DIY houses made of cardboard and paper. Wooden house made of ordinary paper

In childhood everything seems a little different and big, beautiful, modern house doesn't seem cozy. The baby will appreciate any decorations hung in the children's room, but not in the way you would like. It's all about the usual desire to have your own island: small house, where a child can hide from “big” problems, play with dolls or read a book. To provide little man desired home, we suggest making a cardboard house for children with your own hands. The templates for such a house are too large for publication, so we will offer smaller copies of children's mansions.

Tools and materials

What kind of cardboard house can we talk about if you haven’t prepared tools and Consumables ? Of course, nothing. So stock up on the following items:

  • Large cardboard box from household appliances. Used packaging from a refrigerator, washing machine or dishwasher, several plasma TVs, cabinets.
  • Stationery knife
  • Tape measure and large ruler or staff (draw straight lines)
  • Old wallpaper or whatman paper if you are planning an individual design
  • Wallpaper glue
  • Hot glue and glue gun for parts
  • Regular and double-sided tape
  • Pencil or marker
  • Roof blanket
  • A carrier and a light bulb to provide light in the house
  • Roof rafters made of plastic tubes covered with foam rubber

If everything is ready, we take the baby in our arms, good mood and let's go on a good journey - to chic cardboard house for children!

The process of creating a cardboard house

First of all, decide with the size of the house: optimally, if the walls are at least 1–1.5 meters. This will allow the child to feel comfortable inside. If you have a ready-made box of the given dimensions, preparation for construction will be significantly reduced. If there is no big box, connect them together equal pieces of cardboard along the height using tape and create the desired area of ​​the future mansion.

Make sure the top lids remain on the box. Cover them and place a double-sized piece of cardboard on top to reinforce the roof structure. Secure the rafters, which are two crossed plastic tubes. Place a support in the center of the crossing: it can be a book or other object that can create the familiar outlines of a real roof. Cover the resulting lightweight design blanket

Cut in the roof round hole 6–10 cm in diameter, insert a light bulb connected to the carrier there. Secure it with wire to the ceiling. It is advisable that the light bulb is not installed in the center, so the child will not touch it with his head and avoid injury. Make it a rule every day check the condition of the lamp to protect the child from possible problems.

Stick on the walls of the house old wallpaper or whatman paper. It is better to glue wallpaper with special glue, and whatman paper with regular PVA. It is not recommended to glue thick paper with double-sided tape, as it can come off at the most inopportune moment. If you decorated the walls of your house with whatman paper, then best idea for registration will be bricks drawn with marker or paint.

Arm yourself with a pencil and make markings for windows and doors:

  • If you are planning closing door, measure 70–90 cm from the floor. Next, from the top point, draw a perpendicular, straight line 40–50 cm to the right or left. Cut the door along two lines, bend it at the end of the horizontal line. To provide your child with an intimate space, attach a hook made of ordinary wire to the door. Be sure to put a tip on it so that your baby doesn't get scratched.
  • Another door option - cutting a monolithic rectangle from a cardboard wall. In this case, the door will be completely through. So that the child can have privacy, offer to issue the door is easy blanket

Cut the window into a single square of cardboard or make 4 small squares to imitate window sections. Don't forget about the decor: stock up on curtains for new apartment baby. It is better if you attach them yourself using double sided tape or hang the fabric on wire stretched along the windows.

At this point the house can be considered complete, although perhaps there is one more detail left: hang a sign with the house number and street name. This is another surprise for the baby, because he can live at any address: why not settle, for example, on Baker Street?

Furniture for a cardboard house

Be sure to furnish your baby's new home. Very important provide comfort at the initial stage of settlement. Furniture can be purchased at Ikea or made by yourself. On our website, for example, you can learn how to make one, which is simply necessary for any girl. It is recommended to use the following items for decoration:

  • Books
    You can make a mini-table or cabinet out of them.
  • Pillows
    Perfect for a homemade sofa or crib.
  • Artificial flowers in pots
    Small neat pots will decorate your baby’s house. By the way, here you can learn how to create one in the shape of a cat with your own hands.
  • Terry bath mat
    Such a bedding will become a real Persian carpet in the cramped conditions of a baby house.
  • Figurines
    Give your child the right to choose: he will probably independently arrange his favorite items on the stylized furniture of his cozy corner.


Unfortunately, imagine templates such big house impossible. Therefore, we are publishing smaller diagrams-copies of cardboard houses that can be easily made on one's own.

Gallery of cardboard houses

Be sure to look at the cardboard houses that the children and their parents made. Perhaps this is where you will find your dream home.

We're willing to bet that as a child, you would have sacrificed your last piece of gum to live in a homemade, luxurious cardboard structure for just a day. We hope you enjoyed working together with your child and created an amazing residence for your little one. Happy Creating with Fun Learning! We are waiting for you again!

A dollhouse is a special home in which children's favorites live. You can buy it at a toy store, but you can save money and make a cardboard house with your own hands together with your child. This will be a fun activity that will bring joy to both of you.

What will you need?

Making a fairytale house for a child is quite simple. You just have to stock up on imagination and patience. You will also need:

  • sharp knife;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • watercolor;
  • brush;
  • colored paper and other finishing materials.

Drawings and photos will help you make a beautiful dollhouse.

For a doll

A fairytale house can be made into several floors: for this you will need 2-3 boxes, but you can get by with just one. If there are no solid boxes in the house, use tape to connect several cardboard sheets: the dollhouse will turn out just as good.

  1. Take a cardboard box. If it is not glued, seal the edges well. It is better to do this with tape, otherwise the fairy house will turn out to be fragile and may fall apart during the game. Cut out the windows.
  2. Fasten two separate sheets of cardboard at a 45 degree angle. This will be the roof. Place it on top of the box.
  3. From separate sheets of cardboard, cut out partitions for the rooms that will contain the fairytale house.
  4. Place them inside the box.
  5. Now it's time for finishing. It can be arbitrary: from fabric, colored paper, beads, scraps or scraps. You can cover a dollhouse for children with white paper, and then ask the child to color it. He will certainly be happy to take part in this venture!
  6. Concerning interior decoration, don’t skimp on your imagination here either. After the next renovation, there will always be pieces of wallpaper, fabric, oilcloth left in the apartment. They can also be placed inside and pasted over the dollhouse.

This is what a children's fairy-tale house might look like in the photo.

And this is what the dollhouse looks like from the inside:

Video instruction


For babies

Sometimes children don’t want to play with dolls, but rather climb into a small children's playhouse and arrange your space in it. Let's give them this opportunity! Making a children's house with your own hands is also very simple. The only difference will be in size, so you will have to look for a large box for household appliances, for example, a refrigerator or washing machine.

  1. Glue the sides of the box or connect them with tape.
  2. Use a utility knife to make holes for the entrance and windows.
  3. To have more space in the house, you can remove the top of the box and attach an L-shaped roof in its place. Thanks to this technique, the kids will feel more spacious in the house.
  4. Now all that remains is to do the finishing. Children's house can be decorated natural materials: twigs, beams, cones, etc. You can simply cover it with paper and paint it.

The ideal fastening for all elements would be tape or a stapler. Glue is an unreliable material: a children's house can break during play.

This is what the children's house looks like in the photo. Agree, the craft scheme is very simple and is unlikely to be a problem for loving parents.


For the New Year

The New Year's house for children will be different only external finishing. The craft pattern will be the same. To give the product a fabulous, New Year's look, cover it with glitter, cotton wool, and attach paper snowflakes.

You can put a small artificial Christmas tree inside and decorate it, and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden or a snowman can live in this house.

This is how a New Year's house for children will look in the photo.

The level of technological development today allows architects to embody the wildest fantasies from almost any material, which until recently was not intended for the construction of residential structures. At the same time, housing must meet several basic requirements - to be environmentally friendly, durable and prefabricated. All these properties are inherent in modular houses of an original form made of no less original material– cardboard.

Wikkelhouse – wrapped house

For more than four years, innovators from the Dutch design studio Fiction Factory have been developing a project for a small mobile home made of corrugated cardboard. One of the developers explains this unusual choice of material.

Rick Butcher

Cardboard is not appreciated and is widely used only as packaging, but meanwhile, it is light, quite durable, and even has good thermal and sound insulation properties. And we decided to test it by creating a residential building, even if it is still unusual.

The house is assembled from separate modules, each length is 4.6 m, width – 1.2 m, height at the ridge – 3.5 m, weight – 500 kg, the number of segments varies depending on the wishes of the customer. The modules are a spatial metal frame, which special device wrapped with cardboard tape, gluing each turn. The result is a kind of cocoon of 24 layers, forming walls, floor and roof of the required thickness.

The number and size of windows is determined by the customer, as well as the type door system– the module looks best with panoramic glazing. Also at the planning stage, the configuration of the house is determined - special modules with a built-in kitchen, bathroom and outlet for the chimney are made. It is supposed to heat the house in cold weather with a wood-burning stove.

Since the weight metal frame, covered with cardboard, relatively small, the house does not require a reinforced foundation, usually a columnar foundation, like for frame frames, or concrete supports. The finished modules are brought to the site, connected into a single structure, and after installation, the surface of the entire house is covered with a special, waterproof, but at the same time breathable film. As a finishing facade material– pine slats. The house does not have a roof in the usual sense, just the upper part of the modules is made in the form of two slopes and, when facing, is also covered with wood. The inside of the house is sheathed with plywood; this interior is successfully combined with an ergonomic shape and a transparent entrance. All materials used in creating a house can be reused after recycling. The developers predict that Wikkelhouse can serve its owners for up to a century, but only if the protective film is updated every three decades.

All children dream of toy houses, which they clumsily try to build from what they have at hand. And sometimes parents don’t even realize that there is material in the house from which they can make a wonderful house for children’s games - this ordinary cardboard. Without special effort from waste material You may end up with a beautiful and comfortable home - a favorite place for children to play.

By decorating the house, children will develop their imagination. A toy house can be for them spaceship or a princess's castle, taking them on an amazing adventure. By tidying up their toy home, children will learn how to clean up the house. Secluded in a house, they can organize a secret society or tell each other horror stories.

Making a cardboard house with your own hands is not difficult. TO construction process Children must be involved. It's very interesting and exciting! By helping in construction, children will gain their first architectural knowledge and skills.

Materials and tools

A do-it-yourself cardboard house will not require large financial investments. Materials and tools for construction can be found in the household of any family:

  • Carton boxes different sizes, glue gun.
  • Scissors, sharp knife, pencils, markers, markers, tape.
  • Acrylic or watercolor paints, gouache, glitter and various decorations.

Operating procedure

The sequence of building a cardboard house with your own hands can be different, depending on what architectural structure you want to create. But the general algorithm can be outlined as follows:

  • Find a sketch or diagram on the Internet, print it out and start acting. If you experienced master, you can draw a sketch of the house yourself.
  • According to the diagram, cut out the parts and glue them in the required sequence with tape.
  • Together you can have fun decorating your building.

Useful tips

  • It will be great if your boxes contain corrugated cardboard.
  • Cardboard cutting should only be carried out by adults.
  • For the stability of the house, it is advisable to find cardboard pipes. You can ask for them in a store that sells the product in rolls. If you can't find it, make pipes out of cardboard. To do this, simply roll it up.
  • Try to make the door of the house open outward so that the children have more space to play.
  • Don't throw away small cardboard boxes. You can use them to make a wonderful doll castle for a princess or a garage for cars.

There are many options for handmade cardboard houses. You yourself can come up with something interesting. We offer several master classes and original ideas for making houses that you can easily build with your children.

DIY folding cardboard house - master class

We will need: a large cardboard box, scissors, a sharp knife, tape.

Step one: cut off top part large box, as shown in the diagram. We put the cut parts aside. Tape the side seams of the box with tape.

Step two: turn the box over and connect its parts in the places indicated by the yellow arrow in the diagram. We make a roof from the cut parts, connecting the parts with tape in the places indicated by the arrows. Attach the roof to the side parts.

Step three: cut the cardboard in the place indicated by the yellow dotted lines in the diagram. We connect the parts indicated by the yellow arrows.

A comfortable and functional house is ready. You can take it apart, play with it, and put it back together at any time.

Cardboard house with a door - master class

We will need: a large cardboard box, a sharp knife, tape, acrylic paints or gouache.

Operating procedure:

  • We cut out the roof and side parts of the house from cardboard according to the diagram.
  • We assemble the house and tape the joints of the side seams with tape.
  • Glue the roof and cut out the door on three sides, as shown in the picture.
  • The window can be cut out or drawn.

DIY cardboard mill - master class

We will need: a large cardboard box, a knife, tape, wooden stick, screw, rope, acrylic paints.

Operating procedure:

  • Fold the box as shown in the diagram. We cut out triangular gables on the sides, and make holes for the window and pipe on the roof.
  • Using the pattern we make a cardboard tube.
  • We screw a screw into the tip of a wooden stick and attach it to the roof with a rope.
  • According to the diagram, we make a screw and attach it to a stick together with the screw so that it rotates.
  • Cut two at the end triangular windows and fasten the pipe.
  • We paint the mill with bright colors.

DIY Barbie house - master class

We will need: two small cardboard boxes, a knife, tape, glue, acrylic paints, colored paper.

Operating procedure:

  • We take two boxes, cut out two windows on the side and glue them together, as shown in the first picture.
  • We glue the shelves, the back wall and the roof made from two pieces of cardboard.
  • Cut it out beautiful windows, then paint the resulting house with paints or paste it with colored paper.

Cardboard house for a cat - master class

You can make a wonderful one out of cardboard with your own hands. cat house for your pet.

We will need: two not very large boxes, a knife, tape, glue.

Operating procedure:

  • We make two small houses according to the size of the cat according to the diagram given in the second lesson. Only one of the houses should be without a roof; there is no need to make doors.
  • We cut out the windows as shown in the diagram and glue one house to the other. We hope your kitty enjoys her new home.

Interesting ideas for DIY cardboard houses

  • Cottage with starry sky can be made from cardboard boxes with skillful hands.
  • Amazingly beautiful doll houses are made from cardboard if they are covered with bright fabric.
  • The extraordinary architectural cardboard structures are simply amazing.
  • A transformable dollhouse can be made from cardboard according to the attached diagram.

We hope that our lessons, ideas and tips will help you create wonderful toy houses. You will certainly receive a joyful mood and indescribable emotions as a result of your creativity.

This craft will not take a lot of time and materials, and this activity will be very useful for the child.

nom. When working with paper and three-dimensional figures, spatial thinking develops, imagination and ingenuity work. Among other things, this is simply a fun activity for both adults and children.

Every girl dreams of her favorite doll living in a house. Is it worth spending huge sums of money on purchasing a doll’s home if you can easily make it with your own hands? In addition, the child will treat the toy more carefully when he himself takes part in its creation.

To do beautiful house from cardboard boxes, you need very few materials and, most importantly, imagination!

You'll need:

  • Boxes made of durable cardboard of different sizes;
  • Paints;
  • Colored paper;
  • Knife and scissors;
  • Glue gun;
  • Scotch;
  • Pencils or markers.

You can make any house - large or small, with a removable roof or a stationary one, with separate rooms or one big one. To have an idea of ​​what the house will look like, look at approximate diagrams and sketches on the Internet (instructions are attached to each). Based on them, you can draw your own dollhouse plan.

Large do-it-yourself cardboard house for children

Getting your baby interested is quite easy. Build him a house! If you live in an apartment, making housing from plasterboard at home will be very difficult due to the lack of free space. But there is a way out, because probably each of you has large boxes of household appliances on the mezzanine or garage at home - a TV, a refrigerator, or gas stove. Unless you're planning a big move, you probably won't need these boxes. But you can make an excellent little house out of them for your child. It will be interesting for the baby to play in such a spacious house.

To make a children's house with your own hands, you need:

  • A large cardboard box or two medium ones;
  • Glue;
  • Scotch;
  • Colored paper or wallpaper;
  • Ruler;
  • Stationery knife.

Place the box so that the opening parts are at the top. Cut a piece of cardboard from an unnecessary box to create a quadrangular roof. Secure all bends with tape.

You can leave the top of the roof empty to allow better air flow.

Figure out where the door will be located. The hole should be of such a size that the baby can crawl inside the house. Draw a door and cut it out stationery knife. We do the same with windows. The finished holes can be decorated with old tulle, this will make the home cozy.

You can lay it on the floor a warm blanket, so the baby will not freeze, even if he sits inside the house for hours.

The homemade house is ready and waiting for its owner!

DIY cardboard houses: diagrams and nuances of construction

To create a house, first of all, you need to draw a sketch. Finished drawing You can download it on the Internet at home or try to draw it yourself, based on your child’s requests. If you wish, you can make a model of the house from plain paper.

House project:

  1. According to the drawing, cut out sketches of the future toy house from a cardboard box.
  2. Cut through windows and doors. Remove unnecessary pieces of cardboard.
  3. The joints need to be taped.
  4. If the folds are glued correctly, the house can be folded, and in this form it will take up very little space.
  5. The roof of the house is made from the end parts of the box. They are fastened together with tape, and the roof can be covered with colored paper on top.
  6. To make a second floor, you need to install interior partition. Place a sheet of cardboard on top and secure it firmly along the edges with the walls of the house.
  7. The staircase between floors is also cut out of cardboard.

Now you can decorate the house with doll furniture or make it yourself from cardboard.

Helpful tips for making:

  • The door of the house should open outwards;
  • To make the house stable, you need to install cardboard pipes in the corners;
  • For safety reasons, only adults should cut cardboard.

How to make a cardboard house with your own hands: step by step with pictures

Handsome and original house for Barbie can be made not only from boxes, but also from ordinary colored sheets of cardboard. Let your daughter help you create a house, do the layout and think through the decor.

For work you will need sheets of thick cardboard, colored tape, felt-tip pens and a stationery knife.

Let's get started:

  1. Our house will not have a front wall - this makes it more convenient for a child to play with a doll if the house has several tiers.
  2. The basis of the house is four standard sheets of cardboard, which are fastened together with colored tape.
  3. Before joining the sheets, you need to cut out the window of the future house.
  4. Having fastened the sheets, we make the second floor. To do this, you need to connect 3-4 sheets together to make the overlap more durable.
  5. Glue the sheets along the entire perimeter to the walls of the house using tape.
  6. The walls of the house can be covered with wrapping paper, imitating wallpaper, and thin felt can be laid on the floor - like a warm carpet.

The child will be very interested in playing with the new acquisition and decorating the house. These skills will definitely be useful in adulthood.

If the child is already going to school, he can take his creation to an exhibition or simply show off to his classmates.

DIY cardboard house: how to decorate a doll's house

Dollhouse, like ordinary apartment, requires comfort. To make your home more comfortable, you need to put wallpaper on the walls - made from colored paper, packaging wrapper or simple glossy magazines. You can hang curtains on the windows; you probably have a piece of unnecessary fabric. To attach them, use pushpins or a stapler.

Like any apartment, the house should not be empty. Your favorite doll also needs furniture. From the boxes you can build a voluminous sofa, a wardrobe or bookcase, a table and chairs. They can be painted with watercolors or pasted over with appliqués.

The floor can be covered with felt, which is attached to the box using glue gun. Now the Barbie doll can walk on the floor barefoot.

To make the house light and cozy, you can hang LED garlands along the walls.

Around the house you can place decorative flowers in pots and build a fence from plastic bottles. However, this option is acceptable if space in the nursery allows.

Let your child decorate the house himself, as your tastes may differ. Entrust this work to your baby, let him develop his imagination!

Step-by-step master class: how to make a cardboard house for a cat

If you have a tailed, mustachioed animal living at home, you know how cats love to hide - they jump into a stroller, climb into boxes or onto a shelf. You can make a house out of a box and your pet will have a personal apartment that no one will claim.

Cardboard cat box - original and interesting idea, but, alas, such a house will quickly fall into disrepair. Cardboard is afraid of water, so it cannot be washed. If your pet confuses the house with the litter box, the cat's apartment will have to be thrown away.

In addition, cats love to sharpen their claws, and this can also damage the house.

Despite the disadvantages, this option is the cheapest and fastest to implement.

Building a cat house:

  1. You need to choose a box in which your cat will not feel cramped. Cats love space and enjoy visibility, so you shouldn’t put the box in the most far corner rooms.
  2. You need to lay a rug or a pillow on the floor.
  3. You can cover the outside of the house with old wallpaper so that the cat’s home does not disturb the interior of the “human” room.

When the house is ready, invite the cat to explore it. Let him get used to the new thing, study it. There is no need to force the cat to immediately climb inside, this may only scare him away.

How to make a house out of cardboard (video)

If you have imagination and love to tinker, you will be able to make toy house from cardboard. This gift will appeal to both babies and older children. Even adult girl will appreciate such a gift, because very often you want to return to a carefree childhood and play with Barbie dolls again.