Gatsania: growing from seeds, when to plant seedlings and what care it requires. Gatsaniya - African chamomile, grown from seeds

Gatsania is a low plant that attracts gardeners with its bright blooms. This raises the question: gatsaniya growing from seeds at home difficult or not? If you follow our tips, this amazing perennial flower will long time will decorate the area.

How to grow gatsaniya in open ground

By appearance gatsaniya resembles a chamomile, while the leaves are back side in many species they are covered with gray fluff. Gatsania is native to Africa, so it loves warm climates. The flowers bloom on sunny days, hence the name “midday gold”. The Talent variety is popular because the inflorescences remain open at any time of the day.

If you decide to plant gatsaniya in open ground, then you will have to first grow seedlings from seeds. This is due to the fact that the seeds take a long time to germinate. To do this, you need to prepare large boxes, fill them with soil with sand and gravel. Loosen the soil, and then pour it with a solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect it. At a distance of 3 cm from each other, plant the seeds individually in a checkerboard pattern and sprinkle them lightly with soil. It is important to ensure good lighting, a regular daylight lamp is suitable for this.

It is best to plant gatsaniya in March or April, then in May you will have good seedlings this flower. The seedlings will need to be transplanted carefully into open ground. Try to maintain a distance between seedlings of about 20 cm.

Choose a sunny spot in the garden as this is a sun-loving plant. It is not afraid of wind and temperature changes. It has enough natural precipitation, so you don’t have to worry. In addition, gatsaniya gets along well with other plants in the garden, so it is suitable for a flower bed that blooms all summer.

This african daisy It looks beautiful in flowerpots and flowerpots, so it will decorate not only your garden, but also your balcony. From June to September, gatsaniya will delight you with pleasant flowering.

Diseases and pests of gatsaniya

Although this flower is quite unpretentious, it will still have to be protected from pests such as aphids. To do this, plant onions and garlic next to the yellow chamomile. Bordeaux mixture will help get rid of gray rot, which damages the foliage of the plant. Insecticides will help spider mite, and snails and slugs will have to be removed manually.

Even after the onset of cold weather, gatsaniya will delight you with flowering, so you can replant it and bring it into the house. For winter flowering, this chamomile needs good lighting and regular watering.

What to do if gatsaniya does not bloom

  1. Bad light. Even the shade of trees growing nearby can cause this flower to not bloom. It is advisable to choose an open sunny place.
  2. Excessive watering. Gatsania has enough natural precipitation.
  3. Late boarding. Try not to plant seeds directly into the ground; it is better to grow seedlings. The time from planting seeds to flowering is up to 100 days, so gatsaniya may simply not have time to bloom before frost if you planted it late.

You can grow yellow African daisy gazania if you follow the proper care instructions. Various flowers will decorate your flowerbed and add zest to your landscape design. Try growing gatsaniya and surprise others with a new yellow daisy.

27 Jan

Gazania flowers: growing from seeds to seedlings

Among cultural garden plants Gazania flowers stand apart. This unusual African chamomile has a high degree of resistance to unfavorable growing conditions. Growing gatsaniya from seeds, the timing, when to plant seedlings at home, what care conditions should be provided for full and rapid growth - we will consider all these issues in the proposed material.

You should start growing gatsania from seeds at home at the end of February. The lunar calendar will help you determine the timing correctly. For the Urals and Siberia, 2 weeks should be added to the recommended numbers. This is how much snow cover lingers in these regions, delaying the time for planting plants in open ground. When to plant gatsaniya for growing from seeds in 2018 can also be determined by the time it takes to prepare the seedling for the flowering period. For most varietal groups of this crop, this period is 80–95 days. Therefore, if you plan to get flowering bushes on your site in early June, then subtract 95 days from this time and add approximately 7 days required for the emergence of seedlings. This is approximately the 20th of February.

Look at the photo of gatsania flowers grown from seedlings - in a personal plot, bright sunny islands can become a real decoration:

These gatsania flowers can be grown from seeds through seedlings

Brief information about botanical characteristics

Talk about botanical characteristics this plant can last for a long time. But here only brief information, allowing us to better understand the characteristics of the crop and its real needs for the formation of conditions for cultivation. Gazania is another name for gazania. Belongs to big family Asteraceae It grows wild in large areas in some areas of South Africa and in some regions of Mozambique.

The culture was brought to the European continent in the middle of the 17th century and since then has been under close attention from breeders. Thanks to their work, flower growers have hundreds of varieties with a variety of shades and petal structures at their disposal. And the owl received a new name from the flower named after the priest Theodor von Gaza, who did a lot to popularize it among eminent people of medieval Europe.

Literally immediately one thing was noted interesting property– the buds open their warm golden thickets at midday. Thanks to this, culture was given one more interesting name- “midday gold”.

It is an annual crop, capable of increasing vegetative mass in one season, budding, blooming and producing seed material for the next season. It is characterized by low growth of stems. They reach only 30 - 35 cm. The silvery color of the foliage is an effect created by light pubescence. In fact, the leaf has an even green color.

The flower has a simple shape with reed petals of orange and yellow color. There are brown or brick spots at the base, which creates a very unusual tinting and coloring effect. The diameter of the flower can reach 10 cm. But in most cases, varieties have average bud sizes of 6-8 cm in diameter. Up to 30 buds can bloom on one plant at the same time, which gives it a majestic, lush appearance.

Time to plant gatsania seedlings: dates in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

Planting gatsaniya seedlings is the only way to get lush and long-lasting flowering in northern regions. The crop begins to bloom 3 months after germination. Therefore, if you sow seeds in open ground in mid-May, the plant will begin to bloom only at the end of August. And during this period, frosts are already observed in places, which is detrimental to plants.

You can determine the time for planting gatsania seedlings in 2018 by lunar calendar, For example:

  • in February it is recommended to sow from the 21st to the 27th;
  • in March you can start sowing from the 5th to the 9th and from the 20th to the 25th;
  • In April, you should hurry up and manage to complete the landing from the 4th to the 8th.

You can more accurately calculate the timing of planting gazania seedlings, taking into account climatic conditions. If this Far East, Siberia or the Urals, then it is worth planting no earlier than the beginning of March. This is important, since long-term keeping of seedlings at home weakens them. Earlier sowing may result in the need for lighting.

Plan in advance the time when to plant gatsaniya seeds and try to prepare everything you need by this time: soil, containers, covering material.

Sowing of gatsaniya is carried out in special containers

Soil for planting gatsaniya seeds for seedlings

First of all, we prepare the soil for gatsaniya - it should be well-structured and moisture-permeable, nutritious and light. Clay soils are not suitable for this. It is necessary to mix the soil in the fall. To do this, take one part of peat in two parts turf land and compost, one part of sifted river sand. Add 3 matchboxes of complex mineral fertilizer to 10 liters of soil. Mix.

Before planting gatsaniya seeds for seedlings, the soil should be calcined in the oven for 3 hours. then spill strong solution potassium permanganate. Cool and begin filling containers.

This is what gatsania seedlings look like in the first week

Planting gatsaniya seedlings

We have already discussed above when to sow gatsaniya. The soil for this agricultural operation is also already ready. It remains to take special boxes. We lay expanded clay on the bottom in a layer of up to 1 cm. Next, we fill the container with soil to a height of up to 3 cm. We compact the surface and sow gatsaniya flowers using pre-soaked seeds.

At the time when you need to plant gatsaniya seedlings, the seeds should be poured into a clean saucer and filled with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 3 hours. This operation will quickly activate the growth power of each seed.

Planting gatsaniya in a deep container eliminates the need for picking

Sowing gatsaniya seedlings is carried out on a soil surface that is compacted and well-drained with water. The seeds of the plant are quite large. They can be easily spaced with up to 1 cm between them. We moisten the top with Epin solution using a spray bottle. Cover with a 1 cm layer of soil. Cover the container plastic film and move it to the warmest place in the apartment or house.

If planting gatsaniya seedlings is done correctly, then seedlings appear very quickly - after 7-9 days. As soon as the first loop appears, you need to remove the film and move the box to a well-lit place where there are no drafts.

Timely picking of gatsaniya seedlings accelerates flowering

Growing seedlings after emergence

Further cultivation of gatsaniya seedlings is not a complicated process. The seedlings are quite strong and not susceptible to various diseases. Naturally, if you violate the rules of watering and ventilation, then the black leg can mow most shoots Therefore, watering should be carried out only after the top layer of soil has dried.

Picking is not a mandatory event, but desirable. For replanting, you need to take separate peat pots with a volume of 200 mm. fill them with soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5. Using a pointed teaspoon, select seedlings and bury them down to the cotyledon leaves. It is necessary to leave about 3 cm in height in the pots. As the seedlings grow, soil can be replenished, which will stimulate the development of lateral root branches.

For normal growth of gatsaniya seedlings, a temperature of at least 16 ºC is required; higher parameters will contribute to the elongation of seedlings.

Planting gatsaniya in open ground and caring for it

Planting gatsaniya in open ground is possible only after warm weather has established itself and the threat of cold weather has passed. The soil should warm up well to a depth of 40 cm. The bed should be prepared in advance. Compost is added to the soil. Digging is carried out using the bayonet of a shovel.

Before direct planting, holes are dug to a depth of 20 cm. The layout of one plant from another is 20x20 cm. Water the hole and add it to it. Matchbox potassium fertilizer mixed with superphosphate and mixed with the soil. Then plunge into the soil peat pot and sleep on the earth.

Before planting in the ground, gatsania seedlings grown from seeds need hardening. To do this, the plants should be taken out daily Fresh air and leave there for 30 - 40 minutes, doubling this time every day. Once the flowers can be in open ground conditions without damage, planting can be carried out.

Subsequent care consists of mulching the soil and regularly applying organic and mineral liquid fertilizers. It is not recommended to loosen the soil because root system is located very close to upper layers. It can be damaged by a hoe, which negatively affects the condition of the bush.

Gatsania blooms for a long time - until about the end of October. This plant tolerates short-term drops in air temperature to +5 degrees.

How to collect seeds?

You can collect gatsania seeds in your own conditions personal plot. To do this, initially, after planting in the ground, 2-3 mother plants should be selected. they need to be formed with a crown. The regulation of inflorescences consists in leaving the first three blooming ones. the rest should be removed during the budding phase. As soon as the first three buds fade and dry out, remove them from the bush and send them to ripen in a warm, dark place. The seed will be completely ready for planting after a month. Then you need to pour the seeds from the bag, label it, writing the variety and time of collection. After this, send to the lower part of the refrigerator for stratification.

Is it possible to keep it in bloom in winter?

In winter, you can save gatsaniya in in bloom. How to do it? You need to dig up the bushes in the fall and transplant them into containers or large pots. Indoors should be placed in a bright room with a low air temperature.

Is it possible to get from such plants planting material in the form of cuttings? Yes, you can. But it is important to keep the mother plant healthy until next spring. You can store the bush on the windowsill of a south window. Regular watering and fertilizing will help maintain its high decorative value.

In open ground in most regions, gatsaniya freezes out in winter, so it can only be grown as an annual.

Problems during cultivation

There are certain problems when growing gatsaniya in open ground. The plant may be attacked by pests and various bacterial rot. It is especially difficult to grow in cold and damp summers. Thickened shoots are the reason for the constant attack of snails, slugs and caterpillars. Therefore, in wet weather, try to keep the spaces between the bushes open and well lit. When slugs and snails appear, sprinkle metaldehyde over the surface of the soil. It is available in the form of the drug "Thunderstorm". If caterpillars are found on the foliage, they should be sprayed with Iskra or Fas.

For spider mites, use the drug "Aktelik" or "Fufanon". You can first spray all the plants with abundant foam obtained from laundry soap. Or simply wash with a concentrated soap solution.

Watch how gatsania is planted on seedlings in the video and move on to brief overview varieties and types of plants:

Varietal groups and species for the garden

All garden species are divided into gazania varietal groups, the most popular of which will be briefly discussed below.

It’s worth starting with the long-shot form of gatsaniya. Gazania longiscapa is an annual plant no more than 25 cm high. The inflorescences are up to 7 cm in diameter. They are colored rich Orange color with characteristic brown spots at the place of their attachment to the basket.

Shiny gatsaniya (stiff) is taller (up to 35 cm), but with flowers smaller in diameter (up to 5 cm). Gazania splendens rigens has rich yellow buds that contrast effectively with the emerald green foliage.

Gatsania Potsi boasts large flowers with a diameter of up to 12 cm, but large mass The foliage is different from peacock gazania.

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African chamomile, gazania, midday gold are other names for this beautifully flowering member of the Asteraceae family. Today, an unpretentious, but highly decorative flower native to hot Africa can increasingly be seen on garden plots, in parks and even apartments. The article is devoted to a description of varieties of African chamomile and tips for caring for this plant.

There are more than 40 types of African chamomile. Despite such diversity, gardeners fell in love with the varieties bred as a result of selection. hybrid varieties, having unusual characteristics of inflorescences, leaves and stems. In temperate latitudes, gazania, which was originally a perennial, is grown as an annual plant.

Gatsaniya linear

Latin name: Gazania linearis. Characterized by the presence beautiful socket of carved, pubescent leaves on the underside and bright yellow or orange flowers with spots or stripes on the petals, which will delight the eye until the onset of cold weather. Gazania lineara tolerates both low temperatures and drought. It is recommended to plant the plant in May in sunny places.

Gatsaniya long-shooting

Also known as Gazania longiscapa. African chamomile of this species is a low (about 20 cm) plant with slightly cut leaves and large flowers yellow-golden color. If gazania flowers are ligulate, a brown darkening can be seen at their base. August is the beginning of the flowering period of this species, which continues until frost.

Gatsaniya long-shooting

Gatsaniya brilliant (harsh)

Another name is Gazania splendens hort. The species has been cultivated since the end of the 18th century and is most in demand among gardeners as an annual. What is his secret? As a rule, this semi-shrub plant (the length of the stems reaches 30 cm) is especially attractive due to its abundant and colorful flowering. In one season, a bush can give birth to 35 inflorescences! The flowers of this variety are somewhat similar to gerbera: the same large single baskets, turning their heads directly to the sun. Gazania brilliantis is decorated with them from July to November.

Gallery: gatsaniya (25 photos)

Gatsania peacock

The Latin equivalent is Gazania pavonia. Considered a subshrub; in conditions wildlife- a perennial, grown in Russia as an annual plant. Distinctive features: whole or slightly carved, pubescent, very narrow leaves, green above, whitish below. The inflorescences consist of large flowers; tubular flowers are painted yellow, and reed flowers are bright orange and have a dark base.

Gatsania peacock

Gatsania hybrid

Gazania x hybrida are varieties bred by breeders that brought Gazania such popularity in floriculture. The main difference between these varieties and the original species is the open inflorescences, regardless of whether it is a sunny day or not. The variety of hybrids was achieved thanks to the shape of the flowers (“daisies”, semi-double and double) and their color scheme. Baskets can be red, bright orange, yellow, pink, lemon, beige, bronze, crimson and purple. The only disadvantage of these varieties is the impossibility of propagation by seeds: plants simply don't produce them.

Gatsania Potsi

Name in Latin – Gazania potsii. It is a harsh variety of gazania, so it differs little from it. However, it is difficult not to pay attention to the huge size of the bright flowers - their diameter can reach 12 cm!

Gatsania hybrid

Gatsaniya Sunlight

Other variety names: Sonnenschein, Gazania splenders Sunshine mixed. This selection product is in many ways similar to other hybrids and blooms incredibly impressively. On the petals of Sunlight you can notice contrasting stripes or characteristic rings. The densely leafy stems reach a height of 20-30 cm and produce side shoots.

Gatsania Daybrek

Another popular hybrid among gardeners. Daybreak stands out among other varieties for its unusual inflorescence color: the plant is decorated with golden, orange or red-brown flowers. Otherwise, it is the same annual resistant to adverse conditions.

Gatsania Daybrek

Gatsaniya Garden Star

A representative of hybrids, this variety takes pride of place among the inhabitants of border flower beds and flower beds. It reaches a height of 20 cm, stands out among its relatives with strong peduncles, on which large bright flowers with lancet petals are planted. The flowering period of the variety occurs throughout the summer and most of the autumn.

Gatsania Triad

Like the previous three, the variety is mixed. If you plant it on your site, you can watch how baskets of white, yellowish, red or orange bloom against the background of gray-green foliage.

Gatsania Triad


It is one of the most common varieties. Based on the Kiss gazania, a whole series of hybrids with a high degree of decorativeness were bred. The variety is characterized by medium size (20-25 cm), as well as large baskets of flowers (up to 10 cm).

Gatsaniya Talent

Bred from the species of brilliant African daisy; differs from it in the silver color of the leaves and the ability to leave flowers open even in cloudy weather. Like many other varieties, Talent blooms very long and effectively.

Gatsaniya Talent

Technology for growing gatsania from seeds at home

Seed propagation is the most popular, but labor-intensive method of propagating African chamomile. In order for the flower to please the eye with lush baskets by the beginning of summer, you need to carefully prepare.

The optimal time to start breeding seedlings is February-March (for late-flowering varieties - March-April). When choosing a planting time, you need to remember that the plant will begin to bloom only three to three and a half months after it touches the soil. Further presented step-by-step instruction for growing gazania from seeds:

  • Step 1. Preparing the pots. The basic rule is a large depth of the vessel. Peat containers are ideal for African chamomile. To begin with, you can use smaller pots, but when picking, the seedlings will need to be transplanted into larger containers, otherwise there will not be enough space for the root system.
  • Step 2. Preparing flower soil. Gazania loves well-drained, slightly acidic soil with average moisture. A mixture consisting of peat humus and drainage (vermiculite, coarse sand or permit) will do the job well.
  • Step 3. Sowing. Seeds are sown at a distance of at least 3 centimeters from each other. The staggered landing method is common. As a result, the seedlings should be under a layer of soil from 0.5 to 1 cm. They can either be “pressed” a little into the ground or sprinkled with it.

Features of growing gazania (video)

  • Step 4. After sowing, you need to thoroughly spray the soil with a spray bottle, and then cover the pots with transparent material: it can be glass, film or polyethylene.
  • Step 5. Waiting for shoots. In order for the seedlings to sprout as early as possible, you need to follow several important conditions. Firstly, the temperature of the seedlings should not be lower than +18°C. Secondly, the pots need to be placed in a well-lit place. Thirdly, every day it is necessary to collect condensation from the covering material in order to prevent the seedlings from dying from excess moisture, and ventilate them, each time slightly increasing the time spent in the air for gradual adaptation to environment. If all recommendations are successfully followed, the first shoots should appear in 7-14 days.
  • Step 6. Dive. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 weeks after seed germination, when the seedlings have 2-3 full leaves on the stems. Each future bush is transplanted into a separate container with sufficient depth.
  • Step 7 Hardening. After diving, the temperature is lowered by several degrees so that planting in open ground does not become a shock for young plants.

Seed propagation is the most popular, but labor-intensive method of propagating African chamomile.

When and how to properly plant gatsaniya in open ground

Plant gatsaniya on permanent place should be 9-10 weeks after sowing the seeds, when the threat of frost has passed (mid-May).

African chamomile loves warmth and light, so the most suitable place for planting flowers will be well-lit areas where there are no drafts - the plant does not tolerate them well. Also Soil adjacent to groundwater should be avoided.

The soil should be light and nutritious; Before planting the seedlings, the soil is dug up and, if necessary, drained with sand and compost. The planting technology itself is quite simple: you need to carefully remove the seedlings from the pots along with a lump of earth to avoid damage to the rhizome, and then plant them in pre-moistened holes 15 cm deep and twice as wide as the earth lump at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Then the seedlings are watered again and covered at night if frost is likely.

African daisy loves warmth and light

Secrets of proper care for gatsaniya

Midday sun is a gardener's dream. This culture is so unpretentious that it can adapt to almost any living conditions. The only thing the flower cannot be transferred - this is waterlogging of the soil and very low temperatures characteristic of winter Russia. It is for the latter reason that this plant in conditions temperate climate grown as an annual.

Under conditions of normal precipitation in the summer season, gatsaniya does not require watering. It is necessary to maintain soil moisture only for those bushes that are planted in containers. The watering procedure should be carried out in the morning so that cool water does not get on the tender foliage heated by the sun - the plant will get burned.

As for feeding, gazania will respond gratefully to mineral fertilizer complexes; the frequency of such procedures depends on the degree of soil fertility: for rich nutrients land can be limited to 1 time in 1.5 months, and for the poor - 2 feedings monthly. The recommended dose is 20-25 g/m2.

To maintain the desired consistency of the soil, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds and thoroughly loosen the soil (2-3 times a month). Lush and long-lasting flowering will be promoted by tearing off fading or dried inflorescences.

Collecting seeds and preparing flowers for winter

The overwhelming majority of gazania species and varieties do not produce seeds, but in case of a successful combination of circumstances and a hot summer, the gardener will become the happy owner seed material on next year. To catch the moment when the seeds begin to spill out of the box, you can put a homemade bag made of light fabric or gauze on one of the dried flowers. Saving seeds midday sun can last two years in a cool place.

If all your expectations for the seeds to appear are in vain, do not despair! You can solve the problem and save the bushes in a different way: all plants will survive the winter well if they are carefully transplanted back into pots and moved to an apartment, house or greenhouse. In addition to extremely moderate watering, light soil and abundance sunlight, the main condition for wintering is a temperature not lower than +10°C.

Perennial and annual African daisies in garden decor

Due to its spectacular flowering and ability to grow like a dense green blanket, gazania is widely used in landscape design. The flower will look most successful on alpine hills, against the backdrop of lawns, in containers, in carpet flower beds and along borders. The main condition is high degree illumination of the area.

How to dive a gazania (video)

Beautiful and bright flower beds are the dream of every gardener or simply a plot owner who wants to improve and decorate the surrounding area. The most attractive and beautiful flowers, which also includes gazania, otherwise called gazania.

This African flower has extraordinary beauty, making it a great decoration for any area. At the same time, gatsaniya flowers are so unpretentious in care that even a novice gardener can cope with this process. It is important to study in detail how these plants reproduce, as well as what care they need in order to get beautiful, luxurious and abundant flowering.

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    Features of the flower

    Gatsania is flowering plant, with certain varieties being annuals and others being perennials. In Russian conditions, all species are most often grown only as annuals, since the harsh winter frosts are not tolerated by them. Gatsania belongs to the Asteraceae family and is also a compound flowering plant. In appearance, it is similar to chamomile, however, it has large and large inflorescences, and is also available in numerous bright and unique colors.

    Important!Due to the fact that the plant's homeland is South Africa, itis thermophilic, therefore it is grownexclusivelyin a territory where there is nothconstantlywillexposed to sunlight, and it does not tolerate frost.

    Gatsania has certain features:

    • is represented by both annuals and perennials, however, any species in Russia are grown exclusively as an annual plant, since they cannot overwinter in severe frosts;
    • the stems are short, and in some varieties they are completely absent;
    • the leaves have bright colors and also have a variety of shapes, and are dense and covered with a small fluff underneath, which protects the flower from the cold;
    • represented by a low-growing flower, with a maximum height of 30 cm, therefore it is considered perfect choice for various flower beds, alpine slides or other compositions of living plantings;
    • flowers are often 9 cm in diameter, and single inflorescences are formed;
    • Gazania flowers have a variety of colors, so gardeners choose yellow, red or orange inflorescences;
    • one plant can have up to 35 unique and large inflorescences;
    • if the weather is cloudy outside, the petals curl into a neat bunch and open only when they hit sun rays;
    • if perennial gatsania is grown, then so that it does not die in winter at low temperatures, it is transplanted into a pot before frost, where it remains until spring, after which the plant is replanted again;
    • There are approximately 40 species of this flower, differing in color and appearance.

    Thus, this flower has different unique features. Counts excellent choice for any territory as its unsurpassed decoration.

    Types and varieties of plants

    Gatsania is presented in numerous types, and usually their main difference is only the shade of the existing inflorescences. Breeders count approximately 40 varieties of Gatsania, some of which are artificially bred for a specific climate, so that they can enjoy their unique appearance in different countries. For harsh climates, annuals are recommended, while perennials are suitable for mild climates.

    Most popular types are:

    • Long rifle. Grown exclusively as an annual. The height is most often 20 cm, so it is considered an ideal choice for creating alpine slide or a garden with flowers and stones. The leaves have a bright green color and are entire. The inflorescences look like baskets, the diameter of which is usually 7 cm. They are formed from petals, and they can be tubular or reed-shaped. They have a yellow color, and closer to the base they have a brown color.
    • Gazania is brilliant. It is considered the most sought after and frequently grown species, with bright and unusually beautiful inflorescences. The leaves are whole and green in color. The height of gatsania usually reaches 30 cm. The diameter of the inflorescences is on average 5 cm, and they are formed from tubular petals with red, orange or yellow colors. There are spots of white or Brown, which is considered to be a unique characteristic of this species.
    • Cirrus. It has unusually shaped leaves, as they are pinnately divided, but can also be lobed. The height usually does not exceed 20 cm. The inflorescences are baskets formed from reed petals. Their coloring is usually orange and has a unique dark ring at the base.

    Most popular varieties are:

    • Dibrek, which has inflorescences of various shades, and the color height usually does not exceed 25 cm;
    • New Day, which has a height of up to 25 cm and is early plant, since flowering begins in spring, and the inflorescences are white, red or yellow;
    • Big Kiss, which has large inflorescences, often reaching even 12 cm in diameter;
    • A talent characterized by the fact that in cloudy weather the petals do not curl, so there is always an open flower.

    Thus, gatsaniya is presented in numerous types and varieties, so each gardener chooses for his plot or flower bed best option for landing.

    Reproduction methods

    Planting of this color can be done different ways. If garcinia is already grown on the site, then most often gazanias are planted next to these plants. Propagation is carried out using seeds, seedlings or the vegetative method. The first option is considered the most popular and frequently used, however, some species can be propagated exclusively by cuttings, since they do not produce seeds.

    Growing and caring for a plant planted from seeds are simple processes accessible to every gardener. If you plan to place seeds directly in open ground, then to obtain an ideal result of this process, some features are taken into account:

    • due to the long vegetative period, flowering of plants planted with seeds in open ground begins approximately 2.5 months after planting;
    • it is important to figure out when to plant and grow gatsanias from seeds, and optimal time for this it is considered spring, but it is important that the last frosts have passed, since if the cold returns, then there is a high probability of a complete absence of seedlings;
    • before gatsaniya seeds are placed in the ground, it is important to dig up and fertilize the soil so that it is fertile and saturated with oxygen;
    • Growing gazania from seeds is done in such a way that approximately 25 cm is left between the holes, otherwise, due to their significant proximity, they will interfere with each other, which guarantees weak inflorescences;
    • The planting material does not deepen much, since it is enough to plant the seeds to a depth of 2 cm.

    The plant is most often grown from seeds at home in the southern regions of the country, since warm weather sets in early there. For central region or northern cities, it is best to use a method that involves the use of seedlings.

    Rules for propagation by seedlings

    Gatsania seedlings can be grown independently or purchased ready-made. Growing it yourself is considered simple process, since it is enough to prepare the soil and cups in which the seeds are planted. After obtaining optimal seedlings, their planting begins in accordance with certain rules into open ground. It is advisable to initially use separate cups, which promotes the formation of a strong root system. If it is not possible to use different containers, then when planting seeds in one box, it is important to leave a distance of 5 cm between them.

    After planting, it is advisable to briefly cover the seeds with film and water them with a spray bottle so that the seeds are not washed out with water. It is advisable that the temperature in the room where the container with the planted seeds is left be set to within 20 degrees. In this case, the first shoots will be obtained within two weeks.

    Seedlings should be planted on the site in open ground in May, and it is important to remove the seedlings from the container carefully so as not to damage the roots. Planting is carried out together with a ball of earth, and it is important to prepare the soil in advance so that it is fertile and equipped with fertilizers.

    Important!PsettledGatsaniaIt is important to plant seedlings in such a way that a distance of at least 25 cm is left between them.

    Plant cuttings

    Reproduction of this plant can be done not only with the help of seeds, but also by cuttings. For some varieties this method considered the only possible one. The process itself is divided into successive stages:

    • in August, side shoots are cut off, and their length should be more than 10 cm;
    • it is important to make sure that each cut cutting has a heel, otherwise they will not be accepted;
    • It is important to remove the leaves located at the bottom of the cut shoot, after which the cuttings are treated with a special solution used to stimulate the development of the root system;
    • cuttings are planted in previously prepared containers with fertile soil;
    • cultivation and care are very simple, because after correct landing it is only important to ensure optimal watering of the cuttings, and for their rapid growth, the containers are covered with film;
    • in March it is allowed to plant cuttings in the ground.

    Thus, conservation on the site beautiful flowers performed different methods: seeds, seedlings or cuttings.

    Preparations before landing

    To get a truly beautiful, lush and strong plant, it is important to properly prepare before planting seeds, seedlings or cuttings. For this purpose, select optimal soil and a suitable place for cultivation.

    1. 1 Selecting a site for planting

    The color is planted exclusively in a suitable place. Since Gatsania is native to South Africa, it is important that it receives as much sunlight as possible and does not allow excessive moisture. Planting and care in open ground are carried out in certain areas of the territory:

    • open places where no shadow falls from any buildings or other elements on the site during the day;
    • Upland is considered an excellent choice, but lowlands are not suitable for these purposes, since a large amount of water in the ground is detrimental to gatsaniya;
    • if all areas on the territory are saturated with water in the soil, then a drainage system will certainly be formed before planting;
    • in the process of choosing a place for planting, the wishes of the owners are taken into account in terms of forming a certain flower arrangement, since bright, beautiful and unique design landscape ideas are often embodied with the help of flowers;
    • this color is considered excellent choice for the formation of numerous flower beds or alpine slides;
    • It is allowed to grow flowers in hanging pots.

    As soon as it is selected optimal place To grow gatsaniya, it is important to decide on the soil.

    1. 2 Preparing the soil for planting

    The soil in which seeds or seedlings are planted, as well as cuttings, is an important parameter to ensure lush and beautiful flowering.

    Important! Basic ruleamot landingispreparationlight and loose soil.

    It is advisable to choose well-drained soil, and a mixture containing peat and turf, as well as ground leaves, is considered optimal for gatsaniya. Before planting, the soil must be dug up, and during the process it is allowed to add complex or only mineral fertilizers.

    If in the soil at a shallow depth there are groundwater, then drainage is certainly carried out so that the roots of the plant do not rot from large quantity moisture in the ground.

    Correct planting technology

    How to grow gatsaniya? For this it is important to follow correct sequence actions that allow you to get strong, long-blooming and beautiful flowers:

    • The seedlings are hardened, for which they are placed in containers in fresh air for a couple of hours;
    • the area allocated for planting is properly prepared, for which the soil is dug up and loosened;
    • holes are created optimal size for plants, and they must be larger than the dimensions of the root system of the seedling;
    • a distance of approximately 20 cm is left between the holes;
    • gravel or sand is laid at the bottom of each recess, which ensures high-quality drainage, so there will be no stagnation of water;
    • carefully remove seedlings from containers or cups, and it is important not to damage the roots;
    • the plants are placed in prepared planting holes, after which the roots are covered with soil, and it is important to compact it a little around each flower;
    • each flower is watered abundantly;
    • mulch is used to provide protection from rapid evaporation of moisture and protect flowers from a large number of weeds, and sawdust or peat are usually used for these purposes;
    • For the first few days, the seedlings are covered with film at night.

    Thus, planting seedlings is a simple and accessible process for every gardener.

    How to care for gatsaniya?

    Planting and caring for gazania is simple steps, and the plant is so unpretentious that there is no need to pay much attention to it during the development and flowering process. Grown gazania flowers require the usual care:

    1. 1 Watering The gazania flower is southern, so it does not need abundant watering, as it is resistant to drought. However, for the stormy and abundant flowering It is advisable to water the plant regularly so that it does not dry out.
    2. 2 Loosening. It is carried out after watering, for which the earth in the tree trunk circle is slightly loosened. Gatsania grows well in soils saturated with oxygen.
    3. 3 Mulching. It is carried out immediately after loosening, and this process allows you to retain moisture and prevents the appearance of a large number of weeds. Typically peat or sawdust is used for this.
    4. 4 Feeding. It is advisable to apply it monthly, and complex mineral fertilizers are considered the ideal choice for these purposes. It is allowed to apply them immediately after watering.

    Thus, gatsaniya is a beautiful and bright flower, suitable for every territory. It provides excellent decoration of the site. Its propagation is carried out using different methods, and any of them is simple and accessible to every gardener. Care is not difficult, so when you study the basic conditions for proper cultivation, you will get abundantly flowering and beautiful plants Location on.

    Gazania or Gazania is a South African plant that gets its name from the Italian priest Theodore Gatz. The flower belongs to the genus Asteraceae and has about 40 species, including new hybrids, artificially bred by breeders.

    How to grow gazania from seeds?

    To grow gazania seedlings from seeds at home, you need to be patient, since the process is quite lengthy and requires compliance with many nuances.

    The timing of planting seeds depends on the area and climate. If spring is late in your region, you should not plant seeds too early because they will not have enough light. But there is no need to delay planting, since in this case it will bloom noticeably later. It is optimal to begin planting work in mid-April.

    If you are growing a flower for the first time, you are interested in knowing what gazania seeds look like. They are quite large and round in shape. Due to the size of the seeds, they can be easily sown individually.

    You can plant seedlings in peat tablets, individual cups or in deep drawer. The soil for seeds should be light, well-drained and. If you plant a gazania in a box, place the seeds in a checkerboard pattern with a distance of 2-3 cm. Sprinkle the seeds on top with soil or simply press them tightly to the soil.

    After spraying them with a spray bottle, cover them with film and place them in a warm and well-lit place. Ventilate the mini-greenhouse daily and remove condensation. The first shoots will appear after 1-2 weeks.

    If you grow gazania in a common container, then after the 4th leaf appears, the seedlings need to be transferred to peat-humus pots and removed for growing in a cooler place, for example, on an insulated unheated loggia. You can briefly open the window to harden the plants.

    With the onset of warm weather and the lengthening of the sunny period, the seedlings will begin to grow faster. Sprouts can be planted in open ground 12-16 weeks after planting the seeds.

    Caring for a gazania flower at home

    IN winter period African chamomile can be transplanted into slides and flowerpots and continued to be grown on the windowsill. The soil for the plant should be nutritious and light. There must be a layer of expanded clay or vermiculite at the bottom of the pot.

    The place for wintering the flower should be bright - a sunny window or balcony. On cloudy days, the gazania needs additional lighting. An overwintered plant can be returned to the flowerbed in the spring.