How to keep your apartment tidy. How having a tidy home changes your life

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Today I was going to write the second part about the lawn, which ended up being 15 rules for keeping the house clean. happens))).

What is order, cleanliness and degree of clutter at home?? These are all relative concepts. They relate exclusively to specific households and specific people. Each of us has completely individual ideas about these concepts. Someone goes through the carpet with a vacuum cleaner so that the pile lies in one direction and every speck of dust on the shelf causes a state of panic. But for some, such moments are not significant at all. I am not a supporter of absolute order and absolute purity. A home is a place where they live, live fully. Therefore, everything should be in moderation. Just enough to leave time for other aspects of life, and there should be more of it. What rules can be developed to maintain the house in an acceptable condition (and not faint if someone decides to come visit).

  1. We always make the bed in the morning. Almost immediately. An unmade bed causes a fair amount of chaos.

  2. Clean plumbing. The sink, toilet, kitchen sink, bathtub or shower must be clean.

  3. Every thing has its place. Everything you use should always be sent to its rightful place. It's tedious, yes... But this one-minute task will get rid of the accumulating mess.
  4. Wash dishes immediately(or put it in the dishwasher).

  5. Cook carefully, try to immediately remove the “battlefield”.

  6. Ventilate the apartment a lot - often - regularly.
  7. Dust regularly on surfaces. To do this less often, use a polish with an antistatic agent; dust will not settle as actively; To make it faster, free the surfaces from all unnecessary things, leave a minimum.

  8. Use a vacuum cleaner quite often (but then you can wash the floors less often). If servicing a vacuum cleaner takes a lot of time (for example, you have a washing vacuum cleaner), then leave it for more fundamental cleaning. To quickly collect dust, use a lightweight and simple upright vacuum cleaner. I have both a detergent (I clean with it once a week) and a vertical one: I plug the plug into the socket, five minutes, and the apartment is cleaner.

  9. Do wet cleaning of the floor floor at least once a week, at least with a mop.
  10. Do general cleaning regularly. Plan it in advance and add it to your schedule as something mandatory. How often? This is already individual. For some, once every two weeks, for others once a month, and for others once every six months is enough. But... the less often it happens, the larger the process itself.
  11. Get rid of unnecessary things. A home is not a warehouse, but a reflection of your lifestyle; chaos in it leads to chaos in other aspects of life. About this and .
  12. Improve your home furnishings, think about storing things. Buy baskets and containers. In a notebook or your favorite gadget, write down the dimensions of the shelves and drawers: length, height, width - this will allow you not to miss the dimensions of the containers and use the space rationally, down to the centimeter.

  13. Plan your purchases, make lists- spontaneity of shopping leads to clutter. A wonderful function of female nature: “Oh, how I like this thing! Want!" - turn it off. But don’t torture yourself with a categorical “no!”, just postpone the purchase, take a time out. As practice shows, after thinking and postponing, in 80-90% of cases you are unlikely to return for the item. When purchasing interior items, pre-taken photos of your rooms will help. For example, in my notebook there are samples of wallpaper and pieces of fabric from curtains. Sometimes it is difficult to correlate an item in a store with how it will look at home and choose shades. The purchase must be thoughtful.

  14. Keep your hallway tidy. Organize proper storage of shoes, take care of the “correct” door mat (it should well hold the dirt that we bring from the street). Remember, everyone who comes into the house sees the hallway first, and so do you))).

  15. And of course, create the right mood. Don't think of all these routine tasks as a burden. You are improving your life. Create a harmonious comfortable space around you. But of course! You deserve it!

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And most importantly: WHAT ITEMS WOULD YOU ADD?

To ensure that there is no clutter in the house, you need to put every item in its place immediately after you have used it. Of course, first, you need to bring the room and all the things in it to this very state of “order.” How best to do this, so that everything literally falls on the shelves, we look at today’s review.

1. Package storage

Box with plastic bags.
To ensure that plastic bags are always at hand and do not take up space on the windowsill or in a drawer, store them in cardboard box, attached to the outside of any kitchen cabinet door. By the way, you can store paper towels in the same way.

2. Organize your refrigerator

Storing food in the refrigerator.
Inexpensive plastic containers will help you save space and organize your refrigerator. With their help, products can be sorted, divided into groups and food supplies can be controlled. In addition, such containers can be marked with stickers, which will make it easy to find the right product, and will also remind you what food to eat first.

3. Personalized containers

Personalized containers in the bath.
In the family bathroom, hygiene products can be stored in individual, personalized plastic containers. This trick will allow you to hide your personal hygiene items and teach your household to always put their products in their place.

4. Styling tools

Storage of curling irons and hair dryers.
A curling iron, hair dryer, electric razor, tongs and some other things can be stored on a wine bottle rack. This stand is best placed on a nightstand near a mirror or on a washing machine.

5. Household supplies

Storing brooms, dustpans and mops.
The most common household hooks will help you tidy up your closet or pantry. Just hang the simplest railing along one of the walls and attach brooms, dustpans, mops, umbrellas and any other things that you can hang to it.

6. Charging station

A place to charge gadgets.
So that cords for charging gadgets do not lie scattered around the apartment and do not damage appearance premises, make it a rule to charge all devices in one place. To do this, pull into one of the drawers bedside table carry and charge your devices there.

7. Pillow basket

Basket for bedding.
Place a spacious wicker basket by your bed that can be used for storage. decorative pillows and bedspreads at night. In addition, such a basket will be a great alternative bedside table and is suitable for storing a variety of things.

8. Organizer for small items

Fabric organizer for small items.
The remaining fabric can be used to make an original organizer, which can be placed on one of the walls of the bed and used for storage mobile phone, remote control, book and glasses.

9. Protecting shelves in the refrigerator

Shelves covered with film.
Buy a roll of the cheapest oilcloth and cover all the shelves and containers in the refrigerator with it. When the oilcloth gets dirty, you just need to change it. This trick will allow you to always keep your refrigerator clean and will greatly facilitate the process of washing it.

10. Shelf by the sink

Stand near the sink.
An old and unused cake stand can be turned into a convenient shelf for storing sponges, soap and dishwashing detergents.

11. Fixing wires

Fastening the wires.
Using a binder and one single bolt, you can attach and fix all the wires to one of the walls of the desktop.

12. Lockers for equipment

Equipment in the locker.
If possible, try to hide rarely used equipment in cabinets or drawers. For example, you can pre-equip a large drawer for a printer and scanner. This trick will save a lot of space on your desk and protect your equipment from dust.

13. Storing lids

Container for lids.
A small dish rack will turn any plastic container into convenient stand for storing lids from all kinds of jars and containers.

14. Storing bags

Storing bags in the closet.
A hanging rod in a closet can be successfully used to store bags, umbrellas and hats. To do this, hang several utility hooks on the bar and hang whatever you want on them.

15. Storing toys in the bathroom

Containers for toys.
With the help of a simple railing, screwed near the bathtub, and several small plastic containers, you can significantly increase the capabilities of a small bathroom. This storage system can be used to store children's toys, shampoos, washcloths and cosmetics.

16. Press organizer

Storage of newspapers and magazines.
Store newspapers, magazines and bills in a convenient organizer, which can be made from several plastic bottles, screwed to a small piece of plywood or wood.

17. Linen organizer

Linen closet.
With the help of a few strips of cardboard, a drawer can be divided into small compartments and turned into a functional and convenient organizer for storing underwear, tights and socks.

18. Storing detergents

Storing detergents on the cabinet door.
The simplest rag shoe organizer will help increase the capabilities of a small bath. Just cut a small piece off it and attach it to the inside of the cabinet door. Thus, you will get several additional compartments for storing cosmetics, detergents or personal care products.

19. Storing pots and pans

Storing pans in the kitchen.
Placing large dishes in a small kitchen can be very difficult. In such a situation, you should use the space to the maximum. For example, attach several hooks to the curtain rod and use them to store massive pots and pans.

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Perfect cleanliness in an apartment is the dream of any diligent housewife. Cleanliness is not just a pleasure to live in. It has been noticed that when the house is tidy, the whole life becomes more organized. And cleanliness is the key to health. And both physical and emotional. If you suffer from mood swings and depression, a deep cleaning may be what you need. So, let's get our house in order quickly and with pleasure!

Where to start: the basics of getting organized

The most difficult thing in any business is its beginning. To step over the inner “I can’t”, it is enough to take one step in the direction of purity. But where to start cleaning when there is an immense amount of work ahead?

The simplest advice is to declutter. Surely, unnecessary stickers, receipts, tea bags and other rubbish have accumulated on your desktop. Prepare a garbage bag and collect everything that is definitely no longer useful. Extra things, household items, including furniture, collect dust and take up space. Get rid of this junk immediately, and it will become easier to breathe in your apartment.

After the garbage has left the room, you can move on to cleaning surfaces and cabinets. Then everything you need (check again) is neatly put in place. The last thing you need to do is vacuum the carpets and wash the floors. This rough plan general cleaning, which is convenient to follow.

Quick cleaning

One of the popular reasons for putting off cleaning the house is the enormous amount of time it takes to put things in order. You don't have to spend the whole day with a mop. Putting things in order quickly is real.

Here best tips for accelerated cleaning:

  1. Stick to the ancient folk wisdom: sweep every day, wash once a week. The less litter there is on the floor, the easier it is to clean.
  2. For all detergents, prepare one container - a large drawer or basin. This way you won’t have to walk from room to room looking for a rag and cleaning gel.
  3. To avoid rubbing off stains, use microfiber and by special means for cleaning surfaces. Don't neglect it at all by industrial means: They make life easier by tackling tough stains within minutes.
  4. To get to without any problems hard to reach places, buy a telescopic mop. You should also stock up on a stable stepladder.
  5. It is much easier to clean up with a vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function.
  6. To avoid blockages in the sink, before washing dishes, remove all food debris, and put an additional mesh on the drain grate, which are inexpensive, but perfectly trap debris.
  7. Do two or three things in parallel: while the dishes are soaking from burnt fat, wipe the windows and put the curtains in the wash. Or sweep the floor while the machine spins the laundry.
  8. It is necessary to organize storage of property. All seasonal items need to be packed and put away in long drawers. This way they won't get in the way.
  9. The most time-consuming part of cleaning is washing windows. Will help save your nerves effective means from stains, mops with long handles, clean paper napkins, household steam cleaner.

To ensure that not a speck remains on glass and mirror surfaces, avoid circular motions and rub in a straight line. Wash the frame first, then the glass.

Rules of comfort

There are some places in the house that you simply forget to clean. We remind you of what you need to pay attention to in order to maintain ideal cleanliness and comfort:

  1. Wipe the leaves of houseplants.
  2. Carefully make the beds and fold the pillows.
  3. Store out-of-season shoes in a special closet.
  4. Straighten the curtains.
  5. Wipe down the window sill, tables, chairs and TV - these are where guests' attention is most focused.
  6. Dust off the wallpaper.
  7. Place fresh towels in the bathroom.
  8. Don't forget about the ventilation holes.
  9. The top corners are where dust accumulates and cobwebs appear. There is no need to forget about them.

Cleanliness prevention: rules for maintaining order

It is easier to maintain order than to restore order - a well-known truth. But in the modern rhythm of life, it is difficult for a person to even track the amount of dust in the corners.

Tips to help control pollution at home:

  1. You need to force yourself to do a little cleaning of a certain area in your apartment every day, or at least every other day: your desk, your closet with clothes, your refrigerator. 15-20 minutes spent on putting things in order will significantly save time during general cleaning of your home.
  2. Organization of order: every thing should have its own place. Buy comfortable stand for clothes so that they do not lie on the chair. A good purchase are trunks for storing various things, baskets for dirty laundry.
  3. Make a rule: wash the dishes after eating. This way you won’t have to waste time scrubbing away dried food particles, and the pile won’t accumulate. And do not build batteries from dirty cups and mugs - wash them immediately after use.
  4. Take out the trash as often as possible to prevent the spread unpleasant odor. Leave one trash can: this way, garbage will not accumulate in several rooms at once.
  5. To avoid causing mold to develop in the bathroom, leave the door open after bathing. Very useful device– fan on ventilation grille. It expels steam and stale air.
  6. A minimum of things - a minimum of dirt. Leave only what you really need in the house, and give the rest away or throw it in the trash.
  7. If a child lives in the house, arrange an area for him to play and store toys, drawings, etc. And don’t forget to teach your baby how to put toys back in the box in the form of a game.

A few tricks to help tidy up your apartment and reduce the amount of dirt in the room:

  1. Avoid bulky carpets - these are real dust collectors.
  2. Hang short curtains in your kitchen that are easy to wash and hang. Equip this room with a good hood, this will significantly reduce the build-up of grease and soot around.
  3. Brush your pets as often as possible.
  4. Treat TVs and monitors with antistatic.

Achieving order in your apartment is not as difficult as it seems. Try to clean your house at least 2-3 times a week, then you won’t have to spend the whole weekend clearing out the “creative” mess.

But in modern world this stereotype is no longer relevant. Many women do not want to do household chores and hire a cleaner. But there are also people who financial position does not allow this, or they simply do not want to let a stranger into the house.

Many people always have unpleasant feelings and associations with the word cleaning - routine, fatigue and hard thankless work. But in fact, with the help of tips for cleaning the house, you can not only improve, but also make the cleaning process easier, and it is very important to change your internal attitude towards the process itself.

Very often, the lack of motivation to maintain cleanliness causes a negative attitude towards cleaning. In most cases, only one person cleans the apartment, but all family members create chaos. In addition, no matter how much time a person spends cleaning, the next day will also need to be cleaned. Disorder, unlike order, is created on its own.

First you need to figure out how to properly clean and organize, what cleaning rules exist, how to make the process faster, more enjoyable and easier.

It is difficult to achieve cleanliness in a house with more than three people living in it. Constant use of the bathroom, toilet and kitchen, especially if there are small children, leads to daily pollution of the house. But you can make your life easier if you clean not once a month, but clean regularly, and teach all family members to clean up after themselves. It will become much easier to achieve cleanliness and comfort in your home.

It is no less effective to clean in places where cleaning has recently been carried out. For example, if you recently cleaned up the kitchen, washed the tiles, stove and sink, cleaning will take much less time.

Exist different kinds cleaning – urgent, forced and quick cleaning.

Urgent cleaning

This type of cleaning does not allow small and insignificant messes to develop into quite serious problem. For example, after you cooked dinner, the stove became a little dirty greasy spots, they are not yet noticeable at all. If these contaminants are removed immediately, the stove will be clean. But if you leave the stove without cleaning, after three days it will lead to a multi-layered burnt crust, which will require a lot of time, effort and cleaning products.

Thanks to urgent cleaning, you can get rid of the dirt immediately, but if you don’t, the dirt will accumulate and cause a huge mess. It’s better to clean right away; as a result, you will reduce the time it takes to clean the apartment during general cleaning.

It is not necessary to put things in order every day; you can make a plan, assign certain days for cleaning the sink, stove, bathroom and toilet. With regular cleaning, the apartment will become clean and comfortable.

10 rules for effective cleaning (Irina Sokovykh)

Forced cleaning

Forced cleaning is done after a long period of neglect of order and cleanliness. A striking example This means that the refrigerator needs to be washed once a month, and defrosted once every six months, and not when it has accumulated great amount dirt and ice that it has difficulty freezing. Forced cleaning can be avoided if you regularly perform current work for cleaning the house.

In some cases, neglect of cleaning leads to things and property being damaged. Old and ingrained dirt is not always washed off.

Cleaning the house

Quick cleaning is done daily, things are put in their places. In the morning, you need to clean the bedroom, make the bed, put books on the shelves, if you find any object on your way, you need to put it in a specially designated place for it. Place dirty laundry in a basket and take dishes to the sink. You should also ventilate the room daily. These procedures will take very little time, but the house will immediately become cleaner and your mood will improve.

There are various simple tips, which can be used to facilitate homework. To make household work easier and keep your apartment tidy and clean, you need to be able to properly organize cleaning. Eat different variants for cleaning the house. In most cases, it is necessary to carry out basic cleaning once a week, during the week to carry out intermediate, dry and wet cleaning, and once a month to do general cleaning.

Another cleaning option is to clean a specific area every day, or general cleaning apartments once a week. To do this, you need to divide the apartment into zones, and clean one zone during the day; this will take about 15 minutes. This method is effective in combating clutter in the apartment.

Every thing and object in the apartment should have its own place. After using any item, all family members must put it back in its place.

All family members need to be involved in cleaning the apartment, because if only one person is always cleaning, the rest leave the mess, dirt and garbage, knowing that it will be cleaned anyway. Maintaining and maintaining order should be the responsibility of each family member.

Children should be involved in cleaning from childhood, starting with simple tasks, and gradually increasing the level of the child’s work. At the same time, do not forget that the child needs to be motivated and encouraged. By the way, encouragement is in a great way turn cleaning into an interesting activity not only for children, but also for adults.

Everyone in the family should clean, but you also need to take into account busyness and free time everyone has it.

The child must keep his room in order, put away his toys, and wash the dishes after eating. If there are pets, the child can not only look after them, but also walk them. This will help develop neatness, cleanliness, hard work and a sense of responsibility in the child. If a child is taught to do homework as a child, over time it will become a habit.

An important factor when cleaning is a person’s mood, his attitude. To feel better and more energetic, you can turn on music, so things will move faster.

Another important tip– emotional mood during cleaning. Energetic music is best for this; things will go much faster. Also assistants in cleaning the apartment are Appliances and various chemicals and devices.

Also, there is no need to scribble, because everyone knows the phrase that it is clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter. This statement is absolutely accurate.

Principles of Cleanliness

  • after you have done something, put it in its place. Woke up in the morning - make the bed, milk has escaped and dirty the stove - immediately wipe off the dirt, ate - wash the dishes, etc.;
  • you need to find time and wipe the dust every day, this takes no more than ten minutes, but after wiping the dust, the apartment will look more well-groomed. For work or desk you can put a small trash basket;
  • to keep floors cleaner long time, it is necessary to wash the floor near it daily front door, in the hallway, as well as in the kitchen. From these places, dirt spreads throughout the apartment.

Keeping your home clean doesn't require much effort. To do this, just fold the bed, quickly wipe the toilet bowl with a brush, detergent clean the sink and bathroom. After eating, wash dishes and wipe down the table, sink and stove. Also, do not forget to put things in their places and take out the trash from the house. The main condition is to do this every day. And of course, we must not forget about general cleaning as the apartment gets dirty.

You also need to remember to regularly maintain order, this means that clothes need to be immediately hung on a hanger, and not piled up extraneous things on the table. Books should be stored on shelves, clothes in the closet, and dishes in the kitchen. You should not be sorry to throw away unnecessary things that create chaos.

By following these tips, you can easily learn how to keep your home clean and tidy.

Regular cleaning and putting things in order are integral components home comfort. But, since creating this comfort sometimes requires spending too much precious time, many women are faced with a choice - to devote their free time to cleaning or to relax, but forget about perfect cleanliness? However, experienced housewives are confident that with a skillful approach, you can do both. It is only important to know how to maintain order in the house.

Today, “Dream House” offers you to learn only 5 rules that will help you maintain cleanliness and order in your apartment or house without having to spend time cleaning the lion's share free time, as many do.

How to keep your home tidy

5 simple rules for putting and maintaining order

Cleanliness and order in the house are rather loose concepts. For some, “clean” is when there is no dust and all things are hidden from prying eyes, while others do a complete wet cleaning every day and arrange things by color. But, be that as it may, we all find it more pleasant to be in a clean and tidy room, where everything is in its place. Perfect cleanliness in the house is an entire art, which only at first glance seems too difficult, but in fact, can even be enjoyable.

Rule 1: Less is more

When thinking about how to clean up your home, the first thing you should do is take the time to identify the most “problem” places in the apartment. As a rule, we all sin in that we love to take care of an innumerable number of things and clothes that live in closets for years and, but most often are not used at all. Gradually, there are so many of these things that there is simply nowhere to store them. In order not to turn your apartment into a warehouse, from time to time you need to make “audits” in order to identify what you can part with without any problems.

Wise housewives recommend not giving in to sentimentality and parting with a cold heart from what you definitely won’t need, because in addition to the fact that unnecessary things clutter up our space, they also have a detrimental effect on the energy of the apartment.

After getting rid of excess junk, it is worth separating things as needed. Send those things that you use very rarely to the most remote corners of the apartment. For example, barbecue grills or a hammer drill may well be located in or on the top shelves of cabinets, and store what you use constantly within easy reach.

Cleanliness and order in the house are important rules

How to keep your apartment tidy

Rule 2. Everything has its place

If you have just started working on the question of how to learn to maintain order, teach yourself one thing: simple rule: Only those things that are needed there should be stored in the room. For example, you are unlikely to need tools in the bedroom, bath accessories in the kitchen, or bathroom accessories in the hallway. When tidying up your premises, remove all unnecessary items from them.

When deciding how to keep your room tidy, get rid of unnecessary things in your desk and chest of drawers. Try to allocate a separate place for each group of things. For example, let writing instruments be stored in one drawer, sewing accessories in another, cosmetics in a third. If you have in your room hanging shelves, do not use them to store anything other than books. Let these shelves be intended only for decorations and accessories, otherwise the room will always look untidy.

How to learn to maintain order

How to keep your room tidy

Rule 3. Save space

As a rule, the most cluttered place in every bedroom is the closet with things. To organize perfect order in your closet, the first step is to get rid of the clothes you don't use. Secondly, clothes need to be divided by season and all things that will not be useful to you in the next few months should be put away. Once you've completed this task, consider saving closet space, which will help you avoid clutter in the future. As a rule, the furthest space of the upper shelves of cabinets is often empty, because... It's not very convenient to get things out of there. However, now there are very useful helpers administered household– special drawers (organizers) with compartments for storing socks and underwear. By putting all the “small things” there, firstly, you will save space, and secondly, you will save the time that you had to spend looking for these things. If you use the cabinet shelves for other purposes, drawers with socks and underwear convenient to store in drawers.

Also, allocate a separate place to store ties, belts and scarves. If you don't have any free drawers or shelves in your closet, add Velcro hooks to the back of the door to hang hangers with all these accessories.

When organizing your closet, visually divide its largest compartment, where the hangers are located, into two zones. Hang trousers, jeans, shorts and skirts in one area, and T-shirts, blouses and dresses in the second, this will make it easier for you to choose your outfit every day. To save space on the shelves of the closet, knitted items can be rolled up rather than laid out. This way you will also be able to avoid creases in the fabric.

Perfect order in the closet photo

How to organize your closet

Organize your closet ideas

Rule 4. Always clean kitchen

A separate point for every housewife is the question of how to maintain order in the kitchen. The kitchen is a room that simply must be clean and free, but at the same time, it simply needs to be stored here. a large number of and dishes. To avoid clutter, use the same rule - store large pots, baking dishes and dishes that you use from time to time in the most bottom drawers, and leave the things you need every day within easy reach.

To organize order in kitchen cabinets, today it is possible to purchase a lot of auxiliary devices. For example, in corner cupboard you can place a “magic corner” in which it is convenient to store a large amount of dishes, in drawers you can put containers for storing cutlery, and on reverse side Hang hooks on cabinet doors for various spatulas, ladles, etc.

How to keep your kitchen tidy

Rule 5. Order as a habit

But perhaps the most important rule that will help you avoid time-consuming hassle is the habit of tidying up every day. Teach yourself that every day you must remove dust, vacuum, clean up the bathroom and put things in their places. In addition, the habit of not procrastinating on small matters saves a lot of time. Eg:

  • After washing the dishes, immediately clean the sink and wipe the taps;
  • When watering flowers, wipe the window sill from dust;
  • After changing clothes, put your things in the closet or take them to.

Such simple habits help to always keep your apartment in order and not waste a lot of time on global cleaning. However, do not forget that from time to time even the cleanest, at first glance, rooms need complete wet cleaning. As a rule, if a large amount of dust does not enter your apartment or house from the windows, it is enough to wash the floors once every two to three days. But when wet cleaning, do not ignore cabinets, hanging shelves, lamps and sconces, because... dust collects on them much faster than on other surfaces.