How to make wood concrete blocks. How to make wood concrete blocks with your own hands Wood concrete blocks made at home

Wood concrete, or wood concrete in common parlance, has established itself as a unique material in its properties close to natural wood, however, characterized by a significantly lower price and improved thermal conductivity. Arbolite blocks gained their popularity back in the days Soviet Union and for good reason. Thanks to a number positive qualities they are suitable for the construction of walls of any buildings. The scheme for making wood blocks was undeservedly forgotten, but modern stage construction market, the popularity of these slabs is gaining momentum.

Advantages of using sawdust concrete

By virtue of modern technologies, today wood concrete has acquired the properties of an affordable and practical building material that meets the requirements of GOST 54854-2011 “Lightweight concrete with organic fillers plant origin" From here we can highlight a number of its advantages:

  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to biological influences;
  • good vapor permeability of the material;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • wood concrete is fire resistant;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • availability of the technology itself, the possibility of arranging a line at home;
  • economic benefits due to reduced costs for heavy foundations, additional insulation and construction time.

The disadvantage of wood concrete blocks is their increased water absorption. But this problem can also be solved with the help of modern penetrating vapor and waterproofing.

Wood concrete production technology

Today, the production of wood concrete blocks can be done at home. To do this, it is necessary to take into account all aspects and stages of production, guided by regulatory documentation.

The production technology of arbolite blocks begins with preparation necessary ingredients. 85% of the raw material is wood. Wood chips, sawdust and shavings are used here. Preferably conifers wood - pine, fir, spruce, but some deciduous trees are also suitable - poplar, aspen, birch. Even the presence of bark, leaves and needles is allowed, but not more than 5% of the total mass. The particle size is standardized to a width of no more than 5 mm and a length of up to 25 mm. Therefore, the workpiece is first passed through a crusher. It is important to have a multi-fraction composition, which will ensure the required density of the blocks.

Preparation of wood raw materials at home can be carried out different ways. You can even build a wood chipper yourself. However, the simplest and least expensive way is to negotiate with a local sawmill to supply wood waste, which they most often burn in vain.

In industrial conditions, special chemical reagents are added to the raw materials - calcium chloride, aluminum sulfate or " liquid glass" At self-production Not everyone may have them on hand at home. Then the strength of future blocks may suffer due to the large amount of sugar in the composition. In this case, experts recommend keeping the sawdust outdoors for 3-4 months. open air, stirring occasionally. To speed up the process, you can add calcium oxide to the embankment at the rate of 200 liters of 1.5% solution per 1 m3.

Portland cement grade 400-500 or more is selected as a binding component. The percentage component is 10-15%. If necessary, plasticizers and demineralizers are added to the mixture, but not more than 1%.

Before directly mixing the components, wood waste is filled with lime mortar with a concentration of 5-10% and left for at least three hours. In production in a special bath, this process can take up to three days.

All components are mixed in a concrete mixer until smooth. There should be no lumps. The proportion of ingredients water-sawdust-cement is as follows: 4:3:3. The composition should be slightly crumbly, but retain its shape when compressed.

Receiving blocks

At the molding stage, containers are used to give the wood concrete blocks standard size parallelepiped 500x188x300 mm and 500x188x200 mm. If necessary in slabs non-standard dimensions Special plates are inserted into the mold, thereby changing the configuration to triangular or, for example, trapezoidal.

For faster hardening, dry calcium chloride is often added to the mixture. Filling is done layer by layer in three approaches, followed by compaction into molds pre-greased with lime milk. The surface of the wood block is filled plaster mortar layer of 2 cm. Filled containers are pressed or compacted on a vibrating table. Drying is carried out within 24 hours provided the air temperature is above 18°C.

The disbanded blocks undergo further maturation with periodic wetting with water for at least 15 days at an ambient temperature of at least 15°C.

The production of large-sized arbolite blocks requires additional reinforcement of the slab. To do this, a reinforcement cage is placed in a half-filled form and a layer is poured concrete mortar, then filling with wood-concrete mixture continues.

Necessary equipment

There are ready-made lines for the production of wood blocks on sale, which include the entire production cycle, as well as additional services for launching and calibrating equipment. They differ in the volume of material produced, overall dimensions, power and other characteristics.

However, if you approach assembly at home, you will need the following equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks:

  • apparatus for preparing wood chips;
  • mixing station or classic concrete mixer;
  • molds of the required sizes;
  • vibrating table

The production of wood concrete blocks is a process that can actually be organized independently, minimizing the costs of the required equipment. You can make a woodchip crusher yourself using available units. It is also possible to replace the vibrating sieve with manual sifting of raw materials.

The equipment for preparing the working solution can be replaced with a standard concrete mixer. Hand kneading in this case, it will not be possible to produce without the formation of lumps and clots.

Molds, instead of ready-made ones, are made according to the scheme from simple wooden boxes the right size. They are lined with linoleum or plastic film so that the solution does not stick to the walls.

After filling the molds according to the technology, it is necessary to compact the mixture. Here, a hammer or a handy tool may come in handy. regular drill. Use a hammer to tap the walls of the container, and use a drill to reach best result Vibrocompression method. Also used various devices type of vibrating table, the design of which can be reproduced independently. They reduce the labor intensity of the process and increase overall productivity.

In conditions where it is impossible to create the required conditions for drying the material, equipment can come to the rescue drying chamber. This will significantly increase production costs, but will increase the strength characteristics of the blocks.


Prices for finished wood concrete blocks fluctuate around 4,000 rubles per 1 m3. The cost is completely justified, taking into account the costs of raw materials and all the nuances of the process flow.

Prices for production lines of varying degrees of productivity and individual equipment for wood blocks are shown in the table below.

As technological progress moves forward, more and more new materials appear for building houses with your own hands. If earlier the matter was limited to wood, stone or brick, today there are different kinds concrete, which are superior to other materials in terms of characteristics. One of these materials is wood concrete. This is a unique material that combines the advantages of both concrete and wood. Its composition is quite simple, and you can prepare the solution yourself. It is noteworthy that it can be used like ordinary concrete, by pouring the mixture into formwork, or it can be made in the form of blocks for ordinary masonry. Arbolite blocks can be bought in a specialized store, or you can prepare the solution yourself by making blocks from ready mixture.

All you need is to know the exact composition of wood concrete, the proportions for mixing the mixture and the technology for its preparation. Let's take a closer look.

Arbolite block - what does it consist of?

The wood concrete from which wood concrete blocks are formed for masonry consists of 3 main components:

  • aggregate;
  • mineral binder;
  • chemical additives and water.

By combining all these elements, an arbolite mortar is obtained, which is subsequently used to form blocks. The composition is quite simple and everyone can make the material for their own purposes. On my own light material, so the blocks are ideal for the planter. Their advantage, compared to gas blocks and foam blocks, is their greater strength limit. They are resistant to cracks and impacts.

Despite the fact that the main component is sawdust (chips), wood concrete is highly valued and is not inferior in characteristics to traditional materials. On the contrary, wood concrete blocks retain heat well and create a good indoor microclimate.

Organic filler

The lion's share in the composition of wood concrete blocks is occupied by wood chips. This is the main material that is included in its composition. Such organic filler can be easily purchased for little money. It is worth contacting a local sawmill where there is wood processing waste and negotiate with the workers. Coniferous trees and hardwoods are mainly used. Fir, pine, spruce, aspen, beech, birch and poplar are ideal for making wood concrete mortar. You can also use flax fire.

The most commonly used wood filler is: crushed wood, shavings with sawdust, in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2, wood chips, shavings and sawdust, in a ratio of 1:1:1. All proportions are measured in volume. For example, if you need to achieve a ratio of 1:2, then take 1 bucket sawdust and 2 buckets of shavings. Sawdust can be easily replaced with flax or hemp stems; this will not affect the composition.

What are the requirements for the filler? First of all, it is important to choose the right size. It is not recommended to use large sawdust, because when the products come into contact with water, they may increase in volume. As a result, the block may collapse. If you use particles that are too small, the consumption will increase. cement mixture. The recommended particle size is 15 or 25 mm long and no more than 2-5 mm wide. Raw materials should not have leaves or other impurities.

Warning ! Larch and freshly cut wood of any species are not added to the composition of arbolite solutions. It is forbidden!

Bonfire flax

A complete filler added to the solution is flax flax. Since it contains sugar, chemical additives must be used. To improve the quality of the finished mixture for blocks, the fire is pre-treated with limestone milk, in the proportion: 200 kg of fire per 50 kg of lime. Then everything is kept in a pile for several days, after which everything is ready for the production of wood concrete. Thanks to this technology, cement consumption is significantly reduced. For 1 m 3 of wood concrete, 50-100 kg of cement is required.

Important ! If fire flax is used in in the usual form, then hemp stems require some processing. They must first be crushed.

Due to the fact that organic waste contains water-soluble substances, including resin acids and sugar, this prevents good adhesion between particles. To remove sugar, wood chips must be exposed to air for 3 months or more, or treated with limestone. In the second case, the mixture is aged for 3-4 days. The contents are mixed 2 times a day.

Mineral binder

There is no way you can make a solution with your own hands without a binder. It makes wood concrete blocks durable and suitable for masonry. Portland cement grade M400, M500 or even higher is used as a binder.

Its consumption depends on the type of aggregate, particle size, cement brand, characteristics, etc. To get a little guidance, you can determine the consumption this way: factor 17 must be multiplied by the required brand of wood concrete. For example, you need to prepare a solution, grade 15 (B1). In this case, 1 m 3 of wood concrete will require 255 kg of cement.

Chemical additives

The properties of wood concrete blocks directly depend on chemical additives. Their use is mandatory in any case, no matter in what climate the work is performed. Thanks to additives, the filler can be used without aging, because they neutralize sugar and other substances, which improves the quality of the finished blocks.

Such additives can be used:

  • liquid glass (sodium silicate). It closes all the pores in the wood, so moisture will not get inside. Used after removing sugar;
  • slaked lime. It breaks down sugar and kills microorganisms in sawdust;
  • aluminum sulfate. Excellent at breaking down sugar. Thanks to the component, the composition gains strength faster;
  • calcium chloride. Kills all microorganisms and gives wood anti-rot properties.

Aluminum sulfate and calcium chloride are considered the best additives. The proportions of additives are 2-4% by weight of cement, or from 6 to 12 kg per 1 m 3. Additives can be combined with each other.

Proportions for arbolite blocks

To make wood concrete blocks with your own hands, it is important to know not only the composition, but also the proportions. The ratio of all components to each other is as follows: 4: 3: 3 (water, wood chips, cement). Chemical additives - 2-4% of the total mass.

To make 1 m 3 of wood concrete with your own hands, from which masonry blocks will be made, you will need:

  • 300 kg wood waste;
  • 300 kg of Portland cement;
  • 400 liters of water.

Calcium chloride or another chemical is added to the solution. This is a classic composition that you can easily make with your own hands. All you need: a concrete mixer or a large container for mixing, buckets, shovels, forks (for mixing by hand) and all wood concrete components. The work process is as follows:

  1. The filler (chips) is poured into a container and moistened with water. Then the adhesion to cement will be better.
  2. Then, cement with additives is gradually added. The contents are thoroughly mixed in a concrete mixer or with your own hands using a pitchfork.
  3. Now is the time to add water in which the chemical additives are already dissolved. Everything gets mixed up again.
  4. Both cement and water need to be added not immediately, but little by little, in small portions. This will make the mixture easier to mix and the components will be better connected to each other.
  5. After the solution is made, it must be placed in prepared molds so that they take on the appearance of masonry blocks.

This is the composition and proportions of a mixture of wood concrete blocks that you can make with your own hands. All that is required is to be careful and strictly follow the instructions for its preparation. Below is a table that will help you understand what brands of wood concrete are available and what are the proportions of the components for its preparation.

What mortar is used for masonry

This logical question. After all, if wood concrete is a specific material, then maybe a specific solution will be required for laying wood concrete blocks? No. Arbolite blocks are placed on a regular cement mortar which anyone can do. It consists of cement, sand and water. The ratio of components is 3:1. Water is added until the solution reaches the desired consistency. This mixture is ideal for laying blocks with your own hands.

So, knowing the composition, proportions and mixing technology arbolite mortar, you can make blocks for your purposes.

Arbolite blocks – lightweight construction material for walls of low-rise buildings. Made from wood chips, sawdust, water, chemical reagents and cement.

Industrial crossbow blocks have the shape of parallelepipeds of the correct configuration. They are made by pressing a mixture of wood chips and mortar using special equipment. This type building materials is also known as wood concrete. Building material of this type can be easily made at home if you have the necessary ingredients, equipment and fulfill the technological requirements.

Scope of application and classification of wood concrete bricks

Arbolite products belong to the group of lightweight concrete. The scope of their application is determined by the density characteristics of a given building material:

  1. For thermal insulation protection of premises.
  2. For walls that are not subject to structural load.
  3. For the construction of ancillary buildings and outbuildings.

Wood concrete is classified according to the density of dry material:

  1. For thermal insulation - with a density of less than 500 kg/m3.
  2. For structural - with a density of 500-800 kg/m3.

Based on the base used to fill the mixtures, wood concrete is distinguished from wood chips, rice straw, hemp bast, waste cotton, and flax fiber.

Arbolite blocks, technical characteristics

Technical indicators of arbolite blocks made according to GOST and their dependence on other factors:

  • Hardness – 0.35-3.5 MPa. This characteristic depends on the composition of the mixture, the brand of cement, and the quality of sugar neutralization. It is decisive for creating a block of a given density and strength.
  • Density - average value 400-850 kg/m3. The production of arbolite blocks assumes that this characteristic is regulated by changing the proportions of cement and organic filler. The higher the indicator medium density, the stronger the product.
  • Thermal conductivity – 0.07-0.17 W/(mC). The greater the proportion of binding materials used in the manufacture of the mixture, the higher this indicator. A low thermal conductivity indicator means that the product has high thermal insulation properties and indicates low strength of the blocks.
  • Frost resistance – 25-50 cycles. This characteristic determines the maximum permissible reading of seasonal sequential freezing and thawing that a building material can withstand without undergoing complete destruction. Treating walls with plaster or other protective materials increases the indicator.

  • Shrinkage – 4-5 mm/m or 0.4-0.5%. The indicator is directly dependent on the average density of the material - the lower the density, the higher the shrinkage.
  • Water absorption – 45-80%. In comparison with the popular building material - foam block, this indicator is higher, that is, the water-repellent property of wood concrete is 3-4 times lower. Arbolite blocks require additional protective measures and treatment with waterproofing preparations.
  • Vapor permeability – 0.19 mg/(m h Pa). High value indicator similar to the vapor permeability of natural wood.
  • Sound transmission - 126-2000 Hz. High value of the indicator, wood concrete blocks practically do not require forced sound insulation.
  • The maximum number of floors in a building made of wood concrete blocks is 2-3 floors with the appropriate weight of the floors.
  • Price of this material is about 90 EUR per 1 m 3.

Arbolite blocks, construction: advantages and disadvantages

Arbolite blocks are unique material, optimally combining a wide range of positive, useful characteristics with few shortcomings. The advantages of this building material are as follows:

  • High resistance to bending loads, thanks to the fillers used in manufacturing. The main quality of a building material is the protection of surfaces from cracking during vibrations and shrinkage.
  • High aerobic and anaerobic properties. The material is not subject to rotting and does not create conditions for the development of fungus and mold.
  • The manufacturing process of wood concrete blocks is environmentally friendly. The composition does not use carcinogenic organic ingredients. The finished brick does not emit emissions during its service life harmful substances, does not generate dust, does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Fireproof material, does not support combustion, has high resistance to high temperatures.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress, impact, and abrasion.
  • High variability. Arbolite blocks, the size and shape of which are determined solely by imagination, allow production building bricks By individual parameters and specified dimensions for an exclusive structure.
  • The material is well processed and holds fasteners securely.
  • Wood concrete blocks have a low specific gravity. Possibility to build buildings with a light foundation. Any types of finishing materials are suitable for decorating internal and external surfaces made of wood concrete.
  • The plasticity of the block remains even after it has completely dried. By absorbing additional loads, the block compresses up to 10% without damaging its internal structure.
  • The low thermal conductivity of the material allows you to save on heating the building.

Wood concrete blocks have only one drawback - high level water absorption. The only drawback can be easily removed by applying a special protective coating.

Equipment for the production of wood concrete blocks

The technology for manufacturing wood concrete blocks requires the organization of a small plant with specific devices. Production of wood concrete blocks, equipment of primary importance:

  1. Chip catcher.
  2. Container for the mixture.
  3. Vibrating sieve.
  4. Falling table.
  5. Shock-shaking table.
  6. Inserts into the mold.
  7. Split form.
  8. Metal mold tray.
  9. Vibroforming installation.

At home, wood concrete is prepared from a specific mixture. Required size obtained in special homemade flasks. The mold is made from ordinary wooden boxes, lined with linoleum on the inside. The wood concrete is placed into the mold in layers, in 2-3 passes, each layer is carefully compacted. Last layer do not smooth it out, but leave it uneven, the distance to the edge of the sides is maintained at about 2 cm, it is filled with plaster mortar. The recommended holding time for the block in the mold is at least 24 hours.

For mass production, a machine for wood concrete blocks is used. The productivity of such equipment reaches 50 blocks per hour, the cost starts from 120 EUR.

Production technology of wood concrete blocks and necessary materials

The wood concrete composition contains M400/M500 cement. To give products high strength It is possible to use a different brand. Fillers for concrete are fine wood shavings, homogeneous wood chips, sawdust. The deficiency of any of the listed filling ingredients is replaced with available materials: pine needles, leaves, bark. The required percentage proportion of the added substitute is maintained; it should not exceed 5% of the total mass of the main filling material.

The fractional size of the fillers is monitored. Limitation on thickness up to 5 mm, length no more than 25 mm. The organic matter is first passed through a shot grinder and crushed to established size. The prepared mixture is mixed with cement mortar.

In factory conditions, organic sugar neutralizers are necessarily added to organic matter and waste of organic origin. A measure necessary for binding and removing sugar, which adversely affects the strength of the finished wood concrete. Common inhibitors are aluminum sulfate and calcium chloride.

The production of wood concrete at home eliminates the use of chemical reagents due to their shortage in free sale. Without the reaction of splitting sugars, the prepared mixture begins to “ferment”, gases swell the surface, forming voids and defects in the volume.

There is an opportunity to eliminate a negative process. Wood waste is dried in a ventilated area or in an open space for 3.5-4 months. Under the influence of heat and convection, natural drying and evaporation of substances dissolved in water occurs, including sucrose and their derivatives. In dry wood, only fibers with a low, acceptable cellulose content remain.

The process of mixing the solution:

  • Wood pulp and organic filler are loaded into a crusher and crushed to an acceptable consistency.
  • To completely neutralize sugar, fine wood pulp is mixed with dry cement and immersed in a 5%-10% lime solution. Lasts up to 3 hours.
  • The mass is thrown back onto the screen. Allow the liquid to drain.
  • Add water to the viscous mass as needed and mix until smooth to form a thick paste.
  • Make a mixture taking into account the proportions of the main materials: 4 parts water, 3 parts cement, 3 parts filler.
  • The finished mixture is centrifuged in a concrete mixer until lumps and clots are completely broken.
  • Check the mass for readiness. The quality mixture is crumbly. When squeezed in the hand, it retains its shape, does not blur or deform.
  • The mixture is loaded into molds until it hardens.
  • The finished wood concrete blocks are removed.

Construction from available material is being carried out as homemade brick substitutes become available. A properly organized and streamlined process allows you to produce up to 100 pieces per day by hand mixing.

Useful information about the manufacturing process of wood concrete blocks

  • A solution of wood and concrete is mixed in a concrete mixer to effectively break up the lumps.
  • If the finished mass turns out to be viscous and not crumbly, dry it in a natural way, add a quarter of the norm of cement and a quarter of the norm of filler.
  • When sawdust and shavings are kept for outdoors, they need to be mixed from time to time with a shovel. If this is not possible, the mass is treated with calcium oxide. In this case, 200 liters of 1.5% solution are needed per 1 m 3 of raw materials. The shavings and sawdust treated with the solution are left for 96 hours, stirring every 6-8 hours.
  • To speed up the hardening process of the mixture, dry calcium chloride is added to it.

The video will tell you in detail and clearly how to make wood concrete blocks yourself.

Arbolite blocks, or wood concrete, are used in the construction of buildings if more durable resources are not available.

The positive characteristics of the material prompt builders to think about its independent production.

Step-by-step instructions will help you make wood concrete blocks with your own hands at home.

You can make these blocks yourself

Historical data

The first wood concrete blocks appeared in the thirties in Holland. They include chemicals, cement and wood shavings. Within eight to ten years, the fame of this material spread throughout Europe. It was actively used in the Soviet Union.

In the sixties, more than a hundred factories for its production were opened in the USSR. Residential buildings, technical premises, scientific objects on the territory of Antarctica. During perestroika, some factories ceased operations, others changed their production profile. Arbolite raw materials have ceased to be produced and used.

Several decades ago, blocks reappeared on the building materials market. Now they are actively used in the construction of private houses and other buildings.

In this video you will learn how to make wood concrete blocks in two minutes:

Features of wood concrete

Arbolite is a material consisting of sawdust and coarse concrete. It is produced in the form of a slab or block, as well as a liquid mixture (it is poured into the formwork during construction). According to official standards, the blocks include the following materials:

  • wood chips of a certain size;
  • calcium chloride, lime, liquid glass and alumina sulfate;
  • water;
  • cement.

The dimensions of the chips do not exceed 25 mm in length, 10 mm in width and 5 mm in thickness. Do not use shavings, sawdust or straw.

Although another one is made using sawdust construction material, differing in characteristics and composition.

Some manufacturers sell low-quality material

Advantages and disadvantages

Wood material is easy to process with hand and mechanical saws. In blocks without emptiness, nails, screws and dowels are firmly held. Other advantages of wood concrete:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • light weight, which makes transportation easier;
  • high sound insulation performance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • elasticity and strength that do not allow the material to crack under impacts and loads;
  • steam penetrates into the structural cells, which allows the blocks to breathe;
  • It is easy to apply paint, putty or other finishing material to a porous surface.

All this tempts craftsmen to make wood concrete blocks at home.

Although wood concrete has some disadvantages:

  • holes in the material will not protect the room from moisture, so it must be covered with a layer of waterproof plaster;
  • the blocks have an unclear shape, it takes a long time to level the walls;
  • Some stores offer low-quality wood concrete, in the production of which small chips or reeds were used.

Ready-made wood concrete has a high cost, which is why homemade material has become popular.

DIY wood concrete blocks:

Production conditions

Factories produce two types of wood concrete - thermal insulation and structural. The first is used for insulation of finished structures, the second type, due to its high density, serves as the main material for construction load-bearing walls. Wood concrete does not ignite, quickly becomes saturated with moisture, but dries instantly. Hollow blocks are used in the construction of rooms that contain steam or water. The material removes excess moisture from the building.

In factory production conditions, the block manufacturing technology is as follows:

  • waste wood materials crushed in a crusher, leaves and bark are removed from the mixture;
  • the amount of chemicals depends on the type of wood; they are mixed with water;
  • chips are poured into a concrete mixer with a heated water mixture;
  • then add cement and mix for twenty minutes;
  • the finished mixture is poured into molds, compacted with a press or by hand;
  • remove the formwork and dry the carbolite.

When compacting, a vibropress is used. The density of the blocks depends on the size of the chips and their quantity in the solution.

Arbolit. Proportions. How to make sawdust concrete:

Self-production of wood concrete

Due to the lack of special equipment, you will be able to make blocks of low-density wood concrete with your own hands. They are used to insulate walls. It will take a very long time to sort through and clear the wood chips by hand, and their size will not be the same.

You need to prepare a concrete mixer and injection mold in advance. The mixer must be a screw, gravity ones will not allow you to create a homogeneous solution. Suitable forms for DIY wood concrete blocks are plywood or metal boxes with partitions. It is easier to make containers with recesses from plywood, which are necessary for creating hollow blocks. Special attention pay attention to proportions. Do-it-yourself arbolite blocks are calculated in kilograms, equating a liter of water to 1 kg.

Production of wood concrete blocks:

Recipe for wood concrete suitable for construction country houses and personal buildings:

  • the chips are soaked in slaked lime for three hours (10 parts of water are added to part of the alkali), the raw materials are placed on a sieve;
  • pour the wood into a concrete mixer and fill it with water, proportions - 4 volumes of water per three parts of wood chips;
  • then add liquid glass in a volume of 1% of the total mass, add 4 shares of cement and knead until smooth;
  • the molds are lubricated with waste oil, filled with solution, compacted and allowed to brew for 24 hours;
  • After this, the blocks are removed and dried in an open area for a week.
To make blocks you will need tools, such as a concrete mixer

You can immediately make wood concrete with cladding. When pouring into molds, leave 5 cm to the top, fill the free space with colored plaster or crushed gypsum tiles. After drying, the walls are finished in blocks.

The availability of suitable raw materials, free time and equipment makes it possible for developers to make wood concrete themselves. A nearby woodworking enterprise will allow you to start a business in the production of wood concrete.

Arboblok, wood concrete block with your own hands from a to z:

Wood concrete, otherwise known as arbolite blocks, have such attractive characteristics that the desire of folk craftsmen to make them with their own hands is quite understandable. But is this building material as good as the advertising advertises, and is it possible to set up its production at home? To clarify the situation, we propose to consider in detail what wood concrete is, study its properties, manufacturing technology and reviews from developers.

What is wood concrete

This building material belongs to lightweight concrete with a coarse cell structure and wood filler. It is produced in the form of blocks (standard size - 50 x 30 x 20 cm), slabs with reinforcement cage and liquid mixtures poured into formwork during the construction process. According to GOST, the composition of wood concrete should be as follows:

  • wood chips of strictly standardized sizes;
  • chemicals - alumina sulfate, lime, liquid glass, calcium chloride;
  • cement M400-500;
  • water.

Note. Chemically active additives are designed to neutralize the effects organic matter(sugars) contained in wood, on the adhesion of cement with filler.

To obtain wood concrete of standard strength, the length of the chips in the solution should not exceed 25 mm, and the width should be in the range from 5 to 10 mm with a thickness of up to 5 mm. To prepare wood concrete, you cannot use sawdust, shavings and other organic matter - straw or reeds. By the way, sawdust concrete is also a radically different material with excellent properties.


The wood concrete blocks and reinforced panels produced at the plant are divided into 2 groups - structural and thermal insulation. The former have a density of 550-850 kg/m³ and are used for the construction of load-bearing walls. The second, with a density of 300-500 kg/m³, are suitable only for insulation ready-made structures, because they do not have the required bearing capacity. An essential parameter of wood concrete - thermal conductivity - also increases with specific gravity, which is reflected in the diagram:

The remaining characteristics of wood concrete look like this:

  1. Compressive strength depends on density and corresponds to concrete grades from M5 to M50. The elastic modulus is about 2000 MPa, and the bending strength is up to 1 MPa. It means that monolithic blocks do not crack under heavy loads and, after compression, tend to return to their original shape.
  2. Water absorption of building materials is up to 85%. In practice, a stream of water can saturate wall panel through, but then drains quite quickly, after which the wood concrete dries successfully.
  3. In terms of resistance to fire, the material belongs to group G1 - low-flammability. It also ignites very reluctantly.
  4. Monolithic and hollow wood concrete products They transmit steam equally well, which helps remove excess moisture from the building through the outer walls.

Concerning soundproofing properties, then wood concrete absorbs noise much better traditional materials– brick, wood and aerated concrete.

Production technology

In factory conditions technological process The manufacture of wood concrete products proceeds as follows:

  1. Wood processing waste is crushed to the required size in a crusher and cleared of bark and leaves, whose content in the raw material should not exceed 10%.
  2. Water is mixed with chemical components in the right proportions depending on the type of wood. For example, larch requires twice the amount of mineralizers per cubic volume than spruce and pine.
  3. The chips are sent to a forced-action concrete mixer, where they are mixed with prepared water heated to a temperature of 15 °C.
  4. M400 cement is added to the mixture and mixed for 20 minutes, after which it is poured into molds. Laying is done manually or using a vibropress.
  5. The formwork is removed from the products immediately after molding, and then they are sent for drying.

Reference. Some manufacturers practice cutting blocks on a special machine in order to give them a clear geometric shape.

Note that when molding arbolite products, the raw material is not subjected to pressing, but only vibration. Different densities of blocks and slabs are achieved by changing the concentration and size of chips in the primary solution.

Production line for the production of wood concrete

Pros and cons of the material

By thermal insulation properties wood concrete is comparable to others modern building materials, which is reflected in the following diagram:

In addition to low thermal conductivity, wood concrete has other advantages. They are as follows:

  • light weight, facilitating the reloading and installation of products;
  • thanks to good sound insulation properties, arbolite structures effectively protect premises from the penetration of external noise;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high strength and elasticity, preventing cracking from static and impact loads;
  • the cellular structure allows water vapor to penetrate freely, that is, the material “breathes”;
  • The porous surface of the blocks and the composition of the mixture make it possible to use any types of external and internal cladding.

In addition, it is worth noting the ease of processing wood concrete by hand and mechanical saws, which is important when building walls and trimming elements. And the last positive feature: wood concrete products without voids (in the form of a monolith) hold nails, ordinary dowels and self-tapping screws perfectly, and this reduces the cost of fastening various interior items and installing shelves compared to foam blocks and aerated concrete.

Now about the disadvantages, of which wood concrete also has many:

  1. Wood concrete structures need protection from moisture from outside, therefore they must be plastered or sheathed with waterproof materials with a ventilated gap.
  2. Due to the unclear geometry of the blocks, the consumption of plaster during finishing work increases;
  3. IN trading network Many low-quality products are sold that do not comply with GOST. Unscrupulous manufacturers often do not comply with the requirements for chip sizes and pour everything into the solution because they do not have calibration equipment.

The listed disadvantages are not too significant and are quite surmountable. The main negative point is the price of wood concrete. If you ask how much the same aerated concrete costs, you will find a difference of 40-60% in favor of the latter.

Self-production of wood concrete

If you have carefully studied the production technology described above, you probably understand that at home it will be possible to produce only low-density thermal insulation blocks. The maximum that can be built from them is a small one-story building with wooden floor. The reason is clear: cook a large number of Calibrated chips will not be produced due to the lack of equipment, and sorting through the waste manually is pointless.

Advice. In order for wood concrete made by yourself to have the properties of factory products, the raw materials must be freed from fine fractions (sawdust), dust and bark.

To work, you will definitely need a casting mold and a concrete mixer, preferably an auger type. Conventional gravity mixers are not very good at creating a homogeneous mixture of wood and cement. The molds are long boxes made of metal or OSB plywood with partitions for casting several elements at once. Perfect option For home production– collapsible form shown in the drawing.

Another useful unit, indispensable in the manufacture of wood concrete products, is a homemade wood chip cutter for processing branches and other waste. An example of such an installation is shown in the video:

Now let's give a simple recipe on how to make low-density wood concrete, suitable for use for country and garden buildings:

  1. Mineralize the wood chips by soaking them in slaked lime for at least 3 hours (proportions – 1 volume of lime is diluted in 10 parts of water). Then pour the raw materials onto a sieve to drain the water.
  2. Transfer the wood chips into a concrete mixer and fill with water. The ratio is: 3 mass fractions of wood waste per 4 volumes of water. Turn on stirring and add liquid glass in the amount of 1% of the total mass of the solution in this batch.
  3. Lastly, add 4 mass fractions of M500 cement and mix until the mass becomes homogeneous and begins to mold in your hand.
  4. Lubricate the sides of the molds with waste oil and fill to the top with the raw material solution. Lightly compact the contents and let the wood concrete set for 1 day, and then remove the blocks from the formwork and dry for at least 7 days in an open area, as was done in the photo.

Removing formwork after setting

Note. The proportions of cement and wood chips are indicated by weight (in kilograms), not by volume. For water this does not matter, since 1 liter weighs 1 kg.

After a successful trial batch, wood concrete products can be improved by giving them cladding directly during the manufacturing process. The scheme is simple: the mass is placed in molds in such a way that 3-5 cm remains to the top, and the free volume is filled with plaster mortar (preferably tinted) or cut gypsum tiles imitating artificial stone.