Twelve tasks set by Putin in his message. Address of President Putin to the Federal Assembly

Beautiful Russia of the future with terrifying weapons

All the most important things from Vladimir Putin’s message to the Federal Assembly

Kremlin press service

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a message to the Federal Assembly today. The speech can be equated to the election program of Putin, who is participating in the elections of the head of state as a self-nominated candidate. We present the main points of the message.

Poverty alleviation, demography, pensioners

It is necessary to ensure an increase in real incomes of citizens, and in six years to reduce the number of poor people (currently about 20 million people) by at least half.

It is necessary to ensure sustainable growth of the Russian population: introduce a program for updating children's clinics and children's outpatient departments in hospitals. It is also planned to create more than 270 thousand places in nurseries over 3 years so that young mothers can go to work. Putin promised to allocate at least 3.4 trillion rubles for demographic development measures over 6 years.

Putin called caring for the older generation “our moral duty.” He called for increasing pensions so that they grow faster than the rate of inflation; reduce the gap between the pension and the salary that was before retirement. The new government, according to Putin, must prepare a special program for systemic support and improving the quality of life of older people. In addition, Putin believes that by the end of the next decade, Russia should join the club of “80+” countries, where life expectancy exceeds 80 years.


It is necessary to ensure the availability of modern, high-quality medical care. Health care spending should double. The need to ensure and restore step-by-step accessibility of healthcare was discussed. For settlements with a population of less than 100 people, mobile medical complexes are needed, for larger settlements - first aid stations. At the same time, paramedic stations, clinics and large medical centers“must be connected into a single digital circuit.”

Separately, it was said about the creation and implementation of a special national program to combat cancer. Within its framework, it is planned to modernize oncology centers, build and improve a system for early diagnosis of diseases.

Education and culture

Putin said that the school must respond to the challenges of the time and everyone must be provided with equal opportunities in education. It is necessary to move to individual learning technologies. It is also necessary to support talented teachers and build a system for training school principals. Putin said that from the new school year The “Ticket to the Future” project for early vocational guidance for schoolchildren will be launched; 1 billion rubles will be allocated for this initiative this year.

They also talked about plans to create centers for advanced professional retraining for working people.

For cultural development It is planned to launch a program to create cultural, educational and museum complexes in the regions, which should become centers of cultural life. The first such project will be implemented in Vladivostok.

Modern living environment

The message spoke about the “transformation” of Russian cities and towns. Putin promised to “unfold a large-scale program for the spatial development of Russia” and double spending for these purposes.

It is also planned to double spending on the construction and improvement of roads in Russia, for which 11 trillion rubles will be allocated from various sources. Putin stated the need to reduce the mortality rate in road accidents to a minimum.

It is also planned to expand the network of regional airports.

In addition, Putin spoke about the development of rural areas, the need to continue increasing the population of the Far Eastern territories, and ensuring the strengthening of Russia’s interests in the Arctic.

The author of the message also focused on the fact that in the future it is necessary to improve environmental well-being, reclaim landfills, and improve the quality drinking water. The opening of 24 new nature reserves and national parks is promised.


According to Putin, Russia is ready for a technological breakthrough; lagging behind in technology is tantamount to a loss of sovereignty. “We need to ensure such creative power, such dynamics of development, that no obstacles will prevent us from moving forward,” says Putin.

The President stated the need to create a regulatory framework for robotics, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the use of unmanned vehicles. The head of state pointed out the need to introduce the Internet of Things and noted the importance of a speedy transition to digital energy. Putin also noted that it is necessary to quickly provide everyone with fast access to the Internet, “to open up the possibilities of the digital world to everyone.” Technical development should be based on fundamental science, Putin believes.


The message indicated that it was necessary to “create new tax conditions that will ensure replenishment of budgets at all levels, but will not restrain economic growth.” Economic growth rates should be higher than global ones.

It is necessary to increase the availability of loans for business, reduce interest rates, increase the competitiveness of the economy; increase labor productivity on a new technological, managerial and personnel basis; ensure that labor productivity in basic industries grows at a rate of no less than 5% per year. Putin also pointed out the need to increase investment, which should go towards technical re-equipment and industrial renewal.

It was said about the development of small and medium-sized businesses, improving the business climate, and reducing the state's share in the economy. Putin indicated that individual entrepreneurs and the self-employed should be exempted from tax reporting altogether, and tax payment should be made a simple automatic transaction for them.


Separately, Putin focused on Russia’s defense capabilities. Stressing that “we are not going to attack anyone,” he significant part dedicated his speeches to new Russian military developments. In particular, it was announced that the active testing phase of a new missile system with a heavy Sarmat missile had begun. It will replace the Soviet Voevoda complex. They talked about a small-sized nuclear power plant that is installed in a small cruise missile. It turns out to be a small low-flying missile with a nuclear warhead.

Putin also spoke about unmanned underwater vehicles that move at great depths at high speed and are capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

They talked about the Kinzhal system, a complex of hypersonic weapons (the missile flies at a speed 10 times the speed of sound and maneuvers at the same time).

It was even said that laser systems were being put into service, the details of which Putin did not talk about.

Address to the Federal Assembly- annual address of the President Russian Federation Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

It is a programmatic political and legal document that defines the country’s development strategy and program of activities at all levels.


History of the Messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

In the Soviet Union, before the establishment of the post of President of the USSR, phenomena political life, such messages did not exist (this was obviously due to the fact that the Soviet political and legal doctrine did not recognize the concept of separation of powers), however, in essence, their role was played by the reports of the CPSU Central Committee to the Party Congresses.

After the emergence of the presidency in the USSR, changes were made to the Constitution of the USSR, providing that the President of the USSR “...presents annual reports on the situation of the country to the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR; informs the Supreme Soviet of the USSR about the most important issues of internal and foreign policy USSR,” but M. S. Gorbachev simply did not have time to make any of these reports due to the short duration of his tenure as president.

In the Russian Federation, the rule on the head of state sending messages to the highest legislative body first appeared in the RSFSR Law of April 24, 1991 “On the President of the RSFSR”, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 5 of which the President “... presents reports to the Congress of People at least once a year deputies of the RSFSR on the implementation of socio-economic and other programs adopted by the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, on the situation in the RSFSR, addresses the people of the RSFSR, the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR by a majority vote from total number People's Deputies of the RSFSR have the right to demand an extraordinary report from the President of the RSFSR.”

B.N. Before the adoption of the current Russian Federation, he addressed messages directly to the people of Russia several times. In particular, on December 10, 1992, from the rostrum of the VII Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation, he addressed citizens with a call to collect signatures for the initiative to hold a referendum on confidence in the President.; On March 20, 1993, he again made a television address to the people of the Russian Federation, in which he announced the appointment of an all-Russian referendum on April 25 of the same year, which later went down in history under the name “Yes-yes-no-yes.”

After the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation came into force, the head of state's messages to parliament became an annual practice. The first such message from the President to the Federal Assembly was announced on February 24, 1994.

The content and form of the Message as a whole depend on the discretion of the President and are not regulated by any special rules, except that Federal law dated July 20, 1995 No. 115-FZ “On state forecasting and social programs economic development Russian Federation" established the following requirement: "The annual message of the President of the Russian Federation, with which he addresses the Federal Assembly, contains a special section devoted to the analysis of the implementation of the socio-economic development program of the Russian Federation for the medium term and clarification the specified program highlighting tasks for the coming year” (Part 2, Article 5). However, in practice this requirement is not met.

Formation of the program of the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

In 2005, by a special resolution on the message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly, he adopted the “Program of Action of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the implementation of messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.” The program is designed for the period 2005–2015. The program, in particular, provides for the creation of a working group of the Federation Council and the organization comprehensive work for a specific subprogram, including the organization of interaction between committees and commissions of the Federation Council, as well as with the relevant working groups of the government of the Russian Federation, State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation, summing up the substantive results of the work.

In 2006, a working group was formed in the State Duma to implement the provisions of the address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly. It included the heads of all Duma committees, with the exception of the regulation committee, as well as three representatives of all factions and one representative of independent deputies. The group was headed by the first vice-speaker, United Russia member Oleg Morozov. The term of office of the working group will last until the completion of the current convocation of the State Duma.

The group develops an action plan. Basically, this is a list of bills that need to be developed and adopted to implement the provisions of the message, as well as those planned for the same purposes round tables. The plan also includes measures that ensure coordination of this work of the State Duma with the legislative assemblies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The State Duma presents a report on the work done within the framework of the implementation of the presidential address for the current year.

The Government of the Russian Federation approves its action plan for the implementation of the main tasks specified in the annual message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly. When implementing the action plan, they interact with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which provide quarterly reports on their implementation.

The implementation of certain provisions of the message is regularly discussed at meetings of the State Council and its presidium.

Dates of Messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in previous periods

Presidential Address 2014

The head of state began his speech with the position of Russia in new system coordinates of international politics.

The President said that the events of this year are “tests that only a mature, united nation can handle.” He recalled that Crimea and Sevastopol, which legally only this year became part of the Russian Federation, de facto have always been part of it. Putin emphasized: the place where Russian people live, where Prince Vladimir was once baptized, is the spiritual source of our nation - like the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The President also outlined his position on Ukraine. He recalled that Moscow, although it did not approve of the forceful seizure of power in Kyiv, still respects the sovereignty and independent choice of Ukraine. Russia has only recently provided this country with financial assistance(through various channels, including loans from the Ministry of Finance and Gazprom) in the amount of over 30 billion, the Russian leader emphasized.

At the same time, the head of state drew attention to the fact that the situation in Ukraine, which began with a technical delay in signing the association agreement with the EU (which became the formal reason for the February coup and further bloody events), has now come to the same point: the agreement was signed, but delayed, it will come into force only in a year.

The President could not help but touch upon the topic of sanctions against our country. This, according to him, was not just a nervous reaction of Western partners to the aggravation of the situation around Ukraine. Even without this military conflict, they would probably have come up with another reason to influence Russia,” the President said. This is nothing more than a policy of containment, which is applied to us not for the first time, but every time our state becomes stronger. But talking to Russia from a position of strength is useless.

Our opponents, as they say, “are becoming impudent and acting cynically,” although we have always been open to dialogue and committed to working together. The Russian leadership is ready to continue it now - in particular, in the field of combating international terrorism and the spread of infectious diseases.

The President is concerned about the consequences of the US withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in the early 2000s. Washington continues persistent work to create its own missile defense system, including in Europe. This poses a security threat not only to Russia, but also to other countries. Russia, for its part, does not intend to be drawn into a costly arms race, but will ensure its own combat capability - for this, according to Vladimir Putin, there are certain non-standard solutions. So no one will gain military superiority over us, the head of state assured. We are ready to defend the diversity of the world.

Vladimir Putin also emphasized that Russians have sufficient potential to earn well-being and prosperity themselves. But at the same time, according to the President, one should not wait for a coincidence of circumstances. Red tape during execution decisions taken The head of state called it not just a hindrance, but a direct threat to the country’s security. Putin once again emphasized that Russia must be independent. And he cited a quote from the famous Philosopher Ivan Ilyin - “whoever loves Russia should want freedom for it.” The President touched upon the topic of relations between the state and business.

He emphasized that in business sphere it is necessary to create conditions for productive work. And here changes are needed in the work of control, supervisory and. According to the head of state, they are moving too slowly. The accusatory bias dominates. According to him, it is necessary to remove restrictions on business as much as possible, to rid it of intrusive supervision and control. According to Putin, every inspection should be public. In addition, the President called for providing small businesses just starting out with a two-year tax holiday.

Putin also proposed holding a one-time full amnesty of capital returning to Russia. Those who legalize their funds and property in our country should receive firm legal guarantees, and not problems with law enforcement agencies and questions about the sources and methods of obtaining capital. In addition, the President proposed fixing the current tax conditions for four years.

Continuing the theme of the country’s economy, Putin called for “closing and turning the offshore page” of its history. He emphasized: against the backdrop of Western sanctions, Russian business must understand that its interests abroad do not matter, and best protection- Russian jurisdiction.

Vladimir Putin noted that the country has made progress in improving the business climate. But there is still something to work with. In the regions, prepared sites and transport infrastructure should appear for business. The head of state spoke in detail about the second problem - for obvious reasons: he called for the creation of road funds, and in the future, doubling the volume of construction of new highways.

Vladimir Putin recalled the program for the development of industrial parks - they will help the growth of industry in key regions.

This includes Crimea (a special economic zone has already been created there) and Kaliningrad (where the preferential regime expires next year, and Putin called for thinking about how to extend them).

Special attention was paid to development issues Far East. Putin instructed the government to work through the issue before capitalizing the fund created for the development of the Far East. The head of state also called for giving Vladivostok the status of a free port (like in Sevastopol).

At the end of the economic part of the message, the President called for “breaking out of the trap of zero growth rates” and in the near future achieving growth rates above the world average. Putin emphasized: it is important to maintain business activity and at the same time to prevent inflation from rising, to keep it within 4%.

The issue that concerns all Russians now is the weakening of the ruble. Vladimir Putin instructed the Central Bank and the Russian Government to take tough, coordinated actions to discourage speculators from gambling on fluctuations in the Russian currency.

In addition, the federal government and regions must establish price controls - primarily for food and medicine.

The current period must be used to implement an import substitution policy designed for the next 3-5 years. Speaking about this, the President recalled that this year Russia managed to harvest one of the highest harvests in recent years. It is also necessary to remove critical dependence on foreign industry. When implementing large transport, infrastructure, and construction projects, one must focus on domestic producers. The head of state proposed creating a coordination center in the government to link the implementation of major projects with the placement of orders for Russian productions. Support measures are also provided for small and medium-sized businesses.

The Cabinet of Ministers has been instructed to determine the volume of government procurement from medium and small enterprises, this will give them additional development. Another instruction concerns the development and implementation next year of a program to support non-resource business.

A significant part of the speech was devoted to issues of demography. The President reported that Russia's population was 144 million people, which is 8 million more than forecast. For the second year in a row, the country has recorded natural population growth.

Vladimir Putin noted that demographic programs have shown their effectiveness and called for expanding the maternity capital program to Crimea and Sevastopol.

The head of state also said that Russia is recognized as a prosperous country in terms of life expectancy - more than 71 years (Putin called for increasing this figure to 74)

Next year, at the initiative of the President, will be proclaimed the year of the fight against cardiovascular diseases (these diseases are considered one of the main causes of mortality).

Vladimir Putin admitted that insurance medicine never really took off; but it is still necessary that the principles of its operation are clear to both workers and patients.

In this regard, the president asked the government to ensure the implementation of quality control of medicine, as well as to develop an educational certificate for retraining and advanced training of health workers. The state must create everything the necessary conditions for the work of doctors, since the entire domestic healthcare system rests on them.

At the end of his speech, Vladimir Putin summed up the results of this year - according to him, Russians, faced with problems, demonstrated national uplift, resilience and patriotism. Difficulties, the head of state recalled, create new opportunities, we are ready to take on any challenge and win, the president concluded.

For the first time, Putin read out his message to the Federal Assembly not in the Kremlin, but in the Manege exhibition hall. His speech was repeatedly interrupted by applause.

About Russia's achievements

We have gone through large-scale, difficult transformations, coped with completely new and very complex economic and social challenges, maintained the unity of the country, and established ourselves as a democratic society on a free, independent path.

About the main threat

We must concentrate all our resources, gather all our strength into a fist, and show the will for daring, effective work. If we don’t do this, there will be no future for us, our children, or our country. And the question is not that someone will come, seize and destroy our land. No, that's not the point at all. It’s precisely the lag main threat and here is our enemy.

About people's well-being

We are for the first time in modern history were able to equate the minimum wage to the subsistence level. This norm will come into effect on May 1, 2018, which will have a positive impact on the incomes of about four million people. This important step, but not a fundamental solution to the problem. We need to seriously update our employment structure.

On improving living conditions

Last year, dear colleagues, about a million mortgage loans were issued. In December, the average rate in rubles dropped below 10 percent for the first time. We argued for a long time about what number to name from this podium. But we should certainly strive for 7 percent, that’s for sure.

About property tax

It is necessary to clarify the mechanisms for calculating tax, as well as determining the cadastral value of real estate. In any case, it should not exceed the real market value. All decisions must be made as quickly as possible in the first half of this year.

About demographic trends

Our demographic policy has proven its effectiveness. And we continued and expanded it. We extended the maternity capital program and provided targeted payments for the birth of the first, second and third children. In five years, over half a million families with children will be able to improve their living conditions with the help of preferential mortgages. A program to update children's clinics and children's outpatient departments in hospitals is also being launched.

In general, over the next six years we will need to allocate at least 3.4 trillion rubles for demographic development measures and for the protection of motherhood and childhood.

About supporting the older generation

We will also strive to reduce the gap between the size of the pension and wages, which a person had before retirement. And of course, we need to improve the quality of medical and social services elderly people, to help those who are lonely and find themselves in difficult life situations.

About GDP

Russia must not only firmly gain a foothold in the top five largest economies in the world, but also increase its per capita GDP by one and a half times by the middle of the next decade. This is very difficult task. I am confident that we are ready to solve this problem.

About life expectancy

Life expectancy has increased by more than seven years and is 73 years. But this, of course, is not enough. Today we must set ourselves a goal of a fundamentally new level. By the end of the next decade, Russia should confidently enter the club of “80 plus” countries, where life expectancy exceeds 80 years.

About the spatial development program

I propose to launch a large-scale program for the spatial development of Russia, including the development of cities and other populated areas, and to at least double spending for these purposes in the next six years.

About highways Oh

In total, over the next six years it is necessary to practically double the costs of construction and improvement of Russian highways, and to allocate more than 11 trillion rubles from all sources for these purposes.

About the universal accessibility of the Internet

By 2024, we will provide almost universal fast Internet access. The construction of fiber-optic communication lines will be completed to most settlements with a population of more than 250 people, and remote, small settlements of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East will receive stable access through the Russian satellite network.

About healthcare

In 2019–2024, an average of more than 4 percent of GDP will need to be spent annually on the development of the healthcare system from all sources. But we should certainly strive for 5 percent. In absolute terms, this would mean that overall health spending would have to double.

About the national program to combat cancer

Almost each of us has relatives, friends, and relatives who have suffered from this misfortune - cancer. I propose to implement a special nationwide program to combat cancer.

About environmental issues

It's hard to talk about long and healthy life, if millions of people are still forced to drink water that does not meet standards. We have now tightened environmental requirements for enterprises, which will certainly reduce industrial emissions.

We have "stepped up to the plate" many times, and industry representatives keep citing the difficulties they face. That's it, there is nowhere to retreat further. I want everyone to know: there will be no more postponements.

About the program of cultural, educational and museum complexes in the regions

I propose to launch a program to create cultural, educational and museum complexes in the regions. Why keep so many works of art in storage? These should be real centers of cultural life.

About early career guidance for schoolchildren

I propose to launch a project for early career guidance for schoolchildren, “Ticket to the Future,” starting with the new school year. He will allow the guys to try themselves in business, in future profession in leading companies in the country. Already this year we are allocating 1 billion rubles for this initiative.

About science and attracting new personnel

I propose to create the most convenient and attractive conditions for talented young people from other countries to come to study at our universities. They are coming. But we need to create conditions so that the best foreign graduates of our universities remain to work in Russia. This fully applies to foreign scientists and qualified specialists. I believe that it is necessary to seriously improve the procedure for granting citizenship of the Russian Federation.

About the development of the agro-industrial complex

I would like to once again thank the agricultural workers for the record [grain] harvest in the entire history of the country - 134 million tons. Note that this is more than the record harvest in the Soviet Union.

About government services

We need to move forward, within six years to ensure the provision of almost all government services in real time, using remote services.

About corruption

I must say and I have no right not to say this: the vast majority of people who work in the management system are honest, decent and result-oriented people.

On ensuring the security of Russia

The equipment of the Armed Forces with modern weapons has increased 3.7 times. More than 300 new types of military equipment have been put into service. A continuous radar field of a missile attack warning system has been created along the perimeter of Russia’s borders (very important!).

About the missile defense system

All these years after the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the ABM Treaty, we have been working hard on advanced equipment and weapons. This allowed us to take a rapid, big step in creating new types of strategic weapons.

As you understand, no one in the world has anything like it yet. Someday it will probably appear, but during this time our guys will come up with something else.

About weapons

We have begun developing a new generation of rockets. In particular, at present, the Ministry of Defense, together with enterprises of the rocket and space industry, has begun the active phase of testing a new missile system with a heavy intercontinental missile. We called it "Sarmat".

But we didn't stop there. We have begun to develop new types of strategic weapons that do not use ballistic flight trajectories at all when moving towards a target, which means that missile defense systems are useless and simply pointless in the fight against them.

I can say that unmanned aerial vehicles have been developed in Russia underwater vehicles, capable of moving at great depths.

About the nuclear installation

In December 2017, a multi-year test cycle of an innovative nuclear power plant to equip this autonomous uninhabited vehicle. The nuclear installation has uniquely small dimensions and at the same time an ultra-high power supply. With a volume 100 times less than that of modern nuclear power plants submarines, has greater power and 200 times less time to reach combat mode, that is, to maximum power.

About hypersonic weapons

The most important stage of modern weapons systems was the creation of a high-precision hypersonic aircraft-missile system, which, as you probably already understood, has no analogues in the world. His tests have been successfully completed.

The unique flight characteristics of the high-speed carrier aircraft make it possible to deliver the missile to the release point in a matter of minutes. At the same time, a missile flying at hypersonic speed, 10 times the speed of sound, also maneuvers in all parts of the flight path, which allows it to also be guaranteed to overcome all existing and, I think, promising air defense and missile defense systems, delivering to the target at range of more than two thousand kilometers nuclear and conventional warheads. We called this system "Dagger".

About the new missile system

A real technological breakthrough is the creation of a promising strategic missile system with fundamentally new combat equipment - a glide wing unit, the testing of which has also been successfully completed.

About laser weapons

Significant results have been achieved in the creation of laser weapons. And this is no longer just theory or projects, and not even just the start of production. Since last year, the troops have already received combat laser systems.

About aggressors

I hope that everything that has been said today will sober up any potential aggressor. We are not threatening anyone, we are not going to attack anyone, we are not going to take anything away from anyone at gunpoint: we have everything ourselves.

About officer personnel

Russia has a modern, compact, high-tech army, taking into account the vastness of our territory, the heart of which is an officer corps devoted to its Motherland, ready to make any sacrifice for its people. Equipment and weapons, even the most modern ones, will sooner or later appear in other armies of the world. This doesn’t bother us at all, we already have it and it will be even better. The main thing is different. They will never have such people, such officers as our guard pilot, Major Roman Filipov!

About the future of Russia

We walked, we walk and we will continue to follow our confident course. Challenges and big tasks fill our lives with special meaning. We need to be bold in our plans, deeds and actions, take initiative, responsibility, become stronger, and therefore benefit our family, children, the whole country, change the world, the life of the country for the better, create the Russia we dream about together .

TASS DOSSIER. On December 3, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin will address the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for the 12th time.

What is a message to the Federal Assembly

The Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly is an annual public address by the head of state to both houses of parliament, which is prescribed in paragraph “e” of Art. 84 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Foreign practice

The tradition of the head of state addressing parliament is widespread in many countries. In Great Britain, each new session of parliament opens with a keynote speech from the monarch. In the United States, the president annually addresses Congress with a message on the state of affairs in the country. A similar institution exists in most states in the post-Soviet space (Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan).


Preparation of texts

Since 2005, the head of state, before presenting the next message, holds meetings with the leadership of parliament to discuss the main directions of foreign and domestic policy Since 2006, such meetings have been attended by heads of executive authorities and business representatives. The text of the message is prepared over several months, its contents are kept secret until the day of announcement. Until 2014, members of the presidential administration and members of the government, as well as employees of the Cabinet of Ministers, took part in the preparation of the text. Since last year, these functions have been completely transferred to the presidential administration.


How the Constitution was changed

Amendments to the current Constitution have been made only a few times in 20 years. Most of them concerned territorial changes - the emergence of new subjects of the Federation or the unification of several. Thus, in 2014, the number of subjects of the Russian Federation increased to 85 - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol were included in the country.

The actual amendments were made in 2008 - the term of presidential powers was increased from four to six years, and the powers of the State Duma - from four to five years. At the beginning of 2014, a new Supreme Court, which appeared as a result of the merger of the Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation.



Boss ___________________





Conducting classes on public and state training

Personnel Federal Border Guard Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Omsk Region

Topic: Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Type of lesson: Lecture

Time: 2 hours.

Purpose of the lesson: To convey to the audience the main points of the annual message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Used Books:

1) Message text

2) Materials from Internet sites.

1. Detailed lesson plan.

No. Study question Time Contents of study question


On December 3, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his address to the Federal Assembly for the 12th time.

Vladimir Putin began his message to the Federal Assembly today by declaring a minute of silence in memory of the Russian soldiers killed in Syria, who gave their lives in the performance of their duty, and all victims of international terrorism.

2. International Anti-Terrorism Front Vladimir Putin stated the need to create a united international front in the fight against terrorism.

“We know what the aggression of international terrorism is. Russia faced it in the mid-1990s and our country and its citizens experienced brutal terrorist attacks. Terrorist attacks in Russia have already claimed thousands of lives, and this is a grief that will remain with us forever... It took almost 10 years to break the back of the bandits. We have practically driven the terrorists out of Russia. But we are still waging an irreconcilable fight against the remnants of the bandit underground,” the president said, emphasizing that the threat of terrorism is growing.

“We need to put aside all disputes and differences, create one powerful fist, a united anti-terrorist front that will act on the basis international law and under the auspices of the UN,” Putin said.

3. Operation in Syria Speaking about the air operation in Syria and the fight against ISIS, the head of state especially emphasized that “in Syria, our Armed Forces are fighting, first of all, for Russia, defending the safety of our citizens,” but “based on the official appeal of the legitimate Syrian authorities." According to Putin, the Russian army and navy in this operation convincingly demonstrated their combat effectiveness and increased capabilities.

“...Our army is modern and combat-ready...”

A special danger for our country comes precisely from the militants concentrated in Syria, among whom there are many immigrants from Russia and the CIS countries, the president emphasized. They constantly “receive money, weapons, accumulate strength, and if they get stronger and win there, they will inevitably end up with us to sow fear and hatred, blow up, kill, torture people,” Putin said. About America:

- “...Americans always influence our relations with our neighbors...”;

- “...America continues to develop the missile defense system. We have countermeasures..."

About Ukraine:

“...The authorities in Ukraine do not want to solve the problems of their citizens. Russia has invested 25 billion in Ukraine...”

4. How to deal with financing


“Every civilized state is obliged today to contribute to the defeat of terrorists, to confirm its solidarity not with declarations, but with concrete actions, and this means no shelter for bandits, no double standards, no contacts with any terrorist organizations, no attempts to use them for their own purposes, no criminal, bloody business with terrorists,” Putin said.

The Russian President accused Turkey of supporting terrorists and promised that Russia will never forget the complicity of extremists by the Turkish authorities, which led to the death of Russian military personnel. “We know who in Turkey fills their pockets and allows terrorists to make money,” Putin emphasized, recalling that it is this money that allows bandits to recruit mercenaries, purchase weapons, and organize terrorist attacks against Russians, citizens of France, Lebanon, Mali and other countries .

The President recalled that Ankara sheltered and provided moral and material support to the militants who operated in the North Caucasus in the 1990s and 2000s. At the same time, Putin especially emphasized that “in Turkey we have many long-standing and reliable friends, and we do not equate them with part of today’s ruling elite, which is directly responsible for the death of our military personnel in Syria.”

The President admitted that he personally does not understand the reasons why this crime, which he previously called a “stab in the back,” was committed. “Only Allah probably knows why they did it. And, apparently, Allah decided to punish the ruling clique in Turkey, depriving it of reason and reason,” Vladimir Putin said figuratively. At the same time, he firmly stated that Russia will not “rattling sabers” in response, and that from our country “we will not expect a nervous reaction, hysterically dangerous for ourselves and for the whole world.”

“But if anyone thinks that having committed a vile war crime, the murder of our people, they will get off with tomatoes or some kind of restrictions in the construction and other industries, then they are deeply mistaken. We will remind you more than once of what they did. And they will regret what they did more than once,” the president said.

5. On liberalization of the criminal code

Putin made a proposal to decriminalize a number of articles of the Criminal Code, noting that every second criminal case that reaches the court involves minor crimes, and people, including young people, end up behind bars.

“The stay there, the conviction itself, affects their fate and often leads to subsequent crimes,” the president said.

Putin also proposed expanding the role of the jury, possibly reducing their number to 5-7 people, but increasing the independence and objectivity of the judicial process.

6. About sanctions and the situation in the economy of the Russian Federation - “...Sanctions are a reason for our own development...”;

- “...Crimea and Ukraine are just a reason for sanctions. The main reason is the revival of Russia...”

The situation in the Russian economy is difficult, but not critical, and positive trends are visible, Putin noted. It is necessary to ensure a balanced budget; its deficit in 2016 should not exceed 3% of GDP, although the period of low prices for raw materials and external restrictions may drag on for a long time, the head of state warned.

“We must take into account that a number of industries are now at risk. Primarily construction, automotive industry, light industry, railway engineering. For them, the government should offer special support programs,” the president assured and proposed to recapitalize the Industrial Development Fund by 20 billion rubles in 2016.

At the same time, one should not expect that everything will miraculously change or that oil prices will rise again.

“We must be prepared for the fact that the period of low prices for raw materials, and possibly external restrictions, may drag on for a long time. Without changing anything, we will simply “eat up” our reserves, and the economic growth rate will fluctuate somewhere around zero,” Putin said, drawing attention to the fact that Russia must “respond to all the restrictions that they are trying to create” from the outside , on the contrary, “expanding freedom of enterprise.”

According to Putin, Russia should take one of the leading places in the world economy. “New trading blocs are being formed, radical changes are taking place in the technology sector. Right now, positions in the global division of labor for decades to come are being determined. We can and must take a place among the leaders,” the president said.

Putin has made the issue of diversifying the Russian economy a top priority for economic development. “Only by changing the structure of the economy will we be able to solve large-scale security problems social development, create modern jobs and improve the quality and standard of living of the regions,” he emphasized. Programs of import substitution and export support, technological renewal of production and training of professional personnel should be aimed at achieving this goal.

“...Citizens must be more independent...”;

“...Freedom of enterprise and private property are the basis of the country’s well-being...”;

“...It is necessary to remove administrative pressure on business, limit inspections and cut off “custom” visits from inspectors...”;

“...Tax holiday for 2 years for newly arrived small entrepreneurs...”;

“...Full one-time amnesty of returned capital...”;

“...Reduce inflation to 4%...”;

“...The rate of development of the country should be higher than the world average...”;

“...Only “unique” goods should be purchased abroad...”;

“...It is necessary to reduce ineffective budget spending by 5% per year...”;

“...Payment for management of state corporations should correspond to success...”

7. On economic partnership between the countries of the EAEU, SCO and ASEAN

Vladimir Putin advocated the creation in the foreseeable future of a large-scale economic partnership between the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

According to the president, at the initial stage, such a partnership could focus on issues of protecting investments, optimizing procedures for the movement of goods across borders, jointly developing standards for products of the next technological generation, and mutually opening access to markets for services and capital.

Russia is interested in broad business cooperation with different countries and welcomes investors who are committed to long-term work in the Russian Federation, Putin said.

8. About demographics

Those gathered in the St. George's Hall of the Kremlin greeted Vladimir Putin's proposal to extend the maternity capital program for at least 2 years with thunderous applause. The President noted that for 2 years in a row Russia has experienced natural population growth.

“According to all forecasts, we should have already slipped into a new demographic hole. In a generation, there would be an echo of the nineties, as demographers, including at the UN level, told us and predicted. But this doesn't happen. “...According to UN forecasts, the population should be 136 million. Actually 144 million. We have recorded a natural increase...” And first of all, because half of newborns today are second, third and subsequent children. Families want to raise children, believe in their future, believe in their country and count on state support,” said the Russian leader.

“...The average life expectancy is more than 71 years. The goal is 74 years.”

“We have done a lot in demography, education, healthcare. The main guidelines in these areas are outlined in the May 2012 decrees. Of course, life makes its own adjustments, and significant ones. But now, given the current difficulties, responsibility for people’s well-being is only increasing. I ask you to take these decrees most seriously; you must strive to implement them,” Putin added.

9. ABOUT HEALTHCARE AND EDUCATION Since 2016, healthcare in Russia will completely switch to insurance principles, the president said. It is the direct responsibility of insurance companies operating in the compulsory health insurance (CHI) system to defend the rights of patients, including in cases of unreasonable refusals of free treatment. “If an insurance organization does not do this, it must bear responsibility, including a ban on working in the compulsory medical insurance system. I ask the government to ensure the strictest control here,” the head of state emphasized.

Putin instructed deputies to adopt amendments during the spring session on the creation of a separate federal part in the compulsory health insurance system. The President of the Russian Federation also called on the regions to take responsibility in the issue of updating the fleet of medical equipment.

“As part of the national project “Health”, a significant re-equipment of the ambulance service was carried out; we purchased a large number of modern ambulances and other equipment. It is clear that time passes and the vehicle fleet needs repairs and renewal, but this is the responsibility of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation,” the head of state noted.

Putin also demanded to improve the level of education in schools and create new educational places, since “over the next 10 years, the number of schoolchildren in Russia will increase by 3.5 million people.” Next year, up to 50 billion rubles will be allocated from federal funds for the repair, reconstruction and construction of new schools, the head of state said.

“...It is unacceptable to curtail out-of-school additional education...”

“We really have very interesting, purposeful children and youth. We must do everything so that today's schoolchildren receive an excellent education, can engage in creativity, choose a profession they like, and realize themselves. So that no matter where they live, what income their parents have, the children themselves would have equal opportunities for a successful start in life,” said Vladimir Putin.

10. On the success of Russia “Russia is part of a global world that is constantly changing. We understand the magnitude existing problems, both external and internal; There are always difficulties and obstacles on the path of any development. We will respond to all challenges, we will act creatively and effectively, work for the common good and for the sake of Russia, we will move forward together and together we will definitely achieve success,” said the head of state.

Putin recalled that in 2014, Russia experienced another important milestone when the country was reunited with Crimea. “Russia has loudly declared itself as a strong independent state with a 1000-year history and great traditions, a nation that is consolidated by common values ​​and common goals. We act with the same confidence now, when Russia is waging an open, direct fight against international terrorism. We make decisions and implement them, knowing that only we ourselves can cope with the tasks,” the president emphasized.

“...Either we will be sovereign, or we will dissolve in the world...”

Vladimir Putin concluded his message to the Federal Assembly with the words of Dmitry Mendeleev, which the great scientist said 100 years ago: “We will be immediately destroyed if we are isolated; our strength lies in unity, militancy, prosperous family life, multiplying the growth of the people, and in the natural growth of our internal wealth and love of peace.”

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