How to make doll furniture from matchboxes. Dressers and doll furniture made from matchboxes

There is no home where several boxes of matches are not stored. It turns out that matchboxes can be an excellent material for creativity. Together with your child, you can come up with a lot of ideas on where to “place” unnecessary boxes. We will give you a few ideas for girls along with a master class on making furniture from matchboxes.

Simple ideas from matchboxes

Small toys from Kinder Surprises or cute dolls also need a cozy home. It’s easy to build furniture for a house by folding several matchboxes and covering them with colored paper. From matchboxes you can easily and simply put together a chair, table, sofa or wardrobe. Try it and you will definitely succeed!

Doll furniture made from matchboxes

Perhaps the most necessary piece of furniture in a dollhouse is the bed. We suggest you make a bed with drawers, on which a small doll can comfortably sit. So, we need two matchboxes, glue, paint, 2 beads.

  1. We take two matchboxes and glue them together, this will be the base of the bed. We place the boxes on a flat surface, outline them with a pencil, leave space for the ends and draw the backs of any desired shape.
  2. We cut out along the contours what we have outlined in duplicate and glue the boxes on both sides.
  3. We paint the crib any color and attach handles to the drawers using wire.
  4. The finished crib can be decorated with a mattress, blanket and pillow.

Mini chest of drawers made from matchboxes

With girls school age It would be interesting to make a chest of drawers for storing jewelry and hairpins. To make a chest of drawers, we will need 3 matchboxes, glue, toothpicks, wire, pieces of rod or beads for handles.

    1. First you need to glue the base for the chest of drawers. We don’t just cover it with paper on top, but create a cardboard frame. You can cover it with unnecessary plastic cards. We must have sides, a bottom, a table top, and dividers between the drawers.
    1. Then we insert the matchboxes into the frame of the chest of drawers and measure the width of the chest of drawers in order to correctly measure the front of the drawers. For this we will need toothpicks, a pencil and a stationery knife.
    2. Glue toothpicks to the front of the drawers, and then cut off the excess. Dresser handles can be made from an old microcircuit, pieces of rod or small beads.
    1. All that remains is to paint our craft and fill it with small “treasures”.

And here is another option for making a stylish chest of drawers from matchboxes

House is built. It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s big or small, made of brick or cardboard, whether Barbie or Snow White and the dwarves will live in it. In any case, he needs an interior, furniture and necessary accessories. Today you can buy everything in toy stores. But as you know, the most fashionable things items are considered exclusive, made in a single copy self made. Therefore, we roll up our sleeves and begin work on making doll furniture with our own hands.

Making a real chair for Barbie

In the toy market, the most valued are working miniature models of real human everyday objects: cars, airplanes, clothes, etc. The smaller the models, the more difficult they are to make. Let's try to create such an exclusive piece of furniture.

To make a doll upholstered furniture, you need to prepare:

  • thick cardboard 1-1.5 mm thick;
  • plain paper;
  • foam cardboard (0.5 cm thick) or corrugated cardboard (0.3 cm thick);
  • tube with a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm from any material. You can use an old marker or a cardboard thread tube;
  • fleece or thin foam rubber 0.3-0.8 cm thick;
  • upholstery fabric. It is better to choose calico or staple, so that it is better saturated with glue;
  • PVA glue and “moment”;
  • scissors, knife;
  • ruler, pencil.

Making a real chair step by step

  • Make drawings of the parts on paper and cut them out.
  • Cut out the details of the chair according to the drawings. Glue four rectangles of foam board or six of corrugated cardboard together. This will be the base of the chair, the seat. Then glue the back and front of the chair, cut out of thick cardboard. Secure the armrest tubes. Then, after pasting them with paper, they will hold up well, but for now they can be lightly “basted” with pieces of tape.

  • Cut out several strips of corrugated cardboard, 1 cm wide and equal to the length of the tubes, and place them in a stack under the roller, covering the layers with glue. Determine the number of layers according to location. Cover the armrest first with thin paper and then with fleece or foam rubber.

  • Cover the chair with fabric. To do this, cut out pieces of material according to the same drawings, but adding a little (1-1.5 cm) in length and width for the hem.

  • Cover the (removable) backrest of the chair first with foam rubber on one side, and then with fabric on all sides.

  • Install the backrest in the chair. It can be glued to a stationary backrest, or it can be left collapsible.

  • Make the cushion for the chair in the same way as the backrest.

  • This is how the royal chair turned out for your favorite doll.

The technique for making this upholstered furniture is similar to the diagram described above, only this chair is not a model of the real one, and therefore the base for it is simpler to make. It consists of a piece of foam rubber, cut according to patterns, 1-2 cm thick and a small box. These parts also need to be pasted over. beautiful fabric, and then connect.

From a rectangular piece of foam rubber that matches the dimensions of the box, we cut out a pillow and drape it with fabric. If you can find a box that is long and narrow enough, you might get chic sofa for a doll.

The desire to make furniture for a home is often stopped by a lack of materials. Of course, few people have furniture boards in their apartment, wooden blocks and springs. However, miniature furniture does not require such real details. Half liter plastic bottles are in any home and can be used not only as containers..

If they are cut in a certain way, they can turn out to be extremely original chairs. In order to give them a presentable look, you can trim or cover the edges of the plastic with beautiful braid. Next, you need to sew two pillows with your own and fill them with some kind of filler. One of them will be the seat, and the other the back.

To complete this work we need a cardboard tube that remains from the roll toilet paper. The manufacturing scheme is the same as in the previous version, only in this case we will not be able to make armrests. Therefore, miniature furniture will be more like an ottoman with a back.

Cut the tube into the desired shape and cover it with fabric. Make a bag, fill it with filling and put it inside the tube to make a seat.

Crib for doll baby

Barbie or Monster High are grown-up girls, so it makes sense that they could have a small child. It also requires some furniture. For example, a crib.

There is a very simple option for making a cradle for little Baby - a crib made from matchboxes. You can use popsicle sticks for the backs. Glue two boxes together at the ends and cover them with colored paper. Glue the sticks and paint them. The crib is ready.

Matchboxes are great construction material for doll furniture. These are already ready drawers. You can make an entire kitchen set out of them.

  1. Take 9 boxes and fold them in three rows, gluing them together.
  2. Cover the perimeter with colored paper tape.
  3. Use a stapler to make staples at the ends of the “boxes”. These will be the handles.
  4. Make wall cabinets from three boxes.
  5. Glue two parts of each box together.
  6. Paint or cover them with colored paper.
  7. Cut the top of the box down the middle. These will be the doors. Handles on them can be drawn with a felt-tip pen or glued onto a grain of rice.

You can construct a wonderful chest of drawers from matchboxes. For this we need:

  • 4 matchboxes;
  • 4 beads for legs and 4 for arms;
  • thin fabric or colored paper;
  • beautiful braid;
  • glue, paints.

Paint all boxes inside and out with a single color paint. Glue them together and wrap them in cloth or paper. Glue the braid along the contour, 4 bead legs on the bottom, and bead handles on each drawer.

Every parent tries to give their baby the best: interesting educational toys designed specifically to meet children's needs. And the kids definitely love it!

But is a finished toy always beneficial to the child? Many of us have observed how modern children reach a moment of “satiation” with goods. Then they simply lose interest in toys: there are too many of them. Often, when children meet, they do not come up with joint games, but simply engage in “sorting through” toys - they only have time to get acquainted with the toys while visiting, but not to play.

And parents just shrug their shoulders: we wish we had toys like this in our childhood! Do you remember what we played? We made furniture for dolls from matchboxes, houses from cardboard; the grass and fruits in the yard were a wide variety of food: yellow dandelions were eggs, dandelion leaves were cucumbers, acorns were zucchini, chestnuts were pumpkins, “helicopter noses” were bananas, the leaves were banknotes. And sometimes we built the houses themselves, a store, and a hospital on a tree. Was it interesting? Certainly!!! After all, we came up with all this ourselves, and in the land of children's fantasies, attributes are not so important. No wonder they say that in the past, to become a princess, it was enough to simply put tights on your head. But for some reason we take a different path with our children, taking away the opportunity to experiment and invent.

The fact is that the mass of ready-made toys interferes with the flight of children's imagination. Who can prove that beautiful plastic vegetables and fruits are better than our children's dandelions? For children, the process of playing and inventing is important, and not the result - a specific object - a toy.

The portal invites you to plunge into the world of forgotten crafts made from matchboxes. We will show how you can use them to build military equipment, furniture for dolls, fairy-tale characters and animals, and interesting details.

Military equipment

On the eve of the holiday on February 23, we will first of all talk about models of military equipment. They can be given to dad, grandfathers, taken to kindergarten and school, use for playing at home.

See what theater of war your son or grandson can play out. At independent production With such toys, the child develops fine motor skills, perseverance and the desire to achieve his goal; the child develops interest and motivation, and gains self-confidence from the fact that he can do all this himself. Let's not deprive children of this, right?

Special equipment

Various cars can be made from this wonderful scrap material. For example, an ambulance, a fire truck, a bus, a taxi, a traffic police car.

With such crafts you can participate in various competitions.

Fairy tale characters, animals

Using colored paper, glue, and matchboxes, you can make characters from your favorite fairy tale or cartoon. Look, which fairy tale heroes are depicted in the photograph?

Wonderful African animals and our native Cheburashka are also made from matchboxes.

Little children love small toys and interesting attributes that come with them. Inside a matchbox there may well be a whole house for an unusual animal. You can put it in your pocket and carry it with you everywhere.

Educational games made from matchboxes

Games for child development can be made using matchboxes.

This could be an association game, learning letters and numbers, and so on. Make thematic images: who lives where; who eats what?

Toy furniture made from matchboxes

Matchboxes are the basis for making toy furniture, and then everything depends on your imagination and decorative material.
The furniture assembly diagram looks like this:

You can decorate furniture in your own way: with colored paper, fabric, toothpicks, wallpaper and self-adhesive film, using decoupage technique.

Using matchboxes you can make unusual interior items: TV, washing machine, piano, suitcase, photo or painting frame in a doll house.

Let us emphasize once again that everything ingenious is quite simple. And the interesting new is the well-forgotten old. Now you're less likely to throw away matchboxes and waste material for a wide variety of creative designs!

Sources of diagrams and photographs:

Topic: “Getting to know waste material. Furniture made from matchboxes"

Target: Involve children in creating three-dimensional figures (furniture) from matchboxes.


a) familiarize students with waste material

b) development of aesthetic perception and fine motor skills.

c) education of hard work, feelings of pride, love, respect for family members.

Location: Municipal educational institution Timsherskaya secondary school

Lesson duration: 2 academic hours with a 10 minute break

Logistics of the lesson: Computer. Projector.Samples finished products. Subject pictures (house, kitchen, bedroom, corridor, sofa, closet, table, chair), matchboxes, colored paper, glue, scissors, oilcloths.

Methodological and didactic support for the lesson:

Presentation “My Home”

Methods and forms of training: explanatory-illustrative, practical; frontal, group, individual.

Principles: visibility, literature, practical orientation, focus on the final result.

Type of lesson: combined lesson.

Health-preserving technologies: physical education minute

Progress of the lesson:

Activities of a teacher

Student activities


1. Organizing time

Hello guys. I'm very glad to see you.Let's go to our clearing. Now let's hold handsand let's recite the poem:

Here we are, you and me.

We are a family!

Smile at the one on the left.

Smile at the one on the right.

We are a family!

Students say hello

2. Updating knowledge

Have a seat guys. Tell me who is this poem about? (About family). How do you understand what the word “family” means? (This is the most precious thing a person has, this is a place where peace, love, friendship, caring for each other reigns. This is mom, dad, brother, sister and me.) Well done, guys. Now think and tell me, where does the family live? (In the house.)

You know, guys, today the postman brought a letter to our school. Let's see what's in it. (The teacher reads the letter) - “Hello guys, my name is Bunny-Know-It-All, I really like to ask riddles and that’s why I prepared them for you, if you solve them, a surprise awaits you.” Well, guys, let’s try? (The teacher asks riddles)

Here is a huge noisy world,

It has four hundred apartments,

Five entrances, intercoms,

Glazed balconies.


There's a shrill whistle here

Kettle early in the morning.

The refrigerator is here

Sink with tap.


There is a sofa in this room

Soft like a dandelion.

Dreams fly here at night

In the yellow rays of the moon.


There are no windows in it, only doors

In the kitchen, bedroom, toilet.

Animals love to run around here -

The dog Barbos and the cat Roulette.


It's good when it's there

You can lie down and sit on it.

It was given to us for rest,

Soft plush.


He stands in the corner against the wall.

Oh, he looks huge

But he is not punished at all.

Mom keeps things in it.


He has four legs

Looks a little like a horse

But it doesn't jump anywhere.

And plates, cups, spoons,

And wonderful food

On his back wide

We settled in without difficulty.


On four I'm standing on my feet,

I can't walk at all:

When you get tired of walking,

You can sit down and relax.


Answer questions, solve riddles

Showing a letter from the Know-It-All Bunny

3. Repetition of covered material

Well done guys, you solved all the riddles! (The Know-It-All Bunny appears)

And here I am, the Know-It-All Bunny, come to play with you. Shall we “build a house”?

It's a hot time at a construction site

The signal has already struck

Today is a mason in the morning

Started work

Growing floor by floor

And every hour every day

Higher, higher new house!

Guys, before we get to work, we need to remember safety precautions.

They tell TB

4. Learning new material

We already have a house (“we built it” in the previous lesson), let’s start furnishing it with furniture. We have magic boxes. Let's sit down at the tables and think about what we can make from them? (bed, chair, table, wardrobe, chest of drawers). Well done guys, look, this is exactly what you were talking about. (The teacher shows furniture made from matchboxes: table, chair, wardrobe, chest of drawers, bed, sofa). Now we will make furniture from matchboxes. Before we get started, let's prepare our fingers.


One, two, three, four, (claps hands)

Who lives in my apartment? (shrug)

One, two, three, four, five, (claps hands)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, (bend one finger on both hands for each word)

My puppy-Friend and I, (“I” point at ourselves with both palms)

That's my whole family. (clench and unclench fists)

Well, now let’s sit down and get to work. We choose a piece of furniture, for example, an armchair. Take a matchbox and a colored strip of paper, then apply glue to the colored strip and cover the matchbox with colored paper. One part of the chair is already ready. Guys, look carefully at the chair, how many matchboxes do you need? (4). That's right, 4. We do the same with the next three boxes. Now guys we need to glue them together. Carefully apply glue to the side of the box and glue another box to it. Now our chair needs armrests, carefully apply glue to the side parts of our workpiece and glue the 2 remaining boxes to it. Now our chair is ready.

Practical activities for children

5. Consolidation of the studied material

Guys, if you wish, you can make one more piece of furniture.

Independent work

Children look at how other furniture is made. If necessary, contact the teacher

6. Final. Reflection.

Know-It-All Bunny (soft toy). And here's another surprise for you from me (gets big carrot, inside which is a small toy - Bear). Well, the guys have all made the furniture, then I ask you to come up and furnish the house with your furniture. How neatly the work was done. What colorful furniture we got.

I liked the lesson... (Children evaluate themselves.)

How beautiful it turned out, look how cozy it became in the house with your furniture. For your work and efforts, I leave Mishutka to live in your house. It's winter outside, he needs to spend the winter somewhere, but you have this warm house. Do you mind? (Bunny leaves Bear on the sofa, then says goodbye). Goodbye!

Children evaluate themselves.

Students say goodbye.


Parents who have already been able to make a dollhouse on their own or bought it in a store, spending a significant amount, are thinking about how to make furniture for dolls with their own hands. Toy furniture It's not cheap, so why not save money? family budget. You can easily make it with your own hands from available materials.

Types of materials often used

To decorate your daughter's dollhouse, you may need the materials that we most often throw away:

  • cuttings of plywood sheets;
  • matchboxes:
  • plastic jars and boxes for cosmetics;
  • shoe boxes;
  • colored dish sponges;
  • viscose napkins;
  • plastic bottles;
  • egg tablets;
  • textile;
  • foil
  • wire and many other small things, the place of which we often determine in the trash can.

When choosing materials, everything will depend only on your imagination.


Plywood and wood are the most popular and durable materials for making doll furniture. However, the process of creating interior items from them is labor-intensive; skills in working with them will be required. But if you still make such furniture, it will serve the dolls for a very long time and will delight your daughter for just as long.

In order to make miniature plywood furniture you will need:

  • plywood sheets;
  • jigsaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • small nails or screws;
  • glue;
  • sheets of cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • varnish or acrylic paint;
  • scissors;
  • attributes that you will use to decorate each type of furniture: fabric, beads, pieces of leather, and much more...

Common stages of work for all types of furniture:

  1. Think through or find printable furniture design diagrams on the Internet.
  2. Draw on cardboard or use ready-made prints of furniture parts and cut them out.
  3. Attach the resulting templates to sheets of plywood and trace.
  4. Use a jigsaw to cut out parts from plywood.
  5. Sand all parts with sandpaper until the surfaces become smooth.
  6. We assemble the structure. We glue the parts or fasten them with self-tapping screws.
  7. We coat the finished item with paint or varnish and let it dry.
  8. If necessary, we cover it with textile elements and decorate it.

So one piece of doll furniture has been made.


Cardboard furniture for a dollhouse is very easy to make. You can also involve a child in the manufacturing process. Cardboard is the most available material for work. You can use either sheets of cardboard or take small cardboard boxes as a base.


  • cardboard or cardboard boxes;
  • white sheets of paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue (if necessary);
  • details for decorations.

Stages of work:

  1. We think through the details of the future piece of furniture and make templates on paper.
  2. Transfer the templates to cardboard.
  3. Cut out the details.
  4. We make the necessary cuts at the joints of the parts.
  5. Assembling a piece of furniture. Glue where necessary.
  6. We give a finished look by decorating the structure.

You can decorate the dollhouse with a new piece of furniture.


You can construct almost any interior item from matchboxes. The advantage of such furniture will be drawers. It is enough to show your imagination and think through in detail the image of future furniture.

We will need:

  • matchboxes, the quantity depends on what piece of furniture you will make;
  • glue;
  • decorations for future furniture.

Stages of work:

  1. Let's prepare required amount matchboxes.
  2. We glue them together in the sequence required for the interior detail.
  3. We decorate the resulting piece of furniture. Acrylic paint and varnish are suitable for painting.

Your daughter's dolls will be happy with the new thing.

You can make a rack for dolls from matchboxes yourself by watching the following video.

Plastic jars

Plastic jars can perfectly serve as furniture in your dollhouse. Sometimes you don’t even need to do anything with them. When finished, they can be used, for example, as a bath. The child will be able to truly bathe his dolls; water will not spill out of them anywhere. You can construct more complex interior items from plastic jars, caps from toothpaste tubes, and other small items. They can simply be glued together in the required sequence.

For a master class on making a toilet for dolls from a shampoo container, see next video.


Using wire that bends easily, you can decorate your interior in Provence style. Beds whose frame will resemble a forged product will look very elegant. You can add a forged candlestick or an unusual forged chandelier. Almost any interior detail can be made using a wire frame. Your imagination will tell you the right direction.

Egg tablets

Using egg tablets you can perfectly decorate the rooms of a dollhouse. Both plastic and cardboard tablets are useful in your work. All that will be necessary is to carefully think through the composition and cut out the necessary parts of the tablets.

The work may require:

and much more. Everything will depend on how your imagination plays out.

Master classes

This section offers you some ideas for creating furniture for dolls with your own hands.

Bed with drawers for matchbox dolls

We will need:

  • matchboxes;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • sheets of white paper;
  • paints;
  • beads;
  • thin wire;
  • decorative elements to suit your taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Measure the height of the doll for which the bed is intended. The number of matchboxes that will be required depends on this.
  2. Glue the required number of boxes with the side walls facing each other. This will be the base of our bed.
  3. If you want to make the bed higher, you can glue peculiar legs in the form of additional boxes to the outer boxes at the bottom.
  4. We cover the base of the bed with white paper so that the pull-out elements remain open.
  5. Draw the desired shape of the headboards on cardboard and cut them out.
  6. Glue the backs to the sides of the base.
  7. Paint the bed in the desired color.
  8. We attach beads to the sliding elements of the boxes at the base using wire. These are the arms of our bed.
  9. We decorate, cover with bedding and you can put the doll to sleep.

In the next video you will see a master class on making a bed for a doll from cardboard.

You can decorate your bedside table in the same style.

We will need:

  • 2-3 matchboxes;
  • glue;
  • White list;
  • the same paint and decorative elements that decorated the bed;

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We glue the boxes together, placing them on top of each other with their bases.
  2. We cover it with white paper, leaving the retractable elements open.
  3. We paint in the style of the already made bed.
  4. We attach the beads to the boxes.
  5. We decorate.

Watch the following video for a master class on making a bedside table from matchboxes.

Sofa for dolls made of plywood

We will need:

  • plywood;
  • jigsaw;
  • glue or small nails;
  • sandpaper;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • varnish or acrylic paint;
  • pieces of fabric;
  • cotton wool

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We decide on the design and dimensions of the future sofa. We make drawings for the back, seat, side backs on cardboard. We take into account that with the help of the back and side backs the sofa will gain stability.
  2. Cut it out.
  3. We apply the resulting templates to a sheet of plywood and trace them.
  4. Using a jigsaw, we cut out the parts of the sofa.
  5. If you want to make upholstered furniture, then at this stage we wrap each part of the sofa thin layer cotton wool and covered with fabric. If the sofa is not covered, it is necessary to sand the parts.
  6. We attach the sofa parts to each other using glue. If you have soft sofa, then you need to fasten it with small nails.
  7. We cover the parts not covered with fabric with varnish or paint.
  8. We sew small pillows for the sofa.
  9. We decorate it to your liking and give it to the doll for use.

Chairs can be made in the same way.

You can see how to make a sofa for a doll with your own hands in the following video - master class.

Floor lamp

To make it you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • strips of lace;
  • empty helium pen refill;
  • thin wire;
  • a small diameter cap (lids from jars of medicine or ketchup are suitable)

Draw a cone blank on cardboard. Cut it out and glue it together. Cut off the top of the cone. The result is the base of a floor lamp lampshade. We cover it with lace. We bend the wire in half and pass it through the rod. We attach the lampshade to the wire from above, and to the lid from below to give stability to the floor lamp. The lid can be decorated with a lace skirt. Instead of a rod, you can use beads as a stand by passing wire through them. In this case, we also decorate the lampshade with beads.

Watch the video for a master class on making doll furniture from old boxes.


To make a chandelier we need a small container. You can use medicine measuring cups, disposable plastic shot glasses, or the simplest candles in a metal case.

To decorate the chandelier you will need strips of lace and thin strips of satin ribbon. They need to be pasted over plastic base chandeliers. The metal case doesn’t even need to be decorated, it will work original chandelier. We attach an LED to the base of the container that we used, if you were thinking about a house with real lighting. We hang it from the ceiling. The method of attachment to the ceiling will depend on the materials from which the house is made.

This way you can make lamps for any room in your dollhouse.

Kitchen for a dollhouse

It will be convenient to use small boxes to make a kitchen. If there are no such boxes, then you will need to make them from cardboard. This is not difficult to do. It will be easier to use if the boxes are glued together to form a single structure.

If you plan to have wall cabinets in the kitchen, then glue a sheet of cardboard to the back wall of the cabinets, onto which we glue these cabinets. You can strengthen the structure by gluing long flat sticks to a sheet of cardboard on the back side. The boxes must have cabinet doors cut through.

To decorate our kitchen we will use self-adhesive paper or any other beautiful paper. We glue the cabinets and use wire and beads to make handles for them. The faucet can be made from wire, the mixer handle from small beads. A deep lid is suitable for a sink. We attach it to the tabletop. The stove burners can be made from buttons. You can decorate the space between the cabinets in the form of a tiled apron. To do this, find a suitable picture on the Internet and print it. Stick it on the sheet of cardboard on which the cabinets are attached.

We arrange dishes and food. The kitchen is ready, you can send the hostess to cook!

You can see a master class on making a kitchen in the following video.

Dressing table for a doll

We will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • foil;
  • small scrap ceiling plinth;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • colored, packaging or self-adhesive paper.

Stages of work:

  1. We measure the required height of the table on the box so that the doll can sit comfortably at it.
  2. Cut off the excess.
  3. The base of the table is the bottom of the box. From the part located below, we cut out the legs.
  4. We cover the resulting table with self-adhesive paper
  5. Draw the desired shape of the mirror on cardboard and cut it out. We glue the foil as a mirror surface.
  6. We decorate the mirror frame using thin strips of ceiling plinth.
  7. Glue the mirror to the table.

We make the chair for the dressing table in the same way. We change only the required height. Instead of a mirror surface, we make the back of a chair.

Almost any piece of furniture can be made from available materials. For this it is necessary free time, your imagination and desire. Your girl will be very happy with the new dollhouse!

See the following video for the process of making a dressing table for dolls from matchboxes and cardboard.

To learn how to make a dining table for dolls, see the following video.