Careprost n stimulator for root growth application. "Kornerost" and "Lignohumate"

Root formation stimulants Lately are gaining increasing popularity among gardeners and gardeners. With the help of drugs from this group, you can significantly facilitate plant care, increase the survival rate of cuttings and seedlings of fruit, ornamental and berry crops. Stimulants can also be very useful for vegetables and bulbs. On modern market There are several types of such drugs.

Types of stimulants

Gardeners and gardeners use three main types of such products today: humates, phytohormones and natural substances. Preparations of the first group are a concentrate necessary for plants nutrients. Essentially this is regular hood from humus, improved various kinds additives.

Phytohormones are also mostly natural natural remedies. Their composition can be judged by their name. The basis of such drugs is a concentrate of hormones contained in natural conditions in the plants themselves and responsible for active development the latter.

According to the conditions of use, all purchased stimulants are divided into universal and intended for these specific plants. Of course, among gardeners the most popular are the products of the first group. Plant care can be carried out using root formation stimulants of different compositions. In this regard, drugs can be single-component or complex.

Stimulants can be produced in different forms. In specialized Garden Products stores, products from this group are sold in liquid, powder, tablets or capsules.

Of course, summer residents do not always use store-bought root stimulants. Natural products from this group are also extremely popular among owners of suburban areas. These include, first of all, solutions of yeast, honey, and egg white. Also, to stimulate the development of the root system, many gardeners advise using infusions of willow, wood ash, aloe juice, etc.

What are they used for?

Root stimulants can be used for:

    improving the survival rate of the root system during transplantation garden crops and intensifying its growth;

    improving the survival rate of cuttings;

    increasing the number of bulbous children;

    general strengthening of cultures.

The indirect effect of using a product such as a root formation stimulator can be:

    increasing the green mass of vegetable, berry and ornamental crops;

    improvement of the condition of infected plants;

    rejuvenation of old fruit trees And berry bushes and accelerating the development of young people.

Seedlings at home also develop very well when using such products. Some preparations of this variety are often used for soaking seeds in order to increase the percentage of their germination.

Most popular varieties

In most cases, experienced gardeners advise using preparations such as:




Also popular among gardeners, a remedy of this variety is “Vympel”. A very effective growth stimulator for seedlings, according to many gardeners, is Epin. This universal remedy is capable of activating the development of all parts of plants, including their roots.

In addition to the actual stimulation of seedlings, vegetable crops and cuttings, summer residents advise using this effective drug For:

    increasing the percentage of seedling survival;

    improving the survival rate of the rootstock and scion during grafting;

    enhancements and bulbs;

An indirect effect of the use of this popular drug, according to many summer residents, may be stimulation of plant flowering and a reduction in the number of fallen ovaries.

The instructions for using Heteroauxin, the price of which is very low (about 35 rubles for 2 tablets of 2 g each), are extremely simple. So, for example, before planting, plant cuttings are kept in a solution of the drug (2 tons per 10 liters of water) for 16 hours. Stimulate the development of the root system fruit crops You can use this product directly during the warm season. To do this, the plants are watered with a solution, also prepared by mixing two Heteroauxin tablets in 10 liters of water. One tree should use 10 liters of this solution.

Bulbs of ornamental and garden crops are kept in solution (1 tablet per 1 liter) for 24 hours.

Application of “Heteroauxin” for seedlings and vegetable crops

This drug is rarely used by summer residents to treat seeds. The root formation stimulator “Heteroauxin” is used mainly only before transplanting seedlings into open ground. For better survival, the roots of young plants are kept in a solution prepared from two tablets of Heteroauxin and 10 liters of water for 18-20 hours. Experienced gardeners advise pouring the remaining preparation onto the bed with planted seedlings. For uniform distribution, they can first be diluted in required quantity water.

A week after planting vegetable seedlings, they root system will need additional support. To do this, dilute 5 Heteroauxin tablets in 10 liters of water. Watering the beds is carried out at the rate of 2 liters per 1 m2.

What other drugs intended to stimulate root growth do summer residents use besides Heteroauxin tablets? The price of the latter, as already mentioned, is low. The product “Kornevin” is slightly cheaper than this stimulant (28-30 rubles for 4 g). This phytohormonal preparation not only has a beneficial effect on the root system of crops, but also improves seed germination and reduces the harmful effects on plants high humidity and low temperatures, stimulates the growth of green mass.

In fact, this root formation stimulator is a slightly cheaper analogue of the drug “Heteroauxin”. The only difference is its increased toxicity. Kornevin can be sold in specialized stores both in tablets and in liquid form. The principle of operation of this stimulant is quite simple. One of the main substances included in its composition is indolylbutyric acid. This substance causes slight irritation to the upper tissues of plants, which leads to the formation of callus. From the latter, roots subsequently develop.

Many summer residents advise using “Kornevin” primarily for cuttings of plants that have poor survival rates (conifers, pears). The branches selected for propagation are pre-soaked in the preparation for about 6 hours. After this, they are dusted with the product and planted in the ground.

For bulbous plants, according to most summer residents, this plant growth enhancer is also very suitable. To improve germination of gladioli, for example, it is a good idea to soak them in a solution of Kornevin for 20 hours (5 g of powder per 5 liters of water). This will also contribute better growth flowers in the future and the formation of a large number of children.

As for the root system of shrub and fruit tree seedlings, it is not necessary to soak it in the preparation first. Most gardeners advise simply watering with the prepared solution immediately after planting. Next, the soil needs to be mulched.

Using Kornevin for seedlings

This product is also very suitable for young plants. When transferring seedlings to open ground, their roots are simply powdered with Kornevin powder. When performing this procedure, some summer residents also advise mixing the drug with equal amount mashed charcoal or even with some fungicide (10x1).

You can also use “Kornevin” when growing seedlings themselves - for watering. In this case, a one percent solution is prepared. Seedlings at home will develop very well when watered with this composition in an amount of 50-60 ml per plant.

The main active ingredient of this drug is indolyl-3 acetic acid. “Kornerost”, the instructions for use of which are also simple, can be used for absolutely any agricultural and garden crops. In addition to watering for the purpose better root formation, summer residents advise using it for:

    improving crop growth;

    increasing the chances of fusion of the rootstock and scion;

    increasing the number of children on the bulbs.

This popular drug, among other things, is also a very good growth stimulator for seedlings. Its use primarily contributes to the strengthening of plants, as well as rapid development their roots and green mass. In order for the seedlings to take root well when transferred to open ground, their roots are dipped in a solution of 0.05 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. To treat seedlings, use 0.2 g of this product.

Use of the drug "Vympel"

This product is used mainly by large and medium-sized farmers to stimulate the growth of crops. However, sometimes “Vympel” is also offered by specialized “Garden Goods” stores to gardeners. In addition to strengthening the root system, this drug is able to accelerate the processes of photosynthesis and crop growth. Vympel also improves the quality of sugars in plant tissues, dehydrates and destroys fungi and bacteria, maintains the balance of humus accumulation, and increases plant resistance to adverse factors. environment. In addition to improving the quality of vegetables, fruits and berries, this product can significantly reduce crop losses due to drought and increases the efficiency of fertilizer use by 20-30%.

According to the manufacturer’s recommendations, the growth stimulator “Vympel” can be used for any garden crops at any time of the year. However, to enhance the development of cucumbers and root vegetables, summer residents advise using it in the 3-5 leaf phase, and for onions and cabbage - at the beginning of budding. The treatment is carried out with a solution prepared by dissolving 10-15 g of the product in 10 liters of water. In most cases, this amount is enough to spray 2 acres of plantings.

The drug "Epin"

Summer residents consider the main advantage of this phytohormonal agent to be a mild effect on plants. "Epin" is the only one on modern Russian market growth and root formation stimulator produced on the basis of a synthetic steroid. It is an artificial hormone epibrassinolide. Epin should only be diluted in very clean boiled water, without the admixture of fertilizers. Some gardeners advise adding a little to the solution lemon juice or acid.

Today on the market there is great amount counterfeits of the drug "Epin". The original product can be recognized by the characteristic smell of alcohol and the formation of foam on the surface of the solution.

It is best to use this stimulant, according to gardeners, for:

    spraying plants during picking;

    soaking seeds;

    spraying during rooting of seedlings;

    maintaining plant immunity.

Plants are treated with Epin three times per season. You can do this at any convenient time. But the greatest effect from its use is observed if spraying was carried out before or after flowering. It is at this time that the tissues of vegetable and horticultural crops form greatest number hormones.

Application of the product for seedlings

When sowing vegetables in boxes in early spring Gardeners in most cases use the growth stimulator "Epin". Gardeners advise soaking seeds for 4-5 hours in water to which 2-3 drops of this drug have been added. Also, according to many summer residents, it is very useful to spray seedlings with a solution a day before transplanting them into open ground (5-6 drops per 0.5 liter of water) to support the roots.

Among home remedies for supporting and developing the root system of vegetable and garden crops, summer residents usually advise using yeast and honey. It is believed that the first product can be very useful, for example, for cuttings. To make the branches take root better, they are soaked in diluted yeast (100 g per 1 liter of water) for a day.

Honey solution can also be used as a root formation stimulator for propagation of garden and ornamental trees and bushes. To treat the twigs, use a solution prepared from 1 tsp. of this product and 1.5 liters of water. This amount of homemade stimulant can be enough for several dozen cuttings.

Security measures

Like any other substances, plant growth stimulants are classified according to the degree of danger to humans and animals. The drug "Epin" in this regard belongs to class 4, the other three drugs - to class three. That is, the plant stimulants “Kornevin”, “Kornerost” and “Heteroauxin” are quite dangerous for humans. Therefore, when working with them, you should take certain measures to prevent harmful effects on the body.

When preparing a solution from these stimulants, you need to wear rubber gloves. In this case, you should wear clothing specifically designed for plant processing operations. It is also advisable to use a mask that protects the respiratory tract.

Spraying with such preparations should be done in the direction of the wind in the morning or evening. After completing the treatment, hands and containers should be washed under running water.

to stimulate root formation and rooting of cuttings of trees and shrubs. Promotes the development of a powerful root system, and, accordingly, the growth and better survival of plants when cuttings and planting seedlings.

Cornerost is an analogue of Heteroauxin.

Active ingredient: indolyl-3-acetic acid.

Release form:

  1. Cornerost "Green Belt" - capsule 0.1 g (powder in capsule)

Country of manufacture - Russia. Manufacturers "Green Belt" and others.


Store in an airtight container, in a cool, dark place, away from food, medicines and feed; in places inaccessible to children.

Guaranteed shelf life 2 years.

The prepared working solution is stored for 2 days.


Used to treat corms and bulbs by soaking in a solution of the drug for 24 hours (1 tablet per small amount of water); cut parts of corms and bulbs for 4-5 hours (10 tablets); root lobe of seedlings of vegetable, flower and other crops at a temperature of +18-22°C for 3-4 hours (2 tablets) and for treating the root system of shrubs, trees, seedlings, saplings and cuttings (2 tablets per small amount of water).

Heteroauxin is often used in combination with vitamins C and B.

Instructions for use of the drug Kornerost from Green Belt

Read on the page Heteroauxin

How to breed Cornerost?

Corn growth is poorly soluble in water. Dissolve in a small amount of 50 percent alcohol. Then add water as directed in the instructions.

Hazard class Cornerost as Heteroauxin

Hazard class 3- moderately hazardous substances.

Security measures:
Do not use food-grade utensils. Observe General requirements safety and personal hygiene rules. While working, you must not smoke, drink, or eat. I recommend working with gloves.
After work, wash your hands and face with soap.

First aid for poisoning.
If the drug gets on the skin, rinse with water; In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water; If it enters the digestive tract, rinse the stomach.

You can make the plant stronger and enhance its growth using various additives. Such growth stimulants should be used at a very early stage of cultivation. When planting seedlings and cuttings, it is worth using the additive Kornerost, which is popular today. This stimulant has a positive effect on the root system. This fertilizer can be used for both plants and shrubs.

Using Kornerost you can significantly improve the survival rate of the plant and its adaptability to different weather conditions. Cornerost can rightfully be called an analogue of Heteroauxin, while quality characteristics not inferior to him. Cornerost consists of indolyl-3-acetic acid. Available in the form of capsules filled with powder.

Use and storage of the drug

After purchasing the drug, it is recommended that you read the instructions on the packaging given by the manufacturer. This will allow you to fully appreciate everything positive traits the drug and how it can be used.

It is very important to use airtight containers to store the drug. However, it must be kept in a dark and cool place, since when exposed to sun rays the quality of the drug is significantly reduced. Keep the container away from children. The drug can be stored for two years. In this case, the prepared solution can retain its qualities for 2 days.

Scope of use of the drug

Corn growth is used by gardeners and gardeners for processing various plants. To treat corms and bulbs, you must first prepare a solution and soak them for 24 hours. The solution will require one tablet and a small amount of water.

To treat the root system of vegetable seedlings, you need to use two tablets diluted in water and leave for 3-4 hours. The root system of shrubs and fruit trees is also processed for 4-5 hours. During this time, the root system will be fully saturated with the solution and will be subject to the positive influence of Cornerost.

Experienced gardeners and summer residents, when treating plants with Kornerost, also use vitamins B and C. This contributes to better plant growth and improved productivity. It is important to consider the proportions of the ingredients. All information can be obtained directly from the product packages.

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Today, many gardeners actively use plant rooting accelerators in their practice. These miracle drugs increase the likelihood of seedlings forming an independent, well-developed root system through increased accumulation of beneficial substances in the root formation zone.

Description of the drug "Kornerost"

Every gardener dreams of learning how to improve the survival rate of seedlings. Many gardeners use willow water, honey and aloe juice as natural root formation stimulants. However, these means do not always achieve good results.

Only the right way, which always hits the bull’s eye, is the use of ready-made growth stimulants that have a more effective effect. If you are planning to plant cuttings in the ground, then you will probably be interested in learning more about “Kornerost”, what kind of drug it is and in what cases its use will be effective.

Did you know? The stimulant "Kornerost" is considered moderately dangerous for mammals and safe for birds, amphibians, fish and insects, as well as for the plants themselves. Simply put, even if the concentration of the working solution accidentally increases, your pets will not be harmed.

Root growth stimulator "Kornerost" is designed to increase the efficiency of root formation in seedlings, cuttings and bulbs. It promotes the appearance of roots in plants that are difficult to root.

The use of "Kornerost" can significantly increase the overall survival rate of seedlings and produce more hardy and strong plants. "Kornerost" is an excellent plant rooter that is absolutely safe for both the plants themselves and people.

Active substance and mechanism of action of the growth stimulator

The drug "Kornerost" has found its active use in crop production, which is dictated by its high efficiency and ease of use.

The composition of "Kornerost" is simple: it is made on the basis of potassium salt (indolyl-3) - acetic acid. Externally, this product is a cream-colored powder.

After using "Kornerost" there is an increased formation of roots on cuttings or seedlings, which significantly improves the survival rate of plants and increases their adaptive abilities. To achieve maximum effect from using the Kornerost fertilizer, you should carefully read its instructions.

Application of the drug "Kornerost": garden crops and dosage

Growth stimulator "Kornerost" has detailed instructions on application, and therefore before using it you need to carefully study the insert, which will help prevent harm to the sprouts and will allow you to get healthy and strong plants.

The Kornerost solution should be prepared immediately before use: to do this, dilute the powder in warm water. On next stage Stir everything thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved and bring clean water to the appropriate working volume.

Norms for using the drug Working solution consumption Culture Purpose Features of use Frequency of processing
for 1 liter of water 0.05 g of the drug 1 l for 20 pcs. Vegetable seedlings Dipping the lower part of the plant where the roots are located in the solution before planting in the ground One time
for 1 liter of water 0.5 g of the drug 20 l per 10 m² Seedlings of flower crops Stimulates root formation and increases seedling survival rate Watering plants after planting them in the ground One time
per plant Seedlings of fruit trees and berry bushes Stimulates root formation and increases seedling survival rate Soaking the roots of cuttings before planting for 1-2 hours, or dipping them in a creamy mass made from clay, peat chips and Kornerost powder One time
per 10 liters of water 0.2 g of the drug 1 l per plant Fruit tree seedlings Stimulates root growth and improves seedling development Twice
per 10 liters of water 0.2 g of the drug 5 l per plant Seedlings of berry bushes Watering the tree trunk area in the spring during bud break, as well as in the fall after the leaves turn yellow Twice
per 10 liters of water 0.2 g of the drug 10 l per 10 m² Strawberries Stimulates root formation and increases seedling survival rate Watering the soil with a solution around the plants in the spring at the stage of rosette formation and in the fall, or at the end of August Twice
for 1 liter of water 1-3 g of the drug 1 l per 500 pcs Grape Improves the fusion of scion and rootstock Before grafting, dip the scion in the solution and top part rootstock for a few seconds One time
per 10 liters of water 0.2 g of the drug 1 l per 100 pcs Roses (rooting cuttings) Stimulates root formation and improves growth and development Before planting in the ground, green and semi-lignified cuttings are soaked for 10-16 hours. One time
per 10 liters of water 0.2 g of the drug 1 l per 100 pcs Rooting cuttings of ornamental and berry crops Stimulates root formation Semi-lignified and lignified cuttings are soaked for 16-20 hours before planting, and green cuttings for 10-16 hours. One time
for 10 liters of water 1 g of the drug 1 l per 1 kg Flower crops(gladiolus, tulip, crocuses, etc.) bulbs and corms Stimulates root formation, increases the size of bulbs and corms, and also helps increase the number of children Before planting, planting material is soaked for 16 or 20 hours in a solution One time

Before use, you need to learn how to properly water plants with Kornerost. First of all, when watering, try to avoid getting the product on the leaves and stems of plants, and pour the solution directly onto the soil around its trunk.

Advantages of using the drug "Kornerost"

"Kornerost" has high biological activity, which allows it to be used for rooting even those plants or varieties that are characterized by low adaptive abilities and capricious disposition.

The root stimulator accelerates their growth, promotes the formation of a better root system, making the sprouts very strong, resistant to phytoinfections and showing more generous flowering and fruiting.

Safety precautions when using the drug and first aid for poisoning

Root formation stimulants have high biological activity, therefore they are used in microdoses. To prevent the drug from reacting with the container material, Processing of cuttings is carried out in glass, enamel or porcelain containers.

Important! "Kornerost" refers to phytonetoxic, moderately dangerous (hazard class III) products, and therefore, when using it and following the basic rules of use, the development side effects observed very rarely.

Even with prolonged use of the product, addiction to it does not develop. "Kornerost" has practically no effect negative impact on bees and aquatic biocinosis. However, it is strictly forbidden to use the product near sanitary zones reservoirs belonging to fish farms.

When diluting working solutions, all manipulations should be carried out using personal protective equipment for the respiratory system, mucous membranes and skin.

Did you know? The time spent working with Kornerost should not exceed one hour. In addition, when treated with planting material It is forbidden to eat food, drink water and smoke.

To work with the drug, even despite virtually zero toxicity, only persons who have reached the age of eighteen and do not have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems and not susceptible to allergic reactions.

All manipulations with the drug are carried out only in protective clothing (gown), goggles, rubber gloves and a respirator, since the concentrated solution has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory system, which can cause a suffocating cough, allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis.

After using all products personal protection wash with soap and water and take a shower.

If, despite all precautions, poisoning still occurs and you feel unwell, nausea, vomiting, redness of the skin and mucous membranes, then it is necessary to immediately take measures before the ambulance arrives to reduce the effect of the drug on the human body.

If the product gets into your eyes or mucous membranes, rinse them quickly under running water. cold water.

If it is accidentally swallowed while working with the drug, you should rinse it immediately. oral cavity plenty of cold water, then drink several glasses of liquid and Activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per kilogram of body weight, after which try to induce vomiting by irritating the back of the larynx. Perform the procedure several times.

How to properly store the drug

The product "Kornerost" must be stored in its original packaging, indoors, separately from food and animals. When preparing, it is necessary to ensure that the amount of working solution corresponds to the volume of work planned for execution.

If the drug accidentally crumbles, try to collect it as quickly as possible and use it to prepare a working solution.

Important! Storage of "Kornerost" should take place in a room protected from light, since under the influence of ultraviolet radiation it chemical compounds are destroyed, which negatively affects the effectiveness of the composition.

If no relevant agricultural work is planned, then the solution is disposed of by pouring it into a specially made hole, which should be located at a 15-meter distance from wells or other water intake points.

All surfaces contaminated with the product are thoroughly washed with water and soap or detergents.

Containers remaining after using the drug may be disposed of at collection points household waste, which are located at a considerable distance from residential buildings and places where animals are kept. Do not throw it into rivers, lakes or sewer systems.

Remember: in in capable hands"Kornerost" is a powerful stimulator of the development of the root system in plants, but if the rules for its use are violated, it can cause serious damage to human health.

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39 once already

The root of a plant can be compared to the foundation of a house. The stronger it is, the stronger, more stable the plant itself, the higher and better the harvest. Unfortunately, due to a variety of factors, the root formation process can be slow. This may be due to unsuitable or depleted soil, weather conditions, improper care. Plants also experience problems with strengthening and root formation during transplantation. You can solve the problem by using special means. One of them is the drug “Kornerost”. This , active substance which are potassium salts. This drug is used mainly on private farms.

Application of Cornerost for plants: how to breed?

Since Kornerost is poorly soluble in water, it is recommended to use alcohol for these purposes. 50 ml of alcohol will be enough to dissolve one ampoule. Then you need to add water according to the instructions. If there is no alcohol, you can use a little warm water, and then add the main volume of water there.

The proportions may be different, depending on which crop the drug will be used for. This information can be found in the instructions or a table on the Internet.

The drug has a hazard class of 3. Food containers should not be used for breeding Kornerost.

Personal protective equipment must be used:

  • glasses;
  • gloves;
  • workwear;
  • respirator.

It is not advisable for plants to be treated with Korenrost by persons suffering from diseases of the eyes, respiratory system, skin, or with a tendency to allergies. While working with the drug, smoking, eating and drinking is prohibited. That is, if you need a “smoke break,” you can just rest a little. The duration of work with this solution should not be more than 1 hour. If the drug gets on the skin, eyes, or mucous membranes, it is necessary to rinse them. If necessary, if the condition does not improve, you should consult a doctor. Kornerost should be stored separately from food products.

You can not only treat the root system of planted plants by watering them with this solution. Corms and bulbs can be soaked in the solution for up to 24 hours before planting. You can also keep the roots of the seedlings in the solution for 3-4 hours before planting. The prepared solution can be stored and used within 2 days. Afterwards he already loses most of its properties and becomes ineffective, so you should not dilute it in large quantities for future use. The drug can often be used in combination with vitamins B and C.

How does Cornerost work on plants?

This drug helps stimulate root formation of almost all agricultural crops, as well as flowers, including indoor ones. It can be used for propagating plants by cuttings, when transplanting seedlings. The use of Kornerost significantly improves the survival rate of seedlings. The speed of early and overall harvesting increases. In this case, there is no harm to the plant, as well as the fruits themselves, they chemical composition, beneficial features etc.

How much does Kornerost cost?

It all depends on the release form. The drug is available either in powder form or in capsules with an instant substance. The most common are capsules. The package contains 2 capsules. The drug is inexpensive, but prices may vary depending on the store and the city in which it is purchased. The average price for a package of two ampoules is 30-40 rubles. You can purchase the drug both in regular stores selling gardening supplies and online, with delivery. But, since the drug is inexpensive, it is more profitable for personal use to purchase it in regular store, because in most cases you will also need to pay for delivery via the Internet.