How and when to replant roses correctly. Replanting old bushes

The pearl of the garden, the favorite of all gardeners - garden rose. Its flowering and fragrance are the best reward for work and care. It is a pity to disturb and transplant the rose to another place in the fall, but sometimes it is impossible to avoid such a procedure.

Soil depletion, construction, or the vision of the flower garden has simply changed - and now the rose needs to be moved to another place. After spending necessary preparations, having replanted a bush according to all the rules, you don’t have to worry about ruining it favorite plant. A traumatic event will turn into a useful one.

Preparation is the key to successful rose transplantation in the fall

People have been cultivating roses for so long that all the rules for caring, planting and breeding this flower have already been tested in practice thousands of times. Even the ancient Romans knew how to grow them in huge quantities, and in winter in special greenhouses. Therefore, you should not act at random, just follow the rules:

1. End of September, beginning of October – best time for transplanting roses in the fall. In another place, bushes that have begun to outflow take root more easily useful substances from the aerial part to the roots.

2. The plant should be prepared for replanting in advance. Already in August, they stop feeding, reduce watering, and leave fading inflorescences on the branches.

3. The new habitat should be sunny, with good moisture drainage. Stagnation of water in winter time leads to overheating of roots.

4. The soil for planting should be loose and fertilized. It is ideal if the area has had time to “rest” from plantings for at least a year, otherwise it is better to replace the soil with fertile one.

When transplanting roses in the fall to a new place (pictured), Special attention pay attention to preserving each root. Abundant watering before digging out the bush will create a lump of earth with which the plant is transported to the planting site.

If you need to move a dug up plant over a considerable distance, it would be a good idea to carefully lay it on a cloth, wrap it around a lump of earth and tie it at the level of the root collar. In this case, you can plant it together with the “packaging”; simply untying it, the fabric will quickly decompose in moist soil.

Pruning a bush when transplanting roses to another place in the fall

The rose bush chosen for transplantation is dug up widely, trying to preserve root system. The main core, if it is deep, is cut with a shovel at the maximum accessible depth and the roots are carefully removed from the ground.

If it was not possible to save a lump of soil and it crumbled, use this to check the condition of the underground part. Remove all diseased and damaged areas by trimming the root with pruning shears to white, healthy tissue. Be sure to cut off the tips of seedlings with open rhizomes, this stimulates the growth of absorbent roots and improves the nutrition of the young rose.

Note! After pruning, the length of the roots should be equal to or slightly longer than the above-ground part.

There are two opinions on how to deal with branches and leaves when moving a plant to a new location:

Shorten to columns 10 cm high, completely expose the branches, removing the foliage;

Leave the bush as a whole, with branches and leaves, so that the roots can use the nutrients accumulated in the above-ground part.

When autumn is warm and air humidity is high, pruning shoots can lead to the awakening of dormant buds. Instead of preparing for winter sleep, the plant will heal in “spring” mode. Young branches will appear, which will still not have time to become woody and will die in the winter, the root will lose a lot of strength. In such weather conditions, it is better not to touch the branches and leaves immediately. If desired, you can prune them when it gets steadily colder.

If the autumn is cool, and there are at least three weeks left before the expected frost, then the transplanted bushes will have time to prepare for winter, and young shoots will not appear. This means that the bush can be trimmed before planting. It is also necessary to prune if planted with bare roots.

Proper pruning for successful transplantation of roses to another place in the fall

Features of transplanting roses to another place in the fall

The planting hole must exceed the size of the roots, usually 50x50 cm and up to 70 cm in depth. The distance between the bushes depends on the characteristics of the variety; roses need a lot of space for normal flowering. But sparse plantings are not as decorative; the soil dries out faster and more weeds grow.

Further actions differ depending on the state of the root system. Two ways to plant roses:

1. Planting with a clod of earth. It is simply installed at the bottom of the hole, filling the remaining voids with fertile soil mixture. Each layer is compacted well and spilled with water. There should be no air pockets left - the roots will die from contact with them.

2. Bare root planting. Fertile soil is poured into the center of the finished hole. A seedling is placed on it, and the roots are distributed over the mound so that they do not bend upward, but descend to the bottom of the depression. Little by little they fill the hole with earth, spilling and compacting it.

With an open root system, the planting process is somewhat different, but even in this case it is important to compact and spill the soil well so as not to “air” the roots.

The seedling is installed so that the root collar (and therefore the grafting site) is 3–5 cm below the soil level. This will save the plant from the appearance of wild growth in the future.

After filling the hole with soil and watering, check the planting depth and add dry soil around the bush.

How to cover roses for the winter that were transplanted to another place in the fall?

The root of the transplanted plant has not yet fully grown and needs shelter from frost. There are several ways to cover young seedlings for the winter:

Hilling up with earth;

Cover with spruce branches coniferous trees;

Fencing with boards;

Use of modern covering materials, films.

Each gardener chooses a shelter based on his capabilities, weather conditions and the variety of roses. The main rule is not to cover the bushes until it gets really cold. Small first frosts harden the plants.

Making replanting beneficial for rose bushes

Since it is impossible to avoid replanting roses in the fall, they can be transferred to another place with benefit:

1. Improve soil quality. Fertile soil can be purchased at garden store or cook it yourself. Add one part of humus and peat to one part of garden soil. IN clay soil sand is added, and clay is added to sandy clay.

2. Control soil acidity. Usually, over time, the soil becomes acidic. This can be corrected by adding ash, crushed chalk or dolomite flour.

3. Improve the root system. It becomes possible to remove diseased areas and check them for the presence of pests.

Be careful! In autumn, it is dangerous to overfeed plants with nitrogen; violent growth may begin instead of a period of rest. From mineral fertilizers It is better to choose potassium ones, they contribute to the ripening of shoots and better wintering.

Transplanting roses to another place in the fall allows you to add nutrition to the roots throughout their entire depth. After all, the main beauty of the garden requires a fertile layer of up to 40 cm. Competent transplant will not weaken the bush, but will make it even more beautiful. But you should remember that the next time you can replant roses only after three years, so you should take the choice of location and quality of planting seriously.

Roses surprise with their beauty and diversity. But, having planted rose bush, sometimes there is a need to move it to another place. We will tell you how and when it is best to do this in this article.

When is the best time to replant roses?

The optimal time for replanting roses can be considered the beginning of spring or mid-autumn (so that the bushes take root before frost). Where there are early frosts, it is preferable to transplant in the spring. Summer transplants are not advisable, since active vegetation and flowering occur during this period, so the plants may die.

There may be several reasons for changing the landing site:

  • unsuitable soil composition (heavy, clay-dominated or too loose);
  • waterlogging of the site with surface soil water;
  • excessive deepening of the root system on sandy soils or pushing on clay soils;
  • proliferation of neighboring plants.

The consequences of these reasons are:

  • poor bush growth;
  • dying and drying of branches;
  • poor flowering or lack thereof;
  • crushing flowers;
  • yellowing of leaves;
  • loss of decorativeness.

And sometimes a plant needs to be replanted due to buildings erected nearby, redevelopment of a flower bed or the entire plot.

Necessary conditions for transplantation

When moving a plant to a new location, you need to take into account weather conditions. It is not advisable to do this on a hot and dry day. It is better to transplant in cloudy weather, when the sun is not shining and the humidity is higher. In such conditions, the plant will tolerate transplantation more easily. Optimal time The day is considered evening, and the temperature is from +10 °C to +15 °C.

Preparing for transplant

Transplanting plants to another place is not such a simple process, requiring preliminary preparation:

  1. Choosing a suitable location.
  2. Processing the hole for planting.
  3. Preparing and moving bushes.

Did you know? ABOUT medicinal properties Avicenna and Dioscorides also spoke of roses. The latter indicated that red flowers have astringent properties, and white flowers have laxative properties.

Selecting a location

When deciding where to grow roses, you need to consider that:

  • rose doesn't like shadow, it will affect appearance(small bush with small flowers), and will also lead to frequent illnesses, so you need a sunny place;
  • infection by fungal diseases will reduce the sun illuminating the bushes on the eastern side in the morning (the dew will dry quickly);
  • The “queen of flowers” ​​does not tolerate waterlogging. The place should be located on a hill so that there is no stagnation of water and flooding with groundwater;
  • The soil needs to be neutral or slightly acidic. Clay and too loose are not suitable;
  • the area should not be in a draft;
  • you need to avoid proximity to tall plants;
  • cannot be planted after rosaceous plants (apple tree, sweet cherry, cherry, raspberry, hawthorn and others), because there is a danger of infection with common diseases.

Preparing roses

To move the plant to a new location with minimal losses, you need to damage the root system as little as possible:

  • For this, the earthen ball with roots must be maximum. Its height should be about 40 cm, and along the perimeter - no closer than 20–30 cm from the base of the plant stem;
  • To prevent the lump of earth from crumbling, the bush is first watered. After absorbing the moisture, they begin to dig up the bush;
  • Grafted plants have a taproot system, so the long central root will have to be cut off. Ordinary roses have superficial roots, and this problem will not arise;
  • so that thorny branches do not interfere, the bush can be tied thick fabric or film;
  • digging a trench around the perimeter (depth about 40 cm), tie a lump of earth with durable material;
  • prying from below with a crowbar (the shovel may break), the bush is carefully removed from the ground;
  • For long-distance transportation, the fabric holding the roots is periodically moistened.

When replanting in spring, it is advisable to trim the shoots (hybrid tea - by 2-3 eyes, English - by 4-6). This optimizes root development. When transplanting in the fall, the branches are not pruned. Groundcover bushes do not need pruning; only the dried tops are removed.

Preparation and processing of the seat

The process of preparing a landing site consists of several stages:

  1. Clearing a space with a diameter of up to 1–1.5 m for 1 bush. It is necessary to remove all weeds, roots of other plants and stones from it.
  2. Dig a hole up to 60 cm deep and 2 times larger than the earthen clod. If the roots are without soil, then you need to focus on their size so that they fit freely in the hole. The depth should be such that the root collar is deepened by 2–3 cm.
  3. The top (fertile) layer of soil, about 20 cm, is set aside.
  4. The bottom of the hole is covered with a layer of drainage (small pebbles or crushed stone) about 5 cm thick.
  5. Then fill with base soil. Depending on the composition of the soil, additives are added to it (later in the article).
  6. The top is sprinkled with the remaining fertile layer.

To give the soil the desired composition, various components are added to it:
  • if the soil is sandy, then about 4 kg of peat (per 1 m²) is added to it;
  • medium loam will become lighter by adding about 15 kg of coarse sand (per 1 m²);
  • low acidity (below 6) is neutralized dolomite flour or chalk. 200 g increases pH by 1 unit. scales. Optimal acidity for roses is 6–7;
  • organic matter (for example, humus) increases soil fertility. For 1 m² 4 kg is enough.

Important! It is better to prepare planting holes in advance. For spring planting- in the fall. For autumn - in spring or at least 3-4 weeks before planting. This will ensure even distribution of nutrients X substances, as well as soil subsidence.

If you don’t have the time or desire to bother with analyzing the soil of your site, then we offer one of the soil mixture options:

  • 2 parts (buckets) of garden soil;
  • 1 part (bucket) of sand, humus and peat;
  • 0.5 parts (half a bucket) of clay;
  • 1 cup each of ash and bone meal;
  • a handful of Kemira universal fertilizer or superphosphate.

Rose transplant technology

In practice, two transplantation methods are used (classical and wet). The first method is used when the root system is exposed. In this case, you can carefully inspect the roots and cut off any dry or damaged ones.

The roots can be dipped in a mixture of clay (2 parts) and mullein (1 part) + 1 tablet of sodium humate. The mixture is diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. The roots treated in this way are placed on a mound placed in the center of the planting hole and straightened out well. The hole is filled with earth, compacted and watered.
Wet method landings are less complicated. With it, the roots are covered with an earthen lump and are less injured. A bucket of water is poured into the planting hole and the seedling is lowered. After the liquid is absorbed, the pit is filled up and compacted.

Important! When replanting, you need to remember that the place of budding (grafting) should be 3–4 cm below the ground level. This will prevent the growth of wild growth. U own root roses(grown from a cutting of a mother bush) the earthen lump is located flush with the surface.

Large or old flower

The peculiarity of moving old and voluminous bush lies in the fact that they are dealing with a plant with a well-developed and formed root system. To home rose The transplant was less painful, it is more advisable to use the wet method.

The more roots remain in the earthen coma, the better, but so that it can be moved to a new place without any problems. If the ground still crumbles, you will have to use classical method. Before doing this, examine the roots and remove damaged and diseased ones.

During flowering

During the growing season, it is advisable not to disturb plants (including roses), since all energy is spent on intensive growth and flowering. Moving will be very stressful. But if this is necessary, you should be prepared for the fact that flowering may end there.

The rules are as follows:

  • moving with an earthen ball is used;
  • If possible, the long central root should not be cut off, but should be freed from the ground;
  • try to injure the rose as little as possible;
  • the bush should be planted immediately, watered well and, if necessary, shaded;
  • It is better to trim the flowers so that they do not consume the reserves necessary for the bush during this period.

Indoor roses can be replanted from pot to pot at any time. Use the method of transferring a lump of earth into a larger (2-3 cm) pot in diameter. In the first weeks, the transplanted flower needs to be provided with shade and sufficient, but not too much watering.

After purchasing in store

When choosing a rose in a store, it is better to give preference to a plant in a container, although it is more expensive. But among the advantages is that you can plant it at any time, and it will tolerate replanting more easily than a plant with bare roots. And landing wet method much easier.

Provide her good drainage and moderate watering, and the plant will delight you with abundant flowering.

If you buy a rose with bare roots, you should carefully inspect them to make sure they are not dry or rotten. It is better to abandon such a plant or you will have to remove all damaged roots. Such a bush needs to be planted immediately, because planting at a distance reduces the chances of the plant taking root as quickly as possible.

The rose needs to be watered abundantly in the first days and shaded from the sun's rays. Otherwise, the transplantation scheme does not differ from standard methods.

Climbing and curly

Moving these roses to another place has several features:

  • before transplanting, they are watered well and removed from their supports;
  • The above-ground part can be deeply pruned, leaving only 10 cm of shoots. But some gardeners are of the opinion that pruning is not necessary to maintain a source of nutrients;
  • the grafting site should be underground at a depth of 8–10 cm;
  • the planting hole should be slightly larger (about 70x70 cm) than for other varieties.

Otherwise, the same conditions are observed as for other roses.

Climbing roses are divided into ramblers and climbers. The former grow intensively and have flexible and creeping vines up to 10 m long. When transplanting, all shoots older than 2 years are removed. Climber roses are characterized by coarse and thick branches up to 5 m long. Such stems are cut in half when transplanted.

Did you know? Aromatherapy was proposed by the scientist N.A. Künzel in the 20th century. He advised using rose scent to treat problems nervous system, because he considered this smell a strong antidepressant.

Further care for roses

After the transplant, the following activities are carried out:

  • in the first month, the plant is shaded using film or a screen, low-growing ones - with buckets;
  • moderate watering (soft water is better), you can spray with water in the evening;
  • after watering, the soil is loosened to a depth of about 10 cm;
  • Sprinkle the ground under the bush with a layer of mulch (2–3 cm) made from peat, sawdust, rotted manure or deciduous bark. All these materials will later serve as an additional source of nutrients;
  • Young shoots that outgrow the rest are pinched after the 4th leaf. To induce branching, pinching is also used;
  • if the plant is young or weak, you need to trim the buds;
  • After 14 days, you can fertilize with complex fertilizers. For foliar fertilizer you can use “Bud Plus” (1 package per 2 liters of water) or “Zircon” (1 ml per 2 liters of water). Agricola-aqua (5 ml per 1 liter of water) is suitable as a root dressing.

What difficulties might you encounter?

But here are some possible problems:

  • Minuses
  • Care should be taken when applying fertilizers. It's better to underfeed than to overfeed. For example, nitrogen in large quantities in autumn time can awaken dormant buds and cause their unnecessary active growth, which will result in the death of the rose;
  • In the spring, night frosts occur, so fragile bushes should be covered with burlap or other material at night. suitable material, and in the morning remove the cover. If the plant has already been damaged, then you need to cut off the dry stems, spray with Epin and build a shelter for further protection;
  • at late autumn transplant roses may freeze. In order for the plant to take root, it must be planted 3 weeks before the first frost. For the winter you need to cover it well. Best to use ordinary land, since improper covering with other materials often causes the bush to become rotten and die.

Using these simple tips, you can easily create a gorgeous rose garden. Let the queen of flowers delight you every year with her lush blooms.

Roses are difficult to care for, so moving them to a new place or planting young shoots should be done according to the rules. It is best to transplant roses to another place in the fall, a month before the onset of frost. During this period, the plant is preparing for winter and will easily survive the move.

If you plan to transplant roses in the spring, then this must be done before the buds on the bush swell. In summer, it is worst to move the bush to a new place, so such manipulations are carried out only in extreme cases.

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    Transplanting roses in autumn

    Rose bushes are whimsical, they require careful care, and replanting them requires following the rules in selecting soil, taking care of the root system and choosing the time of year to “move.”

    Depending on the region of Russia, the time for replanting shrubs varies:

    • V Middle Zone October is best;
    • for the South of Russia, Moldova, Ukraine from October 15 to December 5;
    • for colder ones: Moscow region, Ural - from the beginning of September for a month.

    Important! At least a month must pass from the moment the bush is planted in a new place until the first frost begins.

    Roses transplanted in the fall should produce young shoots and have time to take root in their new location before winter. Before the onset of cold weather, they are covered with dry leaves, peat or sawdust.

    In the spring, after the onset of warmth, the transplanted plants build up the root system and form a crown of leaves. The shoots tolerate spring cold well and grow actively.

    At autumn planting Roses moved to a new location will bloom at the same time as the rest of the bushes.

    Moving bushes in spring

    Spring replanting is carried out in the Moscow region from May 5 to 30, in the Middle Zone and warmer regions from April 20 and throughout May.

    The main rule for planting adult rose bushes in the spring is stable warm weather and a soil temperature of more than +10. Replant roses until the buds swell.

    It is necessary to replant bushes in the spring on a cloudy day or in the late afternoon.

    In spring, transplanted bushes require careful care: the soil must be moderately moist at all times, and the bush itself must be shaded from the sun with light material or branches.

    A bush planted in spring will first build up its root system, and only then will it direct its efforts to the development of shoots. It will bloom later and less abundantly than other bushes.

    Is it possible to replant roses in summer?

    In summer, the rose is replanted only if absolutely necessary. 2 hours before the start of work, the bush is watered abundantly. You need to move the plant on a cloudy day or in the evening.

    For roses transplanted in summer, correct, moderate watering, as well as strong shading, are important. The plant should always be in partial shade, regardless of the time of day.

    Such a rose bush will suffer for a long time and slowly grow its root system. At the same time, young shoots and new buds must be trimmed so that the plant takes root.

    Sequence of shrub transplantation

    In order for a rose to take root in a new place, you must follow the rules for digging up the bush, preparing the soil for planting and caring for the plant afterwards.

    Compliance with all transplantation rules will significantly increase the plant’s chances of successful establishment in a new place in any warm season.

    How to prepare the soil?

    In the selected area, a planting hole should be prepared in advance. It is optimal to prepare the soil in the fall for spring planting or in the spring for autumn planting. If this is not possible, then it is correct to do the work 14 days before planting or, in extreme cases, 2-3 days.

    The hole is made with dimensions of 60 X 60 cm and a depth of up to 80 cm. The larger the bush, the larger the prepared planting hole should be (+10-15 cm to the width of the root). The soil is removed from the hole layer by layer. The upper layer is mixed with humus or manure and placed at the bottom of the pit. The remaining soil can be used to make compost.

    Next in seat fill the fertile soil and mix it with humus or rotted compost. Then the soil is watered once a week. And when you need to plant roses, then upper layer lift and plant the bush.

    If a planting hole is prepared immediately before planting, then a layer of humus is placed on the bottom, and bone meal, ash and superphosphate are added to the garden (forest) soil.

    To fill the holes, it is advisable to use the following mixture:

    • 1 bucket of earth (forest);
    • 1/2 bucket of humus;
    • 1/2 bucket of sand;
    • 1/4 bucket of clay;
    • 1/2 bucket of peat;
    • 1/2 bucket turf land(meadow);
    • 1 cup bone meal;
    • 1 glass of ash;
    • 1 handful of superphosphate.

    The components must be mixed well and only then poured into the bottom of the hole.

    Preparation of the bush

    Before transplanting, roses are pruned, which will allow the bush to grow its root system when minimum costs for forcing stems. The degree of pruning depends on the type of bush:

    • bush roses are cut to 20 cm;
    • standard - 1/3 of the length of the shoots;
    • curly - 1/2.

    For a successful transplant, you first need to carefully dig up the bush without damaging the root system.

The undoubted queen of the garden plot is capricious, and in order to admire her magnificent image and wonderful aroma, the gardener will have to work hard. There are situations when roses need to be urgently moved to a new place, and this applies not only to young plants, but also to “long-livers”. To minimize the stress of replanting in the autumn, you need to follow a number of rules regarding the timing of replanting and the process of gardening work itself.

What time to replant roses

It is best to transplant roses to a new location in the fall, especially for regions with a mild climate. During this period, the soil is still saturated with heat, which will allow the roots to grow before the onset of frost. In regions with cold climates, the procedure is carried out between late August and mid-September. In areas with a cool climate, for example in the Moscow region, October transplants are common, and in the south the peak earthworks falls in the month of November.

Autumn is the best time to transplant roses to a new place.

The process of transplanting roses should be organized 2-3 weeks before the first frost occurs. Moving to a new place is possible in the spring, but at this time of year the weather is changeable, which makes it difficult to choose the right moment. In addition, autumn is famous for frequent rains and high humidity, which has a positive effect on plant rooting.

Important. In areas with low temperatures, excessive rainfall, strong winds and heavy soil, replanting is best done in the spring.

Requirements for transplant site and soil

The optimal place for planting roses is an open, well-lit area. Conduct gardening work It is better in the first half of the day, when moisture quickly evaporates from the leaves, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. There must be a good outflow of moisture in the area so that stagnation does not occur in the spring melt water, but the roots did not rot.

When transplanting roses to another place, you need to know their requirements for the degree of illumination: many varieties do not tolerate midday sun. Exposure to scorching rays leads to rapid withering of plants, fading of their color and burning of the petals. Such sensitive varieties are transplanted into areas fenced with large bushes or trees with an openwork crown. In this case, the plants must be at a certain distance so that their roots do not compete with each other in the struggle for moisture and nutrients.

In cold regions, sunnier areas are chosen for roses.

In the northern regions, bushes are planted in areas with maximum light sun rays: in such areas the sun gives off less ultraviolet radiation, which is barely enough for the development and flowering of roses.

When transplanting flowers, you should avoid deeply shaded areas, as well as areas exposed to north and northeast winds. It is not recommended to move roses to those garden segments where Rosaceae - serviceberry, rowan, cherry, quince, bird cherry, etc. - grew for 10 years or more.

The soil for transplanting roses should be loose and fertilized. Almost all soils are suitable for this plant, but ideal option will become slightly acidic loamy soils With optimal quantity humus and minerals. The land should be “rested” from plantings for at least a year.

A few days before transplanting, fertilizers for roses are added to the soil, and a layer of earth is sprinkled on top to prevent burning of the root system.

How to prepare roses for autumn replanting

Roses must be prepared in advance for autumn relocation. In August, the bushes are fed with autumn fertilizers for roses, potassium salt, superphosphate or potassium chloride. Superphosphate stimulates root growth, and potassium prepares the plant for cold weather.

Methods of transplanting roses

A bush, climbing or tea rose can be replanted using two methods widely used by flower growers.

Classic way

This method is acceptable in the case where it was not possible to preserve the earthen ball and the root system was exposed. An undeniable advantage of this method is the ability to thoroughly examine the root system and remove damaged and weak roots.

At classical way the root system is inspected, after which the seedling is placed in the prepared hole.

A transplant based on the classical method is carried out in several steps:

  • after sanitary pruning, the root system is placed in a container with a solution of humates for 1.5 hours;
  • the planting hole is filled with a small mound into which the seedling is installed;
  • after this the hole is filled fertile soil, compacted and watered.

Wet method

A method more convenient for beginner gardeners.

It consists of the following:

  • a bucket of water is poured into a previously prepared hole, a tablet of humate or heteroauxin is added (according to the manufacturer’s instructions);
  • a seedling is placed in the water along with a lump of earth, after which a little more liquid is added;
  • when the moisture is absorbed, the hole is filled with fertile soil, compacted and mulched;
  • Thorough watering is carried out to eliminate air spaces.

Transplanting rose bushes in autumn: detailed instructions

Before transfer to autumn period The roses need to be watered generously, and after 2-3 days the plants must be dug up with a displacement of approximately 25-30 cm from the base. It will not be difficult to remove young bushes from the ground, but with old ones you will have to work hard. First of all, they are dug up with a shovel and loosened with a pitchfork, then the overgrown roots are shortened and the bush is transferred to a wheelbarrow or onto a thick tarpaulin.

The rose bushes are carefully removed from the hole using a pitchfork.

During autumn replanting, the shoots are not disturbed, but only slightly pruned: key pruning will be carried out in the spring. Dried, weak, immature branches and leaves are destroyed.

Attention. If the bushes are dug up and replanting is postponed for up to 10 days, you should wrap the bare roots or earthen ball with wet burlap or jute cloth. This plant should then be placed in a cool, dark place with proper air permeability. Periodically it is necessary to check whether the winding material has dried out.

It is best to prepare holes for autumn replanting in the spring, but this is not always possible. In this case, it is advisable to do this at least two to three weeks before the transplant.

If on garden plot high-quality black soil or fertile soil predominates bulk soil, then holes should be dug to the planting depth plus 10-15 additional centimeters. If the soil is rocky and unsuitable for growing roses, then the excavation is made with a reserve of about 30 cm. One day before transplanting, the depressions are completely filled with water.

Before planting roses, the soil is pre-prepared and fertilized.

The soil for backfilling is prepared in the following proportions:

  • fertile garden soil - 2 buckets;
  • sand, peat and humus - 1 bucket each;
  • weathered clay - 0.5-1 bucket;
  • bone meal and ash - 2 cups each;
  • superphosphate - 2 handfuls.

You can also go with a simpler option:

  • turf soil and peat - 1 bucket each;
  • bone meal - 3 handfuls.

So, how to transplant a rose to another place? The procedure should be carried out on a warm, calm day.

If roses are transplanted with an earthen lump, then the following manipulations are performed:

  • a layer of prepared soil mixture of such thickness is poured onto the bottom of the planting hole so that the earth ball is located at the desired level;
  • planting depth depends on the grafting site: for bush and ground cover roses 3-5 cm below soil level, for climbing plants - 8-10 cm;
  • empty spaces are half filled with fertile soil, carefully compacted and watered abundantly;
  • after complete absorption of moisture, the earth is added to the boundaries of the pit, lightly pressed down and moistened again;
  • After a certain time, watering is repeated so that the soil is moistened to the entire depth of the planting hole.

When replanting roses with bare roots, you must adhere to certain rules. The first thing to do is soak the root system for 24 hours in water with the addition of rooting agents. After this, the roots are dipped into a creamy mixture of 2 parts clay and 1 part cow dung.

Roses with bare roots are pre-soaked in a root-forming solution for 24 hours.

A layer of prepared soil mixture is placed on the base of the planting hole in the form of a hill into which the bush is installed. The roots are carefully straightened around the mound so that they do not bend upward. They are successively filled with fertile soil, systematically compacting it. After the plant is completely replanted, the edges of the hole are pressed down with the handle of a shovel, and the soil inside the planting sphere is carefully pressed down with your foot. At the end of the procedure, abundant watering is carried out, the location of the root collar is checked, soil is added, and after that the plant is earthed up to 20-25 cm.

In the video, the gardener shows how to properly transplant a rose to a new location.

Every gardener knows that nothing is permanent in the garden, so plants in plots can often change their place at the request of the owner. At the same time, it is necessary to plant and replant not only young and recently purchased seedlings, but also already mature plants, for example, rose bushes. And in order to properly transplant a rose, you need to know several subtleties of this process.

When to replant a rose?

The best time to transplant an adult rose is early spring or late autumn. In regions where frosts occur earlier, you should give preference to spring, then there should be no problems with wintering the bushes. If it is not possible to replant in the spring, then it is better to do it in late August - mid-September.

Should you replant roses in the summer?

In most cases, it happens that the redevelopment of the garden is a spontaneous decision made against the backdrop of already blooming “newbies” in the midst of summer, when no one is thinking about winter yet. Summer is not the best time to transplant roses, but if there is no other option, then this option is possible. Then the gardener will need additional efforts to help the plant take root in a new place: he will have to sacrifice flowering and do “heavy” pruning.

A large bush is pruned to 40-50 cm, and some of its shoots can be completely removed to save the rose's strength in the future. This may also be a chance to give the bush the desired shape. If the bush is still small, then it will be enough to trim the immature shoots and remove the existing buds and flowers.

A rose transplanted in summer will require abundant watering in the first month. The soil around it should not dry out. A good decision will shade the plant for a while and spray the leaves daily with plain water. Naturally, the transplant itself should take place on a cloudy day, when there are no scorching sun rays.

Transplanting an adult rose

At the very beginning, you need to make sure that the conditions for growth and flowering in the new place will not be very different from the previous ones. It is better to try to provide the rose with the usual amount of light and protection from the wind at least in the first 2 weeks after transplantation.

After choosing a location, a planting hole is prepared, from which all weed roots are removed. The bottom is filled with compost mixed with horn shavings, which should provide the bush nutrients, and most importantly - nitrogen. Compost can be replaced with rotted manure. It is advisable to let the hole settle so that the soil and fertilizers inside settle, after which you can begin digging up the rose.

It is best to dig up a plant approximately along the projection of its crown, but this is not always possible, so it will be enough to try to dig up a bush with the largest possible lump of earth. In rose gardens equipped according to all the rules, this is quite difficult, because the soil is usually light and loose. Therefore, you need to water the rose well so that the soil sticks better around its roots. The lump should be of such a size that the plant can be moved to a new location without damage.

First, it is better to dig around the bush, and then gradually deepen the resulting trench, trying to get to the base of the bush. To avoid damaging the earthen lump and roots, you can wrap the soil on the side of the bush with a cloth or plastic film. Long roots that interfere with the extraction of the bush can be cut off. With further proper care the rose will be able to quickly restore its root system.

If you have difficulty pulling out the bush, you can use a lever, the role of which is best served by a simple crowbar. A shovel and a wooden stick are unlikely to be suitable for the role of leverage, as they can break. After you have managed to get the bush, it should be immediately transported to a new location. If reaching a new place requires a long journey, then it is better to wrap the earthen lump and protruding roots with a damp cloth to prevent drying out.

After this, soil (or a mixture of compost, rotted manure and horn shavings) is poured up to half of the hole and watered abundantly. Then the soil is filled to the required level and watered again. When the water has been absorbed into the ground, more soil is added around the bush and compacted well so that there are no large air voids left around the roots.

If during digging it was not possible to preserve the earthen lump, then you need to carefully examine the root system and get rid of diseased and damaged roots. The cut areas can be treated with liquid clay. Then the bush is placed in the planting hole and gradually buried so as not to damage the roots.

There are times when plants do not notice the changes that have occurred. However, in most cases of summer transplantation, the rose “sits” for a long time before beginning active growth again. But do not forget that roses are resilient enough to withstand the manipulations described above.