What width is a double bed? How to choose the size of a double bed by length and width

The most important thing in the bedroom is the bed. The visual environment in the room, as well as the quality of sleep and health, depend on correctly selected furniture. Moreover right choice in this case - not only comfort and an orthopedic mattress, but also optimal sizes. Often standard bed sizes will do, but in some cases you will need to look for a custom solution.

When choosing furniture for bedrooms, the size of the beds determines not only the impression that the interior will make, but also the well-being of those who will sleep on them.

The correct size is the key to a good night's rest and deep sleep.

Oddly enough, the principle “the more the better” does not work here. Of course, too narrow or short is not comfortable and will definitely interfere with quality rest. But overly large models will not do any good. It's uncomfortable on such a large bed. Plus, you'll be wasting money on bedding. larger area. But it still needs to be dried and ironed, so you shouldn’t chase dimensions - sometimes you have to pay for them not only with money, but also with effort.

The so-called standard bed sizes are calculated based on data on the average height and stature of a person.

In order to have a restful sleep, it is necessary that the length of the bed exceeds the height by at least 20 cm.

When choosing furniture, you should consider how long you will sleep on it, how restless your sleep is, and whether you like to sprawl out in bed. There is a generally accepted way to calculate the minimum area of ​​a sleeping place: lie on your back with your hands on your chest with your fingertips. Measure the distance between your elbows, adding 20 centimeters to it - ten on the side of each elbow. The resulting figure is the minimum possible width. To find out what the minimum length is, add 20 centimeters to your height.

On average, it is believed that legs bent at the knees when positioned “on their side” should not hang down, while at least 15 cm remains at the back to the edge.

The average height is assumed to be 170 cm, and the standard length is 190 cm.

As for the height, remember - the lower it is, the more effort it will take to sit on it. So it is better not to choose the now fashionable low designs for the elderly, tall and people with problem joints.

The older a person is, the more difficult it is for him to sit down, so high (but not excessively high!) beds are suitable for older people

Young people can choose stylish low bed models.

Single bed

If your room belongs only to you and to share sleeping area You don’t need to share a room with anyone, a single bed option will suit you. If your build does not go beyond the average, this option is really suitable.

It is believed that the most suitable option for people sleeping alone is a single bed.

Its length does not differ from that of its double counterparts, and its width is much smaller.

The standard dimensions of a single bed are 100x190cm.

Pros of purchasing a classic single bed:

  • Affordable price;
  • WITH preserving space that can be used for other furniture;
  • Cosiness;
  • Sh wide range of bed linen;
  • X fits well into rooms with a small area.

A person whose height and weight do not deviate too much from the average will feel quite comfortable in such a bed.

Single bed

If you like to roll around at night, or sleep with your arms and legs spread wide, and the area of ​​the room allows you to choose a larger bed, choose a one-and-a-half bed. Its width, as a rule, varies between 120-160 centimeters. Such standard bed sizes allow one person to sleep with great comfort, and in some cases, they can accommodate two people with relative comfort. The widest options – one and a half meters – can easily accommodate a slender married couple.

If the size of the room allows, placing a wider single bed may be justified if you often toss and turn in your sleep or simply like to have a lot of space around.

The width of a “one and a half bed” in our country ranges from 120 to 160 cm, while 120 is the size of a one and a half bed “for one”, but at 160 cm a married couple can already easily accommodate.

The clear advantage of a single bed is comfort during rest, with relative preservation of free space in the room and the absence of unjustified expenses on bed linen in comparison with double options.

For people of normal height but a heavy build or those who are overweight, it is enough to choose a wider bed.

Double bed

If the bedroom is designed for two people and both like to relax in comfort, only double beds will do. Classic double bed sizes start at 1.6m. The upper limit of the width standard is considered to be 2 m, but wider furniture is also found.

The standard size of a double bed starts from 160 cm wide and is practically unlimited.

On sale you can find products 2.5 m wide.

The standard height of a double bed with a regular mattress is up to 50 centimeters, with an orthopedic one – up to 75 centimeters. This is the most convenient option for a sleeping place for two from what the usual assortment of furniture stores offers.

The width is the width of the mattress laid on the base, not all structural elements the bed itself.

“Family” beds have the largest range of widths, and, as a result, the most big choice possible sizes.

Custom beds

If you are tall or have an unusual build, the design of the room requires non-standard solutions, or the size of a double bed from the classic assortment does not suit your couple, you can always choose non-standard models and have them made to order.

Beds large sizes require large bedrooms - otherwise even the most elegant model will look shabby.

Choose a bed in accordance not only with the style of the interior, but also with the area of ​​the room.

For example, you can make a royal bed a real decoration for your bedroom. It is much larger than standard bed sizes and is made in classic design using wood and expensive upholstery. Such a sleeping place simply guarantees a royal sleep, but remember - king size beds, as they are commonly called in Europe, look appropriate only in bedrooms. In a small room they look out of place and even funny.

By American standards, a King Size bed has a sleeping area of ​​180x200.

King size bed size is the most optimal solution for lovers of large space.

An individual approach to furnishing includes ordering furniture of a non-standard shape. This is especially convenient if the room itself differs from the usual square shape and has non-standard dimensions.

Need a really big bed? Pay attention to models of unusual shapes, for example, oval or round.

Finally, this is an opportunity to show your design talents by creating your own sketch of the desired furniture and emphasizing the originality of the interior no less original bed. Oval, diamond-shaped and even triangular - today everything is possible. The main thing is not to overdo it. Original interior solutions are chosen to add a stylish accent to the room, and not to turn it into an example of kitsch.

The smallest round bed has a diameter of 220 cm, and there are more - it all depends on desire and financial capabilities.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that a responsible choice of bedroom furniture is an investment in your own health. Choose the right model, be attentive to the materials, and do not skimp on the mattress and bed linen. Remember both the design and your own spine.

We hope that this information will help you decide on the choice of a bed that will meet all your desires.

VIDEO: How to choose a double bed.

Every person, when decorating a room, pays attention to such an aspect as the dimensions of a double bed. This is especially true if the apartment does not have a large area. But, even with a fairly spacious room, in addition to the bed, you want to install other interior items, and it plays a dominant role in the bedroom, so the size of a double bed is a rather serious issue.

What you need to know about dimensions

Before you go to furniture salon, you must calculate the dimensions of the future bed. The size of the stock itself must be taken into account, but at the same time paying attention to the details:

  • height;
  • favorite sleep position;
  • age.

If you like to sleep on your stomach or back, with your arms spread wide, then a double cushioned furniture should allow you to do this, but at the same time you should not interfere with your partner. An elderly person needs a lot of free space; when choosing a model for this category of people, take this feature into account.

Main dimensions of the bed

Standard furniture sizes

Sizing system used in modern models, has two types of notation:

  • the English system, which is measured in pounds and inches;
  • The metric system uses meters and centimeters as units of measurement.

The first system is used by American manufacturers, and the second by European ones.

Sizes of double beds in English units

The traditional size of 2 bedroom upholstered furniture looks like this: 2x1.5, where 2 is the length of the bed, and 1.5 is its width. Foreign models have slight differences, the length can vary from 2 to 2.2 m, as for the width, its permissible dimensions are 1.80 and 2.2 m.

When choosing a bed, it is important to consider the size of the bed, and therefore the mattress.

Traditional mattress sizes

Diagram for correctly measuring the height of a mattress


When choosing a bed, experts recommend paying attention to such a criterion as a person’s height. If you are of small or average height, then there is no need to worry about this. When a person’s height exceeds the established standard of beds, then such a person needs much more space for a comfortable rest. How to find out this indicator? The most in a simple way its definition will be adding 30 cm to your height. In some cases, it is recommended to add another 10 cm, but this is if you prefer to sleep on your back and on large pillows, stretched out in length.

The standard size is 2 meters or 1.9. In exceptional cases, manufacturers receive an order for a length of 1 meter 95 cm. The standard size of bamboo models exceeds the indicators listed above; as a rule, they reach 2 meters 20 cm. Customers are quite attentive to the client’s wishes and offer to lengthen the bed as much as you want However, you will have to pay extra for such a service.


The width of the sleeping bed is an indicator that allows you to determine the comfortable position of two people, a married couple or a mother with a child. In accordance with this, the indicator also affects the type of product. The bed can be single, double or one-and-a-half.

The width of the double bed model is strictly specified in the rules; its minimum standard is 140 cm. This space will be enough to accommodate two people.

Double bed width

To make your vacation comfortable and not disturb your significant other, experts recommend choosing products with a width of 160 cm. According to statistics, this is the most popular model. There are other options, the width of which varies from 150 to 170 cm. As a rule, they are ordered less frequently.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the standard size of the bed, then you can always order it to be made according to your own measurements; in this case, the width, length and height are negotiated with the manufacturer or a private company. But such individual project very expensive, in addition to the work itself, you will need to order a mattress and bed linen of the appropriate size, and this is also an additional cost.

The width of European beds exceeds the standard of our models; they do not spare extra centimeters for this, allowing its size to be up to 180 cm. Sometimes it can reach two meters.

Dimensions of double beds


A high bed is usually used for rational use spaces in small apartments. The under-bed space is an excellent place to place boxes with winter clothes or sleeping sets. But you need to remember that this is a place to sleep, and only then a place to store things.

On average, the height varies depending on the selected models:

  • the podium bed is available with a height of 45 cm;
  • the height of classic models varies from 50 to 65 cm;
  • antique-style models have a height of 90 cm.

Double bed height options

The standard figure for most double models reaches 50 cm, but it all depends on height and how the usable space is used. Drawers in the under-bed space are, of course, good, but such convenience also requires certain conditions. Depending on which side the drawers will be opened from, the space must be free to ensure unobstructed access to them. In a small bedroom, it is not advisable to install such a model.

If there is a need to place some things in the under-bed space, then experts advise choosing models with a rotating mechanism. Their height allows you to place not the most popular things inside the box, and a simple lifting design with gas shock absorbers will allow you to do this without much difficulty. This double bed will easily fit into the interior of even the smallest bedroom.

But when choosing a high bed with internal drawers for yourself, you must remember that such a height looks very bulky, especially if the room area is small. IN large bedrooms, decorated in Turkish style, this image will be more appropriate.

If you are not afraid of visually reducing space due to height, then add a canopy or many pillows to the overall picture, but within reason, so as not to create an awkward room setting.

Non-standard models

Sometimes the choice of the presented model is influenced by personal preferences or design delights. Some people find even the largest standard size small or inconvenient and decide to order a custom model based on their personal design. Custom models can be purchased ready-made or you can order a project developed according to your ideas. These models include beds:

  • original form;
  • with a large or small sleeping area;
  • with a unique design;
  • designed for more than two people.

Standard width shown on modern market models vary from 140 to 180 cm, so beds with a width above 200 cm already fall into the non-standard category.

The most popular non-standard idea would be a round bed with two sleeping places. Even with the smallest dimensions, the bed will reach 220 cm in diameter. And if the premises and financial capabilities allow, then the diameter can be increased. For example, for a bed with dimensions of 200x160, you will need a round model with a diameter of 265 cm, excluding the backrest.

When placing such a model in a room, the rule of a harmonious relationship with the dimensions of the room and its design must be observed. A room decorated in an ethno interior or a modern loft does not harmonize with a round model. Scandinavian style it is also not acceptable, but for the art deco style or for a room decorated in oriental style, it will become a real decoration.

A large bed model will be appropriate and elegant in a large and spacious bedroom, while it will hide the space of a small bedroom. You need to select it not only based on the size of the room, but also on the style of its design.

With bedside tables
Round with stand

How not to make a mistake with your choice

Before you go to the store for the type of bed presented, think again, down to the smallest detail. The huge selection presented in stores does not allow you to fully concentrate, and you may get confused, so there are parameters that should be given special attention:

  • width of the model - it depends on height, favorite pose, age, room size or individual preferences. We cannot know what factor will influence your decision, but the chosen model should provide you with complete rest;
  • model length - the length of furniture products depends on the height of its owner. Experts recommend adding 30 cm to it, and you will get the optimal length;
  • location is an important aspect, since if you take incorrect measurements you risk losing useful space;
  • units of measurement - depending on the country of manufacture, product sizes can be indicated in pounds, inches, meters and centimeters;
  • When you have decided on the bed frame, think about the rest of the sleeping bed - the mattress and bedding. Their size must correspond to the purchased frame;
  • if you are confused and cannot decide on the model of a double bed, then experts advise lying on it to visually assess the space you occupy, comparing whether there will be enough space for your other half;
  • if your height does not fall within the established mattress standard, then it is more advisable to order it according to individual standards, you won’t lose much in price, but you are guaranteed a comfortable stay.

Mattresses from Europe do not fit American-made products. The reason lies in different measurement systems. The ratio of length and width in inches 80x60 is translated into our centimeters as 203.2x152.4. Therefore, purchasing a bed from American manufacturer, look for a mattress from the same place to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings.

In this article I will tell you what the parameters of double beds are, how a one-and-a-half-size single couch differs, how to choose them correctly, and also how to choose bed linen. I will also give standards and GOST sizes of bed linen for the bedroom.

Bed dimensions, how to choose length and width

When choosing a sleeping place, it is important to consider that when we talk about the dimensions of the bed, we are talking specifically about the parameters of the mattress. When choosing it, consider the following factors:

  • Your height and fatness level (and that of your partner): Ideally, the length of the mattress should be 20 cm longer than the height of an adult. With width everything is simple: than fuller man, the larger the width the mattress needs.
Do not hesitate to lie down and “try on” the sleeping place before purchasing
  • How many people will sleep? If there are two people, then in this case the optimal width will be considered to be the one with which a person can calmly lie with his arms thrown behind his head, and at the same time not cause discomfort to his partner.

When choosing, consider your favorite sleeping position so that you fit

  • Habits and favorite sleeping position.
  • Bedroom area. It is believed that between a large bed and nearby objects (for example, a wall, closet, bedside table) you need at least 70 cm of free space so that you can comfortably approach the sleeping area without feeling cramped.
  • Age of the future owner of the couch. Due to physiological characteristics, older people require more space to sleep.

For older people, it is better to choose a higher bed, as it is easier to sit on.

What is the standard size of a single, double and semi-size bed?

If we talk about standard sizes, there are two measurement systems:

  • metric (when dimensions are measured in meters and centimeters);
  • English (dimensions are expressed in pounds and inches).

The metric system is used in European countries, including Russia. The English system is popular in the USA.

Standards for beds of different sizes

Single, one-and-a-half (one-and-a-half-seater) and double couches have standard parameters. According to the European standard, which is also used in our country, the length of a double bed is 1.9 - 2 m. The width can have the following indicators, the minimum from a meter onwards: 1.6; 1.8; 2m. The most popular size in Russia is 1.6x2m; people of large build should consider the 1.8x2m option.

American beds are called “king” because of their maximum dimensions.

They are characterized by a length of 2 - 2.3 m, while the width varies between 1.8 - 2.2 m.
The height of the bed depends on the type of mattress used. So, if you are using a regular mattress, standard height the bed will be 50 cm, but if it is orthopedic, then it will be 75 cm.

The height of the bed depends on the chosen mattress

Custom shaped bed

Modern furniture manufacturers are able to satisfy any customer requests, offering not only the usual rectangular shapes, but also non-standard solutions from to and

Unique rocking bed
The bed with the most comfortable sleeping position according to scientists

Bed with massive headboard and sides
Bed with frames and the ability to hang a canopy
Bed with imitation starry sky

So, a round or oval model in the interior looks very impressive and modern. However, in order for it to comfortably accommodate two people, it must have an impressive diameter (about 2.5 m). Round corner options have a special panel adjacent to the corner of the room, so they are easier to “fit” into the room. Another non-standard option is a model with a large sleeping area that can easily accommodate 3 or even 4 people.

Non-standard shapes are difficult to fit into the interior of an apartment.

Of course, they are unusual, beautiful and original. But when buying them, you need to be prepared for some difficulties. For example, for such furniture it can be difficult to choose bed linen and bedspreads; they will have to be sewn to order.

Sleeping places of a non-standard shape may cause inconvenience during sleep. In addition, the cost of such furniture is an order of magnitude higher than that of standard analogues.

How to choose bedding

The standard bedding set for a double bed includes: two pillowcases, a sheet, and a duvet cover.
Russian manufacturers produce them with the following parameters:

  • duvet cover – 175x215cm;
  • sheet – 180x210
  • pillowcase – 70x70 (2 pieces)

Standard set bed linen for double bed

European sizes(Euro):

  • duvet cover – 200x220cm;
  • bed sheet – 220x240
  • pillowcase – 70x70 (2 pcs) + 50x50 (2 pcs)

Euro set with four pillowcases

There is also a family version of the bedding set, identical to the European ones, but with individual duvets for two people.
To choose the right linen, remember the rule: the size of the duvet cover should be 5 cm longer and wider than the blanket. To determine the size of the sheet, add 20 cm to the length of the mattress and 40 cm to the width.

If your bed has no sides and the sheets need to be folded, add another 20 cm to the length and width. In any case, remember that more is better than less.

Even such a seemingly simple question as choosing a suitable sleeping place has its own tricks and nuances. I hope my advice will help you make up your mind and not make a mistake in this matter.

The bedroom is the second most important place after the kitchen, since almost a third of life is spent there. The bed, being the central element not only of the bedroom interior, but also of the quality of sleep, determines how comfortable you will spend this third. Therefore, an important task for those who are furnishing a bedroom is to choose the right bed. The wrong choice, unfortunately, leads to dire consequences: back pain, lack of sleep, which destroys the human nervous system and negatively affects the cognitive abilities of the brain. Even promotes recruitment excess weight. Uncomfortable sleep due to an incorrectly selected bed can quite reduce the quality of your life to a critical level. All this can be avoided if the first thing you think about is not about curtains and wallpaper color, but about a cozy bed.

There are many key factors when choosing the optimal bed for comfort, from dimensions to frame. You also need to consider what kind of mattress you will sleep on. Moreover, age also decides - adults, children, the elderly, teenagers need their own size, a special shape. When buying a bed, you should not forget about the external ambiance of the bedroom, since furniture that is inconsistent in color can easily ruin the entire impression of the room. Same with bed linen. So, you have a lot to think about. But you shouldn’t worry, because today we’ll talk in detail about all important aspects related to arranging a bedroom, and at the end of the article you will have all the necessary information to turn your bedroom into a comfortable relaxation area.

About bed sizes

The first thing worth discussing right away is the size of the beds. There are two measurement systems used by manufacturers to make beds: metric and English. The latter is more popular in the USA and a number of European countries, where the count is by inches; the first is considered standard, but by standard system you need to understand the dimensions of the mattress rather than the size of the bed. Remember that there is no single measurement of furniture a priori; the length or width can vary by 10-20 centimeters - everything greatly depends on the manufacturer and the country where the bed was made. In general terms, the dimensional parameters of the bed are conventionally divided into four types:

  1. Standard. Dimensions in metric SI. Based standard system Most domestic bedroom furniture is produced.
  2. European. Dimensions in SI inches, main ones from American and European manufacturers.
  3. Non-standard. Beds that do not belong to one of the first two categories. Often these are certain exclusive offers from manufacturers.
  4. Individual. Beds made to order, taking into account individual characteristics buyer's build. They cost an order of magnitude more than the stock range.

If your height or weight is significantly higher than average, then you should think about purchasing a custom bed that will be 100% suitable for your personal characteristics.


Single beds are designed for one person, whose dimensions are average. For example, a standard single bed is ideal for people of short or semi-tall height with proportional weight. Single beds are also designed for one person, since their width is clearly not enough to accommodate two people. One-and-a-half sizes are suitable for those who like to spread out wide on the bed while sleeping. Some people buy a lorry for two small children, especially if the size of the bedroom does not allow it to accommodate two full-sized beds, or the height of the room is not designed for two tiers. A double bed has one main standard - it should comfortably accommodate two people, which is why many double beds resemble a square in shape. Children's teenage beds are designed for a child of average height and standard build.

European standards

To simplify the table, the conversion from centimeters to inches is given with rounding, but even with small errors it is clear that European size standards do not differ too much from the classical size values. Euro double beds are slightly narrower in width than standard double beds, but this is fully explained by the compact rooms in which Europeans live. As for children's beds, the size is set as a base, since the width-length parameters vary from manufacturer to manufacturer (usually no more than 10 centimeters).

If you are interested in standard Euro, then the best place to buy beds like this is IKEA - everyone's favorite "assembly-it-yourself" one sells Euro-versions adapted to the metric system.


A non-standard bed means not only an unusual size for retail, but also many other features. More often custom beds are purchased ready-made, but similar sleeping places are ordered according to your preferences based on the manufacturer’s design baseline. Typically the following beds are classified as non-standard:

  • With unique design;
  • With original shape;
  • With a special size - too long, wide beds, also obviously small;
  • Designed for several people - for example, beds for four.

You can buy a non-standard bed at any furniture store, because every second manufacturer produces beds that are unusual for the market as an alternative to standard offerings. However, remember that a non-standard model is made according to the template of a standard model. Usually a popular name is taken, which is modified according to some parameters, so for those who still want an “author’s” version, it is better to contact the same furniture store, but place an order for individual production, not paying attention in principle to ready-made names.


The dimensions of an individual bed, just like the design, color, shape and height, are chosen by the client at the order stage. Ideally, you will need to come with a ready-made design layout of the bed and then discuss aspects of the appearance with the internal designer of the selected manufacturer. The cost of prostitutes is on average two times higher than the standard version. If you wrote out individual bed comes with an unusual size, you will also have to look for a mattress that matches its parameters. When ordering a personally made bed, do not forget to control the production process and make adjustments in advance so as not to waste money.

How to choose the right dimensions

Since personal options are not suitable for the majority of the population due to the inflated price, you will most likely have to choose a bed from the assortment provided in the store, and therefore you need to decide on the size of the future bed in advance. Be sure to start with preliminary measurements: estimate the area of ​​the room so that the bed fits into the room without making it difficult to move around the space, determine your dimensions (20-30 centimeters should be left in total), think about activity during sleep so as not to disturb the “space” » of your vacation. The following three parameters are technically responsible for these points: the width of the bed, its height and length. Other points, such as the height of the sides or headboard, are taken into account last.

Deciding on the width

It is believed that a width of 60 centimeters is enough for one person to sleep comfortably. This figure is taken on the basis that a person can normally place his body in a prostrate position. An additional ten centimeters is usually added to this indicator so that there is a little room for maneuver at the edges. But most convenient option width is recognized as a model of 90+ cm per person, so the size of a double bed is made taking into account 180 cm. If you are not too active during sleep, the standard of ninety centimeters will be too big. In general, you are guided by the following keys:

  1. 70 cm. For a single bed and a person who is not particularly mobile, 70 cm – perfect option, in which you will not feel discomfort or lack of space during sleep. This is the minimum size found in stores.
  2. From 90 cm to 150. If you still like to turn around, pay attention to the lorry. In terms of width, they are great for those who find it uncomfortable to sleep within the confines of a single bed.
  3. More. From 150 cm double beds start. Beds from 180 to 200 cm are suitable for a married couple.

Selecting bed length

The optimal length of any bed is plus thirty centimeters to a person’s height. For example, if your height is 170 cm, feel free to choose a model with dimensions of 200 cm. Moreover, the last figure is a common parameter, so you will not have any difficulties finding a two-meter bed. Don't forget that "bed length" is a convention, where in reality the length of the mattress is taken into account. That is, a length of 200 cm is technical parameter for a mattress, not a bed frame.

Bed height

The last thing is height. This indicator does not affect comfort, although the position of the bed too high from the floor may be a little confusing for short people. Everything here is quite individual, but there are fundamental numbers from which the height of the bed is determined:

  • Low (from 20 to 30 cm). Naturally, in a room with low ceilings high bed It's just not the place. Focus on the average 30 centimeters if your bedroom is excessively “squeezed in ceilings.”
  • Medium (from 40 to 60 cm). A small room may also be suitable for an option with a medium height, which in some cases even looks elegant against the backdrop of a compact room.
  • Tall (from 70 to 100 cm). Owners of a luxurious bedroom should think about a high royal bed. For a spacious property, a bed under one hundred centimeters is an organic design element.

Choosing a bed model

According to the model, sleeping places are divided into two categories: beds for bedrooms with two supporting walls and beds for bedrooms with one supporting wall. For models with double-sided sides, the location should be in the middle, so that the bed is accessible from both sides. Manufacturers often build in additional furniture set on the sides of the bed for storing various things. If you plan to place the bed against the wall, make sure that the drawers are located on the other side. If you take a bed with two supports, then choose a model with a double-sided set to unload the bedroom closets, for example, with blankets, extra bedspreads or duvet covers. Also take care of the bedside area - according to European standards, there should be a certain front space near the bed.

Additional bed accessories

After you have chosen the ideal bed for your bedroom, it is important to immediately purchase a suitable mattress for it, but now we are not talking about the size of the mattress, but about the characteristics of its design. You need to learn to understand the basic fillings and formats so that later inappropriate filling does not affect the health of your sleep. The next step will be the choice of bed linen, and only at the very end can you move on to paraphernalia and textiles to complement the bedroom interior.

How to choose a mattress

By design SpringMain internal structure mattresses. It is characterized by vitality and elasticity.
SpringlessA block of artificial or natural fillers simulating springs.
By filler LatexNatural material. Hygienic and supports the spine.
Coconut coirDurable and elastic. Has high bactericidal properties.
Polyurethane foamConducts air efficiently. High elasticity.
SisalEasily evaporates moisture and allows air to pass through. Durable material.
By format BilateralModels with surfaces with different characteristics.
UnilateralSame surface on both sides.
OrthopedicProvides optimal support for the spine.

The number one criterion when choosing a mattress is personal preference. For people with back pain, it is better to purchase special orthopedic options. For those who sweat a lot, a mattress filled with sisal or polyurethane foam is suitable.

Bed sheets

Among the most important points when choosing bed linen is the fabric from which it was made. The child needs to buy underwear made from soft and soft material such as linen or satin, since children's skin is highly susceptible to rough products. Adults need to think about the ventilation and durability of their underwear, because fragile fabric wears out quickly, and non-breathable underwear does not allow the skin to breathe. The best bedding fabrics are cotton, calico, terry jersey, flannel, linen, reaper, silk and twill. Do not under any circumstances purchase artificial products, which often cause allergic reactions due to the presence of substances harmful to the skin in their composition.

Choosing a sleeping place for two people is quite a difficult task. The sofa cannot always provide comfortable conditions sleep, and a bed that is too small can cause tension due to lack of freedom of movement while sleeping.

An excellent solution to the problem would be a large double bed, with enough space for two or even three people. Let's take a closer look at all the possible sizes, features and advantages of such a sleeping place, as well as the details of choosing a quality product.


Double beds have a lot of features and advantages, but, like any product, they have their drawbacks. Let's take a closer look at why they are special, why they are worth purchasing, and also in what cases it is better to refrain from purchasing such a product.

This furniture attribute, first of all, is good because it is perfect for two people to relax, allowing them to relax and take the most comfortable sleeping position. The spacious double bed surface is an excellent choice for both young families and older people.

Among the advantages of a double bed are:

  • First of all, capacity since it is quite suitable for relaxing two adults, and in some cases even a child.
  • Possibility of using a full anatomical mattress with orthopedic properties and appropriate pillows.

  • Bed models with lifting mechanisms allow you to store a lot of things under the mattress part.
  • In the case when the bed is part of a modular furniture set, you can complement it with a composition of several compact cabinets and shelves.

Unfortunately, there are a slightly larger number of disadvantages, but they all relate exclusively to everyday issues:

  • First of all, these are the dimensions of the double bed. Since it is quite large and takes up a lot of space, for small rooms the use of such a piece of furniture will not be relevant, since it will “eat” most free space.
  • Oversized models may not be suitable for rooms with non-standard layouts, unusually shaped rooms, for long and narrow bedrooms, since it will be very difficult to fit furniture attributes into the interior.

  • In addition, a high-quality full double bed with good mattress has a very high cost, the level of which is slightly higher than average.
  • For a large double bed, you may need to purchase appropriate bedding. Quality kits can also be quite expensive, making it difficult to save money.

Otherwise, purchasing a high-quality furniture attribute will bring only one benefit, despite all the costs.



Let's take a closer look existing sizes double beds, the features of each of them, as well as required dimensions mattresses for a particular model using the comparison table as an example.

Double bed size chart

Dimensions in centimeters

Dimensions in millimeters


A not very common option for a double bed, since it is not so comfortable - the surface is quite cramped and barely fits two people.

Classic comfortable double models are not produced in these sizes. Another option is a two-story bed, each level of which corresponds to these dimensions. Bunk bed also classified as double, since it means accommodating two people.

This option bed size is somewhat shortened and is used in small bedrooms to save space or in hotels with small rooms.

Medium width double bed option. It is quite suitable for comfortably accommodating two people, but at the same time it is quite compact and does not eat up excess free space in a small room.

1600x2000, 2000x1600

A variant of the classic size of a double bed, perfect for accommodating two or even three people. Not really good option for small spaces, but perfect for a medium-sized bedroom.

The classic bed size with an increased length is designed specifically for people whose height is slightly above average.

The bed is king size or, as it is otherwise called, “King Size”. It will be an excellent sleeping place for overweight people, as well as for those whose height is slightly more than two meters.


In addition to the classic rectangular and square models, there are also several options for beds with non-standard sizes and unusual shapes. Let's look at the most popular and most convenient of them.

First of all, it is worth noting the round bed model, which looks very beautiful and is very spacious and comfortable, despite its shape. This table shows the classic dimensions of a round bed:

In addition, there are models of semicircular beds, which are located with the flat side adjacent to the wall. Such products very often have an additional pull-out bed, thanks to which you can easily and simply resolve the issue of accommodating unexpected guests. Almost everything round beds are equipped with a built-in drawer, which is a definite plus.

An unusual product, albeit with a classic rectangular shape, is a two-level bed. Although each level accommodates one person, it is still classified as a double room. In addition, there are models whose lower part is wider and can accommodate two people, while the upper part is intended for one.

In addition, there are tall models, the berth of which is located on durable wooden beams, almost under the ceiling. Such beds require special requirements regarding their reliability and stability.

Choosing the width

Choosing the right bed width is very important point regarding the convenience of the product and its location on it. Let's consider the most popular parameters typical for certain bed models. For example, a width of 100 centimeters is classic for the double bottom of a two-level bed. This relatively small surface can be quite cramped, but it is quite suitable for two. It is worth noting that this width is the minimum size of a furniture attribute of this type.

Widths of 140, 150 cm and 1600 mm are classic parameters for models that are part of a modular furniture system. This is a medium size and the most optimal for furniture of this type, since large parameters will look too bulky when combined with other models. To design and manufacture beds of much larger sizes, the following width parameters are used: 180, 190, 200 centimeters and more.

Deciding on the length

For comfort during rest, it is necessary that all parts of the body touch the surface of the bed, since otherwise, if the legs hang down, this can cause certain discomfort during sleep. To prevent this, you need to choose a bed of the appropriate length. A standard two meter bed may not be suitable for everyone, since quite a few people are above average height, and sometimes more than two meters.

Tall people an appropriate sleeping area is required, so attention should be paid to more long beds. For example, on a model whose length is more than 220 cm. As a rule, such beds are also quite wide, but this will only be a plus, since on such a surface you may not subconsciously control your movements while sleeping.

The length, slightly longer than the classic one - 210 cm, may be due to the headboard being too massive and the decorative detail in the leg area. Such a product is very functional, but, as a rule, it has a rather elaborate decor, so it will look beautiful exclusively in a classic interior.

Additional accessories

It is no secret that purchasing a bed frame alone will not provide a comfortable sleeping place; you also need to purchase some accessories that are not so much a bedroom decor, but rather a functional part of it. Accessories for the bed and for the bedroom in general have some requirements, compliance with which will help make the room more functional and ensure a decent quality of sleep:

  • First of all, absolutely all accessories, like the frame of the bed itself, must be made exclusively from natural materials, since the use of synthetic components in the composition can be harmful to health.
  • All accessories should be quite simple and easy to use. Products with complex shapes, although they look quite interesting and attract a lot of attention, are not always functional.

  • It is best that the furniture accessories match the style and color of the bed frame itself, this way you can create a unified picture of the interior.
  • Accessories that are not furniture items They must also match the style of the entire room, since if they do not match, they will fall out of the overall picture and can spoil the visual perception of the interior.


First of all, you need to choose a comfortable mattress, the size of which can be determined from the table presented above based on the size of the bed frame. For a standard size of such a bed you will need a Euro-size mattress. Further selection must be made based on the functionality of the product and some of its properties.

The most popular and comfortable types of mattresses:

  • Folding mattress convenient for prefabricated and collapsible bed models, which are daily transformed into another furniture attribute. For a regular model, there is no need to purchase a mattress of this type.
  • Mattresses with a single spring block good for those , that they have a fairly low cost and are convenient at the very beginning of operation, but, unfortunately, that’s where the advantages end. Mattresses of this type very quickly begin to creak and also accumulate dust, which provokes the proliferation of dangerous bacteria and furniture mites.

  • Mattresses with independent spring blocks or separate, independent springs, are much more functional, wear-resistant and safe for health. A mattress with such internal filling does not begin to creak over time and helps maintain the most comfortable body position.
  • Mattresses without springs can be divided into two categories– too soft and too hard. Often, fearing to overdo it with a level of rigidity that is not provided by the spring frame, manufacturers make the product too soft and vice versa. It may not be very comfortable to sleep on such a mattress.
  • Special, double-sided mattresses are also popular, equipped with spring blocks, as well as layers that provide different degrees of rigidity. These layers are located along different sides mattress, so that by turning it over, you can provide yourself with maximum comfort during sleep.

In addition, the quality of the mattress largely depends on the filler. Foam rubber and cotton wool are considered the most harmful to health, since these materials do not follow the curves of the body, and therefore are categorically not suitable for creating orthopedic mattresses or products that correspond to at least some anatomical properties. Materials such as polyurethane foam or struttofiber will help in forming an elastic surface or more or less suitable for sleeping and resting. Great option is also latex and coconut fiber. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account individual preferences.

Bed sheets

In addition to the mattress, you also need to choose good, high-quality bed linen. Many manufacturers use cheap, low-quality fabrics, and the sets do not fit the size of double beds. Let's take a closer look at what needs to be considered when choosing.

First of all, let's decide on the list of necessary parts. Standard sets should always consist of sheets, pillowcases and one large or two medium duvet covers. In most cases, linen sets include everything you need.

The size of the sheet should be chosen based on the size of the mattress, adding ten to twenty centimeters from each edge. This way, the sheet can be tucked slightly over the edges of the bed, preventing it from sliding off during sleep. Pillowcases can be made in two sizes: rectangular - 50x70 cm and square - 70x70 cm. There are also sizes of square pillowcases 50x50 cm and smaller, but they are intended for decorative pillows.

The size of duvet covers should also be selected according to the size of the blanket. There are several options:

  • Blanket designed for two has a size of 200x200 cm, so the dimensions of the duvet cover must match.
  • Double blanket has dimensions of 145-160x200 cm, depending on the type: classic or euro.

Bed linen should not match color scheme furniture or to harmonize with the shades in the interior, but the size of the sets should always be carefully selected, since otherwise inconveniences in its use may arise. In addition, for a longer service life, it is worth taking care of the quality of fabric products. Here are some tips to help you choose really good bedding:

  • When choosing underwear, it is worth considering exclusively from natural fabrics. Soft, pleasant to the touch, not causing discomfort, it, like a comfortable bed, will help provide comfortable sleeping conditions.
  • It is necessary to carefully inspect the surface of the linen and make sure that it is of sufficient density. Semi-translucent thin fabric is a bad option because it quickly tears and becomes unusable.

  • Simple seams will not last long for bedding, therefore, when sewing it, a special linen seam is used, which should be studied when choosing.
  • When sewing, high-quality, durable threads made from natural materials, since synthetic and thin ones tear quite quickly.
  • In addition, you should evaluate the quality of the fabric by touch, as well as its smell. Often synthetic materials They are very unpleasant to the body and have a specific smell due to the use of low-quality dye, which, moreover, is washed off quite quickly.

Furniture attributes

Often the bed is part of a modular furniture system consisting of many parts. As a rule, such sets are made in the same style and have a very attractive appearance. They are quite functional and solve many issues regarding storing things in the bedroom.

For example, nightstand will be an essential furniture accessory for the bedroom as it can store essentials that you may need during the night or before going to bed. Books, various cosmetical tools for night skin care, and, if necessary, even medicine. In addition, bedside tables are perfect for placing small lamps - nightlights. These can be like mini floor lamps with beautiful lampshades, as well as night lights of any other shape - anything that fits beautifully and will harmoniously combine with the interior of the entire bedroom.

Shelves located above the bed are also quite practical solution in interior design. Most often, the shelf, which is part of a modular furniture system, has a length that matches the width of the bed, which helps create a more holistic interior. But you should approach its fastening with special responsibility. Since such shelves, as a rule, are located directly above the beds, it is necessary to ensure that things do not roll off of it, and that it itself is securely fixed.

In addition, instead of bedside tables, there are quite often tall narrow cabinets designed for storing personal belongings. This composition looks quite stylish and, from the point of view of solving storage problems, is more practical, but in this case you will have to think about additional lighting of a different kind, since there will be nowhere to put the lamp.