Tools and accessories for painting work. How to choose tools for painting work

The main tools for painting work are hand brushes - small brushes with a short round or faceted handle. They are used in almost all types of work: wallpapering, varnishing wooden parts, surface treatment before laying linoleum or tiling. The best brushes are those made from pure ridge bristles (they hold paint better), but cruelty-free varieties of horsehair are also often used. When painting windows and doors with oil paint, it is advisable to use brushes with a diameter of 2-3 cm, when painting walls - up to 4 cm. Flute brushes They are used both for painting small surfaces and for smoothing paint after other, rougher brushes. These are flat brushes with a width of 3 to 12 cm. They are made from high-quality bristles or badger hair. It is mainly used for whitewashing the ceiling with glue and lime paints, as well as for spreading glue on wallpaper. brush-brush. It can be round or rectangular, from 12 to 18 cm wide, with a bristle length of 9-11 cm. The handle can be either removable or attached to the block. Flying brush– a large brush with a diameter of 7-9 cm and a length of up to 10 cm. Designed for painting large surfaces with lime and adhesives, and oil paints and enamels. With its help, a primer is applied and the walls and ceiling are washed out. File brushes Designed for painting in places where the handbrake does not fit in size. With their help, fine drawings are made and panels are drawn out. For oil paints they are made flat (hair length up to 1cm), and for glue paints - round (hair length up to 4cm).

When performing painting work, they are also used rollers, which are preferable to brushes on flat surfaces: labor productivity when using a roller increases 3-4 times with good quality of work. Rollers can be foam rubber (not suitable for working with oil paints, varnishes and enamels) and fur (not suitable for working with lime paints). The rollers are mounted on a special handle called a machine.

When working with a roller, paint must be poured into a special plastic bath for paint with a mesh that allows you to squeeze out excess paint and distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the roller. First, the roller is dipped into the paint, then rolled over the mesh, removing excess solution. To facilitate the cleaning process, the bath can be lined with a piece of polyethylene film, the edges of which are secured according to the external example of the bath with adhesive tape (scotch tape). After completing the work, the film is removed and thrown away along with the remaining paint, and the tray remains clean.

When carrying out home renovations, everyone needs painting tools. If it is not there or is there but in a faulty condition, it is better not to do the work. What is a painting tool? We'll talk about this today.

The main tools include:

  • rubber spatula;
  • notched spatula;
  • paint roller;
  • brushes;
  • trowels.

There are spatulas various sizes and forms. Paint rollers can also be large and small, fur and foam, rubber and shaped. Paint brushes are designed for different painting works and also have different shapes and sizes. In addition to the listed tools for painting work, special spotlights and ditches for paint, as well as spray guns, are complemented.

When choosing tools for painting work in a store, you should not get hung up on a specific manufacturer. You just need to remember that Chinese goods are most often of very low quality. Professional painters do not recommend purchasing spatulas, rollers and spray guns from Chinese manufacturers.

These rollers most often last no more than an hour. The spray gun will work slightly longer than the roller. Steel spatulas bend and refuse to do your will. As a result of such savings, you can spend much more nerves and money.

Manufacturers of quality goods

High-quality tools for painting walls and other surfaces are produced by companies in Russia and Ukraine. You can choose almost any domestic goods. The only exceptions include rollers that do not provide for replacement of the working element. Most high quality painter's tools are produced in Norway, Sweden and Finland. But in these countries there is no difference in the instrument for beginners and for professionals. Therefore the prices are quite high. If you spare no expense, such a tool will last a very long time.

Tools with the “Made in EU” stamp, which means “Made in the European Union,” often turn out to be products from China. They are cheap, but you can buy them at your own risk.

German goods can be identified by barcode. It is usually applied to the product packaging. The code begins with the numbers 401 or 402. In general, German tools for painting work are of high quality. To the same quality tools include products from England and the USA. But they are extremely rare in the vastness of our country.

Purpose of the tool

Each tool is designed to perform specific tasks. The main tool can be considered a spatula. It is used to apply the putty mixture, decorative plaster, gypsum mortar, structural paints. Spatulas are made from carbon steel. The fabric is flexible and rigid. The handle is most often made of plastic and rubber, sometimes of wood. The connection between the handle and the blade must be reliable. It's better to buy a spatula rectangular shape. It is convenient for them to take the solution from the container. The following sizes are in great demand:

  • 7-15 cm - for a set of putty;
  • 20-25 cm - for caulking seams in plasterboard covering;
  • 30-35 cm - for working on the main surface.

For special work, other spatulas can be used.

Rubber spatulas are used to seal narrow cracks. When bending the product, no cracks should appear on the canvas.

Plastic products are very capable of smoothing wallpaper. There should be no burrs on the canvas. The quality of plastic used is high.

Corner ones are not in demand. Others have appeared quality materials for finishing corners.

Various trowels are very popular. They are made of plastic and stainless steel. Plastic can be transparent. Trowels are designed for applying plaster, liquid wallpaper, putty on the walls. Their ends are sometimes slightly rounded.

Rollers are also tools for painting walls and ceilings. They are used to prime and paint, apply wallpaper glue and plaster to the surface. Polyurethane products smooth out wallpaper well. The roller coat can be made from different materials. For the manufacture of fur coats, velor, artificial and natural fur, felt, nylon, foam rubber. The roller should rotate easily on the handle. The most common size is 20 cm. It is convenient to use rollers if you have a paint cuvette on hand. For ease of use, the roller is mounted on a long handle. It's good to have a telescopic handle.

With the advent of rollers, brushes gave way. But even today, flat specimens with a width of 3-7 cm are widely used. Other sizes and shapes of brushes are also used. The main quality for these tools is the strong attachment of the pile and bristles.

The mixer is used for stirring dry mixtures and working solutions for painting work. The mixer is inserted into a low-speed drill.

To control the quality of work, painters use side lighting. Not very strong spotlights are designed for this. The spotlight can be mounted on a tripod.

Basic tools for painting walls are discussed. But in modern painting the following can still be used:

  • breadboard knife;
  • roulette;
  • ruler;
  • plumb line;
  • level;
  • scissors;
  • miter box;
  • rule;
  • spray.

Conclusion on the topic

An assortment of painter's tools can be found and purchased in the store. Each title is intended for specific works. With its help you can paint not only floors, ceilings and walls, but also your own car. For this purpose, paint sprayers and spray guns are used. You need to choose a quality product. It will last a long time and is easy to work with.

Painting tool is a set various devices, which are necessary for application paint and varnish materials.

Types of painting tools

  • rollers (fur, velor, foam)
  • brushes (handbrists, flywheels, flat brushes, brushes)
  • spatulas (rubber, flexible, facade, steel, chrome)


This tool is a reliable and easy-to-use painter's assistant. Rollers are distinguished by the size and design of the nozzle, coat material, pile length and application.

Rollers with a core diameter of less than 40 mm (30 mm, 15 mm) are used for varnishing work, as well as for painting surfaces in hard to reach places Oh.

There is a wide selection of rollers from various materials- both from natural (merlushka, velor) and artificial (polyamide, polyacrylic, polyester, fabric or knitted, foam) materials:

  • with fur nozzle for working with oil paint, enamel and varnish
  • with a merlushka nozzle ensure the most uniform application of paint
  • with velor help to achieve a very smooth surface
  • with a polyamide nozzle are designed for applying all types of water-based paints and solvent-based paints
  • with a polyacrylic nozzle used for applying paints to water based or paints with limited solvent content
  • with a polyester nozzle are used for applying dispersion paints, paints for walls and ceilings
  • with a foam nozzle, paint surfaces only with water-based adhesive compositions

Special rollers are also used. For example, corner and panel bolsters made of polyamide. The first ones are used for knurling internal corners. With the help of the latter, it is very convenient to apply panels, since for this you do not need to cut out stencils or make a special ruler.

The scissor roller - thanks to its clever design, is indispensable for painting various pipes, balcony and stair railings and other objects. Rollers with three movable ring-shaped nozzles made of polyamide are also suitable for painting pipes. If air bubbles appear when covering viscous materials, then special rollers will come to the rescue.

Today there is big choice tools for applying various materials with decorative effect. Among them - relief rollers made of rubber with 18 types of designs for processing plasters and thick paints, rollers made of moltoprene sponge with pores various sizes, as well as natural sponges to achieve a wide variety of effects.

The size of the nozzle roller refers to the length and diameter of its core. The larger the surface to be painted, the larger the nozzle should be, which will reduce the amount of material consumed.


Today, there are a number of specific requirements for the quality of a brush: it must pick up and hold paint, and during its transfer from the container to the surface to be treated, it is desirable that the paint does not drip from the brush.

If the brush is good, then it evenly applies paint to the surface being treated, and the tool distributes the paint completely over the entire surface, without additional finishing.

Brushes are available with a plastic or metal holder and a thread bandage, with wooden or plastic handles. The working material used is natural (pig bristle, horse hair, badger hair, squirrel hair), synthetic or mixed fibers.

All brushes have different purposes:

  • round brushes are designed for painting windows, doors, flat and profile surfaces
  • flat brushes are used for varnishing, glazing large areas made of wood (doors, furniture, etc.)
  • special brushes are used in hard-to-reach places for painting heating radiators, pipes, metal wire structures, etc.

A distinctive feature of these brushes is a long handle and an angled clamp with bristles.

  • whitewash brushes (maklovitsa) are used in work on large surfaces (ceilings, walls, floors) for applying primers, lime and dispersion paints, and impregnating agents. They're pretty large size, but very productive.
  • The fly brush is a bunch of bristles up to 180 mm long, stretched on a stick up to 2 meters long and tied with twine. It is intended for painting large surfaces
  • a handbrist is a small round brush with a short handle used for painting and priming small areas and tight spots
  • The flute is a spatula brush up to 100 mm wide, used for processing a freshly painted surface, or more precisely, eliminating marks from a hand brush or handbrake. In addition, flutes are convenient as stand-alone instruments, coloring any types of paints and varnishes.
  • panel brushes - round brushes of small diameter (from 6 to 18 mm). It is more of a tool for finishing painted surfaces: pulling out panels, finishing stencil designs, applying paint where other brushes cannot go.
  • Trimming is the only type of brush that allows the use of synthetic bristles. Designed for treating freshly painted surfaces with glue and oil paints to create a rough-matte texture (“shagreen”).


It is advisable to have several spatulas - with wide (180-200 mm) and narrow (45-100 mm) blades made of metal, wood and rubber.

Steel spatula, chrome plated with a plastic handle, with wooden handle. Used to apply the solution to the surface.

Facade spatula: steel with a plastic handle, steel with a plastic handle, stainless steel with a plastic handle.
Convenient for working on large surfaces. Serves for uniform distribution of the adhesive solution.

Rubber spatula, flexible. Indispensable for filling convex surfaces. Does not leave marks on surfaces.


With pneumatic sprayers, large surfaces can be painted even faster. This method is very convenient for painting ceilings.

The most simple device, which is used in everyday life, is a hand-held sprayer suitable for applying lime and glue paints.

IN Lately They produce paint sprayers suitable for almost all types of paints and varnishes. For household work, a sprayer powered by a vacuum cleaner is most suitable. Use and special device supplied with the vacuum cleaner. The hose from it is extended using vacuum cleaner pipes. You can move freely if you attach the vacuum cleaner to a belt that is worn on your shoulder.

Painting work using a paint sprayer or spray gun is different high quality and the uniformity of the resulting coating. The gain in speed of painting work is especially evident when painting large, uniform, open surfaces. But this method also has advantages when painting in hard-to-reach places.

The disadvantage of sprayers is that you have to cover all areas adjacent to the surface to be painted with paper or film and the need to constantly monitor the level of the paint composition in the sprayer container. If there is not enough painting compound in the container or the sprayer is tilted excessively, it begins to “spit”, capturing air in the nozzle and throwing out an uncontrolled amount of painting compound.

Stripping spatula

Used to remove various contaminants and rust from metal surfaces. Has a hard, sharpened blade.

The spatula is intended for filling cracks and irregularities, as well as eliminating other defects found on the surface intended for painting. A spatula is a thin metal, wood or rubber plate (backing) with a handle made of wood or plastic. The treated surface is smoothed reverse side spatula. The spatula itself is applied with the shortened side to the wall at an angle of 10-15°, after which the treated surface is smoothed using a movement opposite to that with which the putty was applied.

The multi-operational process of painting requires a variety of tools and devices.

Spatulas (Fig. 109) made of wood, steel, rubber and plastic are intended for applying and leveling the putty layer on surfaces prepared for painting.

To level the putty applied mechanically, special spatulas are needed for walls (Fig. 110, o, c, d) and ceilings (Fig. 110, b).

Paint brushes correspond to the type of work:
flywheel (Fig. 111, o) - for priming, whitewashing, as well as painting walls, ceilings, floors, roofs. They work with swinging hands with two hands;
Maklovitsa (Fig. 111, b) - for washing, priming, whitewashing and painting surfaces with two hands;
handbrake handles are round and flat (Fig. 111, c, d) - for priming and painting with one hand;
curly brushes (Fig. 112, a) - for painting heating radiators, as well as back side radiators and walls behind them (Fig. 112, b);
stencil brushes are round and flat (Fig. 113, a, b) - for working on a stencil, they have short and hard hair;
panel brush (Fig. 113, c) - for drawing out thin lines.

Finishing of painted surfaces is carried out:
with a trimming brush made of short, hard hair (Fig. 114, o).

Use a dry brush to roughen the painted surface;
Using flat and round flutes (Fig. 114, b, c) with long soft hair, smooth the freshly painted surface without pressure, removing strokes and strokes.

Rice. 109. Spatula
a - wooden; b - steel; s - rubber; g - plastic

Rice. 110. Special spatulas
a - with a flexible insert for smoothing the layer on the walls; b - with a bath for leveling and collecting excess putty from ceilings; c - combined for walls; g - with a wall bath

Rice. 111. Brushes
a – flywheel; b – maklovitsa; c – handbrake round and flat

Rice. 112. Shaped brushes
c – for painting the back side of radiators; b – walls behind radiators

Rice. 113. Stencil brushes [a, 6] and panel brushes (c)

Rice. 114. Brushes for finishing the paint layer a – trimming brush; b, a – flat and round flutes

Rollers are a tool for painting flat surfaces. For water-based adhesive paints, rollers with a foam rubber coating are used (Fig. 115, a), for oil-based and water-based adhesive paints, rollers with a fur coating are used (Fig. 115, b, c). Painting of concave corners (husks) with oil and water-adhesive compositions is carried out with an angular roller (Fig. 115, d).

To paint shaped surfaces and hard-to-reach places, use devices for painting pipes, their back sides, balcony and lattice railings and the ends of window sashes and door leaves(Fig. 116).

Rice. 115. Rollers
a – foam rubber; b – fur with a short handle; corner with fur covering; c – the same, with a long handle; G

Rice. 116. Equipment for painting
a – the back side of the pipes; b – pipes; c – lattice fencing; d – ends of window frames and door panels; 1 – ejector; 2 – fixed holder; 3 - movable clip with a foam plate; 4 – sliding rollers; 5 – earring; 6 - bracket; 7 – compression device; 8 – foam rubber

When performing mechanical painting work, heating radiators and window frames are protected with lightweight portable screens (Fig. 117, a, b).

Rice. 117. Protective devices
a – screen for heating radiators; b – the same, window frames; c – for painting skirting boards

Rice. 118. Containers for paint composition and ruler
a – a bucket with a clamping device for brushes; b – bath with a mesh; V -wooden ruler for layering panels

Rice. 119. Equipment for painting work
a – three-wheeled cart; b – manual container for storing putty and tools; c – brush holder

Careful and careful handling hand tools, devices and equipment helps to improve the quality and productivity of the painter.

Caring for brushes and rollers. New brushes that have not been used are soaked in warm soapy water (Fig. 120) for about an hour so that the hair swells and does not fall out during coloring. Then they are washed and dried.

Rice. 120. Soaking brushes in warm, soapy water
To evenly distribute the paint composition in the brush bundle, it is tied with twine

The tying begins by placing a loop of a short piece of twine on the end of the bundle. The ends of the loop are tied on the handle under the clip (Fig. 121, a-c). A sea knot is tied from the long end of the twine (Fig. 121, d), the loop of which encircles the bundle (Fig. 121, e). The short end of the knot is raised to the top of the bundle, forming a loop (Fig. 121, e), and the long end of the twine is tied around the bundle of the brush.

Rice. 121. Sequence of tying a hand with twine
1 – short end; 2 – long end; 3 - loop

During knitting, the turns of twine are pushed down to the holder; completing the knitting, the long end of the twine is inserted into the loop (Fig. 121, g, i) and the short end is pulled up by the handle under the holder (Fig. 121, j).

A brush bundle intended for working with non-aqueous paint compositions is tied tighter than for water-based ones, and working part the bundle is left shorter. As the beam wears out, the strapping is reduced so that the length of the working part of the beam remains constant.

The cone-shaped shape of the beam (tsaiga) of the brush (Fig. 122, a) allows you to obtain best quality coloring. To do this, first use a new brush to work on a rough surface (primer), and only after that it is used for painting.

Before painting (Fig. 122, b, c, d), the end of the bundle is dipped into the painting composition, squeezing out the excess against the wall of the container and turning

Rice. 122. Brush with a cone-shaped beam (a) – general form; brush development (b-r); b – dipping into the paint composition; c – squeezing out excess; d – turn the brush to distribute the paint composition evenly, so that its beam is evenly saturated with the paint composition over half its length.

Rice. 123. Caring for brushes after working with water-based paints
a - squeezing out excess; b - temporary storage on a grid; a - the same, in limbo; 7 – mesh; 2 – water; 3 – pendants

Rice. 124. Caring for brushes after working with non-aqueous paint compositions
a – squeezing out excess; b - bath with solvent

Rice. 125. Bath for storing rollers and brushes

During short breaks in work, squeeze out excess adhesive and water-dispersion or other paint compositions from the brushes (Fig. 123, a). Then the brushes are placed in open vessels filled with water (Fig. 123, b), on a mesh or in a suspended state.

During breaks in painting with oil and other non-aqueous compositions, the brushes are wrung out (Fig. 124, a) and placed in a bath with clamps (Fig. 124, b) filled with a solvent.

During long breaks in work, rollers and untied brushes are washed with water after water-based colors, and after non-aqueous colors - with solvent and hot water and put it into a bath (Fig. 125) filled with water or solvent.

During storage, fly brushes, handbrake handles and flywheels are dried and hung or placed in a bunch upward (Fig. 126, a), and the rollers are installed with handles in the sockets of the racks (Fig. 126, b).

Rice. 126. Storage of brushes (a) and rollers (b)

The online store website presents a wide range of painting tools in Moscow (with the possibility of delivery or pickup), as well as shipping to the regions. Here you can find everything necessary equipment for painting, whitewashing, filling, varnishing and others construction work. Due to the fact that each product from our catalog of painting tools is equipped with a photograph and description, in which you will find comprehensive information about the capabilities, features of application and technical specifications tool, the choice will be pleasant and easy.


  • Brushes and rollers. With their help, you can apply paint, varnish, primer, antiseptic and other coatings to the surface of walls, floors, ceilings and other structures. Such tools for painting work differ in size, material used for the handle (plastic or wood) and the main part (natural or synthetic bristles for brushes and fabric for rollers).
  • Spatulas, smoothers, trowels, graters in assortment. Such tools are intended for plastering works, laying tiles, etc. We draw your attention to high-quality workmanship and a large selection of such devices. We offer to buy painting tools for both household (one-time work) and professional (frequent and intensive) use.
  • Devices for leveling and marking. These are various levels, markers, pencils, threads, etc. With the help of such devices, markings are applied to the surfaces to be finished, which makes it possible to improve the quality of the work performed (for example, to ensure the evenness of laid tiles or a plastered base).
  • Containers and other auxiliary devices. This category includes buckets, construction basins, telescopic extensions and other devices necessary for finishing work.

All painting tools are reliable, durable and low cost. This is due to the fact that we directly supply products from leading manufacturers.

To order painting tools from the online store website, use the online contact form, “Cart”, by email or call the number listed on the contact information page.