Induction heaters. How to make an induction heater and oven from a welding inverter

Every owner country house or cottage, first of all, he makes sure that his home is always warm and cozy.

Properly selected heating equipment helps to achieve such comfort, which would effectively heat the house and, at the same time, the costs for it would be minimal. Today, the most efficient heating systems are those that use electrical equipment for heating. We suggest considering Alternative option electric heating.

The modern flight of technical thought has made it possible to create the new kind electrical equipment for heating, which is called water. In this article we will try to talk in detail about what this unit is and what advantages it has, and we will also describe the technology for its manufacture with our own hands. (You can read about the features of induction heating).

What it consists of and how it works

Any induction heater consists of three main components:

  • an inverter that converts household electricity into high-frequency current;
  • an inductor that creates an electromagnetic field;
  • a heating element, with which water is directly heated.

The operating principle of this type of heater is the sequential interaction of all its main components. In other words:

  • the inverter generates high-frequency current and supplies it directly to the inductor;
  • a coil of a certain number of turns of copper wire, which is an inductor, creates a magnetic field, which is considered the cause of the appearance of vortex flows;
  • the heating element, which is located inside the inductor, heats up well under the influence of eddy currents;
  • and as a result, the coolant, which is located inside the heat exchanger, is also heated up simultaneously with it, and in hot form is directly transferred to heating system.

As you can see, the operating principle of this type of unit is quite simple, therefore, we can safely assume that an induction water heater has a number of advantages.


The positive characteristics of the induction unit include the following important points:

  1. Durability of use. Thanks to its not too complicated design, the induction heater can be used without interruption for more than 30 years
  2. Economical. Coefficient useful action of this type of unit is close to 100%. In other words, all electricity is completely converted into thermal energy, with virtually no losses.
  3. Convenience. Maintenance of an induction heater does not require constant maintenance. This is achieved due to the fact that the electromagnetic field, in addition to creating heat, creates vibrations that prevent the appearance of scale on the inner walls of the heat exchanger.
  4. Compactness. Heaters of this type have small dimensions, which facilitates their installation in any type of premises.
  5. Silence. Induction units, due to their design, operate quite quietly.
  6. Environmental friendliness. A boiler of this type does not emit harmful combustion products, so no chimney equipment or ventilation system is required.

According to the analysis of reviews, the main disadvantage of such a unit is its high cost. But there is an optimal solution - to design an induction water heater with your own hands.

Required tools and materials

Having decided to make an induction unit with your own hands, first of all, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and tools.

Their list is as follows:

Assembly diagram and order

Constructing an induction heater with your own hands should proceed according to the following sequential steps:

  1. A heating element. One of the ends of the plastic pipe is fixed with a metal mesh. Then the stainless wire is cut with wire cutters into small pieces that fit tightly inside the pipe. It is very important to avoid voids. The second end of the pipe is also fixed with a metal mesh.
  2. Inductor. Copper wire is wound over the plastic pipe, which will create vortex flows. It is very important to know that the number of turns must be at least 90.
  3. Inverter. This device is designed using thyristors, which allow you to efficiently convert ordinary electricity into high-frequency current. Thyristor inverter is the most an important component induction heater. It is also worth noting that the thyristor converter has electronic control, which allows you to smoothly regulate the current supply and also reliably protects against emergency situations.
  4. Connection. When the induction water heater is fully installed, it is directly connected to the heating system using ball valves and adapters.

Popularity of use in heating heating devices, operating from the mains, due to ease of use. Electrical appliances are safer than gas and environmentally cleaner than solid fuel systems. Their disadvantage is the high cost of consumed resources. The problem will be solved by installing a vortex induction heater. The device has high productivity minimum consumption electricity. Anyone who is comfortable with a soldering iron can make an induction heater.

A vortex induction heater is an electromagnetic device for heating a heat exchange device in the form of a pipe

Operating principle of equipment VIN 7, 10, 30, 40

An inductor is an electromagnetic device that uses eddy currents excited by alternating currents to heat conductive materials. magnetic field. The device looks like a winding made of several turns of copper winding. Induction heating occurs according to the following scheme. The generator induces currents of various frequencies in the device, as a result of which a magnetic field is formed inside, inside which the heated object is located. The magnetic field induces eddy currents in the body, converting electrical energy into thermal energy. As a result of the action of thermal energy, the body warms up.

An induction furnace is one of the first devices in which the described type of energy has found application. Principle of operation induction furnace identical to induction heating. The device is used for metal processing (soldering, smelting, forging, etc.). Even a homemade induction furnace can melt solid materials. Over the past few decades, energy electromagnetic field used for heating rooms (in air and water heating systems). Industrial vortex heat generators are capable of providing heat to facilities with a volume of up to 10,000 cubic meters.

Advantages and disadvantages of vortex induction heaters

  • Rapid heating of conductive materials.
  • Environmental Safety. The device is used in confined spaces without ventilation equipment.
  • The dimensions of the inductor do not have mandatory standards.
  • Simple automation, convenient control of heating and cooling cycles.

Important! The induction heater must be made in strict coordination with the heated body. Otherwise, an unreasonably large amount of power will be required for heating.

Induction generator in a heating system

For autonomous heating in a private house you will need a transformer consisting of two short-circuited windings. Eddy currents arise inside the device, and the electromagnetic field is directed to the secondary winding. The secondary circuit acts as a base and heater for the circulating substance. A conductive substance (oil, water, antifreeze) is used as a heating fluid.

The vortex is installed in convenient location. Similar to traditional heating radiators, two pipes are connected to the inductor heater. One serves to supply water to the boiler, the other ensures the coolant exits into the pipeline and further distribution to the batteries. The substance enters the pipeline naturally. As a result various densities cold and hot water hydrostatic pressure is formed, which provokes a circulation.

Advice! Despite the creation of natural circulation during the induction heating process, experts recommend the mandatory installation of a circulation pump.

In heating as an air heater. Do vortex heat generator DIY at home is more difficult than an electromagnetic boiler. In addition, an inverter air heater is justified in cases where mobile heating is needed large premises. Five advantages of induction heat generation in a private home:

  1. Saving energy resources
  2. Silent operation
  3. No harmful substances
  4. The operating vibration of the device prevents sediment deposits on the walls of the pipeline
  5. Long service life

It is not difficult to create a primitive inductor with your own hands at home. This does not require a large set of tools and equipment. The induction heater circuit is simple.

How to make an induction heater with your own hands according to the scheme: the cost of materials is not high

In order to make an induction heater, you will need an AC transformer (preferably with voltage regulation). Induction heater made of welding inverter is an excellent solution to the issue. Manufacturing the device will require the use of available tools, such as:

  • A piece of thick-walled (45-50 mm) plastic pipe
  • Steel wire, diameter 6-8 mm
  • Metal grid
  • Copper wire (1.5 – 2 mm)
  • Heater to line connectors

One edge of the plastic blank is tightly sealed with a metal mesh. The cylinder is filled with particles of steel wire, which is cut in advance into pieces 4-5 cm long. The plastic pipe is completely filled with wire, after which the top is covered with a mesh. Any metal will do to fill the cylinder. The manufactured element will be the inductor body.

The next stage is making the coil. 85-95 turns of copper wire are wound onto a prepared (plastic) base. The exact number of turns is affected by the amperage of the welding inverter used. The winding is located in the center of the housing.

The manufactured device is installed in the heating system using adapters so that the coolant passes inside the coil. Welding equipment is connected to the inductor. In order to save money, you can create. It is important to ensure reliable sealing of connections to the pipeline and insulation of the device terminals. The outside of the inductor is covered with a heat-insulating screen. The heating is ready for use.

Attention! Use of the device is allowed if there is water in the heating system. Otherwise plastic base will melt.

In order to create a heat generator with your own hands, in addition to a transformer, you will need an electric motor.


Security measures

  1. Open sections of current conductors must be insulated.
  2. Induction heating devices are placed at a distance of 80 cm from the ceiling or floor, 30 cm from walls and furniture.
  3. Safe operation of the device will be ensured by installing a pressure gauge, panel automatic control and air release.

And most importantly! Whether it is an induction furnace from a welding inverter or an electromagnetic boiler - responsibility for possible consequences rests with the manufacturer of the homemade device.

Anyone can assemble vortex induction heaters if they take into account all the nuances!

Due to the constant increase in prices for traditional energy resources, country property owners are looking for new options for heating their homes. One of economical options Many people consider induction heaters to be water-based. With the help of this equipment, according to some homeowners, it is possible to heat large rooms. This type of equipment on sale has a fairly high cost. But you can make an induction heater with your own hands if you have some skills similar works. A ready-made diagrams And detailed video process will help the craftsman navigate the stages of work and make his work a little easier.

Working principle of induction heater

Before assembling an induction heater yourself, you must first familiarize yourself with general principle equipment operation similar type. Such units are in many ways similar to equipment that is equipped with heating elements. They also convert electricity into heat, which is necessary to heat the premises of the house.

Heating of the device occurs due to the energy of the electromagnetic field created in the inductor. It is a coil in the form of a cylinder with a winding. Electricity passing through this coil creates voltage. As a result of the action of alternating current, vortex flows are formed. Then the energy of the electromagnetic field is taken up by the coolant, which is water. This energy is then generated into heat. Behind short term When heated this way, water reaches quite high temperatures.

Induction heater circuit

Induction water heater components

The simplest device for generating heat based on vortex flows is an electrical inductor, which consists of several windings:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

The primary winding converts electrical energy into eddy currents and then sends a magnetic field to the secondary winding. Next, the created electromagnetic energy is transferred to the coolant, heating it. The secondary winding is both a heating element and the body of an induction boiler. It consists of:

  • external winding;
  • core;
  • electrical insulation;
  • thermal insulation.

Induction heater operation

For admission cold water Two pipes are installed into the unit and the hot outlet into the heating system. A pump is built in to circulate the liquid. Overheating of water does not occur during operation of the heating system, since the liquid constantly circulates - cooled water is supplied and hot water is discharged. Such water heaters can be installed for heating in almost any room. Due to design features system, the weight and size of the heating element are reduced, and heat transfer is significantly increased. The coolant ultimately receives about 97-98% of the energy without significant losses.

Attention! To install an induction heater, there is no need to do any major redesign of the heating system; this unit is simply built into it.

Advantages of induction type units

The undoubted advantages of this type of home heating devices include the following characteristics:

  • economical - recycling electrical energy heat transfer occurs almost completely without significant losses;
  • ease of use - constant Maintenance units of this type not required;
  • compact dimensions - induction water heaters are small in size, they can be installed in the heating system in almost any room;
  • quiet operation – this equipment operates quite quietly, no noise occurs during its operation;
  • long service life - induction units are durable and can operate smoothly for 30 years or more;
  • high environmental friendliness - no harmful emissions occur during operation of the device, a chimney installation and a ventilation system are not required.

Many people believe that induction boilers much more profitable than other home heating options. And compared to equipment equipped with heating elements, the heating time of these units occurs almost twice as fast. Due to the constant circulation and vibration of the liquid, scale does not form in the pipes and inside the device, which greatly facilitates the maintenance and care of the heating system.

Appearance of induction boilers

But this type of device also has some disadvantages. And the main disadvantage is that induction equipment is quite expensive. But you can try to make such a heater for heating your home yourself.

Advice. If you have certain skills and technical knowledge, you can assemble an induction heater for your home with your own hands. But before you begin the process of assembling the device, you must first really evaluate your capabilities and experience in creating such units, since making them is not so easy.

How to assemble an induction heater yourself

The modern market provides enough big choice various models induction type equipment. But in order to save money, you can make such a device yourself. Of course, having decided to make this heater, you need to prepare the appropriate tools for the job and stock up on necessary materials, many of which the owner may already have.

To make a simple heater design, you need to take the following components:

  • a piece of plastic pipe with fairly thick walls - this will be used to make the body of the device;
  • mesh (metal);
  • copper wire;
  • wire from of stainless steel with a diameter of up to 7 mm or wire rod.

Homemade induction boiler

To install the heater into the heating system, you will also need a built-in circulation pump and adapters for connecting the device, as well as welding machine and necessary tools.

Induction heater assembly

Work on the manufacture of the heater is carried out in several stages:

  1. Cut the stainless steel wire into pieces approximately 5-7 mm long. Place a plastic pipe at the bottom metal mesh and fill all the free space inside with cut pieces of wire. Then close the pipe on both sides.
  2. Next you need to make an induction coil. To do this, carefully wrap the prepared pipe with copper wire at regular intervals. You should get at least 90-100 turns of wire.
  3. The prepared device can be built anywhere in the heating system. The device is connected to the inverter with an external winding made of copper wire. A circulating pump is built in to pump water. It is imperative to carry out electrical insulation work on the device. Do not forget about the thermal insulation of the heater special material. Without thermal insulation, the efficiency of the system will be significantly lower.

The cost of a homemade induction boiler is quite small. But still, to manufacture it, you need experience in such work, as well as at least a little technical knowledge in this field. If all work is carried out carefully and in accordance with the recommendations, such a device will operate smoothly, with good heat dissipation. It is possible that it will turn out to be somewhat unsightly in appearance, but this will not make the heater function worse.

DIY induction heating: video

Induction water heater: photo

Using induction coils instead of traditional heating elements in heating equipment made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of units with lower power consumption. Induction heaters appeared on sale relatively recently, and at fairly high prices. Therefore, craftsmen did not ignore this topic and figured out how to make an induction heater from a welding inverter.

Induction heaters are gaining popularity among consumers every day due to the following advantages:

  • high efficiency rate;
  • the unit operates almost silently;
  • induction boilers and heaters are considered quite safe in comparison with gas equipment;
  • the heater operates fully automatically;
  • the equipment does not require constant maintenance;
  • due to the tightness of the device, leaks are excluded;
  • Due to vibrations of the electromagnetic field, scale formation becomes impossible.

Also, the advantages of this type of heater include simplicity of its design and the availability of materials for assembling the device with your own hands.

Induction heater operating diagram

The inductor type heater contains the following elements.

  1. Current generator. Thanks to this module alternating current household electrical network is converted to high frequency.
  2. Inductor. Made from copper wire twisted into a coil to create a magnetic field.
  3. . It is a metal pipe placed inside the inductor.

All of the above elements, interacting with each other, work according to the following principle. The high-frequency current generated by the generator is supplied to an inductor coil made of copper conductor. The high frequency current is converted by the inductor into an electromagnetic field. Further, metal pipe, located inside the inductor, heats up due to the influence of vortex flows arising in the coil. The coolant (water) passing through the heater picks up thermal energy and transfers it to the heating system. The coolant also acts as a cooler for the heating element, which extends the “life” of the heating boiler.

Below is an electrical diagram of an induction heater.

On next photo shows how a metal induction heater works.

Important! If you touch two turns of the inductor with a heated part, an interturn short circuit will occur, which will instantly burn out the transistors.

Assembly and installation of the system

The inductor cannot be connected to the welding machine terminals intended for connecting welding cables. If you do this, the unit will simply fail. To adapt the inverter to work with an induction heater, a rather complex modification of the device will be required, which requires, first of all, knowledge in radio electronics.

In a nutshell, this modification looks like this: the coil, namely its primary winding, needs to be connected after the high-frequency converter of the inverter instead of the built-in induction coil of the latter. In addition, you will need to remove diode bridge and solder the capacitor unit.

You can learn how to convert a welding inverter into an induction heater from this video.

Induction furnace for metal

To make an induction heater from a welding inverter, you will need the following materials.

  1. Inverter welding machine. It would be good if the unit has a smooth current control function.
  2. Copper tube about 8 mm in diameter and long enough to make 7 turns around a workpiece 4-5 cm in diameter. In addition, after the turns there should be free ends of the tube about 25 cm long.

To assemble the oven, follow these steps:

  1. Select any part with a diameter of 4-5 cm, which will serve as a template for winding a coil of copper tube. It can be a wooden round piece, metal or plastic pipe.
  2. Take copper tube and rivet one end with a hammer.
  3. Fill the tube tightly dry sand and rivet its other end. Sand will prevent the tube from breaking when twisted.
  4. Make 7 turns of the tube around the template, then cut off the ends and pour out the sand.
  5. Connect the resulting coil to the converted inverter.

Advice! If the induction furnace is expected to operate long time at high power, it is recommended to connect water cooling to the tube.

Induction water heater

To assemble the heating boiler, the following structural elements will be required.

  1. Inverter. The device is selected with the power required for the heating boiler.
  2. Thick wall pipe(plastic), maybe PN brand Its length should be 40-50 cm. The coolant (water) will pass through it. The internal diameter of the pipe must be at least 5 cm. In this case outside diameter will be equal to 7.5 cm. If inner diameter will be less, then the boiler performance will be low.
  3. Steel wire. You can also take a metal rod with a diameter of 6-7 mm. Small pieces (4-5 mm) are cut from wire or rod. These segments will serve as the heat exchanger (core) of the inductor. Instead of steel pieces, you can use a smaller diameter all-metal tube or a steel auger.
  4. PCB sticks or rods, on which the induction coil will be wound. The use of textolite will protect the pipe from the heated coil, since this material resistant to high temperatures.
  5. Insulated cable with a cross section of 1.5 mm 2 and a length of 10-10.5 meters. The cable insulation must be fibre, enamel, fiberglass or asbestos.

Advice! Instead of steel wire, it is allowed to use a stainless steel metal sponge. But before purchasing, they are checked with a magnet: if the washcloth is attracted by a magnet, then it can be used as a heater.

An induction heating boiler is assembled according to the following algorithm. Fill the heat exchanger body with the metal products discussed above. At the end of the pipe serving as the body, solder adapters that match the diameter of the heating circuit pipes.

If necessary, corners can be soldered to the adapters. You should also solder American couplings. Thanks to them, the heater will be easy to dismantle for repairs or routine inspection.

On next stage must be glued to the heat exchanger body textolite strips, on which the coil will be wound. You should also make a pair of 12-15 mm high racks from the same PCB. They will have contacts for connecting the heater to the converted inverter.

Wind a coil over the PCB strips. There must be a distance of at least 3 mm between the turns. The winding should consist of 90 turns of conductor. The ends of the cable must be secured to previously prepared racks.

The entire structure is placed in a casing, which will act as insulation for safety reasons. A plastic pipe with a diameter larger than the coil is suitable for the casing. It is necessary to make 2 holes in the protective casing for the output electric cable. You can install plugs at the ends of the pipe, after which holes for the pipes should be made in them. Through the latter, the boiler will be connected to the heating main.

Important! You can test the heater only after filling it with water. If you turn it on “dry,” the plastic pipe will melt and you will have to reassemble the heater.

The connection diagram consists of the following elements.

  1. High frequency current source. In this case, it is a modified inverter.
  2. Security Elements. This group may include: thermometer, safety valve, pressure gauge, etc.
  3. Ball Valves. They are used to drain or fill the system with water, as well as to shut off the water supply in a certain section of the circuit.
  4. Circulation pump. Thanks to it, water will be able to move through the heating system.
  5. Filter. Used to clean coolant from mechanical contaminants. Thanks to water purification, the service life of all equipment is extended.
  6. Expansion tank of membrane type. Used to compensate for the thermal expansion of water.
  7. Radiator. For induction heating it is better to use either aluminum radiators, or bimetallic, since they have high heat transfer despite their small dimensions.
  8. Hose, through which you can fill the system or drain coolant from it.

As can be seen from the method described above, it is quite possible to make an induction heater yourself. But it won't be better than store-bought. Even if you have necessary knowledge in electrical engineering, one should think about how much safe operation such a device, since it is not equipped with either special sensors or a control unit. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference finished equipment, manufactured in a factory.

Unprecedented savings, super efficiency, incredible service life and even a new principle of energy transfer. This is how sellers of induction boilers characterize their products. It's time for us to join high technology future and find out if it really is so beautiful, this induction heating.

Induction heating, flies and cutlets

Our task in this article is to separate flies from cutlets, advertising tricks of marketers from the harsh truth of life. Let's start with the fact that the expression “induction heating”, which has become popular on the popular Internet, and which we deliberately included in the title of the article, is nonsense. We will, of course, be talking about electric induction water heaters, which are used in conventional water heating systems. We will try to give them an objective assessment, talk about real advantages and these disadvantages are still quite new for our market heating devices.

How does an induction water heater work?

Especially for those who counted crows in 9th grade physics lessons:

Video for inquisitive dummies: what is electromagnetic induction in simple words

Structurally, the water heating part of an induction boiler is similar to a transformer. The first, outer circuit is the winding coils connected to the power source. The second, internal one is a heat exchange device in which the coolant circulates. When voltage is applied, the coil generates an alternating magnetic field, as a result of which currents are induced in the heat exchanger, causing it to heat up. From metal thermal energy transferred to water or non-freezing liquid.

The design of an induction water heater is as simple as five cents. In this regard, craftsmen who have access to cheap components assemble induction heating with their own hands at home. For those who are not sufficiently familiar with safety precautions in the energy sector, we do not recommend repeating their experience: the voltage is high, it is dangerous!

The operation of kitchen induction cookers is based on the same principle, only the cookware itself, which must be made of a specially selected metal, serves as the secondary circuit. Such electric stoves are two times more economical than conventional “pancakes” due to the fact that there are no losses in the transfer of thermal energy from heating elements to pots and pans. High efficiency of such kitchen appliances attracts citizens so much that topics like “heating using an induction stove” are seriously discussed on forums. And some of our readers ask the question of how to organize heating induction hob private house. We answer: theoretically, this is even possible, but it is extremely inconvenient: you will have to constantly run and add water to the pan so that it does not boil over. In addition, only the kitchen will heat up, there will be a lot of steam, it’s a pity for the dishes.

In order for a water heater to turn into a full-fledged heating boiler, it must be equipped with control devices that allow it to maintain the temperature of the coolant at a given level. Many manufacturers of induction boilers offer simple automation, but a competent electrician can assemble the circuit himself.

Electrical diagram control for an induction boiler connected to a 220 V line

Same for 380 V

Who invented it

Let's leave aside those sellers who talk about the “new principle of energy transfer”, which is supposedly used in induction boilers. These people are blatantly illiterate or lie shamelessly, looking at customers with innocent eyes. Let's see how much innovation there is in this device and who can be considered its creator.

The honor of discovering electromagnetic induction belongs to Michael Faraday, which happened in 1831. Inductive heaters went beyond laboratories in 1900, when the first industrial induction steelmaking furnace was launched in Sweden. Since then and to this day, such heaters and furnaces have been widely used in production, but until recently they were not used for heating. Of course, well-known heating equipment manufacturing companies explored the possibility of heating the coolant using electromagnetic induction, but the use of this technology was considered inappropriate. So small domestic enterprises that have established small-scale production of such devices are “ahead of the rest.” But we can confidently say: the inductive heating boiler does not contain any new technical ideas.

How economical is a super-economical boiler?

To begin with, let's say that heating with electricity is initially the most expensive. In terms of cost, electric heating cannot compete not only with cheap natural gas And solid fuel, but even with liquefied gas and diesel fuel. The only way to reduce costs is to install a heat accumulator in the house and heat it mainly at night, when a preferential electricity tariff is in effect.

To put it simply, a heat accumulator is a large, well-insulated reservoir of liquid, which during the day will store reserves of “cheap” night energy

Sellers claim that induction water heaters for heating have a fantastically high efficiency of 100%. And this is the honest truth. However, it should be noted that all heating units have exactly the same efficiency. electrical devices, regardless of their type. The consumed electrical power is completely converted into thermal power. However, it should be taken into account that not all the energy is transferred to the coolant; part of it from the heat exchanger is dissipated in the boiler room. Which, in general, is not a problem, because the furnace room should also be warm. But in ordinary electric boilers the heating element is completely immersed in liquid and the energy of the heating element is used more fully.

If we delve deeper into the topic of economy, it should be said that the most economical type of electric heating is warm cable or film floors. Greater efficiency is achieved due to optimal temperature distribution in the room and the absence of work losses mechanical devices. Unlike water heating, there are no circulation pumps.

With heated floors, the temperature in the room is distributed optimally: your feet are warm, your head is cold. Radiators give the opposite picture. In the room with warm floors you can maintain a lower average temperature (and spend less energy), while a person will feel even more comfortable than usual

Conclusion: in terms of efficiency, an induction water heater is no better or worse than other electrical appliances intended for heating, and has standard characteristics.

How long will an induction heating boiler last?

Manufacturers claim that an induction boiler will last at least a quarter of a century. And this may well turn out to be true. There are no moving parts in the device, there is no mechanical wear. If the copper winding and coil are made properly, they can last for many decades. The coolant core will be constantly subject to erosion from the coolant, but, being made of good steel and having sufficient thickness, it is also capable of working for a very long time. True, a prerequisite for the “longevity” of a water heater is its operation in the recommended temperature conditions, and automation is responsible for this. We can say that an induction boiler can potentially serve its owners without breakdowns much longer than other types of heat generators for heating, and real numbers depend only on the level of quality at which it is manufactured. We have been producing and installing such water heaters not so long ago, so long-term statistics on the equipment have not yet been developed.

Conventional electric boilers cannot boast of such reliability. With constant use, the heating element or anode will last 10-15 years. They are easy to replace, but this additional expenses and troubles.

A variant of a heating scheme for a private house based on an induction boiler. 1 – cabinet with automatic control and protection; 2 – induction water heater; 3 – hydraulic safety block (pressure gauge, valves); 4 – shut-off valves; 5 - circulation pump; 6 – filter; 7 – membrane expansion tank; 8 – heating circuit; 9 – make-up and drain line

To buy or not

So, does it make sense to purchase an induction boiler for heating? Alas, we cannot give a definite answer to this question. Stories about its super-efficiency turned out to be a myth; reliability can be high. It may not be. The noiselessness they are talking about is inherent in all electric heaters; the sound can be produced by a pump. Compactness is highly controversial.

At first glance, the induction boiler (right) is much more compact than the heating element boiler (left). However, in the body of the latter there is a bunch of stuff necessary equipment, which will be needed for induction too. And it’s not a fact that if placed randomly, it won’t take up more space on the wall.

Otherwise, we do not see any advantages for an induction boiler over conventional ones. But there is a drawback: it costs more. Or, to be more precise, they ask for more money. Moreover, a good heating element boiler for its money is a balanced device, completely ready for installation and operation. And the induction heater still needs to be completed additional equipment. In our opinion, marketers and sellers, by presenting us with an ordinary product as an exclusive, are trying to “skim the chips.” Get more profit than on other products. Although, a downward trend in prices has already emerged and we can expect that fair prices will be established for induction boilers over the next few years. Or they will simply stop producing them.

If you are considering purchasing an induction water heater for heating own home, we recommend communicating with professional heating engineers, both designers and practitioners. Experienced specialists monitor trends and have the opportunity to give assessments on new types of technology based on their own practical experience. Equipment suppliers are also worth listening to, but what they say should be taken with a critical eye.

Video: induction boiler