Frame construction article. Frame houses - introduction to technology

A good alternative in housing construction, let's look at the pros and cons frame type construction.

This technology is beloved and we must admit that it has its own good reasons. The list of all the advantages is much wider than the list of disadvantages.

Why not take advantage of the many years of experience of our foreign neighbors and delight yourself with the benefits of building a frame house.

It’s just worth knowing about some of the nuances that contractors of prefabricated houses may hide.

Origin story

Building a house has always been difficult. Headache begins long before work begins.

Therefore, the most popular, after all, is the wooden frame.

The width of the board is selected depending on the thickness of the insulation layer.

The outer surface is sheathed with oriented strand boards, moisture-resistant plywood or cement bonded particle board. And they are insulated with polystyrene foam or any mineral wool insulation.

Comparison of advantages and disadvantages

Alternative buildings

Consider alternative buildings.

Brick house

Strong, reliable, durable, can be made in any architecture, frost-resistant, environmentally friendly.

But in terms of cost it will be expensive, in terms of time it will also take more than one year, and besides, when designing, you should take into account all the nuances of the soil on the ground.

House made of timber

Eco-friendly, with good thermal insulation parameters, special design.

However, after construction it requires waiting for shrinkage and may give.

House made of aerated concrete

Good speed of construction, ease of construction, good characteristics. But there is a possibility of cracks and dampness.

Building a frame house: pros and cons

Benefits - all for

Disadvantages - Cons

Having listed all the advantages and disadvantages, it is clear that there are still more advantages.

In addition, all shortcomings can be eliminated or the likelihood of their occurrence can be brought closer to zero.

Types of technologies

There are two construction technologies frame houses:

  1. Canadian and

In Finnish

A wooden frame is assembled, an insulation layer of 100 mm is laid, and the entire structure is sewn up on both sides with timber approximately 70 mm thick.

Canadian technology

Comes in two versions:

  1. timber frame house and
  2. prefabricated panelboard.

Inside, insulation is placed on the outside, with a wind- and moisture-proof membrane placed on it, and a film on the opposite side.

After which the frame is covered from the outside with oriented strand boards, cement-bonded particle boards, wooden board outside. And inside - most often, . The façade is made using any other material for exterior finishing.

Prefabricated panel version

The only difference is that the manufacturer produces the panels on its territory, and at the construction site only the house is assembled from finished parts.

Interesting! Wins in terms of environmental friendliness Finnish version, however, it will be more expensive. Canadian technology is more affordable in price, and its components can also be replaced with more natural ones if desired.

When looking through the offers of frame house manufacturers, be aware that most often the advertisement indicates the price for the house, most likely without the cost of assembling the structure and delivery of materials, or it only involves the construction of the building frame, without finishing.

All this is done to attract customers with a pleasant budget. The contract will offer you a completely different amount. But it will still be approximately 1.5 times less than the cost of building the cheapest house.

1 meter of frame construction rarely costs more than $600. To be confident in choosing a contractor, you can discuss it on a specialized forum.

In this article you will learn all the pros and cons of building frame houses, and also read reviews from people who live or have ever lived in such a house. So, let's start with the advantages and disadvantages of frame houses.

Advantages of frame houses

Frame houses widespread in Russia recently

The most important advantage of such housing is that you can easily save on construction costs. That is, it does not require large financial expenditures. Such houses are very common in Russia lately.

Buildings made from this material are very light, so the load on the foundation is minimal. These houses can be built either according to your own plan or according to the plans of specialists, the main thing is that they are highly qualified.

If you want to build such a house yourself, it will take you about six months. Frame houses have a good thermal insulation function, unlike other types of housing built from other materials.

Very important advantage frame is the speed of its construction. The house can be built within nine weeks. The box is installed within two weeks. A Finishing work can be produced within two months, which is very convenient.

Also, along with the low cost of the material, you can save on laying the foundation. You can get by with just columnar strip foundation, which will not cost you much. In addition, there is a complete absence of foundation shrinkage.

Also, with the help of special impregnations, it is possible to ensure the fire safety of housing.

Construction of a frame house is possible at any time of the year

It is very important to note that frame houses retain heat remarkably and for a long time in winter. If you want to live all year round in such a house, then you should insulate it well. Frame houses can be erected at any time of the year, regardless of whether it is hot or cold outside.

Having built such a house, you can choose any type of roof, which is also very convenient. And the small thickness of the walls will help you save extra square footage.

Frame houses are different high strength, thanks to which they are able to withstand various bad weather. The frames can be finished externally different ways: from siding to regular brick, which is also very convenient.

Disadvantages of frame houses

Now we can move on to listing the shortcomings. The main and main ones are the following:

  • Tightness, so during construction you should definitely consider the installation of the ventilation system;
  • There is a high fire risk in houses, so you may have additional costs for special fire protection products and coatings.

And most importantly, you must follow the rules for the design and operation of electrical wiring, as well as compliance with safety requirements for the installation of electrical appliances, stoves, fireplaces, and so on.

Another very important disadvantage is that such a house is best built as a one-story house. Because if you build two-storey house, then this will cause you a lot of costs and you will lose such a main advantage of a frame house as savings on construction.

Very big drawback is low sound insulation, so it is better to lay it in advance during the construction process soundproofing material.

I would also like to note the fact that frame houses are characterized by fragility.

The downside is rotting wooden structures. To prevent this, they must be treated with special antiseptic agents.

The big disadvantage is that in frame houses There may be mice, cockroaches and termites. Therefore, between the floors you should lay special remedy from them.

Remember that rodents love mineral wool and glass wool, so these waterproofing materials It's best not to use it.

Very important issue In the construction of all frame houses (including frame-panel houses) there is an increased requirement for the qualifications of specialists. If mistakes are made in the construction of the foundation, then this will cause large economic costs during the construction of the building.

If you want to drive a nail and hang heavy picture, then to do this you will have to additionally strengthen the wall or drive it into the place where the beam is located.

Reviews from residents about frame houses

After you have learned about the main pros and cons of building a frame house, read reviews from residents of frame houses.

Andrey, Samara, 35 years old

Review: my house is very warm and cozy both in summer and winter.

Minus: since I didn't pack the thermo soundproofing material, then you can hear everything at home.

Mikhail, Moscow, 45 years old

Review: speed in construction. I built my house in 8 months.

Disadvantage: the house does not “breathe”, so a good ventilation system is needed.

Timur, Tolyatti, 50 years old

Review: warm

Minus: not yet, as I moved in only recently.

Alexander, Koshki, 47 years old

Review: the house is very warm.

Disadvantage: it is very hot in summer, so during construction, immediately take care of the ventilation system.

Scheme forced ventilation in a frame house

Vladimir, Samara, 32 years old

Review: very cozy.

Minus: poor sound insulation.

Pavel, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, 33 years old

I have been living in a frame house since 2014. I built it on the advice of a neighbor and I don’t regret it, as it cost me minimum costs. I also lost a little time building housing. I would like to note that the house is very warm in winter. I insulated the house with waterproofing film. Of course, this option is not the most expensive, but over the entire time my family lived in this house, it justified itself. They decided to cover the walls of the house with tiles. It looks very aesthetically pleasing and quite beautiful. The only thing that doesn't suit me is the poor sound insulation. I have 4 rooms in my house, and the audibility between them is very good. In the future, we plan to purchase soundproofing material and eliminate this drawback.

Dmitriy, Samara Region, 52 years old

Hi all! I would like to leave my feedback on the advantages of building frame houses. I have also heard that you can save a lot on the construction of frame houses. The son is building a frame house. In two months, he erected it almost entirely and did not spend much money. I will write later about what living conditions will be in such a house, after my son moves in.

Good insulation will create the effect of a thermos in the house

Maxim, Pskov region, 29 years old

I would like to advise all those who are building their own frames about thermal insulation of the house. Choose dear and good insulation, then you can achieve the effect of a thermos in your home. It will heat up quickly, but cool down slowly, which is very good in winter when it is cold and cold.

Gleb, Sverdlovsk region, 25 years

I can’t stay away from comments about the choice in building a house. It is best to opt for a frame building. If you want to build a small structure, then you can save not only on money, but also on your efforts. Because you can get by with the whole family working and not hiring specialists.

Alexander, Voronezh, 36 years old

In terms of redevelopment, such houses are very convenient. I personally decided to change the locations of the sockets and did it without any difficulty, I didn’t have to break anything, I just used screwdrivers, which I used to remove the panel and do everything that was needed. So keep that in mind! The only thing that doesn't suit me is that the floor is a little springy. And also the fact that you can’t place particularly heavy shelves on the walls.

Vladimir, Sergievsk, 47 years old

I completely agree with the previous statements. Such a house will serve you very well long time. The only drawback is the envy of your neighbors that you built before them.

It is necessary to choose a good soundproofing material

Konstantin, Ulyanovsk region, 48 years old

I have 3 children, I would like to say something about sound insulation. It is very bad, the audibility in all rooms is simply excellent, it is impossible to rest. At one time I chose a simple soundproofing material, which I now really regret. Don’t make my mistakes, don’t spare money on soundproofing.

Lyudmila, Kamensk-Uralsky, 42 years old

Ruslan, Voronezh, 29 years old

I chose a frame house because I heard from friends that it was built quickly, and I really made the right decision. My house was ready by the 9th month of construction. In turn, the neighbors' houses are not yet finished. In addition, the house is very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing in appearance. The frame of such a house is assembled in advance. Do right choice!

Alexey, Vladivostok, 31 years old

I have only positive reviews about the frame house; I can’t say anything bad. I've been living in this house for 5 years now and I don't regret anything.

Tamara, Voronezh, 30 years old

When building a house, we thought for a long time about which material was best to choose, but we finally found a consensus with my husband and chose a frame house. Our choice justified itself, since we had minimal costs. Now our house perfectly protects us from cold and noise.

Gregory, Ekaterinburg, 43 years old

When building the house I used strip foundation, since frame houses are quite light and there will be no load on the foundation as such. The walls were lined with OSB boards on the outside. Also, I used a special plaster, which I applied to a special fiberglass mesh so that it would last longer and not come off. I painted it peach color, so now my house is very clearly visible from afar. Inside, the walls are lined with plasterboard, which helps keep the house warm in winter. I don't regret becoming the owner of a frame house.

We hope that you learned a lot from this article. We wish you good luck in choosing the material for building your home! Comfort for you and your family, as well as warmth!


Watch a video about the advantages and disadvantages of frame houses.

A frame house is primarily associated with affordable housing. However, not everyone has a complete understanding of the technology’s features. Construction is surrounded by myths and contradictory facts. Let's figure out what the essence of the method is, describe the popular ones frame solutions and we will give an objective assessment of prefabricated structures, referring to design aspects and user reviews.

The concept of frame construction

The budget option for building a house is especially popular in the USA and European countries. However, compatriots are increasingly choosing prefabricated lightweight structures.

The essence of the technology is determined by its name. The basis is the frame, collected from wooden supports or metal profile. The post-and-beam structure is mounted on a prepared foundation, and the voids in the wall plane of the frame are sheathed with heat-efficient materials.

Between outside and internal wall insulation, vapor and waterproofing are installed. The facade of the house is covered finishing material: plaster or siding. Used as cladding OSB boards, cement-bonded particle mats or durable plywood. The role of a heat insulator is performed by mineral wool or wood fiber boards - “warm wood”.

A simple building can withstand the vagaries of nature, mechanical shocks and serve not just as a temporary country house, but as full-fledged year-round housing. The service life of frame houses largely depends on the quality of the source materials and compliance with construction technology.

Features of prefabricated buildings

Frame houses are a relatively new direction in construction. Therefore, around innovative technology and the operation of a “lightweight” building, there are many myths and conjectures. Let's try to separate far-fetched prejudices from real facts, distinguishing between strong and weak sides framers.

Advantages of frame structures

The list of arguments in favor of prefabricated houses is impressive. Among the most significant competitive advantages are:

  • Price. Price of materials for brick walls, aerated concrete house or buildings made of beams are much taller. In addition, due to its light weight, a frame house does not require significant deepening of the foundation into the ground - additional savings on the zero cycle.
  • Construction speed. Cottage 110-150 sq.m. a team of craftsmen will build it in 3-4 months. The simplest country house will be ready in 2 weeks.
  • Versatility. Frame technology is feasible on different types soils, including peaty and silty soils. The main thing is to choose the right type of base.
  • Easy to install. The house is assembled according to the principle of a designer, and no special equipment is used in the work processes - the constituent elements are relatively light and compact.
  • Mobility. If desired, a small structure can be moved to a new location.
  • Ease of redevelopment. Configuration and location internal partitions can be changed since they are not load-bearing.

Additional advantages: no shrinkage buildings, variability of architectural forms and all-season work. If the foundation is poured in advance, construction can continue even at sub-zero temperatures, since there are no “wet” processes.

Debunking myths: controversial issues

Lack of objective information and operating experience – main reason mistrust of frame houses. Some statements are erroneous and require refutation.

  1. Fragility. Subject to regulatory requirements the structure will last 30-50 years. The indicator is determined by the quality of the frame and the safety of the insulation - it is necessary to ensure complete protection support posts and heat insulator against moisture. In the USA, many houses are built with early XIX century.
  2. Cold in winter. A standard insulation layer of 15-20 cm provides a heat transfer resistance coefficient of 2.9-3.3 m*°C/W, additional thermal insulation on the outside increases the figure to 4.7 m*°C/W. The choice of insulation option depends on the climate of the region. Homes with increased energy efficiency are suitable for cold areas with harsh winters.
  3. Frame house - thermos. Despite the high requirements for insulation, a frame building still allows air to pass through the micro-slits of the wooden frame and the fiber insulation. However, to maintain a healthy microclimate, in addition to natural ventilation It is better to provide for compulsory one. This requirement is especially relevant for polystyrene foam and its derivatives.
  4. Toxicity. Included structural elements quality buildings are used only environmentally friendly materials: wood, metal, stone wool, GKL, OSB, neutral insulating films. Cheap options are likely to contain toxic materials. But this danger is not limited to frame construction.

Weaknesses of a frame house: comparison with alternative technologies

In some respects, the prefabricated method is inferior to traditional buildings made of brick and aerated concrete:

  • Low-rise. You can build a small one yourself cottage. If you want to acquire a cottage with an attic, you need to involve specialists. Houses over two floors frame technology It's better not to build.
  • Low strength. According to this criterion, prefabricated structures are inferior to brick and log houses. The building will withstand natural influences (gusts of wind, hail, etc.), but may not withstand a person who intends to break the wall or the elements.
  • Fire hazard. Despite the treatment of the wooden frame with fire-retardant impregnations, the risk of fire and the rate of fire spread of a prefabricated house is greater than that of a brick or aerated concrete house. The use of modern fire protection systems somewhat mitigates this disadvantage.
  • Low sound insulation. Sounds from the street and neighboring rooms penetrate to a large extent into the room. Measures to reduce noise help partly - vibrations and echoes when walking on the upper floor are heard from below.

Popular design solutions

The principle diagram for the construction of frame houses is the same - insulation is placed between the frame posts, protected vapor barrier film from inside and waterproofing membrane outside. On both sides the heat-insulating “pie” is covered with rigid sheathing. However, there are different methods construction and design differences.

Conventionally, all frame structures can be divided into two categories: frame and panel. To build the first, the frame is first assembled, and then sheathed and insulated. The second ones are built from ready-made factory panels. Let's look at the features of different technologies.

"Platform" - Canadian method

The technology has taken root in Canada and Finland. The method involves assembling elements on a platform - draft floor of the first floor or interfloor ceiling. Fragments of the walls of the house are made by hand on the site or ready-made components are used.

The platform design involves floor-by-floor construction. The floor covering is assembled from logs and OSB, and the walls are prepared and installed. The floor of the second floor or the base for the attic is laid on top.

Features of the method:

  • convenient for self-construction small house;
  • maximum building size – 10-12 m;
  • extensions and complex forms are unacceptable.

Each of the vertical shields serves load-bearing element, therefore, redevelopment of the house on a “platform” is impossible.

Half-timbered frame – German technology

One of the oldest methods widespread in Europe. Wall sections are formed from jibs, vertical racks and horizontal beams. Wooden frame are not hidden behind the casing, but highlighted with outside, emphasizing the decorativeness of the house.

The basis of the structure is made up of thick beams (100*100 mm, 200*200 mm) - they form a rigid, very durable frame. IN half-timbered houses it is the “backbone” that bears the entire load; the roof and frame form a single power circuit. Thanks to this distribution, the structure is very strong and durable.

Distinctive features:

  • labor-intensive construction - the technology can be done by experienced carpenters;
  • opportunity to build houses large area– more than 20*30 m, and number of floors – up to 3;
  • presentable appearance.

The technology is not particularly popular among compatriots, as two key aspects are missing frame house construction: affordable cost and ease of construction.

Finnish house - frame-frame structure

The Scandinavian option is considered optimal for independent construction of a small building. The maximum permissible plan size is 12*10 m. As a rule, this is enough for the construction of a seasonal country house or full-fledged permanent housing.

The design feature is the uniform distribution of the load on all sides of the box. The power part is also taken over by the roof. The frame is assembled from logs or boards, forming open frames. After installing the entire structure, they begin to insulate and sheath.

The main advantages of Finnish technology:

  • small construction budget;
  • ease of work;
  • possibility of completion.

Limitations and nuances of building a frame house:

  • power cladding is carried out on the internal wall - this requirement limits the possibilities of redevelopment;
  • maximum pitch of vertical posts – 50 cm;
  • two floors are allowed.

DOK technology – maximum insulation

One of promising directions house building - using a double volumetric frame (). The supporting racks are mounted in a staggered manner, which minimizes the appearance of cold bridges. This results in a double stitch of support beams, and the space between them is filled with heat-insulating material.

This solution makes the structure more expensive, but the energy efficiency and strength of the walls is significantly improved. A square meter of a double volumetric frame can withstand about 500 kg - an indicator comparable to a stone building.

To prevent the occurrence of condensation, houses are provided with ventilated facades.

Sandwich panel houses

Quantity frame buildings made from sandwich panels or SIP (structural insulated boards) is constantly increasing. This is explained by the availability of materials, their good technical and operational qualities and ease of processing.

  • The panel consists of insulation (expanded polystyrene) framed on both sides with OSB sheets. Ready-made panels are used for the construction frame-panel house using Platform technology.
  • At the ends of the SIP panels there is a groove for fastening to a beam, which acts as a frame. Such a support is installed both in a vertical position and horizontally – on the top and on the walls.
  • Thermal insulation boards are universal - they are suitable for forming walls, interfloor ceilings and the floor of the first floor.

The main disadvantage of using such a “pie” is poor breathability of panels. Without forced ventilation, excess moisture accumulates in the house, and the air becomes musty.

LSTK frame - a dubious replacement for wood

Light steel houses thin-walled structures(LSTC) occupy approximately 6% of total number frame structures. Metal frames are not intended to be replaced wooden beams, it is more correct to consider them as a more affordable alternative.

A steel frame, compared to wood, has more disadvantages than advantages. Significant disadvantages:

  1. High thermal conductivity. The metal cools greatly, and when the temperature rises, it quickly heats up. Partially solves the problem high-quality thermal insulation, but it is difficult to correctly calculate the insulation and determine the dew point on your own.
  2. Magnetization of the frame. Home equipment household appliances in tandem with metal structures can have a bad effect on the well-being of residents.
  3. Low fire resistance. Paradoxically, in the event of a fire, metal carcass Compared to wood, it behaves worse. It quickly loses its rigidity - the house begins to spiral, reducing the time for evacuation.
  4. Susceptibility to corrosion. Manufacturers of light steel products claim to solve this problem by galvanic processing of metal structures. However, in practice, sudden appearance of corrosion centers is observed.

Do not forget about the ability of metal to conduct electrical discharges. To eliminate the risk of electric shock, a potential equalization system is required, the installation and calculation of which is the work of professionals.

Experience in building a frame house: the reality of self-assembly

A frame house meets expectations only with proper design and construction. You should not expect that, without experience, you will be able to build a good-quality home in a couple of months. Nuances that are not a problem for a specialist will become a stumbling block for a beginner.

It is clear that hiring professionals will significantly increase the cost of construction, but in some situations it is unreasonable to save.

Expert advice:

  1. It’s better to try your hand and gain experience on a smaller copy – a temporary shed, a bathhouse or a barn.
  2. Construction of a two-story building or a house with an attic for permanent residence must be ordered turnkey. Errors in miscalculations and non-compliance with technology can be costly.
  3. You can build a country summer house yourself using finished project, having previously agreed on a work plan with a specialist. For work, it is better to use it with a detailed sketch, diagram of fastening elements, etc.

The popularity of frame houses is growing steadily from year to year. Houses retain heat well, this is especially important in a northern country like Russia. IN summer period It’s not hot in the houses, since the walls made of wooden materials “breathe” well.

Frame houses are excellent performance characteristics. These are always warm buildings. In winter, you save on heating, because thanks to the good thermal resistance of the walls and special fillers (most often mineral wool or polyurethane boards), the walls retain heat. In summer the house is cool, natural wooden materials breathe great.

Sometimes in just a few months it appears out of nowhere ready house. In just a year, entire villages grow. This became possible through the use of unique Canadian technology for the construction of frame houses.

Frame houses are structures quick assembly. You can get a finished home in just 3-6 months, and often faster. This largely depends on the developer company and the complexity of the selected project.

It’s worth noting right away that a frame house has long been not only an option for country houses, but also for permanent housing. Modern frame buildings they are built to be warm for Russian winters and comfortable for summer.

Construction technologies country houses and cottages have been regularly improved for several decades. Currently, these technologies have achieved tangible success. The technology of frame house construction is considered one of the most effective in our time.

Frame construction technology, which is so popular now, is a convenient and easy way to get a decent home for year-round residence. The myth that these are “cardboard boxes” for dachas has long been debunked. It is known that the method of constructing the frame came from Canada, and in this country the winters are very long and harsh. The house must be not only energy efficient, but also comfortable with excellent thermal insulation. It’s quite possible to build one like this. Let us remind you that it is possible to build a frame house in winter due to the absence of “wet” processes, and the quality is not lost.

Comfortable cozy home on suburban area- the dream of any summer resident, and the construction of turnkey country frame houses using modern technologies is quite possible to carry out in just one season.

Frame construction in Russia is only gaining momentum in popularity. The unique properties of a frame house allow the client to receive modern house who answers European standards quality.

Today, frame construction has become widespread. Please note that as soon as the question of private construction arises, a number of questions arise. Initially, you need to decide on the design of the future structure. If you have decided on a frame house project with an attic, then you have made the right choice in the direction of saving.

New technologies of modern house construction according to the “Canadian” system have completely conquered the Russian construction market. Construction companies Already today they offer hundreds of frame house projects of various architectural designs. The undeniable advantages of this type of construction increase the demand for the construction of frame houses every year. Projects of one-story frame houses are simpler and more affordable.

Frame construction is modern method construction of houses. The very first step is to choose the right project, and you should do this only taking into account your own wishes and preferences. Today, frame houses are more used as country house construction. However, the low cost of getting your own home makes frames increasingly popular.

Today, private housing construction is becoming more and more relevant. Frame construction has become widespread. In Russia this modern way The construction of houses is also gaining momentum. If you decide to build such a house, then the first thing you have to do is decide on the design of the house.

Calculation is a mandatory stage of any construction. Without it, the construction of a house will have increased costs of materials and cost overruns, which is undesirable.

Construction sector is constantly evolving and modern houses look completely different than they did a hundred years ago. New technologies offer us many options, among which the construction method - frame-panel houses - has not been lost. It is distinguished by environmental friendliness, efficiency and durability. In fact, such houses can be safely called prefabricated structures. For today this technology is becoming increasingly widespread due to its simplicity and accessibility.

Frame houses today have become quite widespread, due to the fact that they are based on the simplest possible structure. However, the process of their construction may seem quite labor-intensive. But today, advanced technologies in construction do not stand still, so building your own frame house has become much easier. Let's consider the technology of building a frame-panel house.

Just a couple of decades ago, monolithic frame houses were almost exotic. But today this technology is gaining significant momentum in popularity. IN major cities This technology has already become widespread due to its unique advantages. And the main one is the ability to build externally attractive houses, while creating any space-planning solutions.

Frame construction technology is most popular among residents northern countries, such as Canada, Finland and many others. “Finnish” technology has significant differences from ours, according to which we previously built the famous Soviet “dacha” houses.

Gaining momentum in popularity in Russia Canadian technology is becoming increasingly widespread. After all, our climate is very similar to Canada’s, so these methods of building houses are perfect for our region. Due to a number of significant advantages, this technology is rapidly developing and acts as the most optimal solution construction problems for a country with a harsh climate like ours. The construction of Canadian houses allows you to get modern, comfortable and affordable housing.

Frame technology is an interesting direction, although many immediately begin to imagine rickety houses. Many people mistakenly think that new technology can only be used exclusively for country house construction. Modern construction has gone far ahead, and the new “Canadian” technology makes it possible to obtain high-quality houses.

Construction of houses using frame technology popular all over the world, but the methods of their construction differ quite significantly. For example, American and European technologies correspond to the mild climate of these countries, but in our Russian conditions, the method that we borrowed from our northern neighbors, the Finns, is considered the most acceptable. Construction of frame houses according to Finnish technologies differs in increased requirements for such parameters as heat retention and steam removal.

Frame houses in their present form have been built in Russia recently - 20 years at most. Therefore, we do not yet have reviews from real residents who have lived in them for 50 years. But even 5-8 years, it seems to me, give a person an idea of ​​what it’s like to live in a frame house. After all, the question is not how many years the frame will stand (in Canada, such houses are already 150 years old and they do not think of falling), but the question is the comfort of living and the difficulties of living, if any.

I started looking for reviews about frame structures long before I decided to build it (back in 2013-2015), so I have a large collection of opinions from real residents. I think this information will help you decide for yourself whether to build a frame house or some other kind.

What residents of frame houses say

I had to spend a couple of weeks selecting only indicative reviews, removing strange or unrealistic ones. So now you will see a summary of adequate opinions of real owners about our Canadian and Finnish houses.

People often doubt that it is impossible to build a frame structure in their latitudes, so I will share the reviews for convenience by geography:

Center of Russia

Reviews of frame houses in the Moscow region and other areas from real residents

I don’t know if this house is a miracle or not, but I’m very pleased with mine. We don’t live permanently (traffic jams near Moscow and work in Moscow are incompatible), but we spend every weekend and holiday there.
Frame house, 20 cm insulation, imitation timber inside, block house outside, soft roof. We have been living since March 2007, so far no comments, the only thing that would improve is the sound insulation... Between the first and second floors - everything is fine, there are comments about the two rooms on the 2nd floor, which have a common partition wall - something additional is needed soundproof

frame 240 meters, two floors, wooden floors, lined with decorative bricks, we have been living here for six months, painted plasterboard inside, board flooring, heating, hot water, heated floors - electric. I really like it, the house is warm, the only drawback is a certain airy feeling when you clap front door— there are some fluctuations :), but otherwise the house is like a house.

I’ve been living in a frame house for 6 years and heat with electricity, I don’t steal and the tariff is only daily, while I’m wearing pants, or rather shorts :-), the maximum cost is 5,000 rubles in the coldest months - January and February, now it’s less than 1,000 per year around 2500. And this is in a rather cold and damp climate, with 6 months of heating.
You just need to build a heat-saving house, according to modern technologies, not necessarily Vulture or classic frame... there are a lot of options, both for construction and heating - and gas tanks, diesel boilers, electric pellet, coal, wood boilers, heat pumps, which take the energy of the earth or air. solar collectors. Choose according to money.
I don’t have any negative impressions from the framer, only positive emotions, especially from the heating bills.

Reviews from the Volga region

Built 2 frame houses and one from foam block. Based on experience, I lean towards the latter.
If the frame is built correctly, taking into account all the necessary layers, then the price will be the same as a house made of foam blocks or a little cheaper than one made of brick.
The prices indicated by the architect and his analogues are linden. The same house as in the picture - with a roof made of metal tiles or soft roof(and not galvanized), with normal insulation (15 cm on all walls, floor, ceiling), with normal doors and windows, with laminate (and not rough boards on the floor), with wood treated with fire-bioprotection, etc. - it will cost 2 times more (that is, not 2 million for 150 sq. m., but all 4 million).

And the main problem of the frame is that it doesn’t matter what you hang (mirror, hanging kitchen cabinets, batteries, etc.). To hang something, you need to additionally cover all the walls with at least 12 layers of plywood, and then lay down plasterboard or clapboard.

Not at my place, at my neighbors' stone houses Heating bills are higher than mine. A neighbor with a house of 45 m2 pays more for electricity than I do for my 165 m2, and at the same time she is freezing, saving on electricity. Another neighbor, also in a stone house and with the same area, in the current winter, similar to a cool autumn, pays 2.5 times more for electric heating, also saving during the day. I live at a comfortable 23C and pay small sums for this comfort.


Reviews from North-West

Priozersk direction, 100 km from St. Petersburg. Frame wooden house, 250m2. On the ground floor there are water floors, a 12 kW boiler, a fireplace, and convectors on the second floor. Eight P and V systems, plus a ducted air conditioner and two wall units. Never froze. Although a lot depends on the project and the performers. In two neighboring houses, at -25 and below, the water pipes in the walls were stuck. I've never had such a problem.

Turnkey frame houses reviews from owners from St. Petersburg

What happens to a frame house after 10 years:

Southern regions:



I have been living in a frame house for a year now; in winter, 3 convectors work.
My opinion is that the choice of material for the walls in the final cost of the house is not so significant, the most important thing is that the frame can be built alone, in a fairly short time
My house is 209 m. The foundation is columnar without a basement. 1st floor (technical) entrance hall, sauna, boiler room, garage and workshop. 2nd floor kitchen-living room, and my office is a library. 3rd floor - 3 bedrooms. All living areas are air conditioned. Average communal services (electricity, water, gas, telephone internet, garbage removal) 4500 rubles per month.


Disadvantages of frame houses according to reviews (results)

As a result, I can say with confidence that almost all the negative aspects of living in frame houses are the result technology violations during construction.

Here are typical examples:

To solve this problem, one thing is enough - to know competent builders who build real frame houses. I already know such people in almost all regions of Russia.
Write to me by email [email protected] and within a day you will have contacts of an adequate team of frame builders. You can also look at or click on the pop-up window in the right corner of the screen.