Children's games and competitions for Maslenitsa. Active and fun games and fun for Maslenitsa

Any Orthodox holiday has its own traditions and customs. The traditional celebration of Maslenitsa is one of the most have fun days per year. In addition, Maslenitsa week includes a variety of rituals and customs that are still customary to perform.

The culmination of this week is Maslenitsa. On this day it is not customary to do household chores. You need to gather in squares and parks, take part in numerous ordinary competitions and games. You can arrange a cheerful farewell celebration yourself. To do this, you will need to prepare in advance a variety of games and competitions for Maslenitsa for children and adults.

Maslenitsa skating

Riding on Maslenitsa is a traditional activity. They began to be organized during the reign of Elizabeth. This is not just a fun activity and most often the last opportunity to have a good time on the snowy slopes, but also an ancient rite. It is believed that the more times you roll down the mountain, the higher the flax will be.

The ski mountain is equipped with unusual turrets on which flags are placed. Unusual statues made of ice and snow are installed on both sides as a barrier. The rides are extremely fun. They can host competitions for the most unusual vehicle to go down the hill. The slides can also host fun competitions for the longest chain of people going down, as well as for the longest distance going down.


A popular game during Maslenitsa celebrations, in which young girls and parkas of marriageable age take part. All areas are taken by hand, forming a corridor. The guy's task is to take a running start and jump as high as possible, and then independently fly as close as possible to the girl he likes. If he doesn’t succeed, his comrades can help him get to his chosen one. The main task is to get to the girl and kiss her. If you take too long of a run, you can fly over, so not everyone can succeed the first time.

Snow labyrinth

If the weather is snowy and frosty, you can hold Maslenitsa competitions outside for children and adults using snow. For example, you can build a labyrinth out of snow. To do this, you will need a fairly large and snowy area, in which, according to the scheme, you can trample paths with the help of shovels and brooms.

The labyrinth can have either a rectangular or round shape, and must necessarily have a separate entrance and exit. Snow from the paths must be applied to those areas that will be the walls of the labyrinth. The height of the walls must be at least one meter. The higher the height of the walls, the more interesting it is to travel through the labyrinth. After building the labyrinth, you can come up with various competitions, for example, for the fastest passage.

Fight in bags

One of the most favorite Maslenitsa fun for men and boys. For the fight, the area where the competition will take place is pre-fenced. The fight takes place between two opponents. Each of them becomes their legs and the bag, holding it from behind and pressing it to the lower back. Thus, only one free hand is used for combat.

Tug of War

A favorite competition that is traditionally held at various folk festivals. They also organize a tug-of-war on Maslenitsa. However, on this holiday the participants stand with their backs to each other, and it is in this position that they measure their strength.

ice pillar

Traditional competition for Maslenitsa. The column is doused with water so that it becomes covered with a crust of ice. Gifts are hung at the top of the pillar. In this case, gifts can be hung on different distances from the earth. The higher the gift hangs, the more valuable it should be.

Everyone takes turns trying to climb the pole, but climbing on the icy surface is quite difficult. The game continues until all the gifts have been obtained. Holding this competition allows participants to receive valuable and pleasant gifts, and everyone else to laugh heartily and cheer for the participants.

Snow shooting range

An excellent alternative to a regular shooting range. Can be used as targets wooden boards, barrel lids or other round objects. The diameter of the target should be about a meter, but smaller targets can also be used.

Concentric circles must be drawn on the target. The shields can be attached to a wall, fence or hung on a pole. Anyone can test their accuracy using snowballs. This fun is absolutely safe, so even children can take part in it. The most accurate participant can be given a prize.

Throwing blizzard

A very funny Russian pastime that is also popular during Maslenitsa. The essence of the competition is that you need to take a broom and throw it as far as possible. You should first draw a line beyond which you cannot go and prepare a runway. The participant who throws the broom the farthest should be given a prize. Anyone can take part in the competition, including children.

Competition of real men

On Maslenitsa, young boys and girls looked for a mate in order to get married after the end of Lent. Therefore, the girls tried to choose a new and beautiful outfit for themselves, and the guys tried to show their strength and dexterity.

That’s why all competitions in which young guys can show their strength are so popular. One of them is a kettlebell push-up competition with the left and right hand. The winner of the competition is the participant who managed to push up the total greatest number once. Before the competition, it is recommended to divide the participants into weight categories and prepare weights of different weights for each group.

Running on three legs

An excellent competition option for those looking for fun competitions for Maslenitsa. To conduct the competition, those interested are divided into two teams, and the participants of each team are divided into pairs. Each couple has their legs tied so that the right leg of one participant is tied to the left leg of the other. Thus, it turns out that each pair still has three legs.

A distance is prepared in advance, which is recommended to be marked with flags or other landmarks. The pair on three legs runs to the end of the distance, turns around and returns back. After which the next pair begins to run. The competition is won by the team whose participants finish the run faster.

Pancake eating competition

If you're looking for pancake competitions on the street for Maslenitsa, pay attention to the popular pancake eating competition. To conduct it, several participants should be selected in advance. The essence of the competition is to eat as many pancakes as possible within a certain time. It can be carried out according to the principle of how many pancakes were eaten in a minute, or how long it will take to eat a certain number of pancakes. The winner should prepare a funny prize.

Handkerchief for your girlfriend

Another competition that will help girls and young people show their sympathy. It is necessary to install a gate with an inclined crossbar. You need to hang colorful scarves on them at different heights.

The participants in the competition are unmarried guys. They take turns jumping up to the crossbar to rip off the handkerchief. After which the guy calls the name of the girl he likes, she comes up to him to pick up the handkerchief. If the girl did not have the same feelings for young man, then she did not go out to pick up the scarf.

Wall to wall

Traditional Maslenitsa fun. It consists of a competition between two teams of young people. This is not a fight, but rather bullying and advances. For an hour, fighters with different teams shouting battle cries, taunting their opponents and emphasizing their advantages. After which the fighters stand opposite each other, and the fight begins. In the old days, after such fights, guys left with torn shirts, not to mention the presence of bruises and abrasions. The point of the fight was not to inflict serious injuries on each other, but to show their superiority over their opponents and throw out energy. The fun was traditionally watched unmarried girls to choose the bravest and strongest man for yourself.

Our annual Maslenitsa,
Our Maslyanitsa is riotous.
She is a dear guest,
She is a wide hostel!
She doesn't walk!
She doesn't walk on foot,
Everyone rides around on horseback,
Everyone rides around on horseback.
Horses are black horses,
Servants, servants, all young...
Hello, Maslanitsa!
The lady is cheerful and intricate!

Game "Cow was flying"

For this game you will need at least five participants. Everyone stands in a circle and joins their hands: the palm of each player’s right hand should lie horizontally, on top of the palm of the player standing on the right. On the palm of each player's left hand, the palm of the neighbor on the left should lie on top. Next, the players take turns clapping their neighbor’s hands (with their right hand on the palm of the neighbor on their left) and say a counting rhyme (each word is the next player): “a cow flew, blurted out a word, what word did the cow say?” The player where the counting ended calls any word - for example, “sun”. Then the “clapping” continues, but the letters are called - S-O-L-N-... and so on, until the last one - E. The player calling the last letter must hit the neighbor’s palm when clapping. The neighbor's task is to withdraw his hand before it is hit, but not before the letter is pronounced.

Game "Zarya"

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - Dawn - walks behind with a ribbon and says:

Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
Dropped the keys
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined -
I went to get water.

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run different sides round. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game repeats itself.

Game "Masha the Confused"

Children taking part in this game stand in one row, join hands, thereby forming a chain. By right side a leader is assigned to the chain, who, on command, begins to run with a change of direction, and the entire chain begins to move behind him. However, no one except the leader knows the direction of movement, so it is quite difficult to maintain balance and not break the chain. The further a player is from the leader, the more difficult it is for him to maintain balance, not fall or break the chain. The one who falls is out of the game. The main thing in this game is to hold out until the end.

Game "Golden Gate"

In the Golden Gate game, two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their arms up. The result is “collars”. The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front or simply join hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.

"Vorotiki" pronounce:

Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second one is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!

After these words, the “collars” sharply lower their hands, and those children who were caught also become “collars.” Gradually the number of “gates” increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all children become "gates".

Game "Bells"

This is an old Russian game, perfect for Maslenitsa. The players stand in a circle. Two people come out to the center - one with a bell or bell, and the other with a blindfold.

Everyone else sings:

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,
The daredevils called:
Guess where the ringing comes from!

After these words, the “blind man’s buff” must guess by the sound of the bell and catch the participant with the bell who is dodging him. When a participant with a bell is caught, he becomes a "blind man's buff", and the previous "blind man's buff" turns into a regular player.

Game "Sun"

(For children 3-4 years old)

For this game you will need two larger sheets of paper (for example, A3 or Whatman paper), on each sheet there is a large circle drawn (the future sun) and a couple of felt-tip pens. Children are divided into two teams. Each team stands in front of their future drawing, a few meters from the sheets, after which each participant in turn runs up and draws a ray of sunshine. The team that completes the sun the fastest wins.

Scenario "Maslenitsa".

Presenter 1:

Hello Muscovites,

Provincial residents

Near and far

French, Italians,

Overseas Americans,

Russian bar,

Siberian boyars.

Gentlemen, merchants, well done,

To pale-faced modern girls -

Our respect,

Come to our show!

Dear audience!

Keep your rubles with you!

We won't let you get bored today,

You will be satisfied with everything.

You will see such miracles -

You won't want to go to America!

Hey passerby, stop!

Marvel at our holiday.

There will be a show soon -

To everyone's surprise!

It's time to start.

Please play music!


Presenter 2:

Wide Maslenitsa Cheese week!
You came dressed up to greet us in Spring.
We'll bake pancakes and have fun all week,
To drive the cold winter out of the house!

Presenter 1: Hello, friends! Why are you all here?

gathered?(Viewers give answers). Then we’ll stand in a circle with a friend nearby and sing a song for Maslenitsa.

A song is being performed “And we were waiting for Maslenitsa.”

And we waited for Maslenitsa,

We waited, in our souls, we waited.

Cheese and butter were observed,

They observed, soul, they observed.

They covered the mound with cheese,

They covered it, showered it, covered it.

Oil was poured over the mound,

They watered, shower, watered.

Presenter 2:

    Maslenitsa is a wry neck!

    We'll see you well!

    Maslenitsa, reach out,

    Cling to the birch tree!

    Maslenitsa is the soul!

    You'll be good with us!

Competition “Continue the proverb”:
1. You can’t eat the same pie twice.
2. Whoever you hang out with, you look like him and... you look like him.
3. Without tasting the bitter, you won’t recognize... the sweet.
4. I brewed the porridge myself, and... disentangle it.
5. Oil won’t… ruin porridge.
6. If you want to eat rolls, don’t lie on... the stove.
7. Anyone who wants to eat a fish must get into the water.
8. I made the porridge, so don’t skimp… on the butter.
9. Without breaking eggs, you can’t make... scrambled eggs.
10. Don’t promise me a bull, but give me a glass... of milk.
11. Pancakes... get boring.
12. Leftovers... are sweet.
13. From a black chicken and a white... egg.
14. From a black cow and white... milk.

Presenter 1: First day Maslenitsa week is called"Meeting" .

Morning... MONDAY... The "MEETING" is coming.
Bright sleds slide down the hills.
All day fun. Evening is coming...
Having skated to their heart's content, they eat all the pancakes.

The song “Dear Maslenitsa is coming” is performed.

Dear Maslenitsa is coming,

Our guest is a year old.

Yes, on painted sleighs,

Yes, on black horses.

There will be Maslenitsa for seven days.

Stay seven years!

Eat an apple . For the indoor competition, a cord is stretched, to which apples are tied by a thread by the tail. The participants' task is to eat an apple without using their hands. The one who does this before others receives a prize.

Get the candy . In thatIn the competition, the player must, without using his hands, get a candy lying on a plate and covered with flour. The one who succeeds receives a prize.

Presenter 2: Second day It's called "Flirting".

"PLAY" carefreeTUESDAY is a joy.
Everyone went out for a walk and frolic, as one!
Games and fun, and for them
A rich and golden-brown Pancake week pancake!

I'm announcing a competition for experts folk wisdom. To warm up, here are a couple of questions for you:

    What Maslenitsa customs do you know?

    What folk proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa do you know?

The guys take turns answering questions. The one who gives the last answer is the winner.

And I have riddles for you.

Coming after Maslenitsa,

Doesn't have a sentry

And he calls himself...


White, sedate, afraid of heat.

Until you burn Maslenitsa -

It won't go anywhere.


The peahen has arrived

Sat on the lava

Let down her feathers

For any potion.


It has grown and grown

It came out of the beard.

Sun is up -

Nothing happened.


Presenter 1: The third day called"Gourmand."

WEDNESDAY is suitable hereIt's called "Gourmand".
Every housewife casts a spell at the stove.
Kulebyaki, cheesecakes
They succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes
All swords on the table!

Guess what it is:

Round, not a wheel,

Hot, not the sun,

It's not a cake, but you can eat it.

Of course it is« Crap" . Maslenitsa is famous for its pancakes. They bake different pancakes: big, small, and most importantly – round, like the sun. After all, this is a symbol of the sun. And I announce next competition. The winner is the one who gives the last answer to the question: “What do they eat pancakes with?”

The song “Pancakes” is performed.

We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time,
We wanted pancakes.

Dissolved in a new kneader,
The pancakes went on for two hours.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, you are my pancakes.

Our big sister
Bake pancakes and craftswoman.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, you are my pancakes.

She baked something to eat,
There are probably 5 hundred.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, you are my pancakes.

She puts it on the tray
And she brings it to the table herself.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, you are my pancakes.

Be welcome, guests, everyone is healthy,
My pancakes are ready.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, you are my pancakes.

Hit the target . For this competition, players need several small items (clothespins or walnuts). Players take turns trying to get these objects into a box located at a distance of 3-5 m. The most accurate one wins a prize.

Presenter 2: H fourth day. It is called"Walk-four."

And on THURSDAYRazdolny "RAZGULAY" comes.
Ice fortresses, snow battles...
Troikas with bells enter the fields.
Guys looking for girls
their betrotheds.

And we have valiant games,

relay race: “Snowballs”.

The participant takes three “snowballs” (snowballs are made of paper and wrapped in foil), runs the distance, stops at the line and throws the snowballs at the target (bucket), returns back, etc.

Do you know proverbs about work? Let's check. I’ll start saying a proverb, and you finish:
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness).
Prepare the sleigh in the summer... (and the cart in the winter).
The hut is not red in its corners... (but red in its pies).
A small matter... (better than a big idleness).
The further into the forest... (the more firewood).
Don’t sit idly by... (there will be no boredom in the house).
Labor feeds a person... (but laziness spoils).

Presenter 1: Fifth day mother-in-law's evenings , and at parties the main thing is ditties!

Mother-in-law invites son-in-law for pancakes!
Eat it with caviar and salmon, maybe a little simpler,
We ate it with sour cream, honey, and butter.

You can sing ditties.

    Eat! Drink! Help yourself!

And have more fun

Maslenitsa at the gates -

Open your mouth wider!

    Pancake with jam, pancake with caviar,

WITH spring water!

The Sun Festival has come to us,

It feels so good!

    We're on Shrovetide Week

The holiday was not disrupted,

All the friends danced, sang,

We ate pancakes!

    Sleigh ride down high hills

Girls ride

Well, boys are gluttons

They are tossing their stomachs.

Game "Song in Chorus" . Participants choose a song that is well known to everyone and begin to sing it in chorus. At the presenter’s command “Quiet!” the players fall silent and continue singing the song to themselves. After some time, the presenter gives the command “Loud!”, and the players sing the continuation of the song out loud. In most cases, while singing to themselves, players change the tempo, and after the command “Loud!” everyone sings out of tune, and the game ends with laughter.

Presenter 2: Sixth day of Maslenitsa week -sisters-in-law's get-togethers , and we have a freckle competition.

All the relatives meet and dance in a circle.
The holiday continues, general fun.
A nice farewell to Zimushka!

We choose the most freckled girl and put a spring wreath on her head, proclaiming her spring.

Game "Stream"

Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers knew and loved this game, and it has come down to us almost unchanged. There is no need to be strong, agile or fast. This game is of a different kind - emotional, it creates a mood that is cheerful and cheerful. The rules are simple. The players stand one after another in pairs, usually a boy and a girl, a boy and a girl, join hands and hold them high above their heads. From clasped hands it turns out long corridor. The player who did not get a pair goes to the “source” of the stream and, passing under clasped hands, looks for a pair. Holding hands, the new couple makes their way to the end of the corridor, and the one whose couple was broken goes to the beginning of the “stream.” And passing under clasped hands, he takes with him the one he likes. This is how the “trickle” moves - the more participants, the more fun the game is, especially fun to play with music.
Not a single holiday in the old days was complete among young people without this game. Here you have a struggle for your beloved, and jealousy, and a test of feelings, and a magical touch on the hand of the chosen one. The game is wonderful, wise and extremely meaningful.

Presenter 1: Now the time has come to say goodbye to Mrs. Maslenitsa, because the seventh day is farewell. We will all sing a farewell song to Maslenitsa together.

Bright SUNDAY is coming quickly.
Everyone eases the soul on “FORGIVEN DAY.”
Straw effigyWinterburn,
Dressed in a sheepskin coat, felt boots, a belt...

The fair crowns the magnificent festivities.
Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!
In a year we will meet Beauty again.
Let's celebrate again and serve pancakes!

The song “Farewell, our Maslenitsa” is performed.

Goodbye, goodbye

Our Maslenitsa,

Goodbye, goodbye

Ours is wide.

You came with goodness

Cheese, butter and egg,

With pancakes, with pies,

Yes with pancakes.

Buttered pancakes,

Shangas are smeared,

And today is Sunday

Our fun will end.

Game "Dead Man's Bluff"

This is an old Russian game, perfect for Maslenitsa. The players stand in a circle. Two people come out to the middle - one with a bell or bell, and the other is blindfolded.
Everyone else sings:
“Tryntsy-brintsy, bells,
The daredevils called:
Guess where the ringing comes from!”
After these words, the “blind man’s buff” must guess by the sound of the bell and catch the participant with the bell who is dodging him. When a participant with a bell is caught, he becomes a "blind man's buff", and the previous "blind man's buff" turns into a regular player.

Leading: So that Maslenitsa returns to next year, let's say it all together magic words: “Maslenitsa, goodbye, come next year!”

If the holiday took place in the hall, then after Maslenitsa “left” the hall, it is advisable to go outside and burn the effigy of Maslenitsa

Games and fun for Maslenitsa.

"Three Legs"

The players are divided into pairs, each pair's legs are tied (the right leg of one to the left leg of the other). Parana "on three legs" runs to the turning flag and returns to the starting line.

Team relay race, where pairing is required. One of the couple will have to become a wheelbarrow

A cargo transport with one wheel and two handles. The role of the wheel will be played by the hands, and the handles

Legs. On team player

- the “wheelbarrow” lies on the ground, focusing on his hands, and the “driver” takes his partner by the legs so that the body of the “wheelbarrow” is parallel to the ground. The “wheelbarrow,” moving on its hands, must reach the turning flag and return back, where another “wheelbarrow” is ready to move.

"Russian Broom"

Comic championship in throwing a broom at a distance. It is more convenient to take a broom without a shaft.

"Who's Faster on a Broom"

There are pins lined up on the court. You need to run like a snake on a broomstick and not knock over the pins. The one who knocks them down the least wins.

"Broom on the forehead"

Now try wearing it on your forehead for as long as possible.

"Russian beauty"

The girls first dance in a circle, showing off their costumes. Then they walk with a rocker and full buckets of water, showing off their stance and gait.

"Russian bath"

Use a dry bath broom to “steam” the enemy, see who can beat the broom on him the fastest.

Concert competitions:

Ditties (If you want to win over your girlfriend, sing a funny ditty).;

Spoon players (Try to play spoons to the accompaniment of an accordion player);

Re-dancing ("Lady", "Gypsy", "Apple", "Semyonovna").

Auction of proverbs about pancakes, Maslenitsa.

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players

- "Zarya" walks behind with a ribbon and says:


Red maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Blue ribbons,

Rings entwined -

Let's go get some water!

With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the ribbon, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a "dawn". The game repeats itself. Runners must not cross the circle.

The players do not turn around while the driver chooses whose shoulder to put the ribbon on.

The game begins with a roll call between the driver and the players:

Ding, ding, ding!

Who's there?


From the city …

What are they doing in the city?

The driver can say that people dance, sing, and jump in the city. All players must do what the driver says. And the one who performs the task poorly gives away a forfeit. The game ends as soon as the driver collects 5 forfeits. Players whose forfeits are from the driver must redeem them. The driver comes up with interesting tasks for them.

Children count poems and tell stories funny stories, remember riddles, imitate the movements of animals. Then a new driver is chosen, and the game is repeated.

"Give me a handkerchief of sympathy"

A goal with an inclined crossbar is installed on the site, on which colored handkerchiefs are suspended on thin threads, different heights. Competitors need to run up, jump and tear off one of the handkerchiefs, and then call the girl’s name and give her the one that was torn off.


A circle is drawn on the site. Two players stand in a circle. Each player stands on one leg, bends the other at the knee, and supports it by the heel with one hand. The players' task

Push the opponent out of the circle without using your hands and standing on one leg. (They push each other with their shoulders).


The players choose the driver.

Each player picks up a small stick (20-30 cm long). Everyone says these words:



How many hours

It remains until evening

Until winter?

After the words “Before winter?” Place the stick on the palm or any finger of the hand. As soon as the sticks are placed, the leader counts: “One, two, three, ... ten.” The one who holds the item longer wins.

The leader can give different tasks: players, holding a stick, must walk, squat, turn right, left, around themselves.

Game "Cherry"

Fun for young boys and girls of marriageable age. The main thing is to take a longer run, fly higher and farther, and then the hands of your comrades will bring you to the girl, whom you will kiss. After flying through the waves from clasped hands for a couple of tens of meters, the kiss turns out to be especially sensual. Main

Slow down in time, otherwise you will fly by.

Game of slaps

Good old fashioned fun. A narrow bench and crossed legs make it difficult to deliver hard blows with a tense arm. One of the participants tried to do this, and even with his fist, which is against the rules, but it made him worse

He became a victim of his own unextinguished inertia and the narrow bench and flew to the ground.

"Sack Fight"

To fight with bags, you need to fence off the area. This type of wrestling, where one hand must be kept tightly pressed to the lower back, can only be performed with one hand. Here higher value acquires the ability to move, sense the enemy’s movement, and use his inertia.

"Snow Maze"

On an ice or snow area, a labyrinth diagram is first drawn in the shape of a square or circle with two exits on opposite sides. First, the inner sectors of the labyrinth are laid out with snow, then, moving from the center to the edges,

Walls. They should not be high (up to 1 m) so that it is easy to find someone who gets lost in the passages of the labyrinth. Stroke width

80-100 cm. If there is a lot of snow, you can make a labyrinth by removing the snow with a shovel and laying it on the sides of the passages. Instead of building a labyrinth, you can instead trample intricate passages on the site.

"Snow Shooting Range"

In the winter town you can install permanent targets for throwing snowballs. It is best if these are wooden shields measuring 1 * 1 m with concentric circles drawn on them with a diameter of 30.60 and 90 cm. The shields can be installed on poles dug into the ground, hung on a blank wall or on a fence.

It’s probably worth making a special wall for the shooting range, on which you can put targets, and the guys will knock them down with snowballs.

"snow Hill"

The height of the slide may be different; availability is important here. large space. The length of the slide should be three to four times its height. The width of the area where the guys are preparing for the descent, and the tracks at the rollout

Not less than 1 m, and the width of the sled track

1.5 m. To make a slide, you need to roll up snowballs during the thaw and pile them up. Then compact the snow with your feet or a shovel, cut off the excess snow and make a barrier or ladder out of it. Water the hill cold water, otherwise thawed patches may form.

You can build a more complex slide with turns, intermediate ascents and descents, decorative arches. The difference between the start and finish levels should be 3-5 m.

"Ice Carousel"

This attraction is a big hit with children. A pole, into the upper end of which a metal rod (for example, a crowbar) is driven, is dug into the ground or frozen into ice. His high

70-80 cm. Then an old (or specially made) wheel is placed on the metal one. Long poles are fastened to the wheel with wire or nails, and sleds are tied to them. The path along which the sled will roll is cleared of snow and filled with water. For greater stability, the sled can be made wide (60-90 cm) or two sleds can be fastened together.

Around the pillar, the snow is sprinkled with ash or sand so that it is not slippery for the children who will spin the carousel.

"Pillar of Ice"

On Maslenitsa they would put up a tall pole, then they would pour cold water on it, and gifts would be hung on the frozen pole at different distances from each other. Players must try to climb this pillar, but they slide off it, and the winner is the one who tries harder and harder to overcome the obstacles in order to reach the end and get the most expensive prize.

"Pole Riding"

This folk pastime was once widespread in the wooded provinces of Russia. Some other nations also organized it. On the slope of a mountain or hillock, sometimes specially made from snow and compacted tightly, two even, smoothly planed poles (poles) 15-20 m long are placed parallel to each other at a distance of about 1 meter. It also happens that skilled craftsmen “increase " to each pole there is one or more more, bringing the length to 50 meters or more.

But the connections must be very strong and smooth, so that when you move your hand, you do not feel a noticeable ledge or gap. It looks like two smooth rails along which you can slide down the mountain. The poles are repeatedly watered so that they freeze solidly and become slippery. They also fill in and thoroughly roll out the platform on which those who slide down the poles will roll.

Anyone who wants to ride the poles selects a partner of approximately the same height and weight. It is advisable that both of them have shoes with heels, which help to stay more stable on the pole and not slip off it. Partners stand on poles facing each other, supporting each other with their hands on the shoulders or waist. However, there can be a variety of methods, just to resist a rapid slide down.

Coherence of actions, the ability to maintain balance, ingenuity, and courage allow some to ride in the most daring and comical poses. This is a wonderful folk show for a winter holiday. Young people and teenagers are especially interested in pole riding.

"Tug of War"

Let it not be entirely traditional for Maslenitsa. Preparation

As in a regular tug of war, but the teams take on it with their backs to each other. Games and fun for Maslenitsa. Games for Maslenitsa. Competitions for Maslenitsa“Three Legs” “Wheelbarrow” “Russian Broom” “Who is Faster on a Broom” “Broom on the Forehead” “Russian Beauty” “Russian Bath” Concert competitions: Auction of proverbs about pancakes, Maslenitsa. "Mail" "Give a handkerchief of sympathy" "Cockerels" "Crippled" Game "Cherry" Game of "slaps" "Sack fight" "Snow labyrinth" "Snow shooting range" "Snow slide" "Ice carousel" "Ice pillar" Pole riding" "Tug of war"

Maslenitsa is a cheerful, mischievous holiday that is loved by both children and adults. These days you can eat plenty of pancakes, ride down the slides and take part in folk entertainment. Festive events are held in all settlements, as well as in children's educational institutions. You can organize the fun yourself by inviting friends and preparing in advance funny competitions on Maslenitsa.

A little history

Maslenitsa was originally pagan holiday, signaling the arrival of spring. These days, they made an effigy of winter from straw and solemnly burned it. There was a lot on the tables delicious dishes, which symbolized people’s hope for a rich harvest. The main delicacy is pancakes - a prototype of the sun and warmth. With the adoption of Orthodoxy, the holiday was transformed into a religious one. He copes before Great Lent.

Traditional competitions for Maslenitsa were wall-to-wall fist fights, an assault with its destruction, and playful fights, during which people helped spring overcome winter. Mummers walked around the villages and performed lively dances. Mountain skiing was a must-have entertainment. Whoever travels the furthest, according to legend, will have the longest flax in the new year.

Scenario for Maslenitsa

How to organize a fun holiday for a friendly company? First of all, you need to choose a suitable scenario. On Maslenitsa you can organize a theatrical performance in which buffoons, Winter and Spring, and fairy-tale characters will take part. As a last resort, you can get by with one perky presenter. He will hold competitions, in between talking about the traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa.

Divide those gathered into two teams: “winter” and “spring”. Invite them to compete. Winter doesn't want to just give up its place. Vesna must prove that she is worthy of this honor and is ready to withstand all the tests.

Competitions for Maslenitsa on the street

If the weather permits, the holiday is held on fresh air. Games should be active so that guests do not freeze in the cold. For Maslenitsa competitions you will need equipment: two sleds, two brooms, skittles or small plastic bottles with water, two twigs.

  1. Winter - best time for playing snowballs. Invite the teams to first roll as many snowballs as possible in a certain time, and then knock down targets (skittles, bottles) with them.
  2. Sled racing. Two players sit with their backs to each other and try to cover the distance as quickly as possible. They run back, pulling the sled behind them. All team members must take part in the relay.
  3. The pins are placed in a row. Participants, riding a broom, run around them like a snake. On the way back, you need to replace the knocked down pins and pass the broom to the next player.
  4. Two circles are drawn at a certain distance from the teams. Players take turns running up to them, drawing a ray with a twig and returning back, passing the baton to the next participant. The team that draws the sun the fastest wins.
  5. Salky. Those gathered do exercises together, repeating the movements of the leader. Suddenly he shouts out the name of the team, for example: “Winter!” Its players try to catch up and spoil as many of their rivals as possible, who are in a hurry to hide in a pre-designated “house”. Those who were touched are eliminated from the competition. The game continues until there are only members of one team left on the field.

Indoor competitions

After fun on the street, the seasons are reconciled. Frosty Winter agrees to give way to bright, Blooming Spring. All those present are invited to hot tea and pancakes.

The premises can also host a number of competitions for children. On Maslenitsa they can be associated with traditional food.

  • Stock up on cardboard “pancakes” in advance. Hide them in unexpected places and invite the kids to find the blanks.
  • Organize relay races with the “pancakes” you find. Invite children to jump over the distance, holding cardboard circles between their knees. Then place them on your head. Most difficult option- carry “pancakes” on your stomach, standing in the “cuttlefish” position (supporting your feet and palms).
  • Prepare an obstacle course by placing the “pancakes” in a row at a short distance from each other. Children must jump over them. Then start a race, going around the “pancakes” in a “snake”.
  • Place "pancakes" on the floor. There should be one less of them than players. The children dance to the music, and when it stops, they rush to take the “pancake.” Those who fail to do so are eliminated. The number of players and "pancakes" decreases every time.

In addition to competitions, on Maslenitsa you can have fun with mountain skiing, round dances, and riddles. With your children, make a doll figurine from sticks, a broom and old clothes. At the end of the holiday, it is burned, and with it all grievances, problems and discontent are burned.