Instruments of non-material incentives. Non-material incentives for staff work activity

Most modern employers, one way or another, use in their practice certain methods of non-material motivation of staff, but their conscious and planned use can significantly improve the performance of the enterprise, the psychological comfort of employees and the overall efficiency of use labor resources organizations. At the same time, in Russia, organizations do not always pay sufficient attention to non-monetary motivation of employees, although in many situations intangible values ​​can be much more effective in stimulating employees.

What is non-material motivation of personnel

Motivating staff is one of the main tasks of the HR department of an enterprise and the employer himself if he wants to maximize the efficiency of using available resources. Good motivation allows you to achieve best results labor, creates a comfortable working atmosphere, reduces staff turnover and reduces the psychological burden on all employees without exception. At the same time, staff motivation and methods for its manifestation can be divided into several types. So, in its actual expression, motivation is divided into:

  • Material. These motivation methods include all methods that directly affect the employee’s finances. Bonuses, employee fines, additional payments, material aid– all these are tools for direct material motivation of workers.
  • Intangible. Non-material motivation includes all methods of influencing employees that do not directly affect their income indicators. These methods may include issuing incentives, increasing vacation time, providing certain goods and services as gifts, and other ways of influencing employees.

It should be understood that the concept of non-material motivation is somewhat controversial. Most broadly, it refers to all methods of motivating employees of an enterprise that do not affect the actual income of employees. However, from the point of view economic theory, the provision of goods or services or other material benefits to an employee also refers to material motivation. Non-material motivation concerns only actions that do not have a material component. But further in the article we will consider mainly the first point of view, as it most broadly reveals the question posed.

In addition, you should remember about the division of motivation according to its focus and mechanism of influence. So, it can be divided into:

  • Positive motivation. These motivation techniques involve rewarding employees for their success in the workplace. Positive methods include providing any additional privileges, benefits and other positive influences on the employee. The use of positive motivation mechanisms is preferable, as they stimulate employees to develop and improve their work efficiency.
  • Negative motivation. Negative motivation includes, first of all, disciplinary sanctions and other similar methods of punishing employees for certain violations of discipline or insufficient labor efficiency. The use of these techniques is also widespread on Russian territory, and can take both tangible and intangible forms. It should be noted that the overall effectiveness of negative methods of motivation is rather low in comparison with positive ones, but it is also unacceptable to ignore them completely.

Accordingly, non-material motivation of employees implies a set of methods of influencing an employee that do not directly affect his existing income. However, the variety of methods of non-monetary motivation of workers, as well as the experience of thousands of business entities in Russia and the world demonstrate the fact that this method increasing staff productivity can be more profitable and convenient than direct monetary compensation.

Benefits of non-financial employee motivation

The use of non-material methods of rewarding and punishing employees has many advantages that are traditionally used by employers. However, most often, HR specialists and managers do not consider non-material motivation of personnel as the main one, focusing on more attention directly financial direct incentives. Although at the same time, from a global perspective, non-material motivation of employees has many specific advantages, which include the following advantages:

It should be remembered that, depending on the chosen methods and tools of non-material motivation of personnel, it can provide many other benefits. However, at the same time, not every method of non-material motivation of employees has all the above-mentioned advantages.

Disadvantages of non-material motivation of employees

Despite a large number of positive traits, non-material motivation also has a number of disadvantages that the employer should take into account when planning the organization of work at the enterprise. Thus, the following features can be called the negative aspects of the non-material employee motivation system:

  • Lack of versatility. The material system of employee motivation is the most universal, since money is the main and most in a convenient way remuneration of employees both for work and for outstanding achievements in the labor field. At the same time, the employee will not always be interested in some specific methods of non-material reward.
  • The need for an individual approach. This disadvantage comes from the previous one. The development of a non-material motivation system requires the creation of unique individual solutions for each specific organization taking into account many nuances of both the company’s field of activity and the team directly working in it.
  • Unstable efficiency. The effectiveness of non-material motivation will not always be higher than material motivation. Depending on many side factors, the same methods of non-material motivation can have absolutely different impact for employees in different time or in different positions. For example, providing free food at an enterprise canteen will be a significant bonus for an ordinary employee, but will have a minimal impact on the management team.
  • Greater complexity of implementation and resource consumption. The introduction of non-material motivation methods traditionally requires a large investment of time and human resources of the enterprise. Thus, assigning a bonus to employees will require only a few actions on the part of the manager and accounting department, and the organization corporate party will involve lengthy preparations.

Some of the above-described shortcomings are not typical for certain specific methods of non-material motivation, others are fundamental, and others can be leveled out with due effort. Therefore, each employer should evaluate his own enterprise and its conditions before making a final decision on the use of certain labor organization methods.

Types of non-material motivation of employees

Directly non-material motivation of employees has a separate division by type, depending on the area that will be affected by the above methods. In particular, non-material methods of motivating staff can be divided into:

What do you think is intangible motivation? Buy souvenir mugs with the company logo and give them to employees? Or maybe take the team out for a barbecue once every six months?

Not really.

Below we will tell you how to properly motivate employees.

Stages of motivation: how to guide an employee from desire to goal

Simply put, motivation is what stimulates a person to do something.

It consists of 4 stages:

  • The emergence of a need (for example, I want to become a real Jedi).
  • Developing a strategy (getting to the Jedi Temple and becoming a Jedi).
  • Drawing up an action plan to achieve the goal (become a youngling, undergo training, grow to Padawan).
  • Satisfying a need (the job of a true Jedi).

At any stage, an employee can take the side of evil simply because it is easier and more interesting. Your task is to develop a scenario for passing each stage, create the necessary conditions and choose motivation tactics to move to the next level.

Imagine that you held a seminar for managers and told them about the company's goals and their future roles. They have a desire to reach new levels of their career.

Then you:

  • help them see the strategy: to achieve a new position they need to take the company to a new level;
  • show specific goals, for example, how to help a company enter the market in another country;
  • as a result: you promote employees who worked for success.

At every stage of motivation from its inception to obtaining a new position - maintain the interest of employees, celebrate intermediate successes, and help them move towards the final goal.

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Theories of motivation X, Y, Z: we motivate employees taking into account their attitude towards work

Theory of motivation X was developed by the American engineer F. Taylor, and then supplemented by the psychologist D. McGregor, who added theory Y to it. Theory Z was proposed by Professor W. Ouchi.

These theories examine the characteristics of attitudes towards work:

  • X − assumes that employees are initially lazy and require constant control; motivation is based on monetary reward and personal comfort;
  • Y − is based on the fact that employees can take responsibility and enjoy good performance work, and the manager’s task is to remove obstacles to self-realization;
  • Z – development of team spirit and corporate culture, employee participation in important decisions.

You can use tools from all three theories for non-material motivation. Please note that for low-skilled personnel theory X is more correct, for knowledge workers – Y, and for managers and executives – Z is closer.

Non-material motivation according to Theory X:

  • Standardized working hours.
  • Stability.
  • Clear tasks.
  • Timely payment.
  • Feeling of security.

Non-material motivation according to Theory Y:

  • Company need.
  • Solving critical problems.
  • Interest in work.
  • Employee value.
  • Self-development.
  • New knowledge, training.
  • Career growth.

Non-material motivation according to theory Z:

  • Teamwork, team spirit.
  • The value of an employee's opinion.
  • Opportunity to learn and develop.
  • Solving interesting problems.
  • Responsibility for the fate of the company.
  • Involvement, participation in decision making.

Need theories: motivating employees based on individual needs

You can motivate employees not only by taking into account their attitude towards work. But also taking into account individual needs.

American psychologist Abraham Maslow identified 7 levels of human needs. They are the ones who driving force motivation.

Maslow believed that after satisfying needs at one level, a person moves on to the next. The movement occurs from the bottom up: from the lower level of physiological needs to the upper level - self-expression. But the movement can also occur in parallel. After all, we simultaneously want to be loved, fed and healthy.

Later, psychologist K. Alderfer combined the needs into three groups: existence, communication, growth.

American psychologist David McClelland calls the desire for power, success and belonging the basic needs. U different people one of these needs prevails. For example, for some it is more important to manage people, but for others the main incentive will be achieving success, that is, the correct solution to the assigned tasks.

McClelland's theory of needs

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Let's consider how to motivate employees taking into account their needs:

Existence needs

Physiological: food, sleep, air, water, sex. The need for security is stability, confidence in the future. People who work to satisfy primary instincts are only interested in personal comfort and peace.

How to motivate: provide official employment, provide a social package, health insurance, pensions, create a sense of stability and security.

Communication needs

People want to participate in events, make decisions, work in a team, and be “the guy” in a team.

How to motivate: arrange team games, trainings, team building. Place a photo of successful employees on the honor board, highlight them with insignia in the form of diplomas and letters of gratitude.

Needs for growth

This is the need for creativity and self-development. The desire to use your knowledge and experience, to implement non-standard ideas.

How to motivate: give the reins of power, provide freedom in decision-making and tools for implementing ideas, take into account the opinions of such employees.

Need for success

This desire to achieve new goals more effectively than before. Such people are true perfectionists: even perfectly executed work seems to them not good enough.

How to motivate: reward for achieving success, give short-term goals so that they see the result of their efforts, measure their effectiveness and show the level achieved at each stage.

Need for belonging

An “accomplice” is indispensable in team work - he is always active, takes initiative, and quickly copes with tasks. Those involved care about the overall success of the company and want to feel part of it.

How to motivate:Praise, support, show importance to the company. Assign tasks that need to be solved as a team.

Need for power

The desire to control others and work processes.

The “ruling” group is divided into two subgroups:

Power for power's sake.

Power to achieve a common goal.

The first subgroup does not represent any value for the company. The second group, on the contrary, will work for the benefit of the common cause and motivate the rest of the team to succeed. It is possible to determine which group an employee belongs to only after he has been promoted.

How to motivate:support the desire for leadership, appoint to leadership positions or give tasks related to team management. Listen to the opinion of such an employee, recognize his authority within the framework of his authority.

When one need is satisfied, a new one appears. If the next level of need is not available, then the movement begins downward. For example, a person who was unable to conquer the level of self-expression will again assert himself in communication.

The employer needs to track the employee's growth and change the motivation model at each level. It is important to constantly “feed” the employee’s needs so that he does not stand in one place and move down.

“At EnglishDom, 90% of the team works remotely. To ensure that working outside the team does not reduce involvement in the work process, and that the employee feels like a player in the team, it is necessary to properly establish communication with him, which motivates him to work in a team.
Our company has developed a concept for motivating employees in accordance with the XYZ generation theory, based on which an individual approach to employees of different generations is necessary.”

Motivation theoryHerzberg: combining comfort with the desire for success

According to the theory of psychologist Frederick Herzberg, motivation will be effective only when combined comfortable conditions labor (hygienic factors) with non-material motivating factors.

Example: an employee receives a high salary, values ​​his company and is not going to quit (hygiene factor). Management notes his work in every possible way: posts a photo on the website, increases his authority among colleagues, gives him the opportunity to choose work tasks, sends him to conferences ( additional factors motivation). The employee strives to do even better.

Two factor theory Herzberg

In 2016, the recruitment agency Kelly Services conducted to identify motivation factors that are significant for employees:

|Read also:

Manager's checklist: how to motivate a team

How to combine all the theories and give one great motivation for the team? We have prepared a checklist for a successful leader.

Formulate a common goal

The goal is the head of everything. But to ensure that all team members make every effort to achieve it, get them interested. Do this with employees' needs in mind. It is necessary that each person on the team has a personal interest in achieving the goal.

Show employees their benefits

Discuss company goals with employees. Everyone should see that they affect not only the interests of the company, but also the interests of each team member.

Break your goal down into steps

Achieving a global goal is a long journey with victories and failures. Long waits can reduce the team's morale.

Break the project into small subgoals - it will be much easier. Go step by step, from goal to goal. Celebrate every victory and discuss every defeat, look for ways out, change tactics. Together.

Be your own boyfriend

Nothing motivates you to achieve results more than working shoulder to shoulder with your leader. You are on the same team. Take part in the life of the team. Stay up to date with everything. Be your own boyfriend.Listen to your employees.

Have friendly competitions

Friendly means without material benefit for anyone. Competitions bring people together, inspire and lift the spirits of the team. In collective games, the character of employees can be seen, which helps determine motivation tactics in the future.

Trust and respect your employees

Don't be afraid to ask employees for their opinions in a given situation. Not even that - do everything so that they freely express their opinions.

Share ideas with subordinates and ask for advice. When people can point out YOUR mistakes without fear, then we can talk about a unified team.

Encourage competition

Every team has the best and worst employees. Highlight and encourage the best, encourage those lagging behind to follow the leaders.

Show interest

Be involved in the lives of your employees: congratulate them on holidays, birthdays, support them in failures or illness. The team should feel that you care.

Organize a holiday together

Informal events will help employees get to know each other better. In an informal setting, people begin to open up - they talk about fears and experiences, and share their opinions.

Be an example for employees

Be open and honest, admit your mistakes, work equally with everyone else, and actively participate in solving problems. Show that you are interested in the success of everyone and the company as a whole.

As a summary Some tips from our speakers:

“Our model of motivation is working towards a common big goal that inspires and is accepted by every team member. We are all very, very involved, responding to clients on weekends and at night, for example, in just 2 years of work we have accumulated more than 5,000 reviews from satisfied clients, everyone as one supports the idea that the client should remain satisfied, no matter what accessible ways, no matter what it costs us.

For example, in just 2 years of work we have accumulated more than 5,000 reviews from satisfied clients. Every morning we have a meeting where we share good news - what has been done to move towards our goal.

We want to improve business efficiency with our cloud services, become the standard for quality service throughout the world. And raise the standard of living of company owners and employees, as well as their family members. I think working in a team is the greatest pleasure."

And Margarita Kashuba thinks so, marketing director

“What is needed for motivation and successful work? First, set up a corporate news distribution, add a new employee to all groups and chats necessary for work, provide access to all features of the corporate website and necessary documents– in general, to give the employee everything for comfortable work, so that he feels part of the company from the first day.

Secondly, once every two weeks we conduct professional development classes for teachers. The school also pays for advanced training courses for IT specialists and marketers. Those. the employee understands that the corporation cares about him and invests resources in him.

Thirdly, twice a year we gather all our employees for a large corporate event: once in the vast expanses of our homeland, the second time in warm countries.”

Define your motivation correctly and your business will grow faster.

Good luck)

And for dessert, a cool video from the teamEnvybox is about motivation. Enjoy watching!

We know how to write great texts. We will write for you too)

Leave a request, we will respond within one business day.

The staff is integral element any organization. However, as a rule, due to improper management, it cannot realize its potential. The quality of employees' work is determined not only by their qualifications and experience, but also by their interest in the effective implementation of their activities. Incentives in the form of bonuses and salaries do not always provide sufficient success, since human needs are not limited to material goods.

System of non-material motivation of personnel

Non-material motivation of employees is a system of measures aimed at improving the quality of work. The system of non-material incentives is based on the classic pyramid of needs, which includes the need for respect and recognition, self-realization, and belonging. The main goal of non-material motivation is to increase the efficiency of workers and their interest in the development of the organization.

Pros and cons of non-material motivation of employees

This kind of encouragement has the following advantages:

  • Effectively complements the financial incentive system;
  • Does not require large expenses;
  • Ensures the interest of subordinates in the continuous development of the organization;
  • Allows you to reduce staff turnover.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • Difficulty in implementation;
  • The need for adaptation for various categories employees;
  • The need to attract qualified HR managers.

Non-material forms of staff motivation

Stimulating the team accordingly can be implemented in the following forms:

  • Increasing attention to the employee’s personality (involvement in the management of the organization, congratulations on personal holidays, reporting in the media);
  • Conducting competitions (carrying out competitive events to receive the honorary titles of best employee of the month, best employee of the department, with the presentation of certificates and memorable gifts);
  • Carrying out corporate events (collective celebration of state and corporate holidays, presentation of memorable gifts with corporate symbols);
  • Flexible work organization (changing the work schedule taking into account the employee’s family circumstances, the possibility of remote work, providing leave at a convenient time);
  • Introduction of benefits (compensation for employee training costs, medical insurance at the expense of the organization).

Non-material motivation of employees - examples

As an example of incentives without using Money One could cite the inclusion of employees in the decision-making process. Based practical experience employees of the organization can make rational suggestions and recommendations. On the one hand, this allows us to identify potential sources of problems or areas of development. On the other hand, this helps to increase the involvement of employees, who will understand that their opinion is important to the organization.

Another example of this type of incentive is the creation of a system for grading employees, taking into account their success in labor activity(honor board with photos, best employee of the month, year). In this case, employees will try to improve their performance in order to improve their ranking and will understand that their efforts do not go unnoticed.

The role of non-material motivation of personnel

Incentivizing employees without providing additional funds plays a role important role in personnel management and ensures improved quality of work in the organization. In addition, despite the fact that appropriate encouragement of subordinates is highly effective in minimum costs, it is not the only and indispensable tool for stimulating staff. Employees begin to think about non-material needs only if their basic material needs are satisfied. That is, if an employee’s salary is too low, there is no point in using non-monetary incentives to encourage him. Thus, non-material motivation can only complement and develop the system of material rewards.

Regulations on non-material motivation of personnel - sample

Regulations on non-financial motivation of personnel are being developed to streamline and systematize the non-monetary incentive tools used. This regulation is developed by the head of the HR department and approved by the manager. At the same time, the development of non-material motivation of personnel can be carried out with the participation of department heads.
The regulation includes subsections:

  • General provisions (goals and objectives of the organization, basic principles of interaction with employees);
  • Forms and types of motivation (which tools are used and under what conditions, their interaction with material rewards);
  • Rules (which employees are encouraged and under what specific conditions);
  • Management competencies (who makes decisions regarding this issue);
  • Terminology (decoding and interpretation of position concepts);
  • Conclusion (scope and duration of the provision, responsible for the effect of the provision).

All kinds of employee incentives - effective and promising direction improving the personnel management system. A wide selection of incentive tools and mechanisms, as well as their combinations, allows you to implement various development strategies for both the company and subordinates. When developing and implementing provisions for this type of remuneration, it is necessary to take into account the specific features of the organization, its structure, as well as the conditions of interaction with personnel.

In this article you will read

  • What you need to know to build an effective system of non-material motivation of personnel
  • What methods of non-material motivation of personnel exist?
  • Get acquainted with successful cases and examples of non-material motivation of a person la

Good afternoon Today on our agenda there will be an interesting article about non-material motivation of staff. Much has already been said and written about this, but the issue of increasing the dedication of employees without additional monetary costs is quite acute for the manager. After all, salary increases sooner or later cease to produce results. Moreover, an unreasonably inflated salary has a demotivating effect on an employee’s work: why work well when you can work “carelessly” and still get good money?

Therefore, in order to prevent such a situation, each company must create its own system of non-material motivation of personnel, which will be based on certain rules. Read more about them.

System of non-material motivation of personnel - 5 basic rules for creating

1. Non-material motivation should solve the tactical problems of your business

First of all, the incentives used should be aimed at solving specific problems that your business faces. For example, if you are developing a branch network, then you must form teams that can work according to the standards accepted at the main office. Accordingly, your non-material motivation should be aimed at training your employees, for example, attending training on effective communications and team building.

2. Non-material motivation should cover all categories of employees

In most cases, when we talk about motivation, the emphasis is on those people in the company or department that bring profit. However, we must not forget that in addition to them there are also accountants, secretaries, and production workers. Not only motivational programs can be applied to such people, but simply recognition of work and praise.

3. Non-material motivation should take into account the stage of development of the company

In a small family business, the main motivator is enthusiasm. When the company moves to the next stage of its development, when there are more employees and some of the processes are formalized, motivational programs should be focused on recognizing the merits of each employee, but it is also important to take into account the possibility of collective recognition of services, for example, by some department or division of the company.

4. Correct choice of methods of non-material motivation of personnel

We often think that what motivates us will motivate others. But that's not true. In order to pick up correct methods motivation, you need to initially collect information about the true needs of employees. And in this case, Abraham Maslow's pyramid of needs will help you. With its help, the system of non-material motivation of personnel takes on a clear form. So, it is important to determine what the leading needs are for your employees and develop appropriate motivation factors.

  • Physiological needs. If it is important for the employee this group, then it is necessary to provide him with a comfortable level wages.
  • Need for protection and security. For such people, it is important to organize a friendly atmosphere in the team. Accordingly, information about the negative components of work should be minimized: bankruptcy, layoffs.
  • Social needs. For employees in this category, it is important to receive support from colleagues and management, and it is also important for them to constantly be around people.
  • The need for respect and self-esteem. These employees need to be given constant attention. It is important for them to realize that their actions will be appreciated.
  • The need for self-realization. This is the main need for creative employees. It is important for such people to engage in creative work. They are able to solve the most complex, non-standard problems.

And remember that any of your employees constantly wants something. And when the desired is achieved, the needs move to a higher level.

5. The effect of novelty

Rewards should not become commonplace, because one-size-fits-all incentive programs will only depress your employees. Therefore, once every six months it is worth coming up with some new motivational program.

Methods of non-material motivation of personnel

You can come up with a large number of different ways of non-material motivation your employees, but we tried to give you only the most effective ones. So here they are.

  • Motivational meetings
  • Contests and competitions
  • Congratulations on significant dates
  • Discounts on services
  • Communicating achievements
  • Incentive travel
  • Peer ratings
  • Help with family matters

Here are some more secrets of daily inspiration for your employees

  • Greet employees by name
  • In letters and verbal communication, do not forget to say “Thank you”
  • Reward employees with extra days off or allow them to leave work early
  • Bring something tasty to the office once a month: cake, pizza, candy, apples
  • Place signs with the employee's name at each desk. People like to feel important
  • Make sure you have the opportunity to listen to the employee, not just inform
  • Develop a special reward for those people whose activities are usually not noticed
  • Try to arrange meetings once a week with employees with whom you usually do not have the opportunity to communicate. Ask them about work, problems.
  • Tell your employees about an important issue and ask them to suggest their solutions. In other words, to give you advice.

Based on materials from Bob Nelson’s books “1001 Ways to Motivate an Employee” and “1001 Ways to Encourage an Employee” (both – M. [et al.]: Williams, 2007)

Examples of non-material motivation of personnel from the life of some Russian companies

We tried to collect for you the most striking examples of non-material motivation of employees that we came across in various companies. We hope that you will find something interesting for yourself.

General Director speaks

Viktor Nechiporenko, General Director of Information Service “Red Telephone” LLC, Moscow

We have small company, but often require additional energy to work on projects. Here are some examples of non-financial staff motivation that we use.

  • Flexible schedule, allowing us to study and do household chores, which is important for our women's team. It is more convenient for some to start earlier, for others to finish work later. For women, it is especially important to have an additional free day during the week to solve household problems (in this case, you can eliminate the need to take time off from work for personal matters). For the company, the main thing is that someone is on site during the entire working day. In addition, you can always highlight areas of work that the employee can do at home (for example, creating databases). We offer employees who have reduced their working week, for an additional fee, perform a certain amount of work at home.
  • Opportunity to earn extra money. I give people the opportunity to try themselves in another type of activity (not in our company). The employee continues to work for us, but part-time and not for full salary, until he makes a final decision. We also have another practice of combining: we invite people to individual projects.
  • Personal work area. The status of an employee appointed responsible for his area increases, the attitude of colleagues towards him changes, the person grows in his own eyes and, in addition, gains management experience. He will be able to write in his resume that he was responsible for a project or direction. And for the manager it becomes clear whether the employee can be entrusted with more responsible work. At our company, we practice appointing employees as project managers, that is, they perform leadership functions temporarily to solve a specific problem.
  • Nice job title. We actively use this method. For example, a person does not want to be called, as is customary here, an operator. We called him manager - he is happy and works with great pleasure.
  • Participation in important meetings. It is clear that the presence of an employee at the negotiations is not necessary, but the very fact that you invited him with you and introduced him to your partners as a leading specialist increases his importance in your own eyes, in the eyes of partners, clients and colleagues. Of course, there is a danger that the employee uses the acquired connections for personal purposes. But if normal conditions are created in the company, then people will not run anywhere for the sake of an extra two rubles. Experience shows that a favorable work climate is of significant value to employees.
  • Right of first choice. The employee you want to encourage can be asked to be the first to choose a time for vacation, or an exhibition at which he would like to work (more interesting, with a more convenient location, more acceptable working hours), or a client that he would like to lead (it’s no secret that clients are different - both pleasant and difficult). The rest of the employees choose from the rest.
  • Personal assistance. We must try to respond to requests, for example, to recommend literature, write a review of a thesis, or apply for an internship at a company. There was a case when I went to the institute to visit the son of my employee and, introducing myself as the student’s uncle, convinced the dean’s office that the young man should be allowed to take the exam (he himself did not know how to negotiate, and his mother panicked, as there was a threat of transfer to paid education).
  • Seeking advice. If an employee can provide real help in resolving any issue, it is worth asking him for advice - among other things, this will help him feel his importance and your respect.
  • Public thanks. This is always more pleasant than face-to-face praise. Unfortunately, there are more often cases when more attention is paid to disadvantages rather than to advantages.

Konstantin Melnikov, Head of Human Resources at 1C:VDGB, Moscow

I consider the most effective non-material motivation to be attention to the personalities of my employees and recognition of their success in their professional niche. In particular, you should take an individual approach to employees, personally congratulate them on their birthday - for example, a card signed by the general director. You can emphasize the individuality of an employee - for example, thanks to a personalized camera, pen or other accessories.

Also Special attention We devote public recognition to the successes of our employees. Today, such methods of recognition as certificates of honor or gratitude in an order do not lose their relevance. I can also recommend master classes the best specialists– are interesting to the speakers themselves and very useful to the listeners.

Practice experience

Alexey Gerasimenko, General Director of CargoSoft LLC, Moscow

The field of activity of our company is the development of software projects. There is always an element of creativity in such activities. Consequently, an employee needs certain working conditions - they are also motivation factors: well-equipped workplace, flexible working hours, opportunity for growth (and additional training), maximum financial reward, healthy atmosphere in the team.

I consider the main component of non-material incentives for employees to be a human attitude towards them - only in such a situation can one count on effective work and the gratitude of the team, and this is worth a lot. Human attitude is a mandatory recognition of merit, praise for the work done, understanding of the difficulties and problems that arise during its implementation and, if possible, help in neutralizing these difficulties.

Another important point: I make sure to praise employees for the work done, both personally and in front of the entire team, and also in conversations I always give examples of the successful implementation of a project, naming the name of the distinguished employee.

The material incentive system is used in our company only for the “production” department: programmers, designers and administrators. However, the company continues to develop and the motivation system may change over time.

Valery Porubov, General Director of Shadrinsky House-Building Plant OJSC, Deputy General Director produced by Tekhnokeramika LLC, Shadrinsk (Kurgan region)

In my opinion, taking care of employees is one of the primary responsibilities of a production manager. This is the principle I adhere to.

Our motivation system is based on guarantees of stability and an honest, open attitude towards employees. Namely – design strictly according to Labor Code, clear payment of wages (twice a month). We are gradually building out our motivation system brick by brick: profit has appeared - we have provided the workers of the main and largest workshop (270 people) with free lunches (before that they simply gave out kefir, as it should be in production). In the near future (perhaps by the end of the year) there will be free lunches for employees of other workshops. We also recently renovated and refurbished the service building, where workers can relax, take a shower, go to the sauna, and change clothes in comfortable changing rooms.

It would seem that I have listed obvious things, but it was not by chance that we emphasized them. I repeat, the main thing is attention to employees. After all, if normal working conditions are not created, employees will simply leave or work carelessly. All the activities that we carry out to create positive motivation among our employees and the desire to work in our production are always discussed with the heads of the workshops, that is, with those who work side by side with the workers every day. They are the ones who can tell you what is relevant now and what can wait a little, what is really missing and what is of secondary importance. That is, we always proceed from the real needs of our employees and, to the extent possible, provide them with exactly what they need, even if not immediately.

Valery Shagin, President of MITS, Moscow

We tried different variants motivation of employees, but many schemes were abandoned. For example, from health insurance, since it was not popular. Most likely, the reason is that the company employed mainly young people at that time. The money invested simply disappeared. When I saw this, I introduced a 50:50 scheme (half of the amount is paid by the company, half by the employee), but it also did not take root. We are now working to restore free health insurance. The employees have become older; in my opinion, there is a need.

We also gave up free lunches. When we were in another office where there was a canteen, we paid the staff food stamps. However, we were faced with the fact that someone did not like the lunches in the canteen and these employees asked to pay them the cost of the coupons in cash.

We hope that after reading this article, you were able to answer your questions, as well as select interesting examples of non-material motivation of staff.

“Brick is the main weapon of the workers” - this is exactly what the German philosopher Karl Marx said. And it seems that there is no method against scrap, but managers still also have a weapon and it is called “motivation”.

Of course, it doesn't look so menacing. But when used properly, it is not yet clear which is more dangerous.

And, moreover, proper use is not only money, but also non-material motivation, which we will talk about today.

It's simple

The biggest disappointment for owners is to learn that people are not motivated by money.

I saw dozens of sad and falling eyes when voicing this phrase. And also dozens of indignant exclamations: “What if it’s not money? Then I don’t need such employees. I don’t have a group of interests here.”

Without philosophizing on this topic, just accept the fact that it’s not just money that motivates.

This does not mean that they should not exist at all, or that you can lower your salary to the plinth level and confidently say that you have a lot of other goodies.

Here we are rather talking about the balance of non-material methods of motivation and material ones. Like between good and evil.

Everything should be in moderation. If you have a high salary, but this does not mean that you will have the best employees.

For example, in my company, about half of the staff, according to tests, are those who are ready to easily leave us if there is no other support other than money.

Hmm.. you just can’t take me with money

And as I already said, so as not to philosophize, but go straight to ready-made solutions, for those who have just begun to study this topic, I strongly recommend reading our other articles about staff motivation:

Methods, many methods

And I don’t dare detain you any longer and we move on to competitive techniques (manipulative and stimulating).

I just beg you, introduce at least a couple, otherwise why am I blaspheming in front of you here? Agreed? Okay, I'll continue.

1. Meaning

Nothing motivates like a common goal. You don’t even have to feed people food if they are united by one global goal.

This can be called differently, but in business it is customary to say. I prefer the word “Meaning”. Test question: “Why are you doing business?”

The answers may vary. Someone is betting on “Let’s prove that Russia can produce best product in the world".

Someone creates value at the level of good “Let’s make this world a better place.” And someone carries through the thorns the meaning of the sport: “Let’s increase people’s life expectancy by 2 years.”

It doesn’t matter what exactly you have, the main thing is that people believe in the idea and are ready to give their all.

This is the root of all non-material motivation of employees. This is where I recommend starting to develop this approach, even if it seems relevant only for large companies.

2. Mentoring

This point cannot be called a direct way of non-material motivation of employees, but it is such.

When an employee has a mentor, he understands that he is cared for. So to speak, a parent (aka friend) is formed within the team, to whom you can always come for advice or just cry into your vest.

By default, the mentor is senior manager, but here the conversation is not about subordination, but about attitude.

Regardless of whether it is a boss or an experienced colleague, he must work to ensure that the person has an understanding of a strong shoulder nearby, perhaps even in personal matters.

Come here, I will be your mentor

And the same thing works in reverse. If a person is made someone’s mentor, then he begins to feel his importance, which manifests itself in power (which is what many want).

As a result, increased motivation without cost. Well, you already understood this without me.

3. Competition

My favorite method of non-material motivation. Of course, it can be made material, it all depends on the final prize.

But globally, you create conditions centered on the opportunity to show yourself and defeat your opponent.

Everything is as in famous phrase: "The important thing is not to win but to take part". Although victory also plays a role here.

I already wrote a whole article about the competition. So don’t be lazy and read, everything is detailed and clear there.

In short, the ideal duration of the competition is 2 weeks, the prize should be of interest to everyone, and the optimal goal of the competition is to raise the sagging in the company. Read the rest in the article above.

4. Additional responsibility

It may seem like a paradox, but the more responsibility a person has, the better he works. This is not an axiom, but it works for some types of people.

The logic is simple: the more responsibility, the more a person feels like an important shot in the company.

Especially when it comes to providing additional responsibility of an ordinary employee.

Just don’t take it literally, that tomorrow you need to overload everyone with the most I can’t, and as a result, ask for them.

You just need to add a little more ability to make decisions on your own.

But at the same time, it is important that you do not imaginary give this opportunity, but really trust it and practically do not control it.

5. Height in width

I want to write again that this is my favorite example of non-material motivation, but in order not to repeat myself, I will say that it is fundamental to any company.

The point is that you do not increase the employee’s position along the vertical axis (manager -> department head -> director -> so on), but do it in width.

Most classic example: manager -> senior manager -> senior group. Depending on the category, the employee will have additional privileges compared to everyone else.

And in developing the system, I would rely on an intangible asset.

For example, more easy chair, extended lunch hours or the ability to be the first to choose vacation dates.

6. Space

After the appearance of a soft corner in the company, employees began to stay late at work more often. I can't say what it is good news, from an environmental point of view.

But on the other hand, since they stay longer, it means they want and enjoy doing it. A couch just an additional incentive.

We are also talking about the workspace. And I clearly noticed this when one of our clients could not find new employees for his company until he equipped modern office with all conviniences.

No, it wasn't Google. But in comparison with the previous room, this at least did not cause disgust.

7. Gifts

My partner has this type of non-material motivation for staff since birth.

When he goes to work, he can buy a couple of cakes, a few pizzas or other gifts for the whole company. But if he is used to doing this, then you can do it consciously to raise the morale of your colleagues.

Moreover, gifts can be given both without a reason and with a reason. From the banal, it's a birthday, New Year, March 8, February 23.

8. Training

This way you kill two birds with one stone: train your employees and increase sales.

Training can be carried out both within the company and sent to study with renowned trainers.

Naturally, the second option influences the level of respect in your favor several times better than local education.

If you want to get the maximum in the form of non-material motivation for your staff, then also periodically send your employee for training, but this time for a hobby.

Believe me, you will see a pleasant shock in the eyes of your people from the fact that the company cares about them not only as a team member, but also as an ordinary person.

9. Working conditions

I will split this point into several, since it can be viewed from different angles.

Conceptually: You need to create conditions that will be an added value when applying for a job. Among the most pronounced and not always obvious applications, I highlight:

  1. Nutrition
  2. Directions
  3. Treatment
  4. Insurance
  5. cellular
  6. Lunch nap

Logically, this also includes space, but I took it out separately because I think that in our time this requires special attention.

But at the same time, you can also safely include the work schedule, official employment, and the date of payment of salaries. In general, everything is now more understandable for the manager.

10. Events

This is when you get together as a team and have fun. Everything can happen during a regular corporate party in the form of a feast.

Or maybe in a format where the whole friendly crowd competes against each other in a playful manner. Ideally, combine both to tap into different pleasure zones.

But remember that if you do not have the most friendly team (for example, everyone works on different shifts and does not overlap), then without proper preparation such events can become hard labor, not pleasure.

I'm sure each of us has been to such meetings from which we want to quickly escape. So, it’s better not to do this at all.

11. Best employee

This is a logical continuation of the points “Growth in width” and “Competition”. Only here we are not talking about issuing privileges not upon achieving career ladder, and according to the results of the monthly nomination “ Best employee month."

This is a separate point, since career growth it can’t be named, but it doesn’t qualify for the competition, since it is launched on an ongoing basis.

The best employee is me

Based on the results of each month, you can issue different incentive privileges. My favorites: the ability to choose a work schedule (with a variable schedule) and additional days off.

In general, here the choice of a prize is tantamount to consistency, as in holding a competition for staff. But for your convenience, I will summarize it below.

12. Another name

Now you will laugh for a long time, but this simple action also applies to non-material ways of motivating staff.

Again, briefly: You rename the employee's position to something more pleasant and authoritative. For example, not a secretary, but the owner of the office. Or not a manager, but a seller of happiness.

Moreover, you can go through positions, departments, and premises. And the effect of this non-standard method won't keep you waiting long.

Because it’s much more pleasant to tell clients that you are not, but a genius of the sales department. And there will be a reason for conversation, and at the same time the position sounds more respectable.

13. Motivational board

The ideal intangible motivation for a sales team is an achievement board. You publicly post a board in the office where you daily note the results of each employee for the previous day and by month.

This way you constantly maintain a competitive environment throughout the department. And at the same time she is quite healthy.

This is especially true when the day comes sufficient quantity applications and championship results may change every hour. Doing this is not as difficult as it seems.

14. Gratitude to mom

Have you ever said “thank you” to the parents of your employee?! Most likely no. This is normal, since the practice is not obvious, but it is very effective.

Task: take and give anything (even money) to your employee’s mother. So you will do a good deed, show yourself with the best side and, most importantly, you will call your parents to your side (and their opinion is very important for children).

But please note that we are talking specifically about mom. We tested praise for dad, but they somehow react with restraint and don’t give a wow effect.

In the case of mothers, everything happens very brightly and effectively. All this was assessed based on feedback from the employees themselves after their parents told them about the gift.

15. Personal

This is something we do every day, but often don't notice. And since this is also an intangible method of motivating staff, it is better to use it consciously.

It's a matter of personal and human communication. You can manifest it in dozens of different ways, I’ll show you a few for understanding:

  1. Give praise after work.
  2. Conduct a personal meeting for “life”
  3. Shake hands
  4. Sitting in an open office
  5. Call and find out how you are doing

Moreover, the closer the superior employee communicates with the inferior one, the better for the second one.

This is how something is destroyed glass wall between positions. And of course, you cannot completely switch to personal communication, as the chain of command will be disrupted. But a little of this behavior will give more life for each employee.

Briefly about the main thing

If you look globally, then all non-material motivation of staff revolves around the usual human approach.

It is the 15th example of non-material motivation that perfectly describes this approach.

However, if we consider each point, then the entire system of non-material motivation of personnel is built on a human approach.

Exceptions are stimulating tools of non-material motivation. But as a rule, they do not last long.

They need to be constantly upgraded or replaced. And that's okay. Therefore, my personal recommendation is to build a team not only on money, but also on values ​​that will help you get through any crises and financial pitfalls.