What filling is best for blankets? Types of fillers and their characteristics

It’s starting to get colder, which means it’s time to warm up. And this applies not only to warm clothes, gloves, scarves and boots, but also... blankets. I present to you a selection useful tips when buying a warm blanket.
Tips to help you choose a blanket during the cold season:
. For cold autumn and in winter, duvets made of natural down (considered the warmest) or wool are suitable.
. Before purchasing a duvet, make sure you are not allergic to poultry down. If so, you should buy a hypoallergenic synthetic blanket.
. Special attention When choosing goose down and feather blankets, pay attention to the ratio of down and feather in the filler: feather should be no more than 40%.
. When choosing a wool blanket, pay attention to the quilting method: squares or parallel lines. It is believed that a blanket quilted in the form of squares is more reliable.
. Quilted wool blankets are not as warm as down blankets, but they are lightweight, hygroscopic (able to allow moisture to pass through), and durable.
. When buying a wool blanket, keep in mind its disadvantage - it is not only you who choose it, but also moths, so it is better to store such blankets with products that repel harmful insects.
. If a person suffers from heart disease, hypertension or shortness of breath, then it is not recommended for him to sleep under a synthetic blanket.
. Eco-friendly and inexpensive blankets are blankets with cotton filling - cotton wool. The cotton in them provides thermoregulation, hypoallergenicity and hygroscopicity, but cotton wool tends to become damp, acquire unpleasant odors and roll into lumps.

Remember: you cannot wash cotton blankets; as a result, you risk getting a shapeless mass of matted, sticky cotton wool. It is better to clean such blankets with a vacuum cleaner and dry them in the sun or beat them in the same way as beat a carpet.
. You can also choose a blanket filled with lyocell (a natural fiber based on eucalyptus tree cellulose). Although such blankets are expensive, they are always warm and dry under such blankets, since lyocell perfectly absorbs fumes.
. As an option, you can consider a blanket with holofiber filling. According to its characteristics, such a blanket is close to duvets, but at the same time it is hypoallergenic. In addition, it can be washed in washing machine, it dries quickly and holds its shape perfectly.

You may see bamboo blankets for sale. If your apartment is warm, then you can take note of these blankets. I note that bamboo fiber is much softer than cotton, and its quality is similar to silk or cashmere. Bamboo has good protective antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
. If you are choosing a blanket for a child, it is recommended to purchase a wool one (or even better, a camel one).

When choosing a blanket, pay attention to the label: it should indicate the name of the manufacturer, symbols indicating the features of cleaning and care, the composition of the filler and the fabric of the cover (preferably linen, teak, calico or satin). The inscription “NOMITE” means that natural filler was used for the blanket. Naturally, instructions for use must be present.
. If you don’t want to buy 2 blankets (for the warm and cold seasons), you can purchase two-layer winter-summer blankets. These blankets consist of two parts that are joined together for the winter period or only one layer is used for the warmer seasons.

A blanket for winter should be light, warm, soft and not scratchy. It should “breathe” and not cause allergies. What filler meets all these requirements?
1. Feather and down

Down and feathers of waterfowl (ducks and geese) are the most popular natural filler. It makes the blanket warm and very airy. The lightest models are made from the down of live birds. Cheap feather blankets (from 3,000 rubles) are usually heavy and short-lived, after a short time a feather begins to emerge through the fabric. A high-quality blanket costs about 8 - 10,000 rubles. The down of a white goose or Icelandic duck is additionally treated with a composition against dust mites - these products can be used by asthmatics and allergy sufferers. However, when washing, such impregnations can be washed out.

Care: You can take it to the dry cleaner, but you can also wash it - at +60°C, dry it flat, periodically turning it over and shaking the stuck down fluff with your hands. Both pillows and blankets benefit from regular (at least once a month) airing in the fresh air.

Feather is not bad. If the blanket had only fluff, it would simply not hold its shape, but would “spread” like a pancake. Even the most expensive blankets contain feather (10%), it gives the product elasticity, airiness and volume. However, coarse feather is often mixed into low-quality blankets - it is easy to recognize by touch. Optimal ratio- 60% down, 40% feather. The higher the percentage of feather in a blanket, the cheaper it is.

2. Wool

Wool blankets are real doctors! They have a healing effect because they contain animal fat (lanolin). Wool blankets are indispensable for people suffering from osteochondrosis, rheumatism and colds. When in contact with the human body, wool can absorb up to 30% of moisture (sweat), while remaining dry to the touch. Moreover, as soon as you get out from under the blanket, it will begin to actively evaporate moisture. Therefore, wool blankets do not require additional drying. And finally, wool has the unique ability to self-clean (dirt is shaken off the wool fibers). So forget about frequent washing!

When choosing a wool blanket, you need to run your hand to check the quality of the wool. There should be no pellets on the surface. Be sure to study the label of the blanket, and in particular its composition. Be careful, if you are allergic to wool, you should not buy a wool blanket.

Sheep's wool
In addition to the fact that sheep's wool is warm and absorbs moisture well, it helps with radiculitis, arthritis and back pain. Ideal for those who suffer from insomnia. Sheepskin blankets are much lighter than cotton blankets; not only an adult, but also a child will be comfortable under them. In children's production, sheepskin is used, woven in a special way, so that wool and lint do not come out of the blanket. However, be careful. Sheep's wool can cause allergies in some children. This is the most a budget option from all wool fillings. A blanket made of sheepskin costs from 3,000 rubles, from lamb down (this blanket is less warm, but more delicate) - from 2,500 rubles.

Care: blankets from sheep wool It’s better not to wash; dry cleaning will help remove stains. Sheep wool tends to cake over time, so turn the blanket over frequently and air it out in the fresh air.

Goat hair (fluff)
As a filler for blankets, as a rule, they use the delicate undercoat from the neck and chest of Kashmiri mountain goats, which graze on the slopes of the Himalayas even in severe frosts. These are the warmest, softest and lightest wool blankets. They perfectly relieve muscle tension by providing micromassage. Only 100–200 g of down per year is collected from one goat, so such a blanket is not cheap. Minimum price - 12,000 rubles. (children's - about 4,500 rubles)

Care: Delicate wash.

Camel's wool
A blanket made of camel wool is lighter than a sheep's wool. Very warm, has healing properties. Thanks to a large number lanolin, recommended for those who have problems with the spine and joint diseases. The service life of a camel wool blanket is 6-7 years. Choose a model made of combed wool, since sheared wool will break through the bedsheet and prick.

A blanket with open wool costs about 4,000 rubles, a quilted blanket: wool - from 2,500, down - from 3,500 rubles.

Care: Delicate wash.

Blankets purchased in specialized stores and having a certificate of conformity are covered only with natural cotton fabric. Most often it is cambric, satin, cotton with the addition of lyocell.

3. Synthetics

Blanket with synthetic filling - the best choice for allergy sufferers. After all, unlike wool and down, artificial filler is not favored dust mites.

Blankets made from padding polyester are very light and cheap, but they do not guarantee you quality sleep, because this artificial material does not allow air to pass through well: the body does not breathe, and under such a blanket during heating season you will feel like you are in a bathhouse.

Holofiber, comforter
New generation polyester. Although it is more expensive than the synthetic synthetic ones, it provides excellent support temperature regime, and weighs no more. A high-quality synthetic blanket breathes (of course, worse than natural fibers), does not electrify, does not accumulate dust, and is easy to wash. Product good quality will cost at least 3,000 rubles.

Care: a blanket made of holofiber and comforter can be easily washed in a machine, as can synthetic winterizer. But the latter becomes harder over time from repeated washing.

4. Eider down

This is the most expensive, most weightless and warmest (even hot) filler. Its cost is equal to the cost of gold, because to get just 1 kg of fluff you need to pick about 60 nests (!). The cover is made of silk - the thinnest fabric allows the blanket to take the shape of the body as much as possible. A blanket made of 100% eider down costs from 5,000 euros...

Nowadays blankets with “open” wool are very popular. Soft and fluffy blankets with “fur on the outside” are pleasant to use as blankets. Falling asleep wrapped in such a blanket is a pleasure!

5. Vata

An environmentally friendly filler that retains heat well, absorbs moisture and does not cause allergies. The disadvantages of a cotton blanket are its heaviness and ability to absorb various odors. Although some simply cannot fall asleep unless they are pressed down with a thick “grandmother’s” blanket on top. It's a matter of habit!

Care: does not like washing (cotton wool gets into tight lumps) or dry cleaning (stains remain). All that remains is to regularly ventilate the cotton blanket and dry it in the sun. Old blankets can be vacuumed and dusted outside. However, it is better to think about your health and finally say goodbye to this overwhelming and rather dubious inheritance.

How to choose a blanket size?
It is necessary to measure both the width and length of the bed. Please note that the width of the blanket must be purchased with a margin so that there is enough blanket on both sides. Try to buy a blanket standard sizes so that later you can easily choose a duvet cover for it.

How to choose a blanket for a child?
The choice of a baby blanket must be approached scrupulously, since babies are very sensitive to everything. First, the blanket should be light so that the baby feels comfortable in it. Secondly, you don’t need to buy a very warm blanket, since the baby may sweat in such a blanket, which can lead to heat rash and other negative factors. A wool blanket is very practical; it will protect the baby from overheating and perfectly absorbs moisture, which then quickly evaporates.

Let's summarize.

We feel most comfortable at a temperature of 20-22°C. If the room is cold or hot, the body begins to bring body temperature closer to air temperature, and this can disrupt even the deepest sleep. Choose a blanket depending on the temperature in the bedroom.

16° - down, +16-18° - wool, +19° - with synthetic filling, +20-25° - blanket made of silk or bamboo fiber.

Downy. Excellent moisture absorption and air permeability. Warmer and lighter models are filled with eider down. (Unlike duck and goose, it does not cause allergies.). When purchasing a combined filler (down - feather), pay attention that the feather content is no more than 40%. If you are allergic or asthmatic, choose blankets whose filling is treated with an antimicrobial treatment that prevents the formation of mites. Please note: the cover must be made of natural fabric - synthetic ones allow air to pass through worse and reduce the warming properties of the blanket. Choose models quilted with squares rather than parallel lines - the fluff will not fall off.

Woolen. Absorbs sweat well, while remaining dry. It has a healing effect: lanolin contained in animal hair helps relieve pain from osteochondrosis and rheumatism. Blanket from camel hair lightweight, does not electrify, repels dust and has a unique quality: when the room is cold, it warms, and when it is hot, it creates a feeling of coolness. Models made from sheep wool are cheaper, softer, but heavier. Recently a new product appeared - a blanket made of thermally bonded wool (1,700 rubles). Thin layers of natural fibers are connected by a mesh of polyester particles (the percentage of synthetic content should not exceed 30%). The blanket is durable and can easily be washed. You can recognize this model by the Downfill marking on the label.

Please note: a wool blanket must be periodically treated with moth repellent. Blankets with a removable cover made of natural fabric will last longer, since they do not have to be washed often. A wool blanket is not suitable for asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

Synthetic. Warm and practical, very light. Suitable when in an apartment high humidity air - artificial fiber repels moisture, which means the blanket will never be damp. Not suitable for people with excessive sweating and those who suffer from hypertension, shortness of breath and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Silk and bamboo. Suitable for everyone without exception; absolutely safe as they are made from natural materials. They perfectly absorb moisture and retain heat. How to choose a bamboo blanket

A bamboo blanket is perhaps the most environmentally friendly blanket, and it is also the lightest compared to blankets made from other materials.
A bamboo blanket should be divided into sectors that are well stitched together. Straighten the blanket so that the contents are distributed evenly. Also, when buying a bamboo blanket, pay attention to the width: it should be 50cm larger than your bed, so that as a result of its lightness it does not slide to the side.

A person sleeps about a third of his life, so everyone wants to provide this part of existence with comfort and coziness. On the modern market you can find a fairly wide selection of blankets, which differ both in the material of the outer surface and the internal filling. To pick up correct option, should be studied sufficient quantity information about each type. This will help you weigh all the advantages and disadvantages, as well as compare them with direct competitors. IN winter time The choice of blanket depends on how well the product retains heat, but comfort of use and ease of care should also not be forgotten.

Cotton blanket

Although a cotton blanket retains heat well, it is too heavy.

Vata is one of the most traditional insulation materials, which are used in blankets. Judging by the reviews, it is very effective and inexpensive. Just a few decades ago, cotton blankets were almost the only option suitable for winter, whereas now there are many to choose from. Thick products are not suitable for winter because they can cause the body to overheat.


  • cotton filler absorbs moisture well;
  • retains heat remarkably;
  • the material does not cause allergic reactions in humans.


  • the blanket with cotton wool is quite heavy;
  • the filler does not allow the blanket to “breathe” and creates Greenhouse effect under him;
  • the blanket is difficult to care for, it is not easy to clean, wash, and even dry cleaning may not lead to the desired result.

But still, many people still have old blankets made of cotton wool, so you should know how to properly care for them so that the filling does not turn into a pile of lumps:

  • It is not recommended to wash the blanket, so it is much easier and safer to simply knock out the dust;
  • You can also use a vacuum cleaner by selecting the most powerful mode.

If you are determined to wash a cotton blanket, then you should adhere to the following rules:

  • In no case is it recommended to wring out the material, so to dry it you just need to hang it so that the water flows down;
  • so that the surface does not burn out under straight lines sun rays, it should be covered with something for protection;
  • During washing, the blanket should be fluffed to prevent lumps from forming, so this can only be done by hand.

Silk blanket

This option will appeal to those who love luxury appearance products and pleasant tactile sensations. Warming parameters depend more on the quality of the filler. Silk is not always the warmest for winter.


  • the material is reliably protected from insect pests, dust mites do not tolerate silk and do not settle in it;
  • silk filler does not cause allergies;
  • the service life of the material reaches about 10 years;
  • the blanket is pleasant to the touch and has positive energy, so it’s easy and pleasant to relax under it.

Unfortunately, there are some downsides:

  • a silk blanket is heavy, so it is not suitable for everyone;
  • the material is difficult to care for and cannot be chemically treated or washed;
  • the blanket requires very delicate care: during storage it is not recommended to roll it tightly, it should always be straightened;
  • products High Quality They are quite expensive, while in budget models the level of quality is very low.
  • frequent regular ventilation;
  • if the blanket is dirty, it should be taken only to a delicate dry cleaner, but even there they may refuse to work with such material;
  • To prevent dust from accumulating inside, it is advisable to keep the product in a duvet cover, and during storage - in the packaging.


The down blanket is soft and light.

This type of filler compares favorably with the parameters of heat retention, practicality and ease of care compared to the above options. The main material for stuffing products is natural goose or duck down. Goose blankets are soft, while duck blankets are more massive and heavy. The most expensive models are made from loon fluff, which also has medicinal properties.

The high cost of the material is due to the fact that fluff can be collected only during the period when the bird’s nesting period ends. You can collect about 30 grams of fluff from one bird, so the cost of one blanket is about 10-20 thousand dollars. Simpler and more affordable options are also discussed here.


  • elasticity - excellent and does not wrinkle;
  • lightness - the product does not create unpleasant pressure during sleep;
  • softness – allows you to hide comfortably, does not form hard corners;
  • long service life;
  • aeration - ensures good air circulation;
  • perfectly retains heat in winter period;
  • a universal option for summer and winter; during warm periods it is not hot under it.


  • It is not recommended to use in rooms with high humidity, the fluff here quickly becomes damp;
  • Natural down is a good habitat for dust mites, which cause allergies.

Even shortcomings can be dealt with through proper care:

  • to prevent the appearance of ticks, the material should be subjected to natural temperature treatment: exposed to the sun in summer, and exposed to frost in winter;
  • It is advisable to shake the product daily, this helps to ventilate it and loosen the filler;
  • when it is not in use, it is advisable to keep it straightened;
  • the place for storage and use must have a relative humidity level of no more than 65%;
  • You can machine wash it on delicate cycles, but for greater safety it is better to use dry cleaning services.

Synthetic blanket

Synthetics are a very warm filler for winter, characterized by a high level of practicality. Synthetic blankets will become indispensable for summer residents who will use them in unheated room with a high level of dampness. After all, down and wool fillings quickly become damp, unlike synthetics. One of the best in terms of price and quality ratio artificial fillers is, or as it is also called “swan's down”.

It has earned its popularity due to the following advantages:

  • tolerates any level of humidity without problems;
  • easy to care for, does not fall off and does not form lumps during washing;
  • does not cause allergies in people, unlike natural fillers;
  • during storage it can be packed as tightly as possible and even when long-term storage this way it will not lose its original shape.

Despite the impressive range of advantages, synthetics also have a number of disadvantages:

  • the level of warming is inferior to natural duvets, you have to select options with greater thickness (modern manufacturers produce two-layer models with synthetic filling that can be connected to each other);
  • the filler does not provide a good level of air exchange, so over time a greenhouse effect is created;
  • synthetics do not absorb moisture;
  • It is not recommended for use by people who suffer from hypertension, shortness of breath and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

However, the rules for caring for such a blanket are as simple and convenient as possible:

  • the material can easily be washed in an automatic machine without losing positive characteristics and does not lose its decent appearance;
  • It is enough to wash the blanket once every three months;
  • The service life of the material is about five years with active use.

Camel wool blanket

Wool blankets are well suited for the cold season.

This is one of the best options for the winter period; there are many more advantages than disadvantages. For those people who want to sleep in warmth and comfort in winter, it is worth paying special attention to them.

Camel wool is one of the most valuable insulation materials of animal origin. There are two main varieties: quilted and plaid.

Wool blankets are lightweight and well suited for winter. To prevent wool from itching, it is recommended to use duvet covers. Even thin products provide great warmth in cold weather.

The quality of a quilt depends on the density of the filling. According to this parameter, there are several types of bedding:

  • lungs;
  • lightweight;
  • all-season;
  • warm.

Warm ones are suitable for the harshest winters, while all-season ones can become universal option for any time of year. You can determine the density using the information on the product label.

  • If the filling density is 420 g/m2, then the blanket will be very warm and will be suitable for those times when the heating has not yet been turned on in the house, and for people who are cold in any weather.
  • 300-350 g/m2 have all-season models, they are suitable for use at any time except summer.
  • Lightweight blankets have a density of 220-280 g/m2. They are best used in summer, early fall and late spring.
  • 200 g/m2 are used mainly for the summer period.

Many modern models are not made from pure camel hair. The exact composition must be indicated by the manufacturer on the label. Popular models are 80% camel and 20% sheep wool.

This variety has gained great popularity and positive reviews due to its advantages, among which the following are worth noting:

  • the ability to self-clean - all the sweat that the material absorbs overnight quickly evaporates;
  • excellent heat retention parameters, which allows you to provide comfortable conditions for sleeping in winter;
  • has a long service life, which can be about 15 years with proper care;
  • removes nervous tension and has a healing effect, relaxes the body and removes muscle tension;
  • due to the fact that wool contains lanolin, the blanket has a healing effect;
  • used for prevention in rheumatic and orthopedic diseases, as well as osteochondrosis;
  • Lanolin has a cosmetic effect on the skin, rejuvenating it with constant contact by improving blood circulation.

But there are also disadvantages, although not as significant as the advantages:

  • camel blankets are strictly contraindicated for people with allergies to wool;
  • Dust mites may appear in the product, and the material may also be attacked by moths;
  • as a rule, products from natural wool are expensive.

To support such a valuable purchase in good condition In order for it to last as long as possible, you must follow these recommendations:

  • The blanket can be washed without any problems in a regular automatic machine. washing machine(delicate and gentle modes are suitable);
  • soft powders or liquid gels should be used as a cleaning agent;
  • some product options can only be processed by dry cleaning; you should carefully study the label;
  • in the summer it is worth taking the products out of the house or leaving them on open balcony for ventilation;
  • Washing should be done once every six months.

The best camel hair comes from Mongolia. Often, under the guise of this material, you can buy a fake or an item with a high content of sheep wool. The best way check the naturalness of the material - set fire to a few hairs of the filler. Camel hair burns slowly, rolls into a black ball and smells like burnt hair or feathers. If you run your palm over the product, it does not leave a dry feeling like sheep's wool.

Bamboo blanket

Bamboo fiber can be classified as a new product - it has only recently begun to be used as a filler. A blanket with bamboo fibers is considered one of the best options for the winter - on par with camel hair. The material has earned its popularity due to the following advantages:

  • excellent thermoregulation qualities, which is the main parameter for warm winter blankets;
  • does not cause allergies, making it suitable for almost all people;
  • good hygroscopicity - the material absorbs and evaporates moisture without problems;
  • does not accumulate static electricity;
  • the composition contains honey pectin, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, giving it elasticity, smoothness and other positive qualities;
  • has dust-repellent properties;
  • regulates temperature well at different times of the year, so it is suitable for both summer and winter;
  • The material is durable in use.

Bamboo fiber has virtually no disadvantages. However, it is not always possible to buy a 100% natural blanket. The fact is that some manufacturers classify their products as bamboo even when natural vegetable fiber it contains only 10%. Thus, when choosing, you should be very careful to choose a worthy model.


Naturally, all the advantages and disadvantages in theory cannot give a complete picture of the picture that will be in practice. Each person has his own requirements for a winter blanket and, based on this, the main priorities are chosen. Also, the selection criteria depend on how cold a person is and on other purely personal factors.

In the modern market, if we put aside the issue of purchasing budget and consider not only cheap options, the undisputed leaders are blankets made of camel wool, bamboo fiber, and synthetic fillers. Quilts, although they are used mainly by those who already have them, it is better to change them to modern ones - such fillers turn out to be more practical.

It is also important to choose a blanket based on appearance. For example, regular quilts do not hold the filling inside very securely. The best method of fastening is a cassette, a stitch in the form of diamonds or rectangles, which reliably protects the material from migration.

Judging by user reviews, not all advantages in practice are as promising as in theory. For example, it is not always possible to wash a blanket in your own automatic machine. If it gets wet, it will simply rip off the drum due to large mass. Also, not all models provide coolness in summer, so the question of versatility remains open. But if you need a very warm blanket for harsh winters, then you should pay more attention to the thermal capacity of the filler, as the only true indicator.

On the modern home textile market, you can buy a blanket for every taste and budget: from simple synthetic to luxury cashmere.

Types of blankets

Classification by type of filling for a blanket:

  • Downy ones. Filling: waterfowl down: goose, duck or loon.
  • Woolen. Filling: cashmere, sheep and camel wool.
  • Cotton. Cotton products are made from natural plant materials.
  • Bamboo. Such models are made from bamboo fiber.
  • Silk. Made from silkworm threads.
  • Synthetic. Artificial materials are used as fillers for such products: synthetic winterizer, swan down substitute, silicone and holofiber.
  • Exotic fillers (vegetable). Seaweed, eucalyptus and others are used to produce exotic fillers.

Classification of blankets by size:

  • One and a half– 145 by 205 cm. In great demand for Russian market They also use blankets measuring 150 by 220.
  • Double– 175 by 205 cm.
  • Euro– 200 by 220 cm.

Classification by degree of heat:

On product packaging, the warming properties of blankets are displayed as dots. The number of points depends on the degree of warmth of the item, the maximum is 5.

  • Very warm – 5 points.
  • Warm – 4 points.
  • Normal (all-season) – 3 points.
  • Lung – 2 points.
  • Summer lung – 1 point.

When choosing a product, keep in mind that the degree of warmth is compared among similar fillers.

  • Cassette blanket. Products are sewn from solid fabric and then quilted with sectors (cassettes), which are small separate fabric bags.

The filler is held tightly in the cassettes, does not form into lumps, and its shape is not lost. The blanket is washable.

  • Karostep. Stitching in the form of a pattern or design, with the help of which the filler is held inside the product.

Behind the elegant appearance of the blanket lies significant drawback: over time, the filler will show through the holes stitched with a needle, and the appearance of the bedding accessory will deteriorate.

  • Quilts. The least practical sewing method. The stitching is done in stripes, and there is a significant distance between the lines. Disadvantages: the filling clumps into clumps after short-term use and the weight of the blanket is noticeable.

Properties of blankets

  • The filler is made from natural raw materials: eiderdown, goose and duck down. The first one is considered the most valuable.
  • Light weight.
  • Ideal for winter.
  • They absorb moisture well.
  • Keeps you warm.
  • Can cause allergies.
  • The service life is from 15 to 20 years.

  • The filling is made from natural wool.
  • They are produced in two types: woven wool blankets and blankets with wool filling.
  • An accessory made of sheep and camel wool is heavier in weight than models made of cashmere wool.
  • A product with filling is recommended for use in the winter, and a blanket is suitable for all seasons.
  • High ability to absorb moisture.
  • Conduct air.
  • Massage effect that has a beneficial effect on joints.
  • Can cause an allergic reaction.
  • The service life reaches 10-15 years.

  • The filling is made from natural cotton fiber.
  • A light weight.
  • Used in summer.
  • Absorbs moisture.
  • Conduct air.
  • Hypoallergenic.

  • Natural bamboo fiber is used as filler.
  • Light in weight.
  • Suitable for summer.
  • Absorbs moisture.
  • Keeps you warm.
  • Conduct air.
  • Antibacterial effect.
  • Repels dust.
  • Neutralizes static electricity.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Long service life.

  • Artificial material is used as filler.
  • A light weight.
  • Recommended for use in winter.
  • Low hygroscopicity.
  • They do not accumulate static electricity.
  • Keep warm.
  • The filler does not harbor dust mites.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Can be machine washed.
  • Service life: up to 10 years.

Pros of blankets


  • Retains warmth regardless of the time of year.
  • High hygroscopicity.
  • Air circulation.
  • Light and airy, pleasant and comfortable for the body.
  • At correct operation and care, the item can last up to 20 years.


  • Natural wool is an environmentally friendly product, which has a positive effect on human health.
  • Promotes air circulation, gives the body the opportunity to breathe, and prevents the formation of the greenhouse effect.
  • Products made from natural materials are wear-resistant and durable.
  • The body temperature is kept relatively constant under a woolen product, which allows it to be used at any time of the year.
  • Healing effect: blood circulation and metabolism improves.


  • Pleasant to the touch: light and delicate.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Promotes air circulation and moisture absorption.
  • Wear resistance and easy care (can be washed in a washing machine).
  • Dust does not accumulate in the fibers.
  • They are not electrified.
  • Cotton fibers do not clump or pill.
  • Affordable price.


  • Light weight.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Hygroscopic.
  • Good air circulation.
  • Does not irritate the skin and respiratory tract.
  • Unpleasant odors are not absorbed.
  • Affordable price.


  • Suitable for any season (temperature adjustable).
  • Absorb and quickly evaporate moisture, providing a comfortable microclimate.
  • They prevent the proliferation of dust mites and microorganisms due to the content of sericin (a protein produced by silkworm caterpillars).
  • They are not electrified.
  • Air circulation.
  • Wear-resistant and durable.


  • Hypoallergenic.
  • They do not absorb foreign odors.
  • Keeps you warm.
  • The original shape and volume are easily restored.
  • Microorganisms and fungi do not appear in the filler.

Cons of blankets


  • Wadded cotton blankets are very heavy.
  • During use, cotton wool clumps into clumps.


  • The difficulty lies in purchasing a product that meets the requirements of acceptable quality. Under the guise of bamboo fiber filling, you can often find synthetics or a mixture of feathers and plant fibers in a bamboo pillowcase.


  • Delicate care is required: they should not be washed or dry cleaned.
  • Silk fabric requires special treatment during use. Do not roll the product tightly, place heavy things on it and keep it in a cool place, otherwise the fabric will lose its softness.
  • The price is very high.


  • Lack of heat retention ability.
  • Weak hygroscopic properties: moisture is poorly absorbed and does not evaporate.

How to choose a blanket

To choose a high quality blanket, pay attention to the relevant parameters. Specific criteria are presented for each product.

  • Smell. The presence of an unpleasant odor may indicate that the fluff has not been washed properly, or that it contains foreign impurities. During operation, this smell intensifies, and it is impossible to eliminate it.
  • Ease. High quality down products are distinguished by their lightness.
  • Form. Duvets can quickly regain their shape. When choosing a product, squeeze the bedding and pay attention to how quickly it returns to its original state.

If the product does not return to normal within 20 seconds, then you have a low-quality product.

  • Softness. The product should not prick. When purchasing, be sure to feel the blanket. In a product filled with down and feathers, large and sharp feathers should not be felt.
  • The cover should be dense so that fluff and feathers do not escape from it.

  • Wool quality. Having combed hair, as cut hair can cause irritation and itching.
  • Filler. The density of the filler determines how warm the item will retain. The denser the wool is laid, the better.
  • . The cover should have neatly stitched stitches without protruding threads or pieces of wool. It is recommended to choose a wool model with a cover made of natural fabrics.

  • Appearance. The seams are neatly stitched, there are no threads or fibers sticking out. There is always sewn-in bias tape along the edges, which indicates the strength of the shape.
  • Tag. The product must be attached with a tag with information about the filler and the composition of the cover.
  • The blanket cover is made of natural linen or other fabrics of natural origin.
  • Firmware. The fabric should be densely stitched. The filling is not crumpled and each cassette is fluffy.

  • The cover must have a zipper sewn into it. The clasp will allow you to examine the product by touch and make sure of its quality and naturalness.
  • Fibers. Natural silk is characterized by straight and long fibers, unlike artificial curly ones. If you set fire to silk fiber, it will smell like burnt wool.
  • Quilting. A silk blanket is under no circumstances quilted. Layers of silk are placed on top of each other.
  • Form. When crushed and shaken, the item quickly restores its original shape.
  • Color. Natural silk blanket white with a yellowish tint, with small black inclusions. Silk threads - natural natural shine.
  • Read the information on the label carefully. If the product can be washed at home, then it meets quality standards.
  • A cotton blanket is light and airy if it is not padded.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the cover, which should be thick enough. The seams are strong and neat, the stitching is without protruding fibers.

  • . When choosing a cover, it is recommended to pay attention to the density of the fabric and its composition; it is desirable that it be made from natural fibers.
  • Smell. A synthetic product that is safe for health should not have any odors.
  • Tailoring quality. Pay attention to the neatness of the tailoring. Sticking threads and escaping filler are not allowed.
  • Package. The package with a synthetic product must include a package and information about the product on the label, which coincides with the description of the product on the label.

To choose the perfect blanket, you need to take into account the main criteria when purchasing it: size, weight, sewing method, material, ability to cause allergic reactions, season of use.

Here you need to take into account the person’s sleep pattern and size:

  • if a sleeping person often turns over during sleep, then for him suitable option will become Euro size;
  • for a married couple, a Euro-size or double blanket is suitable;
  • For a person who sleeps peacefully, a one-and-a-half-length blanket is enough.

Blanket weight

Heavy fillers: cotton wool, sheep and camel wool.

Light fillings: goose and eider down, synthetic fibers.

Cassette is the best option. The product is stitched in such a way that the filler does not bunch up into clumps during use and does not come out through the seams

Blanket cover

The blanket cover must be well ventilated, be dense enough to hold the filling in the blanket, and also be soft, environmentally friendly and wear-resistant.

Materials that are considered most suitable for making a cover: linen, calico, teak and satin.

The label must contain the following information:

  • name of the manufacturer of the product;
  • symbols for care and cleaning of the product;
  • composition of the fabric of the cover and filler.

For people prone to allergic reactions to wool (sheep or camel) and down, products made from synthetic modern materials, cashmere, bamboo and silk, are suitable.

Winter blankets

The winter blanket should be thick enough to retain heat well. Down is an ideal winter option. It is characterized by lightness, softness, excellent warming properties, air circulation and hygroscopicity.

A wool blanket, like a down one, is perfect for the cold season. A woven wool blanket is a winter option, while a product with synthetic filling is suitable for any season.

Summer blankets

Cotton, bamboo and silk blankets have these properties.

Silk is considered the best option, as it has a smooth, cool surface.


  • You only need to wash the item on a delicate cycle; it is best to do this at the end of summer. In autumn and winter, down absorbs much less sweat.
  • To prevent fluff from matting, it is recommended to place several tennis balls in the drum along with the product.
  • It is advisable to disable automatic spin.
  • The item should be dried away from direct sunlight and in a horizontal position. When drying the blanket, do not forget to shake it.
  • Having the item dry-cleaned is the best option.
  • To avoid the formation of lumps, whisk and shake the product regularly.
  • To prevent the occurrence of fungi and bacteria, regularly treat the product with steam.

  • It is recommended to shake out and air the item at least once a week.
  • Do not wash in hot water.
  • Do not use bleach or chlorine-containing detergents for cleaning (this will disrupt the structure of the coat and wash out the color).
  • During washing, do not rub the product vigorously.
  • Rinsing is carried out with water at the same temperature in which the item was washed.
  • Add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar or the juice of a few slices of lemon to the rinse water, this will brighten the blanket.
  • Dry the product only when it is spread out, placing a sheet under it and avoiding direct sunlight.
  • Store the item rolled up in a loose case, ensuring oxygen access.
  • When storing a blanket, it is worth adding a moth repellent to it.

  • Ventilate the item and avoid prolonged exposure to moisture.
  • It is not recommended to keep the product rolled up to avoid deformation of the filler.
  • Wash bamboo products in the washing machine on a delicate cycle.
  • Observe the temperature regime! Washing is allowed at a water temperature not exceeding 30 °C.
  • A small amount of washing powder should be used. Bamboo fibers promote foam formation.
  • Press at low rpm.
  • The product should be dried on a horizontal surface. It is recommended to place clean sheets underneath to quickly absorb moisture and speed up drying.
  • Hang the dried item and leave it to dry, but at the same time beat the product with your hands.
  • It is recommended to wash this item at least once a year.
  • Silk blankets should not be machine washed.
  • If the item becomes heavy and not as warm, dry it.
  • You need to dry the product in a duvet cover under the sun's rays. The silk heats up and the accumulated moisture evaporates. The item will again acquire lightness and elasticity.
  • Silk products should be stored in a ventilated and dry place.
  • Whip the product periodically, this will give it its initial airiness.
  • It is better to use a duvet cover made of silk fabric, as it will prevent human skin secretions from getting on the product.
  • It is better to iron silk products with steam.
  • It is recommended to regularly (preferably daily) ventilate a product made of synthetic fabric.
  • Shake the item periodically so that the filler is evenly distributed over the surface.
  • It is recommended to wash on a delicate cycle.
  • The amount of powder used is one third of the usual amount.
  • Wash the product at least once a year to prevent the appearance of dust mites.
  • After washing, the item tends to clump into clumps. In this case, while the filler is wet, break up the lumps and straighten the product.
  • It is recommended to dry the item in a tumble dryer or hang it on a clothesline.

Blanket Manufacturers

Manufacturer of brand sleep textiles CLEO The company is LLC TD CLEO. The products of this company meet international quality standards and have all the necessary certificates and SEZ (sanitary and epidemiological certificate).

The product range is updated monthly with new items.

Bed linen series ComfortLine made from high-quality and natural imported fabrics with a 100% cotton base. Prices for mid-range products.

The brand produces European-level home textiles. The company's products are environmentally friendly and have original product design.

Silk blanket manufacturer LLC "Southern Way" is the official representative of the Chinese factory in Russian Federation. The company has all quality certificates.

Company products Verossa produced at affordable prices. Environmentally friendly materials are used in production.

There is a range of blankets made from bamboo fiber, seaweed, camel hair, artificial swan down and fabrics treated with the biological component AloeVera.

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 6 minutes


In this article we will talk about the rules for choosing a good blanket. Guided by the instructions, everyone will find out which blanket is better to choose - from natural or synthetic filler.

An adult spends about a third of his life sleeping. High-quality and comfortable sleep is impossible without a blanket and pillow.

Bedding must correspond to the size of the bed, temperature conditions, and physiological characteristics of the person.

  1. The main function of the blanket is to maintain a constant body temperature. The filler is responsible for maintaining the temperature - wool, synthetics, cotton, down, silk. When choosing, consider the composition, size, and ability to retain heat.
  2. Choose the right size. Manufacturers offer different sizes and even make to order.
  3. A high-quality blanket has good warming properties. This indicator is written on the packaging.

If you feel cold even on a summer night, buy a camel or cashmere blanket. To keep warm in winter, pay attention to a product made from down. If it is hot even in severe frosts, purchase a synthetic or silk option.

Video tips

Rules for choosing a down blanket

Some duvets are much more expensive than others. How to choose so as not to overpay? To do this, you need to take a closer look at the options offered.

Cheap materials are used in the production of low quality duvets. Be sure to pay attention to the quality of the fabric.

The cassette type blanket is considered the most durable. It takes more time to produce such a product. True, the result is worth it, because it differs in some features:

  • the internal seam prevents fluff from escaping;
  • thanks to the cassette type of cut, the fluff does not mix inside;
  • due to the internal membranes it is more airy.

The filler should consist of high-quality fluff, without an unpleasant odor. In most cases, goose down is used, the quality of which is elasticity. When choosing, consider the temperature in the apartment. If the bedroom is cool, buy a warmer product.

A duvet will last a long time if you care for it properly. Down is a natural product, so it requires access to air and periodic ventilation.

Storing down in a damp state is strictly prohibited. When drying, do not beat it out.

Choosing a bamboo blanket

Bamboo fiber is a viscose-type material that resembles cotton wool.

  1. Choose the size of a bamboo product larger than the bed by 50 cm. This way the edges will go down along the edges sleeping place.
  2. The filling of a bamboo blanket should be distributed as evenly as possible.
  3. Look at the firmware. If the firmware is thick, the filler will remain fluffy and will not crumple.

In some cases, bamboo blankets are made using the duvet cover principle. With the onset of cold weather, such a product plays the role of a duvet cover, and in warmer times - an independent blanket.

Benefits of bamboo blankets

  1. Suitable for sensitive skin.
  2. They do not cause allergic irritation and prevent the growth of bacteria.
  3. They allow air to pass through and do not absorb unpleasant odors.
  4. Don't need special care. It is enough to take it out occasionally fresh air and do not expose to prolonged exposure to moisture.
  5. Washable in a washing machine. It is not recommended to keep it folded for a long time after washing; the filling and coating may become deformed.
  6. Quite affordable price.

Pros and cons of sheep wool blankets

When a person buys new clothes, he is primarily guided by the season. The choice of blanket is similar. In summer, a silk or bamboo product is considered indispensable; in winter, it is better to use down or wool.


A product filled with sheep wool has many advantages:

  1. Renders healing effect.
  2. Keeps you warm.
  3. It lasts a long time.
  4. Lung.
  5. Absorbs moisture.


  1. If the sheep's wool has not been cut or combed, sleeping under such a product is uncomfortable.
  2. In some cases it causes an allergic reaction.
  3. There may be moths.

Expert opinion

Rules for choosing a warm blanket

A summer blanket with silk, viscose or bamboo filling will not help in winter, unless the apartment is very hot.

Let's talk about blankets that will protect you from the cold in winter and ensure a comfortable sleep.

  1. The pinnacle of leadership belongs to down comforters, despite their low weight and softness. You can use 5-point products placed in a cassette-type case. They are very warm and reliable.
  2. In second place are models made of wool. The most expensive camel wool is distinguished by its elasticity, strength and elasticity.
  3. Hypoallergenic winter blankets for sale. Such products are easy to clean and are not afraid of machine washing. Widely used in Germany and Austria.
  4. Cotton blankets also deserve attention. The material washes well, absorbs moisture, and does not bunch up.

Types of synthetic fillers

When you visit any store that sells bedding, you will come across a wide variety of models of synthetic products, differing in filler. Such fillers do not cause allergies; they do not harbor bedbugs, mites or fungi.

  1. Lyocell. First appeared in Britain. Made from cellulose. Durable, absorbs moisture well, pleasant to the touch. It is not difficult to care for and can be washed in a washing machine.
  2. Polyester fiber . Made from polyester. The fibers are carefully intertwined, resulting in an elastic structure. The finished product quickly restores its shape, evaporates moisture, retains heat and has ventilating properties.
  3. Thinsulate. The characteristics resemble fluff. Features a long service life.
  4. Silicone. It does not accumulate dust or odor, and mites do not live in it. It boasts enviable thermoregulating properties.

Synthetic blankets are soft and lightweight, highly practical and have a long service life. Their cost is much lower than products made from down or wool.

How to choose a blanket for the summer

Many people use winter blankets, sheets or blankets in the summer, but it must be appropriate for the season.

  1. Size . Summer option The size is no different from the winter version. If the size of the existing option suits you, feel free to purchase the same one. Otherwise, buy a product that is 40 cm larger than your height. The dimensions of a standard summer blanket for two people with a height of 180 cm are 205 by 220 cm.
  2. Price. Some believe that the cost of the summer model is lower than the winter one. This is not true, since the price depends on the material and quality. The most expensive blankets are wool, followed by cotton, and the cheapest are synthetic.
  3. Tactile sensations . Make sure that the product is tactilely pleasant.


The choice of materials is huge.

  1. Cotton. Excellent for the warm season. Can be used without a duvet cover.
  2. Wool. Breathes perfectly, retains heat, helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and is hypoallergenic.
  3. Silk. Only natural silk is suitable. A model made from low-quality silk can cause the development of skin diseases.

Blankets for newborns and children from three years old

Choosing the right blanket for a newborn

Parents are sensitive to things related to their newborn baby. They buy quality clothes, safe toys, comfortable crib and a good set of bedding.

Children's doctors recommend not using pillows for baby's sleep. On initial stage life, the baby’s body has no protection from the influence of the outside world. If the child felt comfortable in the mother’s tummy, after birth the parents should provide him with such conditions. What should a baby blanket be like?

  1. Only from natural material. Choose environmentally friendly raw materials without impurities. Synthetic ones should not be used or brought into the room where the child sleeps.
  2. The best option– with cotton covering. The filler needs to be light and high quality. Dyes are stable.
  3. If the product is heavy and dense, the baby will only have to dream about comfort. The product must allow air to pass freely, otherwise the child will begin to sweat, which will cause colds, diaper rash and other troubles.
  4. Consider the color scheme, strength, size and type of cut. These factors do not affect the baby’s health, but will affect the parents’ wallet.
  5. Find the middle ground between quality and price.
  6. When purchasing, be sure to ask the seller about the availability of a license and quality certificate.
  7. One blanket is not enough for a child. You will have to choose and buy several options. One product is suitable for walking, the second for sleeping, and the third for a child crawling on the floor.

There is no room for haste when choosing a blanket for a child. How correct your choice turns out to be depends on the health and well-being of the baby.

Choosing a blanket for a child

Children sleep a lot, so for comfort you need to do right choice bedding. We are talking about pillows, linen and blankets.

When choosing a baby blanket, various indicators are taken into account - the health of the baby, the microclimate of the room, the time of year, and the financial capabilities of the parents.

  1. Blanket made of padding polyester . Warm, light, washable, easy to care for. It does not allow air to pass through well and can accumulate an electrical charge.
  2. Cotton. It has good breathability, retains heat and absorbs moisture. It's not easy to care for. It is difficult to wash, takes a long time to dry, easily absorbs odors, clumps and slides.
  3. Woolen. The basis is natural fiber. Can be used if the child does not have allergies. Good breathability, warmth and moisture absorption. Can't be washed. Have to spend money on dry cleaning.
  4. Down. It is distinguished by its low weight, good heat conservation, good air permeability and moisture absorption. The fluff often contains the remains of mites, which can result in an allergy in the baby.
  5. Silk. Practically perfect option. Meets modern quality standards, does not accumulate electrical charge, absorbs moisture and conducts air. It is warm and does not cause any difficulties with care. The only drawback is the high cost.

If you read the article to the end, you learned how to choose the right blanket and what filling options stores offer. Having decided on your tastes and needs, you can easily choose a wonderful bedding accessory that will warm you in the cold winter and bring you a comfortable sleep in the hot summer.

Wool, down, cotton, and even soybean and eucalyptus - they are used to make blankets. It is very important to understand this issue before purchasing bedding: your comfort during sleep, regulation of body temperature and humidity, and even the likelihood of allergic reactions depend on the filling. Most effective method make the right choice - contact an expert consultant, which is what we did for you.

Lyudmila Ushakova, leading store manager, helps us madam-posteli.ru.

All blanket fillings are divided into natural and synthetic, but today we will only talk about the first category as it is more environmentally friendly.


Waterfowl down is a classic among duvet fillers. This option will do for those who love blankets that are voluminous, soft and light, but at the same time warm. This eco-friendly option, but in rare cases, fluff can cause allergies. To prevent the blanket from bunching up, it is important to pay attention to the sewing technology: cassette duvets have separate compartments for down, ensuring uniform filling. Quilts hold down fluff less well, so they are only suitable for a small amount of it, for the summer version.

Many people think that duvets should have the lowest price on the market. This is wrong. The price depends on the country of origin, the quality of the raw materials, the quality and type of down-holding fabric, sewing technology, the degree of warmth - as a result, a good blanket will be expensive. If you want to save money, you can choose a blanket made in Russia or of Eastern Europe and with gray (not white) goose down: all other things being equal, such a blanket is always cheaper.
Some duvets are washable. True, it is difficult to do this at home: a bulky blanket is too cramped in the washing machine, and it will not rinse well. Therefore, it is better to take it to the dry cleaner.


Wool retains heat well, regulates moisture, and is famous for its ability to relieve stress and normalize blood pressure. This environmentally friendly material, however, difficult to care for, and it is not the most in the best possible way suitable for allergy sufferers. For care, wool blankets are dry cleaned, but some camel and cashmere blankets from Denmark and Germany can be machine washed. Of course, they cost more than average - precisely because of this feature.

Wool blankets are produced both woven and quilted with filling. The most popular materials are sheep and camel wool; blankets made from yak or alpaca wool are less common (there are simply fewer of them in nature). An exclusive item in this category is cashmere blankets. It's nice that a good quality wool blanket will cost less than a duvet of the same quality.

Sheep's wool

Sheep wool blanket is the most inexpensive option wool blanket. When purchasing, pay attention to the fabric of the cover: it should be cotton (satin, percale or teak) without synthetic threads. The filler should not have inclusions such as litter and thorns and no strong odor (maximum - a slight odor of natural wool).

Camel hair and camel down

Camel wool blankets are my absolute favorite. They are light and durable. Camels in the desert can withstand sudden temperature changes - up to 40 degrees, but at the same time the structure of their wool helps preserve constant temperature skin. Therefore, it is impossible to freeze under such a blanket in winter, and in summer it will not be hot under a lightweight camel wool blanket.
Camel hair really has good energy, relaxes, helps with joint pain, and improves overall well-being. If you want to show maximum care for your loved ones or pamper yourself, choose blankets made in Mongolia from camel down (up to 80-85% down in the composition) from young camels, they are called “tailak”. We have a series of blankets with the same name.


This is truly exquisite material. Very pleasant to the touch, warm and light, it does not prick, does not roll or fall off. But its main advantage is hypoallergenicity. It makes sense to buy such blankets woven for tactile pleasure. Blankets from some European manufacturers can even be washed at home.

Plant fiber

Cotton, linen, silk, bamboo, eucalyptus and soy are fillers for summer and mid-season blankets. They are not as warm as down and wool, but in summer they can even bring the desired coolness thanks to excellent thermoregulation and masterfully maintain moisture balance. These are the most environmentally friendly materials.


Eucalyptus filler is a viscose type fiber obtained from eucalyptus wood. The common name for this fiber is Lyocell, but best brand- Tencel. It is pleasant to the touch, silky, perfectly absorbs moisture (much better than cotton), does not cause allergies, and has antibacterial properties. Dust mites and fungus do not multiply in it. Eucalyptus blankets can be not only summer, but also all-season, but the more filling and the warmer the blanket, the heavier it is. Interestingly, eucalyptus fiber is obtained chemically, but it is not synthetic.

Bamboo and soy

The story with bamboo is the same as with eucalyptus - it is a viscose fiber, natural and artificial at the same time, but not synthetic. Bamboo fiber has excellent air exchange and even has a cooling effect in summer. If you don't freeze in winter, a bamboo blanket can be all-season, but if you want something warmer and lighter in weight, would be better suited soybeans Blankets made from bamboo and soy are easy to machine wash and dry quickly. Big advantages are hypoallergenicity and affordable price.


Silk is a hypoallergenic and antibacterial filler, intended for both summer nights and not too cold winters (it all depends on the amount of filler). Natural silk has pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic properties, protects against colds and cardiovascular diseases. According to some customers, it also relieves rheumatism and arthritis.
Silk filler is quite heavy and does not have much volume - and this feature has its fans. The disadvantage of the material is that most blankets with silk filling, especially those made in China, cannot be washed or dry cleaned.

Cotton and linen

Cotton and linen are ideal for a summer blanket. They “breathe”, remove moisture due to their high hygroscopicity, creating a suitable microclimate during sleep and providing freshness on the hottest nights. On top of everything else, they are inexpensive.

Always look not only at the filling, but also at the type of fabric of the cover: unnatural or poor quality of the cover can greatly reduce the properties of the entire blanket. It is convenient to check the quality of the filler if the blanket has a special transparent window, although this option is most often found in silk blankets (and rarely in other types).
The price of a blanket with any filling depends on the size, warmth and manufacturer. You can always choose the best option according to your needs and budget. Don't be put off by the price of most natural blankets: this is an investment in your health and a purchase that will last. long years. It's worth it.
If you want one blanket to serve all year round, you can purchase a blanket with “4 seasons” buttons - these are two blankets of different densities fastened together. One is suitable for the summer, the second for the off-season, and two together - for cold winter. But such a blanket has a serious disadvantage: the buttons are short-lived. Therefore, I advise you to still buy 2 blankets - light and warm (or all-season).

Photos: ecotekstil.ru, mota.ru, madam-posteli.ru, lejeboka.ru