How to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment using folk methods and effective industrial means. How to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment yourself


Fighting bedbugs

Alternative Methods

Since exterminating bedbugs on your own can be very problematic, experts recommend seeking help from companies whose scope of activities includes insect removal. Experienced employees will carry out the necessary activities using modern drugs. Contacting specialized companies allows you to short time clear the house of uninvited guests. In addition, employees will take a full course of measures to prevent their recurrence. You can consult with specialists and get the necessary recommendations.

Folk recipes

Special temperature regime

Effective recipes

Since ancient times, people have used plants to repel various insects. One of these is wormwood. It is used both in dried and fresh. For those who are looking effective way on how to destroy house bugs, there are very effective recipe. You need to take boiling water (150 ml), turpentine (15 ml), kerosene (20 ml) and soap (50 g). All ingredients are mixed. The resulting composition must be used to treat the room, including hard to reach places and surfaces. After this, it is not recommended to stay in the house for several hours, as there will be a very specific smell. After 2-3 hours the room must be ventilated.

The best remedy for bedbugs

It should be said that, despite its popularity, traditional methods not as effective as chemical drugs. In addition, there are modern means, harmless to the owners of the premises. They allow you to eliminate pests in a short time. One of these drugs is “Bedbug Executioner”. Below is a description and recommendations for use.

Characteristics of the drug

This product is fast-acting and highly effective. The undoubted advantage of the drug is its safety for all inhabitants of the home, including animals and children. Many consumers believe that this the best remedy from bedbugs, also because its cost is not so high. The price of the drug is about 70 rubles. One bottle is enough to disinfect, say, a sofa. For use throughout the room, a larger volume will be required, but the drug is available in stores in almost every city.

Among all insects that temporarily or permanently settle in human housing, bedbugs are the most resistant to various kinds insecticides and control methods. In cases where cockroaches completely leave the apartment, and ants die out within a few days, bedbugs may not even reduce their activity. That is why today on the market of home and professional insecticides there are many products aimed specifically at killing bedbugs.

However, despite such a weak vulnerability, it is relatively easy to destroy bedbugs in a single apartment. It is only important to use the right ways fight them and start it as early as possible.

How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment: all methods

There are four main groups of methods for controlling house bugs, giving different result and used depending on specific circumstances.

1. Use of chemical insecticides

This is the most common, universal and effective method. Allows you to cope with insects at any level of infestation of the apartment, in any season and at any time. different composition families.

Effective preparations for killing bedbugs are quite expensive, but their main advantage is the need for only one-time use: subject to necessary conditions After one treatment of the room, bedbugs are unlikely to appear in it again.

Synthetic insecticides such as Karbofos, Dichlorvos, Executioner, Fufanon and others are mildly toxic to humans, but can still cause trouble. Therefore, exterminating bedbugs at home with their help requires strict adherence to the instructions and compliance with safety measures.

2. Temperature treatment

The main advantage of temperature control of bedbugs is that it is harmless to other inhabitants of the house. After treating the room, you can return to it immediately as soon as the thermal regime is comfortable for the person.

But the disadvantages of this method are the difficulty in its implementation, and sometimes the fundamental impossibility of it.

3. Mechanical methods of control

Mechanical destruction consists of simply crushing bedbugs, destroying their nests with a vacuum cleaner, washing with high temperature things that may contain bedbugs and their eggs.

Due to the small size of insects and the inaccessibility of their nests, such control is ineffective in most cases. However, if it is combined with general renovation and updating of furniture, it can give very good results.

In the process of evolution, bed bugs managed to protect themselves to a certain extent from mechanical stress. It is very difficult to crush a hungry bug - it is almost flat. The absence of wings allows these insects to penetrate almost any crevices, and the segmented abdomen can change quite significantly in size when saturated and starved.

The most effective methods of exterminating bedbugs using modern insecticides can be done independently, and they are also used by special professional services for disinfestation of premises. As a rule, bedbug extermination specialists carry out all work faster, more completely and more efficiently ordinary person encountering the problem for the first time.

But their services cost more than the total cost of bedbug repellents and do-it-yourself pest control.

Rules for choosing the optimal method

Before you destroy bedbugs in an apartment, you need to responsibly choose a method of control. There is no need to invent or guess anything here - clear instructions have already been developed:

  1. You should first figure out how bedbugs entered the apartment. If from neighbors, you need to find out which ones, and either carry out independent disinfestation with chemicals, or call the sanitary and epidemiological service. If at least one of the apartments is particularly heavily infected, you need to use the services of professionals.
  2. Only if, at the time of detection of bedbugs, it is possible to freeze the apartment (the temperature outside is minus 22 ° C or lower), you can independently carry out temperature treatment of the housing. In other cases, it is better to entrust the matter to specialists (this applies to heat treatment of housing). If the insect control service has the ability to carry out such treatment, the manager will find out the conditions when ordering and decide for himself which disinfestation agents should be used.
  3. If bedbugs in an apartment are found only in some piece of furniture - a sofa, an armchair, a mattress - then only this item can be treated. It can be taken out into the cold for several days, treated outside with any insecticide, boiling water or steam. If the treatment will be carried out indoors, it is extremely important to ensure that bedbugs from such furniture do not scatter to different corners of the apartment.
  4. Mechanical methods fights are permissible only in cases where one bedbug is accidentally found in the apartment, or when a carpet brought into the house is infected. With careful vacuuming, insects are likely to be collected and rendered harmless.

However, in most cases, apartment owners discover bedbugs and begin to sound the alarm only when there are already too many of these insects in the apartment and a complete treatment of the room is required.

Professional extermination of bedbugs: sanitary services

Professional extermination of bedbugs is a service, although quite expensive, but quite affordable. Treatment studio apartment usually costs from 1,600 rubles, depending on the region and the service itself, and a two-room apartment costs from 2,000 rubles.

A huge advantage of sanitary services is the range of their services: the destruction of bedbugs in cabins, administrative and industrial premises, complete disinfestation of any object, ensuring fleas, ants and other insects. In most cases, specialists kill bedbugs with a gas, which is an aerosol that is poisonous to insects.

The premises must be prepared for the work of exterminators. Before killing bedbugs, you must:

  • remove carpets from walls
  • arrange furniture - sofas, beds, armchairs
  • take things out of the closets and pack them in vacuum bags for further washing
  • Ensure the absence of people and pets during work.

There may be quite a lot of such nuances, but in services with good service Managers are required to introduce clients to them and give clear instructions on how to prepare the premises for processing.

All bedbug extermination services must be provided under a special contract.

Moreover, professional sanitary services must take into account the composition of the apartment’s inhabitants, and when newborn children, pregnant women or people with allergies live in it, the composition of the products used is adjusted accordingly.

Most of the drugs used by professionals are slightly toxic to humans. In addition, these same products are quite unstable in air and quickly decompose, losing all their properties. Therefore, in general, disinfestation of a premises is a relatively safe event.

However, due to the large quantities of drugs used, they can still affect the human condition. Service specialists must advise the customer about the timing of return to the apartment and further actions- washing things, wiping glass and others.

Destruction of bedbugs with cold, steam and high temperature

Fighting bedbugs using temperatures implies almost complete safety for humans, but is technologically more complex than using insecticides.

  • The destruction of bedbugs with steam is usually carried out independently by the owners of the apartment. To do this, use a kettle with boiling water, which is used to treat a sofa or mattress. Sometimes it makes sense to pour boiling water under the baseboards in small quantities. Steam treatment of clothes that cannot be boiled in water is also effective. This is done in a large saucepan, in which the clothes are placed over boiling water in a special colander. In general, the question of whether it is possible to destroy bedbugs with steam is ambiguous: the insects die in the steam, but treating the entire apartment with steam without damaging the furniture and wallpaper is very problematic.
  • Destruction of bedbugs using low temperatures This is done either by taking the furniture out into the cold or by freezing out the entire apartment in winter. Here you need to understand that both adult bedbugs and larvae with eggs are guaranteed to die only at temperatures below minus 22°C. If such temperatures are not observed in a particular area, there is no point in freezing bedbugs.

Important to remember! When an apartment freezes, heating and water supply systems can be damaged and wallpaper can peel off. Therefore, this method is not suitable for city apartments.

  • Destruction of bedbugs by heat is the most effective, safe and reliable way. When it is implemented in an apartment using industrial fan heaters, the temperature rises to +50°C and is maintained for several hours. In this case, both adult bedbugs and their larvae and eggs die.

Within a few hours after the original temperature in the room is restored, residents can return to it.

The main advantage of all temperature control methods is the possibility of eliminating odorless bedbugs in the apartment. After all, many chemicals used to combat insects have a smell, sometimes very unpleasant, and freezing or heating the apartment ensures the absence of such unpleasant consequences.

Five effective ways to destroy bed bugs in an apartment

Special anti-bedbug products, their effectiveness and nuances of use

The most frequently used means are those that lead to the fastest possible death of the insect. Listed below are some of the most popular and effective medications.

Karbofos, one of the most well-known drugs, is losing its popularity today due to the addiction of bedbugs to it and the disadvantages associated with odor and toxicity. However, it continues to be the top seller among bedbug repellents.

Executioner, a very effective new product based on Cypermethrin. Executioner has significantly less toxicity than many other products. It is produced in Germany, produced in Russia under license and is quite expensive: to treat one apartment you need to buy the drug for 1200-1500 rubles.

Domestic (bed, linen) bugs are ectoparasites of humans and warm-blooded animals. They feed on blood and live in human dwellings. Insects settle not only in places where hygiene standards are not observed. Several individuals can get into even the cleanest and cozy apartment, and then fill the entire space, because one female lays about 5 eggs per day. Let's look at how to remove bedbugs from an apartment yourself using industrial and folk remedies.

Before you figure out what to do if you have bed bugs How to get rid of them at home, let’s find out how they can get into your home. The source of infection in a room can be adults, larvae and eggs.

Specialists will carry out a complete disinfestation in less than an hour with a 1-year guarantee. The company is a member of the NP "NOD" (National Organization of Disinfectionists), which guarantees high-quality and quick effect extermination of insects and other pests.

Routes of entry:

Quite often, the question of where bedbugs come from and how to get rid of them is asked by people who have recently moved into an apartment purchased on the secondary market, which initially seemed clean. In the absence of food, these insects are capable of hibernating (anabiosis) for 6-12 months. When new residents move into the house, bedbugs become more active.

Habitats and signs of presence

Domestic bugs are active at night - from 3 to 5 o'clock. They are attracted to the smell and warmth of a person. Having reached the “victim”, the insect pierces the skin and sucks blood, while injecting an anesthetic substance.

How can you tell if your home is infested with bedbugs? Main features:

  • chains of 4-5 red itchy bites on the body;
  • smell reminiscent of almonds, cognac or sour berries (felt when large quantities insects);
  • traces of vital activity - eggs, particles of chitinous cover, excrement, traces of blood on the sheets.

If you suspect the presence of bedbugs in a room, you need to check all possible habitats. Having discovered a bedbug nest, which usually contains larvae, eggs, adults and waste, you should urgently begin cleaning the premises. Let's figure out how to get rid of bedbugs at home, the main directions of the fight:

  • insecticides;
  • folk recipes;
  • heat treatment.


When solving the problem of how to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment yourself and quickly, you can resort to the help of insecticides. They are available in the form of aerosols, powders, and solutions. They effectively destroy insects at different stages of development, affecting their nervous system. The most popular means:

Other popular products that will help you cope with the problem of how to get bed bugs out of your apartment yourself are “Delta Zone”, “Karbofos”, “Tetrix”, “Xulat micro”, “Mikrofos”, “Raptor”, “Kombat” and so on Further.

Important: Almost all modern insecticides are highly effective in controlling bedbugs. But each of them has Negative influence on the human body to one degree or another.

Folk remedies

Let's find out how to get rid of bedbugs using folk remedies. It is advisable to use them in cases where there are very few or no insects, but there is a risk of them entering from a neighboring apartment.


  1. Apply vinegar essence to baseboards, corners, vents, cracks near doors and windows, as well as places where insects were found.
  2. Wipe furniture, window sills, doors, frames with a solution of vinegar and water (50/50).

Turpentine and other means

Turpentine is a liquid obtained from coniferous trees which has a pungent odor. Due to its toxicity, it successfully fights bedbugs. To clean surfaces you can use:

  • concentrated solution;
  • boiling water (150 ml), turpentine (15 ml), kerosene (20 ml), shavings laundry soap(50 g);
  • turpentine (20 ml), kerosene (20 ml), water (70 ml), PS paste (30 g);
  • carbolic acid (60 ml), turpentine (60 ml), salicylic acid (5 ml);
  • ethyl alcohol (300 ml), turpentine (300 ml), camphor (15 g);
  • kerosene (300 ml), turpentine (300 ml), naphthalene (60 g);
  • turpentine (250 ml), kerosene (250 ml), alcohol (50 ml), water (50 ml), naphthalene (25 g).

Processing stages:

Note: Folk recipes using turpentine and other aggressive substances pose no less a threat to the human body and home environment than insecticides.


Plants with a pronounced aroma are the safest folk remedy in the fight against bedbugs. But they do not have a pronounced effect. The only action is to repel insects. In addition, you should not exclude the risk of developing allergies in your household.

How to use:

  1. Place twigs around the house.
  2. Turn dry raw materials into powder and pour into crevices.
  3. Make an infusion and treat the surfaces with a damp cloth.
  4. Pour some tea tree or valerian oil into water and spray.

Safety rules and processing steps

Safety precautions must be strictly observed when using insecticides and folk recipes with aggressive substances. Basic Rules:

  1. Even if it is indicated that the drug is safe for people and pets, remove them from the premises for several days.
  2. Read the instructions carefully. Pay attention to the method of diluting the product and the list of surfaces that can be treated.
  3. Open windows or vents.
  4. Put on individual means clothing - respirator, rubber gloves, goggles, workwear.
  5. After disinsection, wash or throw away clothes, take a shower, rinse your nose and mouth.

Algorithm for cleaning rooms from bedbugs:

Cleaning the bed and sofa

If you have a problem, how to get rid of bedbugs in the sofa, you should prepare for painstaking work. Stages:

  1. Disassemble the piece of furniture as much as possible.
  2. Place all parts vertically. Inspect them.
  3. Remove the patch from the back surface of the back.
  4. If there are covers, unfasten and remove them. Wash.
  5. Spray the product intensively on all parts, especially on the tray, ends and back.
  6. If the product allows, treat soft seats, paying attention to folds.

Algorithm for cleaning the bed:

  1. Remove bedding and wash at the highest possible temperature.
  2. Shake out and clean pillows and blankets.
  3. Place the mattress vertically. Inspect. Unfasten or prop up the trim to gain access to the interior.
  4. Inspect carefully wooden frame, especially the joints.
  5. Vacuum the mattress and frame.
  6. Treat folds, crevices and seams with insecticide.

Tip: A safe and environmentally friendly method of fighting bedbugs is to use hot steam produced by a steam generator. It is enough to treat all surfaces with this unit, and the insects will be destroyed.


To avoid getting rid of bedbugs, it is worth taking measures to prevent their appearance:

  1. A thorough inspection of all things entering the apartment - furniture, household appliances, books, luggage after spending the night in hotels.
  2. Regular cleaning, including hard-to-reach corners.
  3. Periodic inspection of possible insect habitats.
  4. Closing ventilation holes fine mesh.
  5. Routine repairs of the apartment as necessary - sealing holes and cracks.
  6. Using repellents (plants, vinegar, special pencils) if bedbugs are found among neighbors.



Professional exterminators will carry out a thorough cleaning and get rid of uninvited guests in the shortest possible time.

How to get rid of bed bugs in an apartment yourself? Can carry out processing living spaces using popular insecticides. The most effective today are the drugs "", "", "", "Mikrofos", "Pretrum", "", "", "", "", "", etc. Treating an apartment with these drugs helps get rid of bedbugs on your own.

ATTENTION! If there are bedbugs in your apartment, contact the residents of neighboring apartments and agree on ways to destroy them. It is better to carry out the treatment simultaneously, as there is a risk of re-infection from neighboring rooms.

How to process?

How to remove bed bugs? If you decide to get rid of bloodsuckers yourself, follow the following procedure:

  • Choose the right one chemical drug . Please contact Special attention whether it is possible to use it at home.
  • Opt for more safe means, without strong odors and as hypoallergenic as possible.
  • Attentively read the instructions to the selected product.
  • Clean the apartment, remove carpets, remove mattresses from beds, spread out upholstered furniture, remove the linen from the bed. If possible, move furniture away from the walls towards the center of the room. Clean all items with a vacuum cleaner.