How to enable game mode on windows 10.

To enable Game Mode in Windows 10 you need to go to Windows settings.

Windows Settings

Select an item "Game mode".

Select the specified item

And all that remains is to move the slider so that the inscription appears on. Although it will be enabled by default.

Enabling the feature

How to enable game mode (Alternative)

You can control this process right in the game. To do this, you need to press the Win + G key combination during the process. A panel will pop up, in which click on the settings icon:

Game mode popup

A menu will open:

Game Mode Configurations

Here we can set a parameter for each game whether to apply it specifically to it or not. Check the appropriate box - "Use game mode for this game".

It's important that not every game will support it. It was originally designed for games purchased through the Windows Store. And only some of those that run through Steam will be able to enable it.

What does it change?

As promised in the descriptions, it will improve performance operating system and will give more resources to the running game. This should happen by setting the maximum priority and disabling processes that are not in demand at this moment.

They even made a promotional video:

But the reality is that in practice (at least for me) there is no change in performance. Or they are so insignificant that they are simply unnoticeable. I think this “feature” will be relevant for users with a not very powerful build and a cluttered OS. In fact, disabling the XboX DVR did more than that.

Don't expect noticeable performance from it, an increase in FPS, the ability to set the graphics settings higher, etc. I admit that the game will be a little more stable in moments such as mass battles or sudden camera movements at high detail with a lot of details.

For real growth, it’s better to pay attention to the following things:

  • Do you have antivirus enabled? Some, like the example from one well-known laboratory, “eat up” so many resources that sometimes you wonder whether to remove it from your computer.
  • Don't lie to yourself. If your hardware doesn’t cost 100+ thousand rubles, then make the graphics optimal for your PC. It will be more comfortable to play.
  • Install programs like CCleaner and clean out everything unnecessary that is loaded with the OS.
  • Remove programs that hang in random access memory or perform some background tasks while the system is running.

Microsoft released another update for Windows 10 this week, and it's far from an ordinary bug fix, otherwise we would never have written about it. This update is surprising in that it contains a game mode that speeds up Windows 10 and is proudly called Game Mode. Today we will talk about this mode in more detail and in all details.

How to enable Game Mode Windows 10

Step one - go to settings and click on the new “Game” icon, decorated with advertising in the form of an Xbox. There you can find various options for streaming and just below - the same Game Mode for Windows 10. There is a possibility that it is enabled by default.

But in fact, even if this is the one, then for everyone games Game Mode Windows 10 will need to be enabled separately, when you first start the game by pressing WIN + G on the keyboard and in the lower right corner of the panel to enable the Windows 10 Game Mode checkbox.

Game mode doesn't work in Windows 10

In fact, there are a lot of problems with Game Mode in Windows 10. The Game Bar works 50% of the time - although this is comparable to calling Steam Overlay, so I won't regret it too much. The interface design itself is a bit of a failure, each of the new games must be added manually, the window takes up a lot of space and has nothing other than “Play” and “Delete” options. Hope this gets fixed soon.

Windows 10 Game Mode - Tests

We tested the game mode on a couple of games; large quantity time, but I can provide the test results now.

First I chose Nier as a test subject.

Nier, Game Mode Off:

Average FPS

Nier, Game mode enabled:

Average FPS

As you can see, I couldn’t feel the difference... and I bitterly launched my beloved “The Witcher 3”.

The Witcher 3, Game mode off:

Average FPS

The Witcher 3, Game mode enabled:

Average FPS

Hmm...surprisingly, it didn't work again. I went online and read that the game is unlikely to affect FPS in normal mode. But if you do something in the background (archiving, video transcoding), then the streams are distributed more smoothly and that’s when it works this mode. In the coming days, I will run a couple of tests on a weaker computer (not with an i7 or 980) and tell you about the results in the same post... but for now there is little consolation for gamers. Game mode and its tests show zero growth.

Users had mixed reactions to the game mode in Windows 10. On the one hand, it is designed to improve the performance of the operating system. On the other hand, it also loads it.

In general, game mode is activated by default. Moreover, it is carried out in the background, and this affects the fps indicator. For many gamers this is critical.

Thus, the game mode improves some things, but on the contrary slows down others. Controversial innovation.


In fact, the very fact of the game mode running in the background and launching by default is not the most pleasant. It can degrade performance and add some lags to the game.

Still, to improve the performance of games, first of all you need to pay attention to the hardware - graphics accelerator, amount of RAM, free disk memory, processor.

This is not something that can be solved with a software offering.

Yes, in some games this mode really saves the situation. So you need to try it in practice - whether the game mode will suit your needs or, on the contrary, will worsen the process.

However, the main task of the game mode is still to improve the gameplay, optimize performance and speed.

So it’s worth trying it out for yourself to understand whether the programs work better this way or not.

Mode activation

Enabling Game Mode in Windows 10 is quite easy. The main thing is to update your computer on time.

Game mode only appeared with the arrival of Windows 10 Creators Update. Go to system settings.

If you have latest version updates, there should be a special “Games” section.

All the necessary parameters for regulating the mode will be there.

There, find the item “Use game mode” and select it. This is how the game mode is activated.

In addition, you can use the keyboard shortcut Win+G. This also enables game mode.

In general, the idea with a keyboard shortcut is very good due to the fact that you can press it even during the game.

Accordingly, performance and performance should improve, and you won't have to return to your desktop.

Moreover, after games that are difficult for the system, exiting them takes a somewhat long time.

Game Mode is intended primarily for optimizing the performance of games, but it also improves performance with other programs that require a large amount of system resources. For example, you can try development in graphic editors.

In addition, even if you constantly have many programs running in the background, this development will be very useful.

Game store

Windows also prompts users to choose their own game. It can be downloaded from the corresponding library.

Of course, this is not Steam, but still there are quite a lot of diverse developments in the assortment. This is still an advantage over the same Linux distributions.

They also have an application store, but there are more utilities for office work.

Use in practice

According to theory, that is, according to the developers, games receive maximum priority in this mode. They should load faster and the graphics should look sharper and more colorful.

It turns out a little differently. Appropriate tests were carried out. Based on their results, we can say that the game mode sometimes has no effect on performance.

Of course, it’s good that it doesn’t make things worse, but that’s not what they were created for. this development.

That is, if you are just playing, and have not yet turned on the browser with a video from YouTube, while simultaneously launching several other small applications, you will not feel much improvement in the operation of the operating system.

Only under heavy load does Game Mode show itself in its full glory.

For example, run a browser with a movie, Skype and an anti-virus file scan. Here you will definitely notice the difference. The minimum frame rate in a gaming application increases significantly.


So the game mode could realistically be like effective way improving computer performance, and useless due to the lack of any significant result.


Microsoft says Game Mode works best with UWP games.

These are exactly the programs that users install on their computer through the Windows Store.

With others - from Steam, Origin and other game stores - things will be a little different. Game Mode in Windows may simply not work for them.

This is due to the fact that UWP games are open to Windows developers. They can create an optimization mechanism for them. It's more difficult with other platforms.

Some games may not even support Game Mode at all.

True, Game Mode has already simplified life, if not for users, then for the creators of those UWP games. Game Mode will be installed automatically and by default in the program itself.


A new development from Microsoft should help gamers and other users when working with resource-intensive programs. However, in reality this is not always the case.

Some gaming apps simply don't support Game Mode. It will not be possible to optimize them.

In addition, the game mode only manifests itself in cases of heavy load on the operating system.

Accordingly, if you only play without running additional programs in the background, the effect will also be minimized.

However, it is better to try the development in practice. For some computers, this development can actually improve speed and performance.

In rare cases, Game Mode significantly slows down your computer. Of course, it works in the background and by default, but its main task is still process optimization.

If anything, leaving the regime is not difficult.

As for activating the game mode, it can be done either through the settings panel, or simply using the Win+G key combination. It turns off in the same way.

Game Mode arrived in Windows 10 with the Creators Update. According to the system developers, using this mode it is possible to increase FPS by computer games by disabling heavy desktop items and other processes. The article will discuss the question: how to enable game mode in Windows 10.

Windows 10 Creators Update, according to the developers, contains a lot of useful improvements for the system and can greatly improve PC performance in games. But is this really so? We will also look into this issue and dispel the myth forever, based on real examples.

Windows 10 runs many processes and applications that require significant system resources and thereby slow down the speed of the game itself. Often users try to get the most out of their PC and achieve the highest frames per second, but running simultaneously with the game system process prevents this. The game mode was created just to correct the situation and give all the resources to the game.

In addition to closing processes that are unnecessary during the game, this mode increases the priority of the game, which as a result allows you to obtain even more system resources. By itself, Game Mode in Windows 10 does not particularly affect the frame rate per second, but it prevents FPS drops when some heavy background process is running during the game, for example, disk defragmentation. All such tasks are postponed until later, and the game proceeds without visible glitches, which were often observed in normal mode.

Checking Creators Update on a computer or laptop

Before we talk about activating game mode, you need to check whether your system has received Latest updates. Moreover, the Creators Update may not be installed automatically: in order to apply it, you need to take a few simple steps.

  1. Open Windows 10 settings using the Win + I hotkey combination and select the tile indicated in the picture.

  1. We check if there are updates for our operating system.

  1. If there are updates, the system will automatically start downloading them. We just have to wait a little.

  1. When the process is completed, reboot the PC, not forgetting to save all data and close running programs.

After Windows 10 starts again, we will see that the computer is up to date. Now you can move on to working with game mode.

It's not always possible to install the Creators Update this way, but the chance of doing so is much higher than just waiting automatic installation patch.

Turn on game mode

You can activate the game mode from the game itself. For this, the Win + G buttons are used by default." The menu that appears after pressing the combination is similar to that in Steam or Origin.

In the settings you can specify the inclusion of game mode for active play. To do this, click the gear marked in the screenshot.

Now check the box to enable game mode for the one running in this moment applications (in our case World of Tanks).

If your game menu does not appear when you press the Win + G buttons, try turning it on. To do this we take the following steps:

  1. We open the system parameters, for a change – through the “Start” menu.

  1. In the window that opens, click on the tile labeled “Games.”

  1. Here you need to make sure that the item that we circled in the screenshot with a red frame is enabled.

  1. Also check if the game mode itself is active. Go to the “Game Mode” menu on the left side of the window and make sure the corresponding checkbox is in place.

After this, Game Mode in Windows 10 will be enabled. This method is the simplest. It works where there are no hidden problems. If turning on Game Mode using the described method does not work, try other options that we have given below.

Using the registry editor

Using a standard tool that is found in all Microsoft operating systems, you can make changes to the registry and enable game mode in Windows 10.

  1. Launch the registry editor. To do this, open the Run utility using the Win + R keyboard shortcut and enter the word regedit in the search field.

  1. Next, we follow the path that we indicated in the picture and change the value of the AllowAutoGameMode key to “1” (we change the key after double-clicking the left mouse button on it). If you don't have a key, create one. To do this, click on the empty space on the right half of regedit and make a new 32-bit parameter.

  1. Rename the newly created parameter to AllowAutoGameMode and open it, setting the value to “1”. When finished, click “OK”.

If we need to disable game mode, we can do it in the same way. Just set the key value to "0".

Testing the game with and without game mode

In order to check whether this mode is useful, we will not search for information on the Internet or rely on other people’s measurements. We'll just take the game and take some FPS metrics with and without game mode. Next we compare the results.

Testing is carried out on a machine with the following configuration:

  • AMD Athlon 245 X2;
  • NVidia GeForce 250 GTS;
  • Windows 10 64 bit;
  • 6 GB RAM.

We launch the World of Tanks game on medium settings and check the frame rate per second (game mode is disabled).

We do the same thing, but with the game mode.

As you can see, there is no significant increase in performance. Moreover, we received -2 ​​frames. As a result, as we have already said, this mode is needed not to increase the performance of your hardware, but to prevent background programs from running while the game is running, and thereby eliminate the possibility of FPS drops.


In general, game mode is a really necessary and useful feature for users who play games on Windows 10. With its help, heavy toys will work better, and not too modern PCs can become a good platform for gamers. Disable unnecessary processes and enjoy full machine performance.

Above we described several effective ways on enabling game mode in Windows 10, but if something didn’t work out for you and you still have questions, ask us in the comments, and we, in turn, undertake to give the most detailed answer. To top it off, we suggest watching a video that describes the process of enabling game mode on Windows 10.

Video on how to enable Game Mode in Windows 10

Users had mixed reactions to the game mode in Windows 10. On the one hand, it is designed to improve the performance of the operating system. On the other hand, it also loads it.

In general, game mode is activated by default. Moreover, it is carried out in the background, and this affects the fps indicator. For many gamers this is critical.

Thus, the game mode improves some things, but on the contrary slows down others. Controversial innovation.


In fact, the very fact of the game mode running in the background and launching by default is not the most pleasant. It can degrade performance and add some lags to the game.

Still, to improve the performance of games, first of all you need to pay attention to the hardware - graphics accelerator, the amount of free memory on the disk, .

This is not something that can be solved with a software offering.

Yes, in some games this mode really saves the situation. So you need to try it in practice - whether the game mode will suit your needs or, on the contrary, will worsen the process.

However, the main task of the game mode is still to improve the gameplay, optimize performance and speed.

So it’s worth trying it out for yourself to understand whether the programs work better this way or not.

Mode activation

Enabling Game Mode in Windows 10 is quite easy. The main thing is to update your computer on time.

The game mode appeared only with the arrival of . Go to system settings.

If you have the latest update, there should be a special “Games” section.

All the necessary parameters for regulating the mode will be there.

There, find the item “Use game mode” and select it. This is how the game mode is activated.

In addition, you can use the keyboard shortcut Win+G. This also enables game mode.

In general, the idea with a keyboard shortcut is very good due to the fact that you can press it even during .

Accordingly, performance and performance should improve, and you won't have to return to your desktop.

Moreover, after games that are difficult for the system, exiting them takes a somewhat long time.

Game Mode is intended primarily for optimizing the performance of games, but it also improves performance with other programs that require a large amount of system resources. For example, you can try developing in .

In addition, even if you constantly have many programs running in the background, this development will be very useful.

Game store

Windows also prompts users to choose their own game. It can be downloaded from the corresponding library.

They also have an application store, but there are more utilities for office work.

Use in practice

According to theory, that is, according to the developers, games receive maximum priority in this mode. They should load faster and the graphics should look sharper and more colorful.

It turns out a little differently. Appropriate tests were carried out. Based on their results, we can say that the game mode sometimes has no effect on performance.

Of course, it’s good that it doesn’t make things worse, but that’s not what this development was created for.

That is, if you are just playing, and have not turned on the video from, and simultaneously running several other small applications, you will not feel much improvement in the operation of the operating system.

Only under heavy load does Game Mode show itself in its full glory.

For example, launch a browser with a movie and an anti-virus scan of files. Here you will definitely notice the difference. The minimum frame rate in a gaming application increases significantly.


Thus, the game mode can actually be both an effective way to improve the performance of the computer, and useless due to the lack of any significant result.