How to study well without effort. To be lazy or not to be lazy – that is the question: should you try hard in your studies?

There are many deep learning techniques, just like various programs for teachers, but the question of high-quality and complete learning always comes down to the question of the student himself about how to force himself to study if all the laziness or the material seems unnecessary, or spring has come along with falling in love . There are always many situations that frustrate the need to study. In children, this process was controlled by adults, parents or educators, but the older the student becomes, the greater the responsibility for mastering knowledge falls on him.

It's always worth starting with emotional state teacher, because the lack of motivation and thirst for knowledge cannot always be stimulated from the outside; sometimes this is extremely undesirable. So, if a person is in a situation of experiencing acute grief, adapting to new conditions, or has become a victim of collective bullying, then stimulation from studies can cause overstrain in the nervous system, ending in general disorder. In these situations, you need to give yourself time without requiring you to make an effort; you can apply for academic leave at the university, and school lessons visit whenever possible.

Of course, initially it would be nice to figure out whether the person is studying in the right place and whether he needs training in these particular subjects, and only then look for additional reasons and look for reasons in the surrounding space.

Psychologists recommend starting with overcoming internal resistance. How more people spends time without studying, the more serious the resistance to starting classes will be (remember the reluctance to study when returning from vacation, while by November everything was becoming much easier). So, in order to force yourself to study at school and not be lazy, you need to get ready for classes in the morning. Taking with you several gadgets with installed toys or being constantly online are things that only contribute to problems with lessons.

The global goal should eventually be divided into small daily ones, but do not forget about replenishment. Start fulfilling your pleasures immediately after completing the important part of the plan - this is how the habit of a constant study load is formed. Important rule success and high productivity lies in good health, so you should not start studying in poor physical condition, feeling hungry or tired. Initially, you need to put your physical well-being in order - if you are hungry, in pain and unwell, it is better to postpone classes.

To make studying more challenging positive points you need to devote time to internal tuning - you can listen to pleasant music before classes or purchase inspiring accessories.

If the question concerns completing homework, then changing study locations can help, thus increasing attention. For example, you can read in the park, do written assignments at the table, and create various creative projects on the floor in the kitchen or in the hallway. Take notes on new information, use your own code to shorten long concepts, this way you will save time on repetition, since visual, auditory and motor memory is used.

It is necessary to find a reason that forces you to postpone or even skip classes. If these are temptations from the outside world, then there is a need for proper organization of the place of study, if it is laziness and lack of motivation, then you will have to work with your internal states, find worthy goals and incentive bonuses.

Correct goal setting

You will have to force yourself to study at the university on your own; moreover, no one else will monitor your efforts or level of motivation. If you build the wrong concept, then at the end of the semester you will simply be expelled; it is in this situation that the question of setting a goal arises. When entering an educational institution, for the first few months you should make a plan for yourself where this training should lead you.

Goal setting is relevant not only for successfully graduating from university, but for any educational program. The main mistake with self-study is setting a goal - to start learning. This is a false path, since the goal must always capture several steps to develop forward. So, we can formulate this as the need to study well or improve performance in specific subjects, possibly increasing the number of additional courses.

To choose and formulate a goal correctly, ask yourself the question “For what?”, and as a result, from one name it will be possible to put together rough plan actions. For example, when you just need to graduate from university, it is not clear why, there are no instructions on when and how exactly. If there is a need to finish medical University in the next six years, in order to continue to remain at the scientific department and invent a cure for convulsive syndrome in infants, then the whole picture changes. A person understands in this situation that he not only needs to attend classes and complete tasks at the institute, but that he can get to his goal through additional master classes and conferences, and most importantly, studying here is a means and an intermediate link to go further. And when the significance and severity of the activity is already reduced in consciousness, then it is performed quite easily, almost playfully.

Finding Motivation

If a person understands the purpose of his training at a deep level, then this is already a motivating factor, but in some cases it is not sufficient. It helps to involve other people in this by telling them that you are going to finish the course by a certain number or about your desire to attend classes together with someone. Some will be motivated by the desire to keep their word, while others will benefit from constant calls and reminders from friends that it’s time to study today.

Figure out for yourself what is more important in studying – the process or the result. If the result is important, it will be relevant to search teaching aids, where the entire program is available in a condensed form, negotiate with teachers, look for workarounds. Find a thrill and be able to bypass the system while everyone else is cramming unnecessary information. If the main thing for an individual is the learning process itself, then it is worth taking care of its psychological side - looking for information in various sources, and not just listen to the teacher, prepare reports on your own and participate in conferences, bring new topics for discussion. Personal activity and understanding of the direction of one’s individual movement motivates additional achievements.

The motivation for attending classes varies - this is a great reason to show off your outfits and gadgets, find friends and like-minded people. A person’s attitude towards learning changes radically if a attractive peer appears in a group or class - perhaps this will result in joint writing of essays or the desire to stand out in class by answering.

Those who are not helped by inspiring ideas will have to face negative motivation - this is when there is a threat of expulsion, calling parents, or collecting fines (especially in private educational institutions). Negative motivation is the strongest, but whether it is possible to bring the process to a critical point every time, everyone must decide for themselves.

Arrangement of the workplace

An important point is that the study space matches the objectives of the course. There is a lot of talk about the need for a bright, secluded room, remote and closed from all kinds of interference, but if the classes relate to painting, then optimal place there will be a park, and if this is playing the guitar, then appropriate place unlikely to be quiet. Of course, they should not be disturbed, and where new knowledge occurs, everything necessary should be present, but this is not necessarily the monk’s cell.

The need for the Internet in the workplace is debatable, because it makes it accessible and a large number of necessary information and distracting sites (social networks, games, online stores). When starting to change your learning approach and in the absence of willpower, it is optimal to install a browser that blocks distracting sites - this is also the organization of the workplace.

Ensure that you not only have the necessary materials, but also create the appropriate atmosphere. For example, citrus essential oils improve mood and concentration.

A mug of tea or coffee on a portable warming stand will eliminate the need to constantly be distracted and leave the room for a drink. Take care of the sound, because complete silence cannot always help; for many, on the contrary, it is a factor that causes nervous tension.

Background lounge music and various sounds of nature, artificial noises will help smooth out the harsh sounds of falling furniture from neighbors and muffle the screams of children on the playground.

Let us remind you once again that furniture must comply with the principles of orthopedics, since an uncomfortable posture, compression of the main arteries, and an inconvenient angle for a joint ultimately lead to rapid fatigue. At constant voltage In these parts of the body, not only loss of performance will occur, but also the development of diseases.

Time management

To ensure that studying does not get boring, does not seem like something all-consuming and terrible, and also in order to plan your whole life, it is necessary to regulate the time allocated for studying. If you do not deal with such issues, then in the end it may turn out that the whole day was spent studying, with periodic distractions on all sorts of small details (talking on the phone, cooking, finding your sister her skirt, etc.).

Give yourself a schedule that includes specific hours each day that are dedicated solely to studying. At this time, all messengers are turned off, the phone is not put into vibration mode, and all signals are turned off. Everything a person does during this time should be devoted exclusively to study. In addition, it will be useful to highlight in the graph short period time required for unscheduled or additional activities. If a person tries to do more in the allotted time, then the quality will suffer significantly; it would be better to have a free window on most days, but on occasion he can be occupied with studying.

The schedule should be planned taking into account the alternation of types of activities and subjects or courses. You shouldn’t have physics and math classes back to back, but literature and three creative clubs in the evening. An example option might look something like this: solved problems, played sports, took a walk, read a new chapter from a fiction book, took a lunch break, made a presentation.

Drawing up diagrams and using non-standard memorization techniques will significantly save time spent on studying. In addition to learning these supporting techniques, you can use time management techniques, which talk about ways to delegate tasks and make the most of every minute. As a result, having mastered all these technologies, learn significant part you can get the necessary materials or prepare a presentation on the subway on the way home.

Development of willpower

Willpower is the main assistant in achieving any goals, including learning. But you should use it wisely, without trying to drag everything, solely by forcing yourself. Maintain proper level volitional processes allow periodic breaks, weekends and rest, replenishing mental resources.

You can start by keeping your room and clothing tidy. Try to regulate your interaction style - not to be rude, but to listen, not to find excuses, but to do it. Create a routine for yourself - this is a moment that involves both, and saving time for study.

The key to studying is consistency of effort, and developing your ability to maintain consistency can begin with disciplined waking up or doing exercises every day. Fines for failure to comply with time limits are appropriate. Visiting a museum once a month or walking in the park once a week will also lead to the development of strong-willed qualities, provided that they are carried out in any weather and in any mood.

Difficulties will arise at each stage of changes and addition of new actions to the schedule, but the most difficult is the first stage, when a person begins to regulate his lifestyle independent of needs.
Resistance can take on a wide variety of forms; colds are quite likely. The most important point when the situation worsens is to persistently continue the actions, then within three weeks a new habit will be developed and it will become easier. The meaning is something like this: even if the road to the institute is blocked with snow, then read the available articles on your specialty, and if you get sick when you need to run, then at least go out and walk the usual distance.

Rewarding yourself for success

Reward for studying is a great additional motivation. Here you should choose things or actions that bring pleasure. If it's something sweet, then don't let it be candy from a bag lying in the kitchen - set aside time for a purposeful trip to the nearest mini-markets in search of what you want now. New things, beautiful jewelry, a paid account in the game - all this may well become an incentive for success in educational activities.

There are many types of pleasures for which there is no need for material investments. This can be a walk, because a person really deserves it, and he does not need to sit at textbooks. Meeting with friends, talking about the latest events, traveling to interesting places– all this feeds the soul and interest. You can also spend time taking care of yourself - putting on beautiful makeup, taking a bath, working out on the horizontal bar.

In any case, rewards must be adequate to the achievement. That is, if you previously read a paragraph every day, then the maximum that is expected for this is a mug of delicious tea, because this is not an achievement, but the norm. Current tasks completed on time are worthy of minor rewards; successful completion of a year or session can be celebrated with a major purchase or a joint visit to the club with the group. Completing a monthly course is a worthy reason to praise yourself, but the amount of this praise should not exceed the achievement of graduating from a higher educational institution.

For those who are interested in at least attending classes, you can arrange all sorts of pleasant things every day, but when it becomes habitual, you need to stop pampering yourself for everyday tasks. This does not mean stopping, it just becomes a new goal, perhaps more difficult and requiring more time, but more encouragement.

The desire to reach new heights requires a person to acquire useful skills. What is required to assimilate new information? on one's own? How to optimize knowledge acquisition? How to develop the ability to self-organize? All this will be discussed.

Are we taught to learn?

Not in any educational institution, starting from kindergarten and ending with universities, people are not explained how to plan their day and develop self-organization skills. Often, teachers simply work through their program, familiarizing themselves with the base of subjects. The only thing that can be learned in such classes is the ability to systematize knowledge in the form of correct formatting of notes. To achieve success in adulthood, you need to figure out how to learn on your own as a child.

Why learn self-study skills?

Time does not stand still. With the development of society, the conditions of human existence change. Skills that helped a person in the past may no longer help a person achieve the desired results after several decades. Many experts in one of the fields notice that their knowledge is gradually turning to dust. Such people sometimes have to relearn things on the fly.

Mastering self-organization skills makes it possible to save time, own strength and operate with deep knowledge. The result is readiness for a wide variety of life situations, the opportunity to choose new professions, expand your social circle, and acquire interesting hobbies.

Setting goals

Why is it difficult to study on your own? Significant difficulties arise primarily among people who do not have a specific goal. It’s not always about career growth, but also about social life, creativity, hobbies. A goal is required to know where to go next.

Sometimes a person has to force himself to perform certain actions. If achieving a result promises real benefits and advantages over others, things go much faster. You just need to get involved in the learning process and move step by step towards a specific goal.

How to learn to study independently? The choice of a suitable profession plays an important role here. Some people suffer for years, learning something they don't like. As a result, nothing fruitful comes of it and time is wasted. If a person manages to find a profession that is truly interesting, gaining knowledge in the given field will truly bring not only benefit, but also pleasure.


Chaotic movement towards achieving specific goals slows down the learning process. Without drawing up a concrete plan, a person often finds himself in prostration. How to develop the ability to learn independently? Drawing up a plan requires specific training program. It is important to make a list of sources of information from which knowledge will be drawn. It is necessary that working according to the plan becomes a habit. This is the only way to set yourself up for fruitful activity.

Taking notes

Is it possible to study on your own? Taking notes will help with this. If learning occurs through lectures, it is important to write down only those concepts that may be useful in the future. When reading literature, it is worth noting quotes, definitions, statements that look useful.

It is not necessary to take notes by hand. If desired, you can use electronic devices. The convenience of one or another option depends on each individual. Regardless, there are several ways to organize your data that are worth trying. Ultimately, this will allow you to come to the most convenient solution.


Moving towards achieving your learning goal will be ineffective if things are done out of order. In such cases, quite often there is a desire to first deal with what the heart lies more in, rather than really deal with important matter. To understand how to learn to study independently, it is recommended to determine the current tasks. If some low-priority learning tasks remain undone at the end of the day, such shortcomings will not be so important.

High-quality completion of work to the end

To gain useful skills when learning, you must try to make every effort to complete an important task the first time. As a result, you won’t have to put the matter off until later and return to it later when some important points are forgotten. This will reduce the number of errors during learning and will not force you to waste your free time redoing what you started.

Control over your own condition

It is quite difficult to force yourself to study if you feel tired, hungry, or your body is exhausted from illness. Therefore, you need to prepare for the process of comprehending useful information. A person should not experience physical or mental discomfort. It is necessary to keep your thoughts focused solely on learning. Before starting the process, it is recommended to complete important daily tasks. This will allow you to get rid of obsessive worries from your head. Before training, you should take an extra bath or shower, eat, and dress up in comfortable clothes.

Fighting procrastination

How to force yourself to study if everyone is lazy? In psychology, a person’s tendency to regularly put off important things until later, which causes a whole lot of trouble, is called procrastination. Many people prefer to go through possible actions in their own heads rather than immediately start implementing specific tasks. Distractions are often used as excuses for procrastination.

To avoid procrastination, you should protect yourself from stimuli that lead to distraction. You need to realize that the need to implement important, rather complex things often causes a desire for a temporary deviation from the goal. Achieving high results in self-study will allow you to choose prepositions that will set you up for fruitful work.

Afraid to ask questions

How to learn English language independently or to comprehend any other field of knowledge? For some people, an obstacle to achieving the desired results is discomfort when it comes to communicating with a teacher. Failure to understand certain points in the presented material disrupts the logical chain of information comprehension. A student who is afraid to ask questions is practically doomed to failure. Such a person is limited compared to others. In some situations, it is much better to demonstrate your lack of understanding of the material than to let everything take its course.

Encouraging yourself

During classes, you should not drive yourself into a blind corner. In addition to studying, you need to see other things that allow you to relax. Any work must have a decent reward. For this reason, it is worth sometimes dedicating time to things that bring you pleasure. There should always be activities that make it possible to balance your own emotional state.

Compliance with the regime

How to teach a child to learn independently? Skills for organizing affairs should be developed in a person from an early age. The child must learn that after returning from school he will have leisure time for several hours. However, after this you definitely need to start doing your homework. If a child attends a sports club, goes to a drawing class or goes to a music school, you can sit down for lessons later. Be that as it may, you shouldn’t put off learning useful material at home until just before you go to bed.

Adaptation of the baby to such a regime may take a year or more. During this time, parents should maintain appropriate control and try not to let things take their course.

Already in elementary school, it is important for a child to understand how to use his time rationally. However, parents are advised to respond to requests for help at the right moments. But this should be done only in situations where the child is truly unable to cope with educational tasks on his own.

Memory development

Some people have difficulty learning on their own because they have a poor ability to retain information. Such individuals should work on themselves in terms of controlling their level of concentration. Having concentrated your attention on the task, you should try to fully understand the meaning of the information received. It is worth abandoning mechanical memorization, since this approach absolutely does not contribute to the development of memory.

However, it is not recommended to overload yourself with information. It is better to write down meaningful data and try to associate it with what is already stored in long-term memory. This combined method of memory development will allow you to develop the correct associations.

There are other ways to better remember useful data. It consists in dividing knowledge into certain blocks. The smaller the volume of pieces of information received, the better it is assimilated.

Eradication of laziness

Often, simple laziness prevents us from studying on our own. Lack of motivation can be resolved in the following way. It is enough to divide a complex matter into small stages. This will do part educational tasks for a certain time period. This way you can gradually get closer to ultimate goal. Each subsequent stage of the task may no longer seem so daunting.

In order to eradicate laziness, before studying it is worth making a comfortable workplace, listen to your favorite music, resort to other solutions that will allow you to tune in to a positive mood.

Thinking about pleasant bonuses also gives you the opportunity to force yourself. We are talking about a reward that you can come up with for yourself for successfully completing a task. This could be a break for a cup of coffee, watching your favorite TV show, etc.

Independent study of a foreign language

Separately, I would like to consider how to learn English on your own. First, it is important to understand the basic verbs, which include such concepts as: “to be”, “to have”, “to desire”, “to give”, “to take”, “to go”. Having mastered the combination of these and other similar words with common pronouns, you can form a kind of base. This approach will allow you to build simple, conscious phrases.

Usually the person who resorts to self-study foreign language, experiences the greatest difficulty in overcoming the speech barrier. To really speak English, you need to find a good conversationalist. When looking for the latter, it is better to give preference to a professional tutor who will point out mistakes and force you to practice.

So, we tried to figure out how to force ourselves to study if we’re all lazy. Finally, I would like to provide a few more practical recommendations on this matter:

  1. You need to set only realistic goals for yourself and rejoice in every, even the smallest victory.
  2. It is important to save time that can be spent on benefiting from training by attending less social media, avoiding frequent phone calls and texting.
  3. When studying, there is often a feeling of routine. To overcome such an unpleasant feeling, it is worth introducing variety into the material. It will be useful to comprehend information not only in in writing, but also watching useful videos, listening to audio, communicating with like-minded people.
  4. During the learning process, you should pay attention to inconsistencies in the material, shortcomings, errors, and inaccuracies. This can be discussed with the teacher. Even if you fail to prove that you are right, this approach will make the process of comprehending new information more fun. Over time, thinking will become more flexible and critical.
  5. It is useful to understand that studying and achieving high goals is not the whole of life. It is necessary to spend time on quality rest, communication with family members and friends.


So we found out what is required in order to learn to independently comprehend useful skills. The presence of desire is of decisive importance here. It is also important to find for yourself the right balance between productive work and the desire to fall into inactivity. Ultimately, any learning must be supported by practice. Otherwise, the effort spent will have no meaning.

Many of us have such a familiar person: diligent and responsible from school. I gave 100% throughout the semesters. He spent days and nights poring over notes and textbooks and was happy when he passed his exams with excellent marks. And indeed, how could one not rejoice and feel happy when from early childhood everyone kept repeating from all sides: “If you study with straight A’s, you will have everything in life.” But life turns out to be surprisingly strange. And not understandable. The other one didn’t bother with books at all at that time. Throwing his briefcase away after the last lesson, he ran to where his friends were waiting for him, football, volleyball, trips to the forest and to the river - this replaced his tedious cramming.

And then the first one, who had always been an excellent student, came to take a job with the one who studied as he had to. For hire. With payment, of course, orders of magnitude, or even tens of orders of magnitude, less than the owner.

Here's a life story. Alexander VASILIEV, father of three children, holder of a diploma with honors, works for hire.

I have been studying constantly for as long as I can remember. He was kind of a nerd. I exhausted myself with classes. I didn't see white light. Why? Because he was so motivated by his parents. “An excellent certificate will open the way to prosperity and happiness!” This life credo of the older generation has become a way of life for many who now have children themselves. And yet, he has life experience. Your own. Alas, very, very far from this obsessive credo.

Now I “stand on the other side” and convince my son not to repeat the mistakes of former excellent students who sacrificed the true skills of being the master of their own destiny on the altar of assessment grades. And that's why.

1. Not a single employer has ever asked what color my certificate and diploma are.

How does an employer get to know job candidates and evaluate them? Does he meet with everyone personally? No. That's what resumes are for. But for some reason not a single resume for any job – from a loader to a project manager – contains the column “Achievement”. What is a must-have? Experience! The same sports achivments and skills in different areas activities - and all this is included in the resume, as a rule - but not the marks in the certificate, have real significance for a positive decision.

2. Our memory is designed in such a way that it has long been “freed” from all this clutter scientific theories, hypotheses and “passed” disciplines.

Practice and real work instantly put everything in its place. That is, life priorities. All those sciences memorized in the pre-exam nights and driven into the depths of memory the next day were simply not in demand. In just a few weeks of practice, I had to master professional skills first and seriously. Was it necessary to suffer for so many years and worry about grades on “dead” knowledge? Why do I need a non-existent person in my life today? Latin language, Bulgarian and Old Church Slavonic? Life itself pointed to the obviousness of the answer.

3. The constant exhausting pursuit of “excellent” is inversely proportional to good health.

Again real life and a real plan at work, we ranked value priorities. As it turned out, after university, health, and not numbers in a certificate, is at the forefront of professional and life achievements. But I had to stay awake for days. Don't finish eating. Be nervous to the point of hiccups and colic. Lose weight, or, conversely, gain weight sharply. That is, in fact, purposefully, with my own hands, ruin your health. And that's all, why?

4. Constant study means constant solitude. Lack of communication skills can be fatal.

I had a classmate. The soul of the company, the ringleader, the joker and the merry fellow. He was always at the center of the team - at the table, during breaks between lectures, in the smoking room, and in the gym. I just barely studied. But he was “rose”, fresh and dynamic. All the excellent students looked down on him. Weak C student, what awaits him? And what awaited him was a wide network of personal acquaintances - something that I had missed, which later easily helped resolve issues in business and career growth.

After many years, it has become clear that business and career are, first of all, relationships between people. And not marks on the score sheet at all. And studying - best time for sustainable dating. Is it worth missing out on such a priceless chance?

5. Everything that is most valuable from the point of view of professionalism was not taught by the university, but by the motivation to solve effective problems.

The brightest, most widespread and clear example this - foreign language. How long do we teach him, or rather, torture him? Together with school - 13-15 years! And what? Never mind. But when it was necessary for a promotion career growth, which naturally entails a salary, it took not much more than a year to master a foreign language perfectly. And communication with new friends - native speakers - helped me a lot in this when I became interested in online games at the same time. Motivation, and not moral satisfaction from an A, is a stimulant for the effective acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Now I know English almost perfectly.

Based on this, I give the same advice to my own children. And let those parents for whom excellent grades are the only indicator of the success of their son or daughter throw rotten tomatoes at me.

The difference between “4” and “5” is not worth the titanic effort, because it does not affect absolutely anything.

A personal bank account is made up of real professional skills, and not a list of exam grades.

Communication skills and personal connections, and not a diploma with honors, will provide you with career and material advantages.

The motivated meaning of one’s own actions should be at the forefront, and not the desire to please the desires of other people.

Opinion of psychologist Marianna VINOKUROVA:

If parents tend to attach very great importance Any assessment of a child, he may get the feeling that he is loved only for good grades; if he gets bad grades, his parents will no longer love him. The child grows up anxious, he is afraid of even minimal failures, he will have low self-esteem, he will never be able to truly enjoy his achievements.

Adults must be able to make it clear to the child that they will love him regardless of how he studies, and most importantly, that they will be happy only if he is happy.

Also, a child can learn from his parents that the way he studies will be the way his future life will turn out. If a child studies poorly, he may decide that he can no longer change anything, nothing will happen to him. If he studies with excellent marks, then in the future even a small failure may be a shock for him, and he may not be prepared for it - after all, he was the best student, graduated from school with straight A's - and suddenly failure... And in this case, The main thing is that adults themselves do not have such an unambiguous attitude towards school performance, understand that school develops some basic skills that will be necessary in the future, and one of these skills is the ability to achieve social success (good grades) and cope with those situations when success is not achieved. Like learning to ride a horse: first you need to learn to fall.

Many people are familiar with the situation when studying at school is not attractive, it seems boring, and then parents constantly control it, forcing them to do homework.

This does not at all add to the desire to learn better. But in your heart you realize that your future fate significantly depends on how high-quality knowledge you receive at school. To be completely honest, you know very well that it’s all about your attitude towards studying, about understanding its importance in your life.

Studying at school is like a jungle. But having found necessary tools, you can cut your way.

You need define a goal for yourself, formulate why you need to do well at school. Possible motivation Successful schooling can look like this:

  1. become the best in class, to attract someone’s attention, to earn the respect of teachers, parents of peers (after all, being a poor student in our time is not at all popular among young people);
  2. further arrival to a good university budgetary basis and receiving a scholarship. To do this you need to pass the Unified State Examination high level, which means doing well at school;
  3. a good education helps you get an interesting and decently paid job.

Motivation should inspire in the fight against your own laziness.

It is important to understand yourself, understanding what you like most, and then deepen your knowledge in this direction. The advice of your parents, friends and teachers can guide you to the right decision. It is important to start, and then step by step it will become much easier to fight laziness.

Believe in your strength!

Often, poor academic performance is caused by a student's low self-esteem. To believe in yourself and increase self-esteem you need to work hard. But the result is worth it. Help in this process of self-improvement following tips:

  • Complete tasks yourself don't copy them from friends. Homework helps you learn the lesson material, so it’s best to do it on the day you assign it. This is much easier for memorizing and developing skills for solving similar problems, because everything that was discussed in class is still fresh in my memory.
  • One of the most simple ways get an excellent grade - write an essay. There is a lot of information on the Internet on any topic, and there is no shortage of various additional literature. Therefore, do not refuse this opportunity to show your best side.
  • Use it crib sheets when circumstances permit. But they will only be useful if they are written in your own hand. Then formulas, rules and other school wisdom are remembered better. Especially if you take the time to understand them.

Cheat sheets and other tricks in class hinder your development and memorization of the material.

  • At a time when others are trying to literally squeeze into their desks so as not to be called to the blackboard, become volunteer for answers to questions about homework. This makes it easier to earn a good grade. Perhaps this will allow you not to be embarrassed when you are completely unprepared for the lesson. However, such risk points should be minimized by studying regularly.
  • Take an active part in the lesson, trying to ask at least one question to the teacher or answer his question. This will help you better understand the lesson material, and in life the ability to ask questions will be very useful for concentrating.

Be Organized!

Studying is work, and the effectiveness of any work is higher if it is well organized. Here are some tricks effective organization studies:

  • Make a to-do list, tying them to dates, regularly replenishing it and crossing out completed tasks. For clarity, use markers and self-adhesive multi-colored paper. Get a special calendar where you can make notes about various types assignments (tests, coursework, essays, etc.) with the grades received for them. This way you won't forget any of them and will keep your grades in check.
  • Large projects should not be completed in one sitting. at the last moment. It is better to do such work systematically, in parts and immediately after receiving the task. Its quality will benefit from this.
  • Very helpful take lesson notes. It should be short, succinct, and contain diagrams, pictures, tables. This will help in preparing for tests.

When starting to study a chapter in a textbook, skim through all the material and pay attention to the subheadings. As you read, formulate questions for the subsections and look for answers to them. At the end, remember what the material covered was about?

  • Don't put it off until later m doing homework. It is better to do them immediately after classes, when the body is not out of working condition. This way, the most difficult tasks will be completed long before the end of the day.
  • It's healthier to go to bed and get up at the same time. Set aside time for nighttime sleep from 23 to 7 am. During this time the body will regain strength. Once he gets used to regular rest, he will become more efficient.
  • Your school the backpack must be clean and tidy, collect it ahead of time so you don’t forget anything and easily find what you need. IN perfect order contain computer files, books, notebooks and other educational materials. Clean up your desk once a week.

Being organized will help you always be calm, not be late for anything, and not forget anything. You will be less tired and you will have enough time for everything.

Organize your leisure time correctly

To study well, it is important to be able to take breaks from studying in time to save yourself from mental fatigue. These tips will help you properly plan your vacation and free time:

  • Complex and time-consuming tasks are better divide into parts so that each takes 30-40 minutes. At the end of this time, rest for about 20 minutes. And then continue what you started.
  • Relax with pleasure- listen to your favorite tunes and dance to them, eat something tasty to good mood never left you.
  • When you need to use the Internet to complete a task, do not be distracted from your main goal so as not to fall into a trap and waste your time. Don't get carried away telephone conversations if they called you at the wrong time. Arrange with friends to chat during your free time.
  • Be sure to set aside time for doing what you love, sign up for some club. If you have a lot on your schedule, it helps to structure your time. You learn to have time to complete all your assignments, attend extra classes, help your parents and chat with friends.
  • Sports activities help maintain the body's energy at a high level. Particularly effective in this regard physical exercise outdoors, regular walks.

So that your passion favorite hobby and studies coexist successfully, you need to plan your time, setting priorities correctly.

Do the hardest thing first. Knowing that you have a couple of hours ahead of you that you can spend on your hobby, you will do your homework efficiently, without being scattered on extraneous matters. This will also be helped by a positive attitude that, having done what is necessary, you will be absolutely free and calm. This means that the pleasure from relaxing or doing what you love will be even greater.

  1. In the next quarter (semester) I am determined to get a “4” or “5” in this subject - ...
  2. To “push” on this subject, I need the following: ...
  • Why even try to study at school?
  • What schedule of classes and preparation for homework suits you?
  • Where and at what time is it best for you to study at home?
  • How to make sure that entertainment and hobbies do not interfere with your studies?
Everyone knows that learning is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Every day, a student has to get ready for school, sit in class, memorize a lot of new information, write it down, answer in front of the whole class and write tests. But this is not the most difficult thing, since besides this they have to return home, where they again continue their education - read paragraphs, do exercises received at home, learn poems and solve complex tasks. Therefore, no matter what you say, education is a titanic work, especially for a child. It is not surprising that under such a harsh regime, not all children can withstand it; some of them begin to skip classes, not do their homework, etc. However, forcing a child to study is not the surest way out of the situation. You need to approach the educational process carefully, and most importantly, correctly!

In general, the question “How to force yourself to study” is more often asked by students, since there is more control at the school desk: teachers monitor your progress, and parents “press” you for bad grades, and other students do not treat you with respect if you are constantly among the “losers” in terms of academic performance. In lyceums, institutes and universities, control leaves the student. Since you are already considered an adult who has the right to decide for himself how to study: good or bad. However, such freedom is somewhat intoxicating for a young man or girl, and not everyone is able to come to their senses in time and think about the fact that with such a wild life they can slide down the ladder of life. And then the student asks himself a difficult, but quite interest Ask: “How can I force myself to study??” Today you will find out the answer!

12 ways to force yourself to study

Set the task correctly! First of all, you (the student) must correctly set yourself a task or goal. Think not about how to force yourself to study, but about how to how to start studying well, after all, you are still, in fact, learning and will continue to study. The formulation of the task is very important, man is a rather strange creature and if you force yourself to do something, then your subconscious will resist it and will interfere with completing the planned tasks (learn lessons, listen to the teacher, etc.). Moreover, you will get much more pleasure from such disobedience than from following your goal.

If you formulate your question in a different way, for example: “How can I finish this year with flying colors?” or “How to start studying well this semester?”, then you will not notice how you will start looking for ways to get a good grade at school, that is, your consciousness will begin to work in cooperation with the subconscious, focusing on a positive result.

The psychological aspect is very important in the learning process, so try not to force yourself to learn, but to look for good reason, which can change your attitude towards studying in a favorable direction. But more on that in the next paragraph.

Find the motivation (reason) to study well. As we have already said, the reason for learning is best method in teaching. Your task is to find an incentive that would work specifically in your case. Motivations come in different forms; for example, some are influenced by the following phrase: If you do not start studying, you will be expelled from the educational institution in the next semester! Although this call will not have any effect on another person.

For most, perspective is a good motivation, but for some, the long term works: If I graduate from this university with excellent marks, I will be able to get a job with a high salary and the opportunity to move up the career ladder. For others, the perspective should be closer and more realistic: If I finish my last semester well, my father will buy a ticket to the camp, where I will go with my friends for the whole summer!

We don’t know what can make you study, but we know for sure that such motivation exists. Find her! In general, we would say that the incentive to learn occupies one of the dominant roles in learning; if it is found and used by the student, then he is able to achieve incredible success.

If you are a parent and are reading this article in the hope that you can understand how to get your child to learn, then we would advise you to learn about his relationships in the classroom. Sometimes the motivation to learn disappears precisely because of conflicts with other children. This happens especially often with teenagers who rarely want to go to school or another educational institution.

Set up your workplace. It would seem that such a minor issue as the arrangement of a student’s workplace can affect learning, but believe me, it can radically change the speed of completing homework and its quality. We agree that lying on your bed with a tablet or laptop is quite pleasant to do your homework, but it is not at all effective. Because when lying down, a person remembers and understands it much worse, and most importantly, more slowly. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of human organs. Try to allocate a small place in your home where you will exclusively do things related to your studies. A special feature of this place should be that there will be no computer, no laptop, no tablet, no mobile phone. Only necessary notebooks, books and stationery(pen, pencil, eraser, etc.).

A computer or other technology can be a great distraction. educational process. After all, you have a lot of temptations: icq, skype, VKontakte, interesting sites, films, music, games, etc. Therefore, it must be resorted to only in cases where it is specifically required to perform a particular task.

Those who are used to having a computer on their desk at all times, and without it, the desk seems boring and dull, we advise you to organize everything on the desk in such a way that it looks beautiful and interesting: buy new bright stationery, replace boring table lamp, to new and original. In addition, it is better to place the table near the window, so that not only daylight illuminates the workplace, but also the view from the window allows you to be distracted or, on the contrary, concentrate.

If the computer takes up a lot of your free time, but you cannot resist it, then we advise you to think about the fact that computer radiation is harmful to human health: it impairs vision, ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract arise, and problems with the nervous system also appear.

Change your clothing style. Of course, clothes cannot force you to start studying, but their style can serve as the wave of the starting flag for an athlete. Let us explain in a little more detail: each of us knows how to distinguish a good student from a bad one. A good student is always dressed neatly and strictly (especially for guys), which cannot be said about a bad student, his style is always radically different from what one should wear in educational institution. So, when this same “not very good” student comes to class in a formal suit, the attitude towards him changes dramatically, both among the students and among the teaching staff. And the first thought that arises among those around him is “Has Ivanov (for example) finally come to his senses and started studying?!” Yes, yes, with the help of a regular change of image, you can achieve such changes in your attitude towards yourself. Naturally, after everyone has thought so well of you, it will be difficult to turn back into a quitter who goes to classes “to sit your pants down.”

Make learning fun (mind map method). You probably noticed that many of the girls in your group, during lectures, take notes not in continuous text, but using various markers and quotes. Their recorded lectures are often not just a few pages of the teacher's handwritten phrases, but an entire masterpiece of art: important phrases are written in a different color, rules are highlighted in various rectangular tables. The text contains a lot of underlining and highlighting with a marker or other ink. Even small sketches were made with a pencil and a ruler. Do you think they are just doing nonsense?! Wrong, they turn a boring lecture into an interesting activity by coloring and highlighting the main points. In addition, at home it will be easier for them to remember this information, since they remember the terms not only by meaning, but also visually, which allows them to remember the information faster and better.

When it is difficult to remember some information, try to understand it not literally, but through analogies. For example: you can remember the name “Battle of Borodino” using its analogy with “Borodino Bread”; you can remember the initials of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin as “Pushkin – ace (best specialist).” The examples may not be the best, but the main thing is to understand the meaning and use it in your teaching.

To make learning even more interesting and comfortable, buy notebooks with beautiful covers, keep comfortable and bright notebooks and use colorful stickers for reminders. Change pens more often and choose them not only for their comfort in writing, but also for their beautiful or unusual design. From time to time, use pens whose ink smells, the delicious smell will also lift your spirits, and when you open your notebook, you will not only remember your responsibilities, but also some delicious fruit or chewing gum.

Reward yourself for your success. It is difficult to force a teenager or an adult boy (girl) to study, but it is quite possible. Use reward methods for this, for example: You completed your studies today and didn’t get a single bad grade - praise yourself and allow yourself to walk for an hour or two today. And if you also got a good mark in an important subject, then here you can still reward yourself with something tasty (chips, chocolate or pizza). If you pass an exam or test, there is a bigger prize: go with your friends to a club, cafe or disco. Remember that encouragement should only be given if you really deserve it. If you are guilty, then there can be no talk of any prize or rest. You must realize all the sweetness of victory and the bitterness of defeat.

Evaluate yourself for your success soberly and honestly; sometimes a tight B deserves more praise than a solid A. In addition to grades, you can reward yourself for studying tickets, completing homework, going to the library, actively working in class, etc. That is, the results can be expressed in completely different ways. Don't get hung up on grades. It would be more correct to focus on the knowledge gained. After all, as we know, the grades that teachers give us are not always objective.

The first step is difficult to take! The most difficult moment in learning is the first step, the beginning of the process. Admit it to yourself, how often has it happened that you put off your homework until the last hours of your waking hours?! Probably quite often - after all, there are always things that seem more important than homework. Agree that starting to do homework is always more difficult than finishing it. It is so?!

The main reason for a difficult start is simple laziness. Homework may turn out to be a 15-minute task, but you need to sit down and start thinking about it, but you don’t want to do this. The faster you overcome laziness, the faster you will begin to study well.

Study well from the first semester! If you decide to finish this year with good grades and show yourself in better light in front of teachers, parents and friends, then start studying well from the first semester. Don't put things off until later. At the beginning of the year (after the holidays), all tasks will accumulate gradually, and this is a chance to solve them quickly and correctly. If you procrastinate, you will end up in an unpleasant situation towards the end of this year or semester; there will be little time left until the end, and there will be a lot of things to do and assignments. And you will no longer think about good grades, but about having time to pass the subject before the session. Learn to distribute your study load evenly and then you will definitely succeed!

Work more in class so you have less to take home. A tricky way for those who know how to value their time. It often happens that the teacher manages to finish the lesson before the bell rings and, in order not to burden you with unnecessary information, asks you to go about your business. We do not advise you to waste this time, you are still at school, at your desk and cannot communicate loudly with friends, so use this time wisely: start doing your homework. Let it be not on this subject, but on another, even if not for tomorrow. Doesn't matter! The main thing is that you will save yourself time at home, which means you can spend an extra 10-20 minutes walking with friends in the fresh air.

Organize competitions and marathons. Try to negotiate with your parents for a kind of competition in which they will sponsor the prizes. For example: if you get only good grades in algebra over the next two weeks, then after these two weeks they will buy you a new one mobile phone(For example). The time and gift may vary depending on your previous academic success, as well as the wealth of your family. If you set conditions for a year or a semester, then take into account two factors: firstly, for six months or a year, family budget may change (and not always for the better), so try to get guarantees from your parents for a particular purchase. Secondly, keep in mind that motivating yourself to buy the same bike throughout the year is very, very difficult. Sooner or later you may not keep the bar raised.

Manage your time wisely. Try to study according to a set schedule. For example, immediately after class, do not come and sit at the computer, but come and sit at the kitchen table, eat, then go do homework, and in the evening go out for a walk or go to a club. This way, you will always know that at this time you need to do your homework and not rest. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your regime, as some people cannot be forced to study immediately after school, they first need rest, and they start their lessons the next day early in the morning, but this regime is quite risky, since there is always a chance of oversleeping.

Develop your willpower. Sometimes it happens that no competition and no motivation can force a student to start studying. In such cases, there is only one piece of advice: “Grit your teeth, gather all your willpower into a fist and, by all means, start studying! Not because you want to, but because it’s NECESSARY!” In this way, you will develop willpower, which will come in handy more than once in the future. Good luck!