Games for children in summer school camp. Outdoor games in children's camp

Today, children's camps are very popular among children and their parents. Each children's health camp has its own recreation program, which implies the correct daily routine, physical activity, healthy diet, amateur performances, competitions and of course fun camp activitiesgames.

First, first!

All interested children stand in a circle and receive numbers clockwise: first, second, third, etc. Then everyone together begins to clap their hands rhythmically, twice on their hands, twice on their knees. The clapping should not stop. The first player must say his number twice when he claps his knees, and twice the other person's number when he claps his hands. The one who hears his number also calls out his number and the number of the other participant with two claps on the knees. The main thing in the game is not to disrupt the general rhythm of clapping and not to stop. Whoever gets lost goes to the end and gets the last number. All numbers change accordingly, so you need to be careful.


Two players enter into a game agreement - from then on they keep an eye on each other. Every time one of the players sits down, he must say “Sitting!” If a player sits down and does not say “I’m sitting,” then the opponent, no matter where he is, sticks out his thumb and shouts the word “I’m sitting” so that the opponent hears and starts counting. Another player must run up and “press” his finger so that the counting stops. This happens several times, the count is added up until it reaches one hundred. Whoever counts his opponent to one hundred first wins.

A military secret

During the shift, two people must answer each other’s questions “military secret” before saying the answer. If a player forgets, a score is kept. Before the game, the participants agree how long they will play. Basically, up to five “mistakes” are played.


The squad is divided into small teams of 3-5 people. The counselors hand out prepared pieces of paper with tasks to everyone in advance and set deadlines for their completion, for example, “before dinner,” etc. The team must complete the instructions written on the piece of paper and return to the “headquarters” (to the counselors). The team that returns first and completes all tasks correctly is considered the winner. At the end of the competition, all teams must return, regardless of the tasks completed. Tasks can be of the following nature: find out from the leader of such and such a detachment, Marya Ivanovna, what her favorite dish is, count the number of windows in the canteen building, etc.

Strong chains

Children are divided into two equal teams. Members of each team line up holding hands. The first team asks: “Whose soul do you want?” The second team calls the name of a player from the first team: “Vasya!” Vasya's goal is to break the chain of the other team. He takes off and runs at the opponents, if he manages to break the chain, then he takes one of the players to his team with him, and if not, then he remains with the opponents. Then the second team asks: “Whose soul do you want?” and so on. At the end of the game, one chain should be formed.

Hello, I'm a locomotive!

The players stand in a circle, one of them is chosen as a locomotive. Then the locomotive runs in and around the circle, eventually running up to one of the players, and, stopping, says: “Hello, I’m a locomotive!” The player, to whom the locomotive “drove up,” repeats his words, with the same intonation, then calls himself (by name), and he himself becomes the locomotive, and the old locomotive his carriage. Then they run by train, and this continues until all the players introduce themselves and become one train.

Let's go North

The players stand in a circle, one player is designated as the leader. The leader declares that he is going to the North, and that he will take with him only those who take with them the “right” item. Next, each of the players in turn must say what exactly he will take with him to the North. The presenter answers whether he takes this person with him or not. The game lasts until everyone guesses on what basis they are taken or not taken on a trip. And the sign is very simple - the leader takes those whose first letter of the name coincides with the first letter of the name of the object he names. However, the sign may be different, for example, you can take only those who add “please” to their phrase or say hello, it all depends on the imagination of the presenter.

What will you do with the item?

Children sit in a circle and the driver names any word or object. The next player in turn must say what he will do with this item, then the other participant also says how he will use this item, but repetition is not allowed. When the turn returns to the leader, he calls a new word. The participant who hesitates or cannot give an answer leaves the game. Example of a game: the driver says the word brush, then the first player says “I will clean my shoes with a brush,” the second player continues, “I will wipe the dust with this brush,” etc.

Guess faster!

Participants are given 10 pieces of paper, on each of which they must write a name. famous person. These can be both real people and heroes of films and cartoons, for example, “Cheburashka”, “Sofia Rotaru”, “Yuri Gagarin” and others. The leaves are rolled up and thrown into a hat or box prepared for collecting notes. When each participant has written all 10 personalities, all the papers are shuffled.

Players are divided into pairs. It is most convenient if the partners sit opposite each other. The task of the gaming pairs is to guess as many personalities written on pieces of paper as possible during the game.

The hat with notes always goes in a circle and goes to players from different pairs in turn. The participant who received the hat makes sure that his partner is prepared to listen carefully. It takes 30 seconds and during this time the player must pull out the notes one by one, unfold them and explain to his partner what kind of name is written in the note without saying this name. The partner must quickly figure out who is in the note and say his name as soon as possible. Then the next note is pulled out and explained to the partner in the same way.

The more personalities a couple can guess in 30 seconds, the better. If the identity cannot be guessed, the note is dropped back into the mass for the next player. Moving around the circle, the hat with notes goes to one participant in the pair, then to the other. Those pieces of paper whose names are guessed are put in one place, and at the end of the game, when all the notes have been sorted out, the pairs count the number of pieces of paper. Whoever has the most wins!

Prepared by Anna Suslova

Children's play is not only excellent remedy entertainment for the child, but also very important method learning and development of the baby. In play, children learn something new, learn new skills, and acquire new skills. Outdoor games are designed to physically develop children. It’s these kinds of games that we’ll talk about now.

About the choice

When choosing mobile ones, you should approach this wisely. So, several very important factors must be taken into account.

  1. Age of players. Yes, children younger age you need to select games of less complexity, older ones - more. However, it is worth remembering that any elements of the game, even if they do not correspond to the age of the participants, are often perceived without problems or complaints (i.e., seventh graders, just like kids, will clap their hands with pleasure, but they certainly will not imitate bees accompanied by cute children's songs).
  2. Room. So, when choosing a game, it is very important to decide where all this will take place. Some games are only suitable for playing indoors, some - outdoors.
  3. Inventory. When preparing interesting outdoor games for children, it is important to take into account that some of them may require special equipment - skittles, balls, hoops, etc. You will need to stock up on these things in advance.


Having selected fun outdoor games for children, the camp counselor must be able to competently explain the rules so that it is clear to all participants. So, an adult can stand facing the children (therefore, it is best to place the children in a semicircle). The explanation itself should be clear, concise, understandable to everyone (for this you do not need to use specific words or terms, it must be told in a language accessible to children). If the rules are very complex, before starting the game you can conduct a short rehearsal, which will clearly show and explain to the children all the nuances. Another very important point: choice of driver for entertainment. The main player should be cheerful, active, and “infect” those around him with his game. Therefore, it is good if the driver is an active, cheerful child. However, it often happens that during the game the drivers change. In this case, in order not to offend anyone, it is best to resort to a little counting rhyme. Example:

One two three four five,
We're going for a walk with you.
One two Three
You will be the driver in the game!

Whoever the counting finger lands on at the very end should be the one leading at the moment.

Game "Treasure Hunt"

So, we choose the most exciting outdoor games for children. At the camp you can organize a game called “Treasure Hunt”. All children will definitely like this, regardless of age. Inventory that will be needed: pointers (signs), you can also stock up on a small shovel (if the treasure is buried). So, if you want to entertain younger children with this game, there should be no more than 10 signs, but if the participants are older or high school, there can be many more signs. The essence of the event is that players, divided into teams, need to find a previously hidden treasure (this could be a toy, candy, etc.). And to do this, you will need to follow the signs and, perhaps, even complete small tasks in order to find the next sign. The winning team receives a hidden treasure as a prize.

Game "Hide and Seek"

What other outdoor games are there for children? You can also play hide and seek at the camp, why not? So, this game is best played outdoors. It will take one child to look for everyone. To do this, he closes his eyes and slowly recites the following little rhyme: “I count to five, but I can’t count to ten. One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look. Ready or not, here I come!" While the counting is being said, the other children must find a secluded place where the driver will not find them. If the main player finds someone, he must be the first to run to the place where the counting rhyme was said and knock on him. And so on until the last player. Whoever is found last wins.

Game "Keeping Eye"

We look further at fun outdoor games for children. So, you can offer the children a game called “Keen Eye”. However, this requires an area where children can hide. For example, behind the trees. In this case, the driver stands in the center of the clearing, other children hide behind the trunks. The essence of the entertainment is that you need to get as close as possible to the driver. To do this, you can move unnoticed, running from tree to tree. If the driver notices the player, he calls him by name. If the name is named correctly, the player joins the driver and helps him keep an eye on the other children, but if not, the participant simply will not respond. The person who is closest to the driver at the end of the game will win.

Game "Find the cubes" (for kids)

What other movable ones are there? So, the little ones can be entertained with a game called “Find the Cubes.” First, the counselor must hide about a dozen cubes on the site. Players can be divided into two teams, and each participant can play for himself. The point: each child must find as many cubes as possible. Who had them? maximum amount- he is the winner.

Game "Fishing"

We look further at summer outdoor games for children. So, at the camp you can also play “Fishing”. To do this, you first need to draw a circle with a diameter of five meters on the asphalt, which will represent the sea. Two people are chosen as fishermen, who must hold hands at all times. At the command of the counselor, the fishermen run into the drawn water (drawn circle) and catch the fish (other children) - one after another. To do this, the hands of the participants must close around the caught fish. In this case, she goes over to the side of the fishermen, and the net is constantly growing. The goal of the game is to be the last fish left.

Game "Crocodile"

There are also active educational games for children. One of them is the well-known “Crocodile”. So, for this you need a leader who will constantly change. The counselor whispers a word in his ear, which he must show as clearly as possible. At the same time, you can’t say anything, you can only show it: with your whole body. Whoever guesses the word shown first becomes the leader. And so on. You can play this game endlessly, because... she doesn't get boring. It is suitable for children of middle and high school age.

Game "Wolf and Hares"

Next we choose outdoor games for children. You can also play “The Wolf and the Hares” at the camp. To do this, you need to draw a forest along the edge of the site where hares can hide. The wolf is a kind of leader. He stands in the center of the site and, at the command of the counselor, begins to catch all the hares that run from one forest to another, located on the opposite side of the site. If the wolf touches the hare, he stops in the same place and becomes the wolf's assistant. To do this, he simply spreads his arms and blocks the path of other runaway hares. When most of the hares are already helpers, the counselor announces that they all came to visit the wolf on the occasion of his birthday. Then the wolf is surrounded by children holding hands, singing songs to him, and the birthday boy dances.

Game "The Sea Is Troubled"

There are also active song games for children. However, some of them consist entirely of small quatrains, and some only partially. An example would be the well-known game “The Sea is Troubled.” So, a presenter is selected who will recite the following text: “The sea is worried - once! The sea is worried - two! The sea is worried - three! The sea figure is in place - freeze!” At this time, the children are dancing, when the last word of the rhyme is heard, they must freeze in the form of sea figures. The presenter must guess all the figures. Whose remains unsolved becomes the new leader.

Game "Owl"

The maximum number of people who can participate in this game is a large number of children. You will also need to choose a driver - an owl. When the counselor says “It’s day outside!”, all the children, who pretend to be birds or spider worms, jump, dance, and have fun. At this time the owl is sleeping. When the counselor says, “The night has come, the owl is going hunting!”, all the children freeze. The owl must find those who move or giggle. She takes these children outside the game, to her so-called nest.

Sport games

There are also outdoor games for 2 children. An example would be various entertainments that may require sports equipment. So, it could be badminton, where players must hit a shuttlecock with rackets. You can also kick the ball, trying to score it into the opponent's goal. As an option, the game “Hot Potato” for two: a couple of guys will simply throw the ball around until one of the players drops it.

Game "Fashion Designer"

For this game you will need several pairs of participants (boy-girl). So, each couple is given a roll toilet paper. The essence of the game: from this inventory, come up with and make the best costume for your partner. First, the boys create designer dresses on the girls, then the girls create fashionable tailcoats on the boys. The winner is the couple whose creativity surpasses the rest.

Game "Witch"

You can also offer the children a game called “Witch”. However, there is nothing terrible here. To play the game you will need a couple of participants who must run on a broomstick past the obstacles set up without catching any of them. The winner is the one who does not knock down any obstacles with a broom or knocks down the least number of them. You can make small towns out of sand or cubes as barriers.

Game "Chauffeur"

To do this you will need the following equipment: glasses of water, trucks. Several participants are selected for the game. A rope must be tied to each machine, which will be wound around a stick. A glass of water is placed in the truck trailer. The goal of the game is to pull the machine towards you as quickly as possible by winding the rope, without spilling the water. The winner is the participant whose car not only gets there the fastest, but also who has the maximum amount of water left in his glass.

Game "Dancing"

Children, however, like most adults, love music very much. Why not play a game based on musical accompaniment? An excellent musical outdoor game for children is “Dancing”. To do this, participants are divided into pairs, preferably a boy and a girl. You need to put a newspaper under the feet of each of them. When the music starts, the couple dances on the newspaper without going beyond it. After the music stops, you need to fold the newspaper in half. Then everything, again, is done according to the above-described scenario. The winner will be the couple who can dance on the smallest piece of newspaper without going beyond its boundaries. In this case, it is easy to set very different rules: you can be allowed to take your partners in your arms, you can not allow it, etc.

Robot game

This game is suitable for two participants. One of them will be a robot, the other a tester. First, the tester in the room (class) must hide an item that the robot must find. In this case, the tester uses commands for the robot the following words: “forward”, “backward”, “right”, “left”, etc. The game ends when the robot finds the hidden thing.


You can also pick up various movable ones. One of them is “Boxing”. So, for this you will need two people who will be boxers, as well as two inflatable balls, which are given to each player. The essence of the game: you need to engage in battle not with your hands, but with balls. The winner is the player who keeps his ball in three rounds: does not burst it, does not let it go out of his hands. Another cheerful and pretty good competition for children: the team needs to transfer apples from a full basket to an empty one. Whichever team has the most apples wins. The prize for the winners is the same apples.

Interaction games

During the organizational period, it is very important not only to introduce children to each other, but also to include them in interaction. What could it be more useful than games, in which each participant will be able to show their best side!


Create a dream layout using stationery supplies offered by teachers. Moreover, each group continues the work of the previous one.

sitting circle

The team forms a close circle (the guys stand shoulder to shoulder). Then ask them to turn 90 degrees to the right. Assignment: you need to slowly sit on each other’s laps and touch the shoulder of the person behind you with your hand.


Holding hands, participants enter the water and line up. When the whistle blows, they must release their neighbor's hands and run out of the water. The fastest one wins.


While swinging the suspended pillow, participants must collect objects placed on the ground. The participant who gets hit by the pillow is eliminated.

crooked wheel

Everyone stands in a circle. It is necessary, holding hands, to walk from one football goal to another.

Portrait of a counselor

The guys must collectively draw a portrait of the counselor, passing the felt-tip pen around.

Pass it along the chain

Participants lined up pass an object to the person standing next to them. in different parts body (chin, elbows, knees, etc.)


The same number of girls and boys stand opposite each other. The girls, having conceived a gesture, clap to the beat of the music and approach the boys, show this gesture, turn around and go back to their place. The young men demonstrate their gesture in response. The team that is the last to demonstrate its gesture before the end of the melody wins. Variants of gestures: touch the tip of the nose of the players of the opposing team, send an air kiss, wink, etc.

Dancing balls

Conventionally, the circle of dancers is divided into two halves. Released 1-3 balloon, which the players throw to each other in the dance. The half that has fewer balls on it by the time the music ends wins.

Dancing cap

The dancer in the center of the circle takes off his cap and places it on the head of any of the dancing children. The dancer in the cap must step into the circle and show several movements, which all the guys dancing in the circle repeat after him. Then he passes the cap to another dancer, and everything is repeated.

Slow dance invitation ribbons

The presenter asks a group of girls and boys to stand separately. He takes several ribbons in his hand (in the middle of the ribbon). Girls take the ribbons from one end, and boys from the other. The presenter releases the tapes and moves away. Boys and girls wind up the ribbons and meet, forming pairs for a slow dance.

Name in the center

During a disco, the dancers form a circle. They call him to his center one by one, for example. Sasha or Lena. The circle begins chanting their names to the beat of the music. This continues until all players are in the circle. This way everyone gets a chance to dance and learn other names.

Say hello with your noses

Say hello to as many people as possible in 1 minute. You can greet with your hands, noses, knees, etc.

Hugging tulle

A game similar to tag, but with one new rule: you cannot tag those who are standing tightly hugged. But you can stand like this for no more than 7 seconds.

Determine by touch

The group stands in a circle. We need to go through and determine who has the most warm hands(noses, ears...).


The group stands in a circle and, taking each other by the arms and stretching their arms forward, throws a bag of peas around the circle. The main thing is not to drop it, since in this case the game starts all over again. Then the bag is thrown over one, then through two.


The driver turns away and covers his ears. The players make a wish for one person sitting in a circle and call the driver. The driver asks what the player they have guessed is associated with, thus trying to determine who they have guessed. The number of questions is not limited, but the driver only has three attempts to name the hidden player. Example of questions: the hidden player is associated with such a flower, with such a time of day, etc.

Cat dog

The players sit in a circle. The presenter offers the game for attention. He says to the neighbor on the right in narrative form: “Dog,” and to the neighbor on the left, “Cat.” The neighbors ask again in a questioning manner. Neighbor on the right: “Dog?” Neighbor on the left: “Koshta?” The presenter answers affirmatively to the neighbor on the right: “Dog.” To the neighbor on the left: “Cat.” After this, the neighbor on the right addresses his neighbor on the right, saying in a narrative form: “Dog.” He asks again: “Dog?” The neighbor to the right of the leader again asks the leader: “Dog?” The presenter answers in the affirmative: “Dog.” Neighbor on the right: “Dog.” The procedure is repeated in a circle. Similarly, the word “Koshta” is transmitted on the left side. The players' task is not to get confused. The game ends when the leader with right side the word “Cat” will come with a narrative intonation, and on the left side the word “Dog”.


The players sit in a circle. The presenter will pass the pen to his neighbor and say: “I am passing the pen correctly.” Next, the pen is passed around each other in a circle, and the presenter comments on whether the pen is passed correctly. The players' task is to guess how to pass the handle correctly. The presenter can make the most different variants. For example: the one who smiled at his neighbor correctly conveys the message, looks at the neighbor, etc.

Find a pen

Two teams of 3 to 12 people play. Players of one team leave the room or close their eyes. The second team's task is to hide the pen so that it is visible (that is, it is not hidden by any object), but so that it does not catch the eye. The presenter monitors compliance with this condition. The opposing team is invited. The presenter times the time. In complete silence, the players look for the pen. The person who notices it should sit quietly on a chair without revealing where he found the pen. The last player must take it and sit on a chair, after which the leader announces the search time. The teams change roles. The team that spends the minimum amount of time searching for the pen wins.

Find this without knowing what, do that without knowing what

A driver is selected from the group of players and leaves the room. Players think of any object in the room and the action that needs to be done with it (for example: a rag, wipe the window sill). A driver is invited. He searches for an object, focusing on the strength of applause. If the applause is quiet, he is far from the subject, loud applause is close to it. A flurry of applause means that the item was found correctly. In the same way, you have to guess what to do with the object. Quiet applause means an incorrect action, loud applause means you are approaching the intended action, a flurry of applause means the action is guessed right.

Build a fortress

The players sit in a circle on chairs. The driver is blindfolded in the center of the circle. He is a guard protecting the territory. Those sitting are enemies who must build a fortress on the territory, for which they need to be able to form all the others on one chair (the number of chairs is equal to the number of players). The driver seeks to stop the builders. With his hand he shows where he hears the sound from, saying: “Here.” If he managed to point to the builder, then the builder is eliminated from the game; if he pointed to the construction site of the fortress, it must be rebuilt in another place. If the fortress is built, the builders win.


Translated, “zhovzhelit” means to do something. Having chosen a driver who leaves the door, players think of any verb. The driver must guess the hidden word. To do this, he asks questions to the players, clarifying the attitude of the players themselves to the implementation of the hidden action, replacing the hidden word in the question with the verb “zhovzhelit”. For example: Rita, do you like to chew? Vasya, is it better to live your life alone or in a group? etc.


Having chosen a driver who leaves the door, players make a wish for any public institution. The players ask the driver questions about his attitude towards the mysterious institution. Not knowing what they are talking about, the driver answers at random, but based on the reaction to his answers and the content of the questions, he must guess and name the hidden institution.


Those who know the game invite those who want to join one by one. Before this person comes in, they make a guess about the situation. For example, a person who has just entered has been bitten by a dog (or has just returned from China). But the person entering is not told about the situation, but rather, with small comments, they monitor his reaction to what is happening, comparing the situation and the behavior of the person entering.

Three musical words

The players are divided into three groups, choose a driver, and he moves aside. The presenter thinks of a word of three syllables. Each group gets a syllable and sings it to their own tune. The driver guesses this word in the general chorus. For example: MO-LO-KO. MO - "Katyusha", LO - "Lambada", KO - "Moscow Evenings". Or you think of a phrase, for example, “I love you,” and at the command of the leader, all groups simultaneously say (shout) their words. The driver's task is to guess the phrase.

Shadow running

One participant makes funny movements and gestures while walking. The other portrays his shadow and tries to exactly repeat all the steps and actions.

Summer has come, a team of children has gathered at a summer sea camp, which means it's time to choose games on the beach. Beach games for summer camp- are not at all like ordinary yard games. We offer you a selection of active and calm games for children on the sand and in the water.

Outdoor games on the beach

Most outdoor games on sand require a ball. This means that the ball will be kicked around, and the children will jump and fall, but this is not scary at all, because under their feet there is not hard asphalt, but soft sea sand.

Beach volleyball

This game requires 2 teams, a net and a volleyball. The rules are set by the counselor or coach.


Children in a circle, selected player - The dog is in the middle of the circle and tries to take possession of the ball.

Flying saucer

For this game you need a special projectile - a plate that can be launched through the air. Participants in the game launch the plate and catch it.
A variant of the game Doggy is possible.

Race running

You can arrange team games or run in races with the whole squad. A start and finish line is drawn on the sand and the children run at a signal. You can run with different complications: a ball, a jumping rope (jumping), like a frog, like a duck, somersaults, etc.

Heap jumping

A pile of sand is poured in and everyone takes turns, running away, jumping over the pile. You can set up a trap (without the players knowing) and make a hole behind the pile of sand and collect sea ​​water. Lots of splashes and laughter guaranteed!

Catch the ball with the blanket

Usually 4 players are selected and given a beach mat or blanket (the fabric must be soft). The driver throws the ball, and the players with the blanket must catch it. Each of the 4 players holds one end of the blanket.

Sand, water, air

Play in coastal strip. They choose a driver, he gives commands. Children follow commands. Whoever makes a mistake becomes the driver. At the command “sand”, children stand on dry sand. On the command “water” they run into the sea, on the command “air” they jump.

Fill a bucket with water

Relay team game on the seashore. Children are divided into teams. Each team is given 1 bucket and 1 mug. The bucket is placed 7-10 meters from the water's edge. All players stand in a row behind the bucket. Each player must take a mug, run to the sea, scoop up water and bring it to a bucket, pour it out and pass the mug to the next one.
The team that collects a bucket of sea water the fastest wins.

Look for the treasure!

You can play in teams, or just with the whole squad. For the game, choose one not very large object, for example a ball or a bright slate or a bright rubber duck. The driver or counselor tells the children to close their eyes or turn away and buries the object in the sand (not very deep!). Then he gives the command to the children to search. Everyone runs excitedly along the sand and looks for the “treasure”.

King of the Hill

The game is similar to winter fun, but instead of a snow mountain, a sand mountain is used.

Dancing on towels

Towels are laid out on the sand in a circle at intervals. Children should jump from towel to towel to the music without stepping on the sand. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.

Water war

Why not play water gun war on the beach. The most important thing is to have a good and accurate water pistol!

Calm games on the beach

The kids were running across the sand, it was time to play calmer games.

Whose leg?

Children choose a driver. The players stretch the blanket and stand behind it. One person stretches his leg forward, and the driver must guess whose leg it is.

Mine or sapper

One player covers his hand with dry sand - this is a mine, the other tries to clear it. To clear the mine, you need to remove the sand from your hand and press on the nail of each finger. You need to dig up the sand so carefully so as not to touch your hand (mine). If this fails, the hand flies into the air and showers sand on the unsuccessful sapper. You cannot clench your hand into a fist.

Beach golf

Several small depressions are made in the sand - holes, and tennis balls are distributed to the children. The players' task, as in golf, is to drive the ball into the hole.

Creating sand figures and castles

Wet sand, a shovel or just your hands and beautiful sand sculptures are ready! You can create figures for a while, you can play one by one or in a team. You can sculpt any sculpture or only on a given topic, for example fairy tales. The most beautiful sand castle or figure wins a prize!

Tic Tac Toe

On the beach, you can play tic-tac-toe with both shells and pebbles. If the beach is sandy, then players use shells different color. On a rocky beach, pebbles of different shades are suitable.

On the seashore you can also play such famous games as and others.

Water games for summer camp

Not a single child can be kept on the shore if there is an opportunity to take a dip or swim. Here are some water games that you can have fun playing with. big company children.

Fishermen with a seine

All children are divided into two teams: Fishermen and Fishes. Fishermen stand at the water's edge and hold each other's hands - this is a net. Fishermen will use a seine to catch fish. The fish, on the command of a trainer or counselor, enter the water and stay close. When a signal is given - it can be a whistle or a clap of hands - the fishermen enter the water and try to join in a round dance to catch the fish.

Fishermen's hands should not go into the water. The fish try to escape from the net either by diving under the hands of the fishermen, or by swimming out until the ring of the fishermen’s hands is connected.

This game can be played in teams. The team that has the most catch wins.


They throw a hoop onto the water (for younger children the hoop is small, for older children it is large). Children stand around a hoop in the water and, on command, try to dive under the hoop and emerge to be inside.

The coach must closely monitor the children and prevent the children from pushing in the water.

Water Riders

Boys often play this game. Two players are horses, the other two are riders. Riders sit on the shoulders of their partner. The players' task is to drag the enemy into the water.

Pike or shark

They choose a driver. This player enters the water up to his chest and stands with his back to the shore. The remaining fish players line up 10 steps from the pike closer to the shore. At the judge’s signal, the fish “swim” - slowly approach the pike. Suddenly the judge gives a signal - PIKE! At this moment, the pike player turns and tries to catch the fish, and the fish rush to the shore. The caught player becomes a pike.

Water basketball

There are two teams in the game. One team has a plastic bucket-basket, the other has balls. The team with the balls tries to throw the ball into a basket that the other team is defending. The game can be played for a while, then the teams change.

Water catch-up

Games are similar the usual version catch-up, but carried out in the water.

In addition to the above water games, you can organize various relay races. These can be both relay races in shallow water and in deep water - for those who can swim well.

Games for children's school camp.

Competition "Who can count better" The first comic competition game will tell you which team can count better. To do this, you need to create two groups of children, each containing 8 people. The guys line up in a line, and numbers from 1 to 8 are attached to their backs, randomly. Children do not know what number is on their back, but they can see the number of the player in front of them. The essence of the competition is to line up as quickly as possible so that the score is correct.

Competition “Artist, or like a chicken paw” You can also use creative competitions in camps for children. Here, for example, is an excellent competition that will help reveal a non-standard artist in a child. To do this, you need to take one person from each squad. The essence of the game: you need to use a pencil and your foot (not your hand!) to draw a picture (the same for everyone). For example, a house or a flower. Whoever does it better wins.

Competition "Crocodile". We must also remember that competitions in a camp for children should also be very fun. So why not play good old Crocodile with the kids? To do this, you need to choose one person who will be the leader. Kids from different teams sit down in front of the main player and try to guess what he is showing. In this case, the presenter should not use words or other sound cues. The team that scores the most points throughout the competition wins. Each guess by a team member is worth 1 point.

Competition "Cooks" We also need to remember that competitions in camps for children should also teach children something useful. That's exactly what this competition is. For him, the children are divided into two teams, one of which “cooks” the soup, the other - compote. That is, participants must take turns naming vegetables or fruits. And so on until one team knows what to say. Alternatively, this could be a captain’s competition, where not the whole team, but only one person will name vegetables and fruits.

In search of treasures . Picking up interesting competitions for children in the camp, you must not forget to organize a game for the children called “Treasure Search”. To do this, you need to hide the treasure in a certain area and post clues that should help the players move forward. As a result, the winner is the team that found the treasure before the rest. Please note: this competition also includes adults. After all, it is best to hide treasures somewhere in the forest.

Animals. What other competitions are there for children at the camp? Cheerful! So, you can just fool around. To do this, the guys are divided into two teams. The players of one meow, the other ones grunt. Then everyone is blindfolded, the children mix among themselves. The goal of the game: with your eyes closed, find all the members of your team, eventually holding hands in a chain.

The attentiveness competition is an individual competition .

That is, everyone plays for themselves here. Although as a result, the winner can also represent the entire team. So, all the children stand in a row. When the leader says “sea”, everyone should jump forward, “land” - back. The presenter can also say “water”, “river”, “lake” and so on, that is, everything that relates to water. And the same with land. Variations: “shore”, “earth”, “sand”. Those children who jump incorrectly are eliminated from the game. There must be one person left who will bring the winning score to his team.

Portrait. It often happens that you have to spend some time in the building. To do this, you need to have in stock various competitions for children, which can be held in an indoor camp without much difficulty. An excellent competition in this case is for the ability to draw. So, each player chooses a “victim” for himself, that is, the person he draws (from those present). Next, all other participants must guess who is depicted in the portrait. The winner is the one whose drawing is recognized more people.

Prize. We next consider competitions and games for children in the camp. So, you can ask the children to quickly get the prize. That is, a large barn lock is hung on a box or cabinet. Children are given a bunch of keys, among which they need to find the right one as soon as possible. If there is no way to hide something interesting, you just need to ask the children to pick up the key to the lock.

Young sculptors. There are also very fun competitions at a summer camp for children. For example, all children will definitely enjoy the game “Sculptor”. The props here are simple: balloons and tape. From inflated balloons you need to glue a man or woman together so that it is as similar as possible to the original. Next, you will have to explain your creation, so the fun is yet to come. games quiz competitions for children at camp

Sports competition "Marine" You can play this game in the gym, which, by the way, will be even better. Here it’s every man for himself. An admiral, that is, the commander-in-chief of the ship, is selected. He will give orders that players must obey.

"Starboard!" - all the children run to the right wall.

"Left side!" - the guys run to the left wall.

“Food” - children go to the back wall.

“Nose” - to the front.

"Raise the sails!" After this command, everyone must stop immediately and raise their hands up.

“Scrub the deck!” In this case, all the children pretend to wash the floor.

"Cannonball!" After this command, all children squat.

"The Admiral is on board!" In this case, the children must freeze and “salute” the commander-in-chief.

The person who executed the command incorrectly or was the last to run to the wall leaves the game. And so on until one or more players remain.

Take down the mammoth. This game is more suitable for younger teams. To do this, you need to imagine that the whole team is a tribe. The counselor chooses a mammoth, that is, the one who needs to be thrown onto the nearest bed or mat. In principle, there can be no winners. But you can try to time how long this or that mammoth will last. competitions for children in a day camp.

Accuracy game. So, the guys love the following fun, which also develops accuracy. To do this, you need to place a plate with sand or flour on the chair. All children take turns throwing a coin or a bottle cap there, while at a certain distance. The team with the most items in its bowl wins.

Games on paper. If you can’t go outside or even to the gym, you can keep yourself busy with a very fun and simple game. To do this, all participants are given a piece of paper and a pen. One long word is selected, from which participants need to add many small ones. There can be two winners here. One - who added the most words. The other is who made the longest word out of a long word. You can also play the good old " Sea battle" If you are very bored. What other competitions can there be for children in a day camp? Why not start the day with Have a good mood? To do this, all the children sit in a row, and each one gives his friend a compliment or wishes something good. At the same time, you can also make a funny face. games competitions for children in summer camp

Make a mummy. Children also really like the competition game, the goal of which is to make a mummy out of a person using toilet paper. That is, you need to wrap the player in such a way that he looks like her as much as possible. The winner is the one whose mummy the audience likes the most. As a small conclusion, I would like to say that when choosing games, quizzes, competitions for children in the camp, you need to take into account not only the age of the kids, but also their interests. After all, you need to work with different children in completely different ways. Some people need more sports competitions, some more fun ones, and some more intellectual ones.

Road games 1, 2, 3, car stop. This game can be included in children's sports competitions to learn road rules. The presenter-policeman stands with his back to the players and says the words “One, two, three, stop the car.” At this time, the machine players go to the leader. As soon as the policeman said the words, he quickly turns around and looks to see who didn’t have time to stop. Penalties start their journey all over again. The presenter turns away again and says the words. He can stretch them out or jabber. The players' task is to quietly “reach” the leader and touch him. Next, the player becomes the leader, and the game starts all over again. competitions for children 10 years old

Traffic light. This game is similar to the previous one. Only the presenter stands facing the players and pronounces some color of the traffic light smoothly, quickly or syllable by syllable. Players should stand motionless on “red” (arms at their sides), on “yellow” tilt their body forward, and on “green” run towards the leader. The first one to reach the leader will be the winner.

Conduct a competition for the squad champion using Russian tongue twisters. The one who makes a mistake, for example, three times, is eliminated from the competition. Tongue twisters can be written on separate pieces of paper. Participants draw pieces of paper, memorize it and repeat it out loud.

1. there is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass

2. two woodcutters, two wood splitters, two wood cutters

3. reported, but did not complete the report, but began to complete the report - he reported

4. in the field - horses trampled, dust flies across the field from the trampling of hooves

5. Arkhip hoarse, osip hoarse

6. Senka carries Sanka and Sonya on a sled

7. mow, mow, while there is dew, away with the dew, and we’ll go home

8. bristles - in a pig, scales in a pike

9. Margarita collected daisies on the mountain

Margarita lost daisies in the yard

10. three woodcutter cut wood in three yards

11. The cat walks around, the mouse suddenly goes under the locker,

the mouse suddenly under the chest

12. The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style, the cap needs to be repacked

12. Our Polkan fell into a trap

13. The water carrier was carrying water from the water supply

14. dear Mila washed herself with soap, lathered herself up,

washed it off - that’s how Mila washed herself

15. goes with a scythe goat scythe

16. not at all slippery, not at all slippery

17. the sideways goat left with the goat

18. The stumps have five honey mushrooms again

19. from the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field

20. Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha

21. I’ll tell you about shopping, about cereals and about snacks

22. I’ll tell you about my purchases, about my purchases

23. Grandfather Dodon played the duda, Grandfather touched Dimka with the dudu

24. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dryers

25. ships tacked, tacked, but didn’t tack

26. The courier overtakes the courier into the quarry

27. wet weather got wet

28. Frol walked along the highway to Sasha to play checkers

29. put the coals in the corners, put the coals in the corners

30. a weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya’s hat

31. three waxwings barely whistled on the spruce

32. Baker Peter baked pies

33. near the stake the bells are ringing

34. beaver is kind to beavers

35. You can’t say all the tongue twisters, you can’t over-speak them

36. king - eagle, eagle - king

37. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.

38. painter Shurik interfered with red lead

39. Sandro was dozing in the arboretum

40. Sashok collected a drying bag.

Each participant is pinned to the back with any noun - giraffe, hippopotamus, mountain eagle, bulldozer, bread slicer, rolling pin, etc.Everyone can read what everyone else is called, but, naturally, he cannot read what he himself is called. The task of each participant is to find out his new name from the others. Participants can only answer “Yes” or “No” to questions.
The volunteer stands with his back to the other participants in the game and closes his eyes. The players sit in a semicircle, one of them extends his hand forward and quickly touches the leader’s back. Once this has happened, the leader can turn around. However, the players also stand ready. All of them, both the one who touched the back and those who had nothing to do with it, extend their hand forward, making a sign as if they are slowing down a car on the street. At the same time, all the players, as one, declare: “I am!”, meaning that it was they who touched the leader’s back. The presenter’s task is to determine who actually touched him. If the presenter guesses who made a joke on him, then he stands in a circle, exchanging places with the joker. And if not, then he suffers for the second, third, fourth time until he catches the joker red-handed.