Conifers for the garden: rules for building compositions. Examples of coniferous gardens Compositions with conifers

Conifers of trees and shrubs are unpretentious to care for and delight the eye with luscious greenery even on cold winter days. There are many preconceptions about planting spruce and pine trees near the house. Some of them are not without foundation.

What conifers to plant in the country in order to decorate the site and attract well-being and prosperity to the house, we will find out today.

Types of trees and shrubs, their properties and impact on humans

Popular beliefs claim that the sharp needles of pines and firs protect from the evil eye. But at the same time, it is not advised to plant these trees near the house, as they attract the early death of the owners.

Is it so?

Christmas tree - the main beauty of the New Year holidays

Where does the belief that the spruce brings misfortune and death to the house originates from? Even in pagan times, this tree was associated with the goddess of the kingdom of the dead - Marena. It was believed that the spruce is the tree of the world of the dead.

Therefore, people who are suspicious and suggestible should not plant conifers at their summer cottages. The people believed that when the spruce grows above the roof of the house, the person who planted it will go to another world. Sharp needles of the tree do not contribute to harmonious good relations in the family.

There are quite logical explanations for folk signs:

  • The spruce root system is very close to the soil surface. Therefore, when the tree grows up, its roots will be able to break the paths and.

Advice. Don't plant a tree near your home. When the tree grows, it is quite capable of destroying the foundation.

  • Another disadvantage of this tree species is the increased absorption of moisture from the soil. In arid regions, spruce plantings simply will not take root, ordinary black soil is not suitable for them, and if the tree has grown, then within a radius of five meters other plants simply will not survive. The tree will take all the water.

Advice. Having decided to plant a spruce with your own hands, after digging a tree in the forest, you must take into account that you need to dig out the root with as much turf as possible.

When asked which trees should not be planted in a suburban area, you can hear a lot of answers, the most common of which are the following.

  • It is the Christmas trees that attract mosquitoes; it is also not worth planting them near the gazebos;
  • For hypertensive patients, spruce and pine are not recommended, since pressure often rises from the spruce aroma;
  • If the house is made of wood, then the instructions for fire safety prohibits planting spruce and pine trees at a distance of up to 10 meters from the walls. In summer, there is a high probability of fire, and, as you know, it is conifers that ignite instantly.

Output. If the desire to plant a spruce is very high, then place the tree at the end of the garden, away from residential and outbuildings.

Juniper is an ideal solution for small summer cottages

The resinous aroma of this shrub is capable of treating many diseases and has a beneficial effect on the shattered nervous system, normalizes sleep and is able to relieve headaches. The plant disinfects the air and creates a unique microclimate in the garden. There is also an opinion that this plant drives away evil spirits and promotes peace and harmony in family relationships.

When planting conifers in your summer cottage, do not forget about the juniper. This natural healer has been familiar to all peoples of the world for more than one century. In Egypt, houses were fumigated with smoke from its branches during epidemics, and the American Indians treated joint diseases and many skin diseases with this plant.

This evergreen shrub can have a wide variety of shapes and colors of needles. The height of the junipers ranges from fifty centimeters to 20 meters. This plant is ideal for creating a wide variety of landscaping compositions in different styles.

Features of cultivation:

  • Choose seedlings at least four years old - this guarantees one hundred percent survival rate;
  • Planting of plants is carried out in late April - early May.

Important. After planting, a young bush needs frequent spraying and regular watering for a month after planting in the ground.

  • This bush is unpretentious to soils, it can also grow on sandy, clayey and rocky areas. But, naturally, in case of marginal soils, increased care of plants is needed within a month after transplantation.

Important. The distance between seedlings should be at least half a meter for group plantings.

  • How beautiful to plant a juniper and build a spectacular landscape composition? Pick three different varieties, for example - juniper common varieties"Hornybrook", a short plant with wide clawed branches and silvery-green needles, and Daurian juniper, which easily tolerates frost and drought. Variety "Expanza" is notable for its low growth and bright greenery.
  • For hedges, the Caucasian juniper "Tamaristsofoli" with silver-gray needles or the "Erekta" variety, up to two meters high, is suitable. These shrubs are easy to shape into spectacular green hedges of different architecture.

Output. Juniper perfect choice for owners who do not have a lot of time to take care of the garden. And the price of seedlings is quite democratic.

Pines at their summer cottage

  • A coniferous corner in a Japanese-style dacha will be decorated with pines of the "Pug" or "Pumilio" varieties... These trees look great in landscape compositions and sandy rockeries in a small area;
  • An ordinary pine dug in the forest needs a lot of room to grow... We must immediately agree that it is not planned to plant anything around the perimeter at a distance of five meters. The only plus is that the house will constantly have shade and coolness, plus a great smell of pine needles.

Output. Houses, especially country houses from block containers need abundance sunlight... Therefore, it is better to plant pines from the southern edge of the site, away from any buildings. Or give preference to dwarf decorative varieties that do not require a lot of free space.

Low-growing fir - a spectacular hedge without the hassle

Mountain fir of the "Compact" variety with a wide-conical shape is an ideal choice for creating a fragrant evergreen hedge at a summer cottage. For thirty years, a tree grows up to only three meters and easily lends itself to any curly pruning.

Important. It should be borne in mind that fir is demanding for watering and is recommended for planting in wet, swampy areas.

Basic requirements for cultivation

All conifers are demanding on soil moisture and absorb water from the soil around the perimeter at a distance of up to three to five meters. If garden plantings and flower beds are not planned, then you can safely opt for unpretentious pines or a spectacular juniper.

  • When to plant trees? V middle lane- late May - early April, with a minimal threat of severe frosts;
  • When digging a seedling in the forest, try to take as much sod as possible at the roots;
  • For a month after planting, watch out for regular watering and spraying;
  • Pine roots withstand open air no more than two hours - then they die. Therefore, try to limit the contact of the root system with air during transplantation.

Advice. Renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will help create an industrial cultivation of expensive tree species for sale, even on a small garden plot in a small greenhouse.


For busy people decorating the landscape with unpretentious evergreens will simplify the maintenance of the garden and provide an always bright and spectacular landscape. The video presented in this article will introduce you to the options using different breeds evergreen trees.

Today, conifers are increasingly being used by owners summer cottages and country houses for . This happens because this type of plant tolerates different climatic conditions well, and is also unpretentious to different types of soil. Conifers can decorate any site, they look great both in a single copy and as part of groups of trees or bushes. In addition, this species is resistant to most diseases that garden trees often suffer from.

The role of coniferous crops and their area of ​​application in landscape design

Conifers have a number of positive qualities, thanks to which they play a significant role in the improvement of the site. Here are just some of the advantages of this type:

  • They are able to fill the surrounding space oxygen and phytoncides.
  • Protect territory from the wind.
  • Capable of effectively absorb noise become dust barrier.
  • Create special microclimate around the cottage.
  • Fill the air pine needles aroma and moisturize it.

Conifers have a wide variety of species and shapes. This versatility makes it possible to use them, creating landscape compositions of the most different styles... And the size backyard territory in that case it won't be a problem. After all, there are decorative varieties conifers which are no more than 4 meters high. This distinguishes them from wild relatives, which in nature can reach an impressive height of several tens of meters.

When planting conifers in the backyard territory, you need to follow the recommendations of specialists, this will allow the trees to harmoniously fit into the backyard landscape. Many land owners now hire gardeners for this kind of work. However, you can do it yourself, saving money. Here some tips for planting conifers from landscape design professionals.

What should you keep in mind before boarding?

Planting conifers on the site, like many other things, begins with preparatory process... This is very important point which should be taken seriously. After all, it will depend on the preparation plant health and appearance.

If it is noticed that in some place of the site there is stagnation of water, in no case is it unnecessary to plant a tree here. Remember each variety of conifers presents special soil requirements... That is why you need to get as much information as possible before buying. about a specific breed.

Planting plants on the site is best between the end of April and the beginning of May(approximately from April 20 to May 10). The fact is that during this period, the young seedling did not yet have time to enter the active phase of growth. That's why young plant it will be much easier to transfer the transplant and quickly get used to the new soil.

It is known that conifers are rather picky trees and shrubs, but this does not mean at all that they do not need care. In the hot season, young seedlings of coniferous species must be hidden from the bright sun. In winter, non-frost-resistant varieties must be covered so that they do not freeze.

Seedlings for planting can be purchased as with open and closed root systems... If planting begins in springtime, you need to pay attention to the presence of fresh (white) shoots. If they are, this tree is completely ready for planting.

Coniferous mixborders

Today, the so-called are often used to create a beautiful landscape on the backyard territory. This is a special version of the flower garden, which uses various plants. main idea such a composition is to create a design that is compact and at the same time combining different forms.

That is why in mixborders do not use tall conifers (thuja, pines, tall spruces)... Most often, creating such a composition, they planted: dwarf and spherical spruce, creeping, yew, mountain pines.

Here, for a change, you can plant:

  • undersized,
  • dwarf spireas, etc.

Of the flowers in mixborders, bulbous plants are used. The combination of such species allows you to create not only an aesthetically beautiful sight, it also makes it possible to strengthen the territory agrotechnically.

To create a mixborder, you need to perform a number of necessary steps:

  1. So, first of all, you need to decide in what place on the site the composition will be planted.
  2. One more mandatory requirement, project development and creation of a drawing of the future mixborder. This will allow the site owners to calculate future costs and purchase the necessary seedlings.
  3. When the above activities are completed, you can start working. It is better to start planting in the last days of April. This work usually takes from a few days to a week.

Concerning mixborder cost, then a lot depends on what the owners want to get in the end. Here is the approximate cost of an average coniferous mixborder:

  • Fir - 1pc. (3000-5000 rubles).
  • Juniper medium - 2 pcs. (1000-3000 rubles).
  • Winged berescet - 3 pieces (850-1000 rubles).
  • Mountain pine mugus - 1pc (5000-25000).
  • Derain white - 2 pieces (from 210 rubles).

A complex multi-level composition, difficult to implement without the participation of a professional landscape designer.

What is the best way to combine ephedra?

When creating a landscape design for a backyard, a large number of coniferous species can be used. For example:

  • Mozhevelnik.
  • Cypress.
  • Pine.
  • Cedar.

As mentioned above, these species themselves are quite unpretentious. However, during the planting process, you need to carefully look at which plants are in the neighborhood. The thing is that there are certain types of trees and bushes that do not make the best impression next to conifers. So, for example, such plants include birch and bird cherry... Here are some rules, thanks to which the plants on the backyard will feel much more comfortable:

  1. When landing, you need to consider the climate of the area(cypress won't grow if it's too cold).
  2. Most conifers cannot grow if they are nearby larch.
  3. Thuja will not look good near the spruce.
  4. If there are a lot of conifers in this area, you do not need to plant them nearby. In other words do not plant a pine tree nearby with a cedar, or a fir.

Coniferous species in the garden can go well with, some deciduous as well as flowers... For example, an ephedra decorated and located on the shore will look just great.

Examples (schemes) of landing

In this article, we will give several popular schemes for planting conifers in the backyard. These are the simplest, but win-win compositions, following them it is impossible to make serious mistakes.

Scheme 1.

The use of conifers in landscape design practiced everywhere. In addition to high decorative qualities, conifers have another indisputable advantage - these crops are beautiful throughout all seasons, since they (except perhaps for larch trees) do not shed needles for the winter. If you care for such plants properly and prune the crown in a timely manner, they will be a worthy decoration for your garden for many decades.

In all regions of the Earth, these noble plants are used for alleys, clumps and hedges. Even for the southern gardens, so rich in evergreens, conifers are absolutely necessary - only they can effectively shade and create a backdrop for exotic species. Moreover, some coniferous species have become characteristic elements of southern landscapes.

It is impossible to imagine the coast of the Black and Mediterranean seas without columns of cypress trees, Italian landscapes are unthinkable without pine-pine tents. The parks of China, Korea and Japan are always associated not only with, but also with their traditional cryptomeria. And even in the design of northern gardens, conifers are completely irreplaceable, since there are no other evergreens that can support garden compositions throughout the year. In the spring, conifers contrast with the delicate foliage of deciduous species with their noble severity and seeming firmness. In summer, they create the perfect backdrop for flowering grasses, shrubs and trees, set them apart and oppose their inconstancy. In autumn, with their calm greenery, compositions of conifers soften the brightness of falling foliage and give hope for the revival of elusive beauty. In winter, the role of conifers in landscaping the site becomes dominant - only they preserve the volume of the garden, maintain its proportions, without them winter Garden would be flat and boring.

On this page you can see a photo of a beautiful landscape design in the country with the use of conifers, as well as learn how to decorate the site.

The best decorative conifers for the garden (with photo)

The best decorative conifers for gardens of the middle strip are, yews and. The unusual needles and the shape of the crown of these plants give the compositions a southern flavor, significantly distinguishing them from local species.

Cultivars (varietal forms) of conifers are of particular value. The number and variety of them is truly incalculable. Almost all conifers introduced into cultivation have varieties with altered growth patterns, with an unusual crown shape, type and color of needles.

Look at the photo - decorative coniferous crowns can be any - spherical, spread out, free-growing:

The needles are not only green, but also silver-blue, golden and even variegated. Sometimes varieties of the same species are so different from each other that it is not easy even for a specialist to recognize their relationship. The more varietal forms, the wider their variety, the more interesting work designer, the more original and colorful the garden will be. The only thing that should not be forgotten is the compliance of the selected species with the climatic conditions of the region.

These photos show the best coniferous compositions in garden landscape design:

Compositions with dominant conifers and photos of garden landscape design

In the garden, decorative conifers are assigned an important task - thanks to their inviolability and monumentality, they become the main ones. structural elements the whole composition. Conifers are dominants, the main high-altitude "points" of the whole garden, as well as any of its fragments.

As you can see in the photo, tall conifers in landscape design are always the first to attract attention in the garden:

Beautiful evergreen pyramids, pseudo-lakes, impeccable columns are wonderful solitaires. The noble forms of these slender trees are suitable for isolated planting in the background of a meadow or large lawn. As tapeworms, undoubtedly, powerful pines are also good, and. The spreading crown, beautifully curved branches and powerful trunks of adult specimens of these plants are the best decoration for any large lawn. Old trees are of great value - being the “patriarchs” of the garden, they radiate a special aura.

In creating a composition, conifers always play the main role in any garden. Large and beautiful coniferous trees involuntarily attract the eye. It is with their planting that it is necessary to begin the garden planning, it is they that become the skeleton of the future garden. But we must remember that when landscaping a plot with conifers, not only large verticals can be dominant. In a limited space, plants will perform well: on uneven boles; having a horizontal form of growth, or even creeping along the ground.

Pay attention to the photo - in landscape design with conifers that have a vertical form of growth, you can emphasize the importance of any small architectural form:

Moreover, the plant itself, having such a winning neighbor. Often in gardens, conifers solo, having not only a varied crown shape, but also its different colors, which change over the seasons.

Beautiful group compositions with conifers in the garden

Creation of group coniferous compositions in modern gardens of various types- a very interesting and responsible task. And here the harmonious combination of sizes, shapes, colors of those plants that are supposed to be planted comes to the fore. In large gardens, it is rational to plant conifers in groups consisting of plants of the same species: arrays, backstage. They will become the backdrop not only for lawns, but also for smaller conifers and deciduous plants. In regular gardens, conifers are usually used to emphasize the precise geometry of paths, hedges, small and large architectural forms. These parkland gardens are interesting to visit.

How to make it so that in a rather limited space, measuring 3-6 acres, to create a correct, eye-pleasing, beautiful composition of conifers? First of all, you should not plant groups of rocks of the same species, it is boring and irrational, a small garden should be varied.

In small gardens, conifers tend to be dominant. That is why thoughtfulness in their layout is especially important. The choice should be stopped on the most original conifers. Artistic groups created according to the principle of contrast in shape and color will look spectacular.

In them, plants not only coexist, but also emphasize the originality and dignity of each other in shape or color. Perfectly in coniferous compositions on the site, the needle needles of junipers, spruces and pines are combined with scaly needles of thuja and cypress trees, with flat glossy yew leaves. In small gardens, fragments created on raised terraces look very beneficial. The artificially transformed relief helps to locate each plant in the most advantageous way. Competent use of geoplastic techniques will allow you to land in a limited space enough variety of plants.

At the same time, the correct combination of all kinds of shapes and colors will only enhance the natural perception of this fragment.

As shown in the photo, choosing conifers for composition in small garden, miniature forms should be preferred:

But we must remember that after stable rooting, they also begin to actively grow back. Miniature varieties grow much more slowly, but they still thicken over time. The plants close together, as a result of which the entire fragment becomes little decorative. At the same time, the plants themselves lose their attractiveness. Poor ventilation in such plantings can lead to the development of all kinds of fungal diseases.

For compositions with conifers in the landscape design of small gardens, container is very relevant, as well as pot planting plants. This pattern is very typical for compact European gardens. Unfortunately, in the middle lane, when creating miniature gardens in containers, due to freezing of an earthen coma, there is a risk of losing the entire plant or any part of it. Another problem is the significant weight of the compositions, which makes it difficult to move them to a safe place for the winter.

These photos show beautiful landscaping of the site with conifers:

Mixborders with conifers in site design

Conifers in landscape design - perfect material for the creation of modern prefabricated flower beds, mixborders. Harmoniously combining conifers with deciduous shrubs, herbaceous perennials, you can achieve very effective compositions. Special meaning they give the texture and color of needles, foliage and a variety of forms of growth of jointly planted plants. Remember that the natural perception of the created mixborder depends on the correct ratio of lines, volumes, color spots.

Rhododendrons, dwarf barberries, maples, mahonia, spireas, oaks coexist perfectly in the garden landscape next to conifers. Perennials include berry, ferns, mountain goats, dwarf hosts, cereals, shoe orchids. In the foreground, heathers, stonecrops, thyme always look spectacular. The modern coniferous mixborder is a complex multifunctional piece of the garden, where each plant plays its own special role.

When creating a mixborder for landscaping with conifers in the central part of the garden, it is important to consider that it can be bypassed and viewed from all sides. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the following rule - the largest conifers should be planted closer to the center of the composition, and lower ones to the periphery, observing the height reduction.

With such a panoramic arrangement of plants in the "coniferous-parade" group, the composition becomes voluminous and easy to read. But these mixborders are pretty rare. Fragments created against a wall of a house or fence are more common. But they already have different configurations and purposes. In the background, one or more vertical dominants of decorative coniferous trees should be planted, most often with an offset from the center of the composition. Her central part, and again with an offset relative to each other, they can take spherical and weeping forms of different heights.

In the foreground, the most dwarf plants are planted, as well as conifers with a creeping form of growth. In this kind of mixborders, when creating coniferous compositions in landscape design, you need to remember about important role lawn. It is he who will lead the eye of the beholder to what you have created. Its smooth and timely surface is the key to success. Carpets of creeping conifers, primarily junipers, can play the same role.

If the priority task is to cover nondescript garden buildings, and the artistic component of the flower garden is of less interest, then the auxiliary background is created from homogeneous tall plants.

When planting conifers near the walls of a house with windows, as well as near garden paths, it is necessary to take into account the growth rate and the final size of trees and shrubs in advance. Otherwise, additional work cannot be avoided.

In conclusion, I would like to say that often a spectacular modern mixborder does not obey the classical rules of landscape design. Like the garden as a whole, it is a product of your imagination and skill and will always reflect your individual tastes.

See how beautiful the coniferous compositions presented in these photos on the site are:

Beautiful landscape design with conifers and photos of rock gardens in the country

Conifers and shrubs in landscape design are the most valuable material for decorating any type of rock garden. They look especially natural in landscape-style rocky gardens. In such compositions, the images of mountain plateaus, peaks, rocky valleys and gorges are connected by means of a variety of conifers. As tapeworms, compactly growing columnar varieties of western thuja, yew, juniper and pine are suitable. Planted at different levels, they visually increase the volume of both the rock garden itself and the garden as a whole.

But of course, the main forms of ornamental conifers for a rocky landscape are spherical, or as gardeners like to call them, "pillow-shaped" cultures. "Witch brooms" found in nature on spruces, pines, firs, larch, most often have just such a shape.

They, grafted onto the corresponding rootstocks of species plants, gave birth to numerous miniature varieties. Conifers with this form of growth will most organically look in the "pockets" between stones, filling the voids and masking the defects of the stony structure. Conifers will be good in landscape design and in the foreground of the "mountain valley", flowing around the rocky outcrops and enhancing the naturalness of these elements.

Weeping forms look great on the terraces and on the tops of free-standing groups of stones. different types spruce and Canadian hemlock. Lacy flowing branches of the latter are especially graceful and harmonious. On rocky hills, alpine ones will become excellent companions of conifers alpine plants... Dwarf varieties of Thunberg barberry will not yield to them. Bright-leaved varieties of barberries look great among the stones, tint the green picture created by the conifers.

These photos show the design of a rocky garden using conifers:

Conifers in the landscape: decorative collections

Collecting conifers is both interesting and responsible. It, like any other type of collecting, is subject to general rules... A collection is not a disorderly collection of something, but a systematized association according to a specific characteristic. Starting to create a coniferous collection in the landscape design of a summer cottage, it is necessary to determine for yourself the basic principle of placing collected plants in the garden.

There are gardens in which conifers are planted in solid massifs of many meters. Other plants in them are assigned the role of just extras, and the main party is played by unusual and rare conifers. A more complex and interesting task is set by the gardener, who seeks to subordinate the placement of his collection to the general style of the garden. Here each plant is selected for its exclusive place.

It must be remembered that over time, the gardener may change his addictions to certain plants, therefore, in the already established structure of the garden, without violating the style, you will have to plant something new.

After the end of the first, cumulative stage, as a rule, there is a rethinking of what has already been collected. The gardener suddenly begins to understand that many conifers that make up the basis of his collection have a very similar habit, and their names are full of catalogs of most nurseries. Well, if you have already learned to see and understand this, then the time has come for a more rigid and accurate selection of plants. Get ready to part with some of your pets. At the same time, make sure that ornamental conifers for the garden take their rightful places in the plots of your less sophisticated gardening friends. And in you, in your own garden, the vacated spaces will be occupied by new, more complex and rare varieties.

As a rule, collectors are energetic people. They try to travel around the world in search of cherished plants, visit coniferous arboretums, nurseries, private gardens of people who are just like them. But this is followed by a reward in the form of new and rare plants, ideas for growing them, new design solutions... Be aware that a collectible virus can fly by your garden. But if he does visit him, then do not expect peace, be prepared to live by his laws. Do not be intimidated by this and believe me, creating collections is an interesting and exciting experience.

A few tips to help you create your own unique collection of conifers.

  • The collection is not created at one time. It takes many years to create it. Accept that the main thing in collecting is the process; by definition, there can be no ultimate goal.
  • Develop a working concept for the collection you are creating, outline the types and varieties that you would like to have in it.
  • The basis of the coniferous collection in our modest-sized gardens should be compact varieties.
  • It is impossible to remember the names of all varieties, in addition, sometimes they can simply be forgotten. Plates indicating species and varieties, statistical records are indispensable attributes of every coniferous collection.
  • Unnamed plants are a minus of any collection, and conifers are no exception.
  • A collection cannot only consist of rare plants. Coniferous "extras" will only emphasize the greatness of the "main characters" - rarities. But remember that after the end of the first, cumulative stage, you will increasingly have to turn to the 10-step rule, the essence of which boils down to choosing the most characteristic, recognizable plants for your collection.
  • Compact varieties of rhododendrons, barberries, maples will be excellent companions for your conifers. Also, in rocky gardens, under conifers, there is always a sufficient number of comfortable seating places for the Alpines.
  • Communication with other collectors, visiting their gardens will diversify your knowledge, and accordingly improve your collection.
  • Don't be afraid of risk. Create rare, borderline conifers and cultivars optimal conditions growing in your garden. Subsequently, they can become a decoration of your collection.
  • The rarest and most valuable varieties of conifers, as a rule, have the most unusual shape and unpredictable coloration. They are easily recognizable.

Conifers in the landscape design of a summer cottage: alleys, hedges, curbs

In the landscape design of the site, conifers are one of the best plants for creating alleys, hedges and even curbs. There is nothing to be surprised at, because most of them retain their compact crown shape until old age. Varietal conifers are an inexhaustible source. For alleys and hedges, breeds with a pyramidal, columnar and pin-shaped crown shape are especially valuable - these plants clearly hold the line and practically do not need formative pruning. The dwarf pyramidal and spherical shapes are ideal for creating low hedges and curbs.

For tall evergreen alleys, when landscaping with conifers, pines, spruces, fir and pseudo-slugs are surprisingly good, for lower ones - yews, thuja and junipers.

For hedges, as a rule, plants are chosen that can withstand a shaping haircut - yews, spruces, thuja and junipers. For planting, relatively cheap off-grade material is used, which seems to be justified from an economic point of view, but this is only at first glance. The fact is that these plants subsequently require expensive, skilled shearing. And do not forget that this procedure will have to be repeated annually. It is much more rational to use compact varietal forms that do not require shearing.

As you can see in the photo, in landscape design with conifers, almost all types and cultivars with a dense pyramidal, columnar, ovoid or spherical crown shape can be suitable for this purpose:

Only dwarf dense bush varieties are suitable for creating borders. Of course, a border from such plants will not be cheap, but it will be durable and amazingly beautiful. Dwarf varieties of cypresses, junipers and spruces are extremely effective, but the main material for borders, undoubtedly, becomes spherical varieties of thuja. It should be remembered that in winter they must be protected from snow.

Rounded crowns easily disintegrate and break under its weight. Finding a suitable replacement for damaged plants is usually extremely difficult, the aesthetics of such a border is hopelessly lost.

Varieties of decorative conifers for landscape design

The seasons that replace each other paint the dominant shades of green in coniferous compositions with bright, unusual tones. In some conifers, this color change is very short-lived, in others it stretches for several months. Most suitable for site design with conifers of pine and spruce.

These varieties of mountain pine are very popular among collectors. (Pinus mugo) how Ophir, Winter Gold, Zundert, Gold Star, Golden Glow, Schweizer Tourist, Little Gold Star, Starkl, Hostyn Gold, Laarheide, Lemon.

As a rule, the first, at the end of August, the growths of the current season in the Ophir variety turn yellow. Then it’s everyone else’s turn. This rich golden color will last in such plants until spring, gradually coloring the whole plant in golden.

See how beautiful such compositions from conifers look in these photos:

Another group of mountain pine varieties is very interesting. Entering it: Kokarde, Rositech, Fruchling Gold, Chameleon, Sunshine, Dikobraz.

They have bright, but not as evenly, as in the varieties from the previous group, the young spring increments that have just finished their growing season are colored. They become striped, yellow-green. This color will last until autumn.

Scots pine varieties are very effective (Pinus sylvestris) Trollguld, Candlelight, var. lapponica Fritche, Jakutsk, Meffengofd, Moseri.

In late spring and early summer, Trollguld turns yellow-golden, while Candlelight paints the needles in milky-cream tones. This color, changing its intensity, will delight you until next spring. And P. sylvestris var. lapponica Fritche, Jakutsk, Meffengofd, Moseri will turn golden in late autumn, and turn green again in late spring.

In the last couple of years, there have appeared in our gardens golden varieties Weymouth pine (Pinus strobus) Louie, Wendy, Golden Candles.

Louie is practically all year round has, depending on the season, changing its intensity. The bright yellow branches of these trees look great in decorative coniferous compositions both against the background of a snow-white winter blanket, and in early spring... For Wendy and Golden Candles on this moment not enough information has been accumulated. It is believed that closer to winter, from the base to the periphery of each branch, the needles on them should be painted in a golden color.

Twisted pine varieties are very rare in our gardens. (Pinus contort a) Taylor's Sunburst and Golden Striker , which are an adornment of any coniferous composition.

Look at the photo - in May, young growths of these ornamental conifers become bright golden, by the end of summer losing this rich color, becoming light green in September:

Variety Chief Joseph turns golden in early October and remains so until spring.

Varieties of various types of spruce are no less brightly colored. In them, unlike pines, this almost always occurs in the spring. Aurea Magnifica, Gold Drift, Perry's Gold, Geel UH, Holub Gold, Vermont Gold.

The listed varieties of common spruce ( Picea abies) increments in May turn golden. In almost all, it persists for several months, losing its intensity over time. But the very compact variety of common spruce Aurea WB turns golden in autumn, and in the Rydal and Cruenta varieties, for about ten days in May, the young growths will be bright crimson. The growths of the same unusual color dwarf variety Spring Fire. But at the moment, due to its complexity, it is practically inaccessible for Russian gardens. I would like to believe that only for now.

Varieties of spruce barbed ( Picea pungens) Bialobok, Fruchlings Gold, Maigold, Byczkowski, Nimetzl in mid-May, for two weeks, young growths are practically simultaneously colored in creamy yellow tones of varying intensity. With the general similarity of these varieties, we will point out some of them individual characteristics... In Maigold, unlike all the other varieties listed, the needles themselves are green-blue, and the growths are painted in yellow-gold tones.

This is especially evident if you manage to plant this variety in the immediate vicinity of Albospicata or Fruchlings Gold. Ayl of the Nimetz cultivars, the growths are colored a little later than in the others. Their bluish-cream color gradually turns to snow-white blue.

Pay attention to the photo - the decorative coniferous plant Serbian spruce (Picea omorika) Peve Tjin turns golden at the end of May:

A bit of a pigeon, it retains this color until late autumn. A new variety of Serbian spruce, Roter Austrieb, planted in the sun, paints spring growths in a dark crimson color.

The varieties were eaten with gray ( Picea glauca) Daisy’s White and Dendrofarma Gold differ in growth form. But both in mid-May for about two weeks color their growths in a milky cream color, which then completely turn white.

American larch ( Larix laricina)

And if you managed to "tame" the glyptostrobus metasequoia in your garden, then no other plant is able to repeat its autumn yellow-peach color. This is the undisputed favorite of the October garden.

Mulch as an element of the design of a coniferous garden

Previously, when growing conifers, mulching was practically not used. But over time, numerous trips to European gardens made us take a different look at this aspect of gardening. It turns out that mulch is an excellent element for decorating a coniferous garden.

You can mulch with all kinds of materials: from shredded twigs and cut grass to shells pine nuts and coconut fibers. But the most effective mulch is the bark of larch or all kinds of pine. The most convenient to use fraction of the bark, having a size of 5 × 5 cm. Of course, the most spectacular is the pine bark. But, unfortunately, it is not often on sale and at the same time is very expensive.

  • A five-centimeter layer of pine mulch will reliably shelter conifers from weeds and seed germination.
  • Adding a 2-cm layer of finely processed pine bark fraction (1 x 1 cm) under the main, larger pine mulch, enhances the formation of an extensive network of additional suction roots in it, which not only contribute to the growth of the crown and increase the mass of the main root system, but also help the plant more actively assimilate water from the surface of the earth.
  • By decomposing, mulch improves the quality of the soil, helps the earthworms living in it and numerous beneficial microorganisms to develop.
  • In snowless frosty winters, a 5-8 cm layer of pine bark mulch helps to reduce freezing of the coniferous root ball. This is especially true in the first years after their planting.
  • Dumping plantings with a well-calibrated fraction of the bark is not only a correct design move in decorating a garden, but also a natural decoration of the lower tier of conifers.
  • In contact with

    In contact with

    For a holistic perception of the decorative effect of a tree-shrub composition, it is necessary that the distance from the point of view to the composition itself is at least two of its heights. The lawn will help to maintain the visual distance, against the background of which conifers look the most advantageous. Many designers recommend creating coniferous compositions on the banks of reservoirs, but in this case, decorative deciduous plants should be introduced into the group, preferably with a weeping crown shape.

    To visualize the conceived project, you can take photographs of the site from those points from where you most often admire the garden. Looking at the finished picture, limited by space, you can immediately see what the landscape lacks.

    The height of the conifers in the decorative group should decrease as they approach the observer. Coniferous compositions oriented to the east or west look most impressive.

    There is quite big choice conifers by color. Those who like to experiment with color should remember that the different colors of the members of a small coniferous group ruin the composition. Therefore, in a group of conifers of three plants, it is recommended to use only two colors; in a group of five plants, no more than three colors can be used. But in large coniferous groups (more than 30 plants), you can combine plants with different colors, but at the same time, combining them into mini-groups of three pieces of one color scheme.

    Coniferous mixborder

    Always created against the background of a house wall, fence, hedge or along a path. To create a coniferous mixborder, plants are selected in such a way as to maximize the variety of heights, crown shapes, and colors.

    In the background, the most tall plants, closer to the center of the plant of medium height, and the lowest specimens at the foot of the mixborder. But this, in no way, does not mean that the plants need to be planted strictly in a row. Conditional rows in a complex border twist like snakes, and plants move slightly towards a higher or lower position.

    When forming a mixborder from conifers, you need to carefully monitor so that the tops of one or another row do not create a straight line.

    The width and height of the mixborder must be in natural harmony. This means that the part of the mixborder where the taller plants grow should be wider than the one where the shorter ones grow. The shallower the depth of the mixborder, the more the height fluctuations of the plants should be.

    The repetition of three to five elements in large compositions makes the compositions rhythmic, and therefore more interesting. But the rhythm is set not by monotonous repetition, but with the help different forms and inclusions.

    Mixborder is one of the few types of plant compositions that allow you to collect an excellent collection of conifers of different growth, crown shape and color of needles.

    Coniferous hedge

    Coniferous hedges are quite common. In regular style gardens, which is quite rare in the Russian landscape, the coniferous hedge remains just a hedge, but the landscape and Art Nouveau style allows evergreen hedges to be used as a backdrop for colorful perennials.

    Conifers can be used to form dense formed and unformed hedges. To create a dense functional hedge, plants are planted in 2-3 rows in a checkerboard pattern. The most impenetrable evergreen hedge is considered to be a formed checkerboard planting of ordinary spruce.

    Compositions of coniferous circular view

    Group of plants, decorative effect which must be visible from all sides of the view. Such compositions are placed in paving openings, on a lawn or round flower beds. The group can be irregular shape or symmetrical.

    The largest plant is planted in the center of a symmetrical coniferous composition, around it at the same distance - smaller plants, while the height of the second row should be at least 1/3 and not more than 1/2 of the height of the central plant. The accents must be strictly adhered to. This rule also works for non-symmetrical groups. The height of the following rows should be proportionally reduced, emphasizing the beauty of the previous row, without covering it.

    Creation of an asymmetrical composition of a circular view is the most delicate job of a designer. Here you need to provide an overview of the group from all angles, so that with a new turn, a new composition appears. The simplest option is a group of 3 - 5 plants. Plants must be placed in such a way that it is visually impossible to draw a straight line through three points. The asymmetrical coniferous group of three elements includes three crowns of plants of different height and shape. Moreover, one of them should have a creeping shape, which most emphasizes the asymmetry. In a group of five plants, you can include two identical ones, but you need to place them a little apart.

    Conifers are the decoration of any garden.

    They are good both on their own and in the company of other green neighbors.

    If you want to entrust them with the main roles in the design of a summer cottage - read our tips.

    Composing a coniferous garden

    To implement such an exciting idea, conifers will be needed. different types, shapes, heights and even shades... It is the variety of textures that will allow you to "play" with interesting garden special effects and fully show your own imagination.

    If the plot is located on a slope, it can be turned into a giant alpine slide... To do this, "stretch" the garden path from top to bottom, connecting any two objects - a house, a gazebo, a recreation area or a cozy bench.

    If you want to make it loose - use crushed stone or fine gravel, securing the sidewalls wooden blocks treated with an antiseptic. I like jumping stairs - build a staircase from tiles natural stone... Arrange stones in random order on either side of this symbolic border, grouping large boulders and smaller ones.

    Important: the foundation is not needed this time, because conifers are not "Alpines" and do not need "special training" for planting.

    Having prepared the "disposition", plant a variety of conifers between the stones, placing them in such a way that tall plants do not obscure the "babies". Determining the choice of "candidates", give preference compact and slowbut growing forms conifers. Plant representatives of miniature creeping forms in such a way that over time they, "flowing" over the stones, form beautiful cascades.

    Free spaces that remained after all carried out plantings, mulch with pebbles, gravel or crushed bark.

    Decorative rock The Sea Harbor (KEKKILÄ) is ideal for decorating and mulching the soil. Reliably protects the surface from weeds, and the soil itself - from drying out.

    Advice: so that the kindergarten always looks neat and does not cause much trouble, under filling be sure to lay geotextiles, it will help prevent weeds. Keep in mind that for such a "garden" you will need a lot of plants, but believe me, the result is worth it. We recommend paying attention to junipers(scaly, Chinese, Cossack and common), ate(prickly, gray, conic and "bird's nest"), thuja(western and spherical), pine mountain, cypress pea, yew berry.

    Important: do not forget that in the spring "thorny pets" must be protected from bright sunlight.

    Korean fir "Silberlok" ("BEST") - a dwarf variety of Korean fir, which was named "Silver Curls" for its special decorativeness, has excellent frost resistance, loves sunny places and partial shade, but does not tolerate strong winter winds.

    Ceramic figurines and decorative bark filling will become an excellent addition to the "coniferous garden", but it is better to forget about flowering plants - they will definitely not fit into this "interior".

    The only exception is small "islets" of spring bulbous plants, which will revive the landscape at the very beginning of the season. Conifers get along well with hosts (in the foreground) and geykhers (in the center of the photo):

    Options are possible

    Garden "fantasies", in which conifers will become direct participants, can be very diverse. For example, a picturesque thuja hedge, which will perfectly cope with the role of a garden partition and will help to effectively emphasize certain areas of the site.

    From miniature conifers, you can make a border to the garden path leading from the house to a gazebo or recreation area, and from creeping varieties of conifers - an alpine garden. In addition to the "main characters", you will need stones, gravel and flowering "Alpines" - to create color accents.

    "Having played" with different kinds pine trees, create a miniature heather garden. It is based on heathers and ericas, but coniferous accents will play an important role here. Compose a charming forest corner right on the lawn or in the middle of a paved area, hiding it in a specially fenced-in module. For these purposes, you will need a spruce or pine, placed in the center of the composition, and a picturesque "rug" of wild lilies of the valley - a worthy background for a "green hedgehog".

    I wanted something exotic - arrange a mushroom plantation on the site! For example, a corner for growing oyster mushrooms can be made very decorative by decorating it with driftwood, wild lilies of the valley and coniferous trees. And for a miniature alpine landscape, you will need several mountain pines different heights... Supplement them with Japanese spirea bushes and Erica and make a dump of white pebbles. Another option is also possible - to combine junipers and thuja and decorate the composition with large boulders.

    We take care of all the rules

    All conifers very disagreeablechoosy and do not need overprotection. That's why they are good. From time to time they should be fed, watered in extreme heat and very rarely cut off.

    And not every plant is able to survive this attack. That is why there must be special shelters in the gardener's household, which will not be difficult to make. These are ordinary covers made of spunbond or lutrasil in the form of bags with ties at the bottom, but sewn to the size of a particular plant.

    Before dressing up the green "fluffies" in spacious "caftans", drive in a stake next to each of the plants, "growing" a little taller than the ephedra itself. This is necessary so that the covers, sagging under the weight of the attacking snow, do not break the fragile tops. To hide low spherical conifers, use cucumber arches, set in a criss-cross over the crown.

    Important: ordinary and blue spruce, pines and larch trees need shelter only for the first three years after planting. You can remove the protective “domes” only when the snow has completely melted.

    Text: Olga Voronova.
    Photo: A. Lysikov.