How to treat fruit trees with diesel fuel. When and how is it better to spray fruit trees in the fall? Safety rules for treating gardens against pests and diseases

Spraying the garden plays an important role in the life of each individual plant and affects their development and fruitfulness. If you spray trees with the right compounds on time, you can significantly increase the quality and quantity of the harvest.

Let's take a closer look at the procedure for spraying a garden and answer a number of questions: what is the best way to spray trees? in early spring, late in the summer, is it worth holding the event in the fall? We will also understand the ingredients (fungicides, fertilizers, insecticides).

This article will help everyone who wants to take care of their garden on their own. If you do not have the necessary time, proper experience and a great desire to work yourself, we recommend using the services of professional gardeners. We will quickly and efficiently take care of your landing! :)

Mandatory spraying

First of all, let's tell you when to spray trees. Mandatory procedures spraying occurs in the spring. There are several of them: before the foliage appears, before and during flowering, and also after the plants have flowered. Each event has its own function.

  1. Before the first greenery appears on the branches, the garden is sprayed to destroy pests that have successfully overwintered in the bark and shoots. Spraying also serves as a preventive measure against diseases: scab, coccomycosis, clasteriosporiosis, etc. If you are interested in what to spray on trees before buds open, pay attention to copper-based preparations: copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture or specialized mixtures (sold in gardening stores).
  2. The second sanitary event occurs at the time of the appearance of the first buds. Goal: increasing immunity and resistance against fungal diseases. There is no clear answer to the question of what to spray trees with before flowering. A lot of special preparations or one of the fungicides will do: Bordeaux mixture, iron or copper sulfate.
  3. Now let's look at when and what to spray trees in the spring when they bloom. It is best to carry out two procedures: the first - after all the buds have bloomed; the second - in two weeks (when 75% of the petals have fallen). These are two complementary sprays carried out to combat garden pests (mainly ticks and weevils) and increase immunity in fungal diseases. In this case, karbofos, DDT powder or anabasine are used.
  4. When the plants fade, the next step is spraying to increase resistance to pathogens of putrefactive diseases, as well as to destroy hatched insect larvae. So, what should you spray trees with after flowering to solve these problems? Combined mixtures are already used here; you can buy them at specialized sales points.
  5. In the summer, plants are sprayed with special compounds to exterminate a certain type of insect or quickly saturate the garden with necessary microelements (so-called foliar feeding).

Our specialists will help you carry out preventive procedures. Experienced gardeners with many years of experience, they will select an effective remedy and carry out necessary work according to the “highest level”! :)

Selecting the composition

In early spring, it is effective to spray trees with diesel fuel. Spraying is carried out in March. The petroleum product does an excellent job of killing pests. Diesel oil covers the plant with a thin oily film, blocking free access to oxygen for the larvae that have overwintered on the plants. Of course, the living creatures die.

No against all kinds of fungal diseases better prevention except for spraying trees with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. They not only fight pathogens, but also increase the immunity of the garden as a whole.

Spraying with karbofos has its advantages. The substance perfectly burns pest larvae, like acid. In addition, plants are saturated with nitrogen. Therefore, karbofos is also used as a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. In view of these features, it is necessary to determine exactly when to spray trees with urea, and at what time of year - treatment of plants will entail Negative consequences. Remember - treating the garden with nitrogen-containing compounds is not permissible in a state of dormancy (March) or during the period of preparation of plantings for sleep (second half of autumn). In both cases, the use of urea will negatively affect the development of the garden.

By the way, copper sulfate is sometimes replaced with iron sulfate. It has a similar effect, but at the same time it has a useful property for some plants: it saturates them with an important microelement - iron. This trace element is involved in many oxidative processes apple trees, peach plants, cherries. Therefore, before spraying peach or apple trees with copper sulfate, carefully examine the plant for iron deficiency.

There are also folk recipes spraying substances that can replace a fungicide in the fight against certain types of pests or diseases. For example, if you are interested in how to spray trees against aphids, liquids with a pungent odor are suitable. Infusions of garlic or tobacco work well. Aphids do not tolerate strong aromas.

Our professional gardeners will help you select the active composition for your garden and carry out preventive measures. We will take care of your landing quickly, efficiently and inexpensively! :)

Technological process

Now we will tell you how to properly spray trees, consider the technology and provide a list of tools. In order to carry out the procedure, you will need:

  • special pump and spray liquid;
  • protective equipment (rubber gloves, respirator, goggles).

First of all, decide when is the best time to spray trees. The event must be held in dry weather, preferably early in the morning or after sunset. Thus, the applied liquid will be absorbed as much as possible, will not be washed off by rain and will not evaporate in the sun. So, the day and time have been chosen, it’s time to get started:

  1. Spray the active substance over the entire surface of the wood. Make sure that the composition falls evenly in fine dew. To do this, hold the tip of the spraying apparatus at a distance of 60-70 cm from the surface to be coated.
  2. Periodically shake the liquid in the pump reservoir. This is done so that the solution does not separate.
  3. At the end of the procedure, wash all pump elements. Then wash your hands and face plain soap and rinse your mouth.


After talking with novice gardeners and scrolling through many forums, we have identified a number of questions that most often plague beginners. We will try to give intelligible answers to each of them.

  • Question No. 1: when should trees be sprayed - in spring, autumn or summer?

Each spray performs its own function depending on the composition of the substance used in the procedure. For example, copper-based compounds are excellent at fighting fungal diseases, and urea is excellent at burning pests. Universal remedy there is simply no solution to all problems, so the event is held several times a year: at least three times in the spring and 2-3 times in the summer. The spring event serves as a preventative measure, and the summer event serves to destroy pests that have taken over the tree or saturate the garden. necessary elements(nitrogen, iron, etc., depending on deficiency) - this is the so-called foliar feeding.

  • Question No. 2: what should you spray trees with in March and why don’t you use urea during this period?

In early spring, spraying is carried out to destroy insects that have overwintered in the “bowels” of the tree. For these purposes, copper-based preparations or diesel fuel are often used. They do an excellent job with this task. Karbofos has unique property– it saturates the garden with nitrogen. What does it mean? Urea activates vegetation processes. There is no need to wake up the garden; it will wake up when the earth and air warm up enough. Waking up earlier will not bring anything good.

  • Question No. 3: when and with what to spray trees against leaf rollers?

This is one of the most “harmful” types of insects. They damage fruit bearings from mid-spring until almost the end of autumn. It is necessary to fight them even before the buds begin to bloom. Effective means for spraying: diesel fuel, emulsion machine oil. In mid-spring, urea is used. In summer, caterpillars can be poisoned with tobacco infusion or karbofos. If there are few pests, they are often collected and destroyed manually - but this is an ineffective method of control.

  • Question No. 4; Is it possible to spray trees during flowering?

Yes! Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! During this period, many pests hatch, mites and weevils crawl out. The latter damage the buds of the ovary, so their destruction is a primary task if you want to get a large and high-quality harvest.

Let us remind you that professional gardeners can carry out important activities for the life of your garden instead of you. We will take care of your site with the highest quality and care! :)

When and what to spray trees video

Autumn is the time to prepare the garden for the coming cold and a very important time. Your level of preparation determines how well the plants in your garden will be protected, how they will survive the winter and how well they will grow during the next season. The trees on the site must be of high quality and protected from diseases, as well as from sunburn, which can significantly damage them in the end winter period when the temperature starts to rise, and Sun rays will become more aggressive. The best way protection against pests - spraying trees.

We work with a spray gun

Most effective tool used for spraying is a spray bottle. Moreover, if trees are sprayed, as in our case, in late autumn, pesticides are used. This means you need to take precautions. Gloves, a respirator and a protective gown must be present in your arsenal. The substance with which you will treat the trees is selected based on the fact that the operation needs to be carried out in late autumn, as well as on what pests and diseases are present on the site. The weather for processing trees must be dry and windless. There is no point in spraying trees if the substance will immediately be washed away by rain or most of it will be blown away by the wind.

Spraying is carried out precisely in late autumn, before the onset of winter, when frosts can strike at any moment.

Of course, if diseased trees appear on the site, spraying should be done immediately.

Usually in November, trees are sprayed with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. Urea is also suitable, which should be taken at the rate of 500-700 g per 10 liters of water. Spray both the tree and the surrounding ground. This way you can destroy the infection around. The spray should be fine, as if the water really becomes like dust. In this case, the reliability of protection against diseases and pests will increase significantly.

There's no need to rush

It happens that gardeners are in a hurry and spray in early autumn. The result is burns on trees, loss of their strength and nutrients. Even the leaves from such an operation fall from the trees earlier than necessary, and the readiness of the plants for winter drops sharply. That is why spraying is best done in November.

You can whitewash the trunks and bases of branches with lime to protect them from rodents. Young plantings are treated with chalk. Apple and pear trees are tied at the base of the branches with matting or burlap using cherry or walnut branches or even stockings.

How can you spray trees (video)

Iron sulfate can be sprayed on trees and the ground underneath them after the leaves fall to avoid diseases that affect seeds and seeds. fruit crops and berry fields, as well as grapes.

Urea will come in handy when you need to protect trees from leaf rollers, aphids, apple blossom beetles and copperheads. True, the substance is effective only for two weeks, after which it will be necessary to re-spray.

When using a nitrogen solution, it is good to use a fungicide. You need to spray not only the trees and the ground under them, but also fallen leaves if you do not plan to remove them.

Urea – good remedy for protection against aphids. Just don’t rush into treating trees in the fall. Let the leaves fall. Best time usually occurs in November. If you do this before the leaves fall, the trees will slow down and be even less prepared for winter. The solution is prepared at the rate of 700g per 10l of water and is excellent for autumn and spring processing.

Often, to get rid of pest larvae, trees are sprayed with diesel fuel, which forms an oil film that causes suffocation in the larvae by blocking air access to them. Diesel is not a fungicide, which means its use is not limited to autumn or spring. It can be used in 50% concentration, mixed with other components in the following ways:

water, inkstone and 10% milk of lime are mixed in a ratio of 10:1:10, then 20 parts of diesel fuel are added to the resulting mixture;

5 parts of clay and water are mixed with 20 parts of diesel fuel. The result is a non-fungicidal solution that can be used even when the fruits have already appeared;

And the third option is to mix water with laundry soap in a ratio of 9:1 and add 10 parts of diesel fuel.

Sunburn - harm and protection

Another unpleasant factor that can overtake you in the end winter seasonsunburn. The surface of the snow is too light and reflects the rays well directly onto the tree bark on the south side. As a result, the bark dries out, cracks, and circulation is disrupted useful substances tree. The bark may fall off the tree, exposing an unprotected part. In addition, they like to settle in the affected areas fungal infections. As a result, affected trees become less protected, lose productivity and live shorter lives than others.

Apple trees, cherries, cherries and plums are at risk, while pears are much more resistant to such adverse effects.

However, even if nothing grows on the site except pears, it is necessary to take care of the trees.

Burn protection

To protect the tree from burns, of course, you need to reduce the degree of heating of the bark. The easiest way is to whitewash the trunk and forks of the skeletal branches with lime or simply wrap them with light-colored material. White color perfectly reflects the sun's rays and reduces the level of heating of the bark.

Whitewashing is best done in late autumn, when the temperature is above zero.

For a 10-liter bucket, take 2-3 kg of freshly slaked lime, 50-100 g of casein glue and copper sulfate 400-500g, which was previously soaked in hot water. The mixture is poured with water and kneaded until it resembles sour cream.

Whitewashing can also be carried out in snow. First you need to rake it away from the trunk, and after whitewashing, rake it in order to reliably protect the roots from frost. Thus, it is possible to disinfect the trunk and forks of the branches and protect them from pathogens that have settled on the trunk and branches.

The main thing to remember is that there is no point in whitewashing in April-May; it has no effect.

You can also protect trees using special paint “Protection” on a synthetic basis or ready-made mixture“Gardener”, “Sunshield” or “Garden Whitewash”. This method of protection is more effective than conventional whitewashing, although it requires re-application after the rains.

From available means, you can use white parchment paper and nail boards on the south side with 35mm long nails. The second method can last up to 5 years. If, in order to protect against rodents, the trees were tied with spruce branches or sunflower stems, then in this case no other protection will be required.

Experienced gardeners use grafting of varieties that are not resistant to burns into the crown or trunk of more hardy, but less valuable varieties.

With proper protection of trees, they will not only survive the winter easier, but will also be more reliably protected from pests and diseases in the next season. However, you need to know the exact or approximate time for each operation and at the same time take into account all the subtleties and conditions of each of them. Only in this case can you count on a positive result of your work.

Summer residents who are accustomed to collecting in their garden good harvest, they know that they cannot do without spraying trees against pests and diseases. What drugs to use, the best folk remedies in pest control, the most appropriate time to treat the garden is helpful information for every gardener.

Treatment of trees in winter against pests and diseases

IN winter time pest and disease control is not carried out. Plants, like the pests themselves, hibernate. The first treatment of the garden with fungicides and insecticides is carried out in the spring before buds open, and the last in the autumn after leaf fall.

Treating trees against aphids and ants

Ants often take up residence in gardens that are infested with aphids. The fight against ants is carried out to prevent the spread of aphids throughout the area. There are different ways to fight:
— sticky tape and various ant traps are placed on tree trunks;
- anthills are poured with boiling water;
- spray trees with boric acid;
- if there are a lot of insects and they cause significant damage, treat the garden with insecticides of the peritroid series (Fury, Sherpo, etc.).

Aphids can also be controlled with insecticides or traditional methods(solution of soap, ash, tincture of garlic and decoction of wormwood).

Processing cherry, apple and pear trees in spring

If there are no traces of life activity on the trees harmful insects, you can get by with one preventive treatment in March. If there are any signs of infection, spring treatment of the garden against pests takes place in three stages.

The first treatment begins when the air warms up to +5 degrees, around mid-March. Trees are sprayed with insecticides and fungicides; before this, dried branches are cut off and last year's foliage is removed.

Until mid-April, the second treatment of the garden is carried out, before the flowers bloom. For spraying, a solution of copper sulfate, colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux mixture and intestinal bioinsecticides (Lepidocide) are used.

The third treatment of trees is carried out immediately after flowering. It will help get rid of pests - caterpillars, aphids, mites, leaf rollers and fungal diseases. Spray the garden with zinc sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate, and Polychome. To treat aphids, use tobacco tincture (400 g of dry leaves per 10 liters of liquid), a decoction of tomato, potato, and wormwood leaves. Two weeks after flowering, another treatment is carried out with insecticides - Benzophosphate, Karbofos or Chlorophos.

Spraying trees and shrubs in the fall against diseases and pests

Fall pest control begins when the trees lose their leaves, at the end of October or November. Popular drugs used at this time include: Bordeaux mixture, copper and iron sulfate, urea. The treatment is designed to protect trees from fungal diseases.

Spraying trees with ammonia to deter birds

To scare away birds, spray immediately after a good rain. The composition is prepared from 4 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. Sprayed fruit trees, shrubs and berries in the garden.

Spraying fruit trees with vinegar against pests

With help apple cider vinegar fight the codling moth. To prepare the solution, 200 ml of vinegar fermented for 3 days is diluted in 3 liters of water. Pour the resulting mixture into plastic bottles, and hung on tree branches at a height of 2 meters from the ground. The codling moth is collected in bottles. Traps are changed once a week.

Using ordinary vinegar, they fight aphids. Apply a solution (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water) and spray the trees 2 or 3 times with an interval of 10 days.

Treatment of trees with 5 percent iron and copper sulfate, dosage and concentration, instructions for use

Iron sulfate is phytotoxic, so it is used for spraying after the leaves fall in the fall or before they appear in the spring. Approximately 1 tbsp. l. The drug is dissolved in 1 liter of water to obtain a solution of 5% concentration. The solution is used immediately after preparation. When spraying, wear gloves, goggles and a respirator, as the product is poisonous.

Trees are treated with copper sulfate in the spring. Prepare a solution of 1% concentration (100 g of the drug per 10 l of water) in plastic dishes. Spray trees with gloves and a respirator, as the solution is toxic.

Spraying trees with ash solution, calcium chloride with water, tobacco solution

To protect trees in the garden from fungal diseases and pests, an ash solution is used. 400 g of ash is dissolved in a small amount of water, and the mixture is heated over low heat for half an hour. Then filter, mix with 40 ml of soap, bring the volume of the solution to 10 liters. And they spray the trees.

To prepare a tobacco solution, 500 g of dry tobacco is poured with 10 liters of water, left for 24 hours, filtered, and sprayed on the plants.

For spraying with calcium chloride, prepare a 0.5 or 1% solution (50 or 100 g of calcium per 10 liters of water). During the season, 5 treatments are carried out, the first begins a month after flowering.

Spraying trees with a solution of potassium permanganate, urea, salt

A solution of potassium permanganate can increase the resistance of trees to fungal diseases. To prepare the mixture, 3 grams of potassium permanganate are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Spray trees early in the morning or in the evening.

Plants are sprayed with urea 2 times per season - in early spring and late autumn. For spring treatment, 500 g is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Such spraying will help destroy aphids, flower beetles, copperheads, etc.

Garden pests are successfully destroyed using a salt solution. 1 kg is dissolved in 10 liters of water table salt, and spray the trees. For the pests to die, the salt composition must remain on the leaves for 2 or 3 days.

Treating trees with laundry, tar, and green soap

To protect against aphids, prepare a solution of 10 liters of water and 200 grams of grated or liquid laundry soap. Spray trees in dry weather.

Treating trees with a solution of tar soap repels many insects. To prepare it, dilute 50 grams of tar soap in 10 liters of water (you can replace 1 tablespoon of tar).

Green soap based on potassium salt is used in different concentrations. It depends on the type of pest being fought. For aphids, dilute 200 or 400 g of soap in 10 liters of water, for thrips 100 g in 10 liters, and 200 or 300 grams. Spraying is carried out 3 times per season.

Spraying trees with brilliant green and iodine in the country, tar, mustard

To combat late blight, 10 liters of water are mixed with a liter of whey, 40 drops of iodine and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. Spray trees in dry weather.

With the help of brilliant green they also fight late blight and powdery mildew. To do this, dissolve 40 drops of brilliant green in a bucket of water. The resulting solution is sprayed onto trees.

Tar helps repel insect pests. To prepare the solution, dissolve 20 grams of liquid tar and 2 tablespoons of soap in 10 liters of water for better adhesion of the solution during spraying.

Trees are sprayed against pests with a mustard solution 2 weeks after flowering. To prepare the solution, 100 grams of dry mustard powder are diluted in 10 liters of water, left for 24 hours, diluted with water another 2 times, and 50 grams of laundry soap are added.

Treatment of trees with succinic and boric acid during flowering

Succinic acid is a growth biostimulator. Spraying the trees with a solution is carried out before and after flowering. For treatment before flowering 10 grams succinic acid dissolve in 10 liters of water. After flowering, a solution is prepared from 20 grams of succinic acid and 10 liters of water.

To improve fruiting, trees are sprayed with a solution boric acid. For the first time, when buds appear (10 or 20 g of boric acid are diluted in 10 liters of water). The second feeding is done a week after the first. Spray trees in the morning or evening in dry weather. This procedure reduces the fall of ovaries and improves the quality of the crop.

Treating your garden against pests and diseases in the fall is extremely important.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Autumn garden treatment is a good preventive procedure, reducing the number of overwintering pathogens;
  • autumn warmth and wet air stimulate the proliferation of microbes and bacteria. at this time they penetrate the sap flow system and are spread throughout the tree;
  • It is recommended to carry out autumn garden treatment at the beginning of leaf fall, and during this period the main work has already been completed, the gardener has more free time;
  • there is still a lot of time before the fruits ripen and can be applied more concentrated and effective mixtures;
  • special attention should be paid to the treatment of young trees. Their immune system has not yet strengthened and untreated trees may not survive until spring;
  • autumn treatment with increased concentrations of drugs destroys most insects settling in for the winter.

Processing times

Optimal time autumn processing it could be considered beginning of leaf fall.

At this time, the leaves have already turned yellow, but still remain on the tree and are convenient to process. Even high concentrations of solutions will not harm the tree - there is no longer any need for leaves.

The soil under the trees is not yet covered with fallen leaves and it also needs to be treated with a prepared pesticide. Thus, we will destroy pests that have gone to the soil for the winter and are waiting for insulation from the leaves.

Preparing the tree

Starting in mid-autumn, trees begin to prepare for winter. The winter hardiness of trees can be increased by adding phosphorus and.

The bases of skeletal branches and the tree trunk are cleaned of dead bark and pests hidden in its cracks. At the same time, the trunks and bases of branches are covered protective layer garden whitewash The trunks of young trees are tied with roofing felt, covering material or nylon tights.

How to spray fruit trees?

For spraying the garden autumn period can be used:

  • inkstone;
  • carbamide or urea;
  • drug 30B;
  • diesel fuel;
  • bishal;
  • soap-copper emulsion.



Trees are treated with a solution of iron sulfate either before the beginning of the growing season, or with the beginning of leaf fall. Dissolved in water, this powder helps fight diseases of pome and stone fruit trees, and berry bushes. The effect of iron sulfate is detrimental to moniliosis, spotting, and scab.

To treat the garden, use a 5-7 percent solution of the substance. For cooking working fluid necessary:

  • 500-700 g of powder is dissolved in a small amount of warm water;
  • after complete dissolution, the volume of liquid is adjusted to 10 l;
  • the strained mixture is poured into a sprayer;
  • set up a very fine spray;
  • Evenly cover the leaves and branches with the solution; it is not scary if some of the liquid gets on the ground. It also needs to be sprayed.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate of wasps or copper sulfate is a recognized fungicide that helps in the fight against spotting, rot, scab, coccomycosis, and lichens.

The working solution of copper sulfate for garden treatment should have a 3-5% concentration. It is prepared in the same way as iron sulfate, only 300-500 g of powder is taken for the same amount of water. Prepare and use in the same way.

Urea or carbamide

The use of urea or urea for autumn garden treatment includes treatment of trees and the soil underneath. The timing of such treatment is the beginning of leaf fall. A strong urea solution can burn out all wintering forms of pests and diseases.


Procedure for processing trees:

  • 700 g of urea or carbamide is dissolved in 10 liters of water;
  • process unfallen leaves and tree trunks;
  • The tree trunk circle is treated with the same product.

It is necessary to use such a liquid for autumn garden treatment as late as possible. nitrogen, a loading dose of which is contained in the solution, can cause the growth of new shoots. In the spring, there is no need to apply nitrogen fertilizers to trees treated with urea.

Preparation 30v

Insecto-acaricidal “Preparation 30B” destroys in the garden and on berry bushes wintering pests: scale insects, whiteflies, leaf rollers, aphids, mites, moths.

Preparation 30B

The drug disrupts the air and water balance of insects, leading to their death. Pests cannot adapt to the action of the drug; it can be used annually. The advantages of the product include environmental safety, high efficiency, excellent adhesion, and the ability to use the entire season from spring to autumn. The drug has a contact effect, it must be applied without leaving untreated areas.

The drug is very easy to dilute. It is simply dissolved in water and used within the next 2 hours after dilution.

Treatments are carried out at outdoor temperatures above +4°C.

The concentration of the solution for treating trees and shrubs is 3-4%.

The protective effect of the drug lasts from 5 to 10 days. After treatment, you can harvest the crop after 20 days.

Diesel fuel or diesel fuel (DF)

Diesel fuel

Diesel oil is an oily liquid. After treating the tree with such a liquid, an oil film forms on the surface of the bark, destroying pests by clogging their breathing holes.

Diesel fuel, being a result of oil refining, is not considered environmentally friendly pure substance, and therefore it is dangerous to use it in the spring. It is best to use this product in the fall; by the time of harvest, it will completely disintegrate and will not remain in the ripened fruits.

Successful recipes for using diesel fuel:

  • 1 part of iron sulfate is dissolved in 10 parts of water;
  • add 10 parts of lime milk of 10% concentration;
  • 20 parts of diesel fuel are added to the resulting mixture;
  • the resulting mixture is used to treat plantings after leaf fall.

Another successful recipe:

  • 5 parts clay are dissolved in 5 parts water;
  • 20 parts of diesel fuel are added to the resulting mixture;
  • The resulting emulsion is used to treat the plantings.

Another solution effective in pest control:

  • grind 1 part of laundry soap;
  • the shavings are dissolved in 9 parts of water;
  • 10 parts of diesel fuel are added to the resulting solution;
  • We treat the garden with the resulting emulsion.

When using diesel fuel, you need to remember that the density of it and water is very different, and you won’t be able to get a complete solution. When water and diesel fuel are mixed, an emulsion is formed, which very quickly separates into two fractions. Keeping this in mind, when working with such a mixture, you need to periodically shake the solution.

Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux mixture

Bordeaux mixture is a mixture of copper sulfate and lime in a 1:1 ratio. This mixture destroys foci of diseases (moniliosis, spotting, rot and fungal diseases, scab), and also destroys wintering forms of insects.

To prepare Bordeaux mixture you will need lime, copper sulfate, water, any non-metallic utensils and litmus paper:

  • in a non-metallic container in small quantities hot water dilute 1 kg of copper sulfate and bring to 50 l;
  • in another container, quench 1 kg of quicklime and dilute the solution to 50 liters, filter;
  • immediately before use, both solutions are combined - a solution of copper sulfate is added to the lime milk (not vice versa).
  • the resulting mixture is checked with litmus paper - the solution reaction should be neutral;
  • for better adhesion of the solution, add 100 g of sugar or 5 cups of paste per 100 liters of liquid;
  • The finished mixture can be purchased at a garden store.

Bordeaux mixture should be used in warm, dry, windless weather. Up to 10 liters are used per tree.


Bishofit (Bishal)

Autumn and early spring treatment of fruit trees can be carried out using the drug Bishal. This is a solution of the natural remedy bischofite. It contains almost all the microelements necessary for plants.

Depending on the concentration, this solution can be used to treat trees before buds open or before leaf fall, it can be used to treat the garden by green leaf, and it can be used to soak seeds.

Autumn treatment of the garden with a bishali solution will destroy pests preparing for winter, bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

For autumn treatment, bishal is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

Bishal, like urea, burns out all the infection that remains in the crevices of the bark, but unlike urea it contains many essential microelements.

The advantages of bishali include the absence of a waiting period after processing the garden.

Soap-copper emulsion

Another product for autumn garden treatment is soap-copper emulsion. The recipe for making it is very simple:

  • 10 g of copper sulfate is dissolved in 0.5 liters of water;
  • separately in warm water dilute 100 g of planed laundry soap;
  • a soap solution is added to the solution of copper sulfate, the volume of the mixture is adjusted to 10 l;
  • if the water is hard (flakes appear in the solution), you can add 50 g of soda ash.

If there is a high number of overwintering pests or severe infection infection, the dose of soap and copper sulfate is increased by 2-3 times.

For spring spraying use low concentrations of urea in water. Treating the soil with a urea solution in the fall is carried out at a time when the plant has already shed most of the crown; this will prevent the development of fungi in the soil in the spring and is an excellent fertilizer for the tree.

Urea must be used with caution; excessive concentration can cause leaf burns and tree death.

  1. inkstone. Unlike copper sulfate, iron sulfate involves not only effective protection from pests of fruit trees and shrubs, but also enriches the plant with iron, necessary for normal vegetation. This is especially important when caring for apple orchards, for which iron deficiency can cause low and poor-quality yields.
Spraying with a solution of iron sulfate is carried out twice a season. The first treatment should be carried out before bud formation; high concentrations of the drug can cause burns to young leaves and shoots.
Treatment of tree bark and branches will prevent the development of aphids and scab on plants, active active ingredients destroy larvae of fruit pests.
  1. Petroleum products. Most often, gardeners use diesel fuel to treat fruit trees and shrubs, which is used for spraying in spring and autumn.
Apply diesel fuel for treatment with great care; the substance has a detrimental effect on green plants, so use is only possible if there is a complete absence of foliage. In the spring, all activities with diesel fuel are carried out only during the period until buds begin to form on trees and shrubs.

Excessive concentration of diesel fuel can lead to the death of plants. It is used to inhibit decay processes on old and diseased trees.

  1. Preparation 30. This product is used to treat apple trees, plums and pears in early spring and late autumn. The drug covers the plant bark with a film that prevents oxygen from entering under it; its absence leads to the rapid death of eggs and larvae of pests.
Film formation allows as soon as possible get rid of pests at all stages of development, but its use more than several times a year is not recommended due to the formation of decomposition products of the drug.
  1. BOTTOM TO. The drug has combined properties, kills all types of fungi, and allows you to get rid of eggs and larvae of fruit tree pests.

Manufacturers of the product claim that the drug quickly breaks down into safe substances in the soil, but its danger lies in the fact that the active substances can penetrate the human body through the skin.
Due to its high cost and danger, the product is used by large gardening organizations in areas remote from residential areas.

Products recommended for treating fruit trees and shrubs should be applied in the specified concentration, but do not forget that use for spraying modern means will allow you to save significantly on the consumption of drugs.
A well-treated plant should be moderately moistened over the entire surface, and dripping of the product should be avoided, as this indicates excessive irrigation.
Most gardeners use improvised means to treat fruit trees, but for high-quality spraying it is necessary to use a spraying apparatus.

Spraying devices

The essence of the operation of the devices is to pump pressure inside the cylinder with the drug and irrigate it fruit plants and bushes. Supplying liquid under pressure allows you to significantly reduce the cost of the product and efficiently treat the entire area of ​​​​the tree. Treatment with special devices reduces the time for spraying, which minimizes human contact with aggressive substances.
There are several types of spraying devices:
  • Manual. The cheapest. To operate, a person must manually pressurize the device.
  • Mechanical. Processing large garden plots is impossible without automatic models. To work, a person needs to fill the tank with the necessary substance and spray; the device itself controls the pressure in the tank, which significantly reduces processing time and physical costs.

Secrets of processing fruit plants in spring

  • The first treatment of fruit plants should be carried out before the beginning of the growing season.
  • When using Bordeaux mixture, it is recommended to add a solution of laundry soap to it. The soap film will allow the drug to adhere to the surface of the bark and prevent it from being washed off in the rain.
  • Iron sulfate should be used in different concentrations for all plants. Young trees and plants with thin bark should be treated with the product in a small concentration.
  • Do not confuse iron sulfate with copper sulfate and do not mix it with slaked lime.
  • Spraying must be carried out not only on the surface of the trees, but also on the soil around them. The approximate processing radius is equal to the radius of the tree crown.