How to keep moving when you feel like giving up? Do not break laws - state and moral. You never know how close you are to success.

Each of us experiences problems throughout our lives various situations, in which sometimes we give up and as a result we don’t want anything at all. Sometimes it happens that before we even start doing something, we give up, thereby blocking our path to future success.

But there are several good reasons that we hope will give you a powerful boost of energy and desire not to give up and continue on your path.

1. Nothing is impossible as long as we live.

Always make attempts to achieve success in one area or another of life, because as long as you live in this world, everything is possible for you. While we live, we can develop and act, and this is the first reason why we should never give up.

2. Look at things realistically.

It is almost impossible to learn how to do something and acquire certain skills the first time; every person, in the process of his development, gets bumps and makes mistakes, this is an integral part of work and movement. They learn from mistakes.

3. You are a strong person.

You are much stronger than you think, all the failures in your life are just tests that you can pass with ease. Never give up, failure is also a result that will give you valuable experience, it will not be able to stop you in your further development.

4. If someone else could achieve it, then you can too.

Ask yourself a question, are there people who have achieved the same thing I want? Even if there is only one person in the whole world who has achieved in his life the same successes that you wanted to have, this is already a good enough reason not to give up and move forward, because if he succeeded, you will definitely succeed too.

5. Believe in your dreams and go towards them.

There will always be people on your way who will not believe in you and your business, they can even dissuade you and say that you won’t succeed, don’t listen to anyone, you will definitely succeed. Don't let anyone undermine your faith in yourself.

6. Your loved ones.

People close to you will always be able to support and encourage you, they can be inspirations for you, they will always tell you from a different point of view where and how to move on.

7. Your situation isn't that bad

There are people around us whose situation is much different from yours for the worse; some are constantly short of time, some do not have the capabilities that you have.

8. You deserve to be happy.

10. You are close enough to your success.

Every time you want to give up, remember that at every moment you can be very close to the goal, even by taking a small step, you are gradually approaching the desired result.

Hello friends!

There is only one reason why people don't succeed, don't live the life of their dreams, don't do what they love, they give up early. Therefore, today we will talk about how not to give up halfway and reach your goal. I will share my experience and tell you what helps me not to give up and achieve my goals.

The goal must ignite

There is no need to look at others, limit yourself in anything, as long as you are alive you can do anything. Only your goal will truly inspire you and give you the energy to move forward despite all the difficulties. I am very surprised by the questions when you ask me whether it is possible to make money from this, and whether I will succeed. First of all, you have to ask yourself, do I want to do this, does this project excite me.

Only when you are completely sure that you like this project will you be able to pull it off. You will overcome all difficulties, find the necessary resources, knowledge, people, and sooner or later you will achieve your goal. But there will be difficulties in any case and that’s normal. So the first thing you need to do is set a goal that lights you up.

Be true to your goal

Often when we set some kind of large-scale goal, there is misunderstanding and condemnation of the people around us. You may be told that your goal is a waste of time and you won't be able to achieve it anyway. When I opened my online store, I constantly heard that I did not have the money to create a normal store and promote it. And in any case, nothing will work out for me. Now I’m glad that my determination and faith were enough to not pay attention to this and continue to move towards my goal.

But I can say that it’s really difficult when you’re working on your own business, it doesn’t bring you any profit yet, and from the outside people also put pressure on you and say that it’s all nonsense. In such a situation, it is not always easy to continue to act and remain true to your goal. In this case, I recommend looking at these people who are advising you something, and think about what successes they have achieved, and whether you want to live like these people. And after that, decide to listen to them or not.

Take it slow but regular

If you have some large-scale goal, for example, to create your own business, then you don’t need to immediately grab big piece work, here, like in a marathon, you need to evenly distribute the load and constantly stay in motion. Otherwise, you can overload yourself and then you won’t have the strength to work at all. Achieving a goal is not the one who takes on an overwhelming load and does many things at once, but the one who does things leading to the goal regularly. Therefore, in order not to give up halfway, it is important to find for yourself the optimal pace of working towards your goal over a long period of time.

Trust the Universe

When we set ourselves some big, ambitious goal, we often have doubts whether we can achieve it. This happens because we believe that resources are finite. And this is a common reason why many people give up on their dreams. But in reality, there is an unlimited quantity of everything in the universe. And she gives everyone exactly as much as they need and as much as they can take.

If you set small goals for yourself, you will get little. But if you set your sights on a big goal, then the necessary resources will come. Maybe not right away, but you will get them. The Universe always takes care of each of us. If your goal is real and you are passionate about it, then your thoughts attract all the necessary resources. It has been proven more than once that thoughts are material. And I believe in this not only because it is written about in books, I was convinced of this at own experience. If I really needed some resources, they came. And be it ideas, money, knowledge, people. The main thing is that you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and faith that everything will be so.

Find your source of motivation

Everyone should have something that inspires and motivates you. It could be a dream that keeps you from giving up halfway, a person you admire and want to be like, a book or movie that fills you with optimism and confidence that everything will work out, and much more. Everyone can have their own source of motivation. I talked about where you can get motivation from in.

And remember that what you have now, the life you now live, was formed from the thoughts you thought before, the decisions you made before and the actions you took. Therefore, everything depends only on you and your life can completely change and all your dreams can come true. And this understanding gives strength and the necessary motivation to move towards your goals, despite all the difficulties.

I wish you success and achievement of your goals.

In contact with

There are moments in life when you feel like you’re about to give up, that what’s next is impossible, that you don’t have the strength to go towards your cherished dream. A bad desire takes over to go astray from the path to, and let it be as it will be...

At least there are two options: give up or not give up (continue, succeed, regroup and fight again)…


Easy to say, but hard to do

This feeling is familiar to everyone who wanted to get rid of bad habits, smoking, overeating or the like. You may have lasted for a couple of days, the most successful – for a couple of months. But then the moment came - “let it all go to waste”...

Take your time if you feel like you are losing the war: with your bad habit, or with laziness, or not keeping up with the pace planned, in achieving your dreams. Maybe the following tips for staying on the path to success will help you.

How not to give up, how to stay on your path to success

1. Focus on what you want, on your goal. Remove focus from disappointments and failures

Very often, as soon as life presents you with unpleasant surprises, and it begins to “get” to you that the dream will remain a dream, you concentrate more on the negative side of the matter, on the problem. But what you need to do is just the opposite.

Focus your attention on the goal, on the desired state. It is like a life-saving beacon for a ship in distress in a stormy sea. Yes, “waves of negativity” will cover you headlong and make themselves felt, but if you stay the course, there is a greater chance that you will get out of such a storm than otherwise.

I really liked it life examples that I have encountered, both in educational literature and in life, I myself have used this method. The point is simple: pay more attention to successful things, to positive little things, even if they are few. The more you pay attention to the good, the more good it becomes.

This is no magic. Often a person is so fixated on his problems that he is unable to notice any joy in life. And joys and sorrows always accompany life itself.

So: focus on achieving the goal, on on the positive side life, be less angry about failures and defeats.

2. Rethink the goal, the problem that you could not cope with

"Means no luck…"

Life is wiser than us. If you experience failure after failure in achieving your goal, is this a subtle hint that this is not your goal?

Sometimes, it’s worth changing your goal, giving up a painful one, in order to radically change your life for the better. Oh, what moral pleasure you will experience when you admit: That's enough, that's enough, it's clearly not mine!

Carefully! So you can refuse everything good that you can really achieve.

A simple test to find out whether your goal is or not: Life constantly puts a spoke in your wheels on the way to such a goal.

For example. You a business meeting(date) with a new partner. But you just can’t get to the meeting itself, or it goes in such a way that it would be better not to take place... Additional difficulties constantly arise with the future partner and the new deal. All your friends are against your union (relationship). And in general, everything does not go as planned. Isn’t it better to refuse cooperation (your option) now, when life clearly hints at it?

The desire for the goal has disappeared

In other words, “the heart does not lie.” The goal has not yet been achieved, but the very thought of it is already disgusting.

Don’t be afraid to be inconsistent, not purposeful, or otherwise not good in the eyes of yourself and others. It will be much worse if you do not give up such a goal in time.

3. Make a new or different plan, redo the old one

Perhaps, in order to get down to business again, you need to regroup and rethink the new “variables” of life? New circumstances have appeared that you had not previously taken into account. Everything goes “wrong” precisely because of this. It often happens that the thing you can’t cope with is too new for you.

Step away from this activity for a while. Then rethink how you will achieve your goal. Pay enough attention to this. This method quite often helped me, despite its apparent simplicity, to reach new heights.

Now, briefly, how to restore balance in achieving your goal:

  1. Focus on the best
  2. Rethink goals, desires, difficulties
  3. Re-plan or re-plan the path to success

Good luck and all the best!

Any person has found himself in a difficult situation of grief, failure or loss in his life. Everyone knows the feeling of confusion, despair and hopelessness, the feeling of one’s own inferiority. Some people know how to quickly cope with such a condition and rebuild, some succeed over time, and some are “knocked out of the saddle” for a very long time, if not forever, consider themselves losers, broken by fate or circumstances, stop acting, living a full life , go into illness or binge drinking, and maybe into depression. What to do?

Despair is one of the deadly sins. This means that you should not give in to panic, indulge in decadent moods, despair, lose hope and fall into the blues. It is very easy to proclaim, but very difficult to do. Let's try to figure out how not to give in to despair and how to overcome despondency. Maybe, after all, there are some ways to fight and overcome this difficult mental state.

1. Believe in yourself and your strengths

It means knowing that you can endure and overcome a lot. Know that a lot depends on you and you are not just a “cog”. If it doesn't work out the first time, it will work out the next time.

2. Soberly, honestly (to yourself) and realistically assess your capabilities and abilities

This means being aware of the level of your knowledge and skills, understanding that someone can be better than you. A balanced assessment will allow you to avoid disappointment and trouble, unnecessary and wasted effort. But is anyone stopping us from becoming better, stronger, wiser, more professional? Nobody but ourselves.

3. Calm analysis of the situation

It is necessary to calmly, without emotions, evaluate the unsuccessful experience and understand what was done wrong: perhaps there was not enough effort, or perhaps, on the contrary, too much. Analyzing the situation will give you peace of mind; only in a balanced state can you find constructive solution. And a calm, even state is no longer melancholy.

4. Learn a lesson

This means understanding that failure is a precursor to victory, and everyone has failures, but not everyone views failure as a failure. It's just an EXPERIENCE. Tolerating failure releases success. It is necessary to develop the habit of taking advantage of failure; this is one of the most important techniques for achieving success.

5. Get support – moral and professional

This means turning to loved ones for help - family, friends. And/or contact specialists - doctors, teachers, psychologists, spiritual teachers. Everyone needs support and help from loved ones in difficult situations. But, if you have asked for help very often and have exhausted the trust of relatives and friends, then a difficult situation is exactly the case when you can take control of your destiny into your own hands.

6. Look for the positive in what happened.

It is a known fact that as a result of the crisis, one very wealthy businessman lost $100 million. He ONLY had 100 thousand dollars left. He committed suicide. The loss of money was the loss of everything for him, even worse than the loss of life.

And now let’s imagine an average citizen who didn’t have a ruble and suddenly had 100 thousand dollars! A lot of money! It turns out that this is from which point of view to look at. We remained alive and well, everything is fine in the family - the rest can be survived and overcome.

7. Do not break laws - state and moral

This will make it possible to live in harmony with yourself and with others, and will not lead to difficult and dangerous (and perhaps irreparable) situations.

8. Distraction

Remember what Scarlett O'Hara said? “I’ll think about it tomorrow...” An intractable, or maybe completely insoluble situation is not the whole of life, it’s only a part, albeit a very painful one. There should be a lot in life that “keeps you afloat”. These are love, friendship, religion, nature, art (literature, painting, music, etc.), sports, hobbies. Find an activity that will distract you from heavy thoughts, or just do something else. This could be general cleaning, repairs, something that will take all your energy and time. It’s not for nothing that people say that the morning is wiser than the evening.

Just don’t go into alcohol and other similar pleasures. This will only drive the problem deep, from where it will be difficult to get it out, and it will also add to the moral and physical hangover.

9. Avoid negative emotions, especially guilt and shame

These emotions are not helpful in solving difficult life problems. Negative emotions interfere with the full functioning of the brain; with them it is impossible to accept what is true this moment solution. And the saddest thing is that negative emotions– this is the basis for the emergence of various addictions, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, etc.

10. Take responsibility into your own hands

Taking responsibility means understanding that only you yourself are responsible for your life, its quality, personal achievements, and not shifting the blame to colleagues, parents, teachers, bosses, etc. If you did something wrong, then try to correct the situation in word and deed - apologize, talk and explain your position, help fix what you messed up.

11. Smile!

If you feel very bad at heart, try to smile and even forcefully stretch your lips into a smile. The body remembers that this position of the lips corresponds good mood, and, surprisingly, your mood will begin to level out and even (!) improve. Tension, emotional and physical, will begin to subside, and the situation will no longer seem so insoluble or tragic.

Failures that haunt us can develop a fear of failure and a strategy for avoiding failure. This means that a person will not strive to achieve success, but will refuse active actions and try with all his might to avoid failure. The worst news is that no one can help you overcome this fear. But also the most good news the fact that everything is in our hands. We have a choice: either we grow huge weeds of fear or we can sow the seeds of faith in ourselves and our strengths. Good luck!

If you always fight to the bitter end, then, of course, you will have your share of many problems, defeats and failures. You're probably tired of hearing people say, “What doesn't kill us makes us stronger,” and you want to know if there is a way to always maintain a positive attitude and continue moving towards your goal. First of all, you should be proud of the fact that you continue to try. Additionally, you can begin to work on developing the right mindset and work ethic that will guarantee success if you continue to persevere in achieving your aspirations.


Part 1

How to develop mental toughness
  1. Look at the world more positively. It's not easy to stay positive when you feel like you've tried everything possible and still haven't achieved what you want. However, try to be optimistic in any situation if you want to learn to fight to the end. If you look at the world positively, you notice all the good things in your life. You won't believe how much good you miss if you only focus on the negative things. Having an optimistic attitude towards the world opens up more prospects and opportunities for you because you feel that you are capable of great things.

    • This is true. Becoming more positive will not only make it easier for you to cope with current problems, but will also help you face new challenges with courage. If you are full of bitterness and constantly replaying all your defeats in your head, you will not be able to move forward.
    • If you find yourself complaining or whining, try to balance your negative statement with two positive ones.
    • You shouldn’t think that you are pretending if you try to appear and look like a person who is doing well, but deep down you feel unhappy. The more you try to appear happy, the sooner you will begin to see the bright side of life.
    • A reliable way to become an optimist is to communicate with happy people that will help you appreciate more the world. If all your friends are depressed and see only the negative side of life, then, alas, it is unlikely that you will be able to maintain positive thinking and believe that you need to achieve your goals to the last.
  2. Learn to face changes in life without fear. If you want to develop the right mindset and never give up, you must learn to resist the blows of fate and not only accept change, but also be able to benefit from it. Of course, you will be stunned if your boyfriend suddenly says he wants to break up, or your family announces that they need to move to another city. However, you need to learn to adapt to the new situation, evaluate all its aspects and create an action plan to achieve success in the new environment.

    • As I once said famous singer Sheryl Crow, sometimes: “Change will be good for you.” Even if you're a little shocked and the changes take you by surprise, tell yourself that this could be for the better.
    • View this change as an opportunity to learn new things, meet new people, and become a more well-rounded person. Even if you don't see any positive aspects to the current situation right now, you should be proud of how effectively you handled the challenges and continued to move forward.
  3. Learn from your own mistakes. If you want to learn to never give up, you must accept that you, like everyone else, make mistakes sometimes and learn to learn from your mistakes. Then you won't step on the same rake again and again. Of course, the first moment after making a mistake you will feel discouraged and embarrassed, but you should look at the situation with a sober eye, understand what you did wrong and plan how to avoid a similar mistake next time.

    • Of course, no one likes to make mistakes, but it is mistakes that help us learn to avoid problems in the future. For example, you may think that you were clearly wrong when you dated that cute guy who broke your heart. However, such a mistake in your youth will save you from choosing the wrong husband in the future.
    • Don't deny the fact that you could have done things differently. If you always want to look perfect, even in your own eyes, mistakes are unlikely to teach you anything.
  4. You must know that there are always new opportunities for success ahead of you. If you want to learn to never give up, it must be written into your picture of the world that the future will open up many opportunities for you to achieve success. Of course, it is very important to live in the present, but it is equally important to be optimistic about the future. Don't let yourself think that all the good things are behind you. If you feel like you've hopelessly missed your chance in life, you're unlikely to wait for new opportunities to arise. You simply won’t be able to see them because of your attitude towards life.

    • If you've made it through all three stages of the interview process and still haven't landed your dream job, you may feel like you've given up on any hope of a successful career. But in the long run, you will find that you will be able to find a job many more times, and you will definitely find the right job that will be perfect for you, even if it takes a long time to find it.
    • Try to expand your definition of success. When you're only 25, you might think that real success is getting your novel published. However, by age 30, you may discover that you can be successful as a literature teacher to high school students.
  5. Master new knowledge. If you want to be a mentally resilient person, achieve success and not give in to difficulties, you must constantly acquire new knowledge and learn more about both life in general and the situation in which you find yourself. If you are always ready to learn new things and have an optimistic outlook on life, you understand that there is always something new to learn and perspectives to find for yourself. You can always gain valuable experience from anything you try, whether it's applying to college, searching new job or selling your own novel. The more you know, the easier you will be able to resolve the problems that arise on your way to your goal.

    • Without a doubt, reading is a reliable, proven way to gain new knowledge. You can read books, newspapers and even search the Internet for information on your chosen topic. In addition, you can gain new knowledge by talking to experts in your field of interest, developing a network of people, and consulting with people who are knowledgeable in their field.
    • As long as you know that there is still something unexplored by you on the chosen issue, you are unlikely to allow yourself to give up and abandon your goal.
  6. Be persistent - good things only happen if you don't give up trying to achieve them. One of the common reasons that prompts us to abandon our intentions is the desire to get everything at once. You may think that if you submitted your resume to 10 jobs, sent your manuscript to 5 publishing houses, or went on dates with 4 different guys, you have the right to count on success. However, the path to real success is long and full of defeats, and you should not give up before you even begin to properly achieve what you want.

    • Sometimes it helps to talk to people who are going through the same journey as you. For example, you might feel discouraged after submitting your resume to 20 different jobs and not receiving a single response. Well, your friend who recently got a job can tell you that he sent his resume to 70 different positions before he was invited to an interview. It takes a lot of commitment and a lot of effort before your life becomes the way you want.
    • Of course, you may think that you are smart, talented and hardworking, and that any employer, colleague or potential life partner should be lucky to have you. Yes, it is quite possible that all this is true, but it would be strange to expect that strangers would choose you simply because you and your loved ones are confident in your impeccability.

    Part 2

    How to deal with defeat
    1. Try not to fall victim to learned helplessness. If you are a victim of learned helplessness, you believe that you will never be able to succeed because the whole world is against you. People suffering from learned helplessness believe that they will never succeed because they have failed to perform well in the past. If you want to be able to cope with failure, you need to learn to be open to new opportunities instead of thinking that you are doomed to failure.

      • A person suffering from learned helplessness will think something like this: "Well, I interviewed with different companies five times and never got hired. That means I'll never get a job. There's definitely something wrong with me." "It's not like that, and in general, a job can only be found through an acquaintance. Why try in vain if failure awaits me anyway."
      • A person who wants to become the master of his destiny must develop positive thinking and believe that he has the power to change the situation. He will reason like this: “I went to five interviews and didn’t get the job. It’s not scary, the main thing is that, in principle, they are interested in me so much that they call me for an interview. If I continue to send out my resume to different companies and go to interviews, it’s too early or later I will get my dream job."
    2. Find a mentor you trust. There is another way to learn to cope with defeat. Find a mentor you trust who can help you learn how to deal with difficult issues in your life. If you find someone who has successfully overcome the same challenges you are trying to overcome and managed to achieve success in the field you are interested in, this will help you feel more confident in achieving your desired goal. Talking to such a person can be helpful and give you a new perspective on the situation. His example will inspire you.

      • In addition, your mentor, most likely, also had to overcome the problems and defeats that befell him. Once you know this, you will find additional incentive to move forward.
    3. Maintain a wide social circle. In addition to having a mentor you trust, it is helpful to maintain close communication with a wide range of people. This will help you stay strong in those moments when you need it most. Having trusted friends, loving and supportive family, and a caring community of people can help you avoid feelings of loneliness and find the strength to cope with whatever challenges lie ahead. If it seems to you that no one will help and you will have to cope with difficulties alone, then the situation may seem completely hopeless to you, and all efforts to correct it may be in vain.

      • Having someone you can talk to about your failures can help you avoid feeling lonely. Even if this person cannot give practical advice, the very opportunity to discuss the situation will make you feel that the future is not hopeless.
      • Talk to the people who love you about the challenges you are facing. This will help you reduce your stress levels because it is easy to become depressed when you have to hide all your worries in the depths of your heart.
    4. Don't forget to take care of yourself. During a period of serious life adversity, you may feel that it is now impossible to take care of regular three meals a day, a daily shower and a good night's sleep. However, if you want to keep moving forward, taking care of these basic needs will help you maintain your physical and mental strength. If you feel tired, aren't eating well, and haven't showered in days, you're unlikely to find the strength to continue the fight.

      • Try to eat three healthy, balanced meals a day that contain enough vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and complex carbohydrates. Such a diet will help you provide your body with the necessary energy, and you will feel strong enough to cope with any problems that lie ahead.
      • Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours at night and maintain a stable evening bedtime and morning awakening routine. Then you will feel the strength to overcome any troubles that fate has in store for you.
    5. Be a man of action. If you want to learn how to advocate for yourself, you can't just sit for hours complaining about your failures, bemoaning your fate, and coming up with reasons that prevented you from succeeding. You must be a man of action and develop a plan that will allow you to succeed. You have to take action: send out your resume, meet new people, go on dates, and take the necessary actions that are necessary to achieve your goal. If you sit around grieving over the losses and failures that have happened in your life and feeling sorry for yourself, nothing good is likely to happen in your life.

      • Of course, we all need from time to time to allow ourselves to have an evening of self-pity and regret about what has not come true. However, you should not allow negative feelings to discourage you and cause you to give up on further attempts to succeed.
      • First, sit down and write an action plan for achieving success. If you have a list like this, you will feel empowered to achieve what you want.
    6. Believe in yourself. We understand how difficult it is to maintain self-confidence if you have been languishing in the same low-paying job for many years, where you are not even appreciated. However, don't let this fact shake your belief that you deserve better. You need to try to make the most of your strengths, correct those shortcomings that can be changed and love yourself for who you are. Of course, it is impossible to become confident in yourself overnight, but the sooner you start, the sooner you will learn to cope with life's difficulties.

      • Try to overcome self-doubt. You must feel that you have the power to achieve any goal you set. If you yourself are not confident in your abilities, then the people around you will most likely follow your example and treat you in the same way.
      • Spend more time with those who help you believe in yourself, rather than with those who make you sad.
      • Correct body language will help you impress people. Stand up straight. Don't slouch or cross your arms over your chest. You should look happy and open to everything new that the world around you gives you.
    7. Draw strength from failure. Surely you have heard the optimistic saying: “What does not kill us makes us stronger!” Strictly speaking, this is not always true. In fact, if you have failed frequently, the experience has undermined your self-confidence rather than building resilience. You need to learn to face failures with courage and learn to learn from them, instead of thinking that you are not worthy of success in life.

      • After each defeat, try to hold on and not become discouraged. Instead, sit down and think about what lesson you can learn from this experience. Think about what you can change in your behavior to be successful next time in a similar situation.
      • Be proud of yourself, even if you lose. Many people don't even try to do anything to start moving towards their goal. Of course, there is nothing fun about failure, but without effort and failure, it is impossible to achieve the success you desire.
    8. Don't let the past determine your future. You may think that because you've failed so many times in the past and haven't managed to sell your novel to a publisher, find a partner, or lose weight, then you won't succeed in the future. However, many successful people started from scratch, grew up in poverty and took numerous blows of fate. Don't let past failures make you feel worthless. Let the past become a source of strength for you to move forward to success.

      • Of course, it may happen that every job you do only kills your self-confidence and makes you feel worthless. However, you should not think that you are doomed to continue this depressing trend in the future. On the contrary, it should inspire you to look for a new, better job.
      • If you think that you are doomed to repeat past failures over and over again, then you are preventing yourself from achieving success. For example, now you have an excellent relationship with your life partner, but you continue to think that all your past attempts to improve personal life were defeated. Most likely, you will ruin everything yourself this time, simply because you don’t believe that you deserve something more.

    Part 3

    How to become strong
    1. Set realistic goals for yourself and strive to achieve them. If you want to get stronger, make sure you can set realistic goals that you can achieve. Of course, it is very tempting to try to reach the moon from the sky, because even if you fail, you will fall among the stars. But the reality is that it is much more useful to set yourself small goals that will become stepping stones towards achieving your goal. ultimate goal. In this case, you will always have something to be proud of when you overcome the next stage of the long path to success. Learning to manage your life better will help you learn to fight to the bitter end.

      • For example, let's say your goal is to publish a novel you wrote. By formulating a goal in this way, you are setting yourself up for disappointment during those endless years when you fail to achieve it. Thus, you are doomed to feel like a failure.
      • However, you can set smaller goals for yourself, such as publishing first short story in a small magazine, then a story in a more serious magazine, then write a draft of a novel, and so on. In this case, the likelihood that you will achieve small intermediate goals is much higher. This will allow you to feel more confident and continue moving forward.
    2. Think about whether there is some other way that will allow you to fulfill your cherished dream. It may be unpleasant for you to hear this, but sometimes it’s worth sitting down and calmly thinking about whether you’re torturing yourself needlessly by setting yourself obviously impossible goals. Of course, you can dream of becoming a famous actress and even achieve your cherished dream. However, there are other ways you can do what you love and inspire others. For example, you can organize an amateur theater studio, organize small performances in your city, or simply write a book about your path to great art.

      • Do not think that in this way you are reducing the level of your aspirations. It is much better to assume that you have managed to find more easy way, which allows you to enjoy life.
      • You don't want to spend your whole life considering yourself a pathetic failure just because you failed to become famous? Don't follow this way of thinking, or feelings of dissatisfaction will poison all your achievements.
    3. Learn to cope with stress. If you want to maintain courage in the face of defeat, learn to cope with stressors that may affect your determination to fight to the end. If you can't find your life-saving job or juggle family responsibilities with screenwriting, you need to find a way to manage your stress and make your path to success smoother. Here are a few ways that may be helpful:

      • Spend time with people who make you feel calmer
      • Try to remove as many stressors from your life as possible.
      • If possible, reduce the amount of work performed
      • Do yoga or meditation
      • Drink less caffeinated drinks
      • Don't drink alcohol to take your mind off problems
      • Discuss your problems with a friend, loved one, or therapist
      • Keep a diary
    4. If you do the same thing all the time, it's strange to expect different results. If you want to be strong and never give up, there's one more thing you should learn useful way. Make it a rule to try to find alternative way take a look at the current situation. For example, if you sent 70 resumes to different addresses, but did not receive a single response, it is hardly worth wasting time and sending the same resume to another seventy recipients. Wouldn't it be better to have someone take a fresh look at your resume and cover letter to make sure they're up to date? Perhaps you should volunteer for a while or spend time expanding your network of work contacts? If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, it won't take long to feel like you're just banging your head against the wall.

      • For example, have you had 25 first dates and no second dates? It might be helpful to ask yourself how you can change your communication style and interact better with people. This doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, you just need to look at the situation from a different angle.
      • Sometimes you may find that you need to make some drastic changes. For example, if you repeatedly beg your boss for a raise or new job responsibilities but don't get either, maybe the only way to get what you want is to find a new job.
    5. Don't let anyone lower your self-esteem. It's easy to feel like it's time to give up on your plans when everyone around you is making you feel like this is the best you can do. However, you should not allow anyone to broadcast their opinion of you, be it a literary agent, a hiring manager, or your life partner. You must work to ensure that your self-worth is based on your gut feeling and not allow other people to negatively influence your opinion of yourself.

      • Of course, when people give you constructive advice, it’s worth listening to them, and not rushing to immediately accuse everyone of being spiteful. If people really want you to succeed, it's worth taking their advice and thinking about what you can do better next time.
      • You must understand that the world around you is very harsh, and most people spend almost their entire lives coming to terms with unfulfilled expectations. Don't think that you are the only one who has encountered such a situation, and learn to accept this unpleasant aspect of life.
    6. Put life into perspective. If you want to have motivation in life and the desire to move forward, then you must learn to abstract from the immediate situation and see the big picture of life. Is your life as unbearable as you think at the moment? Yes, now you are not working where you dreamed of, but you are at least lucky that you actually found a job in a difficult economic situation. Of course, it’s a shame that you haven’t found your soulmate yet, but you are healthy and you have many true friends who sincerely wish you well. Remind yourself often of all the good things in your life, and this will help you find the incentive to achieve new heights.

      • Make a list of things for which you are grateful. Make a list of everything that makes your life worth living and review it often. This will help you realize that things are not as bad as they sometimes seem.
      • Take time to thank your friends and family for all the good things they have done for you. This will help you see that life is not so hopeless and hopeless.
    7. Join people who are striving for the same goal as you. Another way to help you not give up is to join a group of people who are going through the same journey as you. If you are trying to cope with alcohol addiction, find a psychological group for yourself that works under the Alcoholics Anonymous program. If you want to publish your novel, find a writers club. If you want to find a life partner, you should go to a dating club. It may seem to you that you are the only person in the world who is overcoming this difficult situation, but it is worth giving a try and realizing that you are not alone with your problem.

      • Connecting with people who have similar views on life will help you gain good advice, will inspire you and create a feeling of unity with others.
    • In moments of great despair, when you feel like you are ready to give up, try shouting out loud: “No! I can overcome anything, nothing is impossible!”