Horoscope June 25 July 1. Horoscope for Taurus

Vasilisa Volodina, like no one else, knows what each Zodiac Sign needs at one time or another. Forecasts famous astrologer and TV presenter - this is the basis for a successful pastime.

In the week from September 25 to October 1, everyone will experience pleasant changes. You may not notice them, but they will happen. Pay attention to the signs of fate at moments when luck will depend on one confident step. Pluto will move from a retrograde state to a normal one, so from this week it is possible and even necessary to take into account love compatibility when building a romantic relationship.


from September 25 to October 1, Aries will have only one patron - Mars. This alignment is very good for you, because it speaks of the creative mood of the Universe. Don’t pay attention to little things, don’t use folk signs, don’t trust your intuition. This week will be very positive, because your strength will increase significantly. The stay of Mars in Virgo makes it surprisingly calm, so if there are any troubles, it will only be on Monday, when the planet enters a sesquiquadrature with restless Uranus.

Your life can be filled with a variety of events from the world of love, money, work. The main thing is not to follow the desires of the people around you. Be a little selfish. Live for yourself. Clear away the clutter of tasks at work, tidy up your home, start doing exercises, go on a diet. Work on yourself while you have the opportunity.


This week the most important area for Taurus will be financial. Mercury will help you in matters related to numbers and spending money. His stay in Virgo until Thursday will help strengthen your position at work and in business. The planet will be strong, therefore capable of much. Your energy will be higher, so maximum activity will help attract money. Don’t be afraid to spend money and spend all your time earning money.

On Friday, Mercury begins its movement in the constellation Libra, having lost some of its energy. This does not mean that luck will turn away from you. This only means that everything will be much calmer around you. During these three days, it is better to concentrate on shopping, as well as on love affairs. In amorous matters, it is better to rely on a sober head and not make serious decisions without thinking them through thoroughly.


You will have to spend some time figuring out how to get out of debt and find your way to prosperity. This applies not only to material values. In love, it is also better to start fulfilling the promises made earlier. Uranus retrograde is still in Aries, so its energy is creative and moderate. These seven days will be very positive for you if you are committed to change.

On Thursday and Monday, luck will be with you, because Uranus will be in good aspects with Mercury, your main patron. In love, in business, at work and in business, these two will become decisive. But not only for this week, but for the entire beginning of autumn in general. This period will be something of a starting point into the new future that all Geminis have dreamed of. Do not take on new obligations, but deal with old ones.


Venus and the Moon will join forces to help you become happier this week. Venus will not change its character for seven days while remaining in Virgo. She will remain weak, but her little activity will still be enough to help you succeed in love. This moderation will not become destructive - it is very useful now.

Venus will help you move forward, and the Moon will be a powerful protection against negativity. The first three days and last two days of this week will be days of a moderately active Moon. This means that these days you can tear and throw, because the Moon will cover your rear. On September 28 and 29, the Moon will be in Capricorn, therefore, on these two days you will have to be as careful as possible, because the completely deprived Moon will no longer be able to restrain Venus. If you succeed, then you can take a good rest on this day from problems.

a lion

The Sun and Uranus will merge in the fight for your luck this week. The Sun will remain in the constellation Libra, maintaining barely noticeable activity, which will go into creating motivation for you. Some thoughts lead to illness and failure, but the Sun will help you think about something good all seven days. But it's not strong enough to activate your sixth sense, so use your common sense these days.

Uranus, on the contrary, will try to make you believe that many goals are unattainable. He will be moderate while in Aries, so don't underestimate his capabilities. There will not be a single good aspect with other planets, so the undulating mood will become business card Uranus. In short, this week may become like a tug of war between the Sun and Uranus. It’s better not to make new acquaintances for now, and not to spend money.


Saturn will try to do everything possible for you in a positive way during these seven days. This planet will suggest solutions to the most difficult problems, and will also help you see something positive in the endless stream of troubles. This week will be a great time to make a change. life path and priorities. While everything is spinning and spinning, try not to forget that life never stands still. Change your surroundings, go shopping, go on a trip, change your image. Don’t forget about materializing your thoughts - having the most fighting spirit will increase your chances of success significantly.

On September 25, Monday, Saturn will be in square with Mercury. This means that the first day of the week will be the best for you. Inactivity and rest will become your enemies, so put any doubts aside and set yourself up for work. There will be a high probability of finding your soul mate. Try to strengthen existing family, friendship or love relationships on this day.


Although the Sun in your Zodiac Sign will be weak, even minimal activity will be enough to create uncertainty in you and help your fears to surface. The stars will increase the likelihood of nightmares, insomnia, and obsessive thoughts. This week will be like a struggle, endless and uncompromising. The longer you fight for your happiness, the better it will be for you from any point of view.

Don't let problems go. Fight to the end, because the Sun does not directly deprive you of luck, especially the weaker Sun in Libra. It deprives you of positivity, without which even hope for many of you can crack. Think about your future, about how you can correct what was done previously. Don't be afraid to ask your loved ones for advice. Don't rush into decisions, think and analyze more.


Neptune and the Moon are taking matters into their own hands this week. This means that the time has come to dot all the i’s in life. The coming seven days will help Scorpios realize their pros and cons, weak and strengths. Self-analysis is not only possible, but even necessary. You need to understand your fears, your desires and possibilities.

Neptune will be strong while in Pisces. This will make you feel a pang of conscience at crucial moments. It's better not to think about what is right and what is wrong. Be moderate egoists. Try to find the strength within yourself to correct the mistakes of the past. You will have a chance to win back your lost love and restore broken relationships in the past. The Moon will be moderately active on September 25, 26, 27, 30 and October 1, so you will have less chance of success on these days. Be fully active on Wednesday and Thursday while the Moon is debilitated in Capricorn.


Pluto and Neptune will rule the roost for you from September 25th to October 1st. These planets will come into dissonance with each other. Start the week slowly, just go with the flow and plan things for the end of the week. Good luck will be with you, because Neptune in Pisces will help strengthen your biofield. Its creative energy will be very noticeable. Pluto will stop retrograde this week, namely on Friday, September 29th.

The end of the week will mark the beginning of something very pleasant. New acquaintances will be dazzling, so many Sagittarius will finally be able to find their soul mate. This time is suitable for romance, dating, strengthening love and finding it. It’s also better not to remain in the shadows at work and in business. Interact with the world around you, do not distance yourself from it.


Capricorns will have to pay attention to the facts that they receive from the outside. Trust your hearing and sight, but not gossip and rumors. Also this week, try to control jealousy and envy, which simply have no place in your life. Jupiter will rule the roost, and its moderate energy will envelop you in a veil of negativity, from which you can still hide.

Now you just need to throw out all the negative energy that has accumulated over the past for a long time. This can be done using physical exercise or work. Concentrate on something specific and don’t expect anything, but do everything yourself. Jupiter's stay in Libra will make it moderately strong, so that each day will be similar to the previous one in terms of mood. This patron planet will not give you anything except groundless self-doubts.


Your strengths are the desire to always move forward. Find a person this week who will not point out your shortcomings, but will simply help you solve the gaps. Mercury will become the most important planet, so luck will remain on your side. Mercury will remain in Virgo until Thursday, maintaining high activity, and then calm down a little as it moves into Libra.

As experts from the website dailyhoro.ru report, this transition will even have some positive effects on you, although the creative energy background will weaken. Everything will become calmer and more predictable. At all levels of life, pleasant moments will await you that will brighten up your loneliness. If you are married or in a relationship, then dedicate a week to your significant other.

The first half of this week will be quite busy. In personal relationships, quarrels and separations are possible, both temporary and forced, and those committed on your initiative. If it is important for you to maintain your union, avoid coldness and indifference, try to listen to your passion. In the first half of the week, it is not recommended to enter into large financial transactions, or actively deal with external circumstances. The second half of the week is more favorable. Listen to the opinions of other people more often; their advice at this time will help you use your abilities and talents to the maximum. By the end of the week the situation will improve personal life. This is a good time to give your loved one a pleasant surprise. New acquaintances will also be successful: there is a possibility of starting a romantic relationship.

Weekly horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2018 Aries

This week the stars do not advise Aries to spend time in the house renovation work. Perhaps you decide that there is not enough free space in the apartment, and try to somehow correct this situation. However, neither repair nor rearrangement of furniture will most likely give the desired effect, so after some time you will have to return everything back. This is also a rather unstable time for relationships with close relatives, especially parents. Young Aries may have a desire to leave their parents' house and rent a separate apartment. The main reason for such a desire will be the increased need for independence, the desire to free oneself from guardianship and control. On weekends, you can plan to visit concert halls, clubs or go to the cinema. At this time, a romantic acquaintance is not excluded.

Weekly horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2018 Taurus

This week Taurus will have a lot of trips, meetings, and telephone conversations. However, the stars indicate that almost all new acquaintances that occur during this period will end as quickly and unexpectedly as they begin. Difficulties with self-discipline are possible. It will be more difficult for students to get ready for serious work. This time is characterized by a scattering of interests, a spontaneous transition from one topic to another. At the end of the week, especially on the weekends, you will be able to improve your family relationships. This is a favorable time for receiving guests and holding family celebrations.

Weekly horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2018 Gemini

Gemini will face some unplanned expenses this week. If you are in a difficult financial situation, consider what measures you could take to protect your savings. Of course, not all expenses will be waived: for example, a necessary item may unexpectedly break down. Appliances in the house (refrigerator, washing machine). However, austerity will still help to minimize material costs. From Monday to Friday inclusive, the likelihood of injury increases. To avoid them, handle electrical appliances more carefully and exercise caution when driving a car. On weekends, you can go to the country or just out of town: you will have a great time in the company of friends and relatives.

Weekly horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2018 Cancer

This week, Cancers will tend to show independence in everything. Try to take into account the opinions of people around you and not violate existing rules and norms of behavior. Remember that your freedom ends where other people's freedom begins. Perhaps for Lately You have accumulated dissatisfaction with the current state of things and this week you will want to express the anger that overwhelms you. You may react painfully to any attempts by others to control you or to calls to fulfill your obligations. This is why relationships with management and marriage partners will become tense. The situation will improve over the weekend. During this period, you can please yourself with successful purchases.

Weekly horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2018 Leo

Leos this week may find themselves in a situation that limits their freedom of behavior. For example, your health may deteriorate. It is recommended to devote more time to your health and preventive measures. Otherwise, you risk lying at home for some time with high temperature and never complete the planned tasks. Also this week, the likelihood of complications with representatives of the law increases. Try not to break the rules traffic when driving a car. The weekend will be spent on an optimistic wave. This is a good time to visit a beauty salon and change your image.

Weekly horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2018 Virgo

Virgos will have to radically change their plans this week. What you were striving for may suddenly lose its relevance. Changes in relationships with friends are also possible: for example, you will quarrel with one of your friends literally out of the blue. The stars advise not to burn bridges behind you. It won't be long before everything returns to normal. Similar metamorphoses can occur in love relationships. It is possible that you decide to part with your passion. There is also no need to rush in this matter. Already on the weekend, astrological influences will become more favorable and you will be able to quickly come to a compromise.

Weekly horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2018 Libra

The main events this week for Libra will be related to professional activities. Perhaps there will be changes in the company where you work that will affect you. It is also possible that you will have a lot of worries around the house, as a result of which you will have to be torn between family and work. Try not to fuss, act more organized and consistent, then you will be able to resolve all issues faster. It is recommended to postpone the most important matters not related to work until the weekend. On Saturday and Sunday, circumstances will be in your favor. This is a good time to communicate with friends and plan for the future.

Weekly horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2018 Scorpio

This week, Scorpios may experience complications in relations with representatives of the law. Now there is no need to start legal proceedings or file claims in court. Be careful when driving: violating traffic rules can lead to serious trouble (for example, loss of license). Is not best time to improve your skills. During this period, it will be difficult for you to concentrate on the subject of study due to many distractions. From Monday to Friday, it is not advisable to go on long trips and prepare travel documents (apply for a visa or passport). On weekends, relationships with close relatives will improve. During this period, you can attend concerts and any special events.

Weekly horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2018 Sagittarius

Sagittarius this week increases the likelihood of financial losses and all kinds of incidents. Try to be careful and avoid dangerous activities. During this period, you may be inclined to go to extremes and react sharply to any attempts to control your actions. By defending your freedom, you risk unwittingly offending people close to you who show sincere participation in your life. Don’t mistake caring for an attempt to control and limit you in some way. From Monday to Friday, the likelihood of quarrels in love relationships increases. You should not demand the impossible from your passion. The weekend will most likely pass in an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding.

Weekly horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2018 Capricorn

Capricorns who are married or in permanent partnerships will encounter unexpected changes in the behavior of their loved one this week. For example, if you are used to controlling your partner, then during this period he will want to act freely and independently. You should not take everything with hostility, show wisdom and patience, allow your partner to enjoy complete freedom and do not limit his behavior. It won't be long before the situation returns to normal on its own. On weekends, your sexual attractiveness will increase, so partnerships will once again be filled with harmony. Gifts from a loved one as a sign of reconciliation are not excluded.

Weekly horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2018 Aquarius

This week Aquarians are advised to take care of their health first. First of all, try to pay special attention to nutrition. You may be devoting a lot of energy to your work, so your body will need more vitamins and minerals to perform productively. Make sure that there are no drafts in the room where you are: now the risk of developing colds is high. Also this week you may have to care for sick relatives. This is not the best time to purchase pets. Over the weekend, harmony will be established in partnerships. Now you can attend weddings, anniversaries and other festive events.

Weekly horoscope from June 25 to July 1, 2018 Pisces

Pisces may become more adventurous this week. You will want to diversify your life, bring into it an element of surprise and creativity. If you are going through a period of falling in love, try to surprise your loved one with something. However, do not overdo it, otherwise the effect of the surprise will be the opposite. It is worth carefully asking your crush whether she will like what you have in mind, and first of all this applies to gifts. There is no need to purchase an expensive item if you are not sure that your loved one will like it. The weekend is a good time to buy and care for pets

The placement of the planets indicates that the 26th week of the current year will be closely connected with the sphere of finance. All astrological signs without exception, will engage in improving their own financial situation. This is a favorable time for active and thoughtful actions; you can take on new projects and implement bold plans. True, it is necessary to refrain from hasty decisions. It is important to objectively assess available resources and capabilities, otherwise nervous breakdowns and overwork cannot be avoided. In addition, during this period it is necessary to maintain balance in relationships with other people. Maintaining friendly and calm relationships will help achieve your plans and strengthen your budget.

Weekly horoscope for Aries

According to the astrological forecast, the new period will be quite tense and ambiguous for Aries. At the same time, this week is favorable for any undertakings, but old affairs may still stall. Representatives of your sign will be concerned interpersonal relationships related to career, business or personal life. Conflicts cannot be ruled out controversial situations. Try to take a neutral position or play the role of a peacemaker, this will have a positive effect on your relationships with others.


Monday is good for planning. Careerists and entrepreneurs can start drawing up a business plan for the near future. Family representatives of the zodiac pantheon can plan their budget and upcoming expenses. This is also a good time to outline approximate goals related to the arrangement and design of an apartment or country house.


On Tuesday, the stars recommend being patient and not starting conflicts, otherwise you risk finding yourself in the very epicenter of proceedings. Some Aries will attend court hearings or family councils. In any case, you should use common sense and not emotions.


Mild ailments are possible on Wednesday; try not to overdo it with official duties and household chores. In addition, some protracted work issues may come to mind today, but this is not the right time to resolve them. And also refrain from long trips, no matter how important they may be. There are high risks of force majeure situations on the road.


But on Thursday you can safely go on business trips or personal trips, everything will go smoothly. True, today it will be extremely difficult for representatives of your sign to make any decisions; you are not sure of the correctness of your own actions and this will negatively affect your emotional state. Hiking or light fitness will help strengthen your emotional background.


Problems of a love nature may appear on Friday. You are tired of the fact that your loved one shows no initiative at all. Try to abstract yourself from the current situation; this is an unfavorable time to sort things out. It is advisable to meet with close friends, you will be able to get distracted.


On Saturday, single people of your sign will be in the spotlight. The main thing is to answer calls and do not refuse invitations. And family Aries will want to have fun, and this will benefit you.


Sunday's day off should be devoted to small household nuances and measured relaxation. Try to find a middle ground.

Weekly horoscope for Taurus

The weekly horoscope for Taurus predicts: a very favorable time is expected. The main thing is to create the most comfortable conditions for yourself, then you will be able to handle any assigned tasks. Positive trends are emerging in career, business and finance. However, you shouldn’t forget about rest either; avoid overexertion both at work and at home.


On Monday, refrain from any disagreements with business partners, colleagues or subordinates. A calm environment will be the key to today's success. Try to sort out all the long-standing issues, then something new and long-awaited will come into your life. It is better to spend your free time at home or on a country plot. Take up gardening or interior design to help you find peace of mind.


Public praise and career advancement are very likely this Tuesday. Most likely, you will be able to acquire useful connections, and it is possible that you will interact with foreign partners. Your financial situation will become stronger and you can safely plan upcoming expenses. But family Taurus have recently acquired debts, and the time has come to pay them off.


Transactions concluded on this Wednesday will be successful. This is also a favorable moment for signing securities. In addition, luck will not turn its back on creative people. The main thing is not to give in to difficulties and follow your dreams, then success is guaranteed to you. But the stars recommend refraining from large-scale shopping.


Thursday will be a busy day for many representatives of the zodiac pantheon. Be prepared for a frank and not the most pleasant conversation with someone close to you. This is not the right moment for romantic leisure and first dates; your plans will be disrupted. Try to get plenty of rest, preferably going to bed earlier than usual.


A hobby will bring satisfaction on Friday. Don’t race your horses, you won’t earn all the money anyway. Do something you really enjoy. Free Taurus will not refuse light flirting, but a serious relationship will not begin now.


Small aesthetically pleasing purchases will lift your spirits this Saturday, allow yourself a little luxury.


And it’s best to spend Sunday with older relatives. This is the only way you can get rid of stress and relax.

Weekly horoscope for Gemini

According to the weekly horoscope, a very troublesome and not the most interesting time awaits Gemini. You are still great at generating ideas, but now you should think a hundred times before making important decisions. Love and family relationships, as well as joint money issues, will be at the forefront.


Many representatives of your sign will decide to shift some of their responsibilities to other people on Monday. This way you will have more free time, most likely you will do budget planning or creative project. Nevertheless, do not abuse the kindness of others, otherwise you risk finding yourself in a disadvantageous position.


Tuesday is suitable for finishing things you started both at work and at home. This is a favorable time for putting things in order in the workplace, home and thoughts. Some Geminis may need help, put your pride aside and reach out to someone you can trust. Today you will not be denied.


Family people your sign will face important financial issues this Wednesday. Most likely this will concern family budget, any payments, loans or debts. Try to come to an agreement with your loved one. Avoid accusations and dissatisfaction against him, then you will be able to come to a compromise. Remember that you can count on your partner's support, so there is no need to panic.


Thursday will be the day of long-awaited shopping. This is hardly a good time to make major purchases, but you have already made your decision. The stars recommend going to shopping mall with a loved one, because scammers are especially active today.


On Friday, single Geminis will be in a very romantic mood. You are ready to take the initiative and make dates. However, you may be disappointed; apparently, you expected something more from this meeting.


It's better to spend Saturday at home. You need measured rest and long sleep.


And Sunday is conducive to active recreation in nature.

Weekly horoscope for Cancers

According to the astrological forecast for the week, Cancer will face a difficult and very troublesome period. The main events of this seven-day period will be related to monetary or property issues. The stars advise you to be thrifty and not give in to momentary desires, otherwise your budget will be shaken. In addition, this is a favorable time for any initiatives and undertakings.


On Monday, Cancers will be busy planning their budget. Now you may need financial support, and some representatives of your sign, on the contrary, will be forced to come to the aid of loved ones. Family women preparing for a serious conversation with your spouse. You're worried about an upcoming vacation or a big purchase you've already planned.


Issues of inheritance, real estate, repayment of loans or debts should be resolved on Tuesday. Today you are more objective and consistent. Single people of your sign can count on a romantic meeting, but it is unlikely to turn into a serious relationship.


The environment is suitable for drastic decisions. Be brave and purposeful, then the desired changes will come into your life. This is a good time for a change professional activity or place of work, and today you can start drawing up a larger business plan. Cash bonuses await hardworking Cancers and creative people, provided that you devote most of your time to work.


The stars do not recommend sharing your own plans and secrets with colleagues and acquaintances this Thursday. Many representatives of the zodiac pantheon may need advice or you may simply want to speak out. For an intimate conversation, it is better to turn to a close friend or loved one. Shopping is also possible today, spend wisely and follow your shopping list.


Severe fatigue and general malaise will set in on Friday. Try to get plenty of rest, eat right and drink enough water. Today it is best to refrain from parties and cultural events.


Small household matters will require your attention on Saturday.


And Sunday should be dedicated exclusively to yourself. Get enough sleep and do what you really enjoy. This is the only way you will be able to find inner balance.

Weekly horoscope for Leo

The position of the stars indicates: during these seven days, Leos will be concerned about their current situation and what awaits them in the future. On the one hand, you have enough vital energy, so difficulties will be overcome easily. But, on the other hand, if negative emotions will get the better of you, then moving forward will not be so easy. Try to tune in to a positive mood and do not spoil your relationships with others, then everything will work out in your favor.


On Monday, give up caffeinated drinks or at least minimize the amount of them. Take up spiritual practices or fitness; walking won’t hurt. Today your sign will be especially anxious and irritable, so you should not take on important issues.


Tuesday favors creative representatives of the zodiac pantheon. Don’t waste your time on trifles, take on the implementation of the most daring and unusual ideas, because the stars predict you success and recognition from others. And also beware of envious people, especially for public figures. Try not to react to the provocations of ill-wishers who may remind you of yourself on the Internet.


Family Leos may quarrel with their life partner this Wednesday. Most likely, you yourself made some mistake and are now not satisfied with your own life. At the same time, for some reason you blame those closest to you for all your sins. Today's quarrel will drag on for a long period, so try to avoid this. But single individuals, on the contrary, will enjoy light flirting with the opposite sex. It is possible that you will have a whirlwind romance.


Exacerbation of chronic ailments, as well as liver disease, cannot be ruled out on Thursday. Stop stressing over trifles to avoid health problems. Representatives of the sign in love risk losing their minds because of a new romantic acquaintance. Be careful, don't rush headlong into the pool. But businessmen and careerists have every chance to strengthen their budget. Act according to your own principles, fortune is with you.


Housewives can find an additional source of income this Friday. You become more independent and self-confident. A fateful acquaintance awaits creative people. You will find a reliable patron.


On Saturday the emotional background will stabilize. The day will fly by unnoticed and will bring extremely positive emotions.


Sunday is a good day off for first dates and active rest in the fresh air.

Weekly horoscope for Virgos

According to the horoscope for Virgos, this week is expected to be a busy and important time for you. New period will be associated with long-awaited opportunities and complex tasks. Your intuition and logical abilities will increase, so you can handle any task with a bang. The main thing is to direct your energy in the right direction and not to overdo it with demands, otherwise you can ruin your relationships with loved ones. Beware of drafts, hypothermia and cold drinks, there is a risk of catching a cold.


Already on Monday, representatives of your sign will take over all matters in professional field and at home under your own control. Most likely, you will want to make some adjustments to your life, thereby streamlining it. Family Virgos should be more gentle and friendly towards their household members, because they already support all your initiatives.


On Tuesday, careerists may be burdened with additional official responsibilities; management is very pleased with you. This perfect time for a business conversation regarding promotion wages or bonus payments. And housewives will start major renovation, and you think through and decide all the important issues yourself. Virgo's self-esteem will increase noticeably, and the emotional background will stabilize.


Business trips and personal trips will go smoothly this Wednesday, you can safely hit the road. In addition, you will be presented with tempting offers that you should not refuse. But in the afternoon it is likely extreme fatigue, health problems cannot be ruled out. Try not to overwork yourself and go to bed earlier than usual.


Intense communication is expected on Thursday. Today you are an excellent listener and an interesting conversationalist, so achieving what you want will not be difficult. The stars advise you to listen to your inner voice more often; your intuition will not let you down. Free time should be spent with family and loved ones; they need your attention.


Friday is suitable for any manipulations with money. There are no scammers on the horizon, but that's it decisions made will turn out to be a success. In addition, it is possible that there will be financial bonuses that you did not expect today. Single people of your sign can count on a romantic meeting. It looks like someone around you has finally decided to take the first step.


Saturday will be filled with household chores. You may have to visit older relatives or help children. This is also the right moment to plan your own future.


Dedicate your Sunday day off to home improvement or dacha worries. But don't overdo it, you need to relax and recuperate.

Weekly horoscope for Libra

The weekly astrological forecast for Libra states: a productive and responsible period awaits representatives of your sign. This is a good time to promote career ladder, expanding your own business and implementing creative ideas. However, some difficulties cannot be excluded on the path to the desired success. The stars recommend marking specific goals and try to follow the chosen plan. And also don’t forget about your loved ones, otherwise your relationship with your significant other may deteriorate.


The ideal moment for business trips and foreign business trips is Monday. The road will not tire you at all, and business meetings will be very productive. Careerists will strengthen professional positions, and businessmen will be able to conclude profitable deals. The stars advise you to listen to your intuition; today it will become your most reliable advisor.


On Tuesday, Libra will feel a surge of energy and will be confident in own strength. This is a great time to participate in all kinds of negotiations, conferences, public speaking. However, beware of competitors and ill-wishers; gossip may form around your person.


And on Wednesday you shouldn’t make hasty decisions. Some representatives of the zodiac pantheon believe that the new place of work is not suitable for them. It seems to you that you cannot cope with your responsibilities. Hold off on quitting, these are just temporary difficulties. Spend the evening in pleasant company, preferably visiting a theater or cinema. You can also take up your favorite hobby.


Thursday is suitable for manual labor and routine activities. Today you are especially attentive to details and will not make mistakes. It's time for family people of your sign to figure it out own feelings and desires. It looks like you are leading a double life and are pretty tired of it. And single Libra puts your personal life on pause; you are not ready for a serious relationship.


On Friday, representatives of your sign should pay attention to a loved one or family, otherwise a major quarrel will not be avoided. Put things aside for later and spend time with those who truly care about you. In the afternoon, cash receipts are not excluded.


Cultural activities will lift your spirits this Saturday. For now, it’s best to refrain from large-scale shopping.


On Sunday it is worth engaging in introspection, as well as summing up your own activities. You may come to unexpected conclusions that will be useful in the near future.

Weekly horoscope for Scorpios

According to the astrological forecast, during this period, temperamental and sometimes harsh Scorpios will be able to curb their temper and achieve success both in their professional activities and in their personal lives. This is a great time for self-improvement, career growth and building relationships with others. The main thing is to avoid property disputes with relatives and disputes with colleagues, partners or superiors. The emotional state will be stable, intuition will increase.


Monday is favorable for working with securities, business meetings and negotiations. Creative people of your sign can get sponsorship if they set a similar goal. The stars remind: do not try to impose your own point of view on other people, it is better to get busy with current affairs or new projects. Today fortune is completely on your side.


Family Scorpios will be preoccupied with domestic issues on Tuesday. Most likely, you are preparing for a joint trip or some important event. Show gentleness, and your household will reciprocate. Single representatives of the zodiac pantheon, on the contrary, will take a break from everyday worries and accept an invitation to a date, or they themselves will initiate a romantic meeting.


The role of a peacemaker will have to be played in this environment. An ambiguous situation may arise at home or at work. Listen to your inner voice, it will tell you how to behave and what to say to others in order to improve the situation. It is best to devote your free time to spiritual development. Study relevant literature or meditate.


It is possible that on Thursday you will need to defend your own principles and views. Representatives of your sign are determined, try not to go too far, you don’t need quarrels. In addition, today refuse to meet and communicate with relatives. There may be disagreements based on property and financial issues, which you cannot calmly resolve.


Careerists may receive a lucrative offer on Friday, your salary will be increased or you will be promoted to a higher position. This is also a favorable moment for expanding business projects and implementing creative ideas. Take your luck by the tail. Financial receipts are expected in the afternoon, do not rush to spend money.


Saturday will bring a loss of strength. Napoleonic plans can wait, you need to sleep and rest.


And Sunday should be spent with loved ones. Don't forget about true friends, they missed you.

Weekly horoscope for Sagittarius

According to the weekly astrological forecast, Sagittarius will have an ambiguous, but very successful time. Moreover, good luck will accompany not only careerists and businessmen, but also those representatives of your sign who are least associated with finance. But on the personal front, confusing situations may arise, and this can spoil the overall picture. Be prepared to make a responsible decision.


Monday will be the perfect time for first dates. The main thing is to avoid political topics and conversations about careers. Ideological and creative people can find a good source of income, and their financial situation will noticeably improve. This also applies to those Sagittarius whose activities are related to the field of education, spiritual practices, psychology and personal development.


But Tuesday favors entrepreneurs, careerists, accountants and lawyers. Smile, demonstrate your diplomatic talents, then getting what you want will not be difficult. This is the right moment for long-distance business trips and mastering new job responsibilities. It is possible that you will be promoted.


An optimistic mood may give way to a depressive state on this Wednesday. Apparently you are disappointed in your loved one. It seems that he is not free and carefully hid it from you. The stars recommend listening to common sense and thinking about yourself. Parting will be the best way out of this situation. And professional activity will help you take your mind off your love experiences.


Most Sagittarius will need friendly advice or the opinion of an authoritative person on Thursday. Don't be shy to ask for help, they won't refuse you. Family people of your sign will feel support from their household and significant other. Pay attention to your loved ones, this will strengthen relationships with your family and have a positive effect on your state of mind.


Cash bonuses will arrive this Friday, you can safely plan your budget. Try to finish what you started today so that you don’t have to worry about it on the weekend. The evening should be spent calmly, relax.


Saturday will call you on the road. You are full of energy and crave adventure.


And the Sunday day off will have to be devoted to economic nuances, of which there are many. No one canceled planned shopping either.

Weekly horoscope for Capricorns

The new week promises to be unprecedented for Capricorns. However, representatives of your sign will feel anxious, and this is what can have a negative impact on current affairs and relationships with others. Take care of your own health and emotional state, remain calm and give up negative thoughts, then during this seven-day period fortune will be with you.


Fatigue and even apathy will overcome Capricorns throughout Monday. Household chores will seem overwhelming, and work responsibilities will cause irritation. However, if you do not enter into conflicts and disputes, then relationships in the team and with loved ones will remain friendly. Walking and eating a balanced diet will benefit you.


First dates will be bright and unforgettable this Tuesday. But the stars warn: you shouldn’t swear eternal love and make fateful decisions, today you are not entirely objective and then you may regret what you said. Some representatives of the zodiac pantheon will go on personal trips or business trips; a change of scenery will do you good. Try to refrain from unnecessary spending; you will have a tendency to overspend.


Listen to your body on Wednesday. Problems with the kidneys and joints are possible, and chronic ailments may worsen. Minimize bad habits and stay positive, now it's The best way fight against diseases. Married women your sign will be offended by your spouse, you may want to take revenge. The stars advise not to rush to conclusions, give your husband one more chance. Moreover, the main problem lies in yourself.


Financial receipts are very likely on Thursday. This is the perfect time to plan a budget, make a shopping list and have fun. In addition, today is the time to analyze your own activities; extraordinary ideas will come to you. You can also draw up business plans for the near future.


Active work activity expected on Friday. Avoid mental and physical stress. It is best to devote your free time to family and close friends; pleasant communication will help stabilize the emotional background. Try to go to bed earlier than usual.


Trips to nature will bring extremely positive emotions this Saturday.


A Sunday day off is conducive to cultural leisure and creative activities.

Weekly horoscope for Aquarius

The weekly horoscope for Aquarius predicts: it’s time to slow down and pay attention to yourself and loved ones. In general, a very unpredictable period is expected; representatives of your sign will need prudence and caution. Noticeable changes on the personal front among lonely representatives of the zodiac pantheon cannot be ruled out.


Monday is suitable for resolving protracted conflicts and confusing situations. Most likely, you will have to take the position of a peacemaker or take the first step towards a truce yourself. As for your professional activities, you have taken on an unbearable burden and it’s time to quit. Someone from the business environment takes advantage of your decency and kindness, learn to say “no”.



You should refrain from making drastic decisions this Wednesday. This is not a good time for layoffs, changing jobs or areas of activity. Today you are too impulsive and short-sighted. Direct your energy in the right direction - visit older relatives, they need your support and help.


On Thursday, do not go on dates with strangers, otherwise you risk getting into an unpleasant adventure. It’s best to reschedule dates for the weekend. Both pedestrians and drivers should exercise caution on the roads, as the risk of getting into an accident is high. It is advisable to spend your free time with close friends or family; positive emotions are guaranteed.


Cash receipts are likely this Friday. Try not to lend money, even if close relatives ask you to do so. This is a great time for creative activities, hobbies and cultural leisure. Treat yourself kindly and relax.


Saturday dates will turn into a stormy and passionate romance for single Aquarius. Take your luck by the tail.


And everyday nuances and dacha affairs will remind you of themselves on Sunday. The main thing is to get hardworking assistants, then you will cope quickly and will not get tired.

Weekly horoscope for Pisces

And Pisces is expecting a busy week; now a lot will depend on you. The stars recommend that you slow down and enjoy life. But it seems that representatives of your sign intend to strengthen their professional, social and financial positions. Do not overdo it, otherwise this seven-day period will turn into a period of acute confrontation. On the love front, romantic adventures are likely, catch your luck by the tail.


Active work will absorb representatives of the zodiac pantheon on Monday. Demonstrate all your strengths, demonstrate your diplomatic talents, and most importantly, do not try to compete with colleagues, companions or superiors. Then your success is guaranteed. Creative people will have to cope with emotions in order to get what they want. Don't overreact to criticism; be happy that you've been paid attention to.


The best time to start planning your vacation or upcoming weekend is on Tuesday. This is the ideal moment for necessary purchases, budget planning and route planning. In your free time, it’s worth watching a light movie or reading an exciting book, and herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices won’t go amiss. This is the only way you will be able to find inner balance.


Business trips will go smoothly this Wednesday. In addition, this is a favorable time for business meetings and negotiations. Some Pisces will advance up the career ladder or make large profits. Single people of your sign are inclined to flirt, but be careful. Don’t try to conquer an unfree person; it won’t turn out well for you.


On Thursday, take care of household chores, and also pay attention to your family and loved one. Cash bonuses are expected in the afternoon; your financial situation is more than stable. A friendly meeting will give you extremely positive emotions, so do not refuse invitations.


Friday will require efficiency and ingenuity from you. Pisces will face a lot of important tasks that require immediate solutions. You will cope with everything on time if you set your priorities correctly. But don’t take on large-scale projects under any circumstances, otherwise you risk spending the entire weekend working.


The first dates will go off with a bang on Saturday. This is also a good time to participate in sports and creative competitions.


Sunday will call you on the road. Even mini trips or trips to nature will allow you to relax and collect your thoughts.

The astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for the week warns: during the entire period, avoid dubious personalities and do not participate in adventurous activities. This is especially true in the love sphere and business. Particular caution must be exercised in the second half of this week, from June 28 to June 30.

Things to do, problems, troubles... No, we haven’t heard. Aries are more carefree than ever! The playful mood, the desire to have fun and dance will not leave you all week. Therefore, advice: do not sit at home, but rather go out to meet adventures, new acquaintances and vivid impressions.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

The stars advise you to temporarily turn into an ichthyander and be closer to the water. Go to the sea, to the river, go to the pool or sauna. Water will clear you of unnecessary thoughts and energize you for success. Yes, and it wouldn't hurt to freshen up either.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

The hardworking twins will have to work hard. Don’t despair that you won’t be able to go to the beach to sunbathe at lunchtime, but instead will sit in a stuffy office. After all, those who rest well work well!

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

An evening in a summer cafe, friendly company, a glass of sparkling wine or something stronger - this is the ideal scenario for the last week of June. So you can already run to the store to buy yourself a new summer outfit for a juicy photo on Instagram. Let everyone know how you relax!

Leo (July 23 - August 23)

Your soul is asking you to pack your bag, take coffee, your favorite book, take the train and head off in an unknown direction, watching the wonderful scenery from the window. Eh, romance... All that remains is to find a travel companion of the opposite sex and feel like the hero of a novel.

Virgo (August 24 - September 22)

A great time to devote time to yourself. Go to a beauty salon and buy some new clothes, finally activate your gym certificate, sign up for a cooking course... In a word, do what will make you better!

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

You will be inspired to change! And you don’t need a muse for this. Libras are able to notice the beauty in the simplest and most insignificant things. Someone will tell you to take off your rose-colored glasses, and someone will support you and plunge into the world of unicorns with you. A complete idyll.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios are charged for success! Their willpower, desire and energy can only be envied. Therefore, you can confidently take on new projects, plan long-distance travel routes, make useful business connections... And not a single stone will stand in your way!

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Only Sagittarius people know how to do everything and at the same time remain cheerful and energetic. You will be endowed with unimaginable strength that will make you move forward! It's time to organize your own personal growth training or give personal consultations. You can make an excellent coach!

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

To stick to their line and not listen to anyone - Capricorns have succeeded in this. What if you transformed yourself into a more flexible, empathetic, and responsive person for a week? The stars say a little lightness won't hurt you. On the contrary, it will help both business sphere, and in the love field.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

What is the secret of the popularity of Aquarius? In their incredible charisma, charm and ability to present themselves. So while you are in great demand, there is every chance to realize your old dreams and make creative ideas in life.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

Pisces just need to have a blast! So, quickly book a table at the bar, call your favorite friends, take a day off from work and go on an adventure. And they promise to be very hot!

Astrologers tell you what the final week of June will be remarkable for each Zodiac Sign, and also give valuable recommendations that will help you achieve what you want.

A very harmonious and pleasant week awaits us, punctuated only by brief outbursts of negativity and slight emotional outbursts. There will be several reasons for nervous excitement - the Sun in the Sign of Cancer (which will inevitably lead to an increase in suspicion and emotionality) and Mars, which is preparing to go into retrograde motion. These astrological trends will lean towards nervousness and irritation, but the influence of other planets will soften the negative influence of the Sun and Mars. However, some Zodiac Signs will still have to face unfavorable circumstances.


This week you better refrain from lying and manipulation - even for good. The point is not that people will find lying unconvincing; on the contrary, the influence of strengthened Mars in Aquarius will reward you with artistry, charisma and eloquence. It’s just that any false words will turn out to be very significant for others, which will bring you a lot of problems in the future.

It will be especially difficult not to lie to yourself. During the period from June 25 to July 1, you will have to learn to admit your mistakes, weaknesses and vices, because weaving a web of lies and pretense is now extremely dangerous. Disappointments and awareness of your mistakes will be painful. Otherwise, these seven days can be considered successful: now is the best time to take out or repay loans, expand your business, new projects and change jobs. But only if you act as honestly and openly as possible.


This week is especially favorable for acquisitions. Large purchases have every chance of being successful. In addition, the “acquisition effect” will also affect intangible things: the beginning of the week will be favorable for new novels, for finding business partners and hiring workers. But you should pay less to help people and give something this week - this can attract financial failures.

The week will pass under the auspices of Saturn in Capricorn - hence the financial luck. These seven days may seem surprising to you: all problems of a material nature will be solved by themselves, as if by magic. Therefore, the more things you start doing and the more efficiently you work, the more time you will have and the more you will receive - and without much effort. Seize the moment.


If you are one of those who are used to judging people by their appearance, it is time to give up this addiction, especially during the period from June 29 to July 1. When Mercury leaves the constellation Cancer and moves into the Sign of Leo, you may experience inflated self-esteem and vanity. However, during these three days, even the poorest and most unpleasant person in appearance can serve you well. Don't judge a book by its cover.

Otherwise, the final week of June will delight you. The influence of moderate Mercury promises an increase in energy and an internal motivation for creativity and business activity. At the same time, overly emotional Geminis may begin to be tormented by restless thoughts - not necessarily intrusive, but extremely unpleasant and frightening. Specialists from the site dailyhoro.ru do not recommend focusing increased attention on this. Practice techniques for developing positive thinking.

Cancers this week risk becoming a victim of fraud and suffering serious financial losses. The fact is that several planets will be in your Sign at the same time - the Sun and Mercury. This combination provokes confusion, emotionality and gullibility. Astrologers recommend carefully checking everything that in one way or another concerns money - bank transfers, contracts, large or small purchases.

This week it is better to be considered a distrustful bore than to be left without money. If your work is related to art, you will have the opportunity to express yourself. During this seven-day period, a muse will visit you, which will help you create something truly worthwhile, the main thing is to reveal your hidden talents. Weekends are the ideal time for travel and long trips. On the road, especially in the circle of loved ones, you will feel very joyful and comfortable.

a lion

This week Leos will be passionate about their careers and business relationships. The stars report: strained relationships with subordinates and colleagues await you, and excellent relationships with people in positions of responsibility. leadership positions. However, work and the desire to achieve success at any cost will mercilessly consume your time and internal resources. Astrologers advise finding time for energy replenishment.

Venus will sit comfortably in your Sign, which may slightly shift your focus towards romance and love. This week you can seriously get bogged down in constant scandals, gossip and intrigue. Surprisingly, this state of affairs will give you a certain pleasure - life will be in full swing, and emotions will be in full swing. Shopping, work and sports will help relieve stress and nervous excitement.


Despite the desire to retire and be in silence, in the coming seven days even the most uncommunicative Virgos will have to leave their comfort zone and get bogged down in the realities of life.

yours guiding star this week will be Mars, strengthened in the Sign of Aquarius. In this regard, an active social life awaits you: new acquaintances, parties, an abundance of new and incomprehensible emotions, impressions and surprises. Unfortunately, the end of June is also unfavorable for starting a romantic relationship: it is best to wait until July.


Indignation at what is happening and hostility towards others will pretty much ruin your mood this week. Except negative influence Mars, you will have to battle alternately with anxiety and drowsiness, and this will not improve your mood. You can rectify the situation with spiritual practices, yoga, sports and vacation - new experiences will distract you from toxic criticism and searching for enemies among loved ones.

Astrologers report that even by controlling your emotions, you can unexpectedly say a bunch of unpleasant things to others. During these seven days, it would be wiser for you to avoid new acquaintances and active social life- it will be difficult for you to arrange both yourself and people for calm communication. But in the material sphere, good news is expected - an increase in wealth will reconcile you with all the imperfections of this world.


Having Jupiter retrograde in your Sign brings you not only good luck, but also a lot of energy - you will be filled with inspiration and excitement, motivation and impatience, irritation and a thirst for success. In order not to spill this explosive cocktail on trifles, astrologers advise identifying important goals and focusing on them. Between June 25 and July 1, you have a greater chance than ever to achieve what you want in all aspects of life.

This week there will be difficulties that may arise unexpectedly. In critical situations, it is wiser to seek help from loved ones. Be careful not to overexert yourself, otherwise your health will be at risk. This week it is best to give up exhausting work and diets - you will need a lot of strength and energy to make the week complete.


The sun in the constellation Cancer always provokes you to dissatisfaction with yourself, disappointment in life, obsessive thoughts and wave-like mood. This astrological combination can make many Sagittarians feel sad. However, internal discomfort will only be one of the signs that your life is about to change. Therefore, you should not suddenly change anything in yourself, in your appearance and behavior - don’t rush things, let everything take its course.

Astrologers advise to be attentive and closely monitor developments: any problem this week can grow like a snowball, which will lead to negative changes in life. Taking the helm in time will help you direct the situation in the right direction. Listen to your inner voice, but more importantly, listen to the advice of time-tested friends.


The restless Moon, which is preparing to move into your Sign, can lead to sudden mood swings on June 28 and 29. Try to listen carefully to your desires and at the same time avoid acting too selfishly. This week you do not want to put up with any inconvenience: heat, constricting clothing, fatigue. It is advisable to quench even thirst at the first call of the body.

As for selfishness, try to be sensitive to others - their anger, envy, sadness can harm you. In addition, do not rush to accept sudden conclusions as truth. The lunar influence will reward you with jealousy, suspiciousness and anger, so you should not attribute these feelings to the behavior of others. No one will intentionally harm you or deceive you. Try to walk more, have fun and joke - this will help you cope with unpleasant and unconstructive thoughts.


This is a great week for transformation in work, personal life and creativity. Astrologers note very favorable financial prospects for you - your income may increase several times, especially if you spend the beginning of the week at work. The influence of Saturn strengthened in Capricorn will help you achieve your goals.

The depressed mood and apathy that may overtake you closer to the weekend can be dispelled by communication with people. It is not necessary to rush into the thick of things or attract increased attention to yourself - it will be enough to strengthen your relationship with your partner or restore lost connections.


Strong feelings, mysticism, spiritual experiences - this is the triad awaiting you this week. The reason for this will be the influence of Venus in Leo. The illusory world will begin to prevail over the real one, and therefore you can temporarily plunge into the sweet bliss of dreams. For those around you, your behavior will become strange and incomprehensible. Don't try to explain anything - swim where your inner voice and curiosity call you.

Astrologers recommend not to be offended by loved ones if they do not understand you: this week it is not their fault. Neglect those things you have lost interest in and actively start something you enjoy. Just don't expect instant results - they will come later. Maintain a good mood and be kind to others.

In conclusion, I would like to give advice to all representatives zodiac circle- if you want to please yourself with something this week, do it immediately. During these seven days, everything that lifts your spirits and brings pleasure will be beneficial. Even if you risk spending a large sum money for your loved ones - don’t save, you’re buying great mood, motivation and productivity for a long period of time. We wish you to conquer new heights this week.