Where can I find Arabic numerals in Word? Entering Roman numerals from the keyboard

There are many examples in which it is necessary to use Roman numerals in . This is most often a record of dates - as a rule, centuries are indicated only by such symbols. In addition, it happens that numbering is required only with their use.

Video on inserting Roman numerals in Microsoft Office Word

There can be different ways to solve such a problem; one of the most common is to print Roman numerals in Latin letters. To do this you need to go to English language. And since the characters must be capitalized, you need to either turn on “Caps Lock” or simultaneously press “Shift” while entering. Since any number corresponds to a specific letter, you need to remember the following:

  • 1 is entered as the letter "I";
  • 5 - like “V”;
  • 10 - as "X";
  • 50 - as "L";
  • 100 - as "C";
  • 500 - as "D";
  • 1000 - like "M".

Keyboard shortcut and using paste

To print Roman numerals in Word, there is a feature that allows you to enter when using certain keys. To do this, you must simultaneously press “Ctrl” and “F9”. A ( ) will appear at the location where the cursor was. Between these brackets you need to type: =number\*ROMAN. Next, press “F9”.

For example, if you need to write 12345, then it will be (=12345\*ROMAN), and the result is MMMMMMMMMMMMCCCXLV. When you enter the characters "roman" in capitals, the result will be mmmmmmmmmmmmcccxlv. It is also worth remembering that the largest number that can be written in Roman numerals is 99999.

The insertion method is used quite rarely; this input option is not very convenient, and it is also necessary to remember the correspondence of letters and numbers. To use it, select “Insert” in the tabs and open “Symbols” in the ribbon. In the window that appears, in the “Set” line, find “Basic Latin”. Next, select the required characters one by one.
Each item must be numbered with a Roman numeral. You can do this in two ways:

Everyone chooses the appropriate method for entering the desired characters. Sometimes, if, for example, the same number appears several times in the text, you can enter it once, and then copy and paste as many as necessary.

Roman numerals in Word, as a rule, are used mainly by students of various educational institutions(schools, colleges, institutes, universities and so on) when writing essays, independent, coursework or dissertations. There are three main ways this can be done. Let's look at them in more detail.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Switch the keyboard to the English layout (in most cases using the keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift).
  2. Then turn on the capital letters mode. To do this, press the Caps Lock button.
  3. Next, manually enter the characters we need.

This method is only good if you perfectly know the rules of translation from Arabic numerals (regular). It will be very difficult at first. Therefore, it would be better to find and print a table of Roman numbers, thanks to which you can learn gradually. For example, this one.

Using the built-in formula to convert numbers

In the modern version of Word - 2007, 2010 and older - you can convert to Roman numerals without knowing all the rules for matching their Arabic meanings. To do this, just do the following:

  1. Open the editor and place the cursor where you need it.

  1. After that, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F9.
  2. As a result, a special form will appear where you can insert a formula.

  1. Then you need to write the following code.
(=any number you need\* Roman)

  1. After that, press the F9 button on your keyboard.
  2. As a result, your dialed number will automatically turn into a Roman number. In our case, instead of 100, “C” appeared, which corresponds to the tabular data presented earlier.

This way you can enter very large and complex numbers and still not know the rules at all. The Word editor will do all the work for you.

Copying from a table

There is another radical method - copying ready-made Roman numerals. This method is useful for those who do not want to tinker with formulas or make mistakes in them.

On the Internet you can find many sites where large number conversion tables are posted. An example is the website.

Here you can find all values ​​from 1 to 1000. And there are a huge number of such examples.


This article discussed the main ways in which you can convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals. Choose the one you like best as each user has their own preferences.

Video instruction

If you have problems entering the formula or have any questions, you can find the answers in the video attached below.

Writing Roman numerals using a keyboard is an interesting activity. Anyone can feel like an expert in this number system.

Do you need to enter Roman numerals on your laptop, but don't know how? No problem! All you need to do is take a few minutes to read this article.

Roman numerals are rarely used today, mainly to indicate centuries and the serial numbers of various rulers, for example, the 18th century or Alexander II. You can also find Roman numerals on watch dials or in chapter names in books. Often big number Roman numerals are found when writing abstracts. Then the ability to quickly insert them can save a lot of time.

Writing Roman numerals has been customary in Europe for two thousand years. Later, during the Middle Ages, the Arabs decided to replace the number system with a simpler one. Over time, it spread throughout the world.

Digital era

Writing Roman numerals on the keyboard of a laptop or PC is quite simple, because all numbers in this number system correspond to Latin letters. So if you have a keyboard with a layout English alphabet, inserting Roman numerals is easy. In addition, you can write numbers in Word, as well as enter special codes. But first things first.

Standard method

To set Roman numerals:

  • Switch to English (for a computer, the key combination is Ctrl + Shift, for a laptop Alt + Shift);
  • Press the CapsLock key, since all Roman numerals are typed in capital Latin letters.

Then you can try to insert the first number on your computer or laptop:

  • 1 – Latin letter I;
  • 2 – two letters II, 3 – respectively 3 letters;
  • 5 – Latin letter V;
  • 4 – combination IV (that is, 1 less than 5);
  • 6 – formed in a similar way – VI (1 more than 5);
  • 7 and 8 – 2 and 3 more than 5, that is, VII and VIII;
  • 10 – Latin letter X;
  • 9 and 11 - similar to the formation of numbers 4 and 6, that is, IX and XI (1 less than ten, and 1 more than ten, respectively);
  • 12 and 13 – XII and XIII;
  • And so on: 14 – 19 – add to ten (X) the numbers obtained earlier;
  • 20, 30 – two and three tens, respectively;
  • 50 – Latin letter L;
  • 40 and 60 – similar to the formation of 4 and 6 – XL and LX;
  • 100 is the Latin letter C (remember that 100 is a centner, then the letter C (tse) will be easy to remember;
  • 500 – Latin letter D;
  • 1000 letter M – thousand.

If you need to dial a long number, for example, 177, then first perform the calculation: 100+70+7. Type on the keyboard with more. The result will be CLXXVII.

You can also write your birthday in Roman numerals. For example, 07/23/1978. will look like this: XXIII.VII.MCMLXXVIII.

If you need to enter a long number, counting can sometimes be difficult. A special Arabic-Roman number converter will help you here. Such online services With the help of a laptop you can quickly find it on the Internet.

ASCII codes

To enter Roman numerals on a laptop or PC, you can use special ASCII codes:

  • Turn on Num Lock mode;
  • Hold down the ALT key and type the appropriate combination of numbers on the secondary keyboard.

This method of typing Roman numerals on a computer may seem complicated, but in principle you will quickly get used to it if you use it regularly. Over time, you will be able to insert any Roman number literally automatically, since in principle there are few numbers to remember, this is:

  • I – code 73;
  • V – code 86;
  • X – code 88;
  • L – code 76;
  • C – code 67;
  • D – code 68;
  • M – code 77.

Obviously, this is a very time-consuming method, especially if you need to enter a lot of Roman numerals. But if you have no other options, then this method will be quite viable.


The easiest way to enter Roman numerals using a laptop is to write them in Word or any other office application. Follow these steps:

  • Press Ctrl + F9;
  • Parentheses ( ) will appear;
  • Type in brackets – (=required number\*ROMAN);
  • Press F9;
  • The required Roman numeral will appear.

This effective method, when you are not sure how to correctly type a particular number, and there is no access to the Internet from your laptop. But it also has a drawback: you can only write in Word and similar office applications. If you need to enter Roman numerals in Photoshop, then use this method will not work. Alternatively, you can type a number on your keyboard, copy it, and paste it into required document, it's not that hard to do.

The easiest way to write Roman numerals on a keyboard or laptop is to put Latin letters in the English layout. The method is suitable for any application. If you use Roman numerals often, you will quickly memorize them. For those who are just starting to learn them, it is recommended to use a converter or a regular draft.

Writing Roman numerals digitally - only at first glance difficult task. Considering that today their distribution is quite limited, you can always spend a little time figuring out how to make the correct input.

Let's look at four ways how to print roman numerals inWord . Roman numerals can be written in different ways, depending on the purpose.
First way.
Roman numerals in the listWord.
If Roman numerals are needed for numbering in a list, then you can use the functions Word creation numbered list. On the “Home” tab, in the “Paragraph” section, click on the “Numbering” button in Word 2013, and in Word 2007 this is the “Create a numbered list” button. Select the button with Roman numerals in the window that appears.
For more information about creating different, multi-level lists, see the article “Creating multi-level lists in Word”.
Second way.
How to Write Roman Numerals in Word.

We write Roman numerals in English capital letters. Switch the keyboard to the English layout and type in large (capital) letters.

Remember, to write letters in capitals you need to:

A)Or press the “Caps Lock” key.

B)Or press and hold down the “Shift” key while typing letters.

To write the Roman numeral 1, press the letter “I” (and English) key.
Roman numeral 2 – II.
Roman numeral 3 – III.
Roman numeral 4 – IV (capital English letters I and V).
Roman numeral 5 – V.
Roman numeral 6 – VI.
Roman numeral 7 – VII.
Roman numeral 8 – VIII.
Roman numeral 9 – IX (capital English letters I and X).
Roman numeral 10 – X.
Roman numeral 50 is L.
Roman numeral 100 is C.
Roman numeral 500 is D.
Roman numeral 1000 is M.
Here is a table for writing Roman numerals. Third way.
How to make Roman numerals inWord.
Let's apply a formula that will convert Arabic numbers to Roman numbers.
Place the cursor in the place where you need to write the Roman numeral. Press the key combination “Ctrl” + “F9”.
If this keyboard shortcut does not work (in Word 2013), then try pressing this keyboard shortcut - “Ctrl” + “Fn” + “F9”.
will appear gray field in curly brackets.
In this field we write a formula that converts Arabic numerals to Roman numerals. We will convert the number 2015.
Explanation of the formula.

First we always put the “Equals” sign.
We write the number that needs to be converted.
We write a forward slash (slash) inclined to the left (\). It is set like this - press the dash key, without pressing additional buttons, Russian keyboard layout.
We write the word “ROMAN” in English letters. Then the number will be written in large numbers in Roman letters. If we write the word “roman” in small letters in the formula, then the Roman numeral will also be written in small numbers.
Press the “F9” key (or the key combination – “Fn” + “F9”).
It turned out like this.
To adjust the formula, change the number in the formula, etc., click on this number and press the right mouse button. From the dialog box that appears, select the “Codes/field values” function.
Instead of a number, a formula appeared. Change the number 2015 to 10. Press the “F9” key again (or “Fn” + “F9”). It will turn out like this.
For other ways to use a text box, see the article "Word Text Box".
Fourth way.
How to insert Roman numerals intoWord.
Insert symbols. On the “Insert” tab, in the “Symbols” section, click on the “Symbol” button. Then click on the “Other symbols” button. Select the desired symbol. The Symbol dialog box displays the code for that symbol. You can put this symbol as a code. To learn how to work with symbols, see the article “How to put emphasis in Word.”
How to write a fraction in Word different types, see several ways in the article "

Sooner or later, while working with MS Word text documents, inexperienced users may have a question about how to put Roman numerals. This is especially true when writing abstracts, scientific reports, term papers or dissertations, as well as any other similar documents where you need to indicate centuries or chapter numbering.

Typing Roman numerals in Word is not a difficult task; moreover, there are two options for solving it. We will tell you how to do this below.

The first method is simpler and more common, well known to many and allows you to easily type Roman numerals in Word. It consists in using large English letters(Latin).

1. Switch the keyboard layout if you this moment you have Russian language enabled. Use the key combination for this “Ctrl+Shift” or “Alt+Shift”, depending on which one is used on your system.

2. Enter the required letter designation of Roman numerals while holding down the key "Shift" or turn it on for a while "CapsLock", if it will be more convenient for you.

So, to write in Roman numerals 26 , just enter XXVI. To write 126 , enter CXXVI, where each character is capital letters "x", "x", "v", "i" in the first case and "c", "x", "x", "v", "i"- in the second

This method is simple and convenient, but only in cases where you need to enter only a couple of Roman numerals and at the same time you know exactly the designation of each of them. But what to do if you don’t know all the Roman numerals that you need to put in the text, and there are quite a lot of them? Personal time is expensive, and we will help you save it. There is a more advanced one for this, and it’s simple correct method introducing Roman numerals in Word, which does not require additional knowledge from you.

1. Press the key combination on your keyboard “Ctrl+F9”.

2. In the parentheses that appear, enter the following notation: =126\*Roman, Where “126” is any Arabic number or numeral that you need to enter in Roman numbers.

3. Press the key F9.

4. The number you need in Roman notation will appear in the document. To remove Gray background, just left-click to the side.

Actually, that’s all, now you know how to put Roman numerals in Word. You can also try to find Roman numerals in Word in the tab "Insert""Symbol", but this is probably the most difficult and most ineffective way. In any case, it is up to you to decide which of the above methods to use when working with documents. For our part, we can only wish you productivity and effectiveness in your work and training.