Diet for removing belly fat. How to eat properly to lose belly fat, what to eat and drink? Diet for a wasp waist and flat stomach

Almost all women dream of reducing the size of their waist, and men dream of getting sculpted abs. In practice, over the years, it is in these places that not just folds of fat form, but entire rollers, which are very difficult to get rid of.

Often the weight goes away, and the legs and arms lose weight, but this area still remains problematic. Therefore, the question arises so acutely: is there any effective diet for losing weight in the abdomen and sides, which quickly and without harm to health resolves this unpleasant fat, which experts call visceral?

About visceral fat

A saggy tummy and fat rolls on the sides are nothing more than visceral (abdominal) fat. Its danger is not at all limited to aesthetic ugliness - first of all, it is fraught with unpleasant health complications. Therefore, it is impossible not to pay attention to it.

It consists of brown fat cells located in the abdominal cavity. They envelop the internal organs and must perform a protective function.

Visceral fat standards for women and men are different. They are measured by the waist circumference: for the fair sex it should not exceed 88 cm, for the strong - more than 94 cm. So if you have these figures above, you need to look for a suitable diet and change something in your life, because in large In large quantities, abdominal fat is dangerous to health, causing diseases such as:

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • stroke;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • metabolic syndrome;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes mellitus type II;
  • thrombosis.

Reasons for its formation:

  • sedentary, sedentary lifestyle;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • love for sweets;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • constant stress, depression, anxiety, nervous breakdowns.

So no, even the most effective, diet for the abdomen alone can cope with such a scourge as visceral fat. Only an integrated approach will allow you to get rid of unpleasant deposits.

In solving the problem, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of not only nutritionists, but also fitness trainers and doctors. Strict adherence to their recommendations is a direct path to getting rid of visceral fat.


Before choosing a diet, reconsider your daily routine and lifestyle in general. In order to remove belly fat, you need:

  • get enough sleep, and go to bed as early as possible;
  • actively engage in sports;
  • choose for losing weight on the abdomen and sides: women are recommended to hula hoop with weights, men - to pump up their abs;
  • walk a lot;
  • breathe more fresh air;
  • When working sedentarily, do 5-minute warm-ups every hour.

Emotional condition

Life in constant tension, quarrels in the family, deadlines at work, lack of vacations and days off - all this negatively affects the nervous system. And this is one of the main factors in fat deposition. The more worries, the thicker your waist will be. So you will either have to pull yourself together and calm down, or take antidepressants (this is recommended to do even before the diet), or undergo a course of treatment from a psychologist / psychotherapist.


And only after all this you need to put your nutrition in order and look for a diet. It should be low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, with a minimum amount of fatty foods. Meals are at the same time. The best option is 5 times a day. Drinking regimen - about one and a half liters of water. Among the methods of preparing food, give preference to steaming, stewing, and baking. It’s better to forget about frying in oil.

Mono-diets, separate and fractional meals are good in this matter. The recommended period for losing weight is a month.

There are a number of products that have fat burning properties. Be sure to include them in your diet:

  • legumes;
  • (give preference to broccoli and cauliflower);
  • dairy products;
  • red wine (if there is no strict ban on alcohol in the diet, you can drink a glass once a week);
  • dried fruits;
  • horseradish;
  • citrus fruits (the leader in fat burning is grapefruit);

Many desperately need a quick diet so that in a week they will already have a wasp waist and cubes. It’s worth mentioning right away that it’s impossible to say goodbye to visceral fat in a short time. So it is better to choose a long fast. If the technique suggests reducing your waist size in just 3 days, you should know that this is a myth.

Additional techniques

As soon as you start losing weight on a diet, at the same time use other ways to combat deposits on the stomach and sides:

  • anti-cellulite wraps and creams;
  • bath and saunas;

Many experts are of the opinion that the most correct diet for losing belly fat is organizing a regular healthy diet. Its principles are familiar to everyone: 5 meals at the same time, a feeling of slight hunger when leaving the table, a minimum of fried and fatty foods, no fast food or soda, dinner 3 hours before bedtime.

But, if the problem of excess weight is acute, of course, you will need to look for a more strict method with limiting certain foods.

Diet options

What are the diets for losing belly fat?

  • From E. V. Malysheva

In one of the “Health” programs, E.V. Malysheva talked about visceral fat. The nutritionists invited to the studio proposed a very simple diet. Its essence is to eat right, not exceed the daily calorie intake of 1,500 kcal and include three foods in your daily diet.

This is an avocado, which is high in monounsaturated fats, and they reduce your waist size by 30%. Ginger with its constituent gingerol is a famous fat burner and savior from flatulence. Blueberries with their bioflavonoids and antioxidants, which utilize glucose and are excellent satiators.

  • With a sedentary lifestyle

If you have a sedentary job, you are confined to an office chair and cannot go for walks in the evenings, a relatively easy diet for beginners will help you cope with your stomach and sides. It involves a balanced diet that contains carbohydrates, proteins, and even some fat. Weight loss occurs by reducing the calorie content of food, small portion sizes and eliminating harmful foods.

Breakfast options: corn porridge / omelet / oatmeal with milk and fruit / 2 eggs.

For lunch - a small citrus.

Lunch options: baked or steamed fish / all kinds of light vegetable salads / chicken breast (beef, turkey).

For an afternoon snack - a glass of juice / fermented milk drink /.

Dinner options: seafood / stewed vegetables / steamed meat (fish) / cottage cheese casserole.

After a few days of eating this way, your weight will begin to come off, and in a couple of weeks you will feel your sides and stomach losing weight. This is a fairly gentle diet based on the principles of healthy eating.

  • Tomato express diet

Express diets for quick belly fat loss are not recommended by experts due to their ineffectiveness and harmfulness. Despite this, you can try to reduce your waistline at least a little by actively consuming tomatoes. Duration - only 4 days. For breakfast - an omelet with tomatoes, for lunch - tomato puree soup, for dinner - a salad of fresh vegetables. For drinks - tomato juice without salt and any smoothies and cocktails based on it.

  • Treatment / table No. 8

To treat obesity in the 30s of the 19th century, the Soviet gastroenterologist and scientist Mikhail Pevzner developed a special nutritional system. The only technique that is supported by doctors, actively using it in hospitals and sanatoriums. This is a very strong diet that can even cope with visceral fat in a month.

Each of these diets is effective and allows you to reduce your waist size if you approach weight loss comprehensively. Without physical activity, the fight against fat deposits is 90% ineffective.

Sample menu

Men are offered the following serving sizes:

  • 300 g for breakfast;
  • 100 grams of fruit for a snack;
  • 500 g for lunch;
  • a glass of protein shake for an afternoon snack;
  • 200 g for dinner.

For women, breakfast and lunch can be reduced by 100-150 grams. For them, the daily calorie intake should not exceed 1,200 kcal. For men, this figure is 1,600 kcal.

The protein-vegetable weekly diet is easily tolerated, as it allows you to eat meat and fish. Suitable for men and women, that’s why we bring to your attention its detailed menu.

Lunch should consist of any citrus fruit: grapefruit, orange, 2-3 tangerines, pomelo. For an afternoon snack, it is advisable to drink a glass of protein shake with pieces of fruit and mint.

Even the best diet will not be able to remove visceral fat if you do not adhere to the basic recommendations of specialists. The problem of its education is not only in nutrition, but also in other circumstances. First of all, understand them and only then select the appropriate technique. Only an integrated approach can restore your slimness.

Do you dream of a slim figure? And it seems like your weight is not critical, but your bulging stomach and sides literally disfigure your figure? Thanks to a low-calorie diet for losing belly fat, you can easily get rid of extra pounds and make your figure beautiful and toned.

As a rule, extra pounds around the waist appear due to poor nutrition. Therefore, the key principle of any diet for weight loss is to adjust your diet. So, how to eat to get rid of your belly and sides?

The basis of the menu for losing belly fat should include, first of all, fiber-rich foods - fruits, vegetables, herbs, cereals and cereals. Porridges made from whole grain cereals will increase your blood glucose levels and allow you to forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time. But it is important not to overdo it with the portion and not to mix them with protein foods.

Protein foods of animal origin (beef, seafood, fish, turkey, chicken and rabbit) are preferably consumed together with raw, boiled or stewed vegetables. The meat itself cannot be fried or baked; it is better to boil it or stew it with vegetables. In addition, your daily diet must include vegetable protein, which is found in nuts and seeds (no more than 50 g per day).

Eat foods rich in omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids at least once a day. They can be found in almonds, sea fish, flaxseed oil and olive oil. These substances “dissolve” old fat deposits, forcing the body to produce a special fat-burning protein.

The menu for losing weight on the stomach and sides should include dairy and fermented milk products, but only their low-fat versions. Add milk to coffee or tea, and drink kefir in the morning or before bed.

A diet for a flat stomach must include daily consumption of citrus fruits (grapefruits, lemons, oranges). All these fruits, especially grapefruit, have the ability to burn fat cells. Make freshly squeezed juices from them and drink them as often as possible.

What to drink to lose belly fat?

During any weight loss diet, you need to drink plenty of fluids. What to drink to remove belly and sides? Nutritionists recommend drinking green tea without sugar, purified, melted or mineral still water (at least 4-5 glasses per day).

To prepare melt water, take a container with a wide neck. After pouring purified water into it, place it in the freezer. After a few hours, the water should be covered with a thin layer of ice. This ice must be removed and the remaining water must be frozen. After complete freezing, the water is thawed and drunk in small sips.

Restrictions during the diet

The first thing that should be completely excluded from the menu for losing weight on the belly and sides is alcohol, since all alcoholic drinks disrupt proper metabolism.

Avoid eating flour products and sweets (bread, muffins, cakes, pasta, sweets, jam, etc.), sugar and salt (it retains excess water in the body). During this period, fried, fatty and smoked dishes should also be mercilessly removed from your menu. The following products also join this company:

  • fast food, semi-finished products, canned food and sausages;
  • fatty meats (pork, lamb), fish and cheese;
  • starchy vegetables (potatoes and cauliflower);
  • sweet fruits (bananas, figs, grapes);
  • mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, and other sauces;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee and strong tea.

Menu option for losing belly fat for a week

The menu proposed below for losing belly fat for a week involves split meals - you need to eat often (5-7 times a day) and in small portions, keeping equal intervals of time (3-4 hours) between meals. It is advisable to practice the last technique at least 3 hours before bedtime.

This belly fat loss diet is low calorie and lasts for 2 weeks. Thanks to it, you can lose up to 3-4 kg of weight in a week. Food is prepared only in a dietary manner, and portion sizes do not exceed 200 g.

Day 1 – “protein”. Boil two small chicken breasts with a total weight of about 600 g and divide them into three portions. Menu:

  • breakfast: part of the breast, 1 pear, a glass of green tea;
  • second breakfast: a glass of low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch: second part of the breast, fresh vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese, 1 citrus fruit;
  • dinner: leftover chicken breast and fresh cucumber salad dressed with olive oil.

Day 2 – “carbohydrate-vegetable”. In the morning, cook a glass of rice without adding salt and divide the resulting volume into 3 portions. Menu:

  • breakfast: rice, fresh vegetable salad, compote;
  • second breakfast: half a pineapple;
  • lunch: rice, vegetable stew;
  • afternoon snack: half a pineapple;
  • dinner: rice, vegetable salad with olive oil.
  • breakfast: chicken egg and cheese salad, 1 apple, glass of tea;
  • second breakfast: 1 grapefruit;
  • lunch: pink salmon with steamed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack: a glass of kefir;
  • dinner: boiled rabbit meat, salad of beets, prunes and nuts.
  • breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits and tea (you can add a little honey);
  • second breakfast: some fruit;
  • lunch: pumpkin puree soup, 1 apple;
  • afternoon snack: vegetable salad;
  • dinner: a little buckwheat, a glass of tomato juice.
  • breakfast: a small piece of low-fat cheese, an omelette, a glass of tea;
  • second breakfast: fruit salad flavored with low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch: steamed beef cutlet, boiled beans, grapefruit;
  • afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese with berries;
  • dinner: stewed pollock, kefir, apple.

Day 6 – “buckwheat”. Boil a glass of buckwheat and divide the resulting volume into three servings. Menu.

Every time you try on things or put them on, you realize that the belt does not fit or the trousers cannot be pulled onto the hips at all.

But a sheepskin coat or a coat, they cost a fortune and now you will have to give them away or throw them away, because... I can't get into them.

The change of seasons makes it especially clear that you now need a new wardrobe. And in spring and summer, in addition to a larger swimsuit, there is also a headscarf to hide the fatter lives, hips and hanging parts on the sides.

And if your husband or wife notices your weight gain and from time to time hints that it’s time to lose a couple of extra kilos.

It is then that women, and even men, begin to solve the question: how to lose weight without a diet and remove the belly, as well as the sides, preferably without nutritionists, quickly, free and guaranteed.

Since the question consists of 2 parts, they must be solved in tandem, but do not assume that simply losing weight will immediately remove belly fat.

Therefore, we will begin to act in 2 directions at once. We will analyze in detail where to start and how to achieve the goal.

Is this possible in principle, let's figure out how to lose 5 kg in a week and lose belly fat without dieting?

No diets?!

Yes, this is the only way to act, because... the diet is temporary and after its completion you will return to your usual diet, which led you to your current situation.

Do you want to return to the same state again?

A magical exercise that, in static form, will help transform your figure. We invite you to figure it out; detailed explanations and reviews will help you do it correctly.

Now you understand that the exercise is magical, but which is better, the plank on the elbows or straight arms, in detail with examples and complexes in.

We discuss how to lose weight without dieting and exercise at home using the link.

It has been proven that eating fatty and high-calorie foods along with a sedentary lifestyle leads to weight gain.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on wide bones and heredity.

Since it has been proven that we copy our parents in everything, food is no exception.
Parents, far from the principles of proper nutrition and dividing all food into tasty and not tasty, instill the skills of unhealthy eating behavior.

Did your parents have breakfast with a sausage sandwich or not eat at all, lunch if possible on the run, but dinner is a feast for the belly, after which it’s straight to the TV and to bed?

It's not good or bad, it's just the way it was.
And then yes, you have a predisposition to unhealthy eating behavior, because you have observed it for many years and repeated similar actions yourself many times. By transforming it from something new for the child into a habit, and then consolidating it as a skill.

After all, how does a child of 3, 5 or 10 years old know that he needs to eat in small portions and every 3 hours and with healthy food, and what healthy food is - the mother decides and cooks.

Of course, parents love their children and tell them what to eat and what not to eat, but they themselves do it differently.

And children, like monkeys, simply copy.

So children arrive at the age of 14-15 with enormous excess weight, as well as with incorrect eating behavior and habits for life.

Is this possible at home?

We reduce weight according to the scheme described in this article.

Nutrition is the key to our weight loss, because it is possible to lose weight without changing your diet. It is worth considering that practically 1 workout is not capable of burning 800 Kcal, which you will get by eating 1 Big Mac, it is logical that with the same diet you will not be able to sit down for a second.

After all, a classic workout or running at an average pace burns about 300-400 Kcal in 1 hour, i.e. you ate a few cookies with sweets for tea in the morning and already need to run for 1-1.5 hours.

And for lunch you had noodles with cheese and mayonnaise with sausage and a bun for tea, and sweet tea.
This option is another 2 to 4 hours. So it works out in 2 steps - this is running a day - 6 hours.

But this is not real! Right!

Therefore, we will review your diet, so the caloric content of incoming food immediately decreases and thus you no longer gain weight, but lose weight.

After all, you do the usual things: walk, wash dishes, wash the floor, wipe the dust, work at the computer and walk up the stairs.

All this also requires calories, which the body will now have to take not from food, but from fat.

Axioms that help you lose weight

Reduce calorie intake by eliminating useless foods and cooking variations.

Eliminate junk and harmful products: sweets, baked goods, carbonated and sweet drinks, sausages, everything that contains monosodium glutamate, mayonnaise, ketchup, chips...replacing them with healthy analogues.

  1. Increase portions, reducing the calorie content of your usual diet by 200-300 Kcal, due to vegetables and fruits.
  2. Drink water.
  3. Eat frequently, every 2-3 hours.
  4. Gradually reduce your usual portions of food.
  5. Chew food for a long time, eat exclusively from a saucer with a teaspoon.
  6. Watch every day other people's programs about proper nutrition and weight loss.

In most cases, mothers who start losing weight after maternity leave or who are at home with the child.
Let's look at it in detail.

Is it possible to lose weight without dieting and exercise at home with photos and videos in detail?
described .

Having understood the basic issues of what proper nutrition should be, with photos of ready-made dishes and calorie content and a video in detail.

What else can you do at home?

There are still movements during the day and training!

What kind of movements?

Take a look at the photo, what gives the lion's share of success in losing weight? Many people often think that it’s training, but it’s not!

Why is that?
It's simple training is at best 1 hour - 3 times a week and that’s it.
And your day lasts 10-12 hours, and if you sit or lie without moving, and instead of going up the elevator stairs, walking is replaced by a car ride, and that’s sad mathematics.

Calories in life

It will look something like this in calories.

Real life example:
A woman’s basic metabolism is 1700 Kcal per day, she eats 2000 Kcal daily, i.e. overeats 300 kcal per day.

She works at home on the computer and hardly moves, she decided to take care of herself and set aside time for herself to workout 3 times a week for 45 minutes of aerobics, while the rest of her life has not changed.

She doesn’t have to go to work or run around the office, occasionally she goes out to buy groceries and run errands, the rest of the time she’s at home.

Look at the photo, BM is indicated here - basic metabolism. Daily caloric intake every day and expenditure on training 3 times a week, 300 Kcal, if she does not change her diet and lifestyle, then she will continue to gain weight at a rate of about 0.5 kg per month, which is more than 5 seconds per year half kg.

Conclusion: without changing your diet, even during training, you get +5.6 kg per year.

The numbers may be different, but the picture is similar to the truth, isn’t it?

But what if you don’t exercise and regularly eat sweets and rolls, then mixed with sweet drinks and sausage, they will quickly increase fat on your butt, sides and thighs.

How to lift weights at 11, 12, 13 years old

A prerequisite is to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests.

The doctor’s task is to determine the cause of excess weight - is it a disease or simple overeating of junk food with a sedentary lifestyle.

The postulates are similar to those for adults, but here a balanced diet for your age is important, so go back to the doctor so that he can create an approximate diet for you or explain the rules.

You can’t do without your parents’ help, because what you will build your body from will depend on the products that are in the refrigerator.

Talk to them and ask them to buy healthy foods: cereals, chicken, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables.

Add walking to your dietary changes; if you feel shy on the site, train at home by choosing the complex you like, make sure that it has at least 3 difficulty levels and start with the simplest one, or sign up for aerobics at the nearest fitness center.

Keep detailed records of calories eaten and burned, measurements and workouts - this will allow you to quickly analyze which diet helps you lose weight better and when it stays off.

After 45

It’s a little more complicated here, since after 30 muscle mass becomes less and less, as well as movements and physical activity.

An important point is that caloric intake should gradually decrease, following physical activity; if you have almost no activity, then approach the base caloric intake.

Therefore, it is important to monitor your diet especially closely and increase feasible physical activity.

A training option for those over 40 to reduce abdominal volume:

In 1 day

You can lose weight in 1 day, but tangible results are only available with barbaric methods. For example, refusing salt and drinking water. It is unlikely that you will agree to sacrifice your health to lose weight, especially since you will gain it back in almost 2-3 days of your usual diet.

What can you do this day?

In 3 days

Here you can not only set up, but also begin to implement the knowledge acquired on day 1.

Beginners rejoice at the first loss of weight, although it is believed that water is lost in the first days.

From my own experience of losing weight and that of girls at school, I can say that the first 3 days are the hardest, and those who can stand it move on to the 2nd round - a week.

What results might there be?

Depending on the total excess weight, approximately from 1-3 kg or more if the excess weight is over 20 kg.

What to do to achieve maximum results in 3 days?

If you are looking for a recipe on how to lose weight without a diet and get rid of your belly with baking soda in 3 days, then you have come to exactly the right place, and before we say anything, we will give you the recipe.

What's the recipe?

To take a bath, the water temperature is 37 C, for 200 liters you need: soda - 300 g, sea salt -500 g, take a bath for about 20 minutes.

What effect will there be?

You may experience itchy skin and discomfort after taking baths, so we recommend choosing more humane methods.

Elena's review after taking a bath:

After taking baths, itching and burning appeared, which continued even after taking baths. I did it for 2 weeks, after which itching appeared when I took it every other day. I failed to lose weight, as I started with a weight of 54 kg, and remained unchanged.

What is the conclusion: we will have to disappoint you, these are more of a fantasy about losing weight and getting rid of belly fat while lying in the bath, especially since they are harmful to the skin and will lead to aging, peeling and itching.

You will also find such options on the Internet - tuberculosis, it is recommended as an excellent option to lose 10-15 kg, dysentery comes in second place.

We consider them unacceptable and causing irreparable harm to health, in some cases even incompatible with life.

Lose 5-7 kg in a week and lose belly fat without dieting

They often search on the Internet: how to lose 5-7 kg in a week and get rid of your belly and thighs without dieting.

Since we have figured out what is most important in losing weight, let’s figure out whether it is possible to lose 5-7 kg in a week.

This type of weight loss is a barbaric method, because... the maximum amount of loss per week is 3 kg, and more is not recommended, because it can lead to displacement of organs, sagging skin and other unpleasant things.

But it is possible in first week weight loss, especially if you are over 30 kg overweight. Here are photos before and after the 1st week of weight loss, when the weight loss was 7 kg per week, but then the rate of decrease was within 2-3 kg per week.

As for removing the belly, as well as reducing the size of the hips, dietary restrictions (deficit of 200-300 kcal per day) and feasible physical activity are suitable - this is what we will analyze further.

It literally transforms your body in a matter of days. It is important to perform it correctly and at a certain pace, as well as maintain duration and REGULARITY.

And yes, you will notice how your hips become smaller and your butt acquires the desired shape. Oddly enough, walking also reduces the size of your belly.

So, it's time to go for a walk!

If you can’t walk 1-2 hours a day, try the complex.

To reduce hips, we offer an excellent complex from Anita Lutsenko in the video:

Why will you quit very soon?

The worst and saddest thing about this option is that many people don’t know about it!

If you take it so radically that you implement everything in the first week: training, dietary restrictions, and walks, then after a week you will give up this idea or after 3 days you will become completely overweight.

For lovers of perfectionism and a five-year plan in 3 days, losing weight is not a sprint, but a long marathon, the amount of weight you gain is the amount you lose.

Global stress for the body, and hence the reaction to which it is accustomed.

Beginners try to do everything almost perfectly from the very beginning, i.e. and nutrition and exhausting workouts and walks with physical activity, such pedantry leads to fatigue and breakdown.

It's good to do everything gradually

  1. 1 month - master only nutrition and add walks, figure out how to prepare the maximum number of dishes with PP and learn how to turn unhealthy ones into low-calorie and healthy ones.
  2. Month 2 is the time for introducing hour-long walks, as well as physical activity during the day, at work and at home.
  3. 3 month - time to introduce training or going to the gym, aerobics, fitness.

This is the option that helps you integrate weight loss into your life gradually and not give up what you started.

As has been said many times, ideal weight loss is:
1 month losing weight
We keep the result for 2 months.

For men

They are much luckier and getting rid of excess weight, as well as a beer belly, is much easier for them, so listen to the recommendations given in this article and try to follow them strictly with special pedantry.

Add arm exercises and upper body development to your workouts.

Getting rid of belly fat

The belly is a complex issue and we would like to immediately remind you that losing weight and getting rid of the belly is not entirely true.

Reducing weight sharply and without fixing and switching to PP will lead to sagging skin and the formation of an apron.

To remove belly fat, you should use a set of measures:

  1. Nutrition.
  2. Movement during the day.
  3. Plank and vacuum for the abdomen.
  4. Skin care: scrubs, wraps.
  5. Time. Since it will take several months to tighten the skin while losing weight.

The first point has been discussed in other articles on our site.

Movement during the day

Movement is what allows you to constantly work on your abs.

Yes, yes, and even when you are traveling on a trolleybus, minibus, train, or standing at a bus stop, even when you are sitting at your workplace.

Tighten your abdominal muscles, feel them, experiment with different tension options, either pulsation or holding for a few seconds.


I would like to immediately stop you from thinking about pumping up your abs from morning to evening, this can lead to a greater protrusion of the abdomen, but you cannot see the “cubes”, since they are under a layer of fat.

The best allies besides vacuum and planks are walking, brisk walking, as well as Nordic walking or interval walking.

When choosing a set of exercises, be sure to add a warm-up and several types of planks and vacuum.

Why them?

These exercises pull the stomach inward - these are the words of Anita Lutsenko.

Let's look at the frequency of training.
Muscles need to rest, so your workouts should be every other day, or you alternate between training your abs and buttocks today, and your arms and back tomorrow.

Remember, no rush! 2 weeks to adjust your nutrition and only then add movement, and then walking + training.

Watch the distances and time carefully, trying to increase it little by little, as well as the speed.

To help you:

Where to include the bar and vacuum?

Since the vacuum is done on an empty stomach, we recommend morning exercises from Anita Lutsenko.

Video on charging and rules for doing it:

It will take you 10-20 minutes in the morning. For the first month, everything is done in 1 approach, if you haven’t done it before, if after 2 weeks it’s easy for you to do the complex, increase the number of approaches and time.

We do the classic plank on outstretched arms, if it’s difficult, then on the elbows.
Analysis of the work done:

Are all the areas outlined above involved?

  1. Nutrition.
  2. Movement during the day.
  3. Physical exercise.
  4. Motivation.

How to get rid of belly fat

Exercise vacuum

An exercise where you need the floor and your own body is good if you do it in front of a mirror at first.
Squat down slightly on both legs and tilt your body slightly forward, placing your hands on your hips or knees.

Take a deep breath and exhale completely, then take another breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth loudly and completely, so that there is no air left at all.

Hold your breath and pull your upper abdomen inward, and stand there for as many seconds as you can. 10 or 30 - 40, then inhale air through your nose.
Rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.

Belly wave

When you master this, do a wave - these are oscillatory exercises.
The starting position is the same, after exhaling all the air and drawing your stomach in, you release it, but do not inhale the air and repeat this several times.
You get these pulses from your stomach.

When everything works out well, increase the number of approaches and duration.

The plank can be a whole complex:

  1. Classic plank 1 minute.
  2. Side plank on each side for 30 seconds.
  3. With 1 arm raised - 15 seconds on each side.
  4. Raising 1 leg - 15 seconds on each side.
  5. Raising your legs and arms to the cross - 15 seconds.

How can you see that your body is changing?

Measurements and photos once a week will help you a lot; you will see changes in centimeters, but they are not as motivating as photos.

It's ideal to have your photo taken or use auto mode.


This point is more important than all the previous ones, since it is the fuel for movement.

  1. Before and during photos.
  2. Measurements and weighings.
  3. Regularly trying on things that you don’t fit into and noting how much better and easier it is to button a skirt, trousers, jacket, or dress.
  4. Discuss your results, photos and measurements with your allies.
  5. Meeting with friends and acquaintances, tell everyone that you are losing weight, and let them ask you about the results - this will encourage you to improve the result.
  6. Films and programs: I'm losing weight on NTV, there are American programs about successful weight loss, they are all on YouTube.
    Why is gear cycle preferred? Since they repeat the postulates of proper nutrition and include training, as well as other simple secrets about water and physical activity from video to video.
    And watch them not while lying on the couch, but while walking on the spot or on a simulator, so there will be a second benefit right away.
    List of films recommended for viewing while losing weight:
    It wouldn't be bad to lose weight. Let's dance.
  7. Set the right goals, for example, to reduce your weight to the desired level and switch to PP, implement this into your life, and not lose 5 kg and fit into your skirt or until the new year.

Such goals imply that you will fit into your skirt by losing 5-10 kg, but at the same time return to your usual diet and lifestyle the next day.
Therefore, write down your correct goals in your diary or weekly planner and one more important secret.

  1. Make a plan for your weight loss.
  2. Write down what steps you can take today, now. Remember the 4 pillars - nutrition, movement during the day, motivation, sports.
  3. Keep a checklist or to-do list and note each day how it went for you.

You can download it from our website and keep track of it daily, noting how many points you managed to complete in a day.

Motivation and education - 1 watched video is about 45 minutes of transmission, if you took into account our recommendation and during this time walked in place, then you have completed 3 points at once - motivation, education, movement during the day.

Now you have received a step-by-step algorithm and checklists that will guide you to your slim body and now you know exactly how to lose weight without dieting and get rid of your belly fat.

We wish you good luck in achieving your goal!

Everyone wants to feel great and look great too. Last time excellent figure And good health became symbols of success. But how to achieve this look? To do this, you need to choose a special diet and follow it. There are many different methods. What tips will really help you lose fat from your belly and sides?

Causes of fat on the stomach and sides

Excess deposits in problem areas are consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition and metabolic disorders in the body. Too much flour and sweets, abuse of “fast food” - all this certainly leads to a sad outcome. At the same time, many ways to lose weight quickly They really help get rid of kilograms, but not for long. The reason is poor nutrition. The weight will return in a few weeks. necessary with a proven diet.

What foods should you eliminate from your diet to lose belly fat?

For starters, it's worth give up alcoholic drinks. Not only beer, but also strong alcohol is a sure way to the appearance of belly fat. You will also have to give up canned juices and soda. Sweets, bakery products, roast, salty And smoked- all this is prohibited. Remember that the effect of eating healthy foods will only be noticeable after a few weeks. But giving up harmful ones will lead to quick results. If you want to know how to eat properly to lose belly fat, what foods to eat, then take a closer look at diets.

How to eat properly to get rid of your belly and sides?

If you want, then you cannot do without a special diet. It will help not only get rid of, but also correct your figure as a whole.

Small meals to remove belly fat

Many people have heard that a person should get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. There is a lot of truth in this saying. Fractional meals involves eating small volumes every two to three waking hours. Thus, a person does not have the need to “fill” his stomach with food. After all, in just a couple of hours the next meal time will come. Fractional meals allow you to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals without giving up your favorite foods. This eliminates the possibility of overeating. Moreover, the stomach gradually decreases in size, because the volumes of regularly supplied food are noticeably reduced.

Nutritionists advise starting to eat only at the moment when you feel real hunger. The body very often gives a signal that not all people can understand. Thirst is often mistaken for a desire to replenish energy reserves. The best way to find out what the body really wants is drink a glass of water. If the feeling of hunger does not pass, then it is time for lunch.

You should spend at least twenty minutes eating. Under no circumstances should you eat on the run. By chewing thoroughly, without distractions or fussing, you will be able to feel full much faster.

Protein diet to remove fat from the belly and sides

The real salvation for everyone who started is protein diet. Protein is not only processed very slowly in the body, which allows you to maintain the necessary energy reserve for a long time, but it can’t turn into fat. Lipid tissue is the “product” of the union of carbohydrates and fats, but proteins have nothing to do with it. Thus, consuming protein, you physically will not be able to gain excess weight. In addition, you do not have to limit yourself in your diet and give up meat. Make sure that the menu included:

  • legumes,
  • eggs,
  • meat and fish (boiled and lean),
  • nuts and sunflower seeds,
  • vegetable oils,
  • fermented milk and dairy products.

And here bakery products strictly prohibited. You will also have to give up fried foods And smoked, sweet and fat. Eliminate whole milk, canned fish and all types of fast food (including instant soups) from your diet.

Fruit and vegetable diet to lose belly fat

Tasty and healthy - that’s the motto popular among girls. Usually they adhere to it for only a week, but the best results can be achieved only after a month of living according to these recommendations.

Menu It’s best to make it in advance and schedule it for the whole month in advance. It must include not only fruits and vegetables, But and lean meat.

Usually the diet is based on the “two weeks” principle. First comes 7 days strict adherence to the menu, and then a week with small indulgences (fermented milk products, meat with a small amount of fat). After this, it’s time for another “tough” week.

It is worth noting that you can consume all fruits and vegetables within except bananas And potatoes.

An example of a diet menu for losing weight on the stomach and sides

An approximate menu for one day on a fruit and vegetable diet looks like this.


  • Grapefruit (can be replaced with another citrus) + a small piece of rye bread.
  • Dinner.
  • Steamed (or boiled) meat + vegetable salad.
  • Dinner.
  • Steamed meat or fish + sliced ​​vegetables.

You can eat between these meals fruits and vegetables in reasonable quantities. If you feel hungry, drink a small amount of water.

Nutritional features of men

The body is a very complex system, so there are simply no universal rules for all people. But there are several important points that should be addressed pay attention to the stronger sex.

How to eat properly to remove belly fat for a man:

  • monitor the consumption of the required amount of protein (otherwise it will be not fat that is burned, but muscle),
  • give up simple carbohydrates (sweets, potatoes, drinks, fast food and cookies)
  • do not get carried away with diets based on the consumption of one product (there is a high risk of exhaustion of the body).

Features of women's nutrition

Girls suffer from fat in problem areas much more than men. Of course, everyone wants to look impressive, but without a slim figure this cannot be achieved. How to eat properly to get rid of belly fat for a girl?

First you need to learn control your stress. The fact is that nature itself provides for the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. The body of the expectant mother protects what is most precious and important - the possibility of a new life. Cortisol, a stress hormone, promotes fat storage in this area. Therefore, one of the simple ways to remove extra pounds is to reduce your stress level. You can do this using special therapy and foods that lead to the production of joy hormones: chocolate, nuts, dried apricots peanut butter, cheese. It is worth remembering that these products themselves are very high in calories, so their quantity should be strictly limited.

Nutritionist advice: how to eat to get rid of belly fat: video

The video will tell you how to eat right to lose belly fat best ways to lose weight.

To get the perfect body, you need to work on yourself. But getting rid of fat is not so difficult, if you follow the diet and recommendations of specialists.

We all love to eat delicious food, something sweet, fatty and filling. But our body is somehow not very positive about such food.

We will not write here about the various diseases that such indiscriminate eating of treats leads to. Today we will talk about the external manifestation of the consequences of such nutrition, or rather, how to deal with it.

If you are not picky about your diet, but want to have a flat stomach, then this article is dedicated to you. After all, now we will figure out how to eat in order to remove the belly and sides, as well as what foods will help us with this best.

What causes a big belly?

  1. Poor nutrition:
    • lack of a clear diet (long intervals between meals, too large or small portions);
    • abuse of fatty and salty foods;
    • frequent snacking on high-calorie foods;
    • insufficient amounts of fiber-containing foods in the diet;
    • low consumption of clean water during the day;
    • lack of habit of preparing food and taking it with you in containers to work or school.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Chronic lack of sleep (sleep less than 7 hours).

The presence of at least one of these reasons in your life will certainly lead to a set of extra pounds and the formation of hated folds on your stomach.

If such problems already exist or you want to prevent their occurrence, start working on yourself today and first of all adjust your diet.

How to eat properly to lose belly fat for women and men?

You are probably already familiar with the statement that 80% of success is in . Many have heard, but continue to ignore this fact.

But the formation of this hated “lifebuoy” in the waist area is nothing more than a consequence of an improper and unbalanced diet.

Those girls who have excess belly fat have approximately the following diet:

  • 65-70% carbohydrates,
  • 15-20% fat,
  • 10-15% proteins.

They are afraid to eat meat, considering it a super-fatty product, but they drink low-fat yoghurts with a high glucose content, sweet fruits and snack on tea and candy.

Such a misunderstanding of the intricacies of a balanced diet leads to disastrous consequences.

But here is what the diet should look like in percentage terms for both women and men in order to properly remove belly fat:

What to eat to remove belly and sides?

Nutrition to get rid of belly fat and sides should be based on the following nutrients.


The body spends more energy on digesting protein foods than it receives from it, so a fairly large percentage of the diet is allocated to proteins.

However, not all proteins are equally beneficial for those losing weight. You need to eat protein foods with minimal fat content.

These proteins include:

  • chicken breast;
  • turkey fillet;
  • egg whites;
  • cod;
  • lean veal/beef;
  • squid.


The word “fat” usually scares everyone who is losing weight, but not all of them are so harmful to the figure, some even help in the fight against excess weight. The presence of polyunsaturated fats in the diet will only speed up the process of getting rid of the hated folds on the stomach.

Sources of polyunsaturated fats are:

  • (almonds, walnuts);
  • vegetable oils (linseed, olive, sesame, mustard);
  • avocado;
  • fatty and semi-fat varieties of fish - sardine, herring, mackerel, salmon, trout, tuna, capelin, horse mackerel;
  • fish oil capsules.


It is carbohydrates, and not fats, as many people think, that are the most insidious nutrient for the human body, or more precisely, simple carbohydrates (foods and products high in fat). It is precisely their excessive consumption that leads to the formation of a belly and an increase in fat throughout the body.

It is worth giving preference to complex carbohydrates, which will supply the body with energy for 2-3 hours without causing a sharp jump in blood sugar, as happens with the consumption of fast carbohydrates.

Complex carbohydrates are found in foods such as:

  • buckwheat, oatmeal and pearl barley porridge;
  • brown and wild rice;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • rye yeast-free bread.

Fiber is the number 1 assistant for anyone who wants to lose weight quickly. She acts as a “nurse”, helping to cleanse the intestines of the final products of digestion.

In addition, products containing , provide quick satiety for a long period, thereby preventing overeating and, as a result, gaining extra pounds.

Sources of fiber are:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • asparagus;
  • spinach;
  • cucumbers;
  • leaf salad;
  • pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • fresh fruits with peel;
  • dried fruits;
  • green pea;
  • green beans.

What you need to eat to get rid of belly and sides: TOP 5 foods

The diet should include the following foods:

Lean fish are a source of lean protein, as well as Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids that are beneficial for our body. The lack of these acids leads to disruption of the nervous system and a decrease in the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone, which in turn leads to lack of sleep and disruption of the production of growth hormone.

Somatotropic hormone (or growth hormone) is the main assistant for losing weight while sleeping. And lack of sleep blocks the production of this hormone, which leads to the inability to lose weight at night.

Therefore, fish should be eaten regularly, several times a week.

For those who are not a fan of fish dishes, there is an alternative - regularly taking fish oil in capsules, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

2 eggs

Firstly, eggs are an ideal source of protein, and secondly, they are a source of healthy cholesterol and lecithin.

If everything is clear with egg whites, then there are various myths around the yolk, supposedly it causes incredible harm to the body due to the large amount of cholesterol contained in it.

The yolk of an egg does contain cholesterol and 12% fat, but they are absolutely safe and in no way affect the increase in bad cholesterol in the blood. The fat that egg yolk contains, on the contrary, blocks other (harmful) fats from being deposited in the fat depot.

Therefore, by consuming the yolk, you will also help your body lose belly fat faster and correctly, which is what you are so striving for.

Also in the egg yolk there is a large amount of lecithin, a substance that makes up the human brain and the entire nervous system, or rather myelinated nerve fibers.

Due to excessive exercise and stress, this myelin sheath becomes depleted over time, leading to exposed nerves. This means that eating egg yolks will allow you to treat your nervous system without any sedatives.

3. Nuts

The presence of magnesium in the diet is extremely important, since it takes part in all metabolic processes of the human body. Magnesium also affects the quality of sleep and the functioning of the nervous system.

But you should never eat nuts in unlimited quantities, because they are very high in calories, and instead of helping the body burn belly fat, you can, on the contrary, contribute to this.

Therefore, 25-35 grams of nuts per day is considered the norm.

4. Green apples

Apples are fruits that are not only allowed, but also indicated for weight loss. They contain fiber, vitamin C, beta-carotene, pectin, and also have low and low energy value.

Therefore, by eating green apples in moderation (2 pieces per day), you have every chance of losing weight, and the question “How to lose belly and sides?” will be resolved.

5. Green vegetables

All green vegetables are low in calories and are among the best sources of fiber, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, dietary fiber, beta-carotene, antioxidants and other nutrients and minerals.

And dark green leafy vegetables are record holders for calcium content, surpassing even dairy products.

List of vegetables to eat and include in your daily diet:

  • celery;
  • White cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • Chinese/Beijing cabbage;
  • spinach;
  • green beans;
  • asparagus;
  • parsley
  • dill;
  • lettuce leaves.

However, it is worth considering that the listed products do not give a 100% guarantee that by consuming them you will be able to get rid of a big belly. After all, solving this problem needs to be approached comprehensively, and not just eat one product from the list for breakfast, lunch.

It is necessary to completely adjust your diet, removing all harmful foods from it and adding those listed above. Also watch the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your daily menu.

Eat right and soon you will see the desired result!

Forward to slimness!

Do you want to lose weight without dieting? Do you need help and moral support on your way to a healthy and slim body?

Then let's get acquainted :) My name is Daria Khimchenko and I am the author of the project and part-time certified nutritionist-nutritionist.

Write me a letter indicating your goals and the note “Forward to slimness” by e-mail [email protected]. And within 24 hours you will go on an exciting journey through the world of a bright and varied diet that will give you health, lightness and inner harmony.