Which kitchen material is cheaper? Materials for kitchen facades: main characteristics, pros and cons

Wide choice kitchen furniture in stores that sell it, makes choosing kitchen furniture a rather difficult task. It is difficult to understand which material is better for making kitchen furniture and why. Moreover, it is difficult to understand without knowing what kitchen furniture is made of.

Where to buy kitchen furniture?

To begin with, I will express my opinion on where it is better to buy kitchen furniture. From my practice, I realized that the fewest problems with the texture, color, and equipment of kitchen furniture purchased online are from its manufacturers, that is, on websites furniture factories. For example, on the website of the furniture manufacturer Fabrika-Stil.ru.

On these sites, photographs and descriptions of the furniture being purchased most closely match real color and texture. Options for errors and, especially, intentional deception are practically excluded.

However, before choosing and purchasing furniture, you need to understand what they are made of. modern furniture for kitchen.

Firstly, the kitchen set consists of three main parts. These are the upper cabinets bottom drawers and table top. The kitchen is complemented by floor display cases (floor cabinet with stack), pencil cases (narrow, high floor cabinet). We will leave other kitchen furniture - tables, chairs, counters - outside the brackets.

Secondly, each kitchen cabinet consists of two structural parts. The first is the cabinet body. Secondly, this is its facade or, more simply, its doors. Materials from these structural elements may be different.

Kitchen cabinet materials

In practice, hulls kitchen cabinets made from sanded chipboard or wood.

Chipboard. This is a particle board. Classic material for furniture production. The material is durable and easy to use. However, it has an unsightly appearance and is afraid of water.

In addition, for kitchen facades they are actively used MDF material. sawdust pressed with resins. The doors are made entirely of MDF boards or chipboard lined with thin MDF panels. In expensive options, chipboard is replaced with solid wood (photo below).

If the surface of laminated chipboards can only be smooth, then the features of MDF make it possible to make three-dimensional facades with multi-level patterns. At the same time, MDF is more expensive than laminated chipboard.

Options for painting both smooth and framed facades are not uncommon. Facades of laminated chipboard, MDF, wood, plastic, even glass can be painted (colored).

Solid wood is used for the facades of expensive kitchens. More often, such facades are milled to create a three-dimensional pattern.

Solid wood can be present in combined facades combining a frame made of wood and glass or a frame made of solid wood and MDF.

Another option is chipboard facades lined with real plastic (acrylic). They are durable, have a variety of textures, but are expensive.

As a rule, it takes place separately from the choice of furniture, but with a design combination with it.


It just so happens that most manufacturers allow you to choose a kitchen based on the material of the facades. And here you can find the following choice:

  • Egger or Kronospan chipboard (laminated paper).
  • MDF boards, painted or coated PVC film.
  • Frame facades with a frame made of wood in combination with MDF or glass.
  • Wooden facades, possibly with glass.
  • Natural veneer facades.
  • Facades made of chipboard covered with plastic.

Special facades are made to order according to manufacturer catalogs.

What are kitchen furniture made from?

The kitchen room is fundamentally different from all other rooms in the house - it is a “hot shop” functional area, in which ergonomics and comfort are especially important. The best cuisines combine functionality, convenience and beauty, corresponding to the atmosphere and all the requirements of this room.

Which material is better for the kitchen?

We have specifically highlighted the main components of an ideal kitchen set - if in the living room or bedroom the choice of furniture will depend only on the tastes of the owners, then before ordering a set for the kitchen, practicality must also be taken into account.

Absolutely not all materials are suitable for the manufacture of kitchen furniture. Many simply cannot withstand temperature changes and high humidity, steam action or require complex care.

Therefore, before purchasing, be sure to find out what the furniture body, its facade and tabletop are made of, and what fittings were used. What material should you choose for your kitchen? Let's consider this point in more detail.

Furniture body

As a rule, the body of a kitchen set is made of MDF, chipboard, natural wood or multiplex. The best kitchens are made from solid wood - these products do not deform due to high humidity, they are stable and durable, designed to for a long time operation.

Modern kitchen furniture made from wood, treated with special water-repellent solutions.

  1. Multiplex is the most budget-friendly alternative to solid wood. This is a material that consists of thin strips different wood, glued in different directions. Multiplex is also resistant to elevated temperatures, steam and moisture. So eco-friendly and modern material, is not much inferior to solid wood.
  2. MDF is much cheaper than multiplex and wood, but this material is also quite suitable. MDF is durable, practical and inexpensive. These are small wood shavings compressed under pressure. MDF panels are treated with special resins, which make the material waterproof and durable. In terms of resistance to curvature and strength, MDF is superior even to some types of natural wood.
  3. And, in the end, most cheap material– Chipboard, very similar to MDF, but not so environmentally friendly and durable. Poor quality chipboards can become deformed from moisture and get wet at joints and cuts, but modern stoves free from these shortcomings. But, one way or another, when choosing cheap furniture for the kitchen from chipboard, you need to understand that after a short time The headset will most likely need to be replaced.

Kitchen furniture facade

The facade is the face of the kitchen, which determines its style. The variety of materials that are used to make kitchen facades is enormous.

They are made from laminated MDF, chipboard, covered with enamel or film, made of solid wood, there are aluminum and frame facades decorated with glass or plastic. Each option has its pros and cons.

Solid wood. This is a traditional, prestigious and expensive material for kitchen facades. It creates a respectable atmosphere and looks respectable. At proper care These facades do not lose their beauty for decades - they can only slightly change color under the influence of direct rays of the sun.

But wood needs handled with care. These kitchens must not be cleaned using abrasives or harsh chemicals and should only be wiped down soft cloth. At the same time, wood is not the most elastic material, and it is quite difficult to create facades with wavy, curved lines using it.

MDF facades

As already noted, its performance is almost as good as that of wood, and the cost of MDF is much more affordable. MDF facades make it possible to implement any design ideas. This material bends easily, which makes it possible to make rounded and unusual facades.

MDF allows you to use different kinds coatings - MDF can be paint, cover with plastic or PVC film of any texture and color. Painted MDF board looks better than PVC film, but it is more expensive.

Cheaper film also has certain disadvantages - coating takes time may peel off, especially in places that are exposed to intense heat and moisture - for example, above the stove or around the sink. Plastic is the strongest and most durable option, and is very easy to care for (except for matte types of plastic, they can be difficult to clean).

Frame facades made from MDF profile, are also quite often used. The frame is finished with PVC film or, in exclusive kitchen sets, natural veneer . These facades can be fitted with woven rattan, plastic, frosted or stained glass. These facades have earned their appreciation primarily due to large selection design.


As a rule, countertops experience the heaviest load during operation, constantly being exposed to mechanical and chemical influences. Therefore, when choosing a material for a countertop, first of all you need to pay attention to practicality.

However, it has certain features - the stone is fragile and with accidental impacts, chips may appear; in addition, the stone may change color over time with constant contact with products, especially this is true for materials made of light shades.

Wherein fake diamond devoid of such shortcomings. Artificial stone is a panel made of safe and environmentally friendly resins and stone chips. In appearance it is no different from natural material, but much more stable and durable.


This is a small, but at the same time quite important and noticeable component of the kitchen interior. Sometimes simply replacing handles completely changes the interior of the kitchen. Like every part of the headset, the handles must be at the same time comfortable and beautiful.

Most convenient form– U-shaped. Push-button handles are great for Provence-style kitchens or rustic interiors, but they are not as convenient as push-pull handles. Today, many modern cabinets are made without handles at all - all the fittings are inside, and the doors open by simply pressing the surface.

Complete kitchen set

Which kitchen is better? This will depend on the needs. Do you enjoy cooking and hosting? holiday dinners for friends? Choose a set for the kitchen with lots of cabinets and work surfaces.

If you only plan to make coffee in the morning and invite friends to relax in the evening, then you don’t need an abundance of tables, but you may need bar counter or a table for serving dishes.

Each kitchen is divided into 3 main zones: storage area, washing area and cooking area. In order for the kitchen to be comfortable, it must be planned according to the principle of a triangle, which connects these zones. It is best that the total distance between zones is no more than 5 meters.

It’s great if all the working parts form one line, but when the size of the kitchen does not allow it to be done this way, then the break must be made where one of the operations ends. For small kitchens the best thing L-shaped or linear layout, V large rooms can be done U-shaped kitchen with many work surfaces.

Small kitchens have more stringent layout requirements. For better comfort, choose lockers with sliding doors and try to use all the space rationally. For example, in the gap between the refrigerator and the work table you can install a retractable narrow wardrobe for bottles. IN large kitchen You can choose a set with hinged and pull-out cabinets.

Before this, we mainly considered the functionality of the kitchen, but its appearance is also very important - according to tradition, the kitchen is considered the center of any home, the place where the whole family gathers every day.

The kitchen is often combined with the dining room or replaces it; guests are received here and various celebrations are celebrated.

For a “country house” effect, choose wooden, light furniture– painted in White color, with a natural pattern. Brass, wood or ceramic fittings, wicker baskets, bright fabric tablecloths, antique ceramics and bundles of dried herbs will complement the interior.

What color to choose for the kitchen? Both designers and psychologists agree that color has a significant effect on mood and even health status. It has been proven that green and blue colors make us eat less, while orange and red colors improve appetite.

Soft green shades - mint and pistachio - are soothing and have a positive effect on digestion. Cold dark gray, dull black and brown are the most inappropriate colors for the kitchen, which subconsciously depress.

In searching for an answer to this question, you can come to a logical and simple conclusion. It is not so important what material: artificial or natural. And also, the furniture manufacturer is not important: domestic or foreign.

The main thing is that the material is affordable, met all hygiene requirements and it was high quality.

The time when kitchen furniture was bought to last is over. Today's fashion is changeable and capricious, which is why it often forces you to change the style of interior design in the kitchen. And in these cases it is necessary justify your choice criteria for the comfort and functionality of the kitchen.

If possible, it is advisable to buy a set made of wood. I really like beech. Artificial materials also look good, but in terms of strength, even to the touch, they are much inferior.

Marina Moscow

Everyone chooses for themselves. Naturally, natural materials better, but they are certainly more expensive. We have a kitchen set made from MDF, it looks simply excellent, and we are also pleased with the quality.

Nastya, Krivoy Rog

We recently bought a kitchen and chose following materials: internal elements are MDF, and facades are plastic. It is easy to care for plastic. MDF is also unpretentious. The only thing I doubt is how long the MDF will last in the sink area. That’s why after washing the dishes I wipe everything dry. Naturally, sets made of natural wood are better, but it all comes down to cost. Twice as expensive.

The modern level of comfort requires the presence in the kitchen rational furniture, arranged according to the laws of ergonomics, and it is very important what materials for the kitchen facades are used in its manufacture.

An incorrectly selected material can ruin the most beautiful and thoughtful interior and make working in the kitchen uncomfortable. When choosing the appearance of your future kitchen, you should pay close attention to the material from which the kitchen facades are made, and choose the one that suits you most completely.

Characteristics of basic materials for kitchen facades

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to have a good idea of ​​what materials facades are made of, what their pros and cons are. First you need to understand the production technology kitchen facades from composite materials- the most commonly found on sale.

The basis of the facade is usually made of chipboards(chipboard) or MDF (fibreboard). Then a coating is applied to this base, which performs protective and decorative functions. Sometimes the base is made of plywood or even wood, but such kitchen fronts are much more expensive. Role decorative covering usually made of plastic, but it is also possible to use wood veneer and other materials.

The choice of material for the kitchen is determined by fairly harsh operating conditions: high temperatures, high humidity, the content of soot and fat particles in the air, the possibility of exposure to aggressive liquids - all this imposes certain requirements if you want the set to serve you for a long time.

MDF boards today are the most popular as a material for the base of kitchen facades, since MDF has a dense structure, similar to the structure of wood, which allows the formation of any patterns. The properties of kitchen facades depend, when composite materials are used for their production, on the characteristics of the coating, and when made from wood, on the properties of the wood species.

When thinking about which kitchen facades to choose, you need to pay attention not only to their decorative qualities and price, but also to the characteristics of the materials from which they are made. The more resistant these materials are to aggressive environments, high temperatures and high humidity, the longer the kitchen set will last without changing its appearance.

Review of basic materials for kitchen furniture

Laminated facades

Procedure MDF coverings(or chipboard) panels with melamine film is called lamination. This film is a paper that is impregnated with resins and coated with varnish. This is the most economical option, which does not look very attractive and does not last long. Sometimes cabinets for kitchen furniture are also made from similar panels.

  • Low price;
  • Availability of various forms of facades while maintaining low prices.


  • Unattractive looking headset;
  • Low resistance to aggressive substances;
  • Rapid loss of appearance;
  • Possibility of producing only straight facades.

These facades are made from wood fiber panels medium density, which allows you to give them any shape. They are painted on top using technology common in the automotive industry: first, the surface of the panel is primed, then covered with paint in several layers, after which it is applied varnish coating. Each applied layer is sanded, and the resulting coating is highly resistant to external influences and attractive appearance.


  • Can be used various colors and color combinations;
  • The texture of the kitchen facade can be varied: matte, glossy, mother-of-pearl, pearl, metallic;
  • The facades do not require complex care; just wash them with water and a mild detergent;
  • The material is resistant to external influences and retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • Facades of any shape can be made - round, wavy.


  • Quite a high manufacturing cost, resulting in a high final cost of the headset;
  • The glossy surface is sensitive to grease and even fingerprints;
  • Paint can fade in the sun and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • They do not withstand mechanical stress well, and may cause chipping.

In the manufacture of these kitchen facades, all the advantages of the MDF base are used, while instead of expensive painting, polymer film, which is much simpler and cheaper. The film can have a matte or glossy surface. The pattern applied to the film can be made in any way, for example, to imitate wood, stone, marble, ceramic tiles, granite surface. The color of the film can also be any.


  • A large number of options for drawings and colors of facades;
  • Budget cost;
  • High resistance to aggressive environments and abrasion;
  • The same price for both standard and non-standard kitchen elements.
  • When simulating the texture of natural materials, it is impossible to achieve an acceptable visual effect; the resulting result is very different from the original;
  • The film coating does not tolerate elevated temperatures; peeling from the base is possible;
  • The pattern applied to the film is susceptible to fading in the sun.

Materials for kitchen facades made of plastic

HPL – paper-laminated plastic – is also used as a coating for MDF panels. This unique material made using special technology. The paper is impregnated with specially designed resinous compounds, folded in layers and pressed at high temperature and high blood pressure. The result is very high quality and beautiful material for a kitchen set.

This material is glued onto a base board made of MDF or chipboard. In this case, the processing of the ends is usually carried out using the post-forming method: two sides of the plastic are folded onto the ends, and the remaining two are pasted over with a special edge. There are also alternative methods edge processing, for example, all ends can be covered with an acrylic edge, aluminum, ABS or PVC edging. The edge may not differ from the color of the facade, or may be contrasting.


  • Good resistance to mechanical stress, high humidity, and aggressive substances;
  • Facades are not subject to fading under the influence sun rays;
  • Long service life of the headset without loss of appearance;
  • It is possible to produce facades of any complex shapes.


  • The glossy surface gets dirty easily and may leave fingerprints;
  • The interior of the facades is white;
  • The matte surface is difficult to maintain; dirt is difficult to remove from it;
  • Geometric defects may appear.

The most popular are combined facades - frames made of MDF are inserted with other materials, for example, rattan mats, glass, plastic. The frame itself is covered with PVC film or covered with veneer (a more expensive option).

  • Less weight compared to standard kitchen fronts, which means more long term furniture mechanical services;
  • The variety of materials for inserts allows designers to create original, expressive kitchen designs that suit the various styles interior design;
  • Non-standard sizes do not increase the cost of furniture;
  • Low price.
  • Low resistance to wear and high humidity;
  • The coating may peel off during use;
  • Quite difficult to maintain on a daily basis;
  • Frame fastening may be weak.

Modern interior design styles dictate the choice of new, modern materials, which should be taken into account when deciding which facades to choose for the kitchen. In particular, facades consisting of frames assembled from aluminum profiles are perfect for high-tech style. Panels made of rattan, MDF, plastic or glass are inserted into these frames. It looks original, and if glass inserts are used, it also “lightens” furniture set, giving it airiness.


  • The metal base increases the strength and durability of facades;
  • Combination various materials opens up wide decorative possibilities;
  • The price for standard and non-standard facades does not differ;
  • Increased resistance to moisture and mechanical stress.
  • The need to use special fastening systems;
  • Low resistance to abrasive and chemically aggressive substances;
  • Metal fades and loses its appearance over time;
  • Quite a big price.

When choosing a material for the kitchen, you need to keep in mind that natural materials look solid and elegant, but they are also expensive. Wood as the most traditional material for the manufacture of any furniture, including kitchen furniture, will certainly bring warmth to the interior and create home comfort, however, such a kitchen is appropriate for a large area.

Wooden kitchen fronts come in two types: completely made of wood, and paneled - in wooden frame a panel made of another material is inserted, for example, MDF, chipboard, glass. Paneled facades – more a budget option, and if the panel is veneered, then it is impossible to distinguish it by eye from a completely wooden structure.

  • Solidity, elegance, high aesthetic qualities;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Durability;
  • Long-term relevance in terms of interior fashion;
  • Possibility of decoration different ways– carvings, inserts, cornices.
  • High price;
  • Difficult care;
  • Poor resistance to UV radiation;
  • Resistance to high humidity deteriorating over time;
  • Ability to absorb kitchen odors;
  • Small variety of models offered.

It must combine two qualities - beauty and practicality. Beauty is an individual concept, which may not coincide with the ideas and advice of designers.

First of all, you should like your kitchen.

But, you see, without convenience and functionality, beauty can lose its charm. Therefore, arm yourself with a drawing, and we will move on to the tips.

  1. 1. Don't rush to communicate(drainage, ventilation terminals, sockets) before installing the kitchen unit. To begin, take accurate measurements of your kitchen, think about what appliances you need, in what niches and places it will be located, and sketch out a few design ideas.
  2. 2. If your kitchen is small in size, then the height of the room must be fully utilized, because:
  • this increases the storage space for kitchen utensils;
  • vertical lines will visually raise the ceiling;
  • in such cabinets it is convenient to hide the air ducts from the hood, gas meters etc.
  • 3. Have you heard of the work triangle? This is a somewhat outdated theory today, because... In addition to the refrigerator, sink and stove, other household appliances appeared. But its meaning is very relevant: the trajectory of your movement around the kitchen should be minimal

    Suppose, in addition to the mentioned 3 points, you have a microwave, a juicer, a coffee maker and a food processor, and you use all of this daily and often. Now take a piece of paper and arrange all these items so that it is convenient for you to use them: imagine how you enter the kitchen to prepare something, and what are your main points of movement.

    The main thing is that all 7 of your points are not on the same straight line - this is completely inconvenient. The most acceptable perimeter of our polygon is from 4 to 8 m. If the housewife is not cooking alone, this must also be taken into account and 2 such workers must be created geometric shapes in non-overlapping areas.

  • Having decided on the quantity, size and location household appliances, you can start choosing materials for your kitchen.

    The second stage is the selection of materials

    The most expensive, status-emphasizing materials for kitchen facades are natural wood and glass, which require some care and careful handling.

    Slightly lower in price is painted MDF, which is very popular today due to its compatibility with any style, various colors and textures - gloss, matte, veneered or wood-look.

    The tabletop can be made:

    • cheap but cheerful: made of laminated chipboard;
    • more expensive – made from natural or artificial stone.

    Let’s immediately make a reservation that the nuances of choosing material for kitchen countertop a lot and there is a separate article about it.

    The third stage - choosing the type of headset and its contents

    So, you have the exact dimensions, a photo of your dream kitchen found on the Internet, and you have already decided on the materials. What to look for when choosing a kitchen set?

    1. 4. Deposit beautiful kitchen And quality design- these are proportions that are more perceptible to our eyes than you might think. The most acceptable sizes of drawers and furniture for comfort should be multiples of 15 cm (30, 45, 60, 75 cm);
    2. 5. Don’t forget to calculate the distance from the kitchen unit to other pieces of furniture, taking into account the opening of cabinet doors;
    3. 6. When choosing the color of the headset, you can follow the rule “dark bottom - light top”, or you can safely break it by doing the opposite, or use bright, saturated colors. The main thing is not to overload top part headset so that it does not look massive;
    4. 7. When choosing between hinged doors and kitchen drawers, give preference to drawers whose interior contents can be immediately seen without crawling halfway into the cabinet. It will be inconvenient to place a small drawer for spoons and forks in a larger drawer - in fact, each time you will have to perform a simple action twice that you could do once;
    5. 8. You need to pay special attention to the choice of mechanisms with which cabinets and drawers will open. If automatic door closers are quite convenient, although unusual, then push-ups that do not open immediately and require effort when closing may be inconvenient for you. And other untested trend devices can quickly fail or turn out to be very non-functional. The lack of handles on cabinets or drawers can also create discomfort. Think about whether you should trust classic technological solutions;
    6. 9. If you like a refrigerator built into the facade, please note that decorative overlay and the rack mounting take up space, and compared to a regular refrigerator, it is not very spacious, although it takes up the same space. The same can be said about any other built-in technology.

    The light in the kitchen should be warm, because food seems most appetizing at a warm light temperature - and this technique is actively used in restaurants.

    A tall faucet with a pull-out spout is ideal for filling vases, 3-liter jars, tall pots or even buckets, but it requires a sink with a deep bowl to avoid constant splashing.

    Compact hood models may not be as efficient and productive as conventional ones.

    On kitchen apron you can install a special rail for a smartphone or a recipe book - this way you can follow the development of the plot of your favorite movie in more natural poses.

    What is important during installation

    The first thing I would like to recommend is personal presence during installation. Not only for the sake of control, but also in order to personally and promptly suggest this or that nuance to the masters. This is an order of magnitude more effective than making and voicing decisions over the phone.

    The joints between the sink, work area and hob must be laminated - both outside and inside, preventing moisture or grease from entering.

    Don't forget the cutout for gas hose near the stove or hob, about other necessary holes for wires or pipes. At the same time, cables from the stove, hood and other equipment must reach the outlet and not interfere with the opening and closing of cabinets. Perhaps it makes sense to discuss with the craftsmen the most convenient location of the sockets for you.

    The vast majority of the above nuances are not new to companies that have been designing, manufacturing and installing kitchen sets for a long time (for example, this company). But now all these subtleties will be known to you.

    We hope that our tips on designing, selecting and installing custom-made furniture will be useful to you and will help you create your ideal kitchen!

    What to make a kitchen from and what material is best to choose is one of the most current issues upcoming repairs. The kitchen set must fit into the interior of the room. You should definitely check what decorative elements it goes with, how it fits in the kitchen, and much more. During renovations, unfortunately, many people do not pay attention to what material the kitchen set is made of. It’s worth figuring out which materials are best suited for the kitchen.

    Before starting a renovation, you need to understand what materials to use in the kitchen and how to choose them correctly. This issue requires careful study. The kitchen can be of absolutely any style - from ordinary classics to extravagant modernity.

    Kitchens made from natural materials

    If we talk about natural materials, then, as a rule, during a kitchen renovation they use:

    • solid wood,

    The main advantages of natural materials are their environmental friendliness, resistance to external influences and, of course, impeccable style.

    But natural materials for the kitchen also have disadvantages: the most important of them is cost.

    Let's analyze each material in more detail and try to choose the right one.


    This material is made from finely chopped shavings. Compared to chipboard, MDF is several times stronger.

    The main advantages are:

    • moisture resistance,
    • no flaws or defects,
    • high strength,
    • low price,
    • excellent for processing,
    • MDF is not affected by hot steam,
    • it is an environmentally friendly material.

    Unfortunately, there are some downsides:

    • over time the colors come out,
    • The kitchen has to be wiped down constantly because of fingerprints.

    MDF facades for the kitchen, covered with PVC film

    These are the simplest and most inexpensive renovation materials used in the kitchen.

    Therefore, such facades have a number of serious disadvantages:

    • old fashioned look,
    • fades very much over time,
    • Over time, the film peels off.

    But there are certain advantages:

    • low and affordable price,
    • Huge selection of colors.

    If we talk about how these facades are made, then their production technology is very simple. MDF is laminated with PVC film in a special press. Before this, glue is applied to the MDF.

    Painted facades

    The more layers of enamel in such a kitchen, the better. Preference should be given to furniture with eight layers of paint. Such facades can last quite a long time and look very attractive.

    Main advantages:

    • variety of color palette,
    • positive attitude towards high temperatures,
    • large selection of different shapes.

    Main disadvantages:

    • high prices,
    • even a light touch will leave fingerprints,
    • due to sunlight fade over time,
    • poor resistance to mechanical damage,
    • It is difficult to select a color during restoration.

    Review of painted MDF facades (video)

    Frame MDF

    Kitchen renovation using this material can be done on a budget and at the same time very interesting.

    Its main advantages are:

    • combination of several materials,
    • from of this material You can make absolutely any size of the facade.

    Of course, there are a number of not very pleasant disadvantages:

    • When washing you will need to put in a lot of effort,
    • Kitchens made from framed MDF are very susceptible to moisture.

    Wood: kitchen made from natural material

    The tree is particularly durable. The stronger it is, the better. However, if the type of wood is very durable, then it is quite difficult to process. This will make repairs more expensive.

    So, the following types are mainly presented on the construction market:

    • Larch. It has been used for the kitchen for a long time due to its correct physical and technical characteristics.
    • Pine. If we talk about what material is used most often in the kitchen, then it is definitely pine.
    • Spruce. This material is moisture resistant and higher quality than pine. Unfortunately, spruce is difficult to finish.
    • Oak. Exactly this durable wood in the construction market. Kitchen sets made from this material are best processed, and real works of art are made from it.
    • Birch. Many experts consider this material to be very soft, but it has high strength and density.


    It is also worth paying attention to such material as multiplex. It is made by gluing together several layers of wood.

    Multiplex has a number of properties that are superior, for example, to solid wood:

    • high moisture resistance,
    • no deformation.


    Kitchen furniture made from chipboard is very popular, since the price of this material is low.

    Chipboard is also a natural material. It is made from dried shavings to which formaldehyde resin is added.

    The main advantages of chipboard are:

    • strength;
    • the material is natural, which makes it environmentally friendly;
    • absence of cracks, voids and knots;
    • possibility of finishing with other materials;
    • ease of processing.

    Unfortunately, this material also has disadvantages that we have not yet learned how to eliminate:

    • when carrying too high loads, the chipboard loses its integrity,
    • the material is afraid of water.


    Such facades are often called “plastic facades”. However, this is completely false, because kitchens made entirely of plastic do not exist. After all, the process of sudden temperature changes is destructive for plastic.

    Pros of choosing plastic:

    • moisture resistance
    • resistance to fading,
    • wide range of colors,
    • long service life.

    The only disadvantage of plastic facades is the fact that matte plastic is difficult to clean.

    Kitchen made of plastic: how to choose and features (video)

    Acrylic plastic

    This type of plastic is very scratch resistant. But its main advantage is that it is incredibly beautiful.

    However, in certain situations, the disadvantages may outweigh:

    • impressive weight is a big problem;
    • there is a risk of deformation.

    Fake diamond

    For a kitchen facade, choosing artificial stone is not suitable. But its use is justified in the manufacture of countertops. Why?

    Because the advantages are:

    • artificial stone is environmentally friendly,
    • does not absorb odors,
    • the material is much more practical than others, due to its structure,
    • due to its high plasticity, it can take various shapes,
    • The coating looks like new if it is sanded just once a year.

    The only significant disadvantage is the price of artificial stone - it is sometimes 10 times higher than the cost of other materials.

    Aluminum profiles

    Many experts believe that it is best to use aluminum profiles in minimalist or high-tech kitchens. What categories of people choose such kitchens? Mostly these are young people. For adults who lived in times Soviet Union, this option is most often not acceptable.

    U aluminum profiles there are certain advantages:

    • the ability to create photo frames,
    • resistance to high temperatures,
    • moisture resistance,
    • long service life.

    The disadvantages are minor, but they still exist:

    • scratches may appear,
    • high price.

    Cost issue when choosing material for the kitchen

    When choosing materials, you need to take into account many nuances. At the same time, it is worth remembering that good material will never be very cheap.

    You can't skimp on kitchen furniture. Expensive and high-quality things will last much longer than cheap ones. The manufacturer you choose must also be taken into account.

    To create a real quality cuisine, you will need expensive natural materials, for example, natural wood. But if you have a limited budget, you can use other options.

    Selection of materials for kitchen facades (video)

    So, for our renovation, we looked at all the main advantages and benefits of each material for the kitchen. Which ones are the best? Many people believe that it is preferable to choose natural materials for the kitchen: wood, chipboard. Others believe that for kitchens it is worth buying a more modern material - plastic. Wood is expensive natural material, but he completely justifies himself. If we talk about budget materials for kitchen renovation, then in this case everyone decides for himself what to make the kitchen from and which material best meets the requirements.