How to grow petunia at home step by step. How to grow petunia seedlings from seeds - easy and simple

16 Feb 2018

Petunia like annual flower today at the peak of popularity. This plant has a lot of advantages - easy care, minimal requirements for growing, and from the smallest seeds, lush bushes grow all summer long, strewn with bright, showy flowers. In order for petunia to continue flowering from early summer until autumn frosts, plants are grown through seedlings and, after the threat of frost has passed, planted permanent place with buds and the first open flowers.

Genus Petunia has up to 40 species of plants, but in floriculture, mainly hybrid varieties obtained from axillary petunia and violet petunia are used.

Petunia is perennial plant but can't stand it negative temperatures, therefore in our climate it is grown as an annual. Branched stems reach a length of 10 to 90 cm, and in hanging varieties up to 2 meters. Petunia leaves are oily to the touch, with sparse pubescence and a specific odor. Petunia got its name from the similarity of its leaves, from the Brazilian language "petun means tobacco and the two plants are related and belong to the nightshade family.

The birthplace of petunia is South America, where the climate is warm, humid, favorable for all tropical plants.

U simple types Petunia flowers are funnel-shaped, wide open, fragrant. Petunias bloom throughout the season until frost. Simple petunia self-sows. After the flower withers, a brown box is formed, from which many tiny seeds spill out. There are from 5,000 to 10,000 petunia seeds per gram. The shelf life of petunia seeds is short; after 2-3 years they lose their germination capacity; it is best to use seeds from last season, they have maximum germination.

With each year, more and more varieties of petunias appear, mostly hybrids. : according to the growth form - bush-like, cascading, ampelous, low-growing; according to the size of flowers - small-flowered and large-flowered; according to the shape of the flowers - simple, double, corrugated, etc.; by color; according to the abundance of flowering and other parameters. There are groups of petunia varieties with similar parameters:

Surfinia- these are ampelous petunias with lush hanging shoots and large, showy flowers. The color of the flowers is predominantly contrasting with a bright corolla and a light center. It is almost impossible to get seeds from surfinias, so they are propagated only through rooting cuttings. These petunias make magnificent spherical flower decorations in hanging baskets or plant pots.

Fortuny- these are also ampelous petunias, but with thin long shoots that can reach two meters in length. Petunias of this group are more suitable for vertical gardening.

Minitunia or petunia milliflora are small-flowered, their flowers range in diameter from 2.5 to 4 cm, but their number during the peak flowering period is an order of magnitude greater than in large-flowered species. The advantage of small-flowered species is that their small flowers are more resistant to adverse weather conditions and the flowers do not deteriorate after rain or strong wind.

Frillitunia, Grandiflora, Multiflora- these petunias are distinguished by the beautiful shape and size of the flowers, they can reach 10 cm in diameter, the petals are decorated with fringe or are highly double. How more spectacular flowers petunias, the more vulnerable they are to the weather; rain or wind can destroy the beauty of open flowers.

Knowing all the features of petunia varieties, choose flowers for sowing to suit your taste. Nowadays most people prefer quality seeds hybrid varieties, because one such plant grows like several ordinary ones, and their beauty, splendor and intensity of flowering are much higher.

Most petunia seeds of hybrid varieties are coated, i.e. enclosed in a light shell to protect seeds from damage and improve germination. Pelleted seeds are easier to sow, they can be distributed on the soil after a certain interval, then you will prevent thickening of the seedlings.

When growing hybrid varieties of petunias, calculations should be made. Plants after germination will bloom in 11-12 weeks, which is approximately 2.5-3 months. Petunia also takes 5 to 10 days to germinate after sowing. If we add up these two periods, it turns out that you need to start sowing petunia from the third ten days of February to the first ten days of March in order to plant petunia seedlings with buds and the first opened flowers in early summer.

In 2018 lunar calendar favorable days The time for sowing petunias and other annual flowers is from February 20 to 26. If you did not have time to sow petunia in February, it is not too late to do so in March on the 1st, 3rd or 4th.

To understand why petunia does not sprout or the seedlings die, stretch out, or develop weak, study

1. The difficulty of sowing petunia is that the plant's seeds are very small.- dusty. The peculiarity of small seeds is that they germinate in the light if you sprinkle them with soil on top, even thin layer, then the petunia will not sprout.

2. Petunia seeds germinate with constant high humidity soil and air, but you cannot water the crops, as the water will draw the smallest seeds deep and they will not germinate. Petunia crops are moistened only by careful spraying.

3. Small petunia shoots are very weak in the first days, they can die from short-term overdrying of the soil surface, in a draft, at low air humidity, under midday sun. A greenhouse, which will serve as a transparent food container or shelter, will help protect only hatching petunia seeds from death. transparent film or glass.

4. Common reason death of petunia seedlings - thickened sowing. The smallest seeds are difficult to sow at a certain distance. There is a way to sow petunia in rows every 2-3 cm, distributing the seeds in the row as rarely as possible; the plants will be better ventilated and illuminated between the rows.

Methods for sowing petunias for seedlings:

Some sow petunia on a layer of snow laid out on the surface of the ground; the white background shows how thick the sowing is and the snow will serve as additional moisture.

Thickened petunia shoots stretch out as the plants fight for light, nutrition and moisture; with poor ventilation they are easily affected by blackleg; thin long shoots are prone to lodging after unsuccessful watering or in a draft. It is difficult to plant thickened petunia crops; thin sprouts with tangled roots are severely injured during transplantation, and after that they take a long time to take root and gain strength.

Sowing petunias in peat tablets:

There is a method of sowing seeds that allows you to get 100% of petunia seedlings, in which all seedlings turn into strong plants before planting. This method is used for hybrid varieties, since a purchased pack usually contains 5-10 seeds, so it is disappointing to see a decrease in germination even by a small percentage due to non-compliance with the rules of sowing or growing seedlings.

Sowing pelleted petunia seeds in peat tablets and the use of a greenhouse usually gives 100% germination. Peat tablets absorb water and swell, keeping the seeds in a constantly moist state, and they need to be watered through a tray. Peat tablets are first soaked until they swell, then they are placed in a tray with sides 1-2 cm higher than the tablets. The sowing technique is to place 1 petunia seed in the center of each swollen peat tablet and drop a drop of water on top to soak the shell above.

Tablets with seeds are closed in a greenhouse, but are ventilated every day and moistened, if necessary, by watering into a pan. After the emergence of seedlings, the shelter is removed. Peat tablets with sprouted petunia can be planted in cups with soil at any time, usually this is done 2 weeks after germination. Since the plants move into the cups along with the peat tablet, they root system is not damaged, the plants do not experience any stress and continue to develop, of course, for this it is necessary to comply with all the conditions for growing petunia seedlings at home.

Rules for growing petunia seedlings at home:

Lighting for petunia seedlings it should be bright, with morning or evening sun, but with protection from the midday sun. The duration of lighting per day should be 10-12 hours, under this condition the plants will not stretch, and since the days are still short at the end of February and March, petunia seedlings must be supplemented with light at home.

Temperature germination of petunia seeds +20…+23 degrees. After the majority of seedlings have appeared, it is recommended to reduce the temperature to +18 degrees, then the root system of the young shoots will begin to actively develop, and not top part. If petunia seedlings are kept at a temperature higher than optimal, they begin to stretch out and outgrow, while the thin sprouts develop weak and are susceptible to lodging, blackleg and other fungal diseases. At temperatures below optimal, seedling growth slows down.

Air and soil humidity When growing petunia seedlings at the first stage from sowing to emergence, the growth rate should be constantly high; even short-term drying of the soil surface can destroy the hatching embryos of small seeds. To maintain constant air and soil humidity, petunia is sowed in mini greenhouses or covered with transparent film or glass on top. However, the crops must be opened every day to ventilate and check the moisture content of the soil surface; if necessary, the crops are moistened by spraying.

When most of the seeds have sprouted and the seedlings have become stronger, they begin to water the petunia seedlings moderately, only after the soil surface has dried out.

Petunia seedlings dive into separate cups when they form 3-4 true leaves. If sowing was carried out according to the rules, then each plant is removed from the soil with a small lump and placed in a new cup.

After the planted petunia has taken root in 10-14 days, it begins to be fed with a solution of complex fertilizer every 2 weeks. As soon as the main stem of the petunia reaches a height of 5 cm, the top is pinched so that it begins to develop side shoots. Varietal bush petunias usually do not need shaping and immediately take on a lush shape.

Good day everyone!

Today I’ll tell you how to grow petunia seedlings from seeds at home. These flowers are very popular and bloom beautifully from June until cold weather. You can, of course, buy a couple of bushes for a flowerpot, but you can’t buy enough for a large flowerbed. And it’s better to grow the seedlings yourself. Petunia is unpretentious and there should be no special problems with its cultivation. There are simply some peculiarities that need to be taken into account when sowing and caring for them in order to get beautiful lush bushes. What are the features

Growing petunia seedlings at home

  • Landing dates
  • Soil preparation
  • Sowing
  • Picking
  • Care: watering, pinching
  • Diseases and their prevention
  • Varieties or hybrids
  • Video about growing petunia

Landing dates

It is usually recommended to sow petunia very early. In February, or better yet in January. This method is not bad for experienced gardeners or those who grow seedlings for sale, so that in April they are already blooming on the counter. But with petunia you’ll have a lot of fun while you’re growing it, watering it, picking it. Why complicate your life and add more light to the seedlings? And when sowing in early dates You need to keep the young shoots under the lamp for three days without turning them off! And then it is necessary to add additional lighting.

I'm not fit for such feats, so I always sow petunia in mid-March, In about 10 days I’ll start sowing. Let it bloom in June, not April - this is very good, because then it will bloom constantly until the cold weather! It usually takes about three months, just in June it will be possible to plant them outside. Otherwise, in the Urals there may be frosts in the beginning and middle of June, but petunia does not like frosts - it will die. And the overgrown seedlings will stretch out and wither on the window - only tears.


Preparing the soil for seedlings

Petunias love slightly acidic soil. That's why purchased soil they will like it. It's basically all peat based. If you make soil for seedlings yourself, then take 2 parts of humus and peat, you can add 1 part of garden soil. The main thing is that the soil is light and allows water and air to pass through well. You can acidify it by watering it with lemon water. I seem to have told you everything about the land, let’s move on to sowing.

Sowing petunia seeds

Let's start with the container. It is better to take a transparent container with a lid or cake packaging. Be sure to do it more holes so that the water does not stagnate. The easiest way to kill petunia seedlings is to flood them with water.. She will die from the black leg.

When the holes are made, fill in the soil, press down a little and moisten. Petunia seeds are very small. To distribute them more evenly, you can sow with a toothpick! We wet the tip in water, take one seed (it sticks) and place it on the ground. You can make furrows in the ground and sow seeds along them. The distance is about 0.5 cm between the seeds.

Young petunia shoots

Well, they've laid it out. Now just press the seeds into the ground and DO NOT cover them with soil.. Petunias germinate in the light. And they are so small that they cannot simply get out of the ground. Now we close our container with a lid or cover the container with film or glass and place it in a warm place. No need to put it on the battery! - they will cook or dry out before they have time to sprout. Just any warm place.

Usually, seeds germinate very quickly and amicably. Their seeds usually germinate 100%, but it’s not clear what variety they will get. They cross-pollinate heavily with each other. But more on this later.

In a week or so earlier seeds petunias are sprouting. There is no need to remove the lid or film immediately; we gradually accustom it to dry air, for a couple of hours at first. In a couple of days you can open it completely. When a couple of leaves appear, we pick.

Beauty on the window!

You can sow petunia seeds in peat tablets, 1 seed per each. And then it’s easy to transplant, right with the tablet.


This is such an incomprehensible word, but in fact we simply plant our small petunias in large containers one at a time. It is convenient to put them into cassettes, perhaps with 4 by 4 cm cells, or into yogurt cups. It is advisable to then replant it in a larger container so that the roots grow. Petunia transplants are not afraid and are tolerated very well.

Of course, when you first see these roots, thinner than a hair, your hands shake and you don’t know which side to approach them from. The main thing is not to be afraid. Petunias are “live” and grow easily. Prepare in advance everything you will transplant them into. Pour containers, cassettes, and soil into them, moisten them, and make a hole. Now moisten the soil with the seedlings. Take the toothpick again, carefully pry one flower at a time and transfer it to the prepared hole. Then you press it down with earth. You can deepen it a little, it will even be good.

Picking means that the tip of the root needs to be plucked off from the plant when replanting. better development root system. To be honest, I don’t pinch anything, it comes off on its own when transplanting, while you take it out with a toothpick!

After such picking, in two weeks the petunias will grow well and can be transplanted into larger pots or cups.

Care: watering and forming petunias

Petunias love water and sun. But while they are small, they need to be watered very carefully, under the root. Straight from a teaspoon. And you can’t flood them; they will wither and rot in the “swamp.”

Plants need to be pinched. If you leave it to grow as is, you will have two or three long branches sticking out, and few flowers. And if you trim the ends, the side branches will begin to grow and you will get a lush, beautiful bush.

Cut off the top of the bush

Wilted flowers should be picked off from flowering plants., then new ones will appear faster and more.

Many people like to plant petunias in flowerpots, pots and decorate a balcony or area. Don’t try to plant a lot of plants there, they will oppress each other. For a 5-liter pot, it is enough to plant 1-2 bushes. And if surfinias, cascading, ampelous, then they need 7-10 liters per plant.

Petunias grow a lot of roots, and there simply isn’t enough soil in the pot. It needs to be constantly fed and watered.

By the way, about fertilizers. In the summer I insist on different herbs and water everything I can. Just push a bucket of grass, add water and leave for two weeks. Then I add a liter of water to a watering can or bucket when watering. And the seedlings grow normally even without fertilizers, the first two months are slow, really. But then they begin to increase before our eyes.

Before planting outside, seedlings need to be hardened off.. If you have a balcony or veranda, then take it there for a day in April. And when it is more than +5°C at night, you can leave it overnight. When it gets cold, of course, you need to bring it home. Petunias do not like frosts even when sub-zero temperature die.

These are the beauties people grow!

Petunia diseases

  1. Spider mite– Petunias usually get sick from home flowers. The leaves turn yellow and a thin cobweb appears on them. It is necessary to fight and treat with phytoverm or actofite according to the instructions twice with a break of 3-4 days. And don’t forget to spray all the flowers around you against ticks.
  2. Temperature violation - heat– a purple tan appears on the leaves, and then they turn yellow. You can spray with any fertilizer containing ammonium, or dilute ammonia (1 ml per 5 liters of water) and spray directly on the leaves. And of course, transfer the plants to normal cool temperatures.
  3. Chlorosis or iron deficiency– petunias are very sensitive to iron deficiency. And they do not absorb it well from alkaline soil. And our water also contributes to alkalization of the soil. Therefore, for prevention, I water the plants with water lemon juice. For two liters of water 2 grams. citric acid– dissolve and water.

Varieties and hybrids

This, of course, is everyone’s personal choice as to what is best to plant. Varietal flowers are not as gorgeous as hybrids, but you can collect your own seeds from them. Even if they cross-pollinate, they can turn out even more interesting than their parents.

But hybrids (F¹ and F²) need to be bought every time, they have almost no seeds, and what does ripen will lose all its beauty in the next generations.

This year I'm planting large-flowered varieties: Alba, Burgundy, Dark Purple and Bluebird. AND ampelous petunia Rapunzel. Then I’ll write what happened.

Video about growing petunia

I think that now you know how to grow petunia seedlings from seeds. If you have questions or your own experience, write in the comments.

Here are other articles

Bright petunia is good for everyone: beautiful flowers of various shades, splendor, long flowering, unpretentiousness. However, not every gardener is able to decorate his plot with these popular flowers, the reason for this is the difficulty of growing seedlings.

  • 1 Preface
  • 4 Useful tips for growing petunia seedlings

1 Preface

Since the cost of finished planting material is quite high, setting up a large flower bed will require considerable financial costs. It’s better to learn how to get seedlings from seeds yourself, even if it takes some time. But, knowing personal experience How to properly grow petunia seedlings, in the future it will be much easier for you to grow any other flowers.

If you want to receive flowering plants earlier, start sowing seeds at the end of January

Plant in open ground Petunia is best grown in mid-June, which means you should start sowing seeds from mid-March. It takes approximately 12-13 weeks for the petunia seedlings to grow stronger, the root system to become stronger, and the first flowers to appear. If you want to have flowering plants earlier, start sowing seeds in late January.

Video about growing petunia

2 Sowing seeds in prepared soil mixture or peat tablets

The soil for sowing petunia seeds should not be alkaline or strongly acidic. Loose, nutritious soil mixtures are used that are able to retain moisture, but also not become soggy, allowing excess water to pass through. Ready-made soil mixtures are sold in stores; you can mix a suitable mixture yourself by taking two parts of well-decomposed peat, turf land, rotted humus and one part of sand. Mix all the ingredients well, sift twice - through a very coarse sieve and through a finer sieve.

In boxes or pots, pour crushed expanded clay at the bottom as drainage, on top of the expanded clay - large screenings of the soil mixture, fill the upper third of the container with small screenings, leaving about 6 cm to the edge. Scatter the seeds in even rows over the moistened soil and lightly sprinkle water on top.

The soil for sowing petunia seeds should not be alkaline or strongly acidic.

There is no need to sprinkle the seeds with soil, since they need light to germinate. It is enough to lightly press each seed to ensure contact with the ground. If you are interested in how to grow petunia seedlings in the most the easy way, use peat tablets instead of containers for seedlings. They must first be filled with boiled water. hot water, and then cool. Small petunia seeds are carefully placed with tweezers into special recesses.

3 Further care of petunia seedlings

Cover seeds planted in boxes or peat tablets with glass, or preferably non-woven material, to ensure seedlings receive fresh air, while maintaining high temperature(+24 degrees) and the required humidity. Modern hybrids are especially demanding of temperature and humidity: they do not germinate at insufficient temperatures, and at too high temperatures they become susceptible to diseases and stretch out.

You can ensure the required level of humidity by spraying the seedlings with water with the addition of potassium permanganate several times a day. Under such conditions, petunia should germinate in 5-7 days. As soon as you see the first shoots, remove them immediately non-woven material. The glass is removed gradually, leaving the seedlings without cover at first for 5-10 minutes once a day, increasing the intervals every week until the true leaves open on the stems - then the cover can be completely removed.

In individual containers it will be more convenient for the plant to develop, it will grow healthier

Thanks to this approach, seedlings adapt to room conditions and will become stronger. Petunia seedlings, which already have true leaves, are planted in individual containers (if the seeds were initially sown in peat tablets, your task is simplified), for example, in plastic cups.

In individual containers it will be more convenient for the plant to develop, it will grow healthier, and it will be easier for you to transplant seedlings into open ground. When picking, deepen the seedling to the first true leaves so that a good root system is formed and the likelihood of the shoots being damaged by the “black leg” is reduced.

In order for healthy, beautiful petunia to grow from seeds, growing seedlings must be accompanied by regular, careful watering. If the soil dries out, the plants will die, and waterlogging will lead to the appearance of a “black leg”, and as a result, to the rotting and death of small seedlings. Frail seedlings should be carefully watered at the root.

Fertilizing is applied two weeks after picking the plants.

To harden young petunia, already from the second week, open the window for 10 minutes, thereby lowering the air temperature in the room. However, in this case, the plants must be protected from drafts and direct flow of cold air; the temperature of the seedlings themselves should not drop.

Video about growing petunia seedlings with your own hands

Fertilizing is applied two weeks after picking the plants. At first, only spray the leaves with fertilizer every two days, alternating between growth stimulants and complex mineral fertilizers with nitrogen content. Later you can add root feeding. Important little things :

  • petunia seedlings need light almost around the clock; you will need to provide not only daytime supplementary lighting for seedlings in gloomy weather, but also leave dim light at night;
  • do not allow a crust to form on the ground, otherwise the seedlings will suffocate;
  • when the roots of the plant fill the entire clod of earth, transplant the petunia into a larger container;
  • if you notice that the seedlings are too long, add a little soil mixture;
  • To grow expensive and rare varieties, use peat tablets.

At first, petunia seedlings will grow quite slowly, do not worry - the plants are forming a root system. After about 1.5 months, the above-ground part of the petunia will develop no less actively.

Petunia is very beautiful flower, decorating the gardens of many people in our country. This low-maintenance plant requires proper landing, which has a considerable number of nuances. From this article you will learn when to plant petunia seedlings and how to do it correctly in order to get an excellent result.

When to plant seeds for seedlings?

In order for petunia to grow well, certain favorable conditions are required. Experienced flower growers know them, but a novice flower lover may make mistakes in choosing the time to start planting. So, when to plant petunia seedlings? For favorable seed germination and flower growth, it is necessary sufficient quantity natural light, that is, the day should be long. Therefore, planting should not be done before March. It’s even better to illuminate the seedlings additionally using a special lamp.

When to plant petunia for seedlings, if the gardener wants to use different varieties colors? Simultaneously or not? Plant hanging varieties first, as they need more time to grow (some gardeners advise planting them in January). Know that small-flowered varieties bloom first, so sow them last.

How to choose the right petunia seeds?

We already understand when to plant petunia for seedlings, it’s time to figure out the choice good seeds. The result of planting depends on this decision, because low-quality ones may simply not grow. How do you know that the seeds you want to purchase are really high quality?

  1. High-quality viable petunia seeds are packaged in 5-10 pieces in one bag. If in front of you is a package containing 100 or more granules, this is a bad, low-quality product. You shouldn't buy it.
  2. Pay attention to the price, no need to chase cheap products and discounts. Buy seeds at a price of 20 rubles per package; cheaper options are most likely a fake.
  3. It is very good if the seeds are packaged in a protective flask, such a product is different high quality and almost one hundred percent germination.
  4. You should not buy seeds in supermarkets; it is better to visit a specialized store. Planting petunias for seedlings is a responsible task, and the seeds must be the most the best variety. You should take care of every detail to get a really good result.

Which container is best to place seedlings in?

Petunia seedlings, which are not easy to grow, require a certain container. Most often, these flowers are grown in plastic containers. The height of the dishes you choose should not be lower than 10 cm. You can plant petunia in disposable cups made of plastic or use special cassettes with different heights and number of cells. It is very comfortable.

Plant flowers in cardboard containers (for example, milk containers) experienced gardeners not recommended. Firstly, it can leak from watering. Secondly, such containers are an excellent environment for the development of various flower diseases. Thirdly, in order to accumulate a sufficient amount of this container, the housewife will have to store all these packages at home, which not every woman will like.

How to prepare the soil for planting?

We have already considered questions about when to plant petunia seedlings and how to choose seeds and containers. Let's move on to an equally important issue - soil preparation. The quality of flower seedlings depends on its quality and composition. For favorable conditions For seed growth, the soil must be moisture-absorbing and sufficiently loose. It is best if you mix the soil for planting the seeds yourself. To do this, take turf, peat and humus or peat, sand and soil from the garden. Mix the components in equal proportions. If you purchased soil in a store, be sure to improve it. Add half a liter of ash, 250 grams of perlite and a spoonful of any potassium-rich fertilizer to 5 kg of store-bought soil. Petunia seedlings at home in such soil always sprout successfully and quickly. Be sure to line the bottom of the container with expanded clay for drainage.

Planting petunia seeds

Planting petunia seeds should be done with caution, as the process requires knowledge of the matter and careful adherence to the rules. Petunia seedlings at home sprout well only if all existing nuances are observed. So let's get started!

  1. Before starting work, be sure to treat the soil with an antiseptic (for example, a solution of potassium permanganate).
  2. If you purchased small seeds, mix them with sand. In this case, it will be much easier for you to distribute them.
  3. Pelleted seeds are best sown in peat tablets, which have many benefits. We will look at when to plant petunia seedlings in special tablets in a special section of this article just below.
  4. For favorable and rapid germination of seeds, create for them necessary conditions. Ideal conditions for germination temperature +25°C and moderate watering. Make sure that the temperature does not exceed the norm, otherwise the sprouts will come out elongated and susceptible to various diseases.
  5. Never water the seeds immediately after you have planted them. They are very small and under the pressure of water they will go deep into the soil. Unfortunately, they will no longer grow there. In the first days of planting petunias, simply spray the soil with a spray bottle.

If you have learned how to plant petunia seedlings correctly, then you should not have problems with them in the future.

Taking care of the first shoots

You should not expect quick shoots. Petunia first develops its root system, and only then its forces are directed to the appearance of greenery and flowers. When the first petunia shoots appear, be careful when watering them. Be sure to direct the stream of water at the root and not at the leaves. If you see drops remaining on the leaves, shake them off carefully. Be sure to regularly loosen the soil; without this, a crust may form on it, preventing oxygen from penetrating to the roots of the plant. Petunia seedlings, the cultivation of which is a very responsible process, require constant and careful care. You should not water the plants too diligently; excess moisture can cause them to develop blackleg disease.

Picking seedlings is another important step

When the sprouts become larger and you can hold them with your fingers, move on to next stage growing petunia - picking seedlings. We have already studied in detail how to sow petunia for seedlings, but what is picking? Not every novice gardener is familiar with this term. Picking is transplanting seedlings. In our case, the petunia needs to be transplanted into open ground, most likely into a flower bed. How to grow petunia seedlings already in a flowerbed? Take a special small spatula or even a regular toothpick and loosen the soil a little, pinching the roots of the seedling with your fingers. Carefully place the sprout in a very small hole and sprinkle with soil. Water lightly until the soil settles. Please note that pinching is necessary only for those seedlings that are marked by strong growth. There is no need to deeply deepen the flower when replanting; the deepening should be at the level of the first leaves and nothing more. Planting petunia seedlings and growing it is not an easy task, but if all the rules are followed, even a beginner can cope with it.

Growing seedlings in tablets

Peat tablets used for seedlings are very economical, safe, and convenient. In addition, they improve the quality of seedlings. Many gardeners prefer this method of planting. It does not involve picking; peat contains a whole complex of vitamins that nourish petunia. Petunia seedlings in tablets - great option for beginners in gardening. How to use these wonderful and convenient tablets?

Peat tablets have a special mesh. Experienced gardeners advise removing it for faster seed germination and less stress during replanting. Remove the mesh using small scissors with great care.

Conditions for growing petunia in the ground

When you are ready to plant seedlings in open ground, pay attention to its quality and the location of the flower bed. Petunia loves light, so a flowerbed in constant shade will not suit it. Choose a bright and sunny place for the flowers. The soil should be loose and non-clayey. If you are going to transplant a flower into a pot, then the composition of the soil must be carefully selected. There must be turf, peat, sand and leafy garden soil. It is also possible to add perlite. It will give the soil additional looseness. Growing petunias in pots and trays on balconies is extremely popular. The pot can be easily hidden from wind, cold and rain. And flowers delight the hostess and passers-by all summer.

Are there special conditions for growing petunia in the ground?

The greatest danger for growing petunia on outdoors represent wind and rain. They can cause the plant to stop flowering. Petunia may also stop blooming in cold weather.

Caring for petunia is not particularly difficult; the main thing is to trim the vertical shoots in time for beautiful branching of the plant and remove dried flowers to form new buds.

Petunia diseases

If you follow the rules of planting and caring for the plant, then it will not be afraid of any diseases. In case of care errors, the flower may get sick with black leg, gray rot, late blight and some others. viral diseases. Aphids, slugs and spider mites can also damage sprouts if they are not properly cared for.

Does petunia need feeding?

In principle, petunia does well without additional feeding. But if you want to see especially lush and beautiful flowers, then you can’t do without feeding. In order for petunia to bloom magnificently and for a long time, use the most common fertilizers based on a full range of minerals. Twice a month it is necessary to apply a portion of fertilizer to the soil. The main thing you should pay attention to when fertilizing petunias on the site is the impossibility of using manure for feeding.

Some experienced gardeners who love petunia advise beginners to take a special course of feeding it. In the first week after transplantation, you need to fertilize the plant with a solution of water and humates. In the second week, you should water the petunia with a solution of water and potassium sulfate. Then alternate according to the scheme. This course will give you excellent results.

Petunia having proper care, blooms in Russian gardens from May until autumn. She pleases all people with the beauty and richness of her palette. We discussed in detail how to plant petunia seedlings in this article. Try it, and you will definitely succeed!