster (1957, 2017) distinguished by pronounced leadership qualities. This person is capable of organizing almost anyone and anything. By setting a goal for himself, he will surely achieve it. At the same time, the element of Fire makes the Rooster deaf to the feelings of other people. This is expressed in a tendency to cut down the “womb truth” completely out of proportion to the feelings of those towards whom it is directed. And such tactlessness sometimes plays cruel jokes on them: Fire Roosters lose well-wishers and gain offenders in their place.

Earth Rooster (1969) insightful and deep. He knows how to be persistent in achieving what seems valuable and interesting to him. By the way, about the value aspect... All kinds of taboos regarding the Earth Rooster are removed financial activities. If for people who are patronized by the Rooster, in general, finances are a source of possible problems, then here all this is practically leveled out. Let’s add here the hard work and perseverance of the Earth Rooster, and now we have before us a potentially successful businessman.

Metal Rooster(1921, 1981) quite pragmatic and at the same time hardworking. This pair of properties is quite enough for him to persistently and effectively move forward towards his plans. In addition, the Metal Rooster, more than his other brothers, is prone to collectivism and mutual assistance. If there is some common cause, then he will show great personal interest in it and will not shift his duties or responsibilities onto the shoulders of others. True, at the same time (and in many other situations too) such Roosters can be stubborn, and sometimes - in attempts to insist on their own - they show harshness and rudeness.

Water Rooster (1933 and 1993)- intellectual. He is, as a rule, very well read, has a sense of humor, and can speak beautifully and convincingly. Such people are excellent debaters and willingly participate in discussions, disputes and simply communication. They enjoy respect and authority. The disadvantage of the Water Rooster is unstable emotionality. And he is also a reinsurer. Worried and worried about trifles, this person will mark time, waste time, measure not seven, but seventy-seven times where he can do it the first time and forget.

At the Wooden Rooster (1945, 2005) a broad soul and an inquisitive mind. He enjoys traveling, making plans, and has a large circle of acquaintances. Treats his surroundings with care. Such a person loves to be in a crowded society, and even working in a team is much better for him than individual activity. When he has to do something alone, he begins to fantasize, set himself unrealistic goals and persistently try to bring them to life.

Compatibility of the Rooster according to the eastern horoscope

The union of the Rooster with the Ox, Snake and Dragon is promising and harmonious. Together with the Ox, they will form something like a union of opposites, in which each will occupy their own “niche.” These two will be able to respect each other's strengths and be understanding of their partner's weaknesses. The Rooster-Snake couple will show the world an excellent example of spiritual unity; here everyone will become for their partner not only a lover, but also a friend. For the Rooster, the dragon is a subject of his pride and the feeling that in front of him is a person no less bright and extraordinary than himself; and the Dragon will answer him in kind.

The Rooster and the Pig have a fairly good chance of mutual understanding. The Rooster will play the first violin here. But this will not offend or humiliate the Pig. True, the whole point will be that in almost half of the situations she will not even understand that they are trying to prick her or force her to play by someone else’s rules. But this doesn’t matter, because the Rooster will have enough common sense not to ostentatiously boast about his superiority. So both will be happy.

Two Roosters can exist together long years, or they may stop standing each other in a month. They are invariably interested in each other, however, the reluctance to notice their own shortcomings can lead their relationship to collapse. In order for these two such similar natures, which seem infinitely different to each other, to be together, they must love each other very much.

Only 50% success can be predicted for the Rooster-Sheep couple. In general, the Sheep and the Rooster are doing well, but he will find many reasons for disagreement here. Although, if the Sheep loves the Rooster very much and does not try to demonstratively self-actualize, leaving him without attention for a long time, then “everything can still end very well.” Moreover, the chance of success increases if in this pair the Rooster is a man and the Sheep is a woman.

The Rooster and the Monkey, as well as the Rooster and the Dog, can be together for some time. And then, most likely, they will begin to have disagreements. With the Monkey - on the basis that she will seem shallow to the Rooster, and he will seem simple-minded to her. With a Dog, the main problem will be mutual criticism and attempts to re-educate each other.

A difficult and, most likely, short-lived union will be formed by the Rooster and the Tiger. Moreover, the sooner they part when they feel that they do not like each other, the greater their chances of not becoming enemies later. However, sometimes this couple manages to stay together, but then life path both of them turn out to be by no means covered with roses.

But with whom the Rooster definitely should not connect his life is the Rat, Rabbit and Horse. To the Rat, the Rooster seems superficial; besides, she will be annoyed by his inability (or unwillingness) to save. For the Rabbit, the Rooster is a complete set of shortcomings. It is simply impossible to stand such a strange (in his opinion) person for long; To the Rooster, the Rabbit seems like ordinary mediocrity, and a very evil mediocrity at that. The usual result of relationships between representatives of these signs is a scandalous breakup. Moreover, the moral damage from them for the Rooster usually turns out to be much greater than for the Rabbit. As for the Rooster and the Horse, there are two personalities whose similarity begins with touchiness and ends with pickiness. Neither of them will not only want to understand the other, but will prefer to silently leave the “game”, without bothering themselves with an attempt to explain themselves and understand what exactly is the reason for the misunderstanding.

Rooster and Zodiac

This is in a certain sense Don Quixote. But only without the knightly romanticism and noble forgiveness of his opponents. This person is always ready for open confrontation, to prove his (or someone else’s) rightness and principles of justice. But at the same time, he will not act contrary to his own interests. People often perceive Peuh-Aries as rude and stubborn. And at the same time, they recognize that they can count on him as a defender if he finds himself nearby in a conflict situation.

Usually handsome, always elegant, always responsible. Such a person expresses self-esteem with all his appearance. He completely lacks frivolity, and he is not ready to be content with little. The Rooster-Taurus values ​​comfort and material wealth. Those around him, as a rule, treat him with sympathy.

Gemini Rooster often he doesn’t know what he wants. His mood, plans and even worldview may suddenly change. From such a person one can hardly expect too strong an attachment to people, objects, places... The only important thing is that in this moment of interest. Moreover, this interest can captivate him, forcing him to forget about time and any argument in favor of common sense. And only the need to spend money on it can stop it! In this sense, the Gemini Rooster is more than pragmatic and calculating. And that is why he sometimes even manages to turn an ordinary hobby into a source of income.

Subject to mood swings. And such changes can occur both negatively and positively in a completely unpredictable way. That is, if in one situation he dramatizes events, then in another he will perceive the same problem quite easily, forcing himself not to waste emotions and act in the interests of his own future. In addition, the Rooster-Cancer is a sensitive nature. He is able to give helpful advice, suggest how to act. Although, on the other hand, such attentiveness may result in a desire to arouse admiration for one’s integrity. Yes... Whatever you say, this man is contradictory in many ways...

Harmonious personality. Moreover, first of all, harmonious for yourself. He is not shy about admiring himself, talking about self-importance. But, however, this is partially compensated by his willingness to bestow positivity on those around him, as if allocating to them a little “of his generosity.” The Rooster-Leo is inclined to set significant goals for himself, which, however, sometimes turn out to be divorced from reality, just like he himself, who is often in a world of illusions.

A smart person, out-of-the-box thinker, observant. He is a realist and pragmatist. A bird in his hands is no less (and perhaps more) valuable to him than a virtual crane. The Rooster-Virgo loves to make plans, and, as a rule, these are always achievable plans, which he then implements step by step.

A purely secular person. He knows his worth and loves comfort. He knows how to reach a compromise, and successfully uses this talent not only for personal benefit, but also to the great pleasure of those around him. This man is peaceful, and there is only one point that can wash away all his luster from him - his pride. In this case, he suddenly turns from a good-natured gentleman into a skilled intriguer, cold and calculating.

Scorpio Rooster can be considered a standard of reliability and responsibility. Whatever he undertakes, such a person always completes. And if it happens otherwise, then this means only one thing: there is an obstacle of insurmountable force on the way. Despite his seriousness and even meticulousness, the Scorpio Rooster is a sociable nature. And this makes him even more attractive in the eyes of other people, who often develop such trust in him that they are ready to embark on a risky undertaking with him.

Erudite, charming. He is an excellent speaker, ready to discuss anything with anyone. Because of this, from the outside he seems businesslike and competent in many areas. However, it is sometimes quite difficult to conduct real, practical business with him, because in reality it turns out that in front of you is a pure theorist. However, only half of these Roosters-Sagittarius are; no less than those who know how not to scatter their intellect in many directions, but concentrate on one. And these people are able to achieve really a lot in life.

Purposeful, consistent, objective. He does not overestimate his capabilities, but at the same time he does not underestimate them. In addition, this person is an individualist who strives to be outside the crowd; and if this is impossible, then at least stand above it, stand out from it. Among other things, the Rooster-Capricorn is reliable and very decent. You can always rely on his word.

Rooster-Aquarius does not threaten to get bogged down in the routine of gray everyday life. His thoughts are always somewhere in the future, in the future. He often dreams of the impossible, and his goals are mostly global and aimed at realizing some grandiose or even great idea. Naturally, with this approach to life, the Rooster-Aquarius does not always realize what he strives for. But he can’t do it any other way.

Charming, unobtrusive, modest. So it seems... And in his soul, meanwhile, vanity and a readiness to go almost straight towards his own goal are raging. However, let this not force anyone to be prejudiced towards such a person. After all, it’s really a pleasure to deal with him, because he’s a good organizer and has excellent business qualities- responsibility, flexibility in communication, hard work.

Famous Roosters

Do you remember which field of activity is ideal for Roosters? Art! And it is enough to name just a few of the greatest talents who were born under the auspices of this symbol to be convinced that this is so. So, in the year of the Rooster, actors J.-P. Belmondo and Y. Nikulin, composers G. Verdi and I. Strauss, writers M. Prishvin and F. Cooper were born. And this list can be continued with even more significant names: Vladimir Dal, Enrico Caruso, Alisher Navoi...

Those born in the year of the Rooster, Catherine the Great, Alexander I, Richelieu, became famous in politics; in military affairs - A. Suvorov, A. Kolchak, marshals I. Bagramyan and I. Konev.

Children born in the year of the Rooster will never go unnoticed. Bright and impulsive by nature, they are ready to share their energy and attract the attention of others. For successful self-determination in life, parents of Rooster children must help them. Otherwise, they can scare everyone away with their activity.

In this article:

The influence of the Rooster sign on personality

Its influence extends only to those babies born after January 28th. The closer to the middle of the year the date of birth, the more clearly expressed are the features characteristic of representatives of this sign. The main characteristics that are observed in all those born this year:

  • emotionality;
  • a pronounced tendency to lead;
  • straightforwardness;
  • generosity;
  • mercy;
  • attentiveness and openness;
  • impulsiveness;
  • courage;
  • determination.

There is no big difference between the characters of boys and girls. It is more important in what period of the year babies are born. Girls and boys born in the summer are more eager to realize leadership qualities. They are talkative and become the life of the party.

Those born in autumn or winter are more likely to be creative. Girls more often become actresses or workers in social centers. Boys can study architecture or drawing.

Egocentrism is also inherent in them. If you indulge their whims too much in childhood, you may encounter serious problems in the future.

Peculiarities of raising Cockerel children

The element of Fire makes children explosive and unpredictable. Parents need a lot of patience to instill perseverance in their children of the Year of the Rooster. Their desire to know everything and run somewhere for new experiences quickly tires them. But only adults. The Cockerel children themselves can donate in my own sleep for the sake of new discoveries.

For a relationship to work, the following must be done:

  • kids of 2017 should understand well the boundaries of what is permitted;
  • you need to teach them to calmly accept failures, as well as the fact that they cannot always be the center in any company;
  • praise them for their attentiveness and participation in the process of performing household functions;
  • force them to maintain a daily routine and diet so that they learn self-discipline from an early age;
  • do not follow any lead; they easily learn to manipulate parents and close relatives.

Children born in the year of the fiery Rooster especially need love and attention.

Character and temperament of children in 2017

The Rooster gives them incredible tenacity. Wanting to achieve their intended goal, they can sweep away everything in their path. Therefore, others are rightfully afraid. As children grow older, they learn endurance and patience.

By temperament, children of the Year of the Rooster are usually sanguine or choleric. Among those who appeared in the autumn-winter period there are more phlegmatic natures. Therefore, they are less hot-tempered and more diligent. Children enjoy doing routine tasks and understanding small details. They are more inclined to contemplate and create things with their own hands.

Such children love fun, so where there is none, they are ready to create it themselves. As a result, they make friends easily. They are jealous of the appearance of other babies in the family, which parents should take into account when planning a pregnancy.

If children do not feel enough attention, they are capable of self-destruction:

  • become depressed;
  • show aggression;
  • do things out of spite;
  • hush up problems.

This is easy to fix. It is enough to show the fiery children who appeared in 2017 the Rooster your love. Moreover, in adulthood, they still have this need.

They like to surround themselves with bright things and objects. People are looking for ways to realize themselves in clothes. This attracts other extraordinary personalities to them.

Talents and future professions

Babies born in 2017 quickly begin to understand the power of money. Therefore, any profession related to business and finance brings them success:

  • bankers;
  • accountants;
  • brokers;
  • insurance agents;
  • loan officers;
  • sales managers;
  • entrepreneurs.

Gift of oratory and natural leader often brings kids into politics. The ability to lead is also noted in the case of organization charitable foundations, social and creative projects.

There are even more famous Roosters among representatives of the creative industry. Successful artists, musicians, painters come from those born under the influence of the element of Fire. It is only necessary to support these talents from childhood. Otherwise they will fight inner world, which will lead to unnecessary costs energy.

Health of children of the Year of the Rooster

All parents worry about the health of their babies. 2017 babies do not have big problems in this domain. Like others, they sometimes suffer from colds. Particularly naughty children may catch acute respiratory infections a little more often because they do not take care of themselves during walks.

If conditions are created for withdrawing into oneself, neurological disorders may occur:

  • memory impairment;
  • enuresis;
  • skin itching;
  • nail biting.

For active Roosters, the risk of injury increases, because they want to get to everything on their own. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct educational conversations with them about maintaining their health.

During the period of growth, they require more vitamins, since their level of energy expenditure is always high.

Successes and difficulties in learning

The main problems in teaching children born in 2017 are associated with two opposing reasons:

  • they are ahead of other children in mastering the material, they become bored in class;
  • They are not assiduous, so they have a hard time learning what the teacher is trying to teach. They prefer to gain knowledge on their own.

It is not easy for a teacher to work with Cockerels. But if you manage to interest them in the process or topic of the lesson, the children will give real pleasure. After all, they have an inquisitive mind and also love to work in a team. A large number of being a leader among your classmates always leads to a high grade point average in the class.

To develop attention and perseverance at school, parents should do small exercises from the first year of life.

Children born in the Year of the Rooster 2017 will delight their mom and dad. Parents can expect vivid impressions from interacting with fiery kids. If they are attentive to the crumbs, they will more than once give them a reason to be proud.

The patron of 2017 will be the Red Fire Rooster. Parents of children whose birth is planned during this period should take into account the characteristics of this element - what character the “symbol of the rising sun” will reward the baby with. Everyone knows that the year of birth influences the formation and characteristics of a person. Although you should not underestimate other factors.

What will they be like?

The Fire Rooster will begin ruling 2017 on January 28, which will last until February 15, 2018. Its symbol is intertwined with courage and bravery, an explosive and slightly selfish character, organizational and leadership abilities. Such a person, from an early age, will defend his point of view by any means.

By Chinese calendar The Rooster is hardworking, courageous, and purposeful. From early childhood, such a person is a dreamer and can invent any fable on the fly. But, despite their love of travel and adventure, such children are conservative. They do not like to move a lot, large crowds of people and frequent changes of any kind. Stability and constancy are what is needed for the normal development of a child born in 2017.

If there are obstacles in the way of this year's little representative, he may show aggression and cruelty. Also, many children have an explosive nature, the ability to analyze, perceive and even predict certain situations. They are even too purposeful, which can bring the execution of a certain operation to the ideal. Naturally, this is a character advantage. But on the other hand, such children (as well as adults) require one hundred percent dedication from others and can be very upset when they do not receive what they expected.

Child education

Of course, like the symbol of the Rooster, its representatives at any age will be endowed with a fighting character. But if in such a “set” the child gains cunning and is able to wait, “pecking” the victim at the most unexpected moment, he will be invincible and will achieve any set heights.

Recommendations: parents should take care nervous system such children “from the cradle”. The natural desire to control everyone around will develop into strong leadership qualities in any children's groups, but if mom and dad do not overprotect their child, interfering in all his affairs.

Another feature should be taken into account almost from the very birth of the baby - due to the clearly expressed leadership qualities, family members of such babies should not infringe on such manifestations (which, of course, will help in later life), but also not run on the little dictator’s lead.

The main criterion for the formation life values will become a father, regardless of whether you are raising a boy or a girl. For a young lady, her dad will become a model of the stronger sex, reliable support and support. Therefore, mother should not be angry and jealous increased interest to my father. For a boy, dad is, of course, a role model, a life example.

Mothers for children born in the year of the Rooster 2017 are a model of affection, love, tenderness and sensitivity. They will carry such feelings throughout their lives. Creative personalities are born in the year of the Rooster

Young children born in the year of the Rooster cannot sit still for a minute. They are curious, resourceful, and constantly busy with something. Ingenuity, resourcefulness, cheerfulness are their mandatory traits. In addition, many of them are born creative people. Therefore, with early years take a closer look at their abilities. Perhaps your baby has a developed ear for music, or in the future he may become a famous athlete.

According to observations, among those born in the year of the Rooster there are many artists, musicians, writers and politicians.

Their endowed character traits and talents enable them to become directors, entrepreneurs, writers and singers. Versatility, breadth of perception, deep knowledge give great creative potential. The task of every parent is to recognize it and direct it in the right direction. Enroll this child in one of the clubs that you consider suitable for his development. But don’t insist on visiting him if you don’t see interest in your child’s eyes.

Please note that in addition to creative potential, the Rooster child is prone to laziness, so discipline must be taught to him from an early age. If you manage to instill in your character at least the basics of order, a sense of fulfilling certain obligations, a routine, in the future he will be able to overcome many obstacles and reach new and new heights.

Children born in 2017: what else will they be like? Of course, these are smart and creative creatures that will “grab everything on the fly.” At the same time, in childhood they are slightly absent-minded and cannot concentrate on the same thing for a long time.

Advice: both boys and girls are characterized by analytical thinking and creative potential, so astrologers do not recommend setting them up for working professions. From an early age, direct your education towards the arts or sciences.

In the future, such children will be expected career and wealth, but this is subject to discipline and if they can overcome their laziness.
The main qualities that are most often inherent in the Rooster child can be called:

  • creativity;
  • openness;
  • leadership;
  • curiosity;
  • daydreaming;
  • sincerity;
  • emotionality.

However, there are features that may interfere with your little child:

  • laziness;
  • selfishness;
  • moodiness;
  • power position; stubbornness.

Don't be surprised if your child develops beyond his years. The Rooster possesses life wisdom, which manifests itself at all stages of life. Views and beliefs sometimes surprise others, sometimes they are simply not understood. But where to look for support if not from your parents. Love your baby for who he is, with all his quirks.

Rooster children are very sociable and open. Wherever they find themselves, from the first minute they begin to explore the surrounding space and show curiosity. They act like world explorers, studying any subject they can get their hands on. They have intelligence, dexterity and wisdom by nature, so learning is easy for them. What most hinders the learning process is the inability to concentrate and absent-mindedness. Despite this, such children are quite purposeful. The task of parents is to help them choose such a goal.

If, having achieved what he wants, the child is disappointed, he may fall into depression without ever starting to look for a new activity. It’s great if the interests of parents and children coincide. But don't get angry if you're a seventh-generation musician and your daughter wants to take up boxing.

  1. Provide comfort
    Children born in 2017 will be demanding of comfort and coziness. If you do not have the opportunity to equip your room with it, allocate at least a small children's Corner, in which the child will feel like a master. Such guys simply need freedom of choice and personal independence, and from an early age. Try to trust them more often and not limit them in making decisions, even small ones.
  2. Talk about money
    Rooster children begin to understand the “power of money” too early and great importance in their development they devote themselves to material benefits. In this case, the mother or father should explain them to them financial condition, to show how difficult it is sometimes to make a living.
  3. Help make friends with peers
    Despite their sociability, openness and sociability in childhood, it is extremely difficult for such children to make permanent friends. Not everyone will understand aggressive, harsh, demanding and direct children. In some cases, both girls and boys behave like bullies and tomboys. Be patient. But little cockerels don’t like loneliness either. They like to be leaders, so it's great if you have brothers or sisters in your family.
  4. Provide freedom of choice and praise often
    It is not recommended to raise children born in 2017 in harsh conditions. Arrogant severity and regular control will ultimately make them real rebels.
    Despite their demanding and capricious nature, children born in 2017 will good helpers. You can safely entrust them with any business. If they understand how important their help is to their father, mother, grandmother, etc., they will do everything to ensure that the task is completed perfectly. After completing it, do not forget to praise your assistant in front of everyone - this is the best reward for him!

Children-Roosters are very different: they can be born real “quiet”, or they can “spread out”, keeping them awake at night and demanding increased attention to their candidacy.