Dr. Kurpatov: Rich and influential people brought me to TV. Andrey Kurpatov, psychotherapist: biography, personal life, bibliography

Last year Andrei Kurpatov was not only one of the most prominent television personalities, but also an important character in public consciousness. After collaborating with TNT, he switched to Domashny and became one of the faces of the channel.
All the more unexpected was Kurpatov’s disappearance from the air at the peak of his popularity. Kurpatov did not tell anyone in detail how and why, but in a conversation with our correspondent he revealed himself.

– You suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared: from where and where?

– There was no “suddenly”. It was a terribly long, progressive, step-by-step process. Five years ago, I headed the St. Petersburg City Psychological Center, designed to organize the work of all municipal psychotherapists in St. Petersburg. And then I was faced with so many obstacles that I had a feeling of paralysis: there was nowhere to work, there were no wages, opening a new office was a problem, and as soon as it opened, it immediately became so busy that the doctor had no time for anyone. I made an agreement with the patients, including journalists - they gave me the opportunity to write a newspaper column, free of charge, about various mental states. Just for the sake of promoting psychotherapy, which in our country is marginal, but all over the world has long been helping people survive. After that I began to write books, but no one published them. Then they started selling and buying all this, re-published it in Moscow, and local clients appeared - people of no ordinary knowledge.

– Can you name any of these influential clients?

- Well, of course not. Professional ethics doesn't allow it. Take my word for it that these were influential people... and in need of psychological assistance, because the degree of influence of a person is most often directly proportional to his frustration. In our country, both the rich and the poor are seriously traumatized... They brought me into contact with television, purely as a friend. They started talking about how a psychologist could do something on television. And then TNT ordered the first pilot, which was filmed in 2003. Everyone said: Kurpatov is not a presenter, they won’t watch it, it’s boring. I don't deny that this is not a spectacle. But it’s quite fascinating if you sit down and get into it. There is mass hysteria among professionals, my colleagues: behind every negative response one reads: “Why not me?!” For God's sake, please, am I disturbing anyone?! We left TNT and began working with a production company. My departure was due to the fact that the TNT channel offered to work with decoy patients and artists. I would be willing to agree, I am a non-conflict person, although the authenticity of all the stories was initially included in the project. We recorded one program with fakes - nothing works, I can see for myself that you don’t believe anything. Then I left, the format remained at the disposal of TNT - well, where are all these psychotherapists who could do no worse? I don’t watch them, unfortunately... Then we turned to one production company, which we soon parted with, because we - me and the creators of the program who left with me - were not satisfied with its services. After that, the company began holding castings for psychologists - and nothing came of it either. I don’t understand this professional jealousy of some colleagues: I don’t block anyone’s path, earn professional and human name, start working - nothing supernatural. From the outside, everything is easy and, as you put it, suddenly...

And with the Domashny channel, this cooperation arose thanks to Alexander Rodnyansky, many thanks to him. Formally, the reason for the disappearance of my program is the ended contract.

– Why didn’t you resume it?

“The channel, it seems to me, doesn’t really have any idea what to do with Dr. Kurpatov. A discrepancy between our ideas about the program was revealed. It seems to me that this should be a conversation. The channel wants a certain slot for medical programs to appear, in which I would act not as an interlocutor, not as a therapist, but as a presenter, a showman, a somewhat technical character... This is not part of my tasks.

- What's included?

– Demonstration of the possibilities of psychotherapy. At the same time, I do not at all claim that watching my programs is healing.

– People no less influential are probably turning to you now than they were five years ago...

– They do, and quite high-ranking ones. But I’m not practicing right now. The daily program, in which only four people work besides me, does not leave time to eat, let alone conduct a reception.

- Well, what if the Highest-Ranking One calls? He also has one hundred percent chronic stress...

– This is a rhetorical question. He won't call.

- Why?

– Professional knowledge. I know a little about people. He won't call, that's all.

– But if the practice resumes, will you charge dearly for a consultation?

– I am not a cheap doctor, and my work costs money.

– Without psychotherapy, without you in particular, the country will not be able to return to normal condition?

A famous psychotherapist talks about his ambitions, work and family. It is difficult to imagine a more popular psychotherapist in Russia than Dr. Kurpatov. His books are sold in thousands of copies, and until recently the program “We’ll solve everything with Dr. Kurpatov!” on the Domashny channel had higher ratings than the most fashionable TV series. The doctor has long been a folk hero. They joke about him in KVN, and they imitate his manner of speaking and dressing. A correspondent for St. Petersburg Komsomolskaya Pravda met with Andrei Kurpatov at his clinic. One hour was allotted for the interview. Exactly as long as a consultation with a good psychotherapist lasts. – Andrey, some time ago I found an advertisement on your website that you provide telephone consultations for a fee... – They were hacked! Hackers hacked the website Once again! I'm already tired of fighting this. I do not give any advice over the Internet, and this information on the site was a banal provocation. Before this, hackers hacked into my mailbox and responded to letters addressed to me from it. Then we didn’t even immediately understand what was happening. Now this is an announcement about some kind of virtual help. Hacker disgrace. Unfortunately, there are many similar things on the Internet, for example, Dr. Kurpatov's Live Journal, but that's not me. I am a psychotherapist and by the nature of my work I know what it’s like to face inappropriate behavior of people. It's the same here. Hacker attacks. And it seems to me that any normal person understands that there can be no serious consultations over the Internet. And my television program was simply educational in nature. I didn’t do any “treatment on TV”, but only answered the question of my guest. – Perhaps this is the price for popularity? – Well, what kind of popularity... I lived the same way I used to live. Yes, we began to learn more. I often hear words of gratitude. The heroes of my program (“We’ll solve everything with Doctor Kurpatov!” on the Domashny channel. – Author’s note) brought me pies and gave me alcohol. It's nice when people say thank you. Thank God, no one rushes at me on the street shouting “Doctor, help! I have a problem!” For the most part, people are cultured and educated and behave appropriately. – Unfortunately, your program has been closed. We decided what you would do next, besides medical practice and scientific activity? Are you thinking about opening a branch of your clinic in Moscow? – No, I haven’t thought about it yet, because it’s very difficult to open a clinic. And the most difficult thing in this matter is to select specialists. After all, these people will treat on my behalf, which means I must be one hundred percent confident in them. No, I'm not ready yet. So you asked me about the future... I want to make a magazine about a person. I want us to talk about life, but from a psychological point of view: why we perceive something this way and not otherwise, what are the reasons for our reactions and preferences, etc. I think that the magazine will be useful and interesting to the most different people. – You have so many projects. Are you, doctor, an ambitious person? - I confess to you that I actually love another science - not psychology, but methodology. Right now I’m proofreading the edits of my book on methodology. This is my love. In this area, in the area of ​​methodology, I am very ambitious. A successful man one who never refuses the opportunities that life gives him. I have the opportunity to realize myself in science, and I will do it. – How did psychology come into your life? – I was born into a family of military doctors. From the age of six I wanted to become like my father - a psychiatrist. I received my education at the Military Medical Academy, but when I was doing my internship in the navy, I fell ill with the flu, which caused a serious complication - a neuroinfection. I was 22 years old... Fortunately, I survived, but I was paralyzed for two years. Then, despite his disability, he returned to normal life. I felt happy to be alive. I was hired as an ordinary psychotherapist at the Neurosis Clinic named after. I.P. Pavlova. Then I became the head of the St. Petersburg City Psychotherapeutic Center. “Andrey, what age do you feel you are: the age that is written in your passport?” Complex issue. All my life I have to make excuses for my age. He wrote his first monograph at the age of 21 – young. On TV they say he’s young. But psychotherapy is a science, not a life experience. In addition, this science has been developing in Russia for only ten years. recent years, so most of our specialists are, indeed, relatively young people. And I also look youthful - I have Mongolian blood in me, and this is the effect. It is very difficult for me to judge my age. Now, at 31, they seem to have stopped nagging me about my age, and I don’t want to make excuses for it anymore. And my appearance is what it is. And that's just the voice. You know, it gets ridiculous. A journalist calls and asks: “Oh, you have such a voice, how could you comment on this?” How can you comment on this? I don't have anything else. VERY PERSONAL The patient captivated me with stories of love - You married your patient. Did Lily really write you a book about love? – It’s true, Lily was my patient. She fell in love, as she says, at first sight, but I was her psychotherapist, and therefore there was no question of any romantic relationship. Patients often think that they are in love with their doctor, although in fact it is just a psychological attachment. But Lilya loved, loved sincerely and proved this after therapy, despite all my medical coldness. And about a year later she brought me her stories - amazing, amazing, piercing. An extraordinary declaration of love. I was mesmerized, finally understood what was happening, and fell in love. Then everything happened by itself. One day I told her: “Do you want to marry me?” She answered, “Yes,” without hesitation. – Lilia is very talented. "Anya Karenina" alone is worth a lot. – Andrey, do you help your wife promote her books? – Yes, I help as much as possible. She is truly extraordinarily talented. Now she has written a novel for young people - “Maximus Thunder” - it’s about the future, various cataclysms, amazing human relationships, dramas. As soon as I sat down to read, I read all day until the last page, and then left the office and told her: “Lilya, I’m married to a genius!” - Andrey, well, as a psychologist, you should understand perfectly well that a man in love cannot give objective assessments of his beloved... – Everything is correct, but... Lilya is a genius. Elena Pomazan, Komsomolskaya Pravda

Dr. Andrey Kurpatov: I'm married to a genius!


A famous psychotherapist talks about his ambitions, work and family

It is difficult to imagine a more popular psychotherapist in Russia than Dr. Kurpatov. His books are sold in thousands of copies, and until recently the program “We’ll solve everything with Dr. Kurpatov!” on the Domashny channel had higher ratings than the most fashionable TV series. The doctor has long been a folk hero. They joke about him in KVN, and they imitate his manner of speaking and dressing. A correspondent for St. Petersburg Komsomolskaya Pravda met with Andrei Kurpatov at his clinic. One hour was allotted for the interview. Exactly as long as a consultation with a good psychotherapist lasts.

– Andrey, some time ago I found an advertisement on your website that you provide telephone consultations for a fee...
- They broke into it! Hackers have hacked the site once again! I'm already tired of fighting this. I do not give any advice over the Internet, and this information on the site was a banal provocation. Before this, hackers hacked into my mailbox and responded to letters addressed to me from it. Then we didn’t even immediately understand what was happening. Now this is an announcement about some kind of virtual help. Hacker disgrace. Unfortunately, there are many similar things on the Internet, for example, Dr. Kurpatov's Live Journal, but that's not me.
I am a psychotherapist and by the nature of my work I know what it’s like to deal with inappropriate behavior of people. It's the same here. Hacker attacks. And it seems to me that any normal person understands that there can be no serious consultations over the Internet. And my television program was simply educational in nature. I did not engage in any “TV treatment”, but only answered my guest’s question.

– Perhaps this is a price for popularity?
- Well, what popularity... I lived the same way I lived before. Yes, we began to learn more. I often hear words of gratitude. The heroes of my program (“We’ll solve everything with Doctor Kurpatov!” on the Domashny channel. – Author’s note) brought me pies and gave me alcohol. It's nice when people say thank you. Thank God, no one rushes at me on the street shouting “Doctor, help! I have a problem!” For the most part, people are cultured and educated and behave appropriately.

– Unfortunately, your program has been closed. Have you decided what you will do next, besides medical practice and scientific activity? Are you thinking of opening a branch of your clinic in Moscow?
– No, I haven’t thought about it yet, because it’s very difficult to open a clinic. And the most difficult thing in this matter is to select specialists. After all, these people will treat on my behalf, which means I must be one hundred percent confident in them. No, I'm not ready yet. So you asked me about the future... I want to make a magazine about a person. I want us to talk about life, but from a psychological point of view: why we perceive something this way and not otherwise, what are the reasons for our reactions and preferences, etc. I think that the magazine will be useful and interesting to a variety of people .

– You have so many projects. Are you, doctor, an ambitious person?
– I confess to you that I actually love another science – not psychology, but methodology. Right now I’m proofreading the edits of my book on methodology. This is my love. In this area, in the area of ​​methodology, I am very ambitious. And a successful person is one who never refuses the opportunities that life gives him. I have the opportunity to realize myself in science, and I will do it.

– How did psychology come into your life?
– I was born into a family of military doctors. From the age of six I wanted to become like my father - a psychiatrist. I received my education at the Military Medical Academy, but when I was doing my internship in the navy, I fell ill with the flu, which caused a serious complication - a neuroinfection. I was 22 years old... Fortunately, I survived, but I was paralyzed for two years. Then, despite his disability, he returned to normal life. I felt happy to be alive. I was hired as an ordinary psychotherapist at the Neurosis Clinic named after. I.P. Pavlova. Then I became the head of the St. Petersburg city psychotherapeutic center.

– Andrey, what age do you feel you are: the age that is written in your passport?
- Complex issue. All my life I have to make excuses for my age. He wrote his first monograph at the age of 21 – young. On TV they say he’s young. But psychotherapy is a science, not a life experience. In addition, this science has only been developing in Russia for the last ten years, so most of our specialists are, indeed, relatively young people. And I also look youthful - I have Mongolian blood in me, and this is the effect. It is very difficult for me to judge my age. Now, at 31, they seem to have stopped nagging me about my age, and I don’t want to make excuses for it anymore. And my appearance is what it is. And that's just the voice. You know, it gets ridiculous. A journalist calls and asks: “Oh, you have such a voice, how could you comment on this?” How can you comment on this? I don't have anything else.

The patient captivated with stories of love
– You married your patient. Did Lily really write you a book about love?
– It’s true, Lilya was my patient. She fell in love, as she says, at first sight, but I was her psychotherapist, and therefore there was no question of any romantic relationship. Patients often think that they are in love with their doctor, although in fact it is just a psychological attachment. But Lilya loved, loved sincerely and proved this after therapy, despite all my medical coldness. And about a year later she brought me her stories - amazing, amazing, piercing. An extraordinary declaration of love. I was mesmerized, finally understood what was happening, and fell in love. Then everything happened by itself. One day I told her: “Do you want to marry me?” She answered, “Yes,” without hesitation.

– Lilia is very talented. "Anya Karenina" alone is worth a lot.
– Andrey, do you help your wife promote her books?
– Yes, I help as much as possible. She is truly extraordinarily talented. Now she has written a novel for young people - “Maximus Thunder” - it’s about the future, various cataclysms, amazing human relationships, dramas. As soon as I sat down to read, I read all day until the last page, and then I left the office and told her: “Lilya, I’m married to a genius!”

- Andrey, well, as a psychologist, you should understand perfectly well that a man in love cannot give objective assessments of his beloved...
– Everything is correct, but... Lilya is a genius.
Elena Pomazan, " TVNZ "

Andrey Kurpatov is the most famous psychotherapist in Russia, who is not only a highly qualified specialist in his field, but also a popularizer of psychotherapy. The biography of Andrei Kurpatov is interesting to many, firstly, because the psychologist is a media personality, and secondly, his admirers want to form their own opinion about the doctor’s competence as a professional. Therefore, a review of books written by Kurpatov, television programs with his participation, as well as information about his education and personal life will be of interest to many people.

Childhood and education

The future popular psychotherapist was born in St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) in 1974. His parents were military doctors, which to some extent determined his future field of activity. Indeed, the biography of Andrei Kurpatov is closely connected with the Nakhimov Naval School and the Kirov Military Medical Academy, from which he graduated in 1997 with a degree in general medicine.

Psychology and psychotherapy interested Kurpatov from his first years of study. He studied psychological aspects in the works of Dostoevsky, studied the structure of personality, the processes of psychological adaptation, and even wrote his first scientific monograph as a fifth-year student. The work was called “The Beginning of Psychosophy”, in which the author combined basic knowledge from philosophy, psychology and sociology for a more detailed study of the world and man.

Continuing Education

After Kurpatov became a graduate of the Military Medical Academy, the circumstances of his life were such that he was unable to work as a military doctor. In 1997, he encountered a serious illness (neuroinfection), as a result of which he was discharged. Then, on the basis of the Medical Academy, Kurpatov received additional medical education specializing in therapy, psychiatry and psychotherapy.

Carier start

The work biography of Andrei Kurpatov began at the Neurosis Clinic named after. Pavlova in St. Petersburg. The experience gained over the years of work allowed him to form his own concept, the effectiveness of which was subsequently proven not only during the psychotherapist’s work with patients, but also during private practice. Dr. Kurpatov would subsequently repeatedly use stories from that period in his books as visual material illustrating the success of his psychotherapeutic practice.

Popularization of psychotherapy

The unique direction of psychology of Andrei Kurpatov not only helped specific people who were his patients, but also changed the attitude of society towards psychotherapy. For a long time turning to a psychotherapist to solve life and personal problems was unacceptable for most people in Russia. This was viewed with great suspicion: it was unclear who such a service was aimed at, in what cases one should contact it, and what kind of help one could count on.

Doctor Kurpatov’s books and television shows made it possible to find out what really happens in a psychotherapist’s office, how you can improve the quality of your life if you correctly diagnose and eliminate your problems: depression, asthenia, incorrect settings, fears. For many people, Andrei Kurpatov has become the personification of psychotherapy in Russia, and it is quite logical that interest in the personal life of the famous doctor has increased. Andrey Kurpatov has written more than 100 scientific papers.

Activities on TV

Since 2003, fans have been able to regularly see the psychotherapist on their TV screens. “We’ll solve everything with Dr. Kurpatov” (Domashny channel) and “No problems with Dr. Kurpatov” (Channel One) - projects in which he acted both as a presenter and organizer.

The programs were talk shows where real problems of real people were dealt with right in the studio. When the project “moved” to another channel and the question arose of slightly changing the concept of the show, hiring professional actors to replace the heroes who would work according to the script, Kurpatov refused to participate. Therefore the show was closed.

In the professional biography of Andrei Kurpatov in Lately There is also a place for video blogging. Videos regularly appear on Youtube where the doctor discusses various topics that are relevant to any person: how to survive a crisis of 30 years, whether to forgive an offender, what personality is from a scientific point of view, how to develop intelligence, and so on. It is noteworthy that the psychotherapist has not changed his principle of working only with real people; he does not come up with topics for his short informative videos himself, but answers letters from his audience.

Off-screen work makes the doctor a participant in the process of creating the most famous and rated television programs for Channel One, such as “Minute of Fame”, “ProjectorParisHilton”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” and others.

Steps to happiness

Doctor Kurpatov's books experienced a wave of enormous popularity immediately after their appearance. Topics that are relevant to most people, which are revealed on their pages, a light style, an abundance of humor and life examples made these books interesting for people of all ages. The first editions were small in volume, the information in them was presented in a concise and accessible form.

Readers are invited to go through 12 steps, as a result of which a person will be able to get rid of harmful thinking patterns, tension, fears and complexes. Each chapter provides exercises and tasks, the completion of which makes it possible to consolidate knowledge and better understand the principle of working with your psyche. Reviews note that all the described steps and tips are non-trivial, simple and effective.

Popular publications

Books by Andrei Kurpatov help solve both psychophysical and life problems. How to cope with vegetative-vascular dystonia without pills and injections, how to overcome fears, normalize sleep, recognize and eradicate manager's syndrome - all this is described in detail in Kurpatov's books dedicated to psychosomatic ailments.

How to become a confident person, learn effective communication, build strong family relationships, raising a child correctly - all this can be found in another category of books.

New editions

Light and practical books from the doctor’s pen have been replaced by popular science books, in which the author invites readers to look at their lives as honestly as possible through the prism of science. “The Red Pill” by Andrei Kurpatov is a book dedicated to the “traps” of the human brain.

In the abstract, the author promises to tell you why it is wrong to underestimate the complexity of the brain and how to learn to make the right decisions in a variety of issues. Illusions are an unconscious choice of most people, but such a life is hardly a happy one. You can choose a conscious path instead of illusions, but only by recognizing the existence of a problem and using the tools to eliminate it. “Face the truth” is the book's slogan, written on the cover.

Andrei Kurpatov's book “The Red Pill” is large (about 600 pages), but its popularity was so high that it became a bestseller. The question that the doctor revealed on its pages cannot be fully considered within the framework of one book. Therefore, Kurpatov released a sequel, the pre-orders for which were record high.

The book “Palaces of the Mind” by Andrei Kurpatov is devoted to similar issues; it reveals aspects and topics that were not touched upon in the first part. The third book in the series, provocatively titled “Trinity,” completes the cycle. From the call “Face the truth,” the author moves on to the slogan “Be greater than yourself.” That is, by getting rid of illusions and distortions in the perception of oneself and reality, one can move further in building a happy and successful life.

The work of a psychotherapist today

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, Dr. Kurpatov’s clinics are open and still operate today, where they provide psychotherapeutic assistance. The famous doctor himself does not conduct appointments, but, according to him, he selected the clinic’s specialists on his own. In an interview, Kurpatov admitted that he does not consider this project profitable, but it is important from the point of view of popularizing psychotherapy and helping people.

Also Dr. Kurpatov is:

  • former vice president and general director group of companies "Red Square";
  • founder and president of the “Higher School of Methodology”;
  • member expert council under the Chairman of the Federation Council;
  • author of the “Academy of Meaning” thinking training course from the “Mind Games” intellectual cluster.

Kurpatov also takes part in one-time large projects. For example, he was one of the organizers of the Eurovision Song Contest, which was held in Moscow in 2009.


In addition to popularity, the doctor has real prestigious awards. This:

  • "Golden Psyche" for the best science project in Russian psychology (2009).
  • for participation in the organization of the Eurovision Song Contest.

The fame of Andrei Kurpatov is unique in that he is equally loved by people of all ages, professions, and social statuses.

Personal life

A media person almost always faces increased interest to your personal life. Doctor Kurpatov does not hide information about his marital status. He shares his experience on the pages of books, so personal life Andrei Kurpatov is generally known to devoted fans of the famous psychotherapist.

His wife is writer and screenwriter Liliya Kim. They met at a reception with Dr. Kurpatov. Contrary to the popular belief that a romance cannot arise between a patient and a doctor, the couple developed and still exist happily. Meeting your future spouse was preceded by tragic event: A girl's attempt to commit suicide. After Lilia entered the clinic, Dr. Kurpatov began therapy by reading Dostoevsky’s books. Liliya Kim decided to attract the attention of the doctor with whom she immediately fell in love through her own writing activity. The idea turned out to be successful: the girl became the wife of a psychotherapist and a successful writer.

Andrey Kurpatov and are raising their daughter Sophia. Information periodically appears in the press that the couple have divorced, but there has been no official confirmation of this.

Not many scientists know how to clearly explain the principles of science ordinary people, conduct popular lectures and television shows. Dr. Kurpatov is one of those people who popularize psychology and neurophysiology and make you think about responsibility for your personal life.

In this article we will describe the biography of Andrei Kurpatov, a bibliography of his achievements and provide reviews of his most recent popular books - "Palaces of the Mind", "The Red Pill" and "Trinity". These are incredibly interesting publications.

Who is Dr. Kurpatov? Biography

Future psychotherapist and Channel One presenter Andrei Kurpatov was born in 1974. He liked psychology, in his 5th year at university he worked on psychological characteristics works of the master of psychological drama - Fyodor Dostoevsky. Then I studied statistics psychological state Russians, studied the mechanisms of mental adaptation to unusual conditions. He created a direction in psychology called “Systemic behavioral psychotherapy.”

Contribution to science and social life Today he is an impressive researcher: he has written a lot of books, hosted many television shows, where he showed the viewer that visiting a psychotherapist is not at all scary.

For some time, the famous doctor Kurpatov worked at the Neurosis Clinic named after. Academician I.P. Pavlov. He is the president of the Higher School of Methodology (St. Petersburg). He also created his own center for psychological assistance, but does not personally conduct consultations there, he simply gave work to other qualified psychoanalysts.

But what’s even more interesting is that he founded an annual conference on psychology and psychotherapy called “Clinical Pavlovian Currents”, and a unique educational intellectual cluster “Mind Games”. This last project is the researcher’s current place of work, where he can communicate with young intellectuals of St. Petersburg and, in the process of communication, find topics for new books.

Producer and presenter Kurpatov

Except shiny scientific career, the psychologist decided to try himself as a TV presenter. Thus, he was able to popularize books and help a significant number of people through their television screens.

On the Domashny TV channel, the project “No problems with Doctor Kurpatov!” was launched in 2005. A little later, the program was renamed - “We’ll solve everything with Dr. Kurpatov.” And since 2006, Andrei Vladimirovich launched a personal project - the talk show “Doctor Kurpatov”, where he helped people understand difficult psychological situations, “repaired” relationships and brought people back to believe in themselves. This show was broadcast on Channel One and was a great success.

Already in 2008 he began working in the Red Square organization. This is a group of companies that produces interesting content for television. By 2012, Andrei Kurpatov received a high position in this organization - he became Chairman of the Board of Directors. But in 2014 he left this business to create his own world - “A Beautiful Mind”.


The famous psychologist writes both scientific monographs and popular books for those who like to think about the essence of things. He has already written more than 100 scientific papers, articles and popular books. Many of his books not only became bestsellers, but also made him a very popular science showman.

He now has a personal YouTube channel, gives lectures and helps young talented thinkers develop.

Here is a list of the most famous books by Andrei Kurpatov:

  • "Happy at will" - Part 1 in 2002, the second was released in 2003.
  • “How to manage yourself and your life” - 2002.
  • "Top Secret Pill for Fear" - 2006.
  • "Cure for Depression" - 2006.
  • "Your Child's Happiness" - 2007.
  • "How to survive a divorce?" - 2006.
  • "Red Pill. Face the Truth" - 2017.
  • "Palaces of the mind. Kill the idiot within you" - 2018.
  • "A Fold in Time" - 2018.
  • And the last one for today is “Trinity” - 2018.

Of course, there are many more books. The author explains almost all the topics, all the popular questions that people turn to psychotherapists with. He also talked about the problems of relationships, about happiness as such, about the nature of fears and depression, and ways to combat them. But lately Andrei Kurpatov has been devoting more time to studying consciousness. It is about consciousness and ways of “improving” it that we are talking about in the latest editions - the trilogy about the mind.

Who will be interested in reading Kurpatov's trilogy?

Neurobiology, the science on whose achievements Andrei Vladimirovich is based for writing his theoretical work, claims that most of conscious reality is an illusion. We are completely dependent on chemical processes occurring in a dense collection of neurons called the brain. This means that the decisions we make do not actually depend so much on the strength of our will, but on the tuned system of nerve impulses.

The latest scientific data says that everyone’s picture of the world is different precisely because our brains individually develop and improve. Moreover, this happens all the time, since information from the outside world and from nervous system enters the central sections of the white matter in a continuous stream. And we are simply not able to analyze the mass of data from all stimuli at the same time.

Most information is processed without the participation of consciousness. Our consciousness is capable of performing only one task per unit of time. That is, the ego of the individual is never the master of the situation; consciousness, in fact, is not capable of making decisions.

All recently published books and popular lectures on the "Mind Games" project are aimed at developing consciousness, at teaching people how to use the resources of the mind as efficiently as possible.

The author clarifies that the trilogy he conceived - "The Red Pill", "Palaces of the Mind" and "Trinity" - all this grandiose work of the writer is intended for the reader to actively work on himself. Literature is aimed at an audience who wants to improve their intellect, find their purpose and expand their horizons.

Personal life of the famous psychologist

Psychologist Kurpatov is married to writer Lilia Kim. For many years they have maintained a strong marital relationship and are raising a daughter.

Kurpatov does not talk about his personal life and does not try to attract attention with scandalous stories. Liliya Kim is also completely absorbed in her creative projects and thinks little about various ill-wishers.

Andrey Kurpatov, "The Red Pill": a best-selling book

At the end of last year, 2017, it went on sale A new book A. Kurpatova "Red pill. Face the truth." In Moscow, in one of the bookstores, a presentation was held, where the author explained in detail the goals of his work and talked about his plans to continue the topic.

This is material from a different plane. If earlier Kurpatov wrote about what worries many patients at the clinic, then the pages of this book explain more about the principles of how the brain works.

By calling the book “The Red Pill,” the author wanted to draw a parallel between the virtual world from the movie “The Matrix” and the pile of illusory concepts that dominate people’s minds. All these mechanisms are so subtle and elusive that most people fail to dispel many misconceptions on their own, without help.

Andrey Kurpatov is an experienced psychotherapist, and he could not help but notice over the years of his practice how prone people are to creating illusions for themselves and then suffering because of them. The purpose of creating a series of books on the topic of self-awareness is, according to the author, to debunk many of the myths that the network of our neurons creates. And help the reader realize what his own thinking and his consciousness are.

Book "Palaces of the Mind". Reviews

What is Andrei Kurpatov's book "Palaces of the Mind" about? The book is written for informational purposes only ordinary people, non-academics, with new discoveries in the field of brain physiology and the field of psychology of thinking. This is popular literature for those interested in discoveries modern era. Everything described in the book is not strictly scientific literature, nor is it a guide for practical application.

The book was published in a huge circulation - more than 5 million copies, it was translated into 8 languages ​​of the world. The intellectual bestseller became the leader of pre-orders this year.

According to reviews, this is an interesting instructive book, with concrete examples research. But you need to read it thoughtfully and seriously, reread some thoughts and introduce new categories of thinking into your life. And this is by no means an easy task.

The book "Trinity. Be greater than yourself" has already been written

The third book has also already been completed and is on sale. It talks about three ways of thinking, three “pillars of genius.” Anyone who is able to understand their own way of thinking and work with it effectively will sooner or later become talented.

How to improve your way of thinking and master the “world map” of other people - this is the question that comes first for the author.

For many readers, this book is long-awaited, since the two previous books really “blow your mind” and stimulate you to continue studying the properties of your brain.


So, the most interesting things from the world of modern psychology of thinking can be found on the pages of the amazing trilogy about the mind, written by Andrei Kurpatov. Biography, personal life of the author, bibliography - we have only briefly described some of the achievements of this person. He wrote great amount books, taught many people to think effectively and build their own destiny. And after reading at least a couple of his publications, a person really begins to understand himself better.

Last year Andrei Kurpatov was not only one of the most prominent television personalities, but also an important character in public consciousness. After collaborating with TNT, he switched to Domashny and became one of the faces of the channel.
All the more unexpected was Kurpatov’s disappearance from the air at the peak of his popularity. Kurpatov did not tell anyone in detail how and why, but in a conversation with our correspondent he revealed himself.

– You suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared: from where and where?

– There was no “suddenly”. It was a terribly long, progressive, step-by-step process. Five years ago, I headed the St. Petersburg City Psychological Center, designed to organize the work of all municipal psychotherapists in St. Petersburg. And then I was faced with so many obstacles that I had a feeling of paralysis: there was nowhere to work, there were no wages, opening a new office was a problem, and as soon as it opened, it immediately became so busy that the doctor had no time for anyone. I made an agreement with the patients, including journalists - they gave me the opportunity to write a newspaper column, free of charge, about various mental conditions. Just for the sake of promoting psychotherapy, which in our country is marginal, but all over the world has long been helping people survive. After that I began to write books, but no one published them. Then they started selling and buying all this, re-published it in Moscow, and local clients appeared - people of no ordinary knowledge.

– Can you name any of these influential clients?

- Well, of course not. Professional ethics does not allow it. Take my word for it that these were influential people... and in need of psychological help, because the degree of a person’s influence is most often directly proportional to his frustration. In our country, both the rich and the poor are seriously traumatized... They brought me into contact with television, purely as a friend. They started talking about how a psychologist could do something on television. And then TNT ordered the first pilot, which was filmed in 2003. Everyone said: Kurpatov is not a presenter, they won’t watch it, it’s boring. I don't deny that this is not a spectacle. But it’s quite fascinating if you sit down and get into it. There is mass hysteria among professionals, my colleagues: behind every negative response one reads: “Why not me?!” For God's sake, please, am I disturbing anyone?! We left TNT and began working with a production company. My departure was due to the fact that the TNT channel offered to work with decoy patients and artists. I would be willing to agree, I am a non-conflict person, although the authenticity of all the stories was initially included in the project. We recorded one program with fakes - nothing works, I can see for myself that you don’t believe anything. Then I left, the format remained at the disposal of TNT - well, where are all these psychotherapists who could do no worse? I don’t watch them, unfortunately... Then we turned to one production company, which we soon parted with, because we - me and the creators of the program who left with me - were not satisfied with its services. After that, the company began holding castings for psychologists - and nothing came of it either. I don’t understand this professional jealousy of some colleagues: I don’t block anyone’s path, earn a professional and human name, start working - nothing supernatural. From the outside, everything is easy and, as you put it, suddenly...

And with the Domashny channel, this cooperation arose thanks to Alexander Rodnyansky, many thanks to him. Formally, the reason for the disappearance of my program is the ended contract.

– Why didn’t you resume it?

“The channel, it seems to me, doesn’t really have any idea what to do with Dr. Kurpatov. A discrepancy between our ideas about the program was revealed. It seems to me that this should be a conversation. The channel wants a certain slot for medical programs to appear, in which I would act not as an interlocutor, not as a therapist, but as a presenter, a showman, a somewhat technical character... This is not part of my tasks.

- What's included?

– Demonstration of the possibilities of psychotherapy. At the same time, I do not at all claim that watching my programs is healing.

– People no less influential are probably turning to you now than they were five years ago...

– They do, and quite high-ranking ones. But I’m not practicing right now. The daily program, in which only four people work besides me, does not leave time to eat, let alone conduct a reception.

- Well, what if the Highest-Ranking One calls? He also has one hundred percent chronic stress...

– This is a rhetorical question. He won't call.

- Why?

– Professional knowledge. I know a little about people. He won't call, that's all.

– But if the practice resumes, will you charge dearly for a consultation?

– I am not a cheap doctor, and my work costs money.

– Without psychotherapy, without you in particular, the country will not be able to return to normal?

– This will sound terribly arrogant, but no.