How to correctly decipher abbreviations with examples. What does an emoticon written in symbols mean - meanings of symbols and decoding of text emoticons

IN modern century saturated with information, there is less and less time for communication and correspondence. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the more information a person has, the more ways he looks for to reduce it and transmit it in a more condensed form. One of the best ways to shorten words and expressions is to use abbreviations.

Today they are found everywhere in general English, in business correspondence, in SMS messages and chats, and in international terms. Many of them are used quite often, so not only for students of English, but also for ordinary to modern man It’s worth mastering a couple of the most common ones.

Abbreviation(Italian abbreviatura from Latin brevis - short) - a word formed by an abbreviation of a word or phrase and read by the alphabetical name of the initial letters or by the initial sounds of the words included in it.

Abbreviations are found in every language in the world and play a huge role. Sometimes ignorance or incorrect use of a particular abbreviation in English can lead to a rather awkward situation or misunderstanding of what the interlocutor wants to express with a particular phrase.

Let's look at an example of the incorrect use of a fairly well-known abbreviation LOL(laughing out loud - laugh loudly, out loud).

Mom: Your beloved aunt just passed away. LOL
I: Why is that funny?
Mom: It’s not funny, David!
I: Mom, LOL means “laughing out loud”.
Mom: Oh my goodness! I thought it means “lots of love”...I sent it to everyone! I need to call everyone…
Mom: Your favorite aunt just passed away. LOL
Me: What's so funny about that?
Mom: This is not funny, David!
Me: Mom, LOL means "laugh out loud".
Mom: Oh God! I thought it meant lots of love...
I sent this to everyone! We need to call everyone back...

Most popular abbreviations

This list of abbreviations can be found everywhere and you are probably familiar with most of them visually, but let’s pay attention to their correct translation and use.

  • V.I.P. (very important person)- very important person;
  • P.S.(from Latin “post scriptum”) - after what is written;
  • A.D.(from Latin “Anno Domini”) - our era;
  • B.C. / B.C.E. -before Christ- before Christ / before Common Era- BC;
  • ASAP (as soon as possible)- As soon as possible;
  • UNO (United Nations Organization)- UN;
  • UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)- UNESCO;
  • a.m.(ante meridiem, in the morning)- in the morning;
  • p.m.(postmeridiem, in the afternoon)- In the evening;
  • i.e. ( id est , that is)- it means;
  • e.g. ( exemplary gratia , for example)- For example;
  • u (you)- You;
  • etc.(from Latin et cetera) - and so on;
  • 2G2BT (too good to be true)- too good to be true;
  • 2moro (tomorrow)- Tomorrow;
  • 2day (today)- Today;
  • BD or BDAY (birthday)- birthday;
  • 2nite (tonight)- In the evening;
  • 4ever (forever)- forever;
  • AFAIK (as far as I know)- as far as I know;
  • BTW (by the way)- by the way;
  • RLY (really)- really, really;
  • BRB (be right back)- I'll be back soon;
  • TTYL (talk to you later)- we’ll talk later, “before we get in touch”;
  • IMHO (in my honest opinion)- in my opinion, in my opinion;
  • AKA (also known as)- also known as;
  • TIA (thanks in advance)- thanks in advance.

Let's look at the use of the abbreviations given above in examples:

  • According to my work schedule I need to come to work at 8 a.m.-According to my work schedule, I need to come to work at 8 am.
  • AFAIK this concert will be held 2day.-As far as I know, the concert will be held today.
  • All these events happened in 455 B.C.- All these events took place in 455 BC.
  • I invite u to my BD 2nite.- I invite you to my birthday tonight.
  • BTW she was RLY good at Math at school. - By the way (by the way) she was really good at mathematics when she was in school.
  • I"m sorry. I"m in hurry. TTYL.-I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. Let's talk later.

General purpose English abbreviations are described quite interestingly in this video:

Business letters and abbreviations

Writing business letters and compiling business correspondence today requires high-quality study and a careful approach. When faced for the first time with the design and decoding of abbreviations in business English, a beginner sometimes experiences confusion and bewilderment as to what it all means. The difficulty lies in using this or that abbreviation correctly, as well as in the specifics of business vocabulary. However, as in any area of ​​language learning, knowledge and a little practice will help you overcome any difficulties.

A number of abbreviations are used only in writing, but in oral speech the full forms of the word are pronounced:

  • Mr. (mister)- Mister;
  • Mrs. (mistress)- Mrs.
  • Dr. (Doctor)- doctor;
  • St. (Saint/Street)- saint or street;
  • Blvd. (boulevard)- boulevard;
  • Ave. (avenue)- avenue;
  • Sq. (square)- square;
  • Rd. (road)- road;
  • Bldg. (building)- building;
  • B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science)- Bachelor of Science;
  • M.A. (Master of Arts)- Master of Arts;
  • Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)- PhD;
  • M.D. (Doctor of Medicine)- Doctor of Medical Sciences.

The most popular business abbreviations of English words are given below:

  • Co (company)- company;
  • PA (personal assistant)- personal assistant;
  • Appx. (appendix)- application;
  • Re. (reply)- answer;
  • p. (page)- page;
  • smth. (something)- something;
  • smb. (somebody)- somebody;
  • vs ( lat. versus)- against;
  • etc. ( lat. et cetera)- And so on.

Popular three-letter acronyms ( TLA or Three-Letter Acronyms) in the business sphere:

  • CAO (Chief Administrative Officer)- Administration Manager;
  • CEO (Chief Executive Officer)- chief executive officer (CEO);
  • exp. (export)- export - removal of goods beyond the borders of the country;
  • HR (human resources)- HR service of the enterprise;
  • HQ (Headquarters)- main department of the company;
  • LLC (limited liability company)- limited liability company (LLC);
  • R&D (research and development)- Research and development;
  • IT (information technology)- information Technology.

Examples of business correspondence using abbreviations :

  • Dear Mr. Braun, our Co will be glad to offer you the position of CAO.- Dear Mr. Brown, our company will be glad to offer you the position of chief accountant of the company.
  • Dear Ms. Stone, my PA will definitely contact you about changes in exp. process - Dear Miss Stone, my personal secretary will contact you regarding changes in the export process.

Chats and SMS

As stated above, in English there are Three Letter Acronyms ( TLA or Three-Letter Acronyms), which help shorten and condense fairly large phrases into 3 letters. Today, this is a fairly popular way to save time when corresponding on social networks.

  • BFN (bye for now)- see you later, bye
  • BTW (by the way)- By the way
  • FYI (for your information)- for your information
  • JIT (just in time)- during
  • IOW (in other words)- in other words, in other words
  • NRN (no reply is necessary)- no answer required
  • OTOH (on the other hand)- on the other side

As for SMS abbreviations, there are a huge number of them.
The specificity of such abbreviations is that it can be almost impossible to decipher without a detailed analysis.

  • GL (good luck)- Good luck!
  • GB (good bye)- Bye
  • DNO (don't know)- Don't know
  • ASAYGT (as soon as you get this)- as soon as you receive it
  • B4 (before)- before
  • BC (because)- because
  • BON (believe it or not)- believe it or not
  • BW (best wishes)- best wishes
  • BZ (busy)- busy
  • CYT (see you tomorrow)- see you tomorrow
  • Wish you G.L. on your exam. Mom. - I wish you good luck in the exam. Mother.
  • Sorry. BZ. C.Y.T.- I am sorry. Busy. See you tomorrow.
  • I will be JIT. G.B.- I'll be on time. Bye.

For a detailed overview of English abbreviations for words in SMS, we recommend visiting, which contains 2000+ abbreviations.

As we can see, the topic is quite extensive, but don’t be scared! After encountering acronyms and abbreviations in English several times, you simply cannot help but fall in love with them for their originality and help in saving you time. And once you love something, you will definitely and easily remember it!

We suggest you choose a couple of abbreviations for yourself right now and surprise your loved ones with improved communication! BFN and watch your step while texting!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Sometimes in speech there are words that consist of a set of letters or halves of words. It happens that the meaning of such words is unfamiliar. This is a whole group of lexemes that exist in our language. Let's talk about them. We will try to find the answer to this question in the article.

Compound word

The word means "reduction" in Italian. This is a special type that requires decoding. Most often used in official business documentation, typical for many languages.

To understand what an abbreviation is, it is enough to consider at least one example in detail. Let's take the floor Moscow State University. At first glance it is not clear to us. Just some set of letters. But a person who knows Russian at the level school curriculum, will immediately say that each letter stands for a word. Let's decipher them: M- Moscow, G- state, U- university.

Thus, knowing the decoding, you can determine what the abbreviation means.

Familiarity with the use of abbreviations in speech begins at school. For example, when studying biology you can come across the following abbreviations: DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid, HIV- human immunodeficiency virus, etc.

Methods of forming abbreviations

Complex abbreviated words sometimes mean things that are familiar and close to us. They may look different, but they have one thing in common: in order to correctly introduce such a word into your speech, it must be deciphered and correctly agreed in a sentence.

There are several ways to form such words. Let's take a closer look at them.

In addition, English abbreviations are widespread in our speech. They accompany the following areas: science, medicine, fiction. There are many abbreviations in specialized literature.

Decoding compound words

Having studied the theoretical material, it is not difficult to understand what an abbreviation is. The main thing here is to learn how to correctly apply them in your speech. To do this, you need to know how such a complex abbreviated word is deciphered and then correctly agree it in a sentence.

For example, in the sentence " After the repair of the nuclear power plant, electricity output increased"The verb ends in A. To write it correctly, you must first decipher the word. NPP - nuclear power plant. The main word is “station”, it is feminine.

Abbreviations with decoding will help you construct your speech correctly and competently. They also allow you to expand your vocabulary, since such decoding introduces you to new words.

In addition, abbreviations are constantly heard in our speech. It is necessary to know them, otherwise you can be considered an uneducated person. In addition, knowing such words will make life easier.

For example, in order to know where this sign leads, you need to decipher it. LEMZ - This is the Lianozovsky Electromechanical Plant.

Foreign abbreviations

Most foreign compound words - English abbreviations. These are abbreviations of English words. Among them there are simple, quickly remembered ones, and there are also complex ones. You need to know them. They can be useful at work, during travel, in business correspondence, in other areas of human life.

Here are some English abbreviations. They can be divided into groups:

If you are interested in the full version of English abbreviations and translate them, this will contribute to the study of the English language. Such abbreviations with decoding also add to the lexicon.

Abbreviations in our lives

Abbreviation words accompany us through life, starting from birth in the maternity hospital (maternity hospital), which is registered in the registry office (civil registry office). After visiting a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution), we still go through an eleven-year journey to MOKU SOSH (municipal educational institution, secondary school), where we attend lessons, sports sections ( sport sections), drama clubs (drama clubs), etc. Then we enter a university (higher education institution) or college, get a specialty and work in a research institute (research institute) or LLC (limited liability company). Someone opens a private enterprise (private enterprise) and becomes an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). We go to department stores (department stores), housing office (housing maintenance office), visit sports complexes (sports complexes), recreation centers (cultural centers), work on a PC (personal computer). Meanwhile, serious passions are boiling in the EU ( European Union), OSCE APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)...

This is just a small part of the examples demonstrating what an abbreviation is. It’s impossible to list everything. But we come across them at every step.

The best

Origin the most common The English abbreviation OK has many variants: it is associated with the name of American biscuits, with the telegraph operator's term "open key", with the initials of one of the US presidents, with the affirmative answer of the Indians.

The longest the abbreviation in Russia consists of 55 characters - NIIOMTPLABOPARMBETZHELBETRABSBORMONIMONKONOTDTEHSTROYMONT (Research Laboratory of Operations for Concrete Reinforcement and Reinforced Concrete Works for the Construction of Prefabricated Monolithic and Monolithic Structures, Department of Technology of Construction and Installation Administration of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of the USSR).


The most ridiculous abbreviation is MUDO ( Municipal institution additional education).

Hello friends!

Today I sat down at my PC, went to ICQ, and there was a new message flashing in the DM, a friend sent me a JPG. But I don’t need a photo, I write to him: DOCX are coming! He doesn’t want to, he says that JPEG is better, or, at worst, PNG. And I told him: only in Word, IMHO! Just ask the site admin. He asked. The admin answered him: “PPKS. MB RAR or ZIP” – what kind of garbage is that?! I studied at TSNGU, I don’t need to push myself here!

I hope I won’t need to decipher the essence of this correspondence for you. Or is it still necessary? How are you with your knowledge of abbreviations, huh? Do you think it’s necessary to know them or not?

I think you’ve already guessed what we’ll be talking about today: what abbreviations are and how to use them correctly. And also a list of examples, both widely used and more rare. And my assistant, an expert, linguist and specialist in different languages, will help us with this.

We owe the appearance of this beautiful word to the language of science - Latin. It was from there that the word ‘brevis’ – “short” – migrated to Italian language. Where it underwent a change, it grew the prefix ‘ab-‘, lost the small ending ‘-s’ and acquired the long ending ‘-atura’. And in this form it received a very specific meaning: “abbreviation in writing and printing.” And since writing and printing create a flow of information, it is clear that we are talking about words.

History of the abbreviation

The main meaning of the abbreviation is the transfer of more information with less means and for more a short time. In ancient times, when books were written by hand and it was hard work, abbreviating the spelling of frequently used words was a significant relief in the work. IN English language This shortened spelling of the word denoting Christmas - Xmas, which has become a shortened version of the full word Christmas, remains very popular to this day.

Also, abbreviations of words were often used by craftsmen and artisans in those days when professional knowledge was passed on by inheritance, to encrypt secrets in order to protect them from competitors.

The next period when abbreviations were relevant and useful was their use for telegraphy. It was the fastest way to transmit written messages from the beginning of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, and in the USSR until the 80s. Even in personal telegraph messages of ordinary people, abbreviations were used for punctuation marks - ТЧК (dot), ZPT (comma) and others, since punctuation marks were used for special encoding, but only letters and numbers were supposed to be present in messages.

In more professional fields, where messages had to be sent frequently and regularly, such as weather reports to pilots of departing passenger aircraft, abbreviations of regularly used terms were widely used.

Telegraphic abbreviations of the English language became the basis for the creation of the American Standard Code Table (ASCII Symbols), with the help of which computers recognize printed characters - both commonly used and rarely encountered.

As you can see, this is a fairly widely used and convenient form of abbreviation. It is clear that its use is still present in our lives on all levels, from business language to everyday shortening of words that are too long.

Abbreviating words in everyday life

For a long time in the Russian language, according to the rule, only nouns were abbreviated. However, the era of the Internet has arrived. Chopped words from written English slang quickly burst into our language, our programmers and advanced users began to urgently invent their own - and now more or less widely used set expressions and phrases are being abbreviated.

How are abbreviations obtained?

We come across letter abbreviations quite often in business documents and when mentioning various organizations. As a rule, it hides the name of an institution, organization or position consisting of several words.

So many of them have already been invented that now anyone who wants to create a new name must first check the list of existing abbreviations so as not to repeat themselves. Although not in all cases it is possible to come up with something original, the result is a coincidence: GPU - State Legal Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and GPU - state environmental institution.

The shorter the abbreviation, the more likely the match. Therefore, along with the laconic and well-known MSU (Moscow State University) you can also find such a monster: GNUVNIVIPFiT - State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Veterinary Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy.

Well, how did you manage to pronounce it the first time?

I think almost everyone asks the question: why invent such a thing. The answer is simple: the abbreviations of institutions are often artistically inscribed in the logos of these very institutions. Therefore, another role of the letter abbreviation is graphic.

How are words abbreviated?

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So, what are some ways to shorten words? Some people believe that only by the initial letters. However, this is only one way to create a shortened and simplified name. It is called an abbreviation. This is the most widely used option for creating official abbreviations for organizations. FAS, FSIN, STSI, GBOU - some abbreviations are constantly heard, some you have to puzzle over.

We'll talk about decoding later, but for now let's move on to the second method: when words are shortened not to the first letter, but to its semantic part. This is how the system administrator turns into a system administrator, and the State Department into the State Department. The same type of abbreviation includes the method of abbreviating only the first word, which is attached to the full second word: commanders, head of department - this is easier to understand, isn’t it?

The method of abbreviating words according to individual, not always the main parts of words, was widely practiced in the newly created country of workers and peasants - the new government strived for innovation in everything. This often gave rise to very funny abbreviations. You can read in more detail about the vigorous activity of the unsinkable bureaucrats of that time in the imperishable works of I. Ilf and E. Petrov, and as an example I will give you this masterpiece that came from the pen of officials of the young people's republic: Vserabis (All-Union Trade Union of Artists).

A minute to train your brain! Decipher the following abbreviation from the same era: Zamkompomorde.

But the ideas for creating abbreviations didn't end there. Restless abbreviators tried to confuse normal people and created... mixed abbreviations, when some words are abbreviated to the first letter, but one word is not, for example: GlavAPU, Gulag, KamAZ.

Do you think that's it now? Ha, of course! At the beginning of the twentieth century, abbreviations were widespread, which took the beginning from one word and the end from the second. Most of these abbreviations have practically fallen into disuse, but you have no doubt met and used some without even realizing that they were abbreviations. Take, for example, the well-known “moped”. It turns out that the formative words “MOTO” and “bicycle” were cleverly hidden in this word. That is, a bicycle equipped with a motor.

Another method of abbreviation is purely graphic, because it is used only in writing: when a word is shortened to the initial and last letters: o-v (island), pr-t (prospect). Students often use these types of abbreviations when taking notes in lectures. However, students do this in a way that only they understand, and sometimes even in a way that is incomprehensible. But the generally accepted abbreviations are clear to everyone who bothers to remember them or look in the dictionary.

In the same way, but only to the first letters of keywords, units of measures, weights, information, and banknotes are abbreviated when writing. Everyone knows that kg means kilogram, km means kilometer, and MB means megabyte. Some abbreviations are so familiar that they have already begun to be pronounced in the same abbreviated form - for example, “give me a couple of kegs of potatoes” instead of “a couple of kilograms.” Unlike abbreviations, most of these accepted international designations are written with a small letter.

As everyone who deals with computers knows, in addition to written abbreviations, there are also colloquial abbreviations in which gigabytes become “gigs”.

Concerning modern methods creating new abbreviations, then strict rules apply only to the official formation of abbreviations from initial letters, because this is how names are officially encrypted at the state level. Then they are entered into a single register, recorded and circulars are issued for different organizations - and other officials should know what is hidden behind this or that abbreviation.

So, to summarize: there are several ways to form abbreviations:

  • by first letters (usually for phrases of three or more words);
  • on the basics of words (two, very rarely three);
  • mixed, combining both roots or individual parts of words and letters;
  • connected from the initial and final parts of words.

Pronunciation, stress and spelling

Okay, now you think you know everything, and you can shorten any tricky name. And nothing like that. This would create a lot of confusion, because many letter abbreviations seem to be the same, although their meanings are radically different.

Would you like to go to the main store of Moscow (also GUM) instead of the building of the humanities faculties of Moscow University (GUM)? And this is still quite real. The only difference is that the store got its name back in 1921 and has long been officially lost, since now it is no longer an abbreviation, but a brand, preserved in memory of a previously existing abbreviation (State Department Store). But the university building received the official and current abbreviation of its name in 2005.

Although bureaucratic minds sometimes give rise to such monstrous reductions as, for example, GUZMOMOTSPBSPIDIS (State Health Institution of the Moscow Region, Moscow Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and infectious diseases), they are not very memorable. And they certainly are not used in conversation, unlike the MKAD (Moscow Ring Road) highway), which Muscovites actively use in everyday communication. Besides, you also have to write them! And when it comes to practice, a number of questions arise:

  • How to pronounce?
  • Where to put the emphasis?
  • Is it possible to decline it according to the rules of the Russian language?
  • How to spell abbreviations correctly?
  • Why are some abbreviations written separately?

Let's look into this.

How to pronounce the letter abbreviation

Of course, there are rules that describe how to correctly or incorrectly pronounce these man-made abbreviations. However, to be honest, all the rules come from the euphony and natural sound of a letter combination or word for the native language, in this case Russian. Therefore, in each rule there will be forms that are pronounced according to the rules, but there will also be exceptions. But you need to know the rules - at least in order not to get confused in a new and unfamiliar letter abbreviation.

  1. If the abbreviation consists of several consonant letters, then it is simple; it is pronounced according to how these letters are called in the alphabet: GDP - ve-ve-pe, VTSSPS - ve-tse-es-pe-es.
  2. The presence of a vowel at the beginning or end of an abbreviation does not change the situation: most often such abbreviations are pronounced according to the alphabetical names of the letters: EU (e-es), GMO - (ge-em-o). Exceptions to this rule: media and SKA. Also, the well-known abbreviation of the name of the country - USA - is not pronounced according to the rules: it is pronounced either as the syllable -ssa, or as se-she-a, which, as you understand, does not convey the alphabetical name of these letters in the Russian language.
  3. The presence of one or more vowels in a three-letter or more abbreviation allows you to pronounce it like an ordinary word: SES, MFA, FIFA, UN.

Emphasis in abbreviations

It’s good if it’s a simple abbreviation with one vowel, the emphasis will automatically fall on it. But during pronunciation, vowels creep in even in abbreviations consisting only of consonants. Otherwise there would be no way to pronounce them. And if vowels appear, then the emphasis must be placed somewhere. And where should you put it when pronouncing such a complex abbreviation as Komsomol?

According to the rules, the emphasis in an abbreviation formed from the abbreviation of Russian words is placed on the last syllable. With foreign abbreviations that have not been translated into Russian, but simply retained the literal meaning, it is more difficult: how to correctly pronounce NATO, NASA and the like, you need to look in the dictionary.

Gender and declension

A feature of the Russian language is the addition of suffixes to convey belonging to the masculine, feminine or neuter gender, as well as to create a case form - declension. Does this rule apply to abbreviations? In case the letter abbreviations end in a vowel, they remain unchanged, because even if the abbreviation sounds like a word, you cannot change the last letter without losing the meaning.

Attention! Under no circumstances should one say: “FIFA management” or “UNESCO made a decision.”

It’s another matter when there is one or more consonants at the end: then the inflection form is added to the abbreviation without losing the semantic parts. That is why such constructions as “the bride and groom left the registry office” are completely permitted.

Difficulty reading abbreviations

A person can, without wanting to, remember how to pronounce this or that abbreviation, simply by periodically hearing it mentioned in the news, advertising, and films. But with speech synthesizers that convert texts into audio and back, the situation is more complicated: the developers of such programs for the Russian language have yet to successfully teach them to recognize and correctly read abbreviations of varying degrees of complexity.

Perhaps the problem will be solved by adding a dictionary of abbreviations to the database - then the program, having detected a set of capital letters in the text, will simply substitute how the abbreviation is deciphered. As for new and unfamiliar abbreviations, if you don’t want to get into trouble, it’s better to familiarize yourself with the pronunciation rules.

How to spell an abbreviation correctly

Even if you have learned to correctly use some difficult-to-pronounce abbreviations in speech, questions may still arise when you have to write them. And since most often you have to write them in business documents, making mistakes is not a very good solution.

So here are some basic writing rules.

  • Abbreviations formed from the first letters are written with a capital letter if it is an abbreviation of its own name, for example: MGU (Moscow State University).
  • Letter abbreviations are written with a small letter if the abbreviation hides not its own name, but a generalized one. But there are few of them - and, as a rule, these are those cuts that are gradually proper names became generalized, which means they began to be written in small letters: university (higher educational institution), homeless (without a fixed place of residence).
  • If an abbreviation is based on parts of a word that are the name, it is written with capital letters only at the beginning, as a common proper name, for example, Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health). If the abbreviation is not a personal name, then it is written with a small letter, for example, head of department (head of department).
  • An abbreviation of a mixed type is difficult to write and quite quickly the peculiarities of the spelling are forgotten; over time, such an abbreviation begins to be written most often in completely capital letters, as, for example, KamAZ is no longer considered a mistake to write KAMAZ.

Important! There is no period after abbreviations!

These are general rules, however, in order not to make mistakes and write the abbreviation correctly, it is best to use a dictionary or the Internet. Widely used abbreviations can be easily suggested, but it is best to look for rarely encountered forms on the official websites of the relevant institutions.

Why are some written together and some separately?

This question arises when you see abbreviations like: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The answer is simple: like individual words, different abbreviations are written separately, since in full form they form a phrase from two different encrypted formations: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (institution) Russian Federation(state). Each part of such an abbreviation phrase can be used separately: for example, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is often mentioned in the news, without each time specifying that we are talking about a domestic ministry. A abbreviation official name State can be used with any other ministry.

Use of abbreviations in highly specialized areas

In medicine

In addition to business language, abbreviations are widely used in areas where different terms are constantly used. Speaking about this, we cannot ignore the use of abbreviations in medicine; in terms of the number of terms, the science of the human body and its treatment easily rivals jurisprudence.

Some abbreviations are widely known to both doctors and patients, such as gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) or AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), others are known only to specialists, and the decoding of individual abbreviations even doctors look into thick reference books.

These abbreviations are used in maintaining medical records - cards, sick leave, prescriptions, extracts - along with Latin terms. Even if you don’t take into account the terrible doctor’s handwriting, not everyone can decipher the often mysterious letters. And since these documents are not about something extraneous, but about health - either ours or our loved ones - sometimes we try to figure out how serious the diagnosis is written there.

Previously, it was more difficult - interested parties had to seek clarification from a doctor they knew, if there was one.

Now we have access to truly inexhaustible sources on the Internet, available at any time.

If you don’t find what you need, it doesn’t matter - in addition to ready-made articles, there are also thematic forums where everyone can share the necessary information. True, it is far from a fact that a more or less knowledgeable specialist will give you advice, but you can always get at least an idea in which direction to look.

For air transport

Based on the principle of abbreviations, special forms of coding for airports around the world have been created by ICAO and IATA, which are used by all interested parties, from air carriers to mechanics and ticket cashiers.

A unique code assigned to each airport instantly provides the necessary information without further ado: in which country and in which city the desired location is located.

Sometimes they are called airport abbreviations, but strictly speaking, they are not such, since they often have a very distant resemblance to the name of both the airport itself and the city in which it is located. Why is this happening? Because the code must be unique and not coincide with any other. Additionally, cities can change names, but codes change much more slowly. For example, according to the international IATA system, the code of St. Petersburg is still consonant with the name of this city in Soviet times, Leningrad - LED.

The ICAO structure is much more universal: according to these codes, the first letter designates the continent or part of it, the second corresponds to the country, the third and fourth are intended to designate the airport. For large countries the second part of the code consists of three digits.

In military affairs

The military sphere is also replete with various abbreviations of long and confusing terms, since accuracy and brevity in this area is not a whim, but a necessity - often the count is not even in minutes, but in fractions of seconds.

Some military abbreviations are known not only by former and current military personnel or conscripts, but also by absolutely civilian, peaceful people who are far from this sphere. For example, most people will not be surprised, but will immediately understand what is being said when they hear: “Look, an armored personnel carrier is coming.” And much less often, instead of this abbreviated name, you will hear its decoding - armored personnel carrier.

It is clear that each branch of the military has its own specific abbreviations for weapons and service equipment. In addition, since the army does not exist in its own separate world, topographical designations or abbreviations for defense enterprises are widely used in the army lexicon. The fate of the entire military campaign may depend on the ability to use them, along with the skills of navigating the map and the terrain. Still in use given name, which has already become a household name - Ivan Susanin: a patriot who led the enemy army into the remote swamps.

In technical documentation

Well, how can we do without abbreviations in technology – from specialized to household? Of course, we sometimes come across technical abbreviations more often than we would like. Any technical data sheet, even for such an inexpensive product as radio headphones, will necessarily include a couple of clever abbreviations that are understandable to a specialist, but not to the average user. And abbreviations in passports of prefabricated and complex products can even drive an inexperienced beginner to despair.

But it’s never too late to learn, and if you approach the issue seriously and thoughtfully, you can soon begin to understand areas that you never thought about before.

Abbreviations in English, from English and other languages

Separately, I would like to consider the abbreviations that came to us from English as the language of international communication. A modern specialist cannot be considered such if he does not speak a foreign language, most often English, since English terminology penetrates us in all areas. If you want to learn English, and even on your own at home, then read on.

It is clear that all the above-described areas of application of abbreviations are also filled with English abbreviations, each of them is a separate topic for a new large article.

Abbreviations in computer and Internet technologies

However, I want to devote a little more attention in the field of computer technology - although Russia is now rapidly developing this area, in the United States development began and progressed much further. In fact, it was there that the basic standards of modern IT technologies were set. It is clear that they are inextricably linked with the English language.

Since you and I are also related to this area, let's take a closer look at what and when we are dealing with.

And it all starts with the well-known beginning of the email address of almost all sites: www is an abbreviation for the expression World Wide Web ().

And if you pay attention to the final letters in the email address of any site, there is also a certain encoding hidden there, often an abbreviation indicating the country.

In a clever way, this is called a “national domain”, which is allocated for a specific country. You've probably come across sites ending in us or ru. The first domain name refers to sites located in the USA, and the second, I think, does not need to be explained. And if you don’t know what a domain is, but really want to, read.

Just like the code for airports, it must be unique and not coincide with existing ones. Therefore, the winners are the countries that received it earlier - such an abbreviation will be closer to the name of their country. For example, little Laos came to the rescue before the former republics of the USSR, and therefore bears the domain name la, while for Latvia there remains only the very vaguely reminiscent name of their country lv, because lt was received by neighboring Lithuania.

In addition to national domain names, there are also universal ones, such as com and net. But I won't re-examine which sites use them here.

Now you can test yourself to understand the story that I told you at the very beginning.

Abbreviations are also extensions that appear at the end of the name of a computer file after a period and indicate different types of files. We will look at the most common types of extensions that an Internet user usually deals with:

  • for text documents and tables, the most used extensions are doc (after the release of Windows 7, the docx extension came into play), txt, xls;
  • drawings, photos and moving pictures from several consecutive images are denoted by the extensions jpg (jpeg), bmp, tif, gif;
  • sound files are hidden behind the extensions mp3, mpeg, wav;
  • videos can most often be found with the extension avi, mp4, flv, mov, mpg;
  • zip, rar, 7z extensions are used for archiving;
  • programs or applications that need to be installed in order to gain access to its capabilities (as well as viruses that inexperienced users inadvertently install on their computers) are most often hidden behind the exe extension;
  • The html extension is intended for the Internet and can only be opened using Internet browsers;
  • the ppt (pptx) extension is intended for presentations created using Microsoft PowerPoint and open for editing, but a file with the pps (ppsx) extension is intended only for viewing the finished presentation;
  • a file with a pdf extension is universal, as it is suitable for different operating systems; it often contains texts with pictures, scans of various instructions and books.

Of course, these are not all file formats, but only the most unified in the computer field. Often, for various needs, program developers use their own unique extensions, which are used only in a specific program and nowhere else.

Important! The extension is only an indicator of what kind of file is hidden behind it. Replacing extension letters manually will not turn text into video, or video into audio; such intervention will only make the file unreadable, which means you will ruin it.

Most users do not know the origin of the abbreviation names of these extensions, just as the vast majority of people do not know why a light bulb works. Yes, this is not necessary, it is enough just to know what they mean and what they are used for. Moreover, progress continues. For example, with the proliferation of tablets and Androids, new file formats have emerged that are compatible with these technical devices.

English abbreviations used on the Internet for communication

But there is probably no area where English would be so tightly integrated into our everyday life as in in social networks. And cuts are no exception, since Americans are fans of saving time.

There was no trace of the Internet yet, but they had already shortened the word Okey to two letters – ok, and the name of one of their favorite holidays, Christmas, to a shortened version – Xmas. So you can imagine how famously they abbreviate any more or less regularly used phrases in written communication. Among them you can find OMG, LOL and WTF - I think for most of my readers these abbreviations do not need to be deciphered.

However, this is not all. If, when encountering such a masterpiece of bureaucratic thought as the GNUVNIVPFiT (State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Veterinary Institute of Pathology, Pharmacology and Therapy), you think that only the mind of a bureaucrat can generate such a thing, then you are mistaken. When communicating with a foreigner online, you may well come up with the following casual question: AWGTHTGTTA? Don't rack your brains, you were just asked “Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again?”

Interesting: do you know that in addition to the abbreviation IMHO (IMHO - in my humble opinion), which has become firmly established in Russian online slang, there are two more options in English: IMO (in my opinion) and IMSHO (in my not so humble opinion), who express varying degrees of confidence in their own opinions.

AFAIKAs Far As I Know
ADNAny Day Now
ASAPAs Soon As Possible
BRBBe Right Back
BTWBy The Way
CU or CUL or CUL8RSee You, See You Later
C.Y.O.See You Online
DIIKDamned If I Know
FAQFrequently Asked Question
FWIWFor What It's Worth
FYIFor Your Information
GD&RGrinning, ducking & running (usually left at the end of a digging message)
GIWISTGee I Wish I'd Said That
IACIn Any Case (also IAE - In Any Event)
IANALI Am Not A Lawyer
IOWIn Other Words
IRIn Real Life
IYOIn Your Opinion
I3DIn 3D
JICJust In Case
JSNMJust Stark Naked Magic
FITBFill In The Blank…
KOWKnock On Wood
LOLLaughing Out Loud
LAB&TYDLife's A Bitch & Then You Die
OICOh, I See
OTOHOn The Other Hand
PMJI or PMFJIPardon Me For Jumping In
POVPoint Of View
PPNProgrammer project number
R.I.P.Rest In Peace
ROFLRolling On Floor Laughing
ROTFLRolling On The Floor Laughing
RSNReal Soon Now
RTFMRead The Fine Manual
SNAFUSituation Normal, All Fucked Up
SYSOPSystem Operator
TANJThere Ain't No Justice
TANSTAAFLThere Ain't No Such Thing as A Free Lunch
TBDTo Be Determined
TIAThanks In Advance
TPTBThe Powers That Be
TTBOMKTo The Best Of My Knowledge
TTYLTalk To You Later
YA...Yet another…. (as in YAA – yet another acronym)
VIPVery Important Person

Correct and incorrect foreign abbreviations

Often foreign but widely used abbreviations are also used in the Russian-speaking environment. Sometimes such names are translated, for example, OSCE (organization for security and cooperation in Europe) is originally called Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe - (OSCE). The same applies to the USA (United States of America), which in English is called USA (United States of America).

However, this principle is not always preserved when mastering abbreviations. So the NATO alliance remained unchanged - this abbreviation was transferred to the Cyrillic alphabet without changes from the Latin alphabet: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Perhaps because of the already existing euphony of the English abbreviation or because of Russia’s non-involvement in this organization. Be that as it may, whether state policy changes or not, the name is already well established in the Russian language in this version.

It would be unfair not to mention at least a couple of words other languages, which also make, albeit a smaller, contribution to the development of the Russian language. Did you know that the well-known name of the pharmaceutical ointment “Vaseline” is also an abbreviation invented by the pharmacist who invented it? It consists of the first syllable of the German word for water (Wasser), the Greek word for oil (eleion) and the suffix in Latin meaning belonging.

As you can see, a person who knows the origin and method of abbreviations can consider himself encyclopedically educated and can both solve and compose crossword puzzles. They also often contain abbreviations as encrypted words.

Dictionary and list of abbreviations

I am not presumptuous enough to call my article a complete and comprehensive study of acronyms. Having paid attention only to frequently occurring and widespread abbreviations and methods of their creation in general, I have left out of our attention the less used in everyday life or narrowly professional words and terms. However, to make your search easier, I will suggest some useful resources.

The most comprehensive source on the Internet is the dictionary of abbreviations

Explanations of English abbreviations can be found on the website

And here is a page with a list of medical abbreviations on Wikipedia:

A complete list of all domain zones in the world -

Airport codes, according to ICAO -

Examples of famous abbreviations

And in the end, I want to introduce you to a small selection of abbreviations that are common now, as well as in the recent past, which includes their correct spelling, meaning and translation.

CNG filling stations – automobile gas filling compressor stations

ANO is an autonomous non-profit organization

BDSM – transliteration from English bondage/discipline (BD) and dominance/submission (DS)

BMW – (from German Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, - “Bavarian Motor Works”) car brand

BRICS is a group of five partner countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa

GDP – gross domestic product

Komsomol - All-Union Leninist Communist Youth League or Komsomol - according to the last three words

VDGO – indoor gas equipment

Higher professional education – 1. Higher professional education; 2. All-Union Pioneer Organization; 3. Vladimir Production Association; 4. Department of the Presidential Security; 5. Paramilitary fire brigade; 6. wet industrial waste; 7. straightening, tamping and finishing machine; 8. out-of-furnace processing (steel); 9. Vnukovo Civil Aviation Production Association; 10. internal contracting organization; 11. subsurface irrigation; 12. Military consumer society; 13. malicious software; 14. All-Russian Production Association.

VTB – External Trade Bank

university – higher education institution

All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions

GMO – genetically modified organism

Traffic Police - State Traffic Inspectorate

GBOU – State Budgetary Educational Institution

State Traffic Safety Inspectorate - State Road Safety Inspectorate

Glavkoverh (Supreme Commander-in-Chief in Russia during the First World War)

GLONASS – Global Navigation Satellite System

GO - civil defense

GOST - state standard

GRBS is the main manager of budget funds

GTO - “Ready for Labor and Defense” - a sports training program for the population in the USSR

HPP – state power plant

GRES – state district power plant

ddt – 1. Road traffic accident; 2. Insecticide (dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane)

DNA is a macromolecule containing the genetic code, its name is deoxyribonucleic acid

DOSAAF - a public-state association in the USSR (voluntary society for the assistance of the army, aviation and navy)

Preschool educational institution - children's (or preschool) educational institution

DTI - additional technological index, used to designate the transfer of official mail

EU – European Union

UES – Unified Energy System

Civil registry office - state civil registration authorities

Spare parts - spare parts, tools, accessories

TIN – taxpayer identification number

Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service

CASCO – comprehensive car insurance, except liability

KIPA – instrumentation and automation

Checkpoint - checkpoint

KGB – State Security Committee

Laser - (from the English LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) - light amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

LGBT - lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender - designation for people of non-traditional sexual orientation

Ministry of Internal Affairs - Ministry of Internal Affairs

NATO – (from the English North Atlantic Treaty Organization) North Atlantic Alliance

MGUPI – Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics

MDF - (from the English. Medium Density Fiberboard) dMedium Density Fiberboard

MIREA – obsolete. Name of the Moscow Institute of Technology, Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation

morgue – place of final registration of citizens (20s)

MOU - municipal educational institution

MRI – magnetic resonance therapy

MREO – Interdistrict Registration and Examination Department

MTS - from English. Mobile Telephone System

MFC - multifunctional center

EMERCOM – Ministry of Emergency Situations

NTV – our television, the name of the Russian TV channel

NTD – normative and technical documentation

OKTMO – All-Russian Classifier of Municipal Territories

UN – United Nations

RZD – Russian Railways

RSFSR – Russian Federative Socialist Republic

USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

CIS – Commonwealth of Independent States

OJSC – open joint stock company

OSCE - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

OGE – Main state exam

OMON - special purpose mobile detachment

OSAGO - compulsory insurance policy for civil liability of vehicle owners

GPP – general physical training

PJSC – public joint stock company

PVC – polyvinyl chloride – colorless transparent plastic

PFR – Pension Fund of Russia

RANEPA – Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

RSChS – Russian (unified) system (prevention) of emergency situations

SZV – information about earnings (remuneration)

SKA – sport Club army, hockey club that originated in the USSR

SMS – (from (English short message service - “short message service”)

SNILS – insurance number of an individual personal account

SNT - gardening non-profit partnership

St. Petersburg – St. Petersburg

AIDS – acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

SPPK – spring relief valve

SRO is a self-regulatory organization

STO – technical service station

STS – 1. network of television stations; 2. cellular telephone communication; 3. ambulance transport ship

TASS - television agency of the Soviet Union

TNT – Your New Television, federal channel of Russia

CHP - combined heat and power plant

UKSUS – Department of Supply Coordination and Sales Settlement

Federal Migration Service - Department of the Federal Migration Service

UFSIN - Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service

FAPSI - Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information

FAS – Federal Antimonopoly Service

FSES – Federal State Educational Standard

FSB – Federal Security Service

FSIN – Federal Penitentiary Service

FSKN – Federal Service for Drug Control

FIFA – (from French Fédération Internationale de Football Association)

Federal executive authorities - federal executive authorities

CSKA – Central Army Sports Club, hockey team

UNESCO – (from the English UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) specialized UN agency for education, science and culture

What other interesting abbreviations do you know?

- Everything is fine, thank you!

- Please.

Example: MYOB = mind your own business (mind your own business)

Below you will find a whole list of English abbreviations (in SMS, social networks, forums). Study it thoroughly to understand what English-speaking interlocutors want from you.

As a preface: colloquial abbreviations in English

Of course, it is advisable to use abbreviations of English words only in informal correspondence(personal messages, chats). At the same time, there is a known case when a 13-year-old girl wrote a school essay, almost entirely based on English abbreviations. Here is an excerpt from it, try to read and understand the meaning of what is written:

My smmr hols wr CWOT. B4, we used 2go2 NY 2C my bro, his GF & thr 3:- kids FTF. ILNY, it's a gr8 plc.

Happened? Now read the “translation”:

My summer hols (abbreviated as holidays) were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to NY (New York) to see my brother, his girlfriend and their 3 kids face to face. I love New York, it’s a great place.

As you can see, English abbreviations in the letter are built:

  • on the use of numbers (4, 8)
  • on letter names (R = are, C = see)
  • on vowel ejection (smmr = summer)
  • on acronyms - a type of abbreviation formed by initial letters (ILNY = I love New York).

So, let's move on to our dictionary of English abbreviations.

His Majesty Slang: deciphering English abbreviations

The article will indicate the translation of abbreviations from English into Russian. But where additional clarification is required, we will provide that too. Enjoy!

0 = nothing

2 = two, to, too (two, preposition to, too)

2DAY = today (today)

2MORO / 2MROW = tomorrow (tomorrow)

2NITE / 2NYT = tonight (tonight, tonight)

2U = to you (to you)

4U = for you (for you)

4E = forever

AFAIK= as far as I know (as far as I know)

ASAP = as soon as possible (at the first opportunity, as soon as possible)

ATB = all the best (all the best)

B = to be

B4 = before (before)

B4N = bye for now (bye, see you)

BAU = business as usual (idiom meaning that things continue as usual despite the difficult situation)

BBL = to be back later (come back later, be later)

BC = because (because)

BF = boyfriend (young man, guy, boyfriend)

BK = back (back, back)

BRB = to be right back (back soon). For example, you are “chatting” with someone, but forced to leave for a while. BRB (back soon), - you write, and go about your business.

BRO = brother

BTW = by the way (by the way, by the way)

BYOB / BYO = to bring your own booze, to bring your own bottle (“with your own alcohol”). Indicated on the invitation when the party host will not provide drinks for guests. By the way, the band System Of A Down has a song B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Bombs instead of Bottle).

C = to see

CIAO = goodbye (goodbye, bye). This abbreviation for correspondence in English is derived from Italian Ciao(and it is pronounced exactly like this - ciao).

COS / CUZ = because (because)

CUL8R = call you later / see you later (I'll call you later / see you later)

CUL = see you later (see you later)

CWOT = complete waste of time

D8 = date (date, date)

DNR = dinner

EOD = end of debate. Used during an argument when you want to stop it: That's it, EOD! (That's it, let's stop arguing!)

EZ = easy (easy, simple, convenient)

F2F / FTF = face to face (face to face)

F8 = fate

FYI = for your information

GF = girlfriend (girlfriend)

GMTA = great minds think alike (the saying “Great minds think alike”). Something like ours “fools think alike” just the other way around :)

GR8 = great (wonderful, excellent, etc.)

GTG = got to go (got to go)

HAND = have a nice day (have a nice day)

HB2U = happy birthday to you (happy birthday)

HOLS = holidays (vacation, vacation)

HRU = how are you (how are you? How are you?)

HV = to have

ICBW = it could be worse (could be worse)

IDK = I dont know (I don’t know)

IDTS = I don’t think so (I don’t think so, I don’t think so, I don’t agree)

ILU / Luv U = I love you (I love you)

IMHO = in my humble opinion (in my humble opinion). Expression has long migrated to our Internet in the form of transliteration IMHO.

IYKWIM = if you know what I mean (if you know what I mean)

JK = just kidding (just kidding, it's a joke)

KDS = kids

KIT = to keep in touch (stay in touch)

KOTC = kiss on the cheek (kiss on the cheek)

L8 = late (late, recently, recently)

L8R = later

LMAO = laughing my ass out (so funny that I laughed off my ass).

LOL = laughing out loud (the meaning is identical to the previous one). This popular English abbreviation is also borrowed from our Internet slang in the form of transliteration LOL.

LSKOL = long slow kiss on the lips (French kiss)

LTNS = long time no see (long time no see)

Example from stickers for Viber

Luv U2 = I love you too (I love you too)

M8 = mate (buddy, friend, dude). Slang word mate- about the same as dude (dude, boy, etc.): Hey, mate, what’s up? (Hey man, how's it going?)

MON = the middle of nowhere (idiom meaning “very far away, in the middle of nowhere”)

MSG = message (message, message)

MTE = my thoughts exactly (you read my thoughts, I think exactly the same)

MU = I miss you (I miss you)

MUSM = I miss you so much (I miss you very much)

MYOB = mind your own business (mind your own business, don’t meddle in other people’s business)

N2S = needless to say (it goes without saying, it’s obvious that...)

NE1 = anyone (anyone, anyone)

NO1 = no one (nobody)

NP = no problem (no problem, no problem)

OIC = oh, I see (I see; that's it). Used in a situation when you want to show your interlocutor that you understand the subject of the conversation.

PC&QT – peace and quiet (peace and quiet). An idiom most often used in the context of wanting a quieter life is: All I want is a little peace and quiet (All I want is a little peace and quiet).

PCM = please call me (please call me)

PLS = please (please)

PS = parents

QT = cutie

R = are (form of verbs to be)

ROFL / ROTFL = rolling of the floor laughing (rolling on the floor laughing)

RUOK = are you ok? (Are you okay? Is everything okay?)

SIS = sister

SKOOL = school (school)

SMMR = summer

SOB = stressed out bad (feel very stressed)

This video has subtitles.

SOM1 = someone

TGIF = thank God it’s Friday (Thank God, today is Friday)

THX = thanks

THNQ = thank you (thank you)

TTYL = talk to you later (let's talk later)

WAN2 = to want to (want)

WKND = weekend

WR = were (form of the verb to be)

WUCIWUG = what you see is what you get (what you see is what you get)

The phrase was used for creative posters for Heinz ketchup

The expression has several meanings:

  1. A property of application programs or web interfaces in which content is displayed during editing and appears as closely as possible to the final product (more details).
  2. A definition that is used when the speaker wants to show that there is nothing hidden, there are no secrets or pitfalls.

Can be used as a definition an honest and open person:

He is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get kind of person. (He is a “what you see is what you get” type of person)

The idiom can also be used, for example, by salespeople in a store when they assure us that the product we are buying is looks the same as on the display:

The product you are looking at is exactly what you get if you buy it. What you see is what you get. The ones in the box are just like this one. (If you buy this product, you will receive exactly what you see now. The items in the boxes are exactly the same as this one).

X = kiss

XLNT = excellent (excellent, excellent)

XOXO = hugs and kisses (hugs and kisses). More precisely, “hugs and kisses”, if you follow Internet trends :)

YR = your / you’re (your / you + form of the verb to be)

ZZZ.. = to sleep (sleep) The abbreviation is used when a person wants to show the interlocutor that he is already asleep / falling asleep.

Finally: how to understand modern abbreviations in English

As you can see, all English abbreviations on the Internet follow a certain logic, the principles of which we discussed at the beginning of the article. Therefore, it is enough to “scan through them with your eyes” several times, and you will easily be able to use and, most importantly, understand them. CUL8R, M8 :)