Kalanchoe kalandiva mix transplant after purchase. Kalandiva: description and flower care

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is an ornamental indoor plant. It is not at all demanding to care for, so it can be grown even in small quantities. experienced flower growers. The plant forms a compact bush with thick stems and dense, fleshy leaves of a dark green color. The bush begins to bloom in mid-winter and blooms for a long time, abundantly for 6 months, after which a dormant period begins.

This plant is perfect option for growing indoors. The flower is not picky about air temperature. It can grow well at any temperature from +14 to +30 degrees, tolerates dry air well, so you don’t even need to spray it. But high humidity in combination with heat can lead to disease and death of the plant. In winter and autumn, the temperature can be lowered to +13ºС.

The only thing mandatory requirement– plenty of light during the period of bud formation. If you do not pay attention to this, flowering will be poor.

Also, the plant does not like drafts. Sudden gusts of cold wind can cause gray mold to appear.

Caring for a plant at home

If you follow simple agrotechnical rules for caring for Kalanchoe, it will delight the owner for many years with abundant flowering and lush green foliage.

Requirements for soil and pot

Kalanchoe Kalandiva mini needs to be grown in small flower pots. The container should not be very large, because then the plant tends to fill the entire soil in the pot with its roots and blooms poorly.

It is better to immediately purchase a special soil mixture for succulents, since transport store pots are mostly filled with peat and coconut fiber. Can be done soil mixture independently from coarse sand, garden soil, humus and brick chips.

Watering, fertilizing and fertilizing

Kalanchoe should be watered only with filtered and settled water, making sure that moisture does not get on the leaves, as they can rot. After watering, it is advisable to pour out excess water from the pan and wipe it dry. Since this plant is considered a succulent, it tolerates a lack of moisture much better than its excess.

Features of watering depending on the season:

  • in summer - approximately once every 5 days;
  • in winter - no more than once every 10-12 days.

The bush needs to be fertilized only during the period of flower bud formation, approximately 1 – 2 times a month. In the fall, it is best to use special fertilizers for succulents and cacti, and immediately before flowering - compositions for flowering plants. In no case should you overfeed the plant - it will increase green mass, but will not bloom.

Location, lighting and humidity

The plant feels best in a well-lit room, but can also grow in light partial shade. The flower grows poorly in strong shade and brightly lit places. scorching Sun rays may cause burns. Therefore, if the flower is on a sunny windowsill, it needs to be shaded at noon.

Flowering and pruning Kalanchoe

You can often hear complaints that a plant that blooms wildly at first does not want to bloom anymore. This happens because the owners do not know what conditions are needed for this beautiful phenomenon to happen again. After the plant has flowered, it must artificially create a short daylight hours - no more than 10 hours, taking into account electric lighting. Therefore, after 9 pm the plant should be covered with a box or bucket or placed in a closet. As soon as the first flower stalks appear, such “manipulations” must be stopped.

But in some cases, the reason for the lack of flowering may be excessive feeding.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix, whose flowers have different colors, looks very impressive. To make the plant look attractive, gardeners recommend promptly removing wilted inflorescences.

After flowering is completed, all flower stalks must be cut off and the shoots pinched. An old plant can be easily rejuvenated by cutting it to a stump. The new bush will grow compact, strong and healthy.

Transplantation at home

Kalanchoe is not a plant that requires frequent replanting, as it grows rather slowly. It can be transplanted through a short time after purchase and only in cases of illness or pest infestation.

After purchase, replanting should not be carried out immediately, since the plant must adapt at least a little to the new conditions. Also, you should not replant the bush during flowering, as all the buds may fall off due to stress. That's why best time for replanting - when flowering has ended and all flower stalks have been cut off.

Kalanchoe is a fragile flower, so it must be handled carefully, trying not to damage the stems.

When replanting, you need to carefully examine the roots and stems for the presence of rot and mold. Diseased areas must be removed and the sections treated with crushed charcoal.

  • The new pot should be a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one.
  • If the pot is very large, it is better to plant several plants in it at once so that the soil does not become empty.
  • Before transplanting, the plant must be well watered so that it can be easily removed from the old pot along with the earthen lump.
  • It is necessary to make drainage in the new pot, then plant the plant, cover it with substrate and mulch with pebbles or wood chips.

Peculiarities of reproduction of Kalanchoe Kalandiva

You can propagate a flower in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.
  • kids.

Reproduction by miniature babies that appear at the tips of the leaves is considered the easiest. But not all varieties of Kalanchoe have them, so gardeners most often propagate the plant by cuttings.

It's pretty simple and quick way. To do this, around the beginning of summer, you need to break off a leaf from the plant or cut off a young cutting, plant it in a damp substrate (sand, peat) and cover it with a jar or glass. It will soon take root.

Propagation by seeds is considered the most labor-intensive, so it is rarely used. In March, the seeds are sown in prepared boxes, without covering them with soil, but only lightly pressing them with a finger. The top of the boxes should be covered with glass or film and shaded with paper from the sun's rays. Before germination, the glass or film must be periodically lifted for ventilation. After germination, the glass is completely removed. When small bushes are formed, they can be replanted.

Improper care can often lead to various diseases:

  1. Excessive watering is a direct path to rot.
  2. Too little watering has a bad effect on the condition of the leaves. They become covered with brown spots and begin to fall off.
  3. Lack of lighting leads to falling or yellowing of leaves.
  4. Improper watering and too low temperatures create optimal conditions for fungal infection.

Sometimes spots on leaves can indicate a bacterial or viral infection. In such cases it is necessary to short time create the most for the plant comfortable conditions. In case of disease, the flower must be cut off and replanted in new soil.

Pests, with the exception of aphids, rarely attack Kalanchoe. If aphids appear on a flower, it needs to be sprayed with an insecticide.

Kalanchoe is an unpretentious plant. However, he also needs to create optimal conditions: moderate watering and compliance with the light regime. Then he will thank his owners with lush and long-lasting flowering.

Kalanchoe kalandiva is a small abundantly flowering bush that attracts attention with its bright and at the same time delicate head of flowers, collected in neat “umbrellas”. Despite the fact that the birthplace of this plant is the distant island of Madagascar, Kalanchoe calandiva grows well at home with fairly simple care.

How to care for Kalanchoe kalandiva?

Kalanchoe is a fairly unpretentious plant, so it will not require much attention from you. But some secrets successful cultivation given indoor plant still there is.

Thanks, probably, to its “African roots”, Kalanchoe is a fairly light-loving plant, so a well-lit windowsill would be an excellent place to keep it. However, it is still better to avoid southern windows, where direct sunlight is very aggressive. Optimal temperature Calandiva content is considered to be 20°C, but the flower also easily tolerates fluctuations from 12°C to 30°C.

As for irrigation, the water in Kalanchoe pot It’s better not to top up the calandiva than to overfill it. This plant, like everything else, needs to be moistened in small portions as the topsoil dries out. An interesting thing is that the flower stores all the moisture in its fleshy leaves, so to determine whether it is time or not to water the plant, it is enough to touch them: when Kalanchoe does not have enough moisture, its leaves become soft. In addition, oddly enough, Kalanchoe kalandiva does not need spraying, but tolerates dry air much better. Also, Kalanchoe is rather indifferent to the composition of the soil, but usually a mixture intended for succulents and plants is chosen for planting it.

Replanting Kalanchoe calandiva

Kalanchoe needs to be replanted no more than once a year and exclusively in the spring. You can replant the plant into a new pot only when the flower has already faded, having thoroughly washed its roots from the old soil.

Also, Kalanchoe kalandiva requires replanting immediately after purchase. The thing is that store-bought soil, which mostly consists of peat, is not entirely suitable this plant. According to experienced flower growers, for Kalanchoe transplants during abundant flowering You should use the transshipment method in order to injure the flower less.

Kalanchoe calandiva - reproduction

This one multiplies indoor flower quite simply - cuttings or leaves. To do this, simply place the cut leaf or cutting in water, and after the roots appear, plant it in a pot with suitable soil. In about 6-12 months young plant will be able to please with abundant flowering.

How to prune Kalanchoe calandiva?

After the Kalanchoe has completely faded, it is necessary to remove the completely yellowing peduncle down to the green leaves. During the period of active growth, the plant produces many side shoots and also begins to stretch upward. To prevent this and give Kalanchoe a compact and beautiful shape, the flower must be pruned and cuttings annually. The young shoots can then be rooted and new healthy plants can be obtained.

What to do if Kalanchoe calandiva does not bloom?

After the first flowering, Kalanchoe needs rest. In this case, the plant needs to be provided with relatively little watering, as well as sufficient quantity sunlight. In addition, do not forget to pinch Kalanchoe - this is a prerequisite for its future flowering. You can do this in November and you will notice new buds already in winter.

Diseases of Kalanchoe calandiva

Most often, the plant can become sick as a result improper care. Thus, when the soil is over-moistened, Kalanchoe can become rotten, and, on the contrary, a lack of moisture can lead to the appearance of brown spots on the leaves or to their complete falling off. Besides, brown spots Calandiva may appear on the leaves of Kalanchoe due to bacterial or viral infection of the flower.

Most popular look Kalanchoe, kalanchoe flower Kalandiva is often found in apartments. This unpretentious plant adapts well to room conditions, low maintenance, pleases the owner for a long time with abundant flowering.

If a favorable microclimate is created, the crop will bloom for 5-6 months.


The culture in question is a succulent. The plant was obtained through selective breeding, V wildlife does not occur. Close relatives of the flower can be found in different parts of our planet.

Kalanchoe is ornamental plant with long flowering, in the form of a compact bush with powerful shoots. Inflorescences of fleshy petals unusual shape. The height of the bush rarely exceeds 30 centimeters.

Kalanchoe develops well in winter with short daylight hours. Depending on the variety, flower petals may have different colors. The most popular shades are salmon, red, pink or yellow. The crop produces its first inflorescences in the middle of winter; flowering lasts 5-6 months.

Advice! Careful care of the plant is necessary when it is dormant. this usually occurs in midsummer.

Popular varieties

In an apartment you can grow the following varieties of Kalanchoe:

  • - this is a small bush. This culture is undemanding in care and produces inflorescences of different colors. The color of the petals of the Mix variety can be white, red, yellow and even orange. This flower reproduces well by cuttings and tolerates drought, as it has significant reserves of moisture in its stems. The plant can be used to treat various diseases (edema, flu and colds).

  • Variety Mini characterized as an undemanding, tenacious plant. The stems of this crop are thick and rounded. The flower bush is small with numerous shoots.

Despite the limited choice, gardeners can choose suitable variety, But it is better to place both varieties of Kalanchoe on the windowsill. At proper care these flowers will delight their owner with beauty for a long time, lush inflorescences as in the photo.

Care after purchase

Kalanchoe is sold in stores in small pots, so The initial task of the florist is to transplant after purchase, preferably in the near future.

To do this, you need to prepare a flowerpot and a nutrient substrate. To replant a plant, moisten the soil, remove the crop from the pot, wash the roots, then place the flower in new soil.

Kalahoe calandiva is unpretentious in care and grows well in any conditions. For normal growth, the flower needs sunlight, but not direct rays. In this regard, it is better to place the pot with the purchased plant on the windowsills, where the sun is not very strong. for a long time(This eastern or western part of the house).

It is not recommended to place the flower in shaded areas or sunny areas or southern windowsills. When the pot is placed in the shade, the leaves of the plant will begin to wither. Under the influence of direct sunlight, burns may appear on the leaves.

Important! Kalanchoe is afraid of drafts. Under the influence of cold air, gray rot may appear on the leaves and shoots of the flower.

Kalanchoe kalandiva: home care

Caring for the crop consists of timely watering and fertilizing. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the shape of the bush, which is achieved through periodic pruning.

Watering and fertilizing

Water the plant in small doses warm water. When overwatered, rotting of the roots and further death of the crop is observed.

The drying out of the earthen clod is considered a signal for subsequent moistening. To water Kalanchoe, rain or settled water at room temperature is used.

Important! Wilting foliage indicates the need for a more intensive soil moisture regime.

Complex fertilizers are used to feed the plant. mineral fertilizers with a small dose of nitrogen. This microelement is necessary during the growth phase.

At the flowering stage, plants are fed fertilizers with high concentrations of potassium and phosphorus. The interval between fertilizing applications is 3-4 weeks.

The specialist talks in detail about fertilizers for Kalanchoe:

Flowering period

The formation of inflorescences in the plant begins in the middle of winter, but not all housewives know how to care for the crop correctly.

It is known that additional inclusion of phytolamps in winter period can extend flowering up to 6 months. Lighting turn on in the morning and evening, as well as during the daytime in cloudy weather.

Important! If the Kalanchoe has not formed inflorescences at the required time, inspect the plant for pests or signs of disease. If signs of infection are evident, begin treatment immediately.

Rest period

During the plant's transition to a dormant state, which usually occurs in the summer, it is necessary to place a pot in a cool place and reduce the amount of watering.

Bright light is contraindicated for culture during this period. Intense lighting will stimulate further development, which will lead to depletion of the flower.

Plant pruning

Kalanchoe calandiva is a fast-growing flower that needs periodic pruning. If appropriate measures are not taken, the bush will increase in size and lose its decorative effect.

After flowering they begin to fall off lower leaves. This behavior of the flower serves as a signal for pruning.

Note! The formation of young plants involves pinching the shoots; old crops with well-developed roots are pruned completely.

Diseases and pests

The plant in question is almost not affected by pests, but can suffer from various diseases.

Let us list the main diseases of culture:

  1. Late blight rot expressed as brown or brown spots on the leaves of the flower. To treat the infection, it is necessary to spray them with fungicides, reduce watering, and also change the nutrient substrate in the pot.
  2. Signs of another disease gray rot can be identified by weeping spots or an ashy coating on the leaves of the crop. The drug Fitosporin or other products purchased in a specialized store will help defeat the infection.
  3. Ring spot expressed on Kalanchoe leaves in the form of rings. The disease has no cure, so infected crops are destroyed to prevent further spread.
  4. Powdery mildew appears on the leaf blades of the crop in the form white plaque. The disease occurs through dry indoor air. In this regard, when the heating is running, the crop must be sprayed with a spray bottle.

To prevent the appearance of diseases, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the crop, carry out preventive spraying, apply fertilizing, and, if necessary, change the soil in the pot.


To propagate a flower you can use leaves and cuttings.

Vegetative parts are cut off from mother bush and dry for 2 hours.

After this, the plants are placed in a moistened nutrient substrate for rooting or in water. So that the crop can quickly form roots, the cuttings are placed in damp sand.

To propagate by seeds, grains are poured onto the surface of pre-sifted, moistened sand and covered with glass or film. With this care the first shoots will appear a week after sowing. Within a week, the plants are planted in separate containers.

Planting and transplanting procedure

Young Kalanchoe plants at the age of up to 3 years, they are replanted annually in early spring. For adult crops, such operations are carried out every 4 years. During the flowering period, as well as during the resting phase, the plant is not touched.

Advice! When replanting a crop, choose a container 2 centimeters wider than the previous one; the diameter of flower pots ranges from 12–16 cm.

Suitable soil

You can make the soil for the flower yourself or buy it in the store. The nutrient substrate must have neutral acidity and normal aeration.

A drainage made of expanded clay or pebbles, the thickness of which is within 2 centimeters, is poured into the bottom of the pot.

There are several options for nutrient soil for Kalanchoe:

  • Part coarse sand and 1 part store-bought soil;
  • Take humus, lowland peat, and also leaf soil. These components are taken in equal quantities and mixed until smooth.

Step-by-step instructions for transplantation

Moving a flower to a new container occurs in stages:

  1. Water the Kalanchoe, wait 10-15 minutes, and pull the plant and soil out of the pot.
  2. We place the crop in a new pot, add fresh soil, and compact the soil a little.
  3. Moderately moisten the soil, transfer the plant to a shaded room, leave for 3-4 days, then return to normal care.
  4. We mulch the earth sawdust, which will prevent moisture evaporation.

As mentioned above, a recently purchased plant must be replanted immediately.

Plants belonging to the genus Kalanchoe are mostly found in nature in the Southern Hemisphere. Kalanchoe Kalandiva, which is a miniature, lushly flowering subspecies of Kalanchoe Blossfeld, is no exception.

Like other varieties, Kalanchoe Kalandiva is grown as an indoor crop and is deservedly considered unpretentious plant, which even a novice gardener can care for.

Description of the features of Kalanchoe Kalandiva

Kalanchoe Kalandiva has fleshy, erect shoots, to which oval or ovoid leaves are attached oppositely on short petioles. Since Kalanchoe is a succulent, the leaves are quite fleshy and have a rich green glossy surface.

In the store, small bushes of this species are sold under the name Kalanchoe Kalandiva mini, surprising with large leaves and lush inflorescences.

Indeed, the striking difference from outwardly similar species is that the flowering of Kalanchoe Kalandiva lasts about six months, and the double flowers, up to a centimeter in diameter, collected in racemose inflorescences can be white, yellow, orange, pink and deep red. Having collected a mix of Kalanchoe Kalandiva on the windowsill various colors, you can admire it throughout winter and spring, the period when light and colors are most needed bright inflorescences, and then the plant needs a short period of rest to grow and gain new strength.

With the right Kalanchoe care at home, it begins to bud in January, and the last flowers fade only by the beginning of summer.

In addition, the plant grows quickly, is unpretentious and easily propagated by several in simple ways. How to care for Kalanchoe Kalandiva so that your indoor flower pleases lush flowering? What conditions for this crop need to be created for the long life and health of the plant at home?

Conditions and care of Kalanchoe at home

Like almost all succulents, Kalanchoe Kalandiva does not cause serious trouble for owners, with the exception of some care features that determine the plant’s entry into flowering time. And here the greatest role for flower culture plays .

In nature, Kalanchoe grows on open areas, where there is no shortage of light, but direct rays cannot harm shoots, foliage and flowers.

Therefore, it is optimal to choose a place for a pot with a plant on a windowsill facing east or west. If this is not possible, you will have to provide good lighting for the Kalanchoe on the northern windows, and shade the bushes on the southern ones. Kalanchoe flowering Kalandiva falls during the darkest period of the year. The plant, unlike many crops, does not require more than 9 hours of daylight, but lighting in cloudy weather is simply necessary. Moreover, both a lack of light and its excess can lead to the plant’s “refusal” to set buds.

Because of such a small mistake, many lovers have the opinion that this is practically a “disposable” flower, and it will not be possible to achieve its re-blooming with any care for Kalanchoe at home.

In fact, you just need to establish the proper lighting regime, provide the bush, suitable temperature and feeding, and Kalanchoe will certainly delight you with lush terry bouquets on the tops of the shoots. Special temperature regime Kalanchoe Kalandiva is not required. In summer, the flower feels great indoors, on the terrace or veranda, where the air is heated to 18 to 28 °C. This unpretentiousness allows you to take pots with Kalanchoe into the garden and even organize seasonal landscaping with their help.

How to care for Kalanchoe so that the plant pleases with flowers? In the fall, when the plants are about to set flower buds, the temperature for Kalanchoe is reduced to 14–16 °C. At this time, it is important to reduce the intensity of watering, since the roots, sensitive to excess moisture, low temperatures may rot:

  • When watering in the fall, a subtle wilting of the leaves can be a sign of the need for watering.
  • At other times of the year, it is better to focus on the condition of the soil under the plant. If the soil has dried out a couple of centimeters, this should be a sign that Kalanchoe Kalandiva needs water.

During the heating season, the plant does not need to be sprayed additionally, but you need to arrange a small shower for the foliage. This will have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, chlorophyll synthesis and the growth of Kalanchoe.

For Kalanchoe Kalandiva, which grows quickly and loses its compact shape, serious pruning of excessively elongating shoots is extremely important.

This measure will not only restore the appearance of the bush, but will also awaken new growth points and stimulate the appearance of more inflorescences.

Sometimes the lack of flowers is caused by excessive care of Kalanchoe at home, namely, excessive feeding of the plant with nitrogen, which causes active growth of greenery. When selecting a fertilizer mixture for this crop, it is better to be guided by the presence of phosphorus and potassium in the mixture. These elements are extremely necessary for Kalanchoe for long-term mass flowering. As a ready-made remedy, you can pay attention to fertilizers for succulents and flowering indoor plants.

Plants are replanted as needed when root system Kalanchoe entwines the entire earthen lump and requires expansion of the “living space”.

During flowering, the roots practically do not grow, and any manipulations with the bush can lead to the loss of flowers and buds. Therefore, it is better to replant Kalanchoe Kalandiva mini or another variety during the dormant period, no more often than after 2–4 years. To the soil for Kalanchoe special requirements No. The main quality of the soil is looseness and significant lightness. Can be taken as ready mixture for succulents or flowering plants, adding a quarter of the volume of washed sand to the last soil.

The easiest way to propagate Kalanchoe Kalandiva is by cuttings obtained by pruning an adult bush:

  • Parts of the plant take root so easily that you can use not only a nutrient substrate, wet sand, but even ordinary water.
  • Within a week, roots will form sufficient to transplant the cutting to permanent place. At the same time, those available on the escape aerial roots take on the role of ordinary people.
  • With proper care at home, Kalanchoe will be ready to bloom in about six months.

If you have patience, you can get young plants from individual Kalanchoe leaves. To do this, the leaf torn off with the petiole is slightly withered and rolled halfway into suitable soil. After some time, tiny rosettes will appear in the notches along the edge of the leaf, which, as they grow and roots appear, can be separated and planted for growing.

New bushes can also be grown from small seeds, sometimes ripened at home, but they may not meet the gardener’s expectations, since the hybrid Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix sold in stores in this case does not retain the parental traits.

How to plant Kalanchoe Kalandiva - video

The hairy or bare succulent plants of the genus Kalanchoe range in size from a few centimeters up to three or four meters in height. Among them there are both epiphytes and lianas. Many of them form buds in the inflorescences and on the leaves, and new plants develop from them.

The genus Kalanchoe has more than two hundred varieties. Its representatives are common in tropical Australian regions and on the islands of Papua New Guinea or Moluccas, several subspecies are found in Madagascar, in the subtropical and tropical regions of Asia, and one in tropical America.

Part of the Crassulaceae family, Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a fleshy, upright plant. perennial plant. This succulent, native to South Africa, blooms profusely in winter. Beautifully flowering and unpretentious, the Kalanchoe Kalandiva variety adapts well at home and blooms profusely even in winter.

Description of the species

This succulent grows in tropical rainforest on humus soil. It has ovate leaves, up to seven centimeters in length and up to four in width, green, glabrous, with reddish edges. The flowers are numerous, they are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences and have up to one centimeter in diameter. They are mostly red or yellow in color. This species was developed from Kalanchoe Blossfeld. From him came the fancy ampelous and garden forms.

Externally, the plant looks like a small bush, which attracts attention with its bright and at the same time delicate flowers, collected in neat “umbrellas”. Despite the fact that its homeland is distant Madagascar, it grows well at home. A flower for the lazy - this is what Kalanchoe Kalandiva is often called.

How to care

It is easy to care for and can enjoy flowering for as long as six months. Despite the unpretentiousness of this pet and the fact that it does not require much attention, there are still some secrets for its successful raising. Thanks to its “African roots”, Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a light-loving plant. An excellent place to grow it is a well-lit windowsill. But it’s still better to beware of southern windows, where direct sunlight is very aggressive. Twenty degrees is considered optimal for keeping this succulent, but the flower can easily withstand lower or higher temperatures.


This plant must be moistened in small portions, watering as the top layer of soil dries. It is interesting that Kalanchoe Kalandiva, the photo of which indicates the fleshiness of its leaves, stores all the water in them. Therefore, to determine the need for watering, you just need to touch it. When a plant needs moisture, its leaves are soft and not elastic, as in the case of saturation.

In addition, oddly enough, the flower does not need spraying at all: it tolerates dry air much better. Likewise, Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​quite indifferent to the composition of the soil.


Kalanchoe does not like frequent soil changes. It must be replanted no more than once a year, exclusively in early spring. Plants of this variety can be moved into new pots only after complete flowering. In this case, a prerequisite is thorough washing of the roots from the old soil.

Another feature: Kalanchoe Kalandiva requires replanting immediately after purchase. The reason is that store-bought soil mostly consists of peat, which is not entirely suitable for this plant. As experienced gardeners advise, if for some reason there is a need to replant it during a period of abundant flowering, for example, after a purchase, when you do not want to injure the plant or deprive it of an abundant cap of delicate and bright “umbrellas,” you should use the transshipment method so that the pet does not experienced a lot of stress.


You can get offspring from Kalanchoe by cuttings - leaf or stem, as well as seeds or pups. As a rule, even by rooting falling and already old leaves, there is a chance to get a young plant. If you plant them in wet sand in June, covered with a glass, then roots will soon form. Children or brood buds are planted in fertile soil substrates mixed with sand.

Seed propagation can be done from January to March. In this case, there is no need to cover the crop with soil. The seeds only need to be lightly pressed down, covered with glass and shaded with paper.

The soil for sowing is light and deciduous. The room temperature should not be lower than eighteen degrees. Crops need to be ventilated daily, if necessary - twice, turning the glass the other way.

At the same time, you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out. You need to water the substrate with room water. After the first shoots appear, the glass and paper are removed. After a month, the seedlings need to be planted in boxes and covered for a couple of days. plastic film. When the plants have several leaves, they need to be transplanted into pots, optimal size which are seven centimeters in diameter.

The soil

Nutrient soil mixture for Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​made up of four parts deciduous, two turf land, one each of compost and sand. In young rooted plants, the top is pinched off. In July, the procedure must be repeated to form a bush, which usually develops four or five shoots.

Transshipment is done in August, when Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix, which is quite easy to care for, has developed well and its roots will entwine the entire earthen ball. You can plant two plants per pot. When transshipment, the earth mixture is made from four parts of compost, two humus and one each of sand and deciduous soil.

How to prune a plant

Many people purchase plants during the period of their active flowering, so they do not care about appearance. Just like other indoor inhabitants, the descendant of Kalanchoe Blossfeld-Kalandiva also begins to lose its beautiful view after flowering. At this time, it is necessary to remove all withered inflorescences and cut off its yellowing peduncle down to the leaves.

After some time, the plant will have numerous side shoots, and it itself will begin to stretch out greatly, losing its compactness and beautiful shape. And to avoid this, the plant must be pruned by cuttings.

All of its side shoots with two leaves can be rooted in moist soil or even in water. They will make excellent healthy offspring. The faded Kalanchoe needs to be shaped by pinching the top crown.

How to make Kalanchoe Kalandiva bloom

After the first flowering, the plant will need a rest period. During this time, watering should be relatively light. It must be remembered that Kalanchoe buds are formed only during the season of short daylight hours. Of course, such conditions can be created artificially: for a month you can place it in a place where it can be darkened. However, the amount of sunlight should not be limited. In addition, Kalanchoe must be pinched in order to bloom. Last time it is done in November, after which buds always appear in winter. Otherwise, you need to repeat the procedure again in March. In this case, the pinched tops can not be thrown away, but rather rooted so that they also become new plants.


After the Kalanchoe has rested, it needs to be moved to its usual place and fed once a month. Fertilizers for succulents and cacti are suitable for this. During the flowering period, the plant can be fertilized with fertilizer intended for flowering plants.

Diseases and pests

Excessive watering, especially in winter, at low temperatures, as well as poor lighting lead to the plant stretching, while its leaves turn pale and become smaller. Its stem may also begin to rot, and the plant will die. In this case, you need to root the top, no longer water the plant for a while, placing it in a bright sunny place. In turn, lack of moisture in the summer months leads to dry brown spots on the leaves and their falling off. In this case, the plant needs to be watered as the earthen ball dries out, but without being overzealous.

With a viral or bacterial infection, weeping brown spots appear on the Kalanchoe. In this case, the affected greenery must be removed, and the plant itself must be treated with a fungicide. In this case, you need to water carefully, do not spray.
Kalanchoe is very rarely affected by pests, but sometimes aphids appear on it, which live on the underside of the leaves, feeding on the sap of the plant. As a result, the leaves dry out and curl. You need to fight aphids with ready-made preparations sold in stores or with a solution of nicotine sulfate diluted in soapy water in a ratio of one gram per liter. After a day, the Kalanchoe needs to be thoroughly washed, covering the soil with plastic wrap.