How to transfer from spam to inbox mail. Why do my emails end up in spam?

Spam is unwanted emails or mailings that may be sent to your address. They may contain promotional offers, "letters of happiness", computer viruses or turn out to be a phishing attempt. To create a database of addresses, spammers use programs that select addresses using a special dictionary or collect addresses published by users on public sites.

Unsolicited mailings should be distinguished from honest ones. The user usually gives his explicit consent to receive honest mailings. You can unsubscribe from such mailings.

To recognize spam, Yandex.Mail uses the Spam Defense service, which learns from user complaints about spam. It places suspicious emails with signs of spam in the Spam folder.

Note. Emails from the Spam folder are automatically deleted after 10 days. It will be impossible to recover deleted messages.

Yandex.Mail filters not only incoming, but also outgoing correspondence. Each letter is scanned by the NOD32 antivirus program. If a virus is detected in the letter, it will be rejected by the mail server, and the sender will receive a report.

Problems with spam

This step by step guide will help you solve problems related to spam. Before you begin, please follow the recommendations.

Select an issue:


I receive spam in my inbox

I receive a lot of spam in my Spam folder

I'm receiving spam from my address

I receive other people's letters

I see the message “The email cannot be sent because it appears to be spam”

In the mail program I see the error “Message rejected under suspicion of SPAM”

Necessary emails go to the Spam folder

I receive a lot of mailings. How to unsubscribe?

I receive suspicious emails

If you think you have received a spam email in your Inbox, select the email you want and click the This is spam!

- the letter will be moved to the Spam folder, and the necessary information will be sent to Spam Defense.

Advice. Send unwanted emails to Spam one at a time - all emails from the same sender moved to the Spam folder at the same time count as one complaint.

","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false)]))" >

If the email ended up in the Spam folder by mistake, click the Not Spam! button.

- new letters from the mailing list will be sent to your Inbox.

Spam defense takes into account both general and “personal” filtering rules that apply to an individual mailbox. If you consider mailing letters to be unsolicited, and a user of another mailbox considers them to be useful, they will end up in the Spam folder in your mailbox, and in the Inbox folder in the other user's mailbox.

If a lot of spam letters arrive in the Spam folder, it means that Spam Defense is working. If the emails are truly suspicious, leave them in this folder - they will be automatically deleted after 10 days. If among these letters there are the ones you need, restore them.

  1. If you want to automatically delete letters from the Spam folder immediately after they are received, set up a letter processing rule: In the Apply list, select a value.
  2. to all emails, including spam In the section If you specify: « next condition<имя_домена>» .
  3. From whom it contains In chapter Perform an action
  4. select Delete.

Click Create Rule.

Specify what address is indicated in the To field of these letters?

If your address is written with a hyphen, but you receive letters with an address separated by a dot and vice versa, these are most likely not someone else’s letters, but yours. Yandex.Mail considers addresses written with a dot and a hyphen to be equivalent. These are aliases - synonyms for the address of the same mailbox. They always belong to the same recipient. That is, if you have registered an address[email protected] Yandex.Mail considers addresses written with a dot and a hyphen to be equivalent. These are aliases - synonyms for the address of the same mailbox. They always belong to the same recipient. That is, if you have registered an address, you can send and receive letters to the address

. No one else will be able to use both of these addresses.

If your address is written in lowercase letters, but you receive letters with an address in capital letters and vice versa, these are most likely not someone else's letters, but yours. Yandex.Mail considers addresses written in lowercase and lowercase to be equivalent. in capital letters Yandex.Mail considers addresses written with a dot and a hyphen to be equivalent. These are aliases - synonyms for the address of the same mailbox. They always belong to the same recipient. That is, if you have registered an address[email protected] Yandex.Mail considers addresses written with a dot and a hyphen to be equivalent. These are aliases - synonyms for the address of the same mailbox. They always belong to the same recipient. That is, if you have registered an address, you can send and receive letters to the address

. These are aliases - synonyms for the address of the same mailbox. They always belong to the same recipient. That is, if you have registered an address

If you receive letters from an unfamiliar address, the reasons may be:

If you receive a letter from an unfamiliar sender, the sender may have made a mistake when specifying the recipient's address. You can inform the sender about the error or ignore such a letter.

When registering on the site, someone indicated your address as a contact. On some sites you can register without confirmation Email, so people may indicate someone else’s email address when registering. Even though this person has indicated your address on the site, he will not be able to use your mailbox. If you do not want to receive emails from this site:

  1. Add the address of the sender of these letters to the Black List.
  2. Contact the site administration and report that your address is listed on the site by mistake.

If you receive a letter from a sender you know, sent to someone else's address rather than yours, then most likely your address is listed in the Bcc field. Such letters may be intended specifically for you. Contact the sender via another communication channel and verify that this letter was received correctly.


If you receive a letter from an unknown sender, sent to someone else's address, then most likely your address is listed in the Bcc field. Such emails may be spam.

In some cases, this may happen if another mailbox is configured to forward to your address. If forwarding is not set up by you, contact the administration of the service where the mailbox that forwards letters is located and attach a copy of the letter with its properties.

If you receive the error message “The email cannot be sent because it appears to be spam” (“Spam limit exceeded” or “Spam limit exceeded” or prompted to enter check digits), this could be due to the following reasons:

Same or template letters are sent

The same type or template letters, as well as letters with commercial or advertising offers, are sent from your mailbox. Sending such letters is not allowed in Yandex.Mail - our service is intended for live communication between people.

Advice. If you want to send mass emails to your partners or clients, use only special ones for this.

The limit on sending emails per day has been reached

A large number of letters are sent from your mailbox every day - this is regarded by our security system as spam. Letters can be sent either with your participation or without your knowledge.

To prevent this from happening, Yandex.Mail has established technical restrictions on sending letters per day. These restrictions cannot be circumvented or changed.

  • Limitations in Mail
  • Restrictions in Mail for a domain

During the day you can send 500 letters from one mailbox. If there are several recipients in a letter, then the letter to each of them is considered a separate letter.

During the day you can send 3000 * letters from one mailbox. If there are several recipients in a letter, then the letter to each of them is considered a separate letter.

Additionally, there are restrictions on the number of recipients:

Number of recipients Limitation
3000 *
5000 *
Number of recipients Limitation
Total in all letters per day (from one mailbox) 3000 *
Total in all letters per day (from all mailboxes of one domain) 5000 *
In one letter sent through the site 50
In one letter sent through an email program or via SMTP protocol 35

*Only external recipients are taken into account; mailbox owners on this domain are not taken into account.

Your account seems suspicious

Our security system has considered your account suspicious. Most often, this happens because there is no phone number associated with your mailbox or a fictitious first and last name is indicated in your Passport.

Emails are sent to non-existent addresses

A large number of letters from your mailbox were sent to non-existent addresses. If the email was sent to a non-existent address, you will receive an automatic non-delivery report.

We have received several complaints from users about spam being sent from your address.

If this happened, Sending emails from your mailbox will be blocked. Only sending letters is blocked - you will be able to log into Mail and receive letters. The blocking will end automatically after 24 hours unless you try to send an email during this time, otherwise the blocking will continue for another 24 hours.

While you're waiting for the lock to be lifted, follow these tips to help avoid the problem in the future:

  1. CureIt! from Dr.Web and Virus Removal Tool After this, change your password.
  2. Indicate authentic ones in Yandex.Passport and link them to your account.

    Note. If you use Yandex.Mail for a domain, provide accurate information for all mailboxes in the domain.

  3. Make sure that the recipients' addresses are recorded correctly and are not out of date.
  4. Make sure that all recipients of your emails have voluntarily agreed to receive them.

If a message appears "Message rejected under suspicion of SPAM", the contents of your email were recognized by Yandex.Mail as spam. To solve the problem, open Yandex.Mail and send any one letter as a test. This way you will prove to the system that the letters are not being sent by a robot.

Check your computer for viruses using free antivirus programs: CureIt! from Dr.Web and Virus Removal Tool from Kaspersky Lab.

If the message you need has ended up in the Spam folder by mistake, select it and click the Not Spam! button.

- the letter will move to Inbox. After some time, all letters from this address will again arrive in the Inbox folder.

  • What to do if you have already become a victim of scammers If your account has been debited illegally cash
  • , contact the police department. If you clicked on a phishing link,
  • check your computer for viruses using free antivirus programs: CureIt! from Dr.Web and Virus Removal Tool from Kaspersky Lab.
If you entered a password on a fake page, be sure to change it on the page, link it to your account, and also change the security question and answer to it. It is better to do this after checking for viruses. If access to your account is lost, use.

What to do if a phishing email is not marked with a warning

If you find a phishing or suspicious email that is not marked with a special warning, please report it to us via , attaching its properties.

Write to support service

» Alexey Drozdov wrote a column for the “Cases” section about why most mailings end up as spam and how to deal with it.

Many novice email marketers believe that the success of an email campaign depends solely on the quality of the content, forgetting that the emails may not reach their recipients at all. “Photostrana” sends out 25 million letters every day, of which a small part ends up in spam.

From our experience, we have learned ten rules that will help minimize the percentage of your mailing that ends up in spam and make the statistics of delivered letters in Postmaster no worse than ours.

Authorization and identification of the sender

Email clients consider the new IP address to be an increased threat, and therefore check letters from it more carefully. New addresses need to be “warmed up” - letters should be sent to a small, proven database, gradually increasing it. Warming up takes about six months, and the reputation is maintained until the spam rate exceeds critical values.

Double Opt-in and unsubscribe from mailing lists

Subscription confirmation letter


Mail clients filter some tags and layout attributes for security. Avoid using classes and minimize CSS styles, especially for object positioning. Don't use scripts, because even if you don't end up in spam because of them, they still won't work.

Most best option for letters - tabular layout: it guarantees that the letter will look as intended. When sending an email in HTML format, take care of those whose email clients do not read it. Add a plain text version of the letter.

Ideally, the text volume should exceed 500 characters. You should not overuse stop words from the following conditional categories:

  • Enrichment (money, earnings, benefits, savings).
  • Freebie (free, gift, give away, bonus, cheap).
  • Urgency (urgent, fast, right now, just today).

The absence of stop words in the text, although it does not guarantee that it will be included in the Inbox, still increases your chances. Mail filters work much more complexly: they analyze the entire text array and compare it with spam “samples”. If the text is similar to what spammers use, then your letter will end up in the spam folder. And don’t overload the letter with pictures: there should be more text than images.

Do not use popular calls to action in the subject line (“click-buy-download”) and more than one exclamation point in a row. The latter, by the way, applies to the entire text. Spam filters also instantly respond to hidden text, that is, written in small font or in white on a white background. So even if you have good intentions (for example, you wanted to hide or make the preheader less noticeable), then it’s better to abandon this idea.

Sample letter that Fotostrana users receive

Links in email and tracking pixels

Email clients have a negative attitude towards link shorteners and a large number links in the letter, especially if they lead to different domains. You can also end up in spam if you provide a link to a domain with a bad reputation. In addition, filters check the link text to ensure it matches the destination address. For example, a spam filter will work if the text “” leads to any other site.

Despite the popularity of the tracking pixel method for tracking email open rates, email clients are wary of it. It is not difficult to embed malicious code into it, so such letters are checked more carefully.

Base hygiene

The cleanliness of the base must be maintained regularly. Email providers use addresses that have not been used for more than 6-12 months as traps to track spam. The presence of even one decoy address in the list is enough to ruin your reputation.

Control the percentage of bounces and getting into spam. The critical bounce rate for and is 10%, for Mail.Ru - 5%. It is better to keep the Spam rate within 0.1%, although some email clients allow a value of up to 0.3%.

Behavioral factors

Yes, they got to the mailing lists. Behavioral factors include opening a letter, clicking on the “Spam” and “This is not spam” buttons and deleting it without reading it; other parameters are not advertised. There is a possibility that the length and completeness of reading and the use of filters are also taken into account.

Segmentation of the database by language and mail service

A letter in Cyrillic to an English-speaking user will be a negative signal for the email client. It is also recommended to segment the database by email clients so that the letters best meet the requirements of each of them.

Affiliate Marketing Campaign Tracking

If you work with affiliate programs, it is better to prohibit traffic from email newsletters, since not all webmasters have high-quality and legal emails. As a rule, this is spam on purchased listings, which will ultimately negatively affect the reputation of your domain.

Registration in Postmaster

Yandex, Mail.Ru, Gmail, Outlook have Postmasters, and in addition to information about email deliverability, registering with Postmaster will add weight to you in the eyes of the email client. Foreign services without a postmaster have the opportunity to register your mailing list: you just need to indicate the sender’s details and the approximate volume of mailings per day to the mailboxes of this client.

Troubleshooting: how to return mailings from spam

First of all, minimize negative factors: check DKIM, SPF, email content. If you end up in a spam database, you will have to contact its administrators directly.

As a rule, this work is undertaken by the mailing list service, but you must prove that the person who complained about you subscribed to the mailing list. With Double Opt-in, solving such problems is much easier. And if you end up in spam with a specific email client, then write to him. The procedure is similar: to unblock you need to prove that you are not a spammer.

What to do if your emails end up in SPAM? The article provides recommendations by following which you will significantly reduce the risk of your messages ending up in SPAM.


The first and most important rule.

Register a reverse DNS record (PTR)

The PTR record must contain a domain or subdomain that links to the server. For all simple (shared) website hosting servers, a reverse DNS record is already registered. If you have ordered a VPS server, register a reverse DNS record according to the instructions

Set up an SPF record

The SPF record must have a valid value. It should contain information about all servers from which you send mail. .

Sign messages with a DKIM key

For shared hosting

Sign messages using DKIM only possible on hosting with a control panel ISPmanager 5.

  • Recommendations for sending bulk emails from Gmail
  • Yandex requirements for fair mailings
  • Mailing rules from Mail.Ru

Message requirements:

  1. Use the same “From” address in all mailing messages;
  2. The e-mail from which the mailing is carried out must exist. If an autoresponder is set up, the autoresponder text should contain clear instructions so that you can be contacted;
  3. your customer should be able to unsubscribe via a clear and visible link that takes them to an unsubscribe confirmation page and does not require them to provide any additional information other than confirmation.

Subscriber database requirements:

  1. update your subscriber base. Your database may contain non-existent addresses from which breakers can come. Such addresses must be removed from mailing lists;
  2. do not send messages to users who are not interested in your newsletter. It is advisable to periodically request users' consent to receive future communications. Over time, interest in your mailing list may wane and it is much better if the user unsubscribes from your mailing list rather than marking your message as SPAM.

The other day I was talking with a client about spam mailings; he complained that his letters were not being received or were constantly ending up in spam. I started asking what method he used to send and what programs he used. It turned out that he doesn’t even know about mail system filters, spam protection, and doesn’t even bother with copying texts.

I will look at the main reasons why emails end up in spam. At the same time, we will not delve into the technical jungle. I’ll also give you some tips on how to increase the likelihood of email delivery if you are engaged in legitimate mailing (for spam, they may not be enough).

How postal systems work

All mail systems work approximately the same. The differences matter only if you constantly send spam mailings and try to achieve maximum delivery by sending a separate mailing for each mailer.

I didn’t send spam personally, but in my opinion the most stringent filtering is on People complain that even when they send a dozen commercial offers to where they are waiting, the letters end up in spam or do not end up in the mailbox at all. It hurts.

You will find the answer to many questions there.

Spam has existed for a long time, but every year mail systems come up with smarter ways to check and send it out more and more difficult. However, it is unlikely that they will ever be able to get rid of spam completely. The most stringent filter will block even half necessary letters, which will not suit the user (even now problems arise). Therefore, mailers will always have to balance between the severity of filtering and the deliverability of legitimate messages. Spam will “live” due to this edge.

The most important thing about the email filtering system

When you log into, you can see the following message:

All mail services have:

  1. Antivirus + Antispam is usually a third-party development (like - Kaspersky), which works with different mail systems, checks letters for viruses, identifies spam letters and maintains its own blacklist of mailers. If your mailing list is blacklisted, it will be filtered on all mail servers using the same design.
  2. Its own filtering system - analyzes all letters arriving on the server, compares them with each other, takes into account user actions in relation to letters (deleting, clicking the “spam” button, etc.), takes into account the speed at which they arrive, analyzes repeated information (links, telephone numbers, subject of the letter) and based on this makes a decision about the fate of the letter

Popular reasons for ending up in spam

  1. There are many identical letters, both the entire letter and individual parts: subject, phone number, link, picture. Depends on how many emails you send in a short period of time. This is just main reason ending up in spam for managers sending out commercial offers. Even though people don’t click on SPAM, the mailing is still considered spam due to the speed of the mailing.
  2. There are many non-existent mailboxes in your mailing list, for example, if you found some old database. If the mailbox does not exist, then the letter still reaches the mail server, and if there are many such letters, then the conclusion is drawn that this is an unauthorized mailing.
  3. Send letters to trap boxes. If you used a program to automatically collect email, then trap boxes could end up there, specially left where only the program would find them. And mailing to such mailboxes will definitely be considered spam.

Accordingly, the basic rules for good mailing are to use many different mailboxes, check the mailboxes for existence in advance, and control falling into traps.

  • If you use a mailing program from your computer, then no matter how many mailboxes you have and different SMTP servers (through which the sending occurs), you will be identified by your IP address. Those. You should send it from your computer only if you are confident in your database and users will not click THIS SPAM. Once your IP is blacklisted, it is very difficult to remove it from there.
  • If you use shells for mailings (i.e. a script installed on someone else’s hacked site), then this is 99% likely to end up in spam, because such scripts do not use digital signatures dkim, spf
  • If you send messages via SMTP mail systems, you should have quite a lot of accounts so that letters from one particular mailbox are not sent very often.
  • If you have your own SMTP servers, be sure to set up digital signatures dkim, spf, dmarc (if you set up the server yourself, you’ll figure it out)
  • Bulk mailings must have a special presedence: bulk label in the technical header of the letter; this is a requirement of mail systems.

It turns out that all the reasons can be divided into 2 groups.