Blows from plastic windows. Why does it blow through plastic windows?

Having examined in the previous publication the question of why windows cry and how to deal with this phenomenon, we have prepared another material for our readers, which will undoubtedly be very useful. Repair plastic windows- this is exactly the topic that we will touch on today.

Often, owners of PVC structures are faced with the fact that the opening handle is blocked or it breaks down completely. As a rule, technicians demand payment for eliminating such malfunctions, and often the cost of their work is beyond the means of a person. In such a situation, you can save a lot by repairing plastic windows yourself without the participation of a specialist.

In addition to the above problems, there are many other cases when the design requires debugging. In this article we will look at the most popular types breakdowns and do-it-yourself repair plastic windows in general.

If you notice a similar phenomenon, try to eliminate it by manipulating the eccentrics of the journals. If the design uses Roto fittings, you should pay attention to the frame strike plates - taking a four-point hex key, find the corresponding element in the middle (see image 1). By turning the key, you can make adjustments, thus solving the problem that has arisen. The direction of rotation is determined by the “scientific poke method”.

In this situation, if the window is equipped with “Winkhaus” fittings, grab the lock with two fingers and pull the eccentric, turning it in the desired direction (see image 2).

If any other fittings are installed on the window, with the exception of the above, then you need to pay attention to the trunnions (moving rollers on the sash with a hole for the “four” hexagon). On the edge of such a trunnion you can see a mark (see image 3) - by bringing it closer to the seal, you can adjust the pressing force of the sash. The closer it is located to it, the tighter the pressure will be. It should be noted that in summer period the roller must be returned to its original position. Otherwise, the seal between the frame and the sash will quickly wear out.

You also need to look at the position of the movable rollers relative to the counter plates on the frame. There is a possibility that the latter may be set incorrectly. This way the trunnions do not go past them when closing. In such a situation, you need to rearrange the strike plates. To do this, you need to loosen the screw that secures the plate to the structure and move it a little lower so that the trunnion can completely fit under it. If you cannot solve the problem by adjusting the eccentrics, it would be wise to seek help from specialists - independent repair of plastic windows in such a situation will not bring anything good. However, usually the above measures help solve the problem.

A similar problem can occur not only on swing doors, but also on tilt and turn sashes. There may be two reasons.

  1. The first is a mistake made by the installers when installing the window. Probably, the frame was stretched in the center with a pin or an anchor, as a result of which the middle pressing mechanism of the sash stops working.
  2. The second reason is that the straightening plates, which are installed when assembling the structure between the frame and the glass unit in the vertical center, could fall. It happens that they completely forget to install them.

As a rule, such problems are solved by a specialist in 5-10 minutes - the glazing bead is removed, after which the required number of straightening plates is inserted between the profile and the glass. To make the repair yourself, you need to follow these steps.

To remove the bead, you will need a hard spatula, which is usually used to remove paint, or a wide chisel. It is not recommended to use a knife or flat-head screwdriver for these purposes - you can ruin the aesthetic appearance of the structure. By placing the spatula against the seam of the connection between the profile and the bead (see image 4), you can remove it with a light blow on the handle. You will see plastic plates sandwiched between the glass unit and the frame. You will need the same ones - they need to be inserted in the middle into the existing gap, moving the frame away from the glass by 4-6 mm.

The records can be bought at the store or made yourself from a plastic ruler. The main thing is that the width of the homemade plate exceeds the thickness of the glass unit. Otherwise, it may crack. Make sure that the plate in the recess rests against the profile. In order to move the glass unit away from the profile, you can use a chisel. You should not make a wide gap right away; first, move the profile 3-5 mm. and, having inserted the record, close the window. If its thickness is not enough, open the window and insert another one.

Often the window handle becomes blocked, preventing the sash from closing. In such a situation, you can do the repairs yourself. As a rule, the cause of such blocking is a blocker. It only works in the open position of the sash and the handle cannot be turned in any direction, which prevents the window from closing.

Modern designs are often equipped with fittings with such latches that lock the handle in the tilt-and-turn or open state. Surprisingly, this is done intentionally to prevent the consumer from accidentally damaging the product. However, blockers often operate randomly - usually this happens when the position of the handle changes abruptly from one mode to another. Let's talk about how to repair plastic windows in such a situation.

First, you must identify the hardware manufacturer. This can be done by reading the name marked on the metal shutter. If the manufacturer is AUBI, then you need to pay attention to the metal plate with a spring that will stick out opposite the handle (see image 5).

This plate must be pressed tightly against the seal, and then try to turn the handle. It may not turn if the sash is in the tilted position. The structure must be positioned vertically, otherwise rotation of the handle will be prevented by the upper lock, which is responsible for the tilt-and-turn position. Therefore, you should initially give the sash a vertical position and only then press the plate against the seal - in this situation you can easily turn the handle to unlock it.

If you have a different hardware manufacturer, you need to find a metal tongue that will be located below the handle at an angle relative to the frame (see image 6).

You need to follow the same steps as described above. Simply bring the tongue into a vertical position so that the seal is parallel to it. You will then be able to turn the handle. However, it should be noted that in this situation there may be an incident with thermal deformation of the structure. When closing, the tongue can slip past the counter element mounted on the frame without touching it. As a result, it will not bend towards the seal, blocking the handle. Then you will need to loosen the screws that secure the counter element of the blocker and place a thin spacer (the same plastic plate) under it. This way, you will ensure the coupling of the counter element on the frame with the lock on the sash.

Often, owners of PVC windows are faced with the problem of a malfunction of the handle rotation lock in Winkhaus fittings, mounted in the scissors of the tilt-and-turn system. As a rule, wear of the part occurs due to constant friction, as a result of which the structure refuses to close. Thus, only two positions are available to the handle: up for ventilation and open. We draw your attention to the fact that you should not make any effort to close the handle. Using similar actions, you can break the main lock gearbox. There are two ways out of this situation: either call a specialist and pay him one and a half thousand rubles, or repair plastic windows yourself without his participation.

For independent work you will need to remove the sash to get to the scissors. To do this, remove the plastic cover from the top hinge. Next, using a screwdriver and pliers you need to pull out the pin (see image 7).

Having lowered the sash to the floor, unscrew the screws that secure the fittings and remove the scissors. Now you need to remove the blocker (see image 8). After this, you should fasten the scissors to their original position and put the sash in place. Now the fittings will work like a clock.

As a rule, such a problem requires replacing the handle. Note that the tips below will also be relevant in the situation if you want to install a handle with limited opening. It is especially useful for those who have small children - the child will not be able to open the window without your supervision. So, all the steps to replace the handle will not take you more than five minutes.

Rotate the plastic trim at the base of the handle 90°, thereby providing access to the screws that secure it to the frame (see image 9).

Unscrew the screws and remove the broken handle. In its place you need to put a new handle and secure it with the same screws. Note that when installing plastic comb, you must add a ventilation control plate, securing it under the base of the handle. Such regulators, as well as the handles themselves, can be purchased at any pavilion that sells door handles, as well as in any construction market. As a rule, their cost varies between 70-200 rubles. Products equipped with a security lock (opening limiter) may cost more (up to 1000 rubles).

This situation can be caused by two factors: drying out of the lubricant or sagging of the sash. First of all, try purchasing a penetrating all-purpose spray lubricant, which can be found at any automotive store. After placing the tube on the cylinder, generously lubricate all moving structural elements, in particular the upper corner gears. If this does not give the desired effect, try turning the hinge adjustment screws on the window. To do this, you need to remove the plastic plug on the bottom hinge. Next, according to the diagram (see image 10), lift the sash and tighten the screw located inside the hinge using a hexagon. Noticing that top corner the sash begins to come into contact with the strike plate on the profile, tighten the screw of the upper hinge.

How to replace a broken double-glazed window with your own hands?

We dare to assure you that this is one of the few problems that it is not recommended to fix on your own. This is an incredibly complex and time-consuming undertaking. If, while searching for a repairman, you come across an offer to carry out all the work on site (disassemble the double-glazed window and glue a new one in place of the damaged glass using sealant), feel free to send such a repairman to hell. This is due to the fact that the glass unit is sealed.

The gaskets between the glasses contain silica gel - a special powder that dries the air. If the integrity of the structure is compromised, depressurization will occur. As a result, the powder will absorb moisture from the air. As a result, after gluing the glass and installing it, over time moisture will appear on it, which will appear inside the chamber. There is also a chance that the silica gel will start to flow yellow resin onto the glass. Taking this fact into account, order the production of a new double-glazed window from specialists. A product made using handicraft methods perfectly reflects the meaning of the saying “the miser pays twice.”

If you are determined to change the double-glazed windows yourself, we recommend sticking to the following tips. First, remove the old product from the frame after removing the beads. Be prepared for the glass unit to be very heavy. It is advisable to take it out together. After this, take its dimensions using a tape measure. Don't forget to measure its thickness. As soon as the new product is manufactured, you can begin installing it.

Please note that the glass unit is installed on plastic plates. If you are replacing a fixed window, then the plates installed at the bottom will be sufficient. If this is a sash, then the plates need to be placed on each side in the corners, retreating 10 cm from them. We draw attention to the fact that by placing a certain number of plates, you change the geometry of the sash. Therefore, be careful at this stage.

Thanks to this publication, you can always repair a plastic window yourself. If you doubt that you can repair the structure yourself, it is better for you to seek help from competent specialists. However, we dare to assure you that if you carry out the work according to our recommendations, you will do it on your own. Moreover, this way you can save money significant part funds. In conclusion, we advise you to read the material on how to choose plastic windows and what to look for when purchasing them.

With the coming winter cold Many owners of plastic windows experience blowing and drafts. The problem that arises occurs not only in new double-glazed windows, but also in old ones window openings. There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of the breeze. Let's look at how to determine the location of a draft and options for eliminating it.

Blowing from plastic windows - looking for the cause

First of all, you need to make sure that it is blowing from the window and find the place where the heat loss appears. To do this we need a lit match, candle or lighter. Slowly move the flame around the entire perimeter window frame. In the sinuses of air penetration, the fire will actively evade in the opposite direction. Subsequent adjustment and repair depends entirely on where the breakdown was discovered.

Blowing from plastic windows - the culprit is the company

Most often, the problem occurs in the gaps of the slopes and in the places where the frame is attached. The culprit in this case is the installation company that carried out the installation and did not follow the operating and installation rules. There are three main reasons why bloating occurs:

  • Defective glass unit.
  • The fittings and complementary elements are made of low quality material.
  • The workers made serious mistakes when installing the windows.

If you have a warranty and its period has not expired, the manufacturer is obliged to produce renovation work. However, if all warranty obligations have expired long ago, you will have to solve the problem yourself. And ok, let's consider possible reasons and ways to eliminate them.

Blowing from plastic windows - setting winter mode

Windows can also leak if they have not been reinstalled summer mode for winter. In this case, you need to open the sash and find all the pins. The larger the window opening, the more trunnions you will find. Please note that the adjustment mode is also located at the bottom of the window. Using a polyhedron or pliers, rotate each trunnion as shown in the picture, while simultaneously adjusting the level of pressure on the sash. There is a second type of window - in them the pin needs to be pressed, then pushed out, as in a mechanism wristwatch, set the desired mode and put it back into the window.

Blowing from plastic windows - repair of window sills and slopes

To eliminate the source of the draft coming from under the bottom of the window sill, it will be enough to spray it generously with polyurethane foam, cut off the excess after a day and cement it. It is more difficult to get rid of drafts in slopes and openings. There can be two options - destruction assembly seam due to expired 10-year service life and manufacturing defects. In the first case, all slopes need to be dismantled and re-treated with a new sealant. In the second case, the double-glazed window can be returned to the manufacturer and required to be replaced with a new one. If your warranty has expired or you installed the windows yourself, fill all joints on the outside with frost-resistant sealant.

Blowing from plastic windows - change the seal

In addition to the fact that you need to care for and wash the plastic window itself, you need to regularly clean, lubricate and replace the rubber seal. It is thanks to its functions that the window does not sweat, closes tightly and does not blow from under it. How long ago did you replace and clean it? As a rule, the shelf life of this element is no more than 5 years, then the rubber “loses weight” and ceases to perform its functions. If your window shows through under the stamp, then that's the problem. To change the seal, you will need a new one, as well as special glue and scissors.

  • Remove the worn rubber; this is done by lightly “pulling” it out of the sinuses.
  • Rinse the surface thoroughly and degrease with solvent to next material kissed tightly.
  • Then, coat the perimeter of the entire frame with glue, and be sure to insert the new seal entirely, without separate pieces.

Work with the material carefully; it should not be too stretched or pressed too hard. If you have never performed this procedure, it is better to practice first. To extend the life of the new seal, lubricate it with Vaseline or glycerin.

Today, plastic windows are installed everywhere, as they reduce heat loss from the room. But in order to avoid problems during operation in the future (draft, cold), it is necessary to carry out preventive maintenance from time to time. However, this is not always a solution, since there are many reasons why it blows from plastic windows. If you determine which factor is present in a particular situation, you can correct the situation.

The main reasons for heat loss through windows

If you feel a draft from a window, you should consider the problem from different angles:

  1. Manufacturing defect. Product quality control must be carried out in production. But it cannot be ruled out human factor and unfavorable storage conditions. This means that temperature changes, cold, moisture and direct ingress of water can affect the properties of a metal-plastic window or its components. If a double-glazed window with such characteristics was installed in a house or apartment, then a draft will arise coming from leaks in the deformed profile. This also includes the use of low quality materials and fittings. One of the most common reasons is poor-quality sealing rubber. Over time, under the influence external factors(temperature changes, cold, moisture) it cracks. Therefore, you should not save when buying windows.
  2. Errors during installation. Today there are many organizations offering services for installing window and balcony units. If you choose the wrong office, the result will be a draft that will become an eternal companion for the residents. This will be facilitated by poor insulation of slopes, errors when installing the window sill, cracks and leaks in different areas.
  3. Lack of preventive maintenance throughout the entire service life. This includes cleaning the seal from dust, which affects the tightness of the sash and the service life of the rubber. In addition, window fittings should be adjusted periodically: once every six months or a year.

How to determine the source of a draft

If cold constantly emanates from the window unit or air flow is felt, what should you do in this case? First of all, you need to determine where the draft is coming from.

To solve this problem you will need a lit candle/lighter. You need to bring it as close as possible to the window frame and observe the behavior of the flame.

Strong vibrations of the fire are evidence that the problem exists and that it is actually blowing from plastic windows. If the flame practically does not fluctuate, then the reason for the draft is something else, and everything is in order with the tightness of the window unit.

The feeling of cold occurs for a number of reasons: single-chamber double-glazed windows, insufficient warm battery. In winter, the window becomes cold, the air in the room comes into contact with the surface of the glass unit and cools. Hence the feeling of coolness.

In this case, nothing needs to be done, since the seal of the double-glazed window is not actually broken. It is recommended to compensate for the lack of heat from the battery with a heater.


Some problems can be solved on your own, while other factors can be eliminated by professionals. If the windows are still under warranty, then it is better to invite specialists.

Such a solution will not require additional expenses and is more reliable. Otherwise, you will have to do everything yourself or look for third-party craftsmen.

Source of draft - loops

First you need to determine the cause of this phenomenon:

  • poor quality fittings;
  • installation errors;
  • loose filling of holes for fasteners.

If cheap fittings are installed, then there is only one way out - replacement. There are no other options in this case. In situations where the installation was carried out with errors, it is recommended to carry out preventive work (adjustment).

Considering that over time the window or balcony door“sag”, it is also recommended to adjust the fittings at some intervals.

There is one more point that can cause a draft. These are technological gaps when installing a mosquito stack or holes for its fastening. If it was removed for the winter, the holes must be closed. This can be done using available materials.

The area where the frame adjoins the window sill

In this case, there was probably a clear violation of window installation technology. In such situations, it most often turns out that during the installation of the window unit, an insufficient amount polyurethane foam. When the tide breaks, it may happen that it is almost not there. This factor not only affects the quality of the installation, but also the tightness of the structure.

The solution to the problem is to remove the ebb tide from outside window. Old foam is removed and open area foams again. Then the ebb is put in place.

Doing so better for professionals, and verified, so that in the future you don’t have to solve the same problem again. If the draft is insignificant, then you can try to eliminate it by using sealant in the area where the frame meets the window sill.

Cold source – slope

The main disadvantage of polyurethane foam is its destruction under the influence of external factors. This means that all seams when installing windows must be carefully puttied. Therefore, a draft from the slopes may occur against the background of the destruction of the polyurethane foam in the seams. What to do in this case? You will have to disassemble the slopes and re-fill the assembly joints with foam.

You can influence the outflow of heat from the room by adjusting the window pressure and fittings. In the first case, using a hexagon, they act on the eccentrics (there are 3 of them) located with end side window.

Depending on where they are turned, the pressing force will increase (left direction of movement) or, conversely, decrease (right direction of movement). The fittings are adjusted different ways, which is affected by its type.

If it blows from the window handle

This may mean that the mechanism has ceased to be effective, resulting in leaks between the sash and the block. You can solve the problem by tightening the handle fasteners hidden under the decorative strip.

If this does not help, the old handle must be removed and replaced with a new one. You can open the mounting points by turning the decorative strip 90 degrees.

other methods

If you have tried various options solutions and all to no avail, there are only two options left:

  • insulate slopes;
  • seal the cracks in the windows with tape or adhesive sealant.

Can be used as insulation different materials: Styrofoam, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, fiberglass. You need to choose based on the compliance of their properties (moisture resistance, level of efficiency, etc.) with operating conditions.

Considering that thermal insulation will be located on the site small sizes, important criterion when choosing is the thickness of the material. The insulation is glued to the surface with an assembly adhesive, the surface is puttied, after which the structure is painted.

Thus, if there is a noticeable blowing from plastic windows, there can be many reasons, starting with a manufacturing defect and ending with the lack of timely prevention. It is important to correctly identify the problem, otherwise all efforts to eliminate it will be in vain.

However, there are situations when none of the effective measures brought results. In this case, you need to either insulate the slopes or seal all the seams with tape/insulation with an adhesive base.

The cold weather has arrived and many of us are puzzled by the question: it’s blowing from plastic windows, what should we do? Moreover, the manufacturers promised tightness, reliability and minimal heat loss of the structure. There can be many factors leading to such a problem.

However, first you need to analyze why cold air is formed near the window. Maybe this is air mixing due to temperature differences? An ordinary candle can help with this - it is set on fire and swept around the perimeter of the sash - judging by the flame of the candle, they can conclude where exactly there is a draft.

Pay attention to the junction of the window frame with the slopes- if the installation of the slopes is carried out incorrectly or they are not insulated enough, then it can blow from the cracks (not only in the slopes, but also in the window sill). If you have just installed a plastic window and it is still under warranty, then you should call a specialist to correct installation defects, but if the warranty period has passed, you will have to deal with the defects yourself.

The main reasons for blowing plastic windows

  1. Manufacturing defect of window design.
  2. Use of low-quality plastic or fittings.
  3. Mistakes made during the installation of windows.

Broadly speaking, the reasons may be the following:

Much depends on the correct adjustment of the fittings

  • incorrect adjustment of the fittings, due to which the sash does not fit tightly against the window;
  • violation of window geometry due to incorrect installation;
  • low-quality fittings (it is never recommended to save on this);
  • poor seal quality or heavy pollution this element;
  • integrity violation plastic frames- cheap plastic may not withstand summer heat or become too brittle from the cold;
  • lack of insulation of slopes, their poor quality installation;
  • wrong installed window sill and the occurrence of gaps in this area.

How to eliminate the causes of blowing

If you are interested in solving the question: why does it blow from plastic windows and what to do, then first you should find out the reason for this phenomenon.

So, if a draft occurs along the entire perimeter of the sash, then your window is probably not translated into winter mode - so the fittings do not ensure a sufficient fit of the sash to the frame. In this case existing system needs adjustment. To do this, the trunnions located along the perimeter of the valves are simultaneously moved to the maximum position (they need to be moved clockwise) - for this you will need a screwdriver or pliers.

Important: The operation is performed when open window. You need to find and turn all the axles, otherwise the structure will break.

Some window manufacturers have made the transition process automatic - the fittings are equipped with a roller with a special ring. It rotates and easily changes modes from winter to summer.

Other causes of drafts can be eliminated in this way:

  1. Blowing from below from under the window sill indicates that it is not installed airtight. The space underneath must be filled with polyurethane foam and then plastered over. To eliminate blowing, a sealant is used. The window sill may also need to be reinstalled.

  2. If it blows from the slopes, then the reason for this is the destruction of the assembly seam. As a rule, polyurethane foam in slopes lasts for 5-10 years (if it is not isolated from external influences). To fix the problem, you should disassemble the slopes and again “foam” the frame around the perimeter.
  3. Blowing from the junction of the frame and the impost of the window structure indicates a possible defect in the product. The external slot can be seal with a special frost-resistant sealant.
  4. If it is blowing from the side of the hinges, then you need to inspect the window sash for unfilled mounting holes and close them tightly.
  5. When the seal dries out and becomes inelastic, blowing may occur in this area. The problem is being solved replacing the seal. By the way, this operation is easy to carry out independently - it is only important to choose the right seal that is suitable for the type of profile. And to extend the service life of this element, it must be periodically lubricated with silicone.

    Read in this article about how, as well as about their types and features. Another useful attribute for plastic windows - this is a strip. What is it and Details here. About energy-saving film on windows and other ways to insulate them at this link

  6. Most often it blows in the place where the frame is adjacent to the window sill. After all, the windows are attached to the opening with special anchors, and then foam is used for fixation. It is very important to putty the foam in time so that it does not collapse or blow out. The reason may also be incorrect installation, banal savings on polyurethane foam. It turns out that the structure will settle very quickly and will not fulfill its functional purpose, even if you have chosen multi-chamber double-glazed windows.

  7. If there is air between the side wall and the frame, then the reason is obvious - poor-quality installation or savings in materials, dishonesty of installers, and so on. To eliminate such a nuisance, you will have to reinstall the window structure or carry out high-quality sealing seams between the side wall and the window frame.

If you do not want to encounter such a nuisance as drafts from plastic windows, then you can take additional measures at the stage of selecting and installing a window. These include the choice of high-quality window construction - durable and reliable PVC profiles, durable fittings. It is clear that it is worth purchasing the product only from well-established companies that have long been known in this market segment.

You will also need to monitor the quality of window installation. Also, don't forget that it's really good specialists provide a warranty service, during which you can eliminate all detected defects without your own investment and labor.

We go through the seams with sealant

It is also important to follow the operating instructions metal-plastic windows, monitor the condition of the seal, lubricate the fittings on time, and so on. You can also take steps to insulate the area under the window sill before a problem arises - for this you will need a sealant. He's neat applied along the seam between the wall and plastic construction . Also, be sure to protect polyurethane foam from the harmful effects of moisture. Well suited for these purposes vapor barrier film and silicone - thanks to them, the wall will be reliably protected from mold, as well as from the appearance of fungi. If you follow the simplest rules for operating PVC windows and correct all problems that arise in a timely manner (with the involvement of specialists or on your own), then the problem of blowing out plastic windows will not arise. You will be able to enjoy the warmth without the unpleasant cold air from the street even on the windiest and frostiest days.

What to do if it's blowing from the window video

In this section, as a continuation of our article, we invite you to watch a useful video. The video shows a way to eliminate blowing from window slopes.

When it starts to blow from plastic windows, this is always unpleasant news for the owners. Especially when this problem manifests itself in the cold season, because it has to be addressed urgently. In winter, the appearance of drafts is not only discomfort, but also a direct road to a hospital bed.

It’s clear that the window needs to be repaired, but first you need to determine the reasons for the draft. In fact, finding these very reasons is not so easy. Sometimes, only an experienced specialist can do this.

If you don’t really want to delve into this issue, you can order from the Teplo Doma company. After us, your home will literally be warm.

How to find the problem area?

If it blows through plastic windows, then you can find the place of blowing on your own. For this we need a candle or match. It is known that the direction of the wind can be easily determined by the flame. So, if you move the flame along the entire perimeter of the window, you can understand whether it is blowing from it at all or not, and if it is blowing, then where the gap is.

It happens that the owners think that in the cold season it starts to blow from the window. However, this is just an illusion. In fact, they just have thin windows installed. When it's cold outside, such windows freeze. As a result, circulation occurs indoors. This process can be mistaken for a draft.

Why does it blow from a plastic window: reasons?

When problem area established, you can start thinking. What to think about? On your own fix the problem or call a repairman. This is a very important question. Of course, when the design is under warranty, you can safely call the company that installed the plastic windows. However, if it no longer exists, or the windows were purchased separately, and the installation was carried out by some “flying” team, in this case you will have to turn to third-party specialists for help.

Yes, maybe you managed to find the problem area, but this does not mean at all that the cause has been identified. If all this looks complicated for you, then it’s time to contact a Teplo Doma specialist. The online consultant is just waiting for you.

So, there are a number of reasons why it blows from plastic windows. How to fix the problem is what matters.

Adjustment is to blame

Quite often, the reason for the fact that a draft appeared from the window is the wrong one or done at the wrong time. First, setup window fittings must be done correctly from the beginning. Secondly, every year all window elements need to be tightened so that they don't get loose. If these conditions are not met, then a draft is guaranteed.

How to adjust plastic windows so that it doesn't blow? It is impossible to write a clear guide to action here. The fact is that windows are different, and they are always installed differently. When setting up the fittings, you must remember:

  • The window sash should fit snugly against the frame.
  • Nothing should be loose.
  • The window should close and open smoothly.
  • The window should close and open easily.
  • Nothing, anywhere, should cling to anything.

All of the above problems can be caused only by incorrect settings of the fittings.

How to tighten plastic windows so that it doesn't blow? Same as setting it up. It is important to make sure that the adjustment is to blame.

The installers made a mistake

It’s quite sad to hear the verdict of an experienced window specialist: “Well, the fact is that... The installers made a mistake, it needs to be redone.” Of course it’s sad, because because of someone’s negligence, there is a draft from under the sill of a plastic window or the slopes are leaking. Now, repairs are required, and they cost money. And it’s good if everything can be repaired, otherwise dismantling and subsequent installation “in a new way” may well be possible.

If the installation technicians metal-plastic construction If errors were made in the calculations, and as a result it blows from under the window sill of a plastic window, then you can contact the company that carried out the installation. If a company is serious and values ​​its reputation, it will definitely respond and fix the problem.

Sometimes, because of incorrect installation the geometry of the window structure is disrupted. That's why it's blowing. Of course, you can try to adjust the plastic window, but in such situations such manipulations do not always help.

The seal does not seal

If a window seal stops performing its functions, this is immediately noticeable. Blowing from a plastic window, how to eliminate the cause? If the seal is to blame, then it’s very simple: it’s it.

The rubber seal may be defective, may dry out over time, or may crack due to lack of regular care, may become dirty. In fact, the seal fails quite often. And if a plastic window blows from the hinges, then it is far from certain that incorrect adjustment is to blame, although this is logical. It is quite possible that it has fallen into disrepair sealing rubber, and the formation of the problem began precisely on the side of the hinges.

Window profile failed

This happens quite rarely, but still not without it. Sometimes manufacturers, in pursuit of low cost, produce windows made of low quality plastic. As a result, over time, such plastic is exposed to ultraviolet rays and temperature changes begin to crack. Some people are blowing from the hinges of a plastic window, some are under the window sill, some are blowing from above or below. Immediately, the reasons that come to mind are first incorrect adjustment, and then a seal that has become unusable. However, when it becomes clear that neither one nor the other is the cause of the draft, you have to look elsewhere. And in the end, it turns out that the problem was in the profile.