How to make beautiful garden paths. How to make a path at your dacha with your own hands? We use available materials for paths in the garden

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Today, many summer residents have become familiar with such an expression as landscape design. And one of the options for improving your site is garden paths. They can be made not only on the site of a rural or town house, but also in the country.

Why are garden paths needed?

To avoid paying big money For the services of a landscape designer, you can lay out paths with your own hands both in the garden and between the entrance to the house and the gate. Such improvement of your site will allow you to immediately achieve three goals:

To make garden paths with your own hands, you can take ready-made paving slabs, bricks, paving stones or natural stone. Therefore, first you need to decide on the material. For such purposes, you can take either plain tiles or artistic ones.

How to make paths in the garden from stone?

Before the stones are laid out, it must be planned. To do this, markings are made throughout the dacha area (see photo). If it is necessary to lay various paths in the garden, the slope of the soil must be taken into account, since the tiles must be several centimeters above ground level. It is necessary to drive pegs into the ground and pull a cord between them.

But before laying sidewalk paths at the dacha, you need to remove the turf with a shovel in the spaces fenced off with pegs, as in the photo. In this case, you should carefully trim the edges of such a shallow ditch.

In order for the stone tile to hold as tightly as possible, a cushion consisting of sand must be made under it in the ditch - its thickness must be at least 10 cm. Gravel is poured under the sand cushion, and sand is added on top. This pillow should be compacted well.

All laid out paths on summer cottage must be level, so the sand in the ditch must be well leveled. If in this area groundwater close to the surface of the earth, then you should think about the drainage system. To do this, larger gravel is placed in the ditch and then covered with sand on top.

And only after this you can lay paving slabs, as in the photo. To get a beautiful garden path made by yourself, you need to choose the right color and lay it out in such a way as to create a beautiful pattern.

When laying stone tiles, you need to tap them on top with a wooden hammer so that the edges do not protrude above each other. You should also worry about the slope of the path. This is done so that when it rains or when the snow melts, the water runs away immediately and does not linger on the path. It is better to do slight tilts on both sides, rather than in one direction.

Every man can master this type of making garden paths, and there is nothing complicated about it. But you should know one more rule: the tiles must be laid in such a way that they rise 2-3 centimeters above ground level. Laying the garden path in this way will not only allow rainwater to quickly drain to the sides, but will also make it comfortable to walk on when the snow melts.

It's nice when the territory country house or the dacha has been landscaped. To make it convenient to move around, you should make paths and paths. It is important that they fit into the landscape design, i.e. performed not only practical, but also decorative functions. It is important to take into account many points: material, shape and style. A path in the country, created with your own hands, can transform several hundred square meters of land.

Types of garden paths

Paths and paths in a summer cottage are made from different materials. Almost everything known materials, used in construction and decoration, can be applied. Let's look at the most popular options.

A natural stone. The main differences are natural beauty and nobility. It is worth noting high strength, which, of course, is a plus, and the high cost, which cannot but disappoint. Using this material, you can lay out a curved path, since stone elements arranged in a chaotic manner easily form smooth bends.

Tree. If the landscape design is made in rustic style Provence or country, then for design will suit and a tree. To preserve the material, it is recommended to use special impregnations and varnishes.

Brick. A common material for the construction of houses and outbuildings. But it is also suitable for building paths in summer cottages. Ordinary brick has an unattractive appearance, so it is better to give preference to special types that look aesthetically pleasing and are not afraid of moisture and low temperatures.

Paving stones and paving slabs. Thanks to large assortment and a variety of colors of paving slabs, you can lay out a path according to a pattern in order to obtain a specific pattern or ornament as a result.

A budget option. At correct installation The path will last a long time. In addition, gravel will look good in the far corner of the garden or near an artificial pond.

Concrete. An original concrete path can be made using special forms. They are made of plastic and are sold in hardware stores. You can make them yourself after first familiarizing yourself with the technology.

To achieve a stylistic match between the paths and the surrounding natural and artificial objects, it is recommended to use a combination of materials and installation techniques. For example, use stone and colored gravel, wood and pebbles, brick and concrete.

If you want to use color schemes, you should be careful: the selected pattern must harmoniously fit into the landscape design being created and be suitable in style.

Features of the location of paths

Once the material has been decided, you should decide how to arrange the paths taking into account the landscape. To make everything look harmonious, you need to take up paper and pencil to draw up a plan and sketch. Makes the process easier computer program for landscape design. There are applications that are designed for designing paths and paths. Hints and tips will help you plot the correct and convenient route, along which you can quickly get to a certain place. At this stage, the following important points should be taken into account:

  • the points define the main places to which it will be necessary to get, and then they are connected by straight or curved lines;
  • the plan should also indicate all existing objects: gazebo, greenhouse, bathhouse, vegetable garden, garden and flower beds;
  • it is not necessary to use the same type of paths: on any site, solid and step-by-step, straight and curved options will be perfectly combined;
  • if it rains quite often in the area, then the paths should be planned with thoughtful drainage system and drainage of water from the edges.

When drawing up a diagram, indicate the varieties of plants and shrubs that you plan to plant. This approach will allow you to quickly decide on the material for arranging the paths.

Path made of cement sheets

More popular budget options, which can also be original and attractive, like natural stone. If your garden area has a continuous and neatly trimmed green lawn, then you should not divide it with a large number of paths. Eat the best option in the form of a kind of small path made of cement leaves. Making it yourself is not difficult.

The basis is taken from decorative concrete tiles, which can be shaped not only in the form of sheets, but also:

  • human traces;
  • geometric shapes;
  • animal silhouettes.

List necessary materials and tools are quite simple:

  1. Cement mortar (cement, water and sand).
  2. Shape (suitable for our version) large sheets burdock).
  3. Container for mixing the solution.
  4. Rubber gloves (for ease of use).
  5. Master OK.

  1. Cement mortar is mixed in a container in a small amount, according to the instructions. Mix thoroughly so that no lumps or air bubbles remain.
  2. The finished thick mass is applied to a pre-washed burdock leaf in a small layer of 2–3 cm.
  3. Leave the form to dry, preferably in the sun.
  4. After the mixture has completely set, remove the sheet and get decorative tiles.
  5. In the process of laying finished tiles, it is necessary to remove upper layer sod to form a small hole. The leaf will be placed in it. We repeat similar steps for subsequent elements.

When working, the moment of mixing the cement mortar is very important. The required consistency must be obtained, since a solution that is too thick will not adhere well, and a liquid solution will not retain its desired shape.

Brick or paving slab path

A more solid path can be made from simple brick, which was left after construction and lies idle in a barn or garage, taking up the necessary square meters. Regardless of how the landscape design is planned, brick path will be a great addition.

The entire work process is divided into several stages:

  • defining boundaries and removing the top layer of soil;
  • preparation of sand and gravel cushion;
  • brick laying;
  • filling the seams with sand.

The minimum width of a brick path should be 90 cm. The parameter should be calculated based on the size of the brick and the pattern that is planned to be laid out. Along the edges future track pegs are stuck in and the construction cord is pulled. A shallow trench is dug in the resulting space, and the edges are strengthened with boards so that excess soil does not fall out.

A mixture of sand and gravel is poured into the prepared trench, which is then leveled and compacted. Afterwards, everything must be covered with sand, which is also compacted. In this case, the base will be of better quality and the path will last longer.

The bricks begin to be laid along the boards. Correct the position using a wooden or rubber hammer. To make a border, the outermost rows of bricks are laid on the end. The gap between the edges is filled with bricks according to the chosen pattern. Constantly check the horizontal position of the bricks using a water level or a regular level. On last stage all gaps between bricks are filled with sand. Afterwards, water the path and repeat the operation.

The path of their wooden cuts

Of course, in terms of durability, wood is inferior to other materials, since it is afraid of moisture, which means additional processing and protection will be required. But still, wood cuts are also popular. With their help you can create a decorative path in a rustic style.

When designing, you should follow a few tips:

  1. When choosing a tree, you need to pay attention to the diameter of the trunks; it should be from 10 to 20 cm.
  2. You should not discard small branches, as small round pieces can perfectly fill the voids between large elements.
  3. You can use flat cuts or hemp.

Arranging the path will not take much time and effort. On the marked area, remove the top layer of turf or dig a shallow trench. The earth should not be taken far, as it will be needed to fill voids.

For the pillow, a sand layer 5 cm thick will be enough, which is compacted. The prepared hemp is laid out on the spot, which will allow you to immediately imagine the final result. The gaps are filled with earth or sand, fine gravel will also work.

When choosing a tree, you can simultaneously solve several problems: designing a site and getting rid of old cut trees.

To decide what material to make the paths from, walk around the area. Undoubtedly, you will find old brick, and remains of cement, and unnecessary trees. Experiment and combine when arranging your site.


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T It’s hard to imagine a well-kept garden without garden paths going around flower beds and gazebos. Originally designed, they not only perform a utilitarian function, but are also part of the landscape. The coating can be very diverse, the main thing is that it is not difficult to care for, and it is durable enough to last for decades. The task of any summer resident is to make garden paths with your own hands at low cost, but with optimal results.

A garden path can be made from regular boards

When choosing a trail style, you need to consider overall design residential complex. Garden paths can be classified according to the material used:

  • Gravel. Behind the simple construction and attractive appearance of such a coating are hidden significant shortcomings. Such coverings are difficult to clear from leaves and snow; they will not tolerate the arrival of equipment.
  • Brick. This coating is not expensive, it can be laid without any special skills. If you use clinker material rather than simple solid brick, the path will last a very long time.

  • Concrete. Making a concrete path at your dacha with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems. Materials for work are affordable. If you tint concrete and use curly forms, you can achieve excellent results.

  • Wooden. Paths made from cuts of tree trunks look very original. If wood is treated properly, it will not decompose for a long time.

  • Herbaceous. Green paths require careful maintenance. They need to be trimmed regularly, watered during droughts and replanted. But they fit perfectly into any country landscape.

  • Ground. This option is only suitable for temporary use. In wet weather, dirt will stick to your shoes and they may become overgrown with weeds.

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Molds for making garden paths from concrete

One of the most available options– paths created using a mold for making garden paths. Such a coating can withstand a significant load, for example, the passage of a tractor. Plastic molds you can buy them in the store average cost- about 900 rubles. Working with them does not require special skills.

Before you start pouring, you need to remove the top layer of soil by about ten centimeters and prepare a sand and gravel bed. Afterwards the mold is set and poured concrete composition. After 10-15 minutes, the form is removed and moved to another location. Such a sidewalk can be used for its intended purpose in just five days. Dyes can be added to the cement composition.

Important! Concrete should be poured onto a damp base and, after pouring, be moistened during the hardening period to prevent cracking.

You can make a form for concreting yourself from boards or iron. After the mortar has formed, sand is poured into the spaces between the tiles.

Paths made of sand and crushed stone

Do-it-yourself garden paths can be made from crushed stone, gravel or special colored backfill at low cost. Such sidewalks, in addition to other functions, will also serve as burglar alarm, you won’t be able to walk through them silently.

Helpful information! Gravel paths can only be laid on flat areas, on slopes and depressions, gravel will roll and accumulate.

Backfill coatings do not tolerate smooth geometric lines. They should be curvy and curly. The top layer of soil is selected along the contour of the future path. Geotextiles need to be laid at the bottom of the trench; it will prevent the material from “going” into the ground. The edges are secured with border tape or laid out with pebbles. Large flat stones can be placed among the gravel.

DIY brick paths: photos of masonry options

Often on suburban area after construction or repair work What remains is simple brick, which can be an excellent paving material. To work, you will need a shovel, a building level, a rubber hammer, hand compaction, sand and cement. As with any other coating, it is better to remove the top layer of soil by about fifteen centimeters. A bed of gravel and sand is laid on top of the geotextile. Next photos do-it-yourself brick paths show different variants drawing:

Having decided on the design, first install the borders. Their role can be played by the same bricks placed on edge or ready-made elements. Then onto a flat surface (this needs to be checked building level) bricks are installed. There should be a small distance between them, which will later be filled with sand. When installing, the bricks are lightly knocked together and leveled using a rubber hammer.

Wood and other materials

Colorful and unusual option garden paths are made from wood cuts. Hardwoods are particularly durable. Oak, acacia, and beech cuts are the best choice.

The tree trunk is cleared of bark and cut into nickels 10–15 centimeters thick. Each element must be treated with drying oil. If you don’t have it at hand, you can use regular mining. After the cuts have dried, you can begin installation. The foundation is being prepared traditional way, using geotextiles and sand-gravel mixture. Geotextiles will allow moisture to pass through, but will not allow weeds to grow through the coating.

The saw cuts are placed on a pillow. This work requires a certain diligence: each element differs in size and shape, you need to select them so that there are as few empty spaces as possible. Small spaces are filled with cuts of thick branches. You can use small pebbles and pebbles for voids. After some time, the tree on the path will darken, this is a natural process.

Helpful advice! To make it possible to walk along the path barefoot, it is better to sand the top side of the cuts.

Paths from natural stone will be a logical continuation of the alpine landscape. Large flat stones different sizes and the colors are stacked together with the small ones. Particularly chic are paths made of colored pebbles laid in patterns. Such garden path It will take a lot of time and patience, but the result is worth it. The stones are stacked on cement mortar. Such coatings are practically eternal, do not fade and do not need to be maintained. DIY garden paths, photos of pebble paths:

Do-it-yourself garden paths can be easily and quickly made from ready-made plastic modules at low cost. They are sold in garden stores and are relatively inexpensive. The elements can be put away for the winter and washed if necessary.
