How to properly lay polycarbonate on a canopy - clear instructions. Roofing polycarbonate How to cover a roof with polycarbonate

Today, among other roofing materials, polycarbonate has proven itself to be excellent. It’s no wonder. After all, the coating has a number of advantages and at the same time has only a few disadvantages, and even those are rather warnings for proper operation. It is thanks to the special properties of polycarbonate that many craftsmen wonder how to make a polycarbonate roof with their own hands. In the material below we will consider in detail the positive and negative aspects of the coating and master the technology of its installation.

A polycarbonate roof is a beautiful, bright, modern and practical structure. Most often used for covering attic premises, greenhouses, gazebos, attached veranda etc., since such a roof provides maximum natural light. In addition, they prefer to use polycarbonate due to its positive properties:

  • Strength of the material. Polycarbonate roofs, installed in accordance with all the rules, have a high load-bearing capacity. That is, they can withstand sufficient loads in the form of snow and rainwater, which also quickly remove themselves. It is worth knowing that all types of roofs are as durable as possible, since polycarbonate is 200 times stronger than thick glass. Polycarbonate is able to withstand precipitation in the form of hail, as well as withstand mechanical impacts of various kinds.
  • Excellent light transmission. Here it is worth knowing that polycarbonate panels transmit between 85 and 93% of natural daylight. Against the background of increased strength, this quality becomes one of the most advantageous when installing roofs for both residential and auxiliary premises. At the same time, we note that it is the cellular structure of polycarbonate that is capable of softly scattering sunlight, creating lighting in the room that is familiar to the human eye. Therefore, covering the roof with such material is an excellent solution.
  • Light weight coating. To build a polycarbonate roof, the master does not need to put in a lot of effort. So, monolithic slab polycarbonate will weigh half as much as glass of the same size.
  • Flexibility. This roofing material has increased flexibility, which allows it not to bend even with sub-zero temperatures. However, it is worth remembering that polycarbonate should only be bent along the cellular grooves. Otherwise, internal tension will simply break him. Thanks to the use of polycarbonate roofing complex curved structures can be mounted. Most often, arch-shaped roofs are made from polycarbonate panels.
  • Low thermal conductivity of the material. It is worth noting here that similar advantage inherent in polycarbonate due to its cellular structure. Thus, air collects in the honeycomb cavities of the panels, which is the key to retaining heat in a room with a polycarbonate roof.
  • Good sound insulation. It is an additional positive quality of the panels in combination with low thermal conductivity. Due to this quality, polycarbonate panels are often used to create soundproof screens.
  • Environmental friendliness of the panels. Regarding the safety of using polycarbonate in residential premises, it is worth noting that this roofing material is produced on the basis of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. All other additives in the form of plasticizers and dyes are not harmful to human health. A positive example is the use of various utensils made from this polymer in the medical care sector.
  • Absolutely non-flammable. Unlike other polymers, polycarbonate is not capable of burning. Its ignition temperature reaches 600 °C, which automatically eliminates the possibility of fire. Even if a fire suddenly happens, everything around will burn first, but not the ceilings and other elements made of polycarbonate. That is, polycarbonate can even be used as a fire-resistant material. In addition, it is worth noting that such a coating is prone to self-extinguishing, which is not unimportant. In the absence of air access to the room, polycarbonate stops combustion.

Important: when melting, polycarbonate does not form fusible hot drops that can injure a person. When heated strongly, the panels simply shrink and become deformed, forming only holes in their structure.

  • Inertness to aggressive environments. Polycarbonates do not react in any way to fuel, oil and lubricants. In addition, it is not afraid of weak acid solutions, alcohols and copper sulfate
  • Durability of the coating. A polycarbonate roof, provided that the panels are installed correctly, can last up to a quarter of a century (25 years). This frees the home owner from regular roof repairs.
  • Safety for humans. In addition to safe melting, polycarbonate slabs are also not prone to crumbling into small fragments under strong mechanical stress. In the worst case, such material simply becomes covered with cracks.
  • UV resistance. Here it is worth knowing that the entire range of polycarbonate varieties is equipped with a top protective film that gently reflects ultraviolet rays. This means that polycarbonate roof panels do not suffer from negative sunlight. In addition, such film protection protects people who are under the polycarbonate roof from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Easy to install. In this case, every master should know that working with polycarbonate panels is quite easy. The material is fed to drilling, cutting, sawing using a standard jigsaw or grinder.
  • Optimal panel size. Thanks to the dimensions of the polycarbonate panels, working with this coating is very convenient. In particular, polycarbonate manufacturers produce slabs with dimensions of 600 x 120 cm and 210 x 1200 cm. Thus, the labor intensity of the work process is significantly reduced.

Disadvantages of polycarbonate coating

Like all other materials, polymer has several disadvantages. These are:

  • The possibility of rendering panels unusable if the protective coating is damaged. In this case, it is worth noting that if integrity violations were detected during installation protective coating, then over time dust, soot, and dirt will begin to accumulate in the slabs. The polycarbonate will become cloudy and lose its performance characteristics.
  • High degree of expansion when heating and cooling. In this case, the master must understand that polycarbonate sheets will expand under the sun, and when exposed to low temperatures, they will shrink. As a result, if the slabs are not properly installed and fixed, the polycarbonate may become deformed. To avoid this, it is necessary to leave technical gaps when laying the panels using a special fastening profile.
  • Polycarbonate susceptibility to mechanical damage. In particular, this applies to snow crust covering a polycarbonate roof. That is why it is necessary to clear fallen snow from the roof in a timely manner so that it does not damage the polymer roof when it freezes.
  • Possibility of damage to panels by alkali, concentrated acid or acetone. If there is a risk of using these substances indoors, then installing such a roof is not recommended.
  • Excessive reflection of solar radiation. This parameter is positive in extreme heat in the summer, but does not play into the hands of the residents of the house in the cold season. That is, a room with a polycarbonate roof will warm up less during the cold season.

Polycarbonate roofing installation technology

If you do not know how to make a polycarbonate roof, then the technology below will allow you to do all the work yourself. Moreover, regardless of the type of roof. So, in order to cover the roof with polycarbonate, you need to prepare the following tools and accessories:

  • Grinder or jigsaw;
  • Special self-tapping screws with sealing washers made of polymer;
  • Fixing connecting profiles;
  • Decorative closing profiles;
  • End profiles;
  • Self-adhesive dustproof tape.

It is necessary to plan the process in such a way that all preparatory work (installation of a metal profile frame, cutting of panels) is carried out before lifting the slabs onto the roof. This will help you save time.

Important: during the work process it is forbidden to walk on the fixed slabs. Firstly, it is unsafe, and secondly, it can damage the panels.

The installation process will look like this:

  • The panels are cut according to the required dimensions. In this case, the cutting speed is selected individually, using a trial method. When cutting slowly, the material can crumble, and when cutting too fast, it can melt along the edge. When cutting panels and profiles for an arched ceiling, it is worth taking into account that the length of the end profile when bending will be slightly greater than the length of the panel. Therefore, it is better to cut the profile with a margin of 15-20 cm. Then, when installing the arched ceiling, we simply trim it.
  • Now you need to slightly unscrew the protective films around the edges and seal them with dust-proof film. The ends are covered with end profiles.
  • Remove the bottom protective film from the cut panel. At the same time, the top film with the manufacturer’s logo has not yet been removed. It is this side of the coating that should face up during installation. Upon completion of work, it is carefully removed.

Important: when installing an arched roof, you must remember that each type of panel has its own minimum degree of cold bending. You can find it out from the seller in the store. And for installation pitched roof It must be taken into account that the degree of slope must be at least 10% or 6 degrees.

  • When fixing the slabs to the frame, you should be careful and ensure that the edges of the panels are parallel to the roof frame. This will ensure free movement of moisture and snow along the roof. In this case, the lower edge of the slab should protrude 20 cm beyond the roof frame. These overhangs will protect the building walls from rain. The upper edge of the panel is aligned with the horizontal frame of the structure.
  • Now we fix the special base profile on the longitudinal rafters of the roof with special self-tapping screws. We insert a polycarbonate sheet into it. The panel is also fixed along the horizontal strip with self-tapping screws. But for them you need to make holes several centimeters larger than the cross-section of the fasteners. This will be the so-called technical gap for expansion and condensation. Up to 5 pieces can be used per sheet 210 mm wide. fasteners.
  • After one sheet is mounted, the clamping profile-base is covered with a closing profile. In this case, you should make sure that it is securely pressed along its entire length.
  • Now you need to put on the clamping profile-base from the other edge of the sheet and fix it to the frame in the same way as the first. Then do all the actions by analogy with the previous ones, thus moving from left to right or vice versa.
  • Upon completion of the work, remove the protective film from the top of the roof. You should not delay removing it, since when heated in the sun, the film is more difficult to remove.

Tip: to make a polycarbonate roof look more organic, when installing the frame, you can weld longitudinal posts with a pitch equal to the width of the polymer sheet. As a result, the finished roof will be perfect.

Gaining more and more popularity modern materials for roofing, such as polycarbonate. This option is widely used to cover verandas and individual areas of the house. This is not only original and beautiful, it also ensures a reliable roof and bright natural lighting for the room. sunlight. The room becomes very cozy and attractive.

Advantages of a polycarbonate roof

The material is very practical and has many advantages:

  • polycarbonate panels protect the room from exposure to the sun, allowing diffused light to pass through and reliably protect against ultraviolet rays;
  • the relatively light weight of the structure makes it possible to make an original roof;
  • high thermal insulation capabilities, as a result there is no need to additionally insulate the room;
  • polycarbonate has high sound insulation capabilities;
  • resistance to moisture accumulation;
  • room ventilation ability;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • tolerates temperature changes well;
  • relatively flexible material, withstand the load from precipitation;
  • easy to install and process;
  • resistant to mechanical stress, can be drilled, bent and cut to size.

The material is very durable, it can withstand a layer of snow weighing two hundred kilograms per square meter.

The disadvantages of the material are that large polycarbonate sheets can sag and deform during transportation. And although the material is durable, it is inferior in quality to glass and requires more careful handling when working with it, saving it and installing it. It has low abrasive resistance, which manifests itself in the appearance of scratches and cracks. As a result, the integrity of the polycarbonate roof can be damaged by heavy hail.

Weighing all the pros and cons, we can confidently say that polycarbonate is recognized as one of the best materials for installing roofs of corridors, greenhouses, and extensions. Another advantage is that the material is relatively inexpensive.

Polycarbonate roof installation

Although three types of polycarbonate can be conventionally distinguished, two types are still the most used and popular: monolithic and cellular.

Monolithic polycarbonate is used for roofs of various sizes and shapes with the prospect of withstanding the weight of a large volume of snow and gusts of wind. The size of the panel of monolithic material is two by three meters. Thickness ranges from two to twelve millimeters. Twelve-millimeter polycarbonate is also called anti-vandal, because it can withstand the blow of an adult strong man without damage.

Cellular polycarbonate weighs much less due to its porous structure with air chambers. The material has a high mechanical strength with low weight. This material perfect option for the manufacture of complex elements of arches and roofs. Honeycomb material has a variety of color scheme shades. The thickness of the material varies from four to thirty millimeters, the length of the panel ranges from two meters to six or twelve.

There are two most common options for polycarbonate roofing:

  • straight roof;
  • arch-shaped roof.

Straight polycarbonate roof

The straight roof option is most often used in the construction of open verandas and gazebos. When deciding to use polycarbonate, it becomes possible to create an open, bright space. But since roof insulation will lead to the loss of the properties of a polycarbonate roof, it is not advisable to build such a roof option for winter houses. Only summer housing options are suitable for polycarbonate roofing.

You can make a straight roof in several solutions: hip, single or gable. Polycarbonate roofing does not require powerful rafters; the material is quite light. This can be a board up to fifty millimeters, pre-treated with special protective solutions. The distance between the rafters is selected taking into account the width of the panel. When cutting out the material, it should be cut so that the stiffening ribs coincide with the direction of the roof slope. The sheet should be placed correctly, taking into account the special ultraviolet coating, it should be outward.

The polycarbonate panel is attached to wooden base self-tapping screws with fastening. A hole is drilled in the sheet slightly larger than the diameter of the screw and screwed tightly into the body of the sheet. The joints are covered with detachable profiles.

All parts where there are gaps must be treated with sealant.

Arched polycarbonate roof

Making an arched roof is not difficult, the only difficulty is preparing the arches; they must be bent evenly using a template, otherwise the covering may be distorted. The profile arches are cut to make it easier to bend the material to the required roof shape. But if the arcs have practically no bending limit, then polycarbonate behaves differently, this should not be forgotten and the material must be bent carefully. Attach polycarbonate in the same way as to wooden surface, use self-tapping screws and secure with washers. The joints and the end area are covered with sealant.

Arched roofs are used in small areas; they make canopies and gazebos.

Technology for installing polycarbonate on the roof

The material has been used for about ten years and during that time has shown excellent wear resistance qualities. Roofing of any type, shape and size can be made from polycarbonate. In private households, cellular polycarbonate is most often used: swimming pools, greenhouses, verandas, canopies - all these structures can be covered with transparent cellular material. The roof can be made with any angle of inclination or completely flat. All this depends on the desire and imagination of the owner.

To obtain a roof of the required shape, it is necessary to prepare a frame in advance for attaching polycarbonate panels. Ideal for frame steel pipes, aluminum profile. With a polycarbonate profile, the roof dome will be perfectly transparent and this is an ideal solution from an aesthetic point of view. Carbonate profiles can be split or monolithic. The main advantages of the carbonate profile are:

  • light weight;
  • transparency;
  • quality;
  • tightness.

Polycarbonate is classified according to quality characteristics:

  • premium class - in use for more than twenty years;
  • elite - service life more than twelve years;
  • optimal - a guarantee of more than ten years;
  • economical - shelf life varies from five to eight years.

Polycarbonate is chosen based on needs. If you need reliability and practicality, choose thicker material. If the shapes are beautiful, aesthetics and configurations are thinner, which bends well.

When arranging the panels, you should combine the sheets so that there is a joint on the rafters.

After this, the frame is mounted. Special attention placed on the grooves, they are closed using special tape or tape. Sheets are attached to the frame taking into account the fastening requirements. There are tips that will help you carry out all the steps correctly:

  • the holes for the screws should be slightly larger than the tools themselves;
  • It is not recommended to screw the self-tapping screw all the way; the panel should still be able to move under the influence of temperatures;
  • it is necessary to work with polycarbonate panels carefully so as not to damage the top protective coating;
  • It is recommended to remove the protective film after drilling and cutting work.

Polycarbonate material suitable for the construction of roofs of any shape. The choice of quality and option depends on the taste and capabilities of the owner. Installation of the material is not difficult, but requires compliance with some nuances. The cost of polycarbonate depends on the characteristics of the material and varies.

Types of polycarbonate for roofing

Roofs made of polycarbonate material are easy to install yourself without the involvement of specialists. And you can find several types of polycarbonate on the market; in order to choose the most suitable one in each specific case, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each material. There are such subtypes of polycarbonate:

  • profiled - these are panels with a wave or trapezoidal profile, used for covering extensions and greenhouses, making decorative canopies;
  • cellular - is a material with voids inside, used in the advertising business and in construction, is an excellent option for creating partitions in rooms, design, and for street advertising;
  • monolithic - a solid smooth material that looks like glass, but is much lighter and more multifunctional.

Polycarbonate sheets vary in thickness, size, color, and structure. There are varieties with a predominance of certain qualities: some very reliably protect against ultraviolet radiation, others are distinguished by increased strength or multi-layering.

Due to the lightness of the polycarbonate material, you can build original complex designs, which will have a low specific gravity.

How to choose polycarbonate for roofing

Polycarbonate is widely used in various industries and gained such popularity thanks to its main qualities:

  • high light transmittance;
  • small mass of material and, as a result, lightweight design;
  • comparative cheapness of the material;
  • the ability to widely use the material and work with it.

The thickness of the material ranges from four to thirty-five millimeters. The weight of the sheet depends on this. It varies between a kilogram and two and a half. The material does not lose its qualities at different temperatures and can withstand temperatures from forty degrees below zero to one hundred and twenty degrees of heat. Impact resistance, high thermal insulation abilities, and resistance to contact with aggressive chemical compounds allow the material to be widely used in everyday life and in production.

The service life of structures made on the basis of polycarbonate ranges from five to twenty years.

There are seven standard sizes polycarbonate in thickness. Each of the varieties has its own purpose and is used according to technical characteristics:

  • thirty-two millimeters - used to cover buildings with large size roofs, can withstand significant loads;
  • sixteen millimeters is also a suitable type of polycarbonate for large spans and can withstand loads well;
  • ten millimeters - suitable for vertical elements in public buildings;
  • eight millimeters - awnings for the yard, car, glazing of balconies;
  • four millimeters - small greenhouses, awnings over the threshold;
  • three millimeters - greenhouses, greenhouses.

Drawings of a polycarbonate roof can be found on the Internet; there are many options. Very often, some option is taken as a basis and modified during the process of covering the structure. There you can also look at a photo of a polycarbonate roof and choose the one you like the most.

Polycarbonate roofing fasteners

To carry out actions to secure polycarbonate sheets, you need to prepare tools. The fastenings deserve special attention, since the strength and reliability of the structure depends on them. There is a wide variety of fastening materials that are used depending on the complexity of the design and the quality of the material.

The following fasteners can be distinguished:

  • polycarbonate thermal washers;
  • stainless steel thermal washers;
  • washers made of polypropylene;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • bolts and nuts.

A polycarbonate thermal washer helps attach the sheets to the frame and hold them securely. These fasteners are more reliable and better than polypropylene washers and have a wide color palette. As for polypropylene, they are not coated with a protective material and, when exposed to aggressive ultraviolet radiation, quickly fade and lose strength. They should be used on roofs in shaded areas. The fasteners are inexpensive, but also short-lived.

Stainless steel washers are reliable and do not become loose; they are most often used on metal profiles. The washer includes a rubber element that allows you to comply with the tightness rule. Recommended for use in dry rooms.

It is possible to make a polycarbonate roof with your own hands if you prepare a drawing correctly and follow all the instructions. Reasonably executed fastening of the polycarbonate profile to the frame, the use of high-quality fastening structures will allow you to create a reliable roof with your own hands, which can protect the room and create comfort for a long period of time.

If you still have questions about how to practically make a polycarbonate roof, and if necessary, get installation advice, watch the video, which will answer all frequently asked questions.

Relatively recently, affordable translucent, flexible and durable polycarbonate for roofing has appeared on the construction market. With its help, you can equip light, seemingly weightless, roofing structures of various shapes.

Roofs made of polycarbonate panels are erected on gazebos, greenhouses, winter gardens, sheds, transport stops and other infrastructure facilities. This roofing material combines many advantages, including low price, long service life, and decorative potential. Home craftsmen will useful information How to make a polycarbonate roof with your own hands.

Types of polycarbonate for roofing and characteristics

Polycarbonate is a type of thermoplastic plastic produced using carbonic acid and bisphenol. A roof equipped with its use is characterized by increased impact resistance, a high degree of light transmission reaching 92%, and a decent appearance.

Manufacturers offer two types of polycarbonate:

  1. Monolithic. This material looks like silicate glass; it is smooth and transparent. At the same time, the load-bearing qualities and impact resistance of monolithic polycarbonate for roofing are much higher than that of glass coverings. Since its flexibility is less than that of the cellular type of this product, it is used to create pitched and flat roofs.
  2. Cellular. The structure of this polycarbonate is characterized by the presence of many cells that are filled with air. The degree of translucency of the honeycomb material is less compared to the monolithic type. This plastic bends well, retains heat excellently, and therefore is used in the construction and glazing of greenhouses and winter gardens. It is used in the construction of shaped roofs, including arched, domed and many others.

Throughout its entire service life, polycarbonate roofing is in contact with ultraviolet rays, which have the most adverse effect on the condition of the material, which leads to its premature wear. So that the roof can last longer long time, craftsmen install special plastic that is not affected by ultraviolet radiation.

Advantages and disadvantages of polycarbonate roofing sheet

Due to the good technical and operational qualities of polycarbonate, this material began to displace fragile glass and plexiglass, which becomes cloudy over time, from the construction market.

According to professionals, its advantages are as follows:

  1. Thermoplastic plastic roofing has a high load-bearing capacity, is impact-resistant and is lightweight. To install a polycarbonate roof with your own hands, you do not need to build a massive frame and pour a solid foundation.
  2. The material, especially the cellular type, bends without problems, and this circumstance allows you to equip complex figured roofing structures without the use of special equipment and tools.
  3. Many people are interested in how to cut polycarbonate at home. Plastic is easy to process and can be cut special knife or circular saw and glue if necessary. It is only important to know how to glue polycarbonate so that the connection is durable.
  4. Polycarbonate has sound and thermal insulation properties, does not allow water to pass through.
  5. The material has a long service life, is wear-resistant and does not require special care.

The main disadvantage of polycarbonate plastic is the presence of thermal expansion. At high temperatures, this material increases in size and therefore, during the construction process, fasteners must be tightened so that gaps remain.

Features of the roof structure

A polycarbonate roof for a house consists of two main elements:

  • support frame made of metal profile or wooden blocks;
  • roofing material - it is laid on a sheathing mounted perpendicular to the legs of the rafters. At the same time, the lathing for polycarbonate must be made in accordance with all the rules and requirements.

Roofs made from polycarbonate sheets are:

  1. Flat. These are structures consisting of one plane with a slope of no more than 1-2 degrees. It turns out to be big on them snow load, therefore, the thickness of monolithic polycarbonate for a flat roof should be at least 8-10 millimeters.
  2. Pitched. From transparent plastic, you can make a roofing structure from one or more slopes with a slope of up to 40 degrees. Light weight and convenient handling make the construction of the rafter system easier.
  3. Arched. Cellular polycarbonate is considered one of the best materials for creating arched structures. Roofs with any form of bend on a metal frame can be made without much difficulty due to the flexibility of this coating.
  4. Dome. For such structures, cellular polycarbonate is used because it is flexible. But arranging a dome-shaped roof will require precise calculations and careful adjustment.

Professionals advise using metal frames made of steel or aluminum, since in this case the service life of the roofing covering and the base material are the same. When fixing polycarbonate to wooden structure, it is necessary to treat the bars with an antiseptic composition.

How to make a plastic roof with your own hands

You can build a polycarbonate roof on your own, for example, for a carport, for a gazebo in the garden or a canopy over a swimming pool. In order for the transparent roof covering to be reliable and durable, the thickness of the polycarbonate for the roof must be correctly selected. The easiest way to use finished project with all the necessary calculations already available in order to avoid errors in the process of cutting and installing the structure.

This roof is assembled in the following sequence:

  1. On initial stage assemble a frame from wooden or metal elements. A profile, bars or corners with a thickness of at least 4-5 centimeters are suitable for this. Since the width of a standard polycarbonate roof sheet is 2100 millimeters, the rafters are mounted so that they can support the joint between adjacent plates. They are nailed to the rafters in increments of 40-50 centimeters.
  2. The material is cut into sheets using a circular saw with fine teeth. the right size and fixed to the frame. When settling in pitched roof, plastic stiffeners are placed along the slope.
  3. The first sheet is laid with a protrusion beyond the roof of 3-5 millimeters. The end of the material is sealed with tape or a special profile is put on it.
  4. Holes are made in polycarbonate along the rafters in increments of 30-40 centimeters, using a drill whose diameter exceeds this parameter for self-tapping screws by 3-4 millimeters.
  5. The roofing material is secured to the frame with galvanized self-tapping screws with thermal washers, which will protect the plastic from cracking. In order to compensate for thermal expansion, the fixing elements are tightened with a gap of 2-3 millimeters.
  6. To connect the sheets, special connecting strips are used - they are attached to the rafters with self-tapping screws.

DIY polycarbonate roof


IN modern construction New materials created thanks to scientific and technological progress are increasingly being used. One such material is polycarbonate - a durable, transparent plastic obtained through organic synthesis. Roofs and canopies erected from it are durable and perfectly transmit sunlight.

Properties of polycarbonate

A roof made of polycarbonate makes it possible not only to make the house beautiful and original, but also to use sunlight to illuminate the premises. Polycarbonate has low density. 1 m2 of sheet weighs from 900g to 2700g, depending on the thickness. The thickness of manufactured products varies from 4mm to 16mm, which allows them to be widely used.

Products made from this type of plastic have the following unique properties:

  • scattering of sunlight;
  • waterproof;
  • soundproofing;
  • durability (service life - from 8 to 20 years);
  • low specific gravity, which allows the installation of lightweight structures;
  • good thermal insulation properties due to the voids inside the honeycomb sheet;
  • blocking ultraviolet radiation;
  • ease of transportation and storage;
  • ease of processing;
  • durability (withstands strong gusts of wind and impacts)
  • variety of design options (thickness, length, width);
  • variety of colors and shades, degrees of transparency;
  • smooth surface that prevents snow and water from accumulating;
  • elasticity (the ability to give the sheet an arch shape);
  • resistance to temperature changes (range of use - from −45°C to +120°C);
  • non-flammability.

But, despite so many advantages, polycarbonate also has minor disadvantages. Among them are:

  • inadmissibility of strong bending in the transverse direction;
  • instability to solvents;
  • fragility of edges;
  • specific storage conditions (horizontal position only).

Of course, the builders could not help but notice such unique material. Roofs made of polycarbonate have become extremely popular and in demand. The combination of strength and lightness of construction gives excellent results. The beauty and elegance of polycarbonate roof structures, photos of which are posted on construction forums, make many people think about equipping their home with a similar structure. If you have certain skills and a minimum set of construction tools, it will not be difficult to build a polycarbonate roof with your own hands.

Design Features

Making a roof from sheets of transparent plastic is quite simple matter, taking into account the lightness of the material and the ease of its processing. In order to build a roof from polycarbonate sheets yourself, you need to think through its design and draw up a drawing of the structure. Particular attention should be paid to the correct calculation of the length for an arched roof structure. Facilities similar type can be erected over attics, balconies, gazebos, verandas and summer souls. The roof structure is selected based on the shape of the house or room over which it will be installed.

The shape for the roof can be as follows:

  1. Flat single or double slope.
  2. Dome.
  3. Pyramid.
  4. Prism.
  5. Partial polycarbonate coating of one part of the roof.

It should be noted that the angle of inclination of a flat roof made of polycarbonate sheets must be at least 45°, since plastic does not have a high bearing capacity. This slope will prevent snow and water from lingering on the roof surface and cause them to roll down. When choosing material for construction, it is worth deciding on an estimate. Available for sale different kinds roof coverings. Accordingly, the higher the quality, the greater the cost and service life.

Today, construction stores offer products of the following class and guaranteed service life:

  1. Premium class - 20 years.
  2. Elite class - 12 years old.
  3. The optimal class is 10 years.
  4. Economy class - 8 years.

In addition, the price of polycarbonate directly depends on its thickness. The greater the thickness, the greater the strength, the higher the thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities and, accordingly, the cost of the sheet. Transparent polycarbonate profiles are used to create small self-supporting structures. In terms of strength, they are slightly inferior to metal ones, but structures made with their use have a rare beauty and spectacular appearance. Metal profiles are used to make roofs for more than large sizes. For medium sizes, aluminum products are used, and for large ones, iron products are used.

Required tools and materials

After the transparent roof project has been drawn up, a calculation is made required material, tools and equipment.

The calculations need to include possible defects in the work and the consumption of material for trimmings. Therefore, the material is purchased 10-15% more than the calculated quantity. Installation of a polycarbonate roof requires the following tools and equipment:

  • electric drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • screwdriver;
  • rivet gun;
  • gun for tubes with sealant;
  • large, flat table.

As a rule, this simple set is in every country house. If the frame is mounted from steel, it will not hurt welding machine. However, its absence can be compensated for by bolted or rivet fastening.

Also, in order to make a polycarbonate roof with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • sheets cellular polycarbonate;
  • fastening materials - bolts, thermal washers, self-tapping screws.
  • polyurethane sealant;
  • material for making the frame;
  • plastic profile;
  • self-adhesive aluminum tape;
  • perforated tape.

DIY installation sequence

Basic rules of work

When constructing a roof from polycarbonate sheets, the following mandatory rules should be followed:

  • lay the sheets so that the stiffening ribs in the honeycombs are in a vertical position. If you lay it across with honeycombs, then the condensation that will accumulate in the roof will not be able to flow out of it.
  • when installing an arched element, the sheets must be laid only along the vertical profiles, along the radius specified by the manufacturer;
  • use safety glasses and gloves when drilling or sawing;
  • the sheet being processed must lie completely on a flat, hard surface;
  • do not allow the polycarbonate to overheat; drill and cut at low speeds;
  • laying a polycarbonate roof is carried out taking into account the thermal expansion of the material;
  • avoid vibration of the material during processing;
  • Do not remove the top protective film until the installation work is completed.

Frame construction

As already mentioned, it is better to use metal for the frame. He stronger than wood and, with appropriate treatment, does not corrode. Taking into account the width of the sheet (210cm), the frame is assembled with the expectation that the plastic will be fixed on the vertical guides every 70cm, 105cm or 210cm. Horizontal frame elements are installed at a distance of 40cm to 100cm based on the angle of inclination, thickness and length of the sheet. To improve the quality of the coating, the frame must be mounted so that all its horizontal and vertical elements were in the same plane. After the frame is mounted, its load-bearing surfaces are covered with a layer of rubber sealant.

To properly cover a roof with polycarbonate, you must remember that plastic high coefficient thermal expansion. Therefore, in order to solve the question of how to fix polycarbonate on the roof, it is necessary to leave gaps both at the edges and at the points of attachment to the transverse elements of the frame. Laying the roof begins with the top corner sheet. First, a wall profile is attached to the frame, the connection of which to the wall is insulated with sealant. Sheets of plastic are connected to each other on the longitudinal elements of the frame using detachable or one-piece connecting profiles. After the sheets are fixed on the sides, they need to be fixed to the transverse elements of the frame. This is done using self-tapping screws with thermal washers and plugs. The hole is made 3-4mm larger than the diameter of the self-tapping screw, while it is not tightened too much to provide the opportunity for thermal deformation of the panel. When the panels are secured and aligned, their upper ends are covered with aluminum waterproof tape, and the lower ends with perforated vapor-permeable tape. The lower parts of the roof are insulated with an end profile, and the joints are gable roof- skating.

Video about installation of cellular panels

Do-it-yourself installation of a polycarbonate roof, as well as the properties of the material, its application, how to choose the thickness of roofing sheets for installation pitched roof.

Polycarbonate (PC) owes its birth to Alfred Einhorn, a chemist from Germany. The first experiments with isomers began to be carried out at the end of the century before last. Industrial production of the material belongs to " General Electric" The company has been producing industrial substances since 1960.

After 20 years, by improving technology, sheet, cellular construction thermoplastic appears. It becomes a worthy alternative to expensive and fragile glass. The current annual production of this durable material exceeds 3 million tons.

What is polycarbonate

Polymer plastic obtained by reacting carbonic acid with phenols is called polycarbonate. This is environmentally friendly polyester, of artificial origin, in the form of 2 mm granules. By extrusion, transparent, translucent (colored, matte) products are produced from colorless particles. The synthetic polymer has the following technical characteristics:

  • Light weight.
  • Great strength.
  • Transparency.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Resistant to some chemical influences.

Due to these properties, it is widely used in various industrial fields.

Types of polycarbonate

Monolithic polycarbonate

Modern industry produces several types of products:

  1. Film. Widely used in electronics, design decoration, lamination various surfaces and objects.
  2. Profiles. Docking devices for mounting plastic, creating almost invisible joints and visual lightness of the structure.
  3. Liteva. Available in the form of granules (crushed waste) or ingots. Subsequently used in the manufacture of various polymer products.

The most popular are sheet plastic:

  1. Wavy (transparent slate).
  2. Monolithic (cast), colloquially – plexiglass.
  3. Cellular (cellular).

The difference between them lies in the shape and design features.

The first one has a monolithic base with a profile, corrugated shape. It is this that gives higher strength.

The second is a smooth, transparent, even thermoplastic. Its resemblance to glass and high strength allow it to be called “shockproof glass.”

The third one represents different color, width and thickness of sheets, cellular structure. These are plates connected to each other by stiffening ribs. The space between them is filled with air, which ensures low thermal conductivity.

They all have almost the same qualities.

Material properties

All sheet products have the following characteristic properties:

  • Good flexibility and ductility.
  • Light weight.
  • Impact resistance, low susceptibility to mechanical stress.
  • Translucency.
  • Soundproofing.
  • Resistant to fire (self-extinguishing).
  • Resistant to low temperatures - up to 40 degrees, high temperatures - up to 120 degrees (some varieties - up to 145; - 200).

The material has minimal moisture absorption. It is durable and easy to install.

Where is polycarbonate used?

Sheet polymer plastic, due to its qualities, is in great demand in various branches of construction.

It is widely used in making awnings, such as:

  • Above the pools.
  • Entrance to the entrance, house.
  • Gas station, shopping pavilion.
  • Open cafe.
  • Transport stop.

Smooth panels are suitable for vertical glazing of houses, greenhouses, and gazebos. Here are the sheets used:

  • 4-6 mm – optimal for greenhouses.
  • 2 mm or more – construction of gazebos.
  • 10-12 mm are good for glazing houses, creating a good noise absorption barrier.

The roof is made from PC sheets various thicknesses. When covering buildings that are expected to have increased load:

  1. Garage.
  2. A private house.
  3. Industrial or other premises.

Types of polycarbonate plastic roofing

The strength and varying degrees of flexibility of the roofing PC allows you to make different types of roofs:

  1. Pitched. Surfaces with a slope angle of 30-40 degrees can be single- or multi-slope. This includes tent structures. Flat roofs with a slope of 1-2 degrees, performed only with monolithic panels.
  2. Dome. Such models are made using cell types of thermoplastic.
  3. Arched. Cellular PC Type – perfect material when creating these structures. Its flexibility allows for any roof bend.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

Modern artificial polyester used in roof construction has the following advantages:

  • Multicolor.
  • It's easy to get the desired shape.
  • Low price and weight, combined with high strength.
  • Ease of processing.
  • Long-term operation, minimal special care.
  • Heat resistance, low flammability.
  • The presence of protective layers (ultraviolet penetration, light reflection, anti-condensation).
  • Noise absorption.

The main disadvantages are:

  • Susceptibility to thermal expansion.
  • They have the ability to collect static electricity.
  • Melting, they drip onto surrounding objects.

However, manufacturers do not stand still; PC performance is constantly improving.

How to choose the thickness of roofing sheets for a pitched roof

The choice of thickness depends on the characteristics of the object to be coated:

  • The thinnest ones are 4-6 mm, suitable for greenhouse and greenhouse roofs.
  • 6-8 mm – for gazebos, outbuildings, awnings, end glazing of the roof of a house.
  • From 16 mm and above - directly for residential buildings and other premises with increased load.

You can use different types:

  • Smooth.
  • Wavy, U-shaped, trapezoidal.
  • One-, two-, four-chamber.

Monolithic, corrugated, cellular polycarbonate, taking into account design features and functions of the covered roof.

Installation of a polycarbonate pitched roof

After calculating the structure, which includes taking into account the loads on the roof, we move on to choosing the frame material.

« Need to remember: Angular slope, no more than 5 degrees, only allow water to drain. A 25-30 degree slope will allow “snow bags” to form. The best option would be an angle of 45 degrees or higher.”

The choice of material will depend on the angle of the roof (the greater it is, the less the external load on the rafter system), and the appearance of the transparent roof.

The metal, aluminum profile frame has a more elegant appearance. Wooden is easy to install (adjustment of parts can be done during installation), but it looks more bulky, which reduces the transparency of the coating. Wooden rafters, are subject to mandatory treatment with an antiseptic.

Standard sheets of roofing plastic have a width of 210 cm. Their joining should take place in the middle of the rafters. The distance between the centers of beams, metal (square, round) pipes, cross-section 60×40 or 60×80, should be 105 cm. After that, in increments of 40-50 cm, the sheathing is installed.

Having completed the preparation and installation of the main roof frame, they begin to install the fastening profiles made of aluminum and polycarbonate. Here, connecting (detachable, one-piece) models are used for joining sheets. End caps that protect the ends of the PC from dirt and other debris.

Ends aluminum profiles sealed with tape, plastic ones with perforated tape.

The fastening system is installed on the frame with self-tapping screws. The collapsible profile is installed one by one. The lower part, after installing the sheet, the upper cover. Polymer profile, screwed every 30 cm using self-tapping screws with thermal washers.

It is better to cut and drill panels at a temperature not lower than 5ºС. In extreme heat, they should be cooled and worked in the shade.

Sheets must be laid with stiffening ribs along the slope, upward protective film from ultraviolet radiation. The first panel is placed 3-5 cm with a protrusion beyond the roof border.

Polycarbonate should be fastened with galvanized self-tapping screws, using special thermal washers. They will protect the material from the formation of cracks (thermal compression/expansion) and crushing of honeycomb models. The “cold bridge”—the temperature difference at the fastening points—will be eliminated. The screws should not be overtightened.

The lower edges of the honeycomb material are sealed with a special perforated tape. This aluminum tape helps the release of possible condensation that appears in the honeycomb spaces. The end is also closed with UP profiles with pre-drilled holes.

Tools for working with polycarbonate must be sharp with fine teeth. You can cut with a circular saw or hacksaw. Drills need high-speed drills with a sharp cutting edge.